'Ailor thom.Jfrdm theookup, -in Ay ILt 1h, eutost lurous */"0ZureI in slg Imerely a MatUrfoe. '. w)th*t eV 4 e #omuch uan a pparent e fdOtt1o ide the (mat, .lies weïr ori' b-fli air, T AT wheeIsthese of auanbmuk.ft n I EWJrA L MqppIy. I wotild liko boere te givea s iit- E A 1,:!-W Y R Wie pacd er l te a is . . t eBJEÀAPE a THAN E VER, AT., lAshe, p. 'nd 'vos 48a rease'n feris~~o the tact' that'the 71mnpress, blme. I. Prin . Co'nsisting.ofStaple and F'nyDy oe,ýn1dn ocasa Cose, or the celobrated Aile bMchin,. 1'T, ryGods cihngýaeoice do thia -O( courobe Feux, or wlover the' selOCtion of D1IE8S,;GO DSý 8HAWLS, MANTLES, &. lo liairdrèogsâr iiity* lie, Urgostho aïe dttieîtsj - as lni o eme!ltîînt 7)lecauso tliey give lii Pleddlto pierw.lucrative uepleyo)-nî, but 1h. a yoiin lidiop slieuld redOct upen tho> taca ydn l C'ofing tha t ldie. icre Who anake useet pintg sud cosmetiegudl 1h,,but la the endoavoi1r which will be4solç'.êevy ét'14 frcs. Iiks rb loe te obtîn:4a simîIlitude oethie <rici coer fo ab i48t rt, loe *whlob lioeuat!yeung ladies have n4turally, f or BUTTERf and EG CiS. - .- oad wWeh Lb.y diogulse wliea they nmke -eebrten use of paint, &o. Fui thor, it should bc 'Ro nw soei vlisnsBo wnadâ c:*ear tu the young Aniorican ladies, r ub~t~ tr ~1zkno' lk~ that wlien tbey walk thes stroces ane sud dycd, people are ept te have a very - -D arronceca dua c6tîcernhîîg -theli espect. Wliitby, Oct. 26, 1809.4,j abiiey. The whieli liaving beean saîd 1.- 'l- -- !pafurtlhor4dd tilit la te otic Iow muchi young A niericaà a I les soeepite f take te p)aint a*nd cesmotica. Fer that' matter, tbcy c'o ln New York, >but bore the o ~ . I h oentceLoibcas yeung Froncf.-girlsaero usually se simple E and uprotending in thoir attire, aud the - , A woll'.lnewn and vcry ahobl dresimaker liera was teclli me a1aw days lige lîW diffiçuit sho loua il itta persuade' ~ 0 n younÉ Amuericasi misses thai theyuliouId . net drois as du tiirried ladies., 'XlisYan. ~ kes girls seem ta accept lier ropresenti. tiens wiîh a bad grace, sho sas, untîl af. ter à short residuisce ln Europe -thcy Und eutt lewjust îlioy aro* A dogisla duaîod ,nad when lie won'î take aoucthing to drink, suid a min whec lie ta41<0 teâleulà . À financier romains c respectable W itlîaa fortune that don't ie- long te hlm, -while q l'ggar becemo a go crlmiual foi î.urloining a îIpue ofolment., lir.. Drake,-wlio put dewn th. driaIoil Wall in &trici, M dWho ai oati iîowas lieuse a îîillon, r cently d ed iii the po r -& .- 4 DF BURKE0FFCILA8QN j 'd ager, ; ýý, ý11 , , ý 29o 2, ICHAEL'8 BLOUK jRTPA~ItrTV. KIG T..EAS7, OSHIAWA. G NE A A EN Y OFFICE 1 CROQKERY & GLASSWARE TJ udersîgned liaving recoived the appemntmonî et Ogical- Assigaee for North A WEL S7.ETEDSTOK - Ontario, 's prepared to give. prompt attention te-a&HIniatters in BankruptCy or YRfESIz T.LAts, inseolveaicy. 9W Promissory Notes and Acce>unti*peodily colloctodl and.romùittauce COFipIEs,- promptly made. * I U KNVOn good <farn aocurity at 8 per cent intercst. Special attention wvill lie givea tO the j~An oiest ais Aiy lirun, la Canada. .~nogWcltien et Lens, and liorrowers ceu rely upen liaviag their epliloé t edo May 20t), 1807.,1.1p r in atne te promptly, and et asialîl oxpense.; SpM AIse, Lands, both Improved and uni'Tprevedl contantly for sale. linsuanees efTecteia Uic Ontario Faruiers IMutual Insurance omp Ey El mmpany. L ,TO I i,. UMCIAN&SLS, on toal/. P. O., Connty-of Len,îoz, Ont., { SAuooCculit of Hasitinigs,- p ovicf ntro, i'ab. Dili, 186l. TFll*8 S thi, l enfy tisit diîrluqthaieititer of .LlOUl1lwit aii ewitili uknuAl; of tie amgbla,,Ntiîcli irauaydîsititige fis pnng of 1867, ealýiislaîl ta iîy fiscas, anda 1 iii ta att4 jlîlpK, ii,1 oil liuue Mo uau euiî tiait 1t aulal ît wlk,,bit wu% eosiflucd tu my inll.-For about tworo, sfl, Wliîtlsawenkî,aisswatt eusinlg oit lus, iîiasf't#ewardpq, iougzlit înudieuilaî,i, ÉMîîIT 'lîîg tirl tdlll'rot tluas,, lss-aodoctari,. l'y triaic nom t' uiffekie aval. I ed u ývos-uansd woj*01 usiitthe usl uinar cf 1018, 'vlisaîl 1ws la ed it in>' t1ue great tijlîoiu- la 4 Ithuoltusahlegn.ita gatlogalmot iolflu». haiva takeii iwo boxa* of lîs e 1 tîi îîia m ciroly rarborual te lisaitii. 1i hiver exJPtqd 1a gsilbotaer, but alinply tiled tige înellus -no a mort )(f brIor liëa.. ili Quje or muine w.. ilt i apriaist ubti kowsi ta tiI ni 'siglibons aîi fîieiu4A;and ta an>' ileio lit isWs linîvo:uIY#ota K ttbIl.obà oueçe ISemoal>' - > MARY ANN DOUGIITY. - mio0ra lo bpornuis0$ JIudwi, aian4ey Js . -né Cae midnintitdtif Fof brary, 1809. -A. F. WOOD, J.?., &0t. émerby, osrtiIýr. that, 1 -lamas lnown-itrs. >ia'yAuna Diuuly for ilisisut i lleen yoara; .4*1. s*onuiv ~ pobî>' sd htu.lsavb leaewn ier bofon? don nd since. ler 111- nuas I blieva iger eertllete hotb.un ever>' artiliar. I ýkaew litI ifle IIlhier qase V(ss dlehroti bopoles; and i1linow, Tht ta hiuéu,opie. lier -n--vary, U aStw.tibsteti lier rsaeovery-te til,. Slgsalîoueesi emeti>. Wliîhev ,r piay bc tho peonîiiur pl rnties of liblis merdiolae, e tivnglat certain Iliat lu lier cane, It lIms se cd slmsot k. 1he urfoi matec - -~liil.a4 A. y. WOOD, J. P. Wparenf the. connty eo! Ustilgoq,, ]Province of pl arlo,Dominion ? o otada. 1 Prt Il~fej0IrIok-nxdoor te leRylCisJo k~~ a~ii~,s~ ittr l'n 'i>,Iccotnben 2, 1868. -- WHITBY STOVE bEPOT.I Wood Stoves, ~a tvs s o k o St v e s sle c t c fe rn' m th e '1 e et , ita ilt o n a n a * M31 6 l F o u c ries Io complctet and larger than cirer hefore. lilis Fail, iicneticothe immémonse de a dfor thein, I'ave tlobld e yopïpIy, nldp ýrbrn cei eb rtcd IR ON I)URE'-., B y î' n à 1nfjS"tovem'-a speciaIiÃty 1 can sell-the gin unie arile at a verîy low price. 'Côonstanttlyln -stock,1 Agliculuîral Furnaces, Sugar Kettl.es, Dye Ke~t1os, Enaenelcd KetUles, Birasa KoîtIes,- School ~ 1 Ilu Belttrn PUirpSm, Ap1ulc ParoriS iia:Ios h Zinc, rJildren's Cabs, and rTin andJapan.Wao Ioeacn oat * AV'E'i'RoIuu 118put ul) où, t ho, mêsî imp.rovoýduiup~ COAL OIL, puresî iualîty. U.Olîs te put up S&oveiçand ýPipes prrnptly attended te. Cord wood, Butter, old Iroîî, Sheop $kinm, cotton ana linnen ragas,,old Copper and Brasa, taken lu exehange. WVitby, Sept. 23, 1869. givz n 38 BUCO,8jE$,,WACONS, A Bel co airnu inlingad'oigfrntr oei h be ' muar ~4Lc a~ ~ .L- - - - alî Ms .(n, n a e .m r -A T- à Lbsap ib adfne fÃ"inr a u emi O WhôtIll te Preis ri 54 I wll l sd Sofa$', Sofa - Chaire, Secretalryse Book- GaleS, - lhTrüq a erýZ'11Peli-l peart i ea iuit l. Cupbeards Shelfenere WsirdrebeSide boards . Wgsh ýïlaluds, là r ge au~c ù,ials may'raqulre ai alîy lign. haniugLeeiugGlsso, a grlt sarifce.lIy sock e Ernîut, f avi w rire the totla q!ÃŽly orderd y a esbi. large, and early hl in o if na <e , I a uw arrant it e o g iv e icsa i IlItt nd o ç , glial, lie cu mfl o w . he n ,ea i. 1 primeip srgrajageptmeide. 1~~44s[ - urP5 mie ! nilie upplied ai, heà igvas 1ille> inay' ailst gia l ; 'urii.Tesn ppsy arc du- i g a v e r a ib e a v y b u *iiî n..s u d s îs id W i. l , i h e I L s E~UERA.Ã"Sattn4e~±owjî cvt> t~tuî~n~idon bliorî potice. d - lle istt:.lssHeà TSe 4 etiiiiet od p wib'a dol4sý u t P u e c m lte p i ats.d Wh l purceî. R e m e mf b or t h e p l a c e . --z r n . iiMa y W s( a i pi ag e t lle y i g il ai a u l a 1. 1e dsoaw li t ula osiûi PRINCE!" ARTIIIT TEDS PR I AGL SOTEiý'S Broad Cloths, A fjufa'did varic.ty ef Cents' Fu.1rnishi.ng -A LW .&Y S 0ONy .l4 .D. 440 eup lw Iteast yles, at lew price 8, fci Doeekine, Kolton, Coods, The subscriber, having learncd by actual ex erec, that h CREDIT SYSTE-M 15 wrong in principle and unfair to the Cash dealers; -compell.r R~ PEINGLIE, in- îhem- te make goedthe o' ssustained by trustiîîg tho unpiaie a 1-7 DE'I'EIIMINED, IRAFE OCONDUOCT 1115 BUS19ESÉ * ~ ~ «tif~ Poil Caigk Pruwcip le'.ý IIFUUW lRe would !herefore say to intending purchasers that lie will ~oritucfor ver Th arono 1calleopay. Samtil - to lav-s liaire atifato oViuc"rý1ort h tiv ewie lu îyuila;.I sa'd u lVhat the PeOople smayalu the City. .isit,'la Comîuj il lsToe .. t emitrlori ohé -vl je vui anWC.osal ai 55e, jIoasuaod su tb4,y ae1dilîouy .00 furfier 11J. lie alLer stores. Tia ea. suis isd Cbfei whi eci picil Outraile 111h Janll9.-orths 8e Tee ra e, 'Akiry #cd P0tîllisel11, 1snd, s'as in you ig eîîw ïolavaî,,11.li) THETORONTO TEA. COMPAZY, drame ail (irdars ta- 138, Yon9e ~Weet, Zorûnto. Sept, 21, l58O~ AT T ~ FourProisins, Crockeiy Gluss and Eartbenware&. c Pefrc hasiug eflelhere. Axdil iistrict int nd fir deahng ,ýw11 build ùp'a CASI- BUSINESS in thés Towa in te il, lArPositi.cly no goods delivered wîthout the C ash.' ï 0 W E S T C A S H P R gC E S 01 cah prce paîd for any quaptiity of ýgood ilj' T-O SUIT TJHE TIM ES, AT TH-E IGN 0F T ICE obct fou Wluiîby, Sept. , 1 r S . very largeé c~tmÈent 9f- Furuitureý, consi4ting of Chaire, Sofas EUTO I u RC F urc is, tmdTbles,, &c.,',on han.d. EVery article in the j FURLNIT UJE.,LINE mil- RADE TO\ýORDER »ND..WARI4NTED! - NO 1,ON THE CORNER. Best Braîidieq, Rum, Giril, OId Rye, and - - -- MALT,, Wl¶1SIEyI,' PORT & SHERRY WINES, Aipetdidartielein ( Iaret, good aDd'che, At No. 4, ON.TifE CORNE 'R. p-( Undrtain&attnde toand Funerals fuWlly upplIied! 'Bu~èr~ Eg'gs, a nd Far mejs'~ 'PrQdJ ce. Wanted. liit~','e1uiyM2, 1509.~ -~ -t -- t-- Nos. i & 2, Caldwell's Bleck, l3rock etreet1 Wluitby. - 6 HOBÃ"SPIT AL STREET, M N R Â . - - T -N Il ul>iier-i.U a dt O l ettributable te thel iliy e mai o o th l uiiflon,mand pard o a tisuLtitallell eu souba-îg etmn> ots qa a4itb- bo-c89 A ..futlw.îîg lîom 62ctcd ooîlus»of di ni lb nrsEes~r 7paksage wsns-auted t à Pbtc*kibthr ~i senti ton four or vl. eatties4, sicli will bsýëeuhcasr-ng.trou ho AêY lýfltlty staio hÃt 'ei u o s I le M o n y e a -t u ll o et< 4c il, d liv ry . y a- > of -ouis -ea Oaeelaid t. asal rT0aated ofee, fss 5 and fbb. Tisî u p sd, lelaoî . ypapî, iisrpateti. ix>l a u nd uwr ou, the iru te au itailsa>' Sha rSh-rr i ar -me.- * titAtou 1--81- - .a -ti-i Eulat las Brota, iiif, trg Ti-s. 4-., SOc.; Fine F ess.uitw sadof5.50~A Yens r3pti Fm... A0 8iusufi0aaîg, 45c. 1 ct laas dd.= "éyrigo ap gati ocSc., Vissa@0C4 'r iPha5c., Fînll 1 50. - Twankay. 50. 55, 55e.; Y 4 à 75c.i- 50,50, do. 72.; le;apn qP and irsr QIIOI. *; Ps.Duuwdr . 8 5 1 l7a.Fn. Va> PO xim upertine do, $1. No. 2-- , c -- o 2c. - -Xe Pi » Tise lassreai Te, Com,uqsyl - (leî.-lmne ar yas-ursnge I pArnhsad tha firohrail iofTra (ion yonr hon tlobve nînsal, 855 atno, 1ud liiplfeaà ssawi~u~M ~ qr 1 a ,y, e nlu 4> oa d ia t ad 1" ' -20 NG1 I>APJÂIi Selocteet careîai 1y1 - a4 np.uic whty N Pai , 88-14t tirs »Ù p e [plia i e la i5ILp ýcu xs.ai.lky iun ad cwwyjiierkt fiul b«ýL'Lccrà ,Liu fý, zLi-at ue I. eh - W u eby A rmUt 186 . 'tu 1- f aLM-a [$S. -JAMES MAýèiN.- wib faci MI>ER186P- Firie Insurance Co,-- 0F LONDON. ýESTABLISJ:ýLE1D -i108 Capital,, £1,045,000, Sterling, INJSIUILANCES ngahiiamt losa by Fire effecte4 Â thebomoet favourabl. tai-st... AJi Ogirs .1 id O,~ut i-Ofèrnae tb the Boas-uin Ludos. 1WIUL IIILOTIIEij5,Mentnsid, Geberni JOIîN AGNEW, W'iuma Agent for 1Wiiltby, Osbaws, SOW,1ýamvila5 sudsun-oudîL coouiry, . i *-TEE ALBION HOTEL, corner of J3rock & Dunetas @treetg, WHilTBY. Clity, california, Witby,J.iuth. sov, 2-1>', Hlair, »ressing and Shaving * BItOcK ST,, WliÙTB~ SSOt-il dir 71E SAlue Or 31 eraxAL. Witby, 4n 22, 'os. L AND FUR SALE! - - Tuae Northî lf ofLot No. 12, lu tise 4t4 TOWNSHIP of PICKEING, coîm»cuiu 100 aceres. Tisa>',lit a large qoan.ý lily 0i exellent Coedaud o iand iodaod o -thu it. ,Tia sofl i. gvod ati halwaI tered aidLb,. a capital ]&!Il bite on thse re G EORGE BALLAR.D, -Dr. ADAM ULLATUB, Or tu W. il. B1LLIKuSk JOHN CARTER, ;LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ),NTARI0, YORK, &ý PF.L,' V ILI Wjiitbyj Il Il 'm 1 gopt, ALEXANDEM Wock st, Wliitby, Aurrust 24, 1809. p [ 1 N'os., 1 & 2, Caldwell's Blocic, Bro êt - 1