Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1869, p. 1

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lp7MR 019 Tiltw O tt~4 i3rock Street. Whitbv. MERms s$150 PELMIN"ux- AD VERTISEXIENTS I Ais,ondohnrgodattheratcof 8 ouîspec ine,ffrotInseltiof, and 2 ient#4 per hue, adeb Spelai#oi~o~~usewith advsrtis.traiy th. p ~ a .v0 f i 0Mwiitè ag o ROYAL CANADIAN ]BANVI WHIWT Y RANCH. ARTHUR RJCIJARDSON, ON~TARIO 3ANKL W]II'TISY IIRAxClJI, K. Fo, LOCJ(JA RT, B ÀUI$Tffis  ~ATTO.N1Eye-ÂT- B $g, l81-itcrx te tlii.Banuk of Mte sudthie t.0rporlitioli 01file Coonet'oîOltatlo.. ,Ntutrico, &C'$ &C., WVi tby, 0. W. M.CAMicons, Q. 0. IL. J. MAOOONELL. * g lMile fol fonu stpoil good mecrlîriy. Ap- piy le Ofice of thie lrmi courtJioue - hu oîtetoo pfo, W. NIvsIi(>IUISON.- J. A.RAMPSQII. t'rooitn,Jtly9Q0,iso1. 9o8 S. Il. JCCHRANE LiL. B. u N TY 01<0W N AT'OUtNlcypFO ON.- G gllarri4ter agi Atýtorey-t-Lsw, Bo faffo fîîCfîîîceyNoltiry iPubli c - 0MOCffllib glo', New aulldliig, bondis CuetW filtV. . 51 utirExrard tary, îîîîd uxaifîerîn chlacery for tît-coun- oy of t)gîtoirfo. OffieBrook-t., Wfîftby. BAflflSiEl & ATr£Ã"l1iNY &0r LAw Dii ce- Over Otiturko ]lank, on thu North -sIdii. - M. 1. JARVIS, B lRISTERf-AT-1-AW ÀAND SOLICIT<OR J)iî ht4tcry. <Jfîaîbr-f 9 oronto-St.. Torolito. -fu -JAMS EK TU GRtONO B ARIlSThiIh d&ATTrORNfkiY.AT-;LAW 1 olicitor [IliCîuirCuuucr o 's bl leIf, &0. Uîî,x(i-eeXt ulor teufile Storm, of d1). etimiiibif, Irock lt.', .hit>y, (Ont. W!Ilhh)y, $uv. lii, 1887. 4d te. le FAIRJifIYeR. OITOCNOTART PJ3BLIC, &o. &o. Ce A. JUNES, Darrister, Solicator la Lhancery, Atm toriley, &c.9 d&c. inram îîuýved ifl ice b lot floor cicr the Wfîftl)y, t -, '7, 1808. 40 F A I ? 1Je ~LL- & DIlGME, t)kFu'cî; :-Uneu iw(r înrth i f (lie Fo-t (ifliu,' <)lîws ui !fc uuîr'uifuf, eoppoite Tu 1îfiaii, flowiiiuii.y iflu,, J' JB . iyAiiiWiLL. ~.Mollis. Ahtoneyu-uf.l~wf4elielidiru i Chaho. ceay. îîud Iiisolvency, &e. 1T Orîc-liclfflcîc'sIlot-k, Brcok St., etiji>iiiiiig b3fr.'Jjues ilufduîî, (Jffc, Wfîity, (.inhurio. 110N. J. 11005, Q. fC., j W. >urloc*K. . W leul O . MTiI. IV. il. aUILLJM.f0, SOLIfliTORI & C., t&C. 3~7(Perîii,11uN dMIuLUNI o eLocs, Brook 4TT0f<N fLY AT LA4W, SOLIC1'IOR IN iîuuueiloryCouJeu uicr. tue.,Cunufîîg W. H. LAW, B-7A., M. . (fWNC 1 0TILEASUIL, W IIITBY T 1. Uoulcu-Tuwuî filiafl - llouirsfYtu)cock. WELLINGTON 1HOTEL, MARK}{AM. î BUEIIOTTO1I, -- ieprîetor. wIL-SON 1-Ou Sr, A. WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor, rrF 6U SBCRI BEllbegi te Aunounice tb is fài1as pied téîle uolieîew fîctef In ige Vfllage Qh Aohiiiru for the uucoouoduîf ou of h tfru- volffnug pufl e T, ouo)afim uuw. ud fur. ulsfic.d lfia iinuit iliorougl and coiuf'rfafîfo tnncr. <lutets wifl fincd cvory couvoufeuco Kt tiie aiJIe iiibisiiaii Wfes,- Liquorsq, sud clgars if tlio lact llirsudualwayà kopi cun banîd. 'W' <1udstal>iig aîid attentifve Oisîcrs lu tu.dic. A. WILSON, Jr., Pro prictor. Asfbuu, ly le,,186D, îi- \yUITBY BRAliCIIBIBLE- DEPOSITORY I Tlio>atlteutîoiu 011f0îlle flx lnvlbej. bto th 1'cw sUid Wel f *alootcd stück of BIBLES, and TE8TAMiyX'S, wiîhi, andf wftlout bhe Puiuinrs lu ncîre, flowt e lia--touliîdut tIlle IUJA]îîirV of ile At Puot Wliltbya'P tP.<idby t Wbitby, mureh ÃŽ8 1M.'SO, Land rok', Âeomtant, CoorÂtiueoa Ou~l* 84-tf, - T)TFFVILLÉOT.' HURUH10Y; c R. SNOW, Proprietor. roughu>' ruiuovutod sud uewI>- furtufslie4bv hIe icou pu lOJiiioottue5~1.î0 ave tiung hais beau loft undozle ýo tupaIiireqdrq., VlieiTable l19 suppled;witiiverytiiiug o! iu,' boiet lu setësoý na- sD on W4 li.bot brunu-1s oh Witues, Liluono s uud t Iguiàecpt ai ithi.Bar. i7 IL R.- NUOW. TH]RO 7O8NHUE >UDA SBET, WiIRITJJIC.W IIE msctriber b eo tb annoneu..hgehl T us tasod lthebuffudiîni foruienfy kou as4r raLu'.Iflote irwitel ibs enovae, urnfsf ioi tted-up îbro bstlI lbofit -ap.îey ,î ie. sTdiatI tu b ut ,ihoîrpouu centfreof0hcTown, Thie 2allwy O)mibnsoallestthe lloteî,Snd lie stugo.fan Uxbrîdgo suid'Beavo rtoiu JLeV4 thiedoor everpe tornin g, DourdSl perday0. GEORÙÉ ROB8ON., GEORGE OR X'ACRK T ~ ~ ~ 'l U~fELMRIATCarpeuteru1ud L. J oluer,G.reenSt, MWjit$y - iAfarge-q usu. ltityof .11 ýcnda off ismaberoousaut>- on bid,: UJN DF R T-A KIN14G. F UNERALK fufil- snfa;îied sud atleacldd sfîiuuînotIC.co. Cefine ept aatnh ihud. W1A Heanicto flrconffberatrws. Wtithy,Feb.5îh, 1862. * - Brooklin Drug' Store., D ,EIEtIIn Du.u1lgo,ilt elle 90«' Wfneu sud Llqeuoftfio basotqnaiity fer Stcdcil purpoles. Hore * OatieMfed<cjne.qtluays ~1&-n Breiu . V,186P 25 COMMERCIAL HOTEL,' T I iisiuilscrilcîr figs t ici uende tleliii Tfricîcîfeandcfthecpliia hfi atiliefisne- suîîu ined e« tei h I-c iei atol ginufa- rîîrîubfy fiewi fîIloe], nilirf is utow iffcd.uap fui a biiicror t iîaýiàir, îiftv ry -o vc - ucie fer the rnccutiiuiao f guesbta uîîf tiie Ira- w, fue acceuuînodaticl 4pro Wff ccoseclyards, o ic- i-iii ,-r Osuienîsi Muym ocilihe jireucisei. Cliugeî. lcjderate. E.M.9- ALDWEILL. Wfithv, fuia. .14, 1966, 2-1> YEOMAN GIBBON. C OimMISSION MVER CIL4NI "iitfîy, Jîuîî., loifiil 0 . 2 REVERE HOUBEI * mACizuaistBI. W; B. PLANK, - - - Propriecton. Stages teiuand froinu 1Vlîthn( eaif daif y.- ýry> stvicliili palal ta getsi. Lar*fîuf sd atten- 1101 IEL & PRlE-MISES FO0R SA LE. CENTRAL HOUSE, EPEOM, Sploid i-auna> eîafafiing ,niicd drivîugsfîed, tegetiior, iiti aie an tw ces cf load atteefi cd, os mii>bho ilifroul, uif tItfi tutyouing Icar- iuig Orciîîrd. Thrfiio are ivu weiiu vitli guod puinîce îîd oxellettwuci-. ' Ticc viole nilfi fan seld naiia brgafin, ad fia oeil tiiuî fachfsace-s lia tfe Dominionî for.1 su cive bfiilmiicii).l Wif I bu rxvfuîuucgrd fer lîîrmupreperhy. For Ieruuîe, &or., eppliy (fl Ly letter, pru-puid) Orlole WILLIAM fit WOlN, £nosa. 42 D. ROSS, LiO'ENSED A«UCTIONIEER, IALIFF cf tle Mfzuh Dfvitlou Court Agidresa, BEAVIRTO7< q eo9. AYeérs GENERAL BLACXKSITII, AND- FIItST-P1U!ZE I-ORSE--SIIOER, DUNDAS INTREE]PT. Wlitby, 19, 187. 2Ii-l las jîlust receiveui a cor load ofcxburrcined (Mlanîffatlu-cd JirpresV fore ipot. WIIIC IliE WILL SEL!4. AI RETAIL ONLY.. Wfiihby, sept. 8,1869o. i86 D ISSOLUTION4 CF Co-f'AktNER8iIjP, Ncmez la bfaroly givonuiol Lb.thece-pirluca - ship liuretofore existutO uilider the noeinsd firîn cf J A MES fOWE do Co., as Forwardcrs sud Wareliouîumon, et Porh Wlihby, bas bain dlssolvuid, by tfhe douliio! îwe of tbopasiiuenu, sud lIai the ur uvîvi ng pannuer, Min. Jojutu. Walotsî,vfi cose up asud adjuit thei. finiu of the fate firue. J. M.LA DI, on behlaf Exacubuins-lule o lbeWsilsb W b. LAING, on toiaef Excatonu, iute James Ilowe. Wfitby, Ma>' 151h, 1809. N OT4CEB. AIl lVersonsiiidâtLte îl e labo fit of JAMES11 E&oCO., ForWarderi sud IVare- ficume moneutaPlort Wilby, sre Pntied tIat lmuedisteousttiemont 4 ut àe ntmta2dl»jug o t, fi roqulred. 'l W - -y,îOb JOHIN WAI1<. Ifs>, 8866. - W2> AUTINEbI * *41 Mr JId rn, Cnper, Brus,.Cottac sud Lîuen Rag%, Wof f1cicligA, fioesHfair and #1 un ro ruck buken lu oxcharte~. JOHN BEY"U.' Wiitbyî Match eOh, 1869. 1l ARXSRON'S OTEL, (Lote Plaink's.> -UXBRIDGE, E. ARMSTRONG,'- Proprietor. ri I S'UBSc'MîxuEu taon ftteaUr uansd oom i.pictcuf renavitted dIis ahoe. old estafiisu- edtrot.-clipIf loi, uud solot, thé patronage ofh f cpub1ie snd lii.frands. The tabfle sud bar u fffed wftteb asst- god roomy %ub- B . ARMSTRONG. ONTARIO .HOTEL A. ALEXANDER - Propnietor. 'TlIIE subsoriher dcii rcs te, roluru thuinku be Io tbe leptîhuforuirte ver>' liboruil paitrou ugù boestowcd uliol, lîiîwhfla proprîctor t thbe 0folîe liotel, lioulif n, aud nt the Bumfe tIfue toktis ccas»ion f0 auuinuuco tlIa ifîe las .ieased the e1îove weil knowu bîote]. Lu-rge adldibion% bave Jiercuinidetc tii. preiles @cour- Inig more cbouiiaicdfuiouo coîmouionuîo aîd euueëno-usng- the -,înmnber ot sccîfîgloQmi;tu- h ~îf oieiiuifnoo linfermeriy. A frut. csillirdParler wfi tlîtree tableo s ase lieu-u addcd. iuxte-uuiu-e ad dltlons h le Etubling, f1iul.foooIor-e, & 0., have ulso iîecîuinsa, .Af i cnabliiiigtlietunderslgnled to ûffer t3 fli..Oid Friciadi and ftie publifo getie- rau y idvaànfsges s0urpasiciîàe y tlcut-lier luptel flu th leplace, .10 wif i at ail imes becfhappy to ,we-llie f isold riciids. 'Whjy la il thfiathte:. lu surfa a ufor picturem AT CLIAIIK'S GALILERY? If it lîccaîlso licefias the lest (idicryin the ciîoiit, îand Lui, nmoreo itéiiuice wîftu cillrou ihan aiiy ochier Altisi fuithie Coitiiy, asiclinîî io qut. ssgood work as sny ou ler nuailinuthie ~ Ti-',wliîict'e einouaster, su dou't le baukwsrci about eooiîihig fîarwurd. DROCIC ST., 1WIIITBY. Whitby,*Nov. 12, 18é;7. 45 C.N. VAR8, P RAVTl('A ,Ducnif ut, Oshawa Doufi. Iooms, diroetfé oppo- luiccelltrepi tird.feor sortit ofîîo Ontario Bankc. W- EXh'IZESS AGENT, &a., aiso Agent cideet sndf Sbaudard luesurauco Cos. 17 C. H-,SWI3ETAPPLE, VETERINARY SURGEON, G raditateof? Ontario Veterinary Ciillegc anzd late Aacitantto Prof. Smith, of 2l21-o1LtQ. P ii-r. IBUCK LAND, 1'ui-eesof ca-Agriculture, fý.A Toi-c ute Paîca'. ImITI7I, V. B., Principal oh Ontario V. Dit. BocViLL, Torontoe. " 11WELL, P. S-MF. SW.EEiAI'PLE dan bLecoiîf-l l;rîifcssîiaiiny ut fbis resdiice, Brooliii, i aî 1tiouns. Iroli l, Aprif 14, 1809. EENR'Y GRIST, <ESTABLJSIIED 18130.) PATENT SOLIITOR AN D DRAUGHTSMANý OTTAWA, CANADAi, Traiisat liucsv it i thel'aftouit Office, sud otfior eu-lprlmeitf f'the Govorm> ment. Copynigfut.u sud tlioc glt rtion ohrade Marks aiud Deaigus procturcd. Draining. Swi lions. and cuir Douesncsoes- jara'gose sureari« cle2ons euirention eîi rared os i- u-citf li Model cj the Invnto.uuianud prlim- inu~acsaclucu whe Paientu0»7ICr- c- fuUly mae. arf,1869. i Gïrand"Trunk 1RIailway Hotl - AT 01UMTJ3YSTATION. W i n rtuilacss kuowu â s i tue Granid TrîiiklI iel4 W utlby station, legs W if forni lishfiisandl the iaelpu Ife fIhai lie f"ia ltteilup (fie fuoî»ciiad stables, Iu iri- olu*a style,'and by attelti io 0the *wutie * tiiese ue lever filin witia thir patroiuge Nos. 7e, 80, and 82, st. .Joieph Stieet, MIie sublietili as opened tii, aiboie Ilotel for the sccouiodatlosî of <lie travelling nubile;. Ibis onceomu-dtious imo chlibet kliîi. ,It ent- talus 76 rotomu,'wltiî good yard, sud stsbflng foi 60 horîcu. Terni!$ uoderiste.. C. ARIN, Proprietqr. *21 A. A* CON 8T .A NTI NE'S PEEAN HAILING, O019 Bacha cake le stuapcd "A. A. Congtantine's Pensas caling or Flue T.,r Sof. Patentz-d, Marci 12t1 1867"IlNo otliir Io genuiue. For the loif et,'J3îtlî find Nursery, thîs Snap hài no quai. It niake. flue cornpfcxIou ffuir removes âaif iandruif, -keeput4 tieliair îoft sa-ud rilky'SndpreentfI fromftaf ilng off,-sud "fi, 14th bot Hlr evatoY ln uie.111 It cuires clîuppud iandi-plmpfe.satrheum, fruited fot burus;*ie diealiuiouifescalp und %kîr., catarrii cf thie beau, sud iaagocd SRAV- 1>0~ SOAF. Tfhis Soap fias alreudy won tire praule and es- teem of very nusny or cair firut famille% lu New York aud tfroîîghouitthue couutry. lbT li nsd exteuîivciy by ont bail physioans, Wfîeîevýer lised],IL hua becone abiouseholi nec- esiey. We advialusfitetryl11. Forasuieby ail dealers. Agents Wuutod. Caîf or uddrest A. A. CONSTANTIN, & Co., 12m-U6 4 Aun Street, New York. D Rt E 8 8- M àANK 1N G Mnr.. Knnwling sund Miss Clark, bu'g t an- sinocis f0 fhe Ladies or Wiiby asncf uity, iuat fui-y lave opslducd fusinsu fît!iC(iii orlie St., (nexi dccc eci -tof flic Grouansmr liitol,) wfîcrc f fyic 1 lie ssprépircul ho rcceic-e sud excecto sif orderu for dru-A, moklitit tmd iîîîoî- tCIics la asuperur muinier sud uffer thu, iîitest fn"shiona. Ail1 ordrrA attruied - ocwftfî puise. tuiifity uand thee triebesi iftcuîioi. MilS. KNO-WL1NGY MISS CLARK, W]îfthy. Nov 17, 1819. 48 D AWES'8 MOTEL, (pour miles eaaot of Toronto.) Tie sileri ber beg-u 10 lfcrrn bis minuy fricuide tliuît.Le fiasl *oriîtd bilîîi4iiisliithie ainovc îîrcmft,cs iiîlie fie fau fiicd lu a tiijouii saf c oS repui r ind uîcwiy renovuteu hrniout. CoinfonioLlo accotiodation, gocd stb lti ad ttntveosles.C. DA WES. lrorwuy, Aug, 11, 19G9. 82. M ONEY TO ]LOAN i Tfe o uîiderefucd iiuu-recel yod instrneîiunîu ho nvcî.l a laîrge suîunof monéy. lie pa3uable in one s urin or bv Yearly iitalitucut, on I m- proveuf Furiuis, prodluictive Town or Viflfage f'ropcrfty. Jîttoor liercec, 8 ver cent. JOhN 8IIEIl, * P. L. Surveyor, tliîthy, May 26, 1809. il 2: AUCTION LUS1 NESS bîftù oi rinsfi Ifor he ierilIpatron- ligcIoe ofo irebhesiùw cd i poia inie, :iiid to asut- iiniîce tiut Iuni préipr.d to coiiduccîsglis, u-ihisr fhu TOWN OR C"OUNTY, AT BEAS9NABLE MATES. ggr Arraugmcîiuuu for sales eal einode oitiicr ut tfhe CHILwNiCLE Office, orauny owu Office, lirock aitroct, Whfitby. L. 'FAIRBANKS, Jr., AUCflONxxîc. Wbftby, Juiyl8, 1809. 27. C QAL 1 COAL f Ex. schooner Ilu BELLE" nov unudfng, aud ready for deIivo.->, il the wfharf, 'CaRGOo0)yBIEST IVOAL, for flous. use. Appiy te JOIN REMTI. Wlnltiy, Autiuit lifu, 1869. 82. IT Il -OMAS fiINT, (LAT- I- oLONLOCONe; xCeGLUu.> Begu toinforn atus0 peuple ochN' Wifhia sud Vicie- fi>', lIat lie lus cpencd a uR'ep - Opposite the' Ontario Bank, Brock St-set, Whafby Ontario. vuxatu Hzla Us IuxARàEsTO 1lEPA&M Clools au.! Widlicu cloeansd repaire.!, ais. [SEWING MACHINE@, PARAISOLS &cý UJ!BRBELLAS& monde.! anal evened, Savs afiarpueif saud sot aui nopired,&e., d&o., u&c., A iuiane ahf>our pitouge1 n àoJctcd . THOS. BINT, Wfjidt Aeg. 10, 1869. 1<832.. CMMNERC>IAL - IOTEL, AYMOUTNT ON MONEY' * OSHAWA.-T> ON JAME PIINGE, *Prorusor.The Subicnubon lu nov prepared te Lkan au> auiou ut cf Money, (privai. fuii) on gcod BRITISH ANERICAN ,&SSURAMcg ICOMpANY 1FAilli I>OPERTY le sume to Putt borrovers, ai ver>' loy ratasoh A htrt,,repayabf e feone stat, on b>' 7.enfi qiliE -ttedeailgued bavieZ bé'en sppofutiMl lisatfisùtionuie hoDopifiulon, vblcî lenc .4. gent <50 tiaabove Comptan>is t.W emey ou tttemontadvauitàgeouulernus. 2.12i ios, 1 - et OR THJi-4ÇEW ]LOCAL ANESTHETIO, DENTAI, ROOMS, DUNDAS STIREET, WUITDTl, . W. Wflb>, one 26, 867, The u'druigned Ifns 'culved Instrucions bo feveut a largecPun cf Mliîie>, Rae-payablé fut one Sum or, b>' Yaaly Ou Improved Fi-mu, or prodictit'. Tovu or Viage Preperi>'. Ffitelams hRorteagasfaunelîawu. u1pl itd'Offlntoýrcst por CGft. No Com i *Appi>' f0 W. H. BILUNOS, Apil 28tlfi, 1869. Sfetr c.WIl17 FA-IRIîIiNGIMPLEMENTS, &o. The 0undersigad cu be10utafe 11u1 be con- tinuei teuuuiufiaoluinî IR0ot, Seed & Manure Driluls,' .8I WELL AS WAGONS, HARROWS, AND ALL 51505 OP FAIUVING JNPLEIIETB WALRu 1118 1 CELEBRATED CHURN,, iÇotcd 0 ni, u e f cbru aa-iiclea of hne itinul motufiietunri-d f Inihecoîuntry, tsud îl Iinprov- cd SfTRA W CUT V fîS. se eme-ify workcd,ond $0 tuerlor in ever>' rempoci. Ilsivîlaur proanrd cuc cf IICESONeS Ceii- rinîcîculCtLIL,)UC ENIîNES ea I bu manufie- tory, lic hî-gs 'ci s-ty ftritliecIfuinow enabicd te c.xenta af f ocrrins v if fi alifimsy bho fu'- oreul cficc':pcî-, amsic li n-ieaer oxpoilicuo ihim ia lîie. al le o uiiricico on-cry sifiise- hlcîî Le üliviimaîruiii lice quîîfity oeh fla o vot- rnilitp "sld luatrri;cl. kir Ce.l aud r-ctue nov cao-rie fligino at îvork ? COUD WesOD & TTTMIER Tulacua ini uxloîgu, aid Casîcf Pracojliowcd. JAMES CLATTON. WlilIhy, April C7, 1889. 17 no&Tisz ce UnÇ*or 0ONTAUiii. Résidence - Toi tc, 4th con., w4ffly. Sales OaI feimul oul oilLee liorîetnotice anal on ncein ifo t-r-nis&. ¶fertiîcciii lis nade ut thée CHuricîx Offie as.! Iautte, Wfithy, fer Mn. Wilsonî. Whitby, mla, 18;981. - 41 MILLIIIEIIYY MES. ROCHIElie g île, saouede tc luir man> friands,thuaI oeli continues hbusines AT HEB W N 1HO.US6Et tvo dean norhuofjti Metiiodisl Ciîurcti. fr',. 1B. takos oeloifon ta roture 51 u-cre hiiretOfcre, îîeifng01 cl litunudoue ou faon part te giso*eisesaflihafliu. Wfitly, Nov. l0,îf 8ê6. 45 F lleST-CLÀISO'PARI F OR - ALE 04 TO RENT1 Ccumpascd t4hoIaror part ch Lot No. 339,4t Con. Of Whitby. Coutainlug î1OfAoipu more or fleu, about- 60 àcýs - cfu,île reuaoiidon welf titeecil.- Tf ure ie a gue.! friaise Dvelinug fousa, yl t no efan, 2".x $5, ilucourée, of ereeion, faie Bana3688x 56, w iIbafhedsune- denicaih. Thcto la lu fviug sinream us nuug, througb tue a rm. - Titl Iun&uale. Âfuu-0 for fme alanr queuntif1ofo!god C or.! Wocd, wluuta we».e lusI avinter, sfo a quan, ita' hIe'anoe B4tk f r saile', . For tannaauufurirpurllenlaru, eppîy(if- by fellen pre.îifd) te ALIXANDER - OGIITONt, W lfltly Poit Office", Wiltby, Ocf.16, 18111, 8m-42 CONqvEy'&IERLA ND AGENT &C;I Oyu7auu-4îr-Anmstrng' o 6f, MainEt8., Uxînialge. Ï ; ', 1 1- -1- FIxRldeJue? b 1 6 .t- -AB Tl PHoeNIX 8 THEEWheli we are now maonfadtng .Locheaper thon aiiy oiharîiiop lu thé conn- grsdw iw fvi aa gusraolea-Nith cuioli Wbcel wsrrautiug. tiemutuube nsu yulode,, sofl' o>e A» ousgood sutlsfiiotiou o suy mauni- factur.ulIn the Dominiuu. Purtiis doslduç furtfier Ifubrmatibon oci- tain lb by addreai.ug, PêAXTON, TA 1TE & CO., M ard B lu , 1 0 9. 'e rs y -S t., P o rt P erry, O n t. p IOTOIIRÂVIS AT W ILLSONIS DOINION GALLEY. For riclînegs of toue, fullueus of detailisud or- qttiýità fluili, canuot bu s'îrpaiWe. 'Great coro i akctiî lu opy'irg oid portraits- -eulargfîîg doife aM veTl reasouuble Fletures oolored ln, India Ink -Water, Ver>-"w lo Mr*.Wilison là VL. y au ocusîfol lu teukî,g eflý.dreu'us'Portraits. Franiies -0f -ail kind. Ylsîenu fbond. Greeat rgdisoolu lprlces. .WL ON Doniliîion oUailiryï Dundas ut. Whirby, Oct. 26, 1889. 4s m R. JAM ES W ALKER, cf Aulibnru, Ont. 1'itoiteof 110 Trwiýn 'Plough, S 1 AND ALSO TEE DOMINION JIOIGII, Intenua inuitehriaîg ou alargàescIa lIatis 'Plaîf auWintor, is TWIN & DOMINION PLOUCHS!1 [gr Tley wilfl e giîarauteed, wllf. made, aud thie workiug part grouud. t;r atiswoufd dé well hoteud lu inthelr orderu witfioît delay. Auhburîî, Novenibir 10, 1069. 45-tf C II A N OEIl V s ALE RealEstate. IN piunaiatice ofh e renur. orheIaCourt oh Cliiiucoryuîîsc a i ilsuit cf LLIîD vst. LAI NG, ieariiig datc rcspeciveiy the Ifut day nf Moi-eu, 1119, au-.lcIatecnnhdauyoh <)etc-bc' f'169. tue uuîdcnmentionied vinule reotica viii bu put up for sale b>' Pubflie Auotiîulu. vitia tue upprutualion eh Andnew Nor toan luefi!, Escuirc, Mator iii Ordlinar>' of the mubi Court, ou- Satnrday, tho lOtti Dec., 1869, aI tfhe heur chf'lwelvo o'cfook, i bsi la'L. FAIRBANKS Jr.,lucilluecr. et tle Royal Iloteflun te rfown 'oh Wbftly, la Foar Loti, 1 LOT No. 1. Thcc West inuit andal Rai-i-ai quarter oh f- cigiitecu -iui hie-Sixiui Concessuion of Ithe Illreusuî c fonleice. centoinii:g 150 tu.ere,4 uîino r cuxe ptiiig hlt ait acre, 1mure or te,,8, sol.! te araîuîî hsfahbitlevs,' a queurter acre niai or f uteiy helaugiicg le Chancis Tfa6onpson, 'r qii"mer urefitoore old te Pioeho VIe. asqu.îdas"q oracre igrced ho la sof& tua iicand. i urad The oliov-i fs a va3uabie h.uuu uuioiiin iieVifairc cf Breughamr. Tfîe titi. ta lui f u la faly beau quieta.! uudur thea Acitoi-r Quieffrg Titicu,. LOT Nus. 2. suiveily-iix A ci-os, mord or legs, part ohflol- nimuber Tiiri>, ini tfe Second Couceaflon oh 1fie TcwiiWIfir cf Wfiitby, ifemetibed ait Park Litu 47,48, 49, 50, 51, f2, 55, 156, 57, 88, 89,i "0ti 6f, 62 sud -68, oui a i rgfired pflan macledOb>' Ji,siiier, tL. L. 8. Ti,s giopuirh>' ijiuî: lte Tciu oh filtby, a oucci prisea afit aimeu Brick»vweliiugflus ligood,'rcpir viii. seltible c, uthi Idlîgu; oxclieut fuasun> ic tr od Crens uuu hincuei cu ui.preui»es.ý 1 ILOT No. 3. - 11 l'art. cf Lots Onîe an.!Tvo ifolle irsit ler of the fi-si double raigo oh Let. Hiaut'et liree jSIrei, in hdia Tovn o! Wfuftby coiuueurng, itý tle Nortl-wuag i uleocf Y>'- tvenfy-sxix, lu tue Sirsl Ceocefou cf for he Toivcsi 1p o W fiiIby-; Ifen Northi 74 des I4>,2 i afea' a liunî ieu nSouth, 18, duiga- ijt, 'fos- fien. 41 mci; Ilien Souha74 degrcî W est, c2 ains 6 links marc or ls, la the Lasterly li of e Brook St;eeit ehn Nerftlu -6 degrces M'est' los feet 4 luclieu, nièe or fos, te tle plae cf beginui ig. Tuiyîola f osdso u lest buuineac i t.ad lu btheown, leiuug At tle, corner oc hlitve paliolip-il src.Te ud euglsm so!a a Dry Goods, Grdery sud'ILard-' 121e 1.stoe iud occupledf 1>'Yecuîuuî 6i1on, wio lioido a a e o ch e uaniexpiHfng ou. île, fniratAavoh Aprif, 1873, eila niiîfch cf é100 pur- aslnuu,- pe)àale quantori>' ce tae firt Juiy,, Octaler, Jaeuar>' sud Aprufin ula jriiýr. - LUT Nus, 4. - Lot. twenty-boveîi and twoty-elglt, Is the. etecuud!t(fr ot hIl rit Double Ranige* 'ohflu-oIe le Ibe T.ovu c f Witly, oelelnlig -uait an acre, .nsore errfois. Titispropert> lausituuated ai, île ocerof Byrn ansd CIberoSre eta, "0 a eicmprises a g ced star' uan 'a faItFrstie Hbuas ioi S taî e, Çoadii. louaq, and eeher. cutbldlug--tiie viiole fori-t un eexcellenti Thc -Lat.s îi le pejit ep ut IIuçtollowigiugep- ieh prlcu Lot ouc,4A, 1.Lottwo, *7,000 Lott iree, $;,0;-liet foui- 1200 , -1 - A4costqfQu iuil c bueureliudflfon"y shh eua. l levuid roleS-ietors aet e- ôt hyna Wuat otuners4do. Anclycu may bca be*,, - - I> dofug ail 3'oeeau Te]lree thie werfd moue error, Andiaid cur brother mac. And thongî ne buiesi cf trumnet l ohrgrestuus e » ' prolilr, MIhbeai- o Ireudltiouu Mauthu.! vllfhrati your Dame. -.-lonly- a*u» j itboutîsat - vithout ai - wtong' I Aa'2-004i1. A- PlAIRY TALF, FilOU, lisEOBU, AN. - Thcro ivus once a ividow wiso bail two daugisiens, one prebty sud Industrious, lb. oihor ugi>'and idie., .Butahufl oved lbe Jazy, chlid tise. beut,ï and made the, other, lberelore, doéal- île bard work of tise bouse, -yu, o vin le tise- cindermaiet And vlan afl wau ean ,lunîle',- k1tchen, tle unkfud motIon vrould send th i leie niajduin futotise streel luispin.-use lud te ait-on bhe odgu of! 4he - veil, sud spin untîf the blood rau tfrous ber flnger-onds.1 Novkfi lapçened thaioeeday îles sined tle spool *RhIl ber bleedîngisiandi, and so gle thbonghtibe would5' wash itin the vol 1, but as se stboped. 10 do -se, il feulubno tise vatër- and osuk. -Wéepiug1 bitteily, île i-an-to bell h.i motIon oof thlu misfortune; but the cruel veissu cried& vith bon fond scofding voici,. 'As you. lob tue spool fail, yo m mst tetch il up agafe Il So the miden wont awiy, aud quitb be wileforcd by ber sorew, junnped ist e u deep weif. WIen she opcnced - fier eyca again,,àsfi found Ici-self lu a'bcutiful: meadow, in vhiefu grcv Ibosnsofohfloweruu, v-ille the sun shone -brighîl> ovor'ali -Sho wvafked ucroui lise piemasulgrau, iLnd preu scutiy caine 10 au oven fuli et bread. The loaves called 10 Ier, ulîyiug, 'Take us ont 1 lako usont, or voelafilui-n fa 1w are quibe buti enoughIl f Site immcdiateiy sbepped up,. sud took thei ail ont. Gof ug ou sgain, aIe roach- cd an applo-tree veighed dovwth fruit, il al so cnîcel, eutrcatingly, 'Ob, shako met, ail MY applos une ripe Il r She sbook bbc Inca, -wito e -t eapples fell anound Iterf ike nain> tlii 7n -ewas ioht bangiug-4 uud lIeun ' purà.ued fier jour- ne>'- . At-ftst île arrive.! aba ifile-hou8e, (note which tiseopeeped sunci.! woman, ,vwose'.teeth w ero se leng, that bise eaideu felt afnaid, andl began lu i-un avay. Thc olel voman, flowevcr, caile.! after ber-- 'Deun't'tic afnaid, deur cld ; cpuo back sud iv ilfa ue. 1If.yon vwif! koep the, -Ions. ceat sud dean,'yen ilial la lappy; ouly bu sure teashako w>' bcdt vef , sud unake bhe feaisera 6>' about, for thon ii m8oova on aris. I nimotherlhole j' As ishe ld-vomaLn'opoke so; kiudly, the uaiden stayod.witI br, sund did'e i ae cou d to pleaseIon, ad -nover neglectted tosjaketlebod veif, aa Ihai uhëeildls ple iasut lite vitbeut lurd wondu, sud un- joyfig evur>' day tise nicest fooel, loth bolied samd baked. Bat alter avhile, thse lîtlà maiden bccama sorrow uil; -for Ihouigiaîle' vas;a thouman.! imaés, botter off vitbl oier laif cthan atbouse, 'île ahi iouigu-d ta neburn tuare. A t lat, sIc venhured te tellber mistresu. -I -am happy, lune,, se mid, 'but I -can- . nuit atay au y longer Il - 'I* anm sorry you viLh toe f eame,' re- pliicd . otIonHlue ;,'but us yen have senveel me <truîr, l vwif I take.,you bouse SIe thon tck honrb>' tise bonde, sud led, honr te a great gaie; aseson as fi as open, aud îhe maiden vau passiug oui, s ihovorof gof.! tfllupen ber, 'so lIat île was quihe glittoriug ylweséltfi. 'Tiis l f youls,' s&ud botiotell lit fa tho reward of your indust-y ;'- -aud tIen sIc gave hon the spool Ihat lad, taIt- en inta îthe vefi. ,W Ylie-, île gule closeel, thte- chu d (ound. isereacin bbcthenu ldagain,.ande cieby>' bcr 'uoiher's -a heu, penuulcd ou thle dgo- et the wclf, cuckiedjoyfufly,- Klckereckee, (fer gaideit ) oang utiâtres egale I se f sa tyhcu- .-bei- motîter uaw all e.riches Ia doruied bon, sIc, too, made ber. voeL ,,- Ai oon, lowvovr,-s-fhe meter hoardl lewýaiiIbis' gold h1ud,-bon acquineel, suc doboànuiud tat honriilodaughteu. ahoeld likeIîïiîo try ber luick., So the'laz'y majul- onu a ou tise odge cf le-wef 1, sud upun ; sud in order te atain tbc spool, se prick- cd ori lnger vith as Im, ithon, thnovw- iug bbc u;poolinto tie-va-ter, mIhe fumpe.! lu aftci-it, Site, 100, (onu.! henself finuthe tuesdev,-and tock l- tusse patl thtber îister blad doua.. - Wiseu se arrived- aîle ovon, thie" ioavesa ain*crie.!, $ike u sue quit. lsàked. enengh Il BÏLtue i dle girl ansvered, Iddut lu- tend tb dirm1uysi( vitis you f'-and vaut ou. - ý- - Proseutif>, île came to tise eppi e -trea, vih l iled out it b ad lefo re. *01), shako mo-shaQkeoiail mny appies are M us is.!te knov lb,' ropficd slio. 'Ti balte éaracbat nono-fail 0o my end eaP ! vuuOuuuu-. -Io unere an>' danger of tise boa ceobsruuuu-r bitiu sue"Ptsskidi lad- ý visiter sbtlee oiloglca - Gsi-don."Nôt fIe louai, m-irrn," veplie d thé uhovmnnT 'le nover lu1ës P buesvsllovs bis -ii vIole ~ -AIS a poi man, visP coulel hardly<vwalk; vas paiug bhnougii. a -catîlo market the otlen duy, hi vas stoppe.!6Yl- asyon man, vIe offenédfiso car>' hiu.-'TIsukn yon,' Tophfo.! the old mnu -Jblluyà as to-monov.' s-a- bIia A-n Tritlman was direct..! bycàjldy ,< lange -size, 10 secune, sud puy for, ive soset un-the - sbuge-cbochas sIc vante.! coushrtle'room lun*iding. The fefl*-- retur,âed sud,&aiel, 'I'vc pidjor îthe ivo sesta you bould me ; lut as I'-coufdn't get Ittcnefor Ihe> inside efthîe coach,'[ took tle etler foi- tiseoutside.' A muum, brougît bloe a justice or it. pouce, change.! viîh. somu pohhyiflencu-' plesdcd lu oxteataion a nstunsi infihlmit>'. II-siould bavo nus.. a considerabie lg rê id île venld, jcidg,' ual.! ho,'if 1 hade'tý ben sfool; i's-5 dreadful drtçnba-k te a' man.'# -- Agicnlturs Quey-A 'OouitrJr- Cousin' ask for information respîofing, u-vifd ouat,' h icl lie las heur.! lis, father-often 'speuk-vbere tise>' mu>' le pi-ocunocl, oy tbey ara 10 ho sowu, sedi siýLucî ortheir-pro d eiuc slicousidcrcil p ro7 Exitncuirly Part!cls.-We knov s (ce, totaîfe cm vIela se tnnue1te bis- pinci piesbo- vou'e cien mix iu'sociètyf1 Elo ctio Pbepomintu.-The -telegrapis lau not ycoer tlevhoie wvend, yul île nova- i-uns mous polo 10 pâle, P-ucnfiary Demnaud.-OfaIf men il must bc conl'exsaud lIai the tax-gâathererlas tle' ,Most cails for bis -tuone>'. A poor, tbouigîticîs ol.! gentlemen uat dowu, îleothen day, on bise spur oft le moment. ,Bis acreams wve rfiglifuf. Toý Parents sud Guancinnou.-Wisen a youth lu extravagant; put ou tis e 8f610 sihen, lo-becomes profligate, mait bim. 'II csn't sgay I edmie youn styleotfsat- ing," suid & a-fadiy 10 a Slnolling playr vion ho i-an saay ithonl lis bl. y Soie memn are caliid sagacions be-cause tise>' are avaicious ; -hereuts àa cl d cau clenehis s ist tle moment itlai bonu- Wfe havo lourd mucl eof lb povor of a w o m a 's o e , l u î e cy l i d i a r e ai l l f m o i - i poef-tbcy an ion.rul iun dovu a reputat. È eaa e s lui, long fer thme îiu. - ins ofa ai u,ýbencàa s-cloudjy one, ive desine otul> a ggos's -sieg for i Ta'leicyand,' talkiug<et a ma n whe denit - un uothing lut quofaflorfu, suid,-'Tlat tel-' low bsua md oh ineoteel commas," An,, aristocratie lady inu-Nov York re- fuses te rcad -naiapapers, mag-zines,- tracte, A»c.,as thie> anc 'madeofet nagîe. Amriau aifgine. Say what la night, and lei other su>' vhaî thle), piese. .,You are, responsilsle fer oîcîy oeetongua7-even if you are, e Meamnied men; "I ihink. vi 'fa, blat yen lave s gi-est a osocféalliugÊuse a ta.' think, hubnel, you laye age s aywaso leiug eue.' ieu uia> iso If you tlinktl'ai ouîr opportunities ai-e not good ceugh, yen ha.! lett-.r impi-ovç thew, - 1 nzaredibie as h Muayscemn, main>'oh the nichesi piaulons in Jameaicatie on éoes gi-ounds. A Loopard sbouldiî'l lec iged. - Il vould la lard LIaI lesthaud!bleconfued t o oa spot.- Wlen "swc hear s novice playing lise or- R, etîuk te instrumentl as ono stop A Quaker tn Nov Orlcans is su-pigis4 iu al l is desiinge ttlibe voi't sit dovw Wheu s l ane daaigenous o w «ilIn -Whéu tise isodes are 8hootig, uand tbe duott-rasli4q out. - - -, Anian ls aliff'if, lu lard. weathes',- le.lbas chinils i n roof;aun QDçbiliqi bis pocket. - Wlat vin.! vend s buugry gallon wUf for àI ses ? -AW'inu- tisat lows funel, and tIen ekfcpL - - Thtemore w'e peak oh oui-salveS fa super, Iatives, the mono vifliothisiaoi qSJ4 diiminutives. ltii, ofluu a pri-it>zood Jaat-luuoutisi j-SOS. .'; ». 1

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