Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1869, p. 4

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r DAY. WrnWIPE, 1869 88. L'T'S RGAN~ kn.vlapg.to bd uporior to soir othar CabI- ulOpa lu ovar, 8w a neaa, tri ety e u . o~ The. most ban anid 'par t.e spultute for té pLalo. ,'l I.daiusud woarkmamablp ore vaery *imas, nd woold' iaui rnainent te ny7dratwinm-roo. À 11h- aral i ont te ehlarchei andthe trude.. ny porsou who wlaies t* à .aem ie very best, reed instrumntnfno* m:nunnfturod ahnî!d get the Coleste rga. Atidrent, Bo« 110, Cbug D.ROBSON, 8Sm 'zke.Agn fm- q!nud«. Tr1Y, LIVER1lPOOL & L<>NDIJN & GLOBE N6X 1)M-£COI'AN Y l% ono of io litot préoaroua Di Emglixluâ lmursxme Con. it r N SE UNÇDS ara *. i 17,00b,088 îWLJFPOLWi~ aes 5r. 1'kolectlon 1 -ia Flux 'OLIES, IsanetiOtt Cusawxr Uârra, tford ampe pi otetloms tc the. Merolunt' sud lflogaciolmlor. Ail iir aoiis a rnIVTTl',&I and ie ut- Pfot Jl»ornilhy ohown l tadts Jment u$ i 1Kfoa4~doeV Cnada Drmnch, Montircel. G. Y. C,.8111TIl Cimer Agent 1eor Dominiez, s hitby, Ont, WJmlby, Jusi>'28thj, 1860, sol D.F. BUR KE, a Faauîiy OrecrWlae k &spirit 190. 29 IOAEL'8 BLOIVK, KIN~G ST.. EAST~, O$IIAWA. OOORY & GLà%SBWAI A WE.LL ,SELEC*TED STOCK OF ALI KNI>$I, ~'Au chosasauami>' icuxe luasa. . May 2ti. 18<,>. 21 Me Iurs, Ciàzà sLî & Siti4j, Con- tuag P. O., Ountg of Lonnoz~, Ont., vanea MtÀou, Ceunfi>' eoflnttt*g, P 1rovince or omtrui, Ilu it c, 1860. tlrIlla hot cerliÇy hit dmrsteLie wimmer ef L11866 1 wu ta1en i wtiî'a weskneA#a of the. astklea, whieil gramasl' turinig lime bpring of 181, mtendoieoMy it imet, stnd!oiemup ho mn> ;iipa, ani 1 beottnté ipawemk ititt(could niot Pwshk, but was cie tîm o iny mn> ir. Fur nabout Ivo yabra, whiethlt. treairnuusa wus oeamlng Ot meina md afterwartia, i KOU lit medîictl advice, 0 1 oln at duferenh hlimem, titre.) doctorg. C W medleFýtaa of diulerent kiads, preperlboc! b>'tristise. bot olno aval!. 1nlaulio'1 taget trors. au worme, anti! the Sutmtmer (,f 18#18, viion 1 vas lttduéed ho try tîmo rttshoësitn- S44aRm.ady-b>' resding toencroi rorsaod, aiaspamphlet. At tIb i 1hâ d IImmibogutm tu faui the w.akmi.sa la My h aîd; la tact 17 was g.hhlmmgalmost iteipleas. 1 hava takon iwo bottlo i ntithgiosimoîmes Rlemety i>'ai taro boxa. of thé pilla anti 1 amnenhirel>' reshoredtu t lmeailth. 1Insear exu&Adhtaget boter, bah olimpl>' trIedthetîme îdiolitas a a sort :f fortt li@j4 .This cae ofintime wa tiot a privahe oneba umote o ilmytegh'oortmandt frinti;and sud hsam>one aflîitîtdias à waa, 1 jitssvaottly ta a nyIr>'tise Sboahotuo ctulcmeti> belleve I il l cre Voa. MIARY ANN DOUGIITY. M*oi's a obo da Me tadoc, Cousit> of liaî. ingut$ ikkusltk dus' V'ery iur>, 1869, A. Y. WOOD, J.P., &C. I1liereby certif'>'timt I have kmowtm lira. ilsry Ana Douglty fqr theelhat lftsieiî ouars; >mie lasa romaît uCIjrblty ai ull. 1lhavé known lier bofore, during semd snnu lier lii. neais. 1 beliaye lier certilleho hob.tril i sovery'partlommar. 1- kuow tfitt while lMi her imse hu, osie, lier reeovery, olwit)a ittrbuheti bar raoout.?' talte sioshtomeetî tuinoty. Whshev ýr esmy bh hopecalimtr prepürtile@ of *, li medicne, oemethlsing la crtaslim, h lilier et s miracle.1 Waàrdea eft liseCeunI>' et liautitîge, rovliee of ulahrlot DominleioncfrCatats. 16 New Bakery AND l1l ndarigno=e eoofi nfunmfio - T. puibiaethst heoI0 cesnotiy re ,rete i! witb prompituait o nters lu the. Bukery auti Joafootsr>liao..Fruit, $Ponlge, atd aIl other kînda oS Cake, Tarte sac! Biscuits ci 'lthbo$ qult>. 1 .rultofalkirdotsosauc. Aiae Lob- Stars, Sardines, c«ooomNuLs, hitsger huoe J. NcDOUGALL, Baker, Cosifectiomer, &o., Brpock eah wlitby, J cl>'14, 1867. 2 J'UoF. J. PO8T, 1TÂOI1ER PIANO-FORkTE, &. 'ZIuOiia-Xlstiooui npiano, $10; theory .1muleal ompoaitoii, A., extra, $5. -' SAu esparIoattie chioee Ibs yu i en celaa protessor 1os ltre isra he lpd &dvaament o( aiplplPlaundarlilslullon Whilhb>, Mareb 1it, 1049. -> SUAN - COPANY* 9 Ffl ~..mu ~ G]-NýJALtAGENCY OFFICE I 'su drsgnea bsàvIbg. recoivd - the. ppointment of Offcial Asigace for North -Ontar0 de lto gge prompt attention t'> .13mattera la ilankraptey oer Insolveu , roi.ory Notesand Âccountg speedi1y collected andi rmittanees On goot fa*tb seumty et9 t, pent lnterest. -Special attentliswill b. glven te the negoclation o i a, anti borrovers cià rely upon bsving their,,ipplic&tion8 attendeti We pràmpt!>, end litamail .xpuso.- gW-Aiea, Lnds, botb'luiproved snd unirmproved constantly fbr sale, 11151>flc4l5 effacted la inbe Ountario Farmera Mutuel Insurance Company'. E. AO, Offols-Aulgu~ mid.Vinstor. U7YLJ~-igeiw'aBloc, nozt door tg tho. 10yo1 C*uadia>n Bank. -l'art PartyV, DeetmberI2, 1868. 48 TH] OLD 'STAND!I [ESTABLISIIED 1833.] The undersigned ini returning thanks for the liberal patronage -itherto extendedt t the ol1<1 taublishment, for nesriy a period ef ton>' Yeats, desires te su>' lIalbc.liabu ôw on hanulslarge susortment of lthe moit mouera and oeeaut styles of w %y m . W& zlxt-ow l' 1: M And trusts by proper attention 'and moderate priCes tç ,securea conhîniance. of public patronage. ,Practucal uphoister ng uratcre ro-stufleti and covereul. Undertaking and Funerals Fnlly Supplied as, heretofore. - W"Some splendid apecinlens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. Remember the Olci Stand, Wliitby, ?tlsarch 9, 1868. 1O.iy CAIRRIIE -FACTOR»MI,ý M. ODONOVAN, 13EGS TO DIRECT ATTENTION TO 1918 LARGE & COIIPLETEg0CK OF GARRIÂGS, BUGGIES, ý&c. 0F THE BEST MAKE. Whiitby, Augnat Srd, 1869. Agricultulral Worke, ', FFL'S C ELED I1AT E D Double TURBINE WATER WIIEEL. 7115 MOD ZEmoNeutoAL tr mi.mow IN rus T IIY e eWola tre are nov mannta rg celtsper hilimîm Uny othar ialîep Inthte, oai- ty. and -i.ewili ulve at giunsnee wihl4, ii.i W lttxclwarrtig licintu ct ouan well ade, amnc te glue mis gondtç.tti.fmctiommn une aimn- IlutuTar in ste J)oiittton. i 1'ttVtles tiotiriitg turtmer imfomratonat o!- ttii it tmy iddrsmimuc P'AXTON, TATE & CO,, Marh 8.1,159. 'cry-S.,Port i'crry, Ont. A CALL IS SOLICITED, M1. O'DONO VAN, T NSOLVENT ACT 0F 1864-ANI> AMENI>- In tlie matter of LL WIS HO UCR, an Ineolvent. Nohice Io lioreby given, that auer auîd b>' vitue cf Ile power veàteti lansite. asA»îgnec of te ttlve tinet Insoltemt, ait n tinerIlite prn.vsiofhe i AicAt. 1, LIe ut.hleoskrmeul, wil! ifler for maIe i.>'publilc Anctien, um itmy cilice, lut tige Townm ut Wiitby, Couity et Oui- harît,, ont Tsit-ality. Ltme 2:ii >' etfNovummuer, A. D ti 1, uahfliteheur ei Two Woclr, la thé artertmouit ail thte c-taie, iglit titleand intenest afIll t it l liusgolvemm. lu andt te l ulowirg prepert>', z:- I'ARCEL 1.-Belng part et lot nareher tretonL>.seIll îe sieatccocession of te 'rowtt»aii!j of Wîitiy, In tme Ctuity eofntutrlo ol tl' cuape aa ntopor itlan tîtereof, as hown lot mnumber live, in Bock 'A,' o o t )uaâ Sbtruici, weit ef Brook struet, imm the Tewi ai W litby. Thuro izlé ruteod ounLthe aboa two two maillt eo5. FARCEL II.-Beiag a part oflot iumlter tweumh>' Moyen, ImnIlle secoiti concesionIleIi townslip of Wliliby, li Illue cousit> ofhntarte1 laid onitn pon a ma~ or planît hlireéf ao tewmî l'ip umirmiler six, iui !eck 'A.' on Dantiat, trect, wvotsfaiBrock %trect, flthlimeTewiu oi Wlithy. Tîtere ma erecuet ou thie oah:ae utwo itony frima building, used s!stomre and dwu!liimg l'A RCEL III.-lcing a part ef lot ni bir Lweunty-sovomm, n ttisu comd concerslnioe utme TownshipioetWliliby, la LieCouti'ton- $tio, kîewtu tndi deacibet mite.>as nmep or ilieti tliuur', ias titmtt 1tortiqu of lot miuustdtsr ilovemi, lu biuek 'A,' wlich' 'tn sittuahet lu iilun ruer uf loit* imamben fouir, lice andmi ix, lanml block 'A,' w6ot of Brook sireet, littheilue subi Townî ut WhitLb>'.Timro la trceteheth Ie uhomia Ltesta>'Iranse btuildig, aaed as a dweliag. PARCEZ 1V1-13.ing a part et lott nta-0 ber hwoty seven, int imesecond oenfflaieumof, Lime frald iwn1timip o1 Wiitn>',kîtouvuiand de-' s§crib.es!an a piatn thiercoo, made 1>' J-ha Shier, Eaq., lP.L.S.,a§'t )lots nnmibers lif'ty- lice, lt> ala-urigiîm-ytwo, wtrof u Brt.' etreat, otidit plan. T h re iA erectes! on the. abuve as large two sue-r>' brick bux*titig, usedsau e dycllit>g. P'ARCEI1 Vy.-B;Oing a-pomt et lot aumber twett)svett e aecond cosioeii etf the sAit 'lovmaliip et Wlsiiby,, krownaneut tecib- cti eutos patheremot, semde b>'Jola Siien, llaq., l'1,0 l: k wnlosainbre hyfour, ~iretjr; s tract, atm i 1014. Wiers la or oth ie aboyea&-*mnal ost te tr>' fume biliitusedtu a adweling boume. PAR EL L-Binu sPart et lot mmmii- ber tweîiy ,eovean, la tise sond otaeesica et th tii, ai!townaitlp of Wiitby, kuWa nd dmt e - acrbeti ails plan t'.iereot, nmac!.by John thiier, tr sei mr0Ocktre t, on thi. satplan. ait lot, but -fae4, .PAjRCEÉ:L Vl.Bpni Aspart otlot lin'um- bçtweety'.smon, la thi econa concson 4ý i i,.audhnvusiin o lmtumy. knaWo nisiAeï lde ras two ' et It numn- e0a ot tite Md dmuriucti Buis>', -Y49i.1 bdOugiI S a-51.1Writes, Dils>~a'L nass>msp Jm muu uss. ,back'nj ùnme f Magaýines ,soId for half-prioe.t Moxniu'g pa- pers delivered. 'at u a lsr hoùr, for' 10é. -per wekl, ini1 advanëe. J. ]BORLAND, 'Whitby, Sept. 9, 1869, liNCE AIIRTIITJR TWEEDS,' G2LE'v ALSO A GOOD ASSOITMENT OP' Broad Clotho Doezki.n BiIk Mikturos, A pmuddvariety of Cents',.Fureisliing. ALWVA y$ ON H.A YD. o., êe., &e., Coods, Goods matie up lin atest styles, at low pricou-for (Iuh. 1Brock st, Wllîtby,ý Augimat 24, 1509. ALEXXANDER PRMINGL, 12-ly, Forniture for Evcrybody, AT THE ILOWEST .CASH. PRICESO TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT TUIE SIGN 0F THE 81,110 R11111 UEAIW A very large a.sertment f Furîîitiire, consisting10 of Chairs, Seofas, Beureaus, Bcdstcads, Tables, &c,, on hand. Every article ini the FURIMTURE LINE MAÀDI TO OLIDEII AND WÂRRANTED! Aise re1pairing, mo'ving and boxing furniture doue ip the best and most careftml nfimner. *ndertaking attended to and Finmras fùUy Suppliedl 31 Nos. 1 & 2, CaldwcIl'a Block, 1Urock ztreet, Wbitby. CLEARING OU'T OF SUMMEIL STOCK OF 80 CENTS PER GALLON. Ginger Wine, on draughit and in bottles. Hennessey's biest French BrlIndyi on draught & in bottles PORITSHERRY, S And alI kinds of LIQUORE QIIOCERIESI a Vy . SîIL a ooc Best French Vinegar and Bottled Vinegar. TEkS, Hams and Bacon, A FINE LOT ON HAND. R. H. JAKESONt Whitby, Aug.-2Dîll, 1869. DUr]NÂs STqBRr.1 HIIE MONTREA&L TEA. COMPANY. 6 11O3PITAL STREET, MONTREAL. rpil E centinnei siuecseoft hiâ iûnpm a>' la> tîribatable 1O1hbe si ud eiut ftheir TJj1Teu:;dOver s ldreA uhousmine.. i= oea T lmsv.e bea sent ho dfeetpart»of>'the o - an psmrmh>'or thimea, 5nemt aussiig eau àt>"dYeted b>' ýenIu direct fhem as, catties outI6 anid 121!>., anti mpwtrda. Aven>' Imeokallo wsr&tà t* egivo oahimalua. Cia!b ogem4pr anti sotîtci for four or tite 8Dib. ctilcs, whiclî will i eit'ritg r.te au>y' EIsilv'shavlôn lai the ilommisi. Thle monco na b. eellected on tieliver>'. g~Try our tehgemn-aem rmait oielM St 0 ins snd npwards, lime fiuvotir ef whiclt mi roally excelletnt. anti cvery pak e warrsnted. 21a.2aandti b $b, Coiire,aeult toa n>' itit tu' tation carnage 'rteo.g ve tpr BLACE TEA.r ni>' itdomma w»5mu514 CQencOi9 glesa -'uiaet hava a,"' loi agit yqn, w. de o m iieWh mbos.- OMOie »ivn t ion A wseut oz Weaa.mw prie&% ' LOViq#If - a> he ounry ajuny art dou- Oiay l!6terd asimUlarmpot w. publis mthe tjýutb _ flliomi ox&àtrAiho ow bow nOtices ore liked li basltii hey dmii. unu>' latjde "mithlie laiark'Ont., 10mb An;'. BSe."TI*Tes *hit wa mii.> percluse iecv ~ gvtg avery siLdail. AUl AInlWeyvlihuJm, 180.-'-Tme 85r_.T- es celm- IYOd(rosa Ion tjlveqver>'_-oe" MIideiii u Te& Company » iiosodlu tu.tertuinr iga*iwod eiad ierac invast thereitin ieat,0hywtsasumimtAgu bis If il'tiahe"iv doii Mn dtm as iit i cr n itemmm 'd TaomoTeCopmyguarmmie megive ceutilre aamishhc9teailtpercmaserà, or reraimimae'.Ad TE TORONTO TEA COMPANY, ' 186, Yonge 5Street, Zoronto. 1 sept. il,1869. TOWTIIOMI-T MAY CýONCEItN The subseriber,,haing learned by açtual experience, that the C AR"EDIT SSTEM Is roi>g in pincil ~ nart the Cash dealers;, coýmpeîl 1eing ento in è oodtbe ls.a0 tane " Y 'asIng h nrniid DETEMIND ]EREAFV¶ETO zODCT HIS0'uYàIeESi ~ticlyupon Ca4Prnpls He would therefrore soy te intending urchasers thatý he, will seil goods éheaper than ay ouse in town te ies a Credit bixes.Ci AND EXAMINE mysT.OCK i0F FRESIY- FAMILI GROCERIES, Flour, Provisions, Crockery, Glass and Earthenware, 4&o., &o., before purcissn eloqewbcre. Ant ili strict initegrrity and fair -dealing- wilI btnld up a CAS4X JUSIESS ia this Towvn, I ai.iaftc.r ic. - ' Positively no goeds delivered withont the Cash. The highest cash price paid for any quantity of good Firkin's of BUvTTE9. X.. 33I7 J Wlmitby, sept. 1 169., 36. 1 REUDUCTION IN TILE PRICE 0F Family Groceries fi'esli, cheaper than ever1 At R. F-RAN-CIS'S, NO. Il ON THE CORNER. Best Bratndieq, Rum, Giti, Old Rye, and MALT WHISKEY,. PORT & ,SHERRY 'wvaNES Daýgù'<qDonAle,in 10 gallonpaekages, &oudraught. IA splenidid article in ( laret, good and- cheï-rp, Butter, E WIitby, Jul>' 22, 1869. gg s, and i Frs' Produ ce,, R. FRÂNCIS; NO. 1, ON THE CORNER. DIVISION COURTS INq THE COU NTY 0F -ONTARIO; TOR THE YEÂR 1869. "4- 2: Plck erim.......... ]...î21 S.......' 2 t:.2. an" ', Uxbridg 29..~ e... ~ 4s dé =amml tn I.I:.. 1 1 8.....2 ..j 61 A.h... ........ Bul j3 ueo; Whlhb>', Jainitir>' lOtit, 1869. BýuQCIES; WAONS, GREENTJA Choie.$1 Fin te ipoiwder ;Etr lmpriedo. $. I, So.,c.; N'o. 2, %e.; No.. 3, 20e..4,lparlb a YaeuI. ieuI>'s ear ssi.I murhsd tahe &X uatotTea ft iyéus, bouse. I a sbie4~d In> las4 wbmfom Yeubshaldo Tout q .eiy Pmf u!nmteàmfst m ),55 cee ndi1 cam*karset5ltl -___Ir_ Metummea TesMesnts>, asqfiAP!tl, fl &eUobmurad-Ivc àndsý -r.'4h*e<0--5 laI s.. t.ic...,... m e 1 mu.. rretevasdIrepssf .20 Pl O0 prompt te G. Crawford, Semimtor;lo.M.C Anga Menise, Eq., M. P.;JonI r. oikam, Sa», M. P .?.,Wm aqM.I'.P., John Ham Per, Dru. CorItot sudt itua>',01flie, m orn t th. e Fmiiae,Barrie, Canadia Lit:des', ud (LbroMs, Wlthb>. ý'NEWLY IMPORTE] PA.PE",. IAN GIN Gi cent aie>' in KagIau4, a I'>1 of s g -PKPER-IIANGIN Seleetéd cartlly bbhiislt, w1içhYýý hale .iS Veir' Eetqçed prioete and Taper Hanggîng, exeoiht i ii A. C. W1141 Duados Shoott, Whuby, Aprl S, 1893,. 'BUTCHER'8 MEA' FRESII,>,&CU-RI T IIE S U B S C II B L b e st e is.i rn m ena andt iii.publie t at bléiSiiof bamtly sapplieti wihhh. e ie prpiy uc! caretliffy trem ssuad j, imit hommkeeen, andi fur e ut ti cmimed in a uëierior amauiner; saud ev iin te ictimsaliuig lWiikept conai W. litncumber temew Shmp-baui w'ilty, marcli stIs,169 ---é 1- , u INse - umoqntrirtuu c' 011o,ÂUI5E1S ilami Btj lermitturiStr P.ra, etA.e P.omtty' To ruit, Jal>'20,1 the eti S,. .COCI 29 Pod, icior le Cu0ivir ufiChu ielew' GEORGE JE N my ofoit.mrio. 011 TiAmLmmTU . PNt - B EoiiaCiiiL r fila ê ,LP Sliciio Pli> ftlIco l.vt JSlti1 p '4ý çozi j3a ietsi ol. Ul W apugOC,.17 -Is owern J AreS £.7 !04>' Fié'e Insuriance Co1 OF LONDON. ESTABIISkIED iSQa. Capital, £1,945,OOO, Stering, I. n nemca tvoralu muitu.AU Igaao pald withoni referenceje the Boaut lau 0ço. IzINTu>UL BlisTilEjh8, Mntres4, eas AIgente <fos C-.iutiu. JOHILAGNEW, Wmasu Agent for îWhiLb', Oitaw,' Bosrmspylp andi murroendum conur>'. THE ALEION HOT]ILI Cornmer or Brock #k Dundais tre,1p WHITBY,. J. 0. MCPHERSON, - fpiîr j a le of the. uuion 110L4Susamm4 cIL>,t ctmilormmle, Wlîitby, Jim. Xliii, 1865. fl-ar Dressing nd, $4aving tý' servitor Iitx Bsx 7Ior MSmvms.. Witby, Jan. 22, las. - The. Northm lmmlf o et tNo. 12, ln the 4th ToWeiNSo heo ICEIG comtaimingr 100 iacres. Tiiere l1% larg un tit>' oi excellenît Cear eanti goodHurdwedt=m tlIme 1>1. The ssal i. gooti andt*I touwatere4 luid ýtime.14 a çpipil MM à aloïoutiieprp. miiée. .Appiy t10 - GORGEBALLARD, on the premieds Or te W. Il. BILLINGS, solicitor, Whitbys GCroenwood, Ms> 1, 188 9. t.9 i i JON ARTERY L C NWSED AUOTI0NEER, ON RIO, YORK & PFEL5 gar EStiDENCE-lot 8, 8th Co8LO Markbau.-Fost oUfce-Uuinvllc. i on ronsouable>terma. Terniscou b. oe i bills prinhed aalthe, Chrontche o£eè.foir) carter. - . il J.LA31LIIL lut:a. J. nuit 1) . Ft Y Ii t . J..Et Wu. BGH, . LA PhCittumee, Sur. - $umi oTRO4 Ur CT.CMtAN WIESI.S - -- - - 1' j Guinnesses's Dublin Porter,1 At NO. 1, ON TUE CORNER. Wanted. 1

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