Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1869, p. 2

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irogée. -Royat'c"i" ksBank.' Tb# Tho*,, mal rvsai-W. -.11 Ellllsgs- -là the Malter wWoob . TOlv- ont-1as, Ik14ec 00W AniÂto". Obs.ber Maid Wuted,-Mre. T. Wallrer.ý ONJIT si 5O, oinTsATEÂR $Vhftiby, Tbarodiy, Dec,, , 1W69, Vine, WnoiagAa ppeel» th., Eat.payoe ot the Town oiWtslîbyo Atlte pre4ent erisis le île affairs of the te ýwu.vs esre lva nce, te varà the èlep7s thsî tbey cae neither be Iue .Jromsecîor areailla oboiisg iîl -asulepal roproeettives tb. presee year. 1!or soima ysess put car -Corporasion, osai àslcîpal bcy, las beau sadl>'degenetat Ie.Ont TevaConecil <va spesk ie a lhiadvease) bas been, yesr by year, tous ebal- te vo-rsa, tceleg ledignity d espectabiity at home, aud in impur- wsan d Influsence 'abroad. Méo have been eloet tessseith tie council board, " st for their liteaus, or vus oa legord tc the le-tereste cf tbe tove, but soîeîy viti île viev cf being-made comptions toola te aeeorptish partizn purposes, ýor.of belng usd el soecurs leividatniaimpise, or gna- iltylng landividuat jeoloueles, bocase cof pvsrocirivalrfee. Frorn 'tbeee causes thé feteresto of <ha town baive suiffe-d; ig'nor. ot, 1004 hibe repraesaîlives te tise Coaasy Comncit hýve mole tbemeetves a tineising- atcelc, ansd the rapresanîstion cf tise tovu s igroce ia tise preseece of tisat respect- .able Led>'. Let ail ibis sort of tbing Cease. Lu tise ratepayeravakon toaa seau cf lut>' once mnore, and lot the tova ha nto tonger rlel b>' cliquas or coteries, Thfa leotise fis-et thep oî&sire medling" the slatè of tiige tisat bas hitherto un- fortunatot>' obiainel. Let ne natepoyer le teupted t10 gin. his vote-ni tise hissation cf pericesi influence, toe pici. iis man et spite tisat. The mannvise lobs se, la the face of thîng&aos îlsey now stand, le- Ila a roug apon bies ueighbbra, tAld cemmits A crime agoiest tia ove. - Tise utestopIl, te scer@ men, vus sintouest sufllient -umpacit>' and Intelligece, sdmia letoaucsopassabte heovlalge et publie affains, îlot -tisir represelation of tise jove, abroal or si boue, viti net bring tise blues te the ciseeku of tiai fellov loves. mou- Wiîb ties. simple necessary qtuali. ficelions, people caneot go far vnong -in testing theïr choice.ou mon bîving suais a kaifilcient slla entise corporation tisai tise> tannol serve tiseir oive interesta vitisout iboecfitîing tise tevu. And a rthe' tre- o'srnmenslation wvonlie:-oasd net tIhe 'leut esseetial ee-île seslectlon cf man pouseeing voigisi seldilslleneic uth. cpunsy, vbose ssyings ouI loiege, because île>' bappenel te Le Wiisy mon, enl met hé regaidad ic vusu-st sud espie- 12u ouside tise ovu. W. bave sncb mon amoucl , bose.services le tisscrias veuld be lecatuable, aud le seotiser place ve ýdo rnoî beelitate te preclai. Ibein usinas. Tbe ainercets of tise love do. mssieltistai al lisividual joaloissies end Petsy conteons&hsial le forgetien and laid -uoilo,.by the parties tisosetvos, auI If tisatIl1 net Ilone, fer tise publie gonl, ht.lt*t rencuragement usaIt be liscon tenanced, and, if neeaory, itampél eut by lb. overisurlened îax-payers cf tise 191 o lo f Whltby. We ase ifiont se sse car corp)orastion mnaltons le sncb àashape sisat tise iutoireste et tise love »hltines be ma.enhubeesient tu ibose of tise Iloilva> Board. Anyoittsupt to influence lb. fortisconiing lectidea, viti tisaiobject le viev, nmust boai once llidiguaiiil mal snd vigonouet>' put Invu, als btersa xecraîiegly denoancel. Heantlin a(fver os utaeRailway psojecs, as *oa taays bave beent -ael le laver cf glvlng vlîtfegy, snd vithiot cavit, lise amomnt o0 gnenel>'st eoatnibuteî tovardst tbé eîerprise b>' tis1e Corporations, ve ývaeî tisaiail necessar>' saognarîs sisal sssnrotsed Ibo Conporato -oc'a intereste. Wo alvocote ou tise port efttie ratapayers( *ncgeouluisis Wof lhe ratepayors te &id in brioglo; aboat-so mcl îls aeeeés- sar suld'desrabi.. Seozi LBoem.-The regalas 5socoîbty Me.lg of le flarl, 'VIII j»-le 1.1on Tm.ay eveailagnaiai laf-paeî sevea - -ten the Norths Word. À Dow electîo jrM, ofue,roh avr#La taise Pl*"c. l i811 ts fiesjýof aj Beeve sud Depqst Boer@, 'We tîlis Lthe - atepayers vîil ousait. iler bet'latweeta by reeleellsg 1Mr, Gerrie. Re bu. lie l the ofice alaolrajsly tb. puti yeàr, amdU-bu sawboa ltmà fsprudent andeas'efel goar., 'dian of th. tovo's Iotsrets. la the soldi$ of sqmevbat diffleot airoummu ,doing: bis year of offie,-b. bu provad faitbfat tohi bis resiand bu alvasescel itwh s single eye t. ith. goud of ihs love, abois and b.yeed ail cîber ooeusi4.ratioos. .Hfe ba Iloarg;el tle IOU.t egt(magistrat@, coasseaîoloo sd, nthlb.optnonon f al vho, are nol undaeyoocresls faclorily. He bua given Proof ofbis Y## liabillîy and oaptaity sie trying situations, and, on ivery grcunl -baing "tbe rigbî use lne .erighl place," hoabodho bretainel in ofice for bootber torm. 1fr. Brown , he eve, wbohoasserval the tove faithfally and well fér a namber cf yaars, bas expraseelhi#is ntention le vwitisdrav froso the Conoil saliogeisher. As for tbe Depniy Reev, 1Mr. Tbvaite, (ansd beola euene ofshose te., bom semore particalarty allaI. le car leàding coiernes,> it vas a grevions mielake, ever. tb have placol hlm ila-the position. We bave beu qunable to diecover la hlm a single qualifi- gAlon f fioes. IS-ignor.anî assamtica and vasigar.isnpdene...tbe principal char- acteristice cf a soldenty male perse.'-prond éUP&sat-have mole hlm îlhe buh of tie T own, sud lise lsughiasg-eîock of tbe yCeont>' Concii. Proidence soalb.thene- presentatioai and gool naâme-of lihevaüw cf Wiiutîi, fro, hia-tiko agala. To t-Ie positions 'cf Reove ouI Pppy Reor,vo are gtad te note île desire- stise Most influenltial cf tle roîopayers to elozt Messrs. Drapor andl iollen. Tise>' are tise mon usat ceme Most earl> op te tiso requîmitestandard of tisee cnidat ea ratepayers ougisite seetifer.WisJ. I. Gerrie, as Mayor, Chester Draper, ast 2leevo, Jasrs Ellen, as -Deput>' Reevo, 1tiho inlereeti-of tise Tlo cfWiby;voulà be sala, snl tise ratopayors Voatl fins! a* revival of tise Town'» presperity-and atI ot venta an arcsriece cf influence obvoal and ropeetabilitym- andodpeedei eaea home ; and aitishe urne ime? '<ros eni Itsc, intelligence in île discussIonof pub- lie mottera, Open aIt ocobsîces.' Ms-. CampbellPs preteneicus for the uay. croît>' or. cimpl>' farcical, dovnnfghî cbeek, and braie. Wbaî obuimssu zho, or se>'otiser 'l birl cf passage,'5to île .suffrages cf,-Ibe eiecîert cf tisel ocf Wis«tby 7? Petnsl>, 'e respect tIr. CImpbelltjSuit cannot belp tbinkins lIaI ho bu beau, Put forvarî se a binsto serve eome atterior ebjeat, cas thesipreseet coca. sien. Tise tue Iviends cf Wbiîby wyul go for tise candidates ve bave poiiatel oui. Col. Fairbanke vilI b. roturneelfor Oshsawa ogaieueoanoutly, va anleretoasî, and possibî'lis.hesamo meulroncf use Couceit vus hlhm. Tiera appeara te b. no dispositiconfor a contest, ZST veTonS. Mrn. Robent Smnith, resiring ftcwq muni- cipol affairs, ts. folleving genîtornen vilI Le founu velt vorthy tise confidence 'tb. raiepayers are dimposal to nepeeluntisa., and viii possib>' La etocted b>' aeclamaîloe, Anlrev A nnie, Reev, -, Richard Luke, Dopisi> Reeve; snd for Coeittes,_Jeha Smith$, J. Lick sud Richard Motiser- oeil, Mfr. Grierecu's buçy dispoition may tompi isirnt tégiv. senoyano. ; bai viîh tise chisaactor pf being troublosome he vil!, an beretofone, lenassît tikotibol bave te con- tant himeîf. TOvxsreznor vwuvor. Tises-e la ce disposituon for a coateet, aed tise rasosyorc expressing tiesenolvies vetil ratioieel vitS tifr presses raproeso tivee, attacf vbom have agreedla tesand for -r'lcio tiser, itile Icubi Lui tisatil IwiIllitsu ro..-elected viîhoist o cois- test. le Beachs tle greai inîerest la e scOff test centres betveen tbe clairne cf >fr.,Tae Oral.,, seld1fr. Alai Gordon, Opinion; incliele fayot cf tise fermer. t Thora is luLtIe db but that 1fr. Git- espie vilIlehore-aleelel reava, ,aal elîher i Mn. Bs-çtbour or' 1fr. Drabazon depu. ly neyve. lIctb 1fr. Biabazea asaId1r. Brotis. car are-men vbo-dtsetv. sveil of the rate. paye-eofcthebownship of Broci anselmanyn 1tvould vsh tce ea.ée gentlemen i cccopy LotI posisienes. asrepresentatives i çfthakg'îod e014 loyal tcveahiîp. et visasiras it tisI lriahmen diI no& distila, and allev 'lb. cemmon enemy 10 cenqucrl a niegmiéaîsaxeVissimnsa. Bsiîb ubese Tovwnships yul leinaii Mb- lisood ivelum île se er4srssattios sthe prooeus yar m Jut.i -eople are' bagon- j ieg'iodflrate -omue'icipaleouteata. s0 ;y, aid gobe4 ~ ~~st b. weÇ amoI ll!b.jthe*s* &bds far loto- 1Ja.weess'hous ayon htwl. l. Oy s1 iiectepscuer; M r. cèon, Who loft isotbing eudonm' is psult ta et"l the snversary epjoystbt by the, loveroai tbé géod tig ftetbe t bh alvê', 1 Veq bawdsoonelyan teealty docoratel, .and over the national, Biag, edau- lmues e alina@4ta, tbietI., onder vhik veoe .Word- "Welee Â'-.hugý&a- ici cs d portrait e.Soi ' *oieand- pop-. opoelog the prccedimrgs, Dr Gnou, la bit ove lmposiag vay, said- li&es and gea. liee.o, Xii ot oely oogri doty al good and loyal &objectes1buotcre aupeotlily as î'trSons cf St. Androand 'c' pou ibis ouumioni, s. y *.11duse boastor teo or good and gracions Qaeen. Tf.. e, ov u wheu Souts lad to regret t4eýabienoe of ai rsoiverelg. atI Holyro. G14 are -vle, 1 said the speaker, ihai Ibose' days are putl, end thal ve nov bavre Our own belored Qaeen, Whoue rnerory-i. ensbrlned in the beauis cf Scotchmn, sudlib e SéotiSh nation, 'ho bu by ber rgsidoace, lin Scot. tond and ber visitta 5. cr native couatry, doue more for tbe vaalth cf lh. tand. and i te sete heb social habite and proues. 1 the social weire cf lb. people than many' cf the sovereigas cf Sotaent before ber. Nel gave the seniment of the Queen;, long 4 May the reige cver ns, vbicb vu vWarâty E ançi enthneisically responded tb. Mr. Boivelt, auisted by Mfr. Roberts, -style, ail the Comnpany risinùg in their sont& and joining vitb fine effect. The Prince and Prinâces. of 'Wales and the. Royal Fauity cf Eng!and, vu, theé' neit sentiment proposel by the preïdenut, l oviegt hbicjs herefrreîo îhePruscs, V u"loe cf car ove good Scandanavian stock, who ouaM not fait toexeercise a good aed beneficial influence in infasingC good blocd liet the lin. cf future British A severeigne."l Mfr. Lanrie rendered the' Scotch -Song, 8 "The Thietto" vcry effectively, and being v encored, 11Scotland'e right and Scotland's rnight and Scotland's hills for. ne." Misi t Wilson presided ai the piano (cecf T Rainarts grand Bîtiptie.> I The Arol aud Navy and the Voone- teere wu the noat sentiment, in prcposng vbiolh Dr. Gnon referral te the glories and triarnph cof British arme on se0rnany iq vetltfonght filds througbout 1he vorîl. Re dwelt viîh- pride, alec, opon the achie.N renteble cf the '.Otd Wculee vaîts uf Eisgtand," And for the volanteers ofG more recent organîzation, he referred le feeling end patriotie terme te thear . aehbievernents and sheir readinees 10 corne forward att he cati of -lity le defending A the heartbe and bornes cf their coantrymon le tho bour of danger, and bard no dcat13 they voutd lbe O"Rody aye roady*' vhen-A over caltaI upon iagie or danger thraaî- oued. Mesurs. Boiveli and Roberts, sang "Bntannia, the Gem cof the Ocean,"e, nd Ai beiag Ieurvedty encoredi sang alec "The Wine Cap." A] His Exceltoncy tho Governor General, Ti and ta whoie blet, characs.er and repasa- tion as a statesmar, Dr. Gnn referred in Ti flattering and beflsting, terme, vas the next 'i sentiment. Tbe roponse cf a valgar Irisb Corbie scag te this, decidodty Sar- Ai prised a'nd pained ns; and 'e ie it vith 'I therornonstrance that ncîhing conldhave boira le verse teste upon such an occasion. AI -~The Day an' a'V ha honor h" vas the w nez% tout and sentiment, in giving vhich the Prasidant made saine saitable corn. AI menua. -He remnarisel thai the observance cf the ' dy vu cf very saient date -going14 hockr i or sevren centuries, and that te- w nigbt, vherIever thse British flag floats, Scotchrnon vceld, hoefond coeobrating snd doing hecor t:c h. He 1referrol te she T rnemories connactod vith former celobra- tiens, whon the good oIt! castom prevaile I of bot punch and Scotch toddy, bat stated, reatîlsa auprpopersfy-, He alec Iveti 'hi upen the noble insatisocf theoccntry, wl and poiîistg ot- j» yit lflildafforded 10 ndsr a dviied lw ooîrmn-Te tedà be-Iregreited thsaï ouP-raof' flm ic. hi L not take bis alvico- to ,pske Canada t beir tri sone eoeplol ils. seationtvitis dU ho Man f1r. John Ham Porry, 'on 1, Whou be callel -for -a repons., tefusrig ýv aiso ,te, tb ismaty celebricus cif lb. Day e, Mr, Perry, snl bis fsther before, hlm liaf on Mfr- Pary excedhioelf troumskhsig OUJ asp eb, sayieg-the de vs oct cf fesîv.Iv cdli ityf andcdct-fèr epeechm-sssiug, aol' it e ui for hie ove pari hc o vislraLlier b. a acIker-ou, vbere there vos sol a3mch s. be arnîrel amongit the Scotch tase pro- u sent Be bnregy relerred teoa0aaUss c greasnose and vasl reoaurces. ttuDr tl Ganu, h. vished fer more cf fIe Scotch aisi teridel s. l.prove î»e stock, - e Soog, by Miss [e. Eselitaîlos bylUi .Puail-soa it<oua- MOBeh. 'Jiu "#The &aicsîioai losiitotiouot fCao- ~ va.ras thle ne tielmo4nmI8#,.r. lPas Le very jasllly sali, vouslfd oht oety'haveé"'- % sbeso o n e w l'le e v e n in g , f a s y 1 v st 114 < riy legs te wrli sel delivar i n rfe e c-'w~ lunesapon. l ams '_n~1~~leit£sLq. pcets'were leglon, sel wititÉ lïlnï u lui- l ptciirizo bte bal cnly lime te general- 1mu,21oil suc on than i tL a passieg, gîsece. Tho v u svoner le hi. vas Le , ssId, l1it Ougi5 Settard Ladl prodacel 8seasany peis, sda*ce tonsi,>'ng ,bthrift,' and sbrèwd-; h " nas cf the race, and Ibat Lb.>' should, as se claS il vote, "ltrîflo. by tlsc vay" svhiJele nîLe "-I pursiuil ef wora-ly-ahvanceinents. Butas iiis, le. taut as'cee bard tbvev o00 tLe mandle sel uked fur, ratireil tbbis ropcu, anotîser rose (o 'l'eval *,l', aud leliglite h. orY cf SceltIi. *ong. re0eot.i Hle cemînteil uponthb. patr-lctitàit'anl werO nus love cf ceuntry', aid cf libentIr displâjled r. onÀ's cn Scottisb peatry - le the poccry of Bsins tIa saeiio Sir Walter Scott,Campbell suid other, culsiei liscting fruit s t "C1ottor's Sztu.'nrniy pper w dgs"and elbor pemaand hallaU w' casse, and nucb felIicil>'.nd sel 50strict jîhere'nce'te ed îaocf the Sccltis bords, snc as i e Butn'- ftiied "O1ie me sa Plrk ol naturels lire vu prss Tillsias'tise iiriastg 1Iseirel"- - MSr. Dr *siiisz th. and concl udel by rea'.ing an original pemuvsiuuisoas$ of his ove prepared for tbe occasions and h. wUSai, TIZRAULD Ifltlî AN' lTE NEW# ai" idai th -Io bc dispc £ris g"nnv w uswvhere oryetsiîberna ausàiie su .Ku. lcd owr:wtistn.xwiy pehaîles traie, ioa.isv Aui' wimplin s-une' licir swirliîs taris ipsse Risi braîtth ie apea ses: i Ais' Isigli ovroisciltils.nonastam ine ue li Glgaastie ta tie iilsty sky- tiis nd !bir lyart tops s' epsarged wvl'snevs setahhle Ai' erovsscd nvt',ssvfss'najety. Pusy; and W'e loved th isLii'-its gleric s lande ceue htshei Ouss lieurtis in raptuea isennsrsrd tend; rp-lai 'hae alez§ofrac, meinlovy Iso'er aitsll 1sido pied wtli Titi life'., btief day it-sci' uiai tensd. lut 810.0 D #lianes eiscebled by the sang ~pssisied lui 0' annstrelà un tisa uulden Issue, plricares An' deesîn o' isorocs #strsgiliiill' anig _ t lits 'sis Poiile àrsga eiPot 0e îb ttaituseol a - ' 555y ad a ic0 wana ur hisîmeoir fibers' hame: had ne legs t p.rocissu' Word tisIt igistae love -àg tiiaps 5'îthin ige blssait. ,.' tsOly Sanie, gRoud poilc An' musk s i* cirreis avîttier fibv i eharged-ili 1 'Inuil" 1tisoun ssssiduia* of a' Liemntai f That siuigless bleilotisg wi' car litai; cniuug in i lians pot viiero visly lave ta Sav, gJj, 'r hoss oiselier frm tise oaîward sirife! , i ol we, isu ctIihaine-tiere ain' s glooru lai,, 1irs1 Tisu lowered upsia tihe littho lteaisi,; .sMric ia Nlisi mirkier day., bsugaio te lautai -u o asusw w A vola iots ihut iicriasit 'Bo basld !" piisivais i îhaoisd ibido ta crisinito saisci t, thue e airsiu An wortip pridss te Sul the vîsîno 1 Mr, Orsi que lorsilisiga aid veu-I vo beseeciis, Fd li th ie c But duros ta e ok salitisan tious. 5ir cii nade vise car guida-tselac' w3 loft vieWs sthec W ititlv eIssiy blit. uusais* lîrîsa WLt Whoudnt ai ciose b ritrr. 111wie W. lissiied astithor Ithe tuWe.. suy Io Iii Vil l.g!stip':ue heartu siaait001y gels- uegisise Wu e ises. l ustise freessily suit, s'y,.-thse Lis1 fs1111id tuý.t t ise>'31 ai sruspri ra o 0se gelaisi Witeo carvie choirraspved way by tatI. - ..i rU5.id Irglit ,kles lItaa l sm i'l leavsus's agit love apascir. btiineowre tise sliiss su' poisures tîraisi1 is Ç(tr. il us mciusy a os-at an' mosiy a grave batteurg the Wl' satuiro's meoldy sit1lad. -Mc. Thwaî lie beaustroun irti ils esSres euisaie. lb Itepa> s thse tenIti.husstandiuai; reiilig foi si sîssvwy Sksan' steekit Iharda nntuii hlob Tell 0'--a (air an' geasly Jan.' etWonce iJ LIl naturelisere lu grandeur reiguis, lire. Mi. I Ai' uii.k.the poet's heartvejîuico l-ril. -vitte ta lisîkat tiglstisins seOp tise Air. ssMOtIl Tiso ussier& lift their siarîliai volea: cos'c.ssomIe seo c4uisigiidaimso, catarmats loup, pui>cito I Tise làills re baski lw'gisait trac,, AI . Cain] le fteoda se toirdooe'i' courses kea»', ibsusli. tort Ais' epraod at51051tuo îigisty ss. (slutins Wwsiisa-bcd.ted 'i .the sait Mr. Pc s'o wealtiii sais uî ludcèe cuesion e e fsiir marled rock, 1he gustî lu 1,' The govdouî irouomu, tsrh&gtiî asravei bers cf Il JI wisutii'for the.haoul 'la of inakinl Wts fli r isrungsily ta boglis' pas. of gi Vltick tsi eisi sas' valie lihib,lebsP 'The prima o' tis vril te vin. inb aispO n' Osr s ur nativoe seteMt Der«' W6e ie vi' ggidle nay mnicati ,ir ocislegauee l v ilîsoma sîuile Rod liaI oiltfiliieu coe* Ili .thé comax Vjimp, ltit fois.(ails' bannsîie e e monts, ha Mti tiatsseolsi I.kxsyec e sr unove; Draper'. se gildes! qtissnur v aion she,th ab liaileal tu shoîre cor varkas»' love. chatrho I se Isis' e vlil in laitsîLe t'ravo, gave ever, tise hardy, frcstomit-vis raca, 0lvs c hosIi tise i'lararde tise wve, iw As' ;tinilesi a'aiiîs ie temnpestsa fao,. -comucitte ir oçisw isi'oalet iîn viliiarsa goria louve,. L IVillin usI'ss mai.1y te rotais, ay-lav hi ivr lisenîtoies, uieisd by isr4n,cht$ , Witeo life-dropa iu toîr bresis ruvenl. Iat10 Ti, iiiw Shea%,ejily frecoaIm, vIleS fsrbid second v. ' ite craftY' mailot, C01,4 lispuor, t hr o ps-ccd vi' glaive asQ ituse hua. ceci, t h An' insisk' hi, cautsiP'sr su' to tovivi lad been tal tyrsisitlborea iis gar îîn iuk eiiditiený Tuse Iher sid tSi» iîscho uken, rondI, the sr wnilîg frac us tise bitesmd Bisk.,cC f Sade',, puecoas gi ttoovrin' Meus. c., al I i giiard aur riglitsl, otsvQilcon obe>', provîded Braw bv'shiîevi,lot U-s a' nuiite; or penc ai' qaiet das ive pray, Compsanyv Bat a' moen Ihti$tâ cati a feabi. October1 me thisi, fleAVîsi'A ivbr let s e-aUve, vhicb th( 'An' csey usiiî ilais'a bisosa' y blert, agreecd c în acie nt honme ssyaît thesa veth er Ais' tlii s unov issisisin ihe î4est, tid e ain The toast cf tho "Ptesa, coispicd yLili Scr a - came Ir-Mv.Bugg s.-aI ..b 'tb tby ca reî 00) froso esJ', o ly, ,isffeniijcnes- ový st eàe&Lelly ~n4 ymoen: Oloinen, ed iawlidg caout -yeasoe-, otite, sel y eitt t ift a tis,-brpy- asIsve sit' snd Debîlit>' i t fo ikpedeifc.tala&e: 'the lweusî' Oberiffloris las 1,44le ree fr 'tiser.; Wh,' ray-àaele" for NtsrwpAnbauew, U, vonld hb..~alpç. Begonj lha y$u to Or fir neyes tshéc Iu omute vs. aieivoceub it e0lsauns, as Mrn. laet 'be aiec pusy ailghoi bfis addnitre te naisty tbe oe teerem>e0sri'e lIsle tow-ence Ifsbeycniu Salgaity ltusnsatofrùssasb, hdaus'i. rcotn 'vas dis as;Iabosi wtthwes h. titrsee Ie eaor Is upit boirec viisthe Comspsaqr. of sa'bc wnsillce bât ui ccrpsaruea DIbso tact»aMWIey 1this ces gri. sud saisi ibat ils. repons ebnuli bane r. ds aerainu com. ne chiargesaiAr. fair an, vsas eisgitonle0givé itels tctia the 1tsssaid lunte se vepisled itillsssilsoiuag ti- Cf ont& onlnevtealge. 'The iown, bh. nid, iud aicccd- é ceain suaissisd is beCoupaiî', apoMsi cry tr idaian, sdI ilsoise canditiais bidutsu wuao s ot sii t s isvs iW' teasb-l e brte vor Ibai enascfrts. Rtaiswai eirvsete eni (Mr. Penny) lieac tsthe sl spet nepiels'14. Broneuaagealoir its ah. report watt loundesi upo eex a.ict adrartis s reseloilon pda.ed by ibsceumitec; tat itA t0liv'Irly laoasbsuibt eve owlvieva in Compas t a ct.,nltiea c 11%ube i enor the ,si Thé . ;-n Ica 5t aBvîslàlOm,lit'vee ts gaç o ulise cfi* h,' necpI cof bft in tgebiivv'slaiser, iI les 1 -oas tb. C-o,aatt houglit Isee. IlaS s-id tIbaihoBe d ms>'!d viaws ne thi voiiaig et tue iitasSay t.eaa. bu~tisai tâtMn ring been oied nissisites, zmoe jlig 10aie rei ,Plewa o eaj od slt 1lly ., n renh inspeuny eblal bir ha e Ie (il s.Pfst o., ithecrtr !rtn, sus!dho wssnetdi, a 16:W tls bsiacc lh isebocoupsey.r-'Y. oai be:!'k Thse sewss cacpurd Ibe disale poition ci s cr ida ecisitrhbiuar'tes, 4fendo sî i sCoin- Cus tb. amooi t ofseMi'y oaie.hird aorsuie î-flde capital of Iboecnusspouy-ibai be thaIe Ac.or aigustevevy v.souali.reqsssremuto t h, Thusul inca Billts e o i aoudlaseb. wuibezy cernt- 1.aiu boy waslit Tise Comipatsysi)ad asresing, or t )î)Oftdeltîlcaîsà. A 104untiici Walav i- theblisi 1scibai ite iauereou ! e t cl %ver". pr- Ui ea :d for; tbat emsiiosie sn tIse diecharge oftmt a rr.iced Isseir camais là airain ceruaisnle sesani tut vere dcamcd naiesaryse ensî)!t'.iensRaulvay se tom aciiisai, end %bey ve. itd ibal e v~rb t' tiucdoiauuiS, uppeasigtrte s>icces p iII si5u, h ogbîthibglSce C,'sivs-or "*'-usent Ca cas duc se Sa. lova, mgid Ibat; 4 esssi0-c, tt4 ý On the paon thie Colnfflsy- sisi se."-nuie y; e iiivligeaiî rs-cve (%Iv. a, is-a nageai- the s-uIc L a pcauesded tiittlgcutee, lie 0.4e-usmt là»osusasemubtee, b C'î.ps-mate i - oic.ui t1 m-iroauiss ab eraisinolima te, le -e iitt t re sois or the .ssvi.l ne. oieî lds souti ai-is lu le ireg bCigsisîay, bbSc ta'ep isn.e t-c se.issieresas .il'î uw,.. ho cxem- vwis repies, ai5uhi a indsis.abrue' uoss tIr. bMeNtitîis taids bs i l behowusicd mnin wos whiether lbllisilway Cariioy bâtis ainai- Mrt. M ibie citiitsstouil tiiliey bassiitrdouicetgn oe ofab sio sriittierepens tIse las&. gtin per &J'id be hbd velforled the tacit* asadirect-souon costuios. île vattnetailibeis- p u ti. cd alteons asitrisuiin s n igeralssaiwaii M- rprcents', cautuic%%,asscibeh utaes sie =.- Atty.( nsig Isefatra tiassîslL Dumlper nisski ush motion, i 'la.ipe uhiaïsa#bclietmddsas.« waile. allerisett.isyIcte dî reni SaCoeui uenibe-e au totons whist. he 'stait,,w-us -sintlless ession a55 c cotjîtl e.'idoid l. tbiig cia-i aiewbut ,s esice L icOo tfdebcaures, nuisidussiasuasî.d iia t.isets veect ing lisuasdoubleîus it. ttse te f per cepllsioi bc s stofai bc iris the ps.r- nla UitU de iî y Mtit Tbraite as acting tas a doable He iisshigiusssy casl Iack the e sesassi.jeel vas Dis ) ~acti.heCommclisboard epos aitlunember r invîaretibe nutejuree. Dli oy bus! le mctil ? lis couiiiu ie as tbe Most criai onr bead.'sgng mcd .nuili uitocuvrempiionscaia nnfor t]l >r sis. dcumese. usid sov. fr n easassa liai inocl icwIse ted hesi$bs1,000il Iouded cvcc for Bothi b. ihesisilus the deas.sy-veevecocli îhe, ansai (rmn esîctu a ho aavsa u unwilby cf sua-h.vai tp-rappeaiesi laitue sisierniera lbehoWsa sý. t , b ur uiionslosw zvmSWIscd by gusues: - ýe. gnlm tilui. 111v. 5blp, oasd tb.eibct sermîsroens, ! îe ed abs.agissements of bi. Drupen, us the do- ieg to d vr. 'Ibvule.. e ar 11011, iithe coare ci sou. rercha, sudveetr ie vou1d tssui us 5sathe Sapoper. itry. The È. sures-s t erty, (vbo- alts- smo littIa dij- tusxes pal :blate libent>' to be heard,) sa d six' mon waie net there te infn cesse em- vos cernl ue comusulloe or for the pus-pei zs- ig inssataments,,but fer the pur, lieg (Loi ing sucS pliaîaions as vos-e Colquioc ver i give Hrie rapitulatail Eyre, Fer n Il thîsi, in pursuancaeto a cous- brslilt r lsW vbich hue Presilent cf tLe (Tacot>'- Il d receivel frItemthe: chairmsc cf ild bMutc ulticee aslinig for certain dot.nette i, Scott (lin s (Ms-. Pas-s-y bal silonlailaiMv. 1 eosi il îoffice. vhore 1he comuiiee matsai, liaiu, ia wul bimetbe stocks bock, the NAY@.- the bond amI vos proparal te cs, lias- ry informsetion, and sIlIsi) until Pijlelr's -susatol by some inesubers eft he dleezix, S] eo tbatiut vas tilce for hlm le ,-22. la0 axplaincal - tlsot tIse $D0,000 Ms-. Bo ,d two conditions;; th irstrt as steusd bllt 0,000 stock should Sa subseribal. te viths- vas cotîîtled bal been doc,.The Mr. BtI s thusi J0,000 sisould Se pail in' Lis 'Ditllt' -es-ad.banlcp This il vos cerlifted trial of Co idonc. Tîteso vere tLe oct>' ing mo-c is Thon as toeLthlocation of the iuproper 0 grsding, station,», wos-kshopn, LoieilaLi selge LadlSean providol for in the lthon-he tLe gaugcbI 5 leed 6 Led bean aint tha regular onganizatien cf the electieus F5usd taskWn place, on tise ltS of prachiCcs IasI, cvenyîising Lasi bacc donc tirstt ssu ic, Company', or tho coisirsetor hbeLess inr le do ; anI the conîracl vals aI ccaet ILs tary'a office viacra gentlemen do>'. Th I ii as long as îLe>' ploosel, or gool. T tas-y voulî levers vait upen (Le tise appea ez vitS lise conts-set. Bo lepre- 'Julgee-, acussion an the sauljoct vhich 'foisncFd 'o- no e br cliert' thons that of Sos-ce in E tSe prospects of the Comnpmny in;'Mot a sti g 'te'rai, Seven miles cf the nov-te gc sai&dpol cvLae gradel, and -sire; bu complostion cet 'îLe ncd 'b> ' mamine il, at>' uaext iniesd of Pcb. 1871,; aloi s ste sLaIl been mole for the buiîhissg At>'G nda> tecks, anIdsu- ioss enaeld memnbor s back b>' the setieos of.tiseTown frein tLe Leé Compansy' Lalisthea t ',pros- 'lhdee iip tise tuessuras for tho extension cf tliseGoes to Ur. Vo B-' botter à as su op 'YTorono üd lies, c tri B 0 eoô Io spposIl id , ' - l . Couai Jetc luw bsbot id là C nit th0:orT sn >tlt oWl a> les >1.' charge of amai GY. MazlonaIl, c<tL1 o sooa odsIeaon .e.eld uotbc made.,) la now peu for bielsf.tessaWbbtby se î,p Esoifton, Duls., St. Casher- Clifton, Siispiuaioe Bridgo, sud oecia lgai ÉBalie ib stbý0 ev tin lsses té ail points l e United 'with tbe Atlanuic Cablo. - --G., - !o1snsbot, Aient ?cr he My, vas le tcvasso day, on bis tay 3real and ietermadiit. pointa, and en, ve are glsd 10 sayl tery mao- le obtaling sobberiptins 0' eicck, sthrvie dvascigthe lierait.of mpsey. là grastifyeg tg note' > the id tributes' cfsaiafaction pil by 1, 1lbthepromeptitude' with vhicts dnpanyl pays» isrieukswIl vere aIt le erie Pottthe - lasnrers te mcà, naeces couble,ianl inetead cf ccmpettiug v aiso tor io :rte 0onshs, whicb altova , ibe4 mcney, asilein heuaes sd tbis veek,, le pqid at oece. The ny la fluariebiag; it meets ilu en- çsleproptlyanddeservos te fleur.ý Ltdj eý, Mpasani w e <nigâ ladi ach cf ils prc¶porisy is diue te the hiug attenticn cf its> iniefasigable ry, Mfr. Fairbans-s Legil.ateof Ontario. îgst. 'l.petitiona presentel on y. the fird, vere a number pray. tho e.!tabLZismeflt cf a scheol for Ld Atmoï;si' -io bills read a firat t that intîroî"luceft by Mr. Paxiton id the Port WLiitby find Port Perry rComkany's Chtsser.- Aise, Bilt 'porate the NavigaCJon !pee rnpeny. ilenc ral BMaedonaîd nmoved te ref'ct cof the-lieus. wiih -cfcren.cs te bills te the Privato Bitte, Commit consider- the, -expcdiency of cmore ârly dcficing theclinsocf Buis te ip from paymcnt ot the amount edin tbo spid Bill. IcKolssi movod Iliatt the lieuse go ite committco ta'cootIder bis vo- % as te watercoursés. He propos- lig the.-arnit, per rod, te forty Gencria &oïa ;on é, opso l te saying it vas strangeLhat; thse hon '-opposite kept ropeatiîig ossah amending their leejlation cf lb. clfore. 'rbe ccuntîhland ssci bad lnd wbeîher tout yoais'asaw *as bIle îLte cms. IVIsen tbc subi, SuP beforo îbeâtewero half-idôzer. aW etatel thatý thoy could build 26 cents. 'I'hore vas ccl s mem- pétition frem a singlélocality ask-w ,ble emendumen. The lbon. anesber iweli oughî -10 b. 'aatiâfle4 aviih mn; pi tho attention, c(tbo -gouge Ltracting vithout bringilng-'ituch 'resoluionâ. uTh- action, or that an was net juat ne, wIIslegt4;at- drive absente" iacdlbders-*bo 'dy overtazodý-frons -lb. 'c*oun- returno, lnieae'thê Cnty Trea- ;owe& the imrmonsê ,arôuints cf dâ by absontees. li seéval-tbe its>bolett i abnondrent; wli-.cb cd oýn î tbooding.diviatiot,- -Bàrber, Beatty, BileCIiCatr- adon),, (.-îanegiec,'tocktiirn, Code, in ook, t>rby Voyne, Craig(Glli- .J(îasi) rôxby, cumberlaîid, rgîiis,F errier, itz4iîoie. Uni- ridiai (IIautiiiig,§), Ursitis.sie(Y.îrk),- louper, Touait5ii, Lon, aaui isiitt, Montiaisli, ssucsî (Nor'lk>, ()Iiver, t'axiou, Rticalard», Rykeri, rey), Scotti (5tt, oard, Cuasita il Urci.oille), Siwinaaioii, TatI, Trow, SDurhîîam), Wllssiîs,._4ï. - xter, Itisuke, Boy'd, Clirimsie, CIa ýrie, Evous. k'ulsayon, Liider, 3Mc- iiltKlaMeKlm, àbtoNlairich,i rr, 'i;teîc , Sinclair, Sm iît h M id- ' yd spolie in laver ei bis Iome- 1, hicbholi, however, coneited raw. lake moedIthL. econd reading et to amcnd the 1ev relating te the >ntrovertcd elections, sand prend- bery and corrupt pnactices le the than acy cîber Gove?.nanet for .»rusutonsy.for ýties. ' rnýt- e let ise banda cf tise rinietry. ibored3ttsat lb. ableetstatee emol îLot they Lad enesugi'-te do ack~ ~ ~ ~h cthatincfLeMiels- savon, or ce tas. pastîscal optsitns-pranuslôil-tui' i 10loity; and! that ta maiRe 51 sgodeuto vert itue Indepence of tiseflonne." The Altornïey7 GifleraI - niovel the six inonths' boust. - - A leg dicusso ois place. ,Tho no» ~solutions, vene votcI loven, b>' lange ma.- jonilies. - - - Satunla>', Nov. 27, 1869, TisePiclcering Councit met pursuant to teof fast. meeting rouI and approvel. -Saventalâcceunts vire psaseeted fer cistracti ce tise ronsIs.' iM. Gresen mr.nes, tisaIt >essrs. tàigbl, Ilseke>'an sell111choa ccussnitteé t 10 anmine andIreport on tho varions accosants presenlel tlîisday, and report fortba ith. The' ceýmltco roseanadrepred. W-ý .port vîceliul ar.d.alepie ed dLte foIYow ing accisunts veto orderel to ' Le poil d To Il, B. Tâ asresigee te - PIarriece, $i 05~Jle Plsef lk$412 81; Dr. Brunsilt, for nielle-tV attndac nce a pauper abild, $4 50 ; Henryi Morrison, for work on 2isd con, riosi, te ho pail te, Jehn..Parker, $58; A. MacInteobbjpno plsnk;! $2.1; J, Goldden, for vork on sild rosI beiveais lots 16 and 17 lei - the'-filh, con., $13;'Michael Kennedyl, fMr w'ovk on sida road betveen 186 sel 17, ins lise,5tla con., $20 ; S. J. Greon, for plank ftirnish. el b>' Elvard Boon*, $2 ; Ira B Cîrpouilor,. for vôvis on çastern toveline'opeosite-,tse let con., $25;, Miabsol Reil for 4ypiris ?oal scraper, $3 5';W.it lëy,ifor verk ce 2nd con., iejrt o f- lots andssi 29,, tvels 34 and 35 in Bs-okeon ïFnoný $30 ;'J. Taylor, for vork on side rosI betveen È2 .elnd ujn ist con., $5. 60.; J,, oiisfor ý'ork on silo rondl beivecen- 2"sel ý3- ist cee., $35 ; T. Rezin, for wark en.side tct-,d bf-,!Wee i8 and 9 in broken front, $25;i Sylve-ster Macise>, te pay for doverai contracts on ide rond bolvacis Jets 2 aund 3 in- 2n1' ilI is!nd-lb&cen'1.î$44176 ; S., Sherrsrsl, for Wcvk <on sile oneajotvcai 4 and 5 in Dîh coru, $,ri; JOmsMooMaki,- for werk on Dîh con., $10;, IL Gosier, for vork on i.isiefoad hetwes92$3antin l J5t con , $49 40; ,A. Siserrt;rd,- for build- iîngp brdg botweost1 , ls 4 ant in e th ct. $250 J;'Barry, for - >ork loe northern tevualina, $20, anpd for liber, $1 30;'J. Disney, for sbeep, killel b>' stop, $10ý;-W. Taylnr,--te furenisit -noces- nana te argaret SdI, $16,1ssla Msy Ifsr. Green menes, ihat tse Reeno booem'., pevered on beh.lf "cf Ibis upuncil, te negoîlate wiîis W; Bssi-nao1for 'ise pur- chase cf grave aidlreport at. theLeiicx mcaîing'cf tscscl On motion cf M. Green,t by.lav vas ictrodueed, read tiste. era lm sud pessed, appointin.- neturnieg-offleers sad places for holding îL.ûe ossuiis g<uiicipal, élections. - MIr. blalttê osoes,.that 'thé ue of-the- -town'balI, atl3tcughitmi b. grintiditotise President and DivecîceoS îL te Couniy Agnieulturil Society ta hall- thse ancdtie maioîing cfraid societ>' for 1870-COrriod. XMr. -îiaèkqy mares, - iti atb, lJ>'-law Vcsling hûaIusee fthe' Sleus itea- loyan bietodlst ibsrying Oxound a portion so cos-IaiÎ-atsfîrace lorr'-îâdsli e ne read a second urne. Ti'r.ôby-lav vas rosd a second and tbi-dt'ime and- passe »I. Mn. lMacticy moves- tatLb.he -cevebe instrsscted b>' his ceuncil, le potitiota BHis Excalteecy 7Le Lie'aî-Goveéreor and Lcg- iativo' Asuemtabl>, fort" thce essbîtsment of an institutiont for thea instruction cf lthe Slind cf tLe Province cf Octavie. Ons in.!tlon cf Mr. Green, -the ceuccil stands asîjous-nel 1111 Soturla>', Dcc. 18tte. The total anseunt cf revenue for tLe Dominion duvicg thepaai month vas.$1, 540,052 89. The officiai report ef United States im- porta for the 't-as endicg wvuS the mecih if Jtscc was $437,000,000. TLe -Bey.,J. D. Pallon cf Boston,.lin a s-ceont tenspevance adâreen, salid,:i..Anl lies-a is 'your' Tbéedore 'iIlton odlior cf 6yeuv' Indcpen-dest, a papar that tells tLe 'oisng usocf Aiserlea n:)t o drnck. Yat, çvhen 1slinedet Deimonico's onceigroaI ' *has uy.nstonisrhinnt te ueo him'uebulss iegly drink wvina.%Vbalsa' sail 1 "are 0e lricking vine, Tthéodore r ' Yas' I irink il for the saRe cfmy braiesj.' "Thon, for'tIse ese cf you réputation, stop.' -The Y'ool,'lise firat -mercanile neasel bhat pausel through the Suez Ciasal, vas wreckeî lis îhLed- Son, about 86 miles from Suez. Wiaitby Jlarkats. sas-) sud pever ofi"se. poyable là, Ivo eqssi annual itflalmants, vit luateresi ilieorsnaus- nall t>' amoren preliet, fromtitie Issy eti le, auil-apon snch.paym.-uîîi thepa-usseis ai b4 h e- titod tea aovc micadio hl'o lIsutse- Ap-il îsexr. Pcseaisoll oeftse ratue ie->- lt iee saf lI Saýi Is, lirit hc giveus pus tisiex- piranss f"al mail' îraL4il'a is4.'1 buýtIW otls--rueoln l idildhis' tsAla.sire tse atensiig4cendiiîse»s oýf thCe ýlr,?It lie otiiuiromR. J. wihnan1..JCesiae V. A. <lotion, J. K. (terdoe, setuettora. Wtby af tse -Anctiosteer, -sud <'f the enîas'igsse4 "uter cftise Cuani. ÈR. J, ý,-l1SoN, 'G6EO. IL DAETNgZXL N'eidsho lissitor. - urtas. Dsutel.-7ts dayl61-Deceanier, 1869, "49. cARHD OF ",£RANK$. 21, the &creuu-y of the Onario, Far-mér lfutual Insnurance mf_-,,, - Dzs u$M-1 Ieg e oatekev!l tise-- afthe mloet iga ni fod 1 i in lsIl saieeaait ofts ie " ncatii by ir iara'yPoliti Ne.. 561 la jeqr; andieu X YPM aircljatia4 ieicle ose. itua. ."-AB[) OFT TANCS. -- Ci, 1 -,1r-?à 2o.(ha Dlu.ctcs f the-, .3fytnal lumtrance 'ompanW Gzrxncy,,-flsis to ei'rtilfy, tisai Iinvof attiiallcd vilStheprosqpt aeettmers ggayr clsiaa againut >'onr Cosupsey,Irrrs lbIe on 1itue nigsteofîthe l5ti OcoI;el.t, usd han.- inuiota ple-sure in tscmm4iustg your em'-, pauYtu e opublie gsseoIy. -JOB (4RY.E?4WUODt T»t 41No. 62Ssd cen., mae To? the &creary cf tIseOntar-io Jltursiso'u -M4uiInurauce Companyt, I itys Dru S-.- sv& -lo a iseRyen forirll Isrmtand*I! l ilematticlet or c 1 datf r osais>' ire, ausriuVir1 la 5-5, v1h cboeliu' seo-n i e te lrnoo osucftseti ctof- - -TUXOXAS GANTOTI, Beach, & 6, inlulotS du. ieue. ýST. ANDREWS' CHEURCI{ SADDATI[ SCIJOOIL Intais holinsg a social in thue Mechassic'- ll, con TBUrRSDAY, iflîli mat., saI? ,o'cIkpý1M. TIi. Pubhlie ia râ peclfnlly invlie!. Witby, Dec. 8, 1869.- INSOLVENT ACT -0r 1864 14s thse AIatter 'LE WJS HOU,0.9, an -ingoirent. Titecreliia-asof tise Tnsoist- tre heres>' solifled t6 ms-et ast mnycffice 'An ithe lova o Wlîlisy, lenlthe Coiistycf, das0.un MON- DAi, 1-e Th -daycfDCMER A.h Issus, ai tise bh ur r t9 g e o ve t a t h stc'ac yLiau ad JtANmSIIOLDÊ, ~htty, ee ~ ~eî~ - ffica Aigi1n. - 49 Sm A- N T ,D'-A flauJclasî>5jumer XV ail, atite Roy-al IloId, Wtthy. Mf". THOU" sWÂLKE5 Wlslîby, Dee. si 1800. l- isn 49 TENDER.S wlrie nâolve4dSaj telLe 1151 15A00TIU.I -I A;N -r 5'5 - A -- t 1'.--

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