Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1869, p. 3

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"Cbisrns onm;eo but Pl It' putwenicre I'RA LY 'Ras made "ani especial eigagement with the. Patron Saipi4'of the Season, "Santa- Claan d, with the kînidly su'istanceofîthat "jolly Old pult" il; eDabled to offer to hie' patrons the. mzeans ofenjoying'the coming f'yp ticle"ll i7itjoyoi and bAPPT manner. Hie. fairy se,vapts,> qbedlpntý to-his cali, have brought tributary fruits q~d Vi#4p, to furnipIh forth our Ch *t àpps 4blep, FROItrTRE StJNY BRORES 0W THE MEDITE'RRANEAN.* Jiins. .M#ag~ VaenU ~Layer.> IDatesp Pri' nes, L.emons, Citron, Oandid I.monq Cognac, Sherry; CPham paigne. V RO M rIOýNP. Cii n.1 FROPJ WHE BIJITISH iSLESg. The 9.ug* bregda ofScoetch end Ii» W h4ie, Old 'Tprn' Proe i ese Coff ée spic... Pio#k les Teas, Sugars, Saucés- FIavourin '.'l oos Jau short everything necesua>u t6 the çpjoyrent of-- ~Â ER-CRISUIÂS & S 4? fP;r;P YAB '>othing but au inepection of the. stock lid inby the subsi 'ber cati sa±iey the pDublic'that for quality and variety, notbi bus ever been pffered to-hie to'wnemen AqluaI tO ù MeC dently asks thteWr 1npectîon and patronage, a nd r, U*>iPg thi 4160 the Sabcries iusei - - JPER CEN 4~ c jOFFER THE, ABOVE DISCOUNI;T>OFF 0P Britania Metal Tea Pot', t'> -AND- PJÂJII'ED Ç~RhJIT ST.ANDS. * Being desirous of *disposing of tie wliole bfr the FIRST oriANUAILY. Also in stock.for the Hiolidays, plated, tesnand, -destert Spoons;. Uodger's Ivory teil and table Knives, plnted Forks to, mateh, faîipy tie and %offee Pots,' Brasqe Comices, choice Patterns. Only 2 Agricul. .tural, Furneces lait can of thvir whinle stock. for sale elheap, *Hýeavy bletal Cooking. }'arlor, Box and Hall Stoves, very cheap. Abot 6 Patent'Dumb Sioves lorft, guarlntee them to pny for tiiemeelves inone win ter, Stoves, Pipes, Elbowvs. &c., a large stoek ofçsnpierior inn laso and. 'ooqs'celebraled Axes, %wholeFile and retail. plOJ wulul and ret1j - -4 la rge stpck of ,Bar 1Iyon, St eel oandà 11Sl cf 'Iavdwae"YS3 ve.and TinW're, at the 'noted'-cbeap bouse of H AT 0-H & BRO., Importer.- of English & American Hiard ware. Rit &Je New Tartan Dres. Goods, Ný>iVTartan Ribbonâ, Retl-ùnd German Mink Pars. Imitation Seal and Lamb Purs. Union Carpete, 60 aud 65c. 1Trimmed Bon nets aud Ilats. 49 J UST RIVVED Ileavy Winceys, ali colorn, 10 to 25e. pgr yd. Bet Brussete Carpets, 900. per yrdf. Kiderruinster darpets, al woot 8OQ. REAI>YMADJE CLOTiING. 0F IHEIR - 0 WX M ANJFA CTU.RE. Men's Canadai Tweed Suits, $10 to $12, usuel price $13 to $15. Aspleâdid lot of English made Top (oats, $4 to $8, Worth dou1ble theo mnoxey. QIýtCOfRIES, fresh Teas, Fruit, Pinnan 'Haddies, SaImo Herruugs, &c1-.on CROCKERY, Wst White Grani Tee Stts, coniplete, $2.50. CIODERICII SALT. WÂNTED JMMED)IATELY, 500' firkins firnm packea Butter. R. &,J. C4'MIPBE4LL. Whitby& Manchester, Noy. ?4, 1869, JUST RECEIVED DOMINION A CHOICE SELECTION 0F W~V1T GOODS, ~'0R GIIRISTEAS IOL*BAYS. WÂREItOOMSp - Wbitby, Déc, 18U;'~g. LOW~$ 4 POWÉLL TUIE VIITIFR In, retlrlng (rom bu 1es ,, leave to thank the publie for the very libeial potron- ag tbhave aecorded e mne & etoblis;hWent in %Whiby, and Lake wucl.i plessure int rsemmendin~g ay sucee#or, Ma. GEO. BZNGOUQII. to a conàtinuànc cf tuessme, JAS. BORLAND. CI.IRIS TMA S 0TOCK!l Fr«*l, PTashirnuab1e, Pavourit. and Jancy VTieties for the. HOLIDÂYS. BOOKS.-4ebcool Booksr1be-thet etherized'seules. ker4 GiftBooha. ail new and eus- *TAS.-wBljk aund -- Whitby, Dec. 23, 1869. * . H T-DISCOUNT ÇIIRISMAS AII NE G ree, extra p rada .tty the whole of bio% llolaseholi gaXuiture And otier efeetg, witou t th slightese TcServe, oouu>Lting lin Pr? a£q follows DRAWING R0031. Fian, Cantre auJ ('sud Tbe o s, ar dt o ther C<jIlrot, Ottomafu,KnrlfgWindo0. Coinices - imaCaurtain»,,glae Mlair, VéIvet Cpe.raaFonder, I!artf u , &a; rual 'reSofa, (ýlialr"CnremJtJ liras, Fenoder, Ronlcirg Chair,ê. WIIV oafrA e-i">. 0<n1, Iniat5buuc, lnm- the public,,( in z',gravuuu, unge4.oil aîotl, stve,&.'Pl the largest stockof Cape, finin;Tablte, Chair.,, Marx, 2 Sid- Thi content% of ifour 'Bedroom, 9siCgo Bedottoad, auJ I3eddiii, 'Ptr' - s à% tond Boncs trean.Lksn'Tfblf.Ws lia"d ESion nd.'anlfisruifniuý, 'To w., 1RLeixs, Clnild'i Crib>. CrtainsR, h IIx lirnd Oietur P I s 1 Moirs, &c., &. ' Trout Cpcing utcntiai ami4 litehcn furnitnre,, GRJÂT LEAINGJ 'f 'he, 'u.6dersiganed bas just received, and offers to1 excbaîîge for' Cash ,.or farm Produce*,)qtbsSreBoc Street, Whi tby CGROCERIESq WINES, AND 'Li EVER BEFORE OFFERED N TEE GO1NTY. FRUIT. 200 b xce Vaientia, Raisins. 100 Loyer 6 25 Dams» Sultana -r ppes London Laers. cases Elemée. 25 bar-rels Cutrants -boxes Canded Lemon Pçel. 66" si Orange 6 -- i ~ citron fi *25 baRice. The above Groceries together with a ful sssortment of Black ,fined- Sugars, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &C., &C., comprising à~ weII sold cheap for cash customers, ~ prices that defy competton. fl' gRqnenbei' the CI'îeqiered Store, Bi'oc WINES- AND, LI UOIS. Hennes.çy's Brandy. Martels Japiaica Reum. De KeipeGin. Henies fl>pp» Port Wine. Po Martin'and other Sherry's. Ginger iTne. Old Tom Gin. uMdt Whiskey. 015 Rye Wbiskcy. ;0 hait barreli 25 "~ ci amb 1mor>Dy.Wm o' SmoDeS -Iaddiq wal' onàse-j o thFillfft!Viif os te - Ques ine tl. Codf ly dLnhr Iit Cri.Dy W0î u Whpcl-barrcw. &aa, tod prime, orwmoni1 .? boxs ca - r-g. numu',.The f tim er rtýî t ecd or t reured mroul. s rsuneroS t returndanelies I wta ld rqnst aà hihtul atten- * dOunEv, ii Ialn iie wl es o et thogh ee- and Green Teas, Raw and R e- erveryatcewi h o! ihu 1selected stock,. which will be dayTho in!ore ta bo >e'n ad I1Pected ense W )'srms. , CashBanjkilaFunlda. ~ ,ç >Street, Wiiitby.j iIÀ,$ R -Ybithy, Dec 16t i8ceer5 ALSc> in on WhIthCEy, ec SALE0. 5 nie- irîeis out '.-rPPfPWa LJl yel"!! stock, 5 yecli'> Old ex- je,ellent for family,-pe. ' ee price Iist of Ù4 ruit, le.,' for cs...Ob.Curýants for $O09les. New Valentia Raisins fpr $1- 00 . 9lbs. New, Sed1es Rainsfr10;Ne .Layer Raisins from 12,k. New Fige 124J. 25Ibs (ood Cican Swegi Uice for $1 00., A re- duction made on ll p;her articles to Éiiý~s& tOrners. THOMIAS LA.WLER, -Whitby. Decomber 16, 1869. f egquçre4 Pfore, Brook Street. AGNT 9RE4) THIS 1fR*8 MAC fD i ' w E wipay Agent m uearyor 03 per >J B f@ i ~ Commission, t d uywwooderful 1 -nveu- tious., Addrecs .WAGNER-& ço. A James Johnst n~s W-A T P HM AI E R. BROCZ4TJRER2, WRI7BY W lu4y, Dec. 15, 1869. 5 E ;1EWtAI SRN sT Bl A YY, ~D !-Cari lto the premis orc the osnhscrubc, abou$ a unoth vir, a Red lfiru, tweycaors old. TVieo oncr la reeei4 ed te prove preperty, pib' oxpenioea a.l tk WllhDec.. 15, l86ý »50sO S 1 TRATED )OR $T*.EN.-s'traye4lfo Stllepremiffl or tue ppsc.'ubcr, abot #! wceks~ ~~ mga fuer<i, *bite and red, ru as wq l! 1ud t r e e ry',w il ýG *ul 4>Y 'ý Wlitby, . 25, 1559. !O- LAW OFFIÏf tn bis iev bilinug, rot door 5,eah ef the Wvhltfi,Nor, ?4, 1880. d6-47 *T.AND -FOU .ÂLI. FOR TWO WE>EKS LON>GER VIHE CHEAP SALE WILf4 PE CONTINUE D &T JQIIN SK#NNEIMO~ Qoods at Cost F d Flann.Ia, at,(3ost Price. Dress BlIankets an Cadm IIAEY SAE I?rttuanî te a decre r t tii.Cnrt Or- Chanoeer P t heabaovi motter ana insut, dat.d th;> 28rdIdaynt 4unc, A. D. 1869. ther, w:11 ha med. wsîh til,,approhation xcf G., FL Dartue-l WEDNESDAy, Jan, 5th, 1870, at Two o'clock inu the aftéruc4u, ut ila ofieof the "?id -IIaitet nt Wliitby,"by L. P FLakk f.A etigneeti iup one narc el, h ollewfr' Tii. soutlr-hsotlua.monthli at fof Lot 5,hil; the 8rd conesiou et t'ia Towusuxup ot 1'icfer- ' inluthe Coanuty or Ontario, idSthu pbtiM4 or the sOuth-hlf of Lot Ni.hilm the .. r ennm$sLudn Ot Pickeritor, d-eribe-1 à lw s anzle outh ti.sed lnt No. 'thef.ce uertherly along the enstxdurly botandry' tiereol 49 chahsý an.d .5 ihit.boraeor les,te tiith centre 01 ti. said conessin, 1th0ec wrrterlv,pnralel to thu froi.t of thirîl coueessiou 9 chainis Se lirk* tihie isotleszv, p alelte t,re westirn' beiu;ary- of thue sudlot,41 chaînq 65 Itut hhoucA curly. puralel 1witle -the front or th., éaiJ~~~ Ili rôtJpud un k 4, th e ce f4otîe - 1 saal tite-'ei1 '7eïtcrut iudary, cluains sdan iW;d 1/hdtf ortofthe »Ad 1eu.n -cssion, heceM us ry ula il tta froun t rht muoid cou si4ofliuau 2lnat~.L ('eut.ivfi-t lu al oee undred acres cf laud More or less. ;'& UPon thei. 2'rretY is erceteul a. trx ehq(ep& iu godw-repatr. W x 3U. itjuauuewtone csfl rj tiucretun-ler, a FaodRii 4-c t» fnaujdji.uhA ,,e-A C'.-:LI.. .-Y -1 1 à ri IrTTri 1 Ilemp Carpets, 20,-25 and 30. À CIIOICE SELECTION OF CC"-IC'ý A T: lm -CIMPBELL -

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