Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1869, p. 3

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Mr 12T.SIVJT, OY Av, the. 2n4- Nov., ATO o'ctoo, . N 1, o. T, 1 , d5'ltu ST. ANDREWS3 BOQITY A nmeingetthse aboyé Suciety viielîso ial l Nonday ev'g, Nov. lit.1869, Ai l#if'pmt 7 o,oek, m dteovsnlik; 16V/tlie parpoae of geielig O oofr 1 er Lisnuieg À icln tu«.daosâÈ of'Seflebiuusatsud zile s.6ooryt, pro tenu. L L051' REWÂUD. i i. oy, -- let, btîscn t0. Corners. 5CIALL ACCOUNT tisr. wa, aloo a msgoildl ,nw iois lutavlla Ai ,. iat tLe 0, o.. rfctursijrJtIo 1thuffl- ustuiy rowardud. 'nie ste liq coq to1aasy'ooue but fhe sidby aiî,ucr perso, tise r BANNE? CO4KWEL1J, "whttbty, ot. 24, 1349. *lla.U8 DOMINON QALLERY.' For rîeloncoloof toise, ffullîîosw I' ofitmrd cx- qni*ie lioi, emisnco . urpsmed. Urcat, orte fisçsot'l, npii ; od o'ri esis.rglïg <dulie nt. va,,'> r-adonaàbie ratais. ,Almo Ver' lc'w . WIJI.iî te mcry x.uneiifnit là tmklu.ag ýcildrrl'§î.ortiî. I"ramal ail klîidmslaieaslmi.Uritrlalonu vieu.. IL (7 . WiT.t4a>N. I' ngtloa' liiOU llery, Dnd # i OetIbj 00. 20,"1861. 48 1N6oLvyENT lAcT Ol' 1869o. ,In th. >Nater of GEORGE JOLEY -B2"OO.R, an Jtiolvent. Tho Insoolvnt lies nuude iauîumrt ofîIdj Latute to e . aJieealoare asioBed;lto- smu& a 4si0piace 4«'huuisepu, lisu th. village Q4 Drougligm ;coîuîtîy 01 Otturlu, oit Thursdayl, Nov. ýllthg t869. At Onceieotk, ithe tiseateru.ona, te applit lin A»Iigiaso. JAMU8 J1')LDEN, DtoW iýItyf, Ot. oit -1680, -Sin48 INt3ULVJI ACT UV 18610., -M th., Xattcr of RUBEN IJULBgRT, an Inoso'ne. S ý, A Dividnd 1;1,40cehum been prepard. muu jeatou ùIýèWc ltu itl lua iwetli Da)Iy or No Whitby, 0s1.U, 1569. JAMES IOLDEN Jrnder pofWsr of Saie, lni à mortgage nmade by ,John Ilisrlaugtoa.und itte, thero w'>111lit, molil by 1'ublie Actiuiu, nt tise ROYAL IIOTEL, Whitty, ïon ?HURODAY, NOV'. 4tho 18609 At 1 0o"etoek, P. ai., the mla hliait of' lot No. 139. Sth Con. Town5hiip Mirs, Coiltig 100 Acres, moe or lié. About 0 Ooron loared. Tii. Nor tgage mod 110t0 dedevîf t bepriiedatsiouf'm. Titi. llilmLputble, 'Condiîitim mand tqrîn cf -aes nise nownset mie, or oi e"ppltcaljtot-' Seul l ituraiie. Jlulldingt, Tortisto. 'Toronto, Coohr 20, 1869. I1n.48 TARE NOT ICE, 'riais ppuae.o wll 04 t ith.e cea *.eiouohtbrsqm i lo P-i'ioiOeeot aularirl, for ma Actt o 1lnorparmie orta;lbs Itemmi 'Bioat proprao>s fait! ti eur parties remient lia -tbe qeuastsem 0fI trbgru',, VicW4 lqi iaiion' 'taie, eu mou ilaO&îswtor trousmportaiuos msud louprovenueat ooopsny, for t e. i>url*ume et more afilelently skeVlpii'g ftue lla 4io aiers lau0 sa nlifal, an>irai r tler purpou.. October b5, 159,48O. Si t., 1559. <IrAs, I FLO'%N Suitable for the 1 the servies et -a fin Winl bave charge orf deparint. Whltby Oct. 28, 1869. NEW 1?ÂLL & W[l CHEÂPER THIN El JOQH N,--B ERI Consisting Of Stapie selection of DRESS ER GO AT VR RDS. and Ptiacy Dry Goode, inc1uding, a eboice GOQUS, SHAWLS,-MANTLE5,&kc, Alo a splenclidlot Of Re,ady>m'made Clothi'g which wîll be sold very clleap for Cash. Uighest price ailowed for BUTTER and EGGS. SRemember the new store in» W#imton's Blobk.' JOHN BERNARD, Wilîtbyt oct. 25# 1869. 43. NEW ADVERTIBENENTS. N1TCE Imisercby given, b t0 ptirtnermip heretefuro aultlotlcs;c betwesan au., t lic o ndre~ued.nsPtiao laate'taureru, fia tii. TuwuOlof Wiaial'y. las.,. beath;*dmY dis- %otved, by nital con*eut. Ail iebsa owlig 60 tihe %id timtsurulp ars tWbclie lihy Cluarles. King, moud £Il clalusugwilsaMtie, buta artieriipipra te bu premcîsled tu theua md ,harle& Klaus, by viseantisa sas vii lic multed. JOSEPII y. ]RAINE. W.IL BILLlN'Gi4, vtnees. Dâted .4 Wlsitby, Outober 8, 1$69. 43 Ti'e buusInemiitulisfuturelbe carricti on by 'Jy F. talier, et tiieseiTi'i'uîat Wlstby. ~TEIL6STHAVE.-RE4ý'MID. Strayed fron thteipreuiîees ocithio ulcrber,ý #bount tii,',. wucknamio, a TWO-YEAR OLD STEER, iood Aid, al lite. ionn, aIlsuit anid »iglit!y turaiad iîîwundoç. Aisy permon retursaîîsg lu und1. aasfpernisfi, w!,n'.e pitAau,itn bu nia>r bce futiaij,1 ater the publicoliuosofthill s iotaee, uilil bu prbumetscordifi.g tolau. JAÂLM JIIISON, -' LoUt No. 8, fila con. Piceinog, 5n.8Oct. u, 1869. flalum, IF.O. F OU eALE 01 OR L la lthe Villoge orBIhiloam, Plckerluag, Coutity of' treand DWelling 11OUso For partlculaa-e appiy to JAOS. lAVRIE, Blai., Or to L. 3)o"DDs, &-nr, *3lii-4l2-.Oct 24 16.Toronto. LA C> C>ENN00 ÇMPANYB Or TUE rihlîMor WILLLIAMS, .AIOOIZ A.so TIE E eLEui55A"PED LIGHETENING OIL COP' Ilu nrrÃŽved Ir tt, pt")wo, and lm tyl iâtLtise 11LBO{N hOUsS, fratgfwilasi.M, uliere lie uuy be conmultedaU i l 0Us.s'oai. Wnilithy,Ocet. 20, 16.in4 GREAÀITAU4T10V SALE Farm Stock, Inplements, &ce., &c. 'fialierhs hrecelveti tuimrutions 10 off'qr for mat, by Publie Auotiolî. withouu re- morve, #'U Lu'ut. 10. Broken Froîit, Towslilp of Pikerlig, in Nonday, the Stti Nov., 1869t the followlaag ualushie property baloaigiuîg ho kiobert J. MWa ardsii. - 1 mrlealsibf lLondon suma, 1 Mare, lt foui, tsy "be - llwk";',11108oom e m -cd Muare, oied ; 1 bey Mare ;, iclakiard,,;ut by "âlr Tatîoni; 'I;icmk or b 1tlack tic- yeur ul4colt gout iiy "slutn; Sbaile'b uwa, lt coli?; 2 tisrea'>eaur old steero, a tîo- yea.r old terA 8 two'>aest olt Malltsr, 8 'Os)@ yeur I ii .1 s, 2 oue- iveut oid tberâ, isprlssg cul virm, 83a wee, 1 bourtjig. iirroî pig, i 50W ptg, & mpriaq pige.1i trou ai;# wug vis., 'iWood.f eDl ia$ggotim, :1 dcuiîi.,bugcv, pair bol>- sletghm, 1 Wood miels,1 Idoufle Cuttear 1t eok. biset reaptiîg asialilse, Ulo;11coailed self rmker, 2 tauisvatoru, 2 Iroisi poughaf2 steel eipper pléogio, a paur hros 1 berme talus, 1trouer 1 iuriiutp drill, iIanisilig slilJ, 8àtiey ramgos,<eaffile loggtrc elnu, I eroes-eu "Mw pair widl ltreemi, 2 neck-yoko 1 patir platf*tatu seles, t pmir stesIimrda, 1ila'ey icrk, 1 l"rs feit, 1 agrieniutti nsce, s sets double laams,, 2 i Loy, 8 «ueo s Lulps. "elste oanaiene aint10 oeleek, s isa liii.07wSÂA.-Aii unsi nti Au ndar suhla; over thuituostut, 12 auoauîbe Crédit viii b.gic by partie. !uau.llog approtmd JoinW Ne.lnrtoliageti [rom Zdy e aeIf net paldI wesa due. JMSIArISN Asetinoes. F 1'i à T u, Ct.L16A 869.FA 9 4.8Y0 SÂLE 03 TO RUT 1 w B T B .Y 'Arplyu- Wlsllo.Ow Oct. 18. 1809ý ORa TO aREN. A. C. WILSON, PI'îsxu. 0 OW tà TIH EL C TRAYCD. sray.d from the prembes .of ' tii mbeber lot no. 1 toilhi tue rd con, Whbitb7, on lay - gtlm, irlducow,wuth .plwoubasrriht awrtakest orT, m.uia plà t m atasu nd lier auJ tlp.gr11mr taie White. An y porrion givlng i:;forin.atlon tisat wiii load te tlselr roe.overy wii1lbem iahly rowrdw. LUXE hUsTON. IDll, c.1, 16919. *42 1inu N 01ICE-I lerehy forbi, al pai" fr gom tru..tili( aniy peron i iti ry ctigit, wth- ou&.8 elrteisorsir, J IwIil hut bt. ;rc.ponelblo for tii., maine after thlti date. JAC09 STA IERl. Oreellwo0d, Oct. 19, 1860. 42-siai MAN AIHnuLOWmJ LIVING PRICES 00 TO YARNOLDw S. Moffar' loek, oppoâtite ontariosank. M lliby, Sept. 80, 1800. 2 COUNTY OP ONTARIO, GEXENAL COMIO M.01 GIS'J, &O,, JYRITJ.Y, O.YTARIO. oeAUil eder. loft, peroonaliy or «entb iialtj tie e)w>.oii luiim," l'AboîMoe orà»cntarlo lote," Whltuy; Powell',iet, Brooklin; litud'. ilt, 0.,lîawit; orClirean, oraa Oaffice#.., Wiiby, ill Whaeaiuly atteaoldd-t. Whitby, Oct 13, loge. 41 N 0 1(3E I1 Aîplication w;l ie b.ade to ti Legilative Adoa.embly of' O.ntario, aut its liait g4mui, for an MAu, aaîîeîadiug Act 26, vie. chap. 40, atttd, "Au Act to autioiotii.miol tthi lwnîoatle proýcriy of tii. la:. liarriait Juditb h1.rt," so eî onpower ti.Curatur of' tihe ctat. 0ftithe t Ilartiet Juadith hart, ta convey Lut nuiii- betrN Twaivas, fii..eTweliti Cmuession or tiie Townmiaiîî cor sastwh, ltu dit Plruvmue cf outdlo. Dated, OtF October, 1869. 4 A SAVIBG 0 F 0 PEU CENT IN FUML N ON TUP'50 AT B NT Xeoimal Dru Xeater, vlslh mn be applict e estgy hua'ft Bee, Coek FI'rlo' or, Bêx,-vlth equel idvouaise, butal oietb«larci, Wood or peut, on$ sera tf Wodlilts»uaolas su lie. Baverai <coma berel!yvarn", Cmtpooed t<it<be ror pot of or and Lot No. 33, 4th -omn of Whltby. ABU, C.nulslg 10Asres5 moer.r lesnt &bout 60 aoru,.oiesrd, iii. reunadr #eI ,a 41nladstnluuhevasL 'luor.j sgocti traîneDwuling ~~ Bouse, vith aie. elimr, "2z 5, lia coutue et relflati uts m o0, li 1, d islun- OUr ilhnery hW-Rooms wiflbe Oien~ qTHfUR3flAy, POtber ' 28th. Whou a choioe usloétion eof nèw, eMinry wiIlb. seh.wed. HAKILTON &. CO. The pie ofBarley has fallen, AND 80 HAS THE PRICE 0OP 1II1~IIIaà&Co's "Goodso. A fearful sacrifice of over $20,006 worth of NEW DR Y 0Ã"DS READY-MADE CLOTHING &o., 100 piece Dundas Grey Cottons-, et 124 cents, worth 16c. 1000 Cotton Bags, (Ieroy Mille, $5, 00 per, doz ., Worth $5.50. 200 bandles cotten Ynrn, Perey lilles,- $1.96, worth $2. 8,000 yards l>rints, froui 100. te 17c0. worth 14o to 20c. 2,000 yards plain Witîccya, froin 10c. tu 40c. wortii 16c. te 50r- 100 pieces plain and fancy Dre outQodst (beautifui dlWigu.) Ail wool F'renceh Merinaoi , romn 550. tu Ocë. mounrsng Goods of cvcry hnd, very elicap. 50 ail wool Sliawls, very fine, troni $2.76, t-$-- One case Veiveteen Mamiles, $5, worth $7.50 100 Overconts, frein $4 te $114, weu'til$16 to $18. 100 Suitg, best Canadian Tweed, fr'om $10 tu $20. 800 yds§ Flanoud., (Whîitc, Searlet, iBlue and Grey, from 30 cenis. WC respeeîilly solif.it a eaul. T. H1. MoMILLAN & CO Whitby, Oct. 14, 1869. MAGNIFICENT DIýSPLAY 0F NEW GOODS, SKI1 NNE R'S 100 pairs Witney Blasukets,-frein $270; 85 pieces of red, wite, bine, and pu'y Flannel frein 22 cents per yard ; a large lot cf heane-ocape Fiannasi, frocs 80 cil;; Pue- tory Cotions st wholeosle prices tiy tie price; beavy twilted, utibieached Sbectings,2 yards wide, 45 cents per yard ; 15 -pieces straw tickings, froua 20e te 80., per yard' 20 pieces feather Tickhngs. froua 25 te 80e pet yard; Macd. Clothoisli every variety. iroua $1 per yard; Jîackets in 15 auakesandau styles, froua $1,53 to $20.00; ShawlsI l hei feulions, front $2,75 te $0. Ladies wii lind il le Ihicir adrantuge te eait and sau eut N E W ýDRESS GOODS§ Beforo purchaaing tliritfit supply, as vs guaranice to Saves hem i asai 80 per cent; having securod an immense Stock la the Lonidon and Glaqew Markes durhng the us. cent dopreselon la the unoney. tasaket in tihe oid contry.i Rciady-tuada Cloîhin [lists A Caps, Shirts, under-sbirls and Panssi, Neckties andi Suarfe, %Vrappers and iPlaids, Overcouts beavy and waran, froua $6.50; Canada Twesd Pacts froua $250; Tweed Suit ho order, frocs $2; Black Suit le order, (rocs ý$10. JOHN.BRSNMER. Cheap Cash Dry Geedu Store- Whitby, Oct. 21. 1869. 39. M in Re-&J.ÇA MPflLY Begw anouncethe rrîva! et,éver'l,"'--,,Cae* and Baies'-of Puruhaaed by oeno ofýtA BrIi te -Britih-Marite4sfor ceshl, togoikoex wkh A L*RGE STOCK, OF C~itdia IYInufçtues, la' cw , tans te gai bargahan la Yîay Dres Ooedsfroua 12Jrho SOc per yard; gooti &evWnefoua 100, tu 25r-. per yard; Vaiveheon andi Clota Menties, froua $1,25 te *i b, aveddoube the e nOYMA Immense gstoef lrlwuasd Bonne&aud. Bas, vloir.rs, FahheiPuuè, &-' .Biankefs, Càirpeio, plaaals, Curling, Le., At Unusuall, 1ev price, tiare Lis no sud o iWgo tàTre1sto te buy goodis, eur stock las silarge saji ocuep ti»a aslai thaelhyt, vo vou)d direct the a4t.teaof etgentleent u For HATCH, à&B30.t wo of! vialwmre jmucubdr.d for eerWt heue and rew taiti as iswet ureo., STOVES STO'VU, -CS e .Parler, snd Box Stest choicePtiterns, tint elisas eooing vtliou agralusvysi t iki tlelihiure, At tise "Noteti clu.p Houas" of tRatels k lire. Oui pmeant 1b otes &tiltiasellette ltad, alois pIpe., elbois, affet aime, ke. ?4ci le t tiilp,tiey mus>uL m et, asiare .détermnai! te dear tissutautCorne arly andi sure 1351< MON -Ikr Troix, IeûU&othsrequfring stocks cf Troua, k.., are repehtfol1y ut;"t mi L. eanu a oek lieas If ali, Zao"pJI .loiuss, Anvil, e&c. tequeAtA t iia4exainWau t fa' îshioug bouses, are iraquastedto te ue "tok of Lpclu, Boit.. lis ê&C",ouidcompare Prises&id qcailty. Ai» à stSo uince Pointe, 0i1,18,Coloré. aGies, kttylk. MchIne eus. csrsuitee safstctn. cl," us a tril,,aud ae ie !.. ad monoy by buylr1; direct frou thie isaportaurs scoop iovelo, frlcëiverni iiai-lsuslai, Ap;ipa ae, Bore..Gitti Btoms, lodgeoPU"e Wee andi tabla Caaflary. tinosat Ires, aieludor dplaid peons; ClC 11l miapo, Bnnais Wlcks, &o., ln tact Aisy tblng you qi e l I AdîeO'res, orao a', get 1 it tBat telkbietiiena. PATENT EAVETROIJG-HS$ Put up ina acy pario e i.counity. saies cn eueLesest ahout store, aIseon Loves, & Powveil ustors, Oiuiar1o Basck,, euué'er baildinga la naud ouüutry. >As ve have novQ ai largo auaier of smtosnera, i.eaumeWord lo seonat aes a tuanew , andtiretaîn tiheseivi ala rputation of bsieg tihe "sioted'y" eip'hoe. Whihby, Oct. 6, 1869. 1.60-ilton cf Mugiisb Americasu Hardware.- SELECT -GOODS.,IN Colored andbriglit Gold Brooches, Keys, & Pencil Cases,' Card Baskets, Bouquet IHolders, te. En.glish Gold platcdl Broocos and-Eardrope, Black Jewelry in Jet and 'ul- cachet. Eieetroplated Tea .paons, butter Kaivea, butter Cooler, &o. Clýoh in great variety. F'rcch giIt iando 'Cl0,osit4ble for Feena ion.'Frenh, Faacy Goode ; spectacle tosuit au iel sihtsod GoId Wddng Rings, -&o; j MSJOHNSTON, Wctcbmakýer kJeweiler, 'Whuîby, Sept. 23, 1809. Brook Street, Whitby. GREAT BAIUiAINS 1N UrIFMÃ"Lflo PURN!TTT~. -A T- N. PHUPPEN'9, BROO-KLI'N. o10 -- I wilI oeil for one month, Sofas, Chairs, Secretarys, Book Cases, Cupboards Slîelféners Wardrobes, Bide boards, Wah Stands, large fsncy han iig Lookhng.Giaus, ai great sacrifice. My stok ol Furniture. zv ery large, and nearly ail nîy own anake, I eau warrant it te give good satisfaction. rNwl§e Liure for great bargaias, cone sand see. 'PERIMS CAS. FUNERALS attended to with every attention and -on short notice. A firsi-clas. Hearie to nire, fltîed up with a double soit of Plumes complote. Reunember the place. Sept 29, 1869. CASTLE, N.PHIPPEN, Brooklin. 39. i FOX BOOT SHOE MAKERq, OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL HLOTELY WN'IITV. 1Whiiby, sept. -230,1809., WITBYSTOVE Iod 28,1 of ife lem the Brol e!in of Wl tan peteent, 10 nim neM aousyttîlaoui ntl îilii JnAetle)lnc ligna ofmalson th cpal. Forfntia rttlnlrs i or ii's raim W. Ul. BILLIltUS, 1 Wil imbyè WILULIM 1W. TriE NOTICE, Tltaulmo whb. mode et tbehe i sesson.ot pi'allanaenî, uft ii Province of onoarlo, 10v iime tu oud tii AOis reiating Io th. ?.oet Wlatby &Port Pery Raii way C. AyS1 OLLWB. To authorim, au Inciesa...In tii Capital 'sE of tho Eailwày C-epany ; Toautjsoizr "-exenson o âzd, iwit frla ts -Northerif ge'rgitsuagu Beuiertoil, Jreided by mid Acte, la a Mo çolàt on tro waters of tif.. to ituaranaS3.iyuieft of dk*t Mot.gUn. of theii,(i k.> Te , Ie >f Mortgage Bend* on the-ii, u1imd. anolM ncl-iîebeîî:nurudo-7 .sate tee ompa4y;; 'ai Useaùrif 'btbe* isolders;'.To lrgIia ii theela tDraor snd sonersJ proee.leg't $ho C=fpan, to make other ne cuyanndanmulge Whltby,Oe.,18. h4 ,A1T QUANTITY O, UE Tbe8ubouibsriouowpr*pared 10 Loin mny- aut ot o ey, <pivtt, flande) on igoci FÂRIPROPERTY!1 lu sains to sait t'orrowuaers, Lt Ve>' low rates of loterast, repayable ln one *cm, or by yearly I ..iorepresent three o!th. largest Monetary Iuistit.utoolu itiie Dominion, whi le b neyon tih. wmtdvaistgomtermm, WELL CUL?'! A TED FARMS, Andi a quantity of Wild -Lund, tor bale cbeap. For patcuiars mpply ta JÂNF£ HOLDEN, Official A*aignee, Mocey Broke r, &c.- OFFICE.,- SeOaflo§or MMilu.Block, Brookt btect Wlaithy. Whitby, October 4#lui 86. - N 'ia eae toloveniutln.l kindu. of Iabitre,ïrgq, AFÀM1oîhenueeul ., (ireenbaqko sadtilver boughtisu.Lmo, INRE 6SW iTZEBi BAKER vs. SWITZEH. Poiuanot te au Ortisu of thea Court o! Chan-...- eery, amode -lià tha aboie matw ranti cAnm, ttiere vii[i W moiti ith tihe approbauicate. (leorgoeuasvD rtneile., àfiater (cf $Jui SATUDAT, - NOV. 69 1869 Aitieo'.1look ln Idsa fterusopaiii..ofice- JOHN - 1 1 - le IUNCERY s ALE 1 --

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