Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1869, p. 1

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:1 im ADV lTUËX£EqTe A L&vsemop~nisasmure clin' Nnpor. ~L$Jl.a4#1!rsMattho ral<of 86satper *p..ifi~ 9tdaé je uiîwt& advrl ,rs heysor ot1ew t~ nJMtug.. JR0Y4L CANADIUN 13£24K, >WJITBY BRANCI. / ÀRTIIUR RICIIARDION, 01LTaJO EAXIX. Lsw? ullct~r»l te ock ot Moîtroail, tio ai.~rua le ccCuuty or ontatiot 5(tmi~,~.,*.~Wdt~, ,w. ;eU e CÂ-h itimq J l kM8IIEL 160c-18lielcow's 7New Uuildlîa, Dutildes GEORGE Il- I>ARTNELJ,, yof oltarlit. Qifço Iirok-sî, wliliby. ROBERT J. WILBON.- )AUiMIS'FEIL & ATTOUNEY AT LAW 9 ollcito j III Cauccry, &o. 'A ltby, CI. W 150- verOùari laul",on theNortht bide, BAiitSTgiî-AT-LAW AN]3SOLICITOR Turolitto.- . B l~EiL &ATTURNier-4'jL& guliloir lu Chatiicary, CQu c9âccr, Ne-. tory Publie *c. utrion-ýÀaxt«deor to e .stan c f a. & J. Coupb i,Ilroo k 8 1. ; W ithy, <tut. W.hithy, Nov. 18, 1887. 46 9; lis8 FAIRBANKS. S OLCTI NOTAUY ,1'UBL1v, &a. o. I . A. ibi<*.ë. W. Dmerrister, Oollcalor là ChilnCery, Atm Wiiltiy, out. 7, 1865. 40 FAREWELL & IJUGE, «3 AUis$ryisTNSATTt1<7iEYS, 801.1c1- ARîLs PUBLIC. <>ritc -oieor nortit of the Poqt 0111, Mildiîuw; tutti eùJter~luccicut lull, icwuîa,îivilic. AItonc~yi.oî.Iu, lolic.tuoro in Chan. cc-rys îuud Iimolvetcydic. t.jitilu. 11101%. 1. 1(01, (Q. a., W. .lutVLrK. W Itbjli. 2l,.Ji186 2.~ CiOALLECl.,ELLER ATr î,N- T ÂrLA We, tuLiCl'ioI<IN liiury , 4OCl ovya iuur, c.,Cutàtuitg ail, tirtk, . . j. 11JIIJ<(ItULNIVOOD, AT'~roi-Y-K-,AVt,%. U'U IN A Uitj)oryNqttryPublic, t)oilVO> scer, a.,#Wilîite9%y W. 0vcîi4îr, hJiîoit treici, Sotî ti i u l'ot.t (it-e' .49 * ituir ~Bock. LYMAN ENtJLISrIIL L. Il.. Ittl.I$T'i ATlltVSoielorlu Chtan- 401 CON VEYAiCLII, LAND>AiGENTI&e. eltrtgt-, Jilîse 7îils 111. -2 'DR. HANCOCK, (Itst)blu.oIÇàtN uI &ICtONTU.>' JIIIi(GEON, Act.IcIlLlfUR, &C." IR. J. G (J NN, el. D. 4 u ltG zu N '20 VI'îE COUUNTY UAOL, Diy roll Sîreet,wlI' Isltty. W. H. LAW,9 B. A.9 M.D., T ()WNCI'liîî&~,TILEAdUhîEîî, twiil'BY tYAltx-tts-t ituil- ieiuryteliook.- WELL1NGTON IXOTEL, MA1IKHAM. BUEBO'ITUX, ls.i'oprleter. WILSON ItOU-SE, A.- WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor. f'i i t5bscîîlBI bt-es te aineuet i tutrtfrtlis 'te ti ohru t e t t ra- valut gptie "tic î4ts,o 1,, ites. sud fur- slted Au c use,: tlureog i acitiouortabie unncr. (acaWil1s vroeuveulie ah~~~~~~W 'bonv lsaîilnîît tc, Liquer,, land Cigars )f tIse hast liriuils aiways kcptomi handi. . ciaîr dstsblllg antidtnieOîel 4WLNj.,Ppietor. &shr,sy lst,îs18691-1 - ~1~I1Tî13]I_7CU IBLE DEPOSIT~ORY 1I lb. ailcen n otheli i iviteti to the Iles- cus t.I s-cil tcd stock oe't - BILES-anldTESTA.Vf-cme TRE R0BSO OUSÉ, tDUNDAS STREET, WITTC~ GEORtGE OIC1,rreî. lIE snbmonlben b. 'nate snnoucce thiat ho Tucs1osd thie befMing foruïiriy- kown ïU ýl:etid ep thnougitout,i uý ticbemtof style.. hernssrpcsul ltuatadi oppopxte til4,pf oOffie, and 111 t18* eti c t te To*u. Tho lialway onibus CAils &tCho 1lotelad, theostages fur Uxbrjdgo sud Beav'srton lesv thcdoor &vcnery mlmng. Board$ 1 perda GEoRGesROBSON.1 twrro rIobtiorslayIe,4U31 GEOR~GE COMMEO. Wblbycb.B, efjwltb.À agrun- J)~ ~ ~~I d EIi Duu aend t Medillee Loh Wùiuas sud Llquo: solt ibs liti Do EAdi-in purpo, atnes.cie Braklut, ciW., D186t 98ong&iu *ry B&o K~. HT gorgelyelîîaw lttel3 wtlc lssawat soAw ltet lu o arokln in teW.9186P ory 5i onclfr hncîfi egt o ienîsonU lite Irla T il) cor ndthe tubic, tilin.ieslanir wvoiîbllquo outcl cfr1re. o td ip Inc à onpcioul ads, st4Oît4veyotei- osue orthetirernlitsof hges oJihdte rge X- . I.CALDWVELL. C01MILSSION MER CIL4Ni INSUILAX.E, & GENEJIAL AGENT.ý Witit'>y, Jain., lôtit 1866. -2 REVERE BOUSE, XANCIIKUTEK, . W. B3. PLANK," - -' - - Proprietor. f3ttgec totîtiti rom Wliîhy caii dttiiy. Yvcry nttieitiijtut ;aid te guets. Citreal #£o.d allen- 1-1OTE l &PREM ISES FOR ..SALE.ý IT ltit otablilahd and Iwell kuowit lie- Tteli, thet CENTRAL HOUSE, EPEON, tipleniddroonisiublitîg, tti d divltig ,lted, ai it b îii,.red, b t uî , >, D yt11îgbeur- lig t.tt'ciri. Tcoarn tWo wcils stb good tAiyl cX i' c ,,li-ict t Wtor, W liiit whtUu wîlili xsel tatt hrLiln, uiix te i 'l ci,l'a- bt ugci.. Ii titc o lietlit beti it ietci ir itrîn property. lui ttrits, &. ijy(h I y lattern,neptld) teWILLIAM nt 14T0N, (>tuicEnsou. LICENSED AUCTIONEERb IIAILI'F efthe Siuîh Divlision Court Asîdrebo, IiEAVITON Oeo. Ayers.e GENERAL iILACKSMITII, AND FIST-PRIZE IIORSE-8110ERI DVTI1AS STRIEET& Wliiby, 19, 1817. 28i-ly J AME8 .11. GEltltIg, pllcd wTRh 1b m'<Jot rod y hh e, Jan. 2A, 189. Z., RMTRNG TARIO HOTEL, IIT13 Y-._ONmLRXO. ,EXANDER --Propiletor. tgsaeo cea,sonuu b uounnec tib. bebasileaset lMe shv eîms- ec. rge additions have becît receetiy peitelic, premu, meun- illu ierg 'cnnuuons D eoomunodatlcn and ,erossing lt th umIbcr of'siepiteîg rooma t6 utesrIY 4cite hleitmore thon former rly i-t- conassBfliiord Parler s-Ii t ret, toisb.s ,ao lieen 9deîis-. Extensive* addition te the Stahlung, iteds, base Ileos, &.la.aise lt'aen inse. Al euchliug tlite unteienuetito offr W isa (Ad Frieittie undithe i.public enît- rsllyadviitîgeoosnrvt.scd hy nale ilotelîca lu t a plues. Ae s-1inttail Uties bchlapîpy te wclcome hiosod frietids. Whlfthy, ueo. l @18. 48-ly QueryI 'Wbla t. t that the] 0 la suci c MD for pialares AT CLÂIIK'S GAL'LERYD«v? ltI La beouîse lie A lionte best t (Johirv fl litc Cou dty, otti Istsmore I'clleutc-e wîth lt esiî tltii usyion erArtlitluitht>etaitsty, andticoa do tquiteefi» gooti wcrkm uu iolt.r mie lu tise cotitty. W. '1'ipitmF >titt's tbet>ntstter, 50 tlou't bc baekward attolt eonitltsg foriarti. J3ROCK MT.,WIEITBY* Wliitby, Nov. 12, 1867. 45 IIACTICA 1, Dontiot, Oshaws M M P Desttî Iotum,tdiireoti>.ppo. site the L'ont'O0ile.-Enit'oue ena iinooeïtrent ixirti.1ocr:intrtis oft hoOntario :W EXPRIESS AGENT, &tc., also Agent cideut anti Standard Insuttuce Ces. 17 C. H. SWEETAPPLE, VETERI1NAIEY SUEGEON, Graduale of Ontario Veterinary~ Colleie and late Aisittcnt te Tref. Smith, of Toronto. Pituir. IIUCKLAND, l'-utesu'r et Agrionlture, r -'ror uîo' Pueir.: Mli 'il, V. S., P'rincipal of Ontario V. h(nletre. Du. lit tVlýdL. Tortisto. P. 8- i.SW ETAî'PLE ouootl> nstultel1 V;reftcsiuîtol>' et Ifie lm tsa Bruokliu, nt ai Ittîirsq. lIsIiIroeeved a ca on o fcextra reflu.d (aIannfactured Ezpreuty for .Eoport.) WIIICII IIE WILL BELL ATI RETAIL QNLY< FAMILY »IIUG STORE. si W1lithy, Sept. 8, 188. - 41r 86. Iy RobcEi CMPELLAuo.-ast isi OFors i tiservleo11, t he Pubil icut mi,7( t ôt5 05 liaon eulit ieemiceo t elovt rcidaîtr Ilep e taliytebanded tost Wtity, Ot . , 869. toifanef.'sd1 ti of Mi 2-M lir. Kewlug udMi-s CisrI, hegte6an- nones oa th b de s cf Whithy sud vlilty, <bat tlîey bava cpcn.d hpolucin lu obornn t , (uesîdoor eutof 118e Grsàmitr Sehlel wbsro 1h03' iii bu prePsred ,te -reocive ana MsootIIalondeasfor tiraeM»kiugsund insu. lki &s upenlor manner sud ier the latest fashiece. Ail rdsrs slteacid wlth ýpane, MR.KNOW LING, D AWEBSS MOÃŽEL, (four mike east f T>onto_) TPho suboirbariegp to, iclhitin Inau Mlende that lia bas creusA businesà lu the aboya prcînlso wltiolh e hsm pîaced tuu t thoroIsato orpor d iey ,ovt stabllnig antiattentive umlers. C. DAWES. Norwsy, Aug, 11, lui)9. < 8 U YTO LOAN I1 Thobe nderslgucd basl necoved lustruetiouL to luvesia a largesuin et'iuoy. Se pa) able in oe umni o rh y sl isalm*nnî, en in. provet a.us-Preductlve Teown or Villagt Y prty Bute o1 etlit, 8 per Cenut. Whltby, MAY 26, 1 .809. 2ey L AUICTION BSIES bgte retur thauko fer tbe liberis nfn nouliec tst estmeeprd fupecndcmuls, eitither lu TOWN OR COUNTY, AIT 1EABUNABLeNATES. gArratteenu» fer stleseau Ils matie eititercntcth ConfuoLu Office, or utt my es-t Office, Brook istreet, Wllîlîy. L. FAIRBANKS, Ir.,, Wbut-by, Juiy 3, 1809. 27ý PT11011 S 11171, (LATIC PRON LONDOY, ENOÀUDo.) Ilogs toluforni tlittpeople £of Wltitlzy.enti vicitx- . it, tttlie fini, opouotiass op Opposite the Ontario Bank, Ilroek Street, Whitby Ontaiol. WltEiS it £luPiURÀncu TO ItEPI GUNS, LOCHS, KEYS, &c. Cloche sud Watolitrs eonettctnttti ropsireti alise 'SItWI1G MACHINES. PAR41ASOLS c& UMIBRELdIS ndseticuaneneti, Saws stlarpeined ti sd set, anti repuirei, u&o.. "ie, u&c., A -îsareocf your pdtrotsie fla soliciteti. T18 I Wiit.<b, Aug. 1$, 1869. 1108 eINi82. A71 A MOUNT UOP fONZY rTO LOAN.ý lie tberiber ln nos- propar-td te Lnutin cy unin tof eMoney, (prlvaulefutis) onugooti Brtîtkiin April 14, 18<9. 15 fii Rumbs te suit horroer, at vcry les- roues ilt ------------ ý -uttltenext, rep&yablo lu eue suin, or by yeurly ENRY GRIST, lustalneutsà. -Ã". <rST.BLZ8bRD 1860.)Iitise neoproent tbree of lhé largeat Monctary Intstittionus liu the Domtiin, s-îlot lemîl tILI CIT8U tisy ou the niostativautsgoous tenus. A N DA LARGE NUMBEIIOF, DRAUGIIISMAN W EL L CUL T! A TED FARMÀ, OTTAWACANADA, Ant i qutiiy et WiIti Lanud, for gale cheap. Transacto busiîteà- vitit lte Patetl For parimnlie at'ply te, Oflice, janti otiter ticpsrtunns et lthe Goveru- JAMES IIOIJEN, meont. \Copyrlglteauthorcgishnration of Iradu> (>tlakl Alsiguc, Menay Breker, &oe. ýMsr % ndcuti egns preatreti. OFFICE.-Scond feroiinslci Dnucthfg. Sefittiomr. and ctker DocumentA sacel- Break Oitreet, 'W luth7. 'o cfth d ens o hIrrecio. o n rm- - Wbkby, COoecr 41 Il, 1889. i w rpsqeegin, iii. Pa s o gam sre- N 3.Iam roraîocd te invext in cli kintis Iodla ma.ue0f Ipabntures, Mertgsgeet, asudother sec initie gare h, 1869. Il -Ure3i*âeko sud Silver bought sitei soit. 'Granid Trunk Rtailway Hotel. AT IVHITIIY STATION., <)1A1 E CO tMPANY* wi M. <'NFIL laving ipurcbasedthe thotuil 0or EW HAVEN, CO14N. TArnd premims .kuown asnlte (Insuq Truuk Moel, W hithy station, urge ltu latte Invested Capital-1;OOOOOO. bis frieuds- ant iltie traveing puhblie Ibn e has Sîttilup - the iboutî and uîsublcs,iu ru--I clse style, anut-hy atteition te t0 ts eto T RIS elti establishod sud lhononglulyral. those s-h oyeer.bîm s-ith ticir troausge T abI. Couiparly, bas eslahilied ai7A go- or tnusî c te rt a a ctlnuofrea citr .custom. lunIisleiccatily, s-tIi lis vies- of utiording fa- W5 Parties ta ln the tiadl ealng elltill te faners for lusurance, s ailsavon. hormas; w-ill ava I i e11»%ý! eht grode i ta<eons rotes;ade -ilialeogetcr supersedle the theit retunu, ,. ucesmity etCotuiceàou tic mutual Insu- Wilhi>IS.jpt., 1868. - rauce pi ou.1 Faonnen have ail tie seennil>' cf th. Capital ~~ Stock of Sl,000O0O. - - t.lOrtiiurv larmens' nisko taken it aIan boct MMERCIAL HO Lu e par gent, sud eo preiin nutls required. FANES PRINGLE, I'orew ISURANCE ,COMPANY Capital, $400,000& r IIE undeal gued inlg biean-sppeitcd Agent for the. above VCempuIn vf lno, raredttoînsne preoperly ugainal LDS BY,' IIZ, oùtheliMost tavonAble terme, 'spplyio, - LEVI EAUWBANKS, Jk.,i 8h05. 'MeDt Wbithy FOR ISAL OR TO -ENT. .t 5ju PROF. J. -POIT# TE ACIER PIANO-FORtTE,-&& BESIDENE. Tux.-Iestructions on piano, $10, thaory 01 mficaoomptîou *t., crmi,. S Auexpoieno àtmore thon' 12 ycara n~lprfeor Pset', gwaatéethe vspld mTnennt of puupliicd undar hietufîlOft Whitbr', )aroh lit, 1869. 9I IGHEBT 5ASX ET PRICZ E 103 regEY WIEET Ï1ýfÏroi s, or productilve Town or -leotleponnote1 Io1111 Ffrsbcime Ilotgcgs pueitaedBo Se tit tyouth 45at ioward mae sn81 uluht, of " 1Interest 8 prcli. No Coin 3e grioft, ba sdesil, har loves ateks Ugt, * w . B.BIL.LINOS, Soliciter, &c., Wbiby -April 28tb, 119. 1 FARMIN INP~LMENT8,The Old -Gud 1- bThénndcrslgncd begs tteslitte tbat lc con- tliau.,staenitnufacture The Bilhlaspassed l' ezclaimed oid Ssm Root, 8ed &Manure Dris, oliffasb:iediptntéd fronabis mar ii AS WB AS d'the reins te Jini Lszenby, oie. cf il# WAGONSgroom. HARRO'WSIl'ha,bslas il V sald Jini. Il hasl, and no mistake,'. eoutiud Sain, SCUFYERSas bo stood by bisnhng. unbuttouing bits àgAil ujINîD8s o great ceat, aud takiug otf is buge woolon FARMNG ~PLEENTSThot's lauice job'i' remarked JIm, hoid. *:AL5injuxlurgtbé horse's.ýbrI4le.'witb one baud, lbhe CbEL E BRAT ED O-WUR N 'oter bcing -tËrust~piî~i~i Id Noteti as oeo e lclient articlus qof tite kindth ot pounket tIesh etue~etpe >d nisufictured le the ouitry, sud ibis lmn a o gou. wtlis foot, as bo gazcd at cd SBTEA W CUT-rJ1U8, seeaiiy workoe' sud bis font, as bce gazed at bis maste; while se mupriar u ove.~c..pct. ' bis, master returned tlhe gaze, erkuga 2. Iýlaviuj(precnreleuet cf IRICESON'S Colo, if lew.iahed Mim net tà believe'tbe news, 7,brteiý oLORIO yIf NliSatitîs, mntll ie'a Sain itera i he.kitleriof the faiuous. tory, b. loge te sy ttiat lic is uow enàbid te Mxonte cii crdena witii wiîici lie miay ho fart- postiug heuse of the Red Lion. Tbrow- onoti cheaper, aiu witit greitter expedtItîc ing, himiseif into.a large arm'-chair be8ide titan iithcrto. and tf p«ut iieoemtsise- the fire. ho stretchetiluûI bis lintbs te ne- tien torCotomtuenfl thse qelt frï ok ev m iunsitip and i îatorial. tm~ot~wr eiv l eat gazin round, w-h a vacant g~ dl ist sotît ue Cuenl EnlueBtstane i lichefur is e me aI whicb, iu the work 1 shapo eot dish-cve,î, brasa pa1ns, sund CORDWi - 0 D LUMI3ER goblots, hung on tbe Wall$ and neflected, Tokon le exobsuge, snd Catd itlloiiowcd. the brilliant fdames. .him passetilto the JAME CLAYTON. stables, sud veny soou ail labour Ihere WltihyApri 27 1~o 17 was susponded for a lure. The hissing sound of busy grooms, rubbing down tbe beateti posters, coased. Tho post. boys paused disrobiug therusoivas and getling C tbein boots ne iLile was said by amy in the yard, aithougli much was thought, beyoud the recopition of the uews. 1 'Tbe Bill bas pasttcd, bas itl Woil, I'm bicwed lV remarcet one. *Presty work, aiu't it ?l saiti another. 'Who'li buy my 'esoes ?' inqcined a '- 'Eixpence for' the whoie lot,' abouteti stable boy. ~ ~; Ohhers, again, ouly sliook their hoasti ouitously ; but aIl of thain, te 'get nid cf the burdon cf toc muait speaul 'atien, be làlook theurnÂelves once ',uonetatlet à peclive occupatlous. Mrs. Jlilfo, wiîh ber round face aud roiIing . gsit-a, picttone of cominfnd F gooti cheer-ail made subserviont to, prao- ticai business, soon joineti bon bnsband lu the kitahen. She, to, bad beard the news frnomxtIe chamben.maid, wbo bad '1'luii. W1L,-ioN, beard il from a gZoom;. but she asked bier T1 hushanti ne questions ou tho stîbject. She Lmoi BED i[azo0NI m omved about, openiug tha drawer sud FOR TITE CCUNMY O ONTABJO(, sbulttng Ihat, searcliug the 110cr as if abre Resience - 2'ol Gate, 41h con., Whitby. ha etsmtig or dusting a pieco of Sales aîteutiec ta on ie silorte;t notice sud forth iiregulan, bail connoaîed elaculations on rco5ouoisio Itruis. Tarin, etutibA trtide ut as thoea: -iSuclî 1, 'Thelike 1I'Wei thte CucoîttiLE(illico andi ctazeUlWttiîby, lor Ihoy nay, ne) dùubt.' Ws tlteir business. Mr. Wisoti.> Wisiiby, ct. 13, 189,4 suad net ours,-I ssy it's net, sud that's coinfont. 'Tihoy may do it-may tbey F RIST-CLASS FAEM Fo011 net ?Yo, of course 1 But wliat 1 ay 15, s ALE OR TO R EN T 1 hp lI ha h urt as Cotupopeti 'A tie reur port et or a spanrow ou the-bous, top, Mr. Lot No. 33, 4th Con. Of WhitbY. JOlleo'tei hr i n nwwl Cotenig 00Aci oeo oe never go by thein naiis-tat's myseif. Ceutinlg 10 c0n~re r 15i~ Andti hcoes %rs. Suotigroas tcld me abolit do1acres i creti, thse rornaittti ci d oer wel tithercsl. ,Thiiero la a geot frsine Dwoiliitg Vothe y, sitliug, wberé you uow arc, lieuse, Mwlt stna ciioar, 25c-515, ln cours, et anti takiug ber cup oftone, that she would F rectioli, trame Bîrit, 8 x î, witî îï-iessun- bc sure te die wero sho te go l'y flietu ticrttoa-. .Tlee ic i iii'trsteonirun.litig antin ne ertiatit'ough sb u19ia besLhy tbrcugh tue 1cmu. 1W 'elle tlitipncabia, andi weii to-do woman, like her methenin -A ise for soile a largo qtsni!tity of gooti tCd Cawood., Andi sure neo ly wnnld Inavol 'uVosl, wijoli wsont itistt viiisur, aîise a quai, by the nasty îlîîng I1 1 uni lke te kuow tit ntck ilsrk ( rs-eglo. what she suys to it ? Iî'g sUfrein refont» Lrtrsand futrtl.0r pu rticultors, oiply (if audyo yetool oefrM.Suis by louer prc-palid) t e otleoe e r Sni ÂLEýýXA DER 00iiTUN-, the radical, altbeughI 1told you wbsl would corne of it, sooner or fler, i>d sb ~1lîcb Patujo<i yu ucusce what ht acorne dit, 1Mr. Whltby, ct. 8, 169, . Bm-42 Joliffe lv PH~NIX Mr. Jolife ruade no rcply ; but seeuied toe trcaming. When bis witebadiend- t cd her halfiaddress, ho awoiçe with a snp- FIRE ASS AINIu-"E c, çpncssed groan ; and, giving. a peanliftr I.~MAEDTREE&bIARl~Q COSS click wîîb bis lips, asked for 1uunimaI ho drink.' uayszs~K.Ye, dtis ulwiy Bill bid passeti , Was il possible that thii invoîved the fitle otf .EfLBLSIiD 72 tho Ried Lien ? Thone il lied stooti1 fo r genations, a very model cf that noble GILLESPIE, MOFFA1Ir & Co., Agents for institution, that weicomoe and cheenful es- (anast.tablisbinept-aùn oid Englirh foilisido JAMES DAVItýN, Manager. potghos.Watacufrbesgl for travellers il had been, lontg even beore r' INSURAT4CEsiaisic 4LOSS hy PIRE or, coaches rau witb its white wajlcsuad baIlla i.effeotd oit th i o voatertomescuti LOS ES Pa ID wiîthout toi.rettoe tLotise ,aord chîmncys and bow-windows ncvealing n In Lonidon. tbeuisolves smoug thetrees, wbile tbe aigu IE(IMAN 01139019, of the rampenut iuQ swung <nom the cor- i Agent, Wbltby -uerfi Geucrations!bat:Ifre uued if.I Apnîl8rd,866.wss kuciru te tbo sens of tue squire fuor Mani a sud riur. ane7 e sea lst. long, lingyer. Si OUC 01i £nli CttUiry tLa protince tuese two iepilei. iaIt fiueýolsb on old Banna -tbe aoaoîîian's face, -bu been lb. combin. etdik orfe sterni suad breoze, lisat sud colti, suffiuor andtiwwinter,tfor tonty aeasoup, side4 by 'dsîy supplies of tbe besI liot» - bnewed*-Yorksbire, aIe. Beverence tbOse rsînbow hues t Tbey are bbc syuibels 0f ,esrtb'a changes,' pholographa Of Meteor- olegial penemes whiehbave ieft ne rcoguisablo mark anyw6bre eciao iu space. Will 1th. sorld ever again have an oppor- tuuity efprdualng sncb an epitierutta *AndoltokaI bis brother,. old *Ben duffliffe,' lbe guard, wio'bas felloeet Bonus a coachilougîh for haIt bis lifelirne. lley began tatraîeI at the tinte et the Prenait Revelution, sudliey bave jogged sloug eiver since. Thcy bave gene so otten I te and freinsthe Black Swan -iu Yorký,that, hadti ler. been a rond, lliey ceuti in their ltime bave raûilel Iwenty limes tirougÈ tbe stneèts et Pekin in tbheir jourueys round the glebe. Anti if the, face of Bonus, neyer a be produceti b> amy art, neither can lie -legs et Ben.. Are ""'Yiey legsorce eu>bryc limbs, s-bici finti fuli' deveiepeîueut in lhe waik- iusg pertion oetIho human, spciea? Fer nature ucver -asIes lber stncngth sud ef wliat usa are peverful iuta 'au olid guard I1 h.>' are short propg, lie upper portion of tbeh oiu ig aialnat absenieti imite the ,&tomnach, thotop& of tic boota ,reauhing lthe flops et the largo 'Wsisteoal. The olti guarti of Nopoeon nas vanishel, sud se baî tie olti guard'et Britian. Alas! eur ahiltiren wiill hoignorant oet he, nd the nation wiich owes therusa imucah, re- menbtionsutneointre. Andi, siUinup- on us; thare isne specimien of the preserv- cd in the British M4useum-1 No sooner bati Sain receiveil his fnieutis lt ho cbhut sudbarretitho door. Filling tirce tankardu et aIe, ite delivcned iuseif oftbeimportntslgaeuwih#~n likep iiîcone abot h is uÏck. -Bonus' ho said, '13cm,'lookiug trou> the eue ta lie other as hoe spoke, 'th-e Bill has, passeti. Hlidit Ibis meruing <rom Ncd Sykuis.' Tbh es-es was feiloweot by soiemu al- loec, wbich s-es brokei by Bonus. 'W li. e saiti, 'it'il fny lVputtiug tiowu bis tankard witheul drinking it. 'Can'C undenstanti il,' aitileiî, Ino4>os., IlWbat will the Squîire aay le it r meketi Bous. 'Or Jamie Bell ?' inquired Ben. &Will they ever go by't trean afl'air?' asked Boues , giviug as îiak augh. 'I sheuld tbiuk net. Them gos-' wi't r emokin', burnin dtuandsudashes, chimney Iveepisi' consiru' I Whyits not fit fot'a boan pig I The Squire, byo sure, 'ilI'uever put bis feet iu't ; non viii auy.cquire's-son, a goiug te Roogli>, or 'A rrowý or Belon i [ kuos-ail lhe young uni; s-cil, andti lii the" di"ueby'lIgang 'i us ; nouee csc I t4sey'l< ual gang v'b tnoam, lie warrant 1, 'Nor M. Hubbanti,' sait Sain. 'Ner iikie Tîîornur.Jebnuie Clough,' îsid Bon. 'Nor Bill Eston, nor amy-frein the Hall,' added Benus. Anti kimtdly seizing Soam by lie collar, ho atideti, with bis cbuck- iîug- 'augh, %1 kee~l cp 'ouid coacb swbeelin' in spiteocf lhu» raical reas- ciuders sud ailtV 8aut appearet migbly nelieveti, anti sbook Bonus b>' the banîl. Then, epeuiug a cipbsoard, ho brenght ont bis boat bran- dy' insteati ofthe beer, s-ic ihati t 701 bden louchetil bl any ef Iberu, *1 telilbee s-huit,' said Bonus, tsking afl lis bat anti selling il -dos-n. thongl ho stii helti bisecoacmman's wbip perpen- liculanly betweep bis linger sud thuinl, tho glony etolti Bnglanti isgene 1 No more coachi'es sud, four aomîng up to'Il dôr' teliing lie> te tunout, andI be juick 1 -Npo imnoguards t no more drivons i no more bar-insits I nemore brandy anti rater h 'no mtueanothing l' anaI let tho bulI enti of the wbip come dowu 10-ý the groundm- 'For the firet tinie in Iheir Iivc's the cosaiman anti gusrti tongeltetdine. Sot» uggesbod tissâthie>' 'migit féel peckisb,' und cuting a.colti chiaken in lwe, roie p a bolif or eaei vitit some breati, sud stutleti the toodi luce thelr poakets. No; souor sas lb.e olti stage off, sud ion falnly seateti bis horu in bis -bask~et, lian ho vas atitresset b>'oeeof lie out- tiers, a respectable bigu>au. 'Sa 1 bear lie Bill bas passeti,' lie re- îarkad. 'dut you up, 1 sîtonîdthinik, !nsiderab>', b>' snd by, eh? la pasas àis s-a>, I undergtauti; niglit acroass le ralle>', capitlUlno.' Bau teck, ont bis hen, sud stood up, nepareti go give a blasI itIere ver> su> )btruction s-bcsd, but lie reati wss clesir. oe bati me sonner resumeti bis sent than ie ceroinic gentleman Again sidress- i hljm. sWi.guard, Il s-ltake the ahinie out bis eyehre'ws sut *Will an ingen ei foun-in-hanti? mon te tV'finest ever'bolikosea good -rose, viuain ss-oetiy- Iamong the fiel s-cutidhi-ees of olti-Englinti? Jealousy I1Wii lity blaekgusri sweeps, iwitb Ibeair eil andti es, holdin' banti by a amoatbin1 irnu, ever equal Bonus lthere. 1as'fine af hpud as over heldth be ribaons? .JesilouayI l'Vd despise te put tn> <oltin lieut. <,' I ratier ride an .old' mare, or thalt donkeys- csrt, than go lu lcm. !Osses sud douikcys imenslun t' Ark, 'bôt OS >foreu ebjinne>' 'oal-ashes affhtirs t-iti'e a Cartist invention. It!s know'd s hou' ril s-a lu't began il, undithere will ho soute bagim'sanaitibloati-spill store it's emdeti iatiti Ben,-ssho looketi more know- el tig, sud butîcîsti bis ceaI lîgbtcr, adding, rtOoses ha' becu anti cahes ha'beeu ai' 3the tiys cf Maoss, anti it's agio' Scr-iptit' le taiink tbaltiehy'll ever b o put daou b>' lheu> <Ihinga,,, Jeahousy I r-dou't give a pu" 0o' uMy burufor theni. 1 def>' thent 1' f Ta make pence the Boggie nemarked, lthaI-beosud Bonus wenld be sure te gel situations as gîîards -ou tic lino. Tbis 1ouîy madie matters vewrse, especially as iBen feltChat lie hati the beat et the argu-i ment, -anti- receguisotheb bagman as givYs i ug in . - 01 have batiin y ssy,' ho saiti firmy, t ant liu hast hieard my mimd as oaInjal trieuti o' king, ceumtry, chnrch, 80u stato. As fan Bonus, liukeat lhou luc'd be guoid te titet ingeins ? Him aras-i like a panr- along lie> lino o' cdacbeà, hikp sîov sîneat a'flyin'l IWill ho iandld aintiena andi ornait, coals ? - WiIli ho swýep theu dirty'faut cihimmeys ? Hc'ti as sloon ban. ocp4V sndtil -evr a iep dooal* Cripplegato as the sigu o't tnp in trouble V' We preanîne Bon m'eant Chus ta dticcibo lie sigu of-tho Golden Fleeco. _'Nos-, sir,' lieconcludedtib>' saying, tjnst IcI il drap, anti don'i 'ort otr feîisi's 1" Anti aI this Bon rose, anti, as if teas-arn sente wsgkon ahea tat keep ont cf their vay, ho bIcs- o poverful ant i vluing bI4st trou biesbarn, whici secuie ta 1givoý relief te bisfeelings, for ho resuinocl biï seat huutming aang, s-hichditiet as-a> mbt a real on preenuap. (To ho conaindei next w4k. A mn, s-bpfontiauoe" person hi, tho bedreoin vitir bis vite, venI etf and sot ou tie vooti-pile anti crieti, becant'e ie h utever bad been introducedt thle chap. Ho vas straiti ho migit de coltàéthin- rush if ho stayeti thene, se o lef, sudba nol yot been heard et. IL in. saiti that at Londocn (the leus) s-hon s inuchanges bils inutiabout utarnying a girlA toshum ho- bas been ongageti, site goes sud sets fine te bis barn andtihiugs. A-cae ofthat nuiurc loin lie courts therr- new, tie evitience 'a;ainagt the girl beingý ber faotpriuts in lie suo- A young wvenu ecoal>' seut imb ,a sitore anti sketifor l'féline inteslinejý fer lyical purpses."lie The hp. keeper ld ibc- hoe sas out of Ibeut, but bati some fainltet, anti bati-to ba carioton ua revnue~ta~.Sncb is lifo. 13> our Sage.-Troules are like iogs -- the sinaller lie>' are lie moro lie>' auuey W anted. -À padlock ta matai s circia-. lar.qu'.m A laddter tea calo the "heigbt et the idiculous." le kmoi# the broattiof the broadest Books ta steak a "ibres-n tutiy." To knos- bas- uan>' Scotchi lochs maki a fi ond oftietauïr, lu kuos- bus- mnsoy pinta are contained in a reei fet'ruukey quafitz. X boy s-as sent by bis mother te 55w somauteayav Wood-tiontetrairoad-lies. Gs.ing ouItadons aliori> afler, aieo foun4 the youth siltiug on lthe cas-honse, s-ill beation Tlsn.le-mether asked lier bepes fui son s-hy ho oli-lm't keep aI bis, vork. Thea boy replieti tinths ;uMy dean motion. l finutiil hbond, 'very bard, te ýseverel lies, 'Steani,1 ssyi Dr. Lsrdnor, thLe great anuihilator,-it anlbilates lime aân4: _space.' &Yes,' soyaanether, <antimulti- Indes ot passengers, tee.' A Yankee editor says liaI tbe girls - complain, thal lie Limes ane seulbard liat lieyoung men-ca'I pay Chir atidresaca, lic seasional iudemnily of meuibers ie Quebec bas been Oxeti nt $600. Resient Judges are about ta e apL-- .poinlcd for Rinouskiçi;ud Oiicd utim, 1The Prineois of Waleôs a8b4n safel>' deitvereiof et ou. 4 lb. Enprsa of Riasis à he lest one to he tnaentii. 12m.0 VTOL Col fURNos PO.RT 11.c Ji", , 'n DMü tutTl 1

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