Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1869, p. 2

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ulmagrai 'lais fi" eléirien Anidýwb:ýe like th 1 mie a peuple §Mali in "ý-ffbwbërs but ý»è tMb» te tub là lqdge d rIng U 6-,tre 0& 9reak i0oïs 1 OWeetion ta transie j'ýj la détermination' la buccal ffowing itif' lâbington whenever our a qurÀ'ý T 1ÂbeÃŽte;;;ýGbd savi inage reildy ta propose a bail to 'Pârie-til "d'ât 4 Phi A bravely on 48 mue Abilit go Illesefour lit, MILO "God 0 IL -wiso reti IftheBritishundress wili ilni b'à"wlýdolie la the put, d fil Unfied Statesle the yï, ho Bide Y, Sied tlo!be2, 12Dec,,, Dur thinks ýft sald, ln"teebli Ilh il a- iu,ý, a tbë,ýChambezi flows, '8011dàetreantdennessànd raise no chi *edikté, appelais ta bu Wwgoioe une, ýây4 ed 1 bultz as :a firth'frOui Marengo mut bc added,) tions ta the.reasoping ý of 3 iota ýoqo,-t,,entre of the -ffreai Valley, -'Sud seul "ý many persons,ýýâf W eduld in kï fe'Il brieflý 1 receires tbesa atresme glance et Sixty-Nine ' -os large à4ýlhe 1810 ëôrr'qpp6ndiàcewill go f4r fiâ The good a d year Bonne hilochietwr6ughtl> bis boute, verehome and store. Ibo Ad. of Oxford or Aven et Ilamilica. :ý' ýbaf Cl- lone of feeling tàvorable ta Dh'to fù'lbe North Ward, u' boib"4' bewc lê il the agenty é( this Butatill inoreýjoythan Barrow br4ughL ' i gweolo Lake and r et; aýdq»ustment of à la hein& informfd;,Of it flicreus- b,,ii ositerb'Da-c- M exifiting institution woold probabil ho *Itbd'rswn Like other years, paît on biefore 1% 0 iittoulpted ta show the fris 4'ovoli &ad Dr. canon. Death bas been busy et man's doci closely watobëd and tÇany acon ueertain- orge ta ed tkq aLight go rdi. tréalis, (heu chtag'es iiii a celv Min "ratio * The moyennant wu -8 - - go" Ward, vie quýrst«od m tille ÎÏ711111 va are la a position ta AindmneN which ilince the wo ris 4liapuW, -and gowing norib, rec ives ýt ut.'ioï , 1 liot, que of the moiiios't#dýesc. &fat@ to if$ Bani foeudo $bat there lu. ce, Wth rIýad. ed that au attack ý, on _the injurgents wu e 0 -Iàryingý,any greatstrüss 01 (ai . tbough disqitialliéd from . hi wbatoirer In the report. This Q PlAce op atoui 1 plâtedt - Nond' fifif-ýy ' ards iach. Lip ý"eëgnitiOR -Of the'l'ébels &y . morning sol clal first, because it in the uildot O" tlr pondo Mjf. ne obeva, by the Investigation la armed ta recelvès one. and 'tic' 'Moero Laité tc, Ibo- thé teeth, came ont of Schuitzg e ta tivé of eveiy liait receile five streame ; one le eighty yards ti-uil for ilse.. "de, Again, et looge watts direful din, hem à'mew If; and geew 'ra"BOI lit" Ward-ý1 Thorel Io lie déobi baéO #Cý q,ýýtr moèý,,èucceufQ accompacied thom"brcad' and always requiies ý' Offlces ýf- CubatiParaguay and Spain to the', door. The Police paid no atten- enlaces ; on France and othër ý6fitineota b*Wve?,.boL thai Vr. Clark, the' coly ,I" F - 1tê Board,. lbgr#fori, decided Rave shed the bload of men like rain, > lion, :b leaving Moero it in oelled La ababay filbéirand proporil qualified «nU& es 14' on lie being continu And affaCi. b:rbarous, blood-thirsty otrever, 'and on the 6th, ailler receivei two', which coicied thé in;mereéognition, t ed. aérerai parleys baditairen plaê' gond sized streams' and il miidp naquv.tgi- and Show ait don!t keep thuhr lctn el Do one fornio',Uleuge,, ëii lagair arrows r bie48ebultzaàd,'b' '-r hâd - - ber a lake wiLh many controyeray-withtheuý on 1 rutity, . _" ýq a- P& ty solandi or a division witb atsny Strouma Mr. Fish hu tak en s'ubâta6ti Ur. ealppbeli leý-etili in the . field ý foi the et i)rtbqghta, w re1ý 09 Match White Turkey, and Egypt and Greece, came whieh are taken op byý,,the Lufirs, large ot or 1 inte ti, toitta'ck'iié' barfil= unawares groundhttachingno 'h es piéye4 iqt Toronto on Uut wait etents ta break the peace; a etroralive dettroined te give Ur. Certifia, 4pd:lilaýghtored ediabs iibùerj'bowè sud boped ta bc iapported by Col. Deuàis». -branches ýraiûs t4e tbe.hasty recognition @Il tille-trosobie ha sac. of thé laits IEPndàye thâe7ih Enst.0 fýrI4 gold modal She ce bat 'lare, nombers or river, whichby five prt-monition of . the subgeqi ý1 11, __sý ide ofthe il Wo West &i valfeÃŽ "ÃŽcý pro- and P ni in the OuaIry a for wbiçh w aini ilçr ' 1 o el satisf4c arcoe --m 1 - 1 tu, the laome oo;!ampaçaqp ýýy waited the b tumabla étendue; béwever. Ibérie je eÙt of 4ttaclr ta join theuil y ii thài à the Nife y members of the Toronto club. Arts ' Repil freedom, liberty, J409 4till ta follow, dosip the L-aaba- The. 4,oston Advý;tÙ dol rutoti4ined. r a The ineurgents then sont orders ta SeÈulta'o ha der ..la-n beau contest, wherein very one In cacil huma!, migçryl and'tee whethpr, qa týq istil a assert, intiereïit in the correspondëoq proireu, 0 a theti'atoà3 and ourreùd.!- 1, "Pa"es -f angonyikato th> West;""-Or entéra t dy-d w- u sbirit,"4bih', prevýâdE Own ziil parties engagod, and à pro. Man 1as'his share of b or. Thel refused. More till train granied - river called it ah( grfat iotçroot le the sautant eputers, i 10 tbemë à . dota appines, d' exit by i te ý1 ho A'ýd'ïfter'ili apil or Our 700,à 1ý Pl -.1. e ý a 4ýAn and*,, and nduct the- il ce 0 Wlàrg1wý"ftmblaîè of 9 9 wlhiébýI il1ý ýiïy*rs and - taki tb»» bu il - After a short co"tý_- IR Djdei and 1îr.ý loyers or tilt Otieitifie - gý,cle1 the',medal Like',ottrire of élrtiýMéfits and air joli 'Ciuaàiâ' trendered and ciiuntries, and frill Those III underatood et -flic, - 0 *Party 64 1 jebïur«'eýt'o, _, d' palier, chq tvvoý -b'ëý,ïhat janovered 4y Mr of Puriry panioni' atmospherc. n . . - ý , : 1-edbali'Dot follow Luababa by ci Ù;Îý très awarded ta Ur. Jas. K. Gordony conducteil ta jail. No bailli b, , to'à gcLôd undcrîtandiýt,'bet' reeds soi we did thérZambezi front near the Yie- Notwithgi4ndin know of Do rate, no Word or -tôt ici& of' tibia towns Who ià au bohorary membert. Roupàonioàl, were foond among !hem, they couisted gtliç,outbreak ,!,bogoubfor ýtbe orne* connus from, Canada and Sciultzle -Ioda Failiiô the Kebraba4sa, -Tha.teas; itemeA à atican, or lordiy'hill bill the& no laffrest of The Wqtifoi l' - ý'j astapring, afidýthé dispi Anfan, Y, ,and "tic ilbu ta Ip. t an; not gôz'ng,' clo ànVý, a as-b"u trIlid lu tbeý halringon*;Olàe aides very ueatIjý exiseuteils; More Pouce on earth, to More màdthingir ilie"Wy.ýto pleurite g , ' ' ' and there manifeiied on this s Rapp er Kings- p111ty..ý I ArC Girry the ipgra- Il li fofind vanting.19 We Wili iiiii, dtlîberation'ï 'bri tg'? My posi.. fi' Tfie, citait éttëýr;-ýdâïed ý a sinister advantage of it by si drauglit b rd,' iàùdbn the'otber aide the Restrain niefis lil __ > Pherg, týho are nicetly inuane.ý vont feeling among the i 'noran i, e e iý :41 pentheir éyes, 8ibt aucuneil, aýaeriOu& tiens bave 1 -9, Présume 0 *d-tiu the ratepavette ta trcstteý jaser ' la And make ilienis better, virt" -,beej4, iltered for themiost, idiotie fii4icod 1 ?n013 iption 4,',*ýlo:reeneniýd. by B. Vara" Rous, Wise 1 chuinter this OrȔng,ý Fort Garry la no:.appearai Ibo aulil troil trIed. ne bu grattaiopu Esqq The probilemil tg foe'f roman ait placies whe 180,011, Iý J. K. Cordon," Tore 4 400 men. 06vernor Me. ré aie Onae Sory- corresporil of any oitier p And not lori puer càririe;09 ehyýteo4 où or wili observe in ont day ; and arter to conduct the discussion disp through childhoodi boy-, ta, 27th Duc -e6à. enteéàtiid'the ldsý.rgeai leaders ta -and with Another'prëblelà, bard ta suivie . -ell, Our care ýin 1 ing, down, Lake N18888, à view ta ah honaýà ! 1 ' ir sirp ay ' leave ne 40à ýànbOod; tbey bave trouva m2n:f0ý, W,émià' iii ors 0 ranklo gay d 1; 4,ï irn homîy 2Ã"»Ã" ýmileÃŽ are tracked cul its northwest, rMý " blet 664 If ibtritt Intègrity, morality and A 8041ti:z lu connection vith the Con- wili kwornan'a R goo ýut 1 e lies of watier are ights" 1 f 1 or d prevail endthe which, 200 mil le Or if the for*4 ' Wut r bu . been 'SMçed tind. ted York Herald ý rd damesdo fait, preven, The New Odhortece ta PÏIDdlplet deserve no ý ;00081 soliboi'. Il Will gregational ýkarok Babbath pur bed apion a be'lght ofý3,000 *feét above arth 4 blest or men bewail Y from exiendiug its 4 0c14ý &99ýýlisiýke course, thore is'-a go -,iiùoolL go a ýOÃŽ04diený vilet have the (are. antionn 3ed, ta lie Ïeld 04 eoduesdýay aveu. Womon, sincé the earth beg.4n, the test. If suy jetterai bave came for me -sÙbterfuàe in theso:com l ci .014 of the Il township of Wbitby ta, log nextt; ait tlWà j«echanies' % I' The À problein'a always beên ta man. ilaul bave no _particularly in that or for,:.(ýenada à inereaning. doy by day un on. 10 Ujiji tili forther pleaaesend -the Lord « 6 Hudson Bay agenté in 81., natice. ý Bond' -to"i Critics and.ot4tuomen tnay discusq, Devis, eVept that Cournot, MoDougà - - Our -car@ à lutter, te but WC must say ho makes a 1110,011 beraafter for théir cwni ocoo 1 Mr. ýpro«ed@, 'Woenderatand,,,areýto lie devoted Whether thel cati'sa or end a fusa 11 '0 ilord Cia-rendoiil fàr, Mis& Livingoton, when ho argues that the -Un Piellail ha bal! bis fait &bar*" te thi purc6sa of a,' on là way east, and vil arrivé et St- of munieil new libý4ry. 'Wa Thti 0arriet says, ,«a say tlg.tt and for Sir Rodesick hlorebison and 1 Ought 10 stai 0 On wý4t basià it In Cinada'her proper plac afýthe week,ý honore besioweil upon hie. He. husio«jý ;belieVe thi4 Soboul la the,. ' gent trouk, yeü- w tu operfn tintions. 1Ybyjý,àf inn, ili forwàrd thent iarel' -ego h.: toi4bligikdý 0 Y4 in Re en or the hall ta grace,- We &*vu atio'Teceived thé Th ki h y at-your emiieli beau Récite %2: têrrible and inflated, rbetorý and Wardon ô i a the tow, tý fiéving'l Creil the draw* -incita, in- prcipereniièto' "' ri the S.-nate on these Volatil tee- -Let blin bc been la active opération log raclas pren telÏgraiï ieferring ta soqie wild rÙmours Yoïns, 1 peil., Sumner i satisfied ta test y with luis, inter- Shoivaall tler, fine accomplisit ?. . 9 on 'r monte tau exeeditlots froci the United tates 1 cla!rns, after ail thât lias becti ban lait, in nursery in support it may bc assumed, of the in* DÂVID LIVINGSTOI«. 1 ût,ý lifter this 11prig delv Contented OPOO biaiserais. roptionst for saine twentyfive years or To sing the baby's lullaby - Tn States Gave mots. We bq ak Io' rorgents s Dated ppar Lille Dàngweolot Juiy 6, 1869. 1 ýnýi Led plu rit ont friends a very De nian's companion, as of'cid, ta ha d iq its bill, or tc st. Paul, Minn., Dec. 28. r1l White or IleCroight-apptam ta lie the and Ibo - @choc! 4 ad And wee, but niât t mi te on ili excepta ai 99 ermageot bold, The SL Paul pespý1M, in a 'né' at tbe P W leh it %y 'igLaborbingtopio,. With-botk:oreither "bra"Iti The worid-, We said, in prngress gained, or 0 want indenanity for act. the reports front New York to-4 fýr J'as. ta Ouiý citizen cl l'y' m 0-r n ÃŽ n and'vote a by'tlio Anglo-i beau always voit And humait passions vobeen restritineil, 1 91 m VOte eaÉly On Monday for And tramails a 1 cOncernicg au expédition oriani'z"-ng t, 9 1 noirs ?, if sot no English en, is tepm»nted durfai thoir 'Incombgocy- pon land and sea Red 4ive fome"dis,- 1-1. Gerilëýi for mayor foit 1870. tel] us what the amount is. , Wc la e- ignity. ta ,gaininghertrà"d' - r, baya thet thora lis lit up, and state the ainount ù belli, *ose &@ait ta the Cool icoulacil tien f 1 railroad pbintis roper JAS. Il --GËRRIE9 the proper Our Queens cur gracions British queens orppency. The - pearest , Pickering T.aivnqisp Catinctl. wichout admitting lmp eanè1idàý Mayor. r, ýr bondred miles frow th, British bar- dealing unfairly. "Does the Go botter mon vould ont stand on thé leur Take ber,> or"the,,beauteaus Eû'ýgene, 0 Wheromonp*'t th nd der, and forceil marcheo*for that dioidoëe-- Saturday, Der. 18, IS09. proposolo go fnrthér than thif Of t4i Çonnoit chalutier. RgD Rlgg. - Opiq wili prophogy ibat More loved, reipeëted Savereigne stand ? rolliers ail present, ex. clafin dainages for the nation for ke vitb the ground covered vith enowl aiàà Couricil met. Me à(this à«ýfmédti0 ta blé a scoceu, it But,* 14te, flint, work, front Boa ta Boa, the mercury 101> t'O 300 below T'arc, 1181al. Cept Mr. Millgr. ý Ilirlytas of last Meç ercantile lutil Which opens up ta commerce frisé, probable. We would net advise Windi- rcad and approved. cial illierests ? 'if go let us 1 Io ejçpoetation, ehould nole hi ptoirperoin sud soif-aup- Empires and oceans of the world, 'Scveral RècnisnLi wera prorentad for the amourst shoulC bc 'or what ci Ur. Griersoïo, cm Such galkil forgot litllit ()0 -ice and Britain'a P pegers ta rely open any material &id ircm 'I#ý,b ad Io gire trouble. porting. Oaw Fra ngs unturl'd, as it May exi#t ouly -a aripplying nieto indigent and for Lion wu require. Du ilive want an au' la ont il iludidite for thé reeveship.- vrais jid And'tuFk gq4 Christian bath unite ffls qpfldiiion 0 edntracts on the roade. led-ement front Grc-ii-ý13ritain of ed et lis settiemeill a generous In high respect- for "WomAn'i; Right." pape?. The follQwing accoqntz were or-àered to or - Oovernmentfor three oo,34eentire jear», This should bc woman's nnblest alin 'BC Paul, -Dec., 28. an ap ologytor.it 1 Then let u Chivalry, worth. end virtue claint. bc paid, vig : J. and D. Micnab. for te- What does ail ibis diplornsitie Niellas, Esq." elect. and is-it lil now a auccuis The virtues UéDotgall air lier ta wijow Young,- $80 50; John Par- amotint 4o ? Tt wiJIý sibyer t' 41 "0, %làtilob. For Depoty-reeve- and adrantageso( 'a colony rived bore ta day from'the North, Thïy Ar4 science, progrose-wili bave giined Thor family ofaovéinor 411r foÏ relief tnýwIdo* Campbell, -sis.00; Lion -'and is ýnli '.üs»ed are net sa Place wom4n ne'er b f te obtained. Mm'. Palier, fýr kee hoay by s cil mer) AS lir, Sua e 0 tort Pemblina test Saturday, and will avrait p of Miss Dumnites 't eléoteslt by &cela"- eully tested and establisbed aï are the WM xe]Pbu And speaking frit manlp progrelis (air 'rhildtj$41.25; 31rm. Wood, for relief ta lfr. Fisli tý màke a sensation or 7 thé arrivai -of Governcr blebDugail wàô tien. > por, 'C4120illors -James Foley, undeniable curative proportion or Ibo groît Froin Cellis, tun'nel,>fiig4 in air 9 widoif, Chapinan, $12.00 ; Levi Ilachey, hope of g-ilttiq.- popularity. The FrOlo Whitby's Railroad ta Pýrt Perry, je ezpected in St Paul' next Friday, en -,for rellef ta widow 0,teg, $22.5, it. weakness hy hi tioba - luishli Aloi. XcDoca Id, Peter Sbonheneas Rienil for the reipiratory Or mourstain bogs reclaimed in Kerry; route Io Callada, Tbey deny the report > -ing, for rElief tia"X. James. $22 ; Vins and beaiting rotind the bus Tkompwli, sud and ditestire'orgaùs.' For sale hl Drui-- la there net ressort ta rejoice that GoirernorýMoDongail bsd snything tu '.NfcQitsy, for relief In il, Cairns and wife, durt i this And raine our hearts in thanýful voice do vith arm!PÃŽ4be indianseédiieing flieun $41.60 ; hIrs, 'Girdiner, for keçping Let us tell England exactly what. Amording, te caý, T ta rise. They believ»e the meu of tbe in. Our Railrond thouih a simple link foondling, $52 ; John Haighi, fp relief ta -what we contider in due ta Michael Board. favoured Mr. McDougall, ,, ZD In the great eh in, should make us tbink, habitants et first idos Spencer, 11cGinty. and Il Sinith, dignified and friendly.tuanner, in, âoèûisý.,OÃŽ 'the lais session "ris but an essan cl grest thint, thilit tbey vers deceived and-controlied by $49; Fred Meen, -for relief ta iviile)tvK ont making unreilsionable claims, a ?4rilulitot ràliý$tý bavai, boue of an uý_ The board of 8chool Til met last Which spring front sinail beg ngs. ýdesigning ieâd, Rynn, Irvine, and T. Ucketcrick and wifi the caiie there. fi flic Britirli Gov( nildrçn of tq 4gy wili liye ta sec, a feir ors, wbo misreprosent _Dnnald bicPhee, for support of should refuse ta necept Llio'term4, pý" ek4ibatetý*iqd ýIaar*!réfiected but Tuesday aight. Pressait Mr. Dartuell Front fluron ta Lis. ed Mr. Mçpocgitll'à mi8nion and wiil, tkeM- Skýýdit, 40, - 1 (chairo»), Dr. acon, and Meurs. Perryt Ths trade of weqt an ride Sez avait. foyndlinZI $t12,50 ; Sylve ter Mockey, for wait tilt saine opportunity occurs con thé' l'odifidpole la. d-northgodown ; w7ment ai- reparation ourgelvem. Joues, Gll»oi,.,Tbw.àite, Ferg Work qp élide rond botilivecis lots 2 'and 3, p, r- the -Leiglaistaie colligativeil, 1 ', ll umôn Ciegg, l'aking ftu way throngh Whitby Town; im.,àr and 4th,4oi),, $14+.50 ; S. Palmer, ;the unly cout-se, iinder the circumi and Maélobuahë Aboient. Dr. Tocker, Dr, Auspicicus of the ?Ugpieioug time 13e at the polls-early on Mpti- ý0r greref for'rôad.q, $4 D. Reed, for for this grent country ta talce. 1 l'ho iollowint je «Id biÃŽt ta bu a mildly Carlson, add M.r.-.rhow. Victoria's son-Prince in hie pri;ýo_ gravel for roads, $5 Graham. fur any ocher will show indecision and dràwa pleure Of whatocoured. The 1 100,0'oipsD!tt ' b X Nigh- ',Cam, and will bc humiii ting os , ronglit in a te. Prince- 4rthur good graced the event- day morning, and vote for Jas. plank uqcd on ronds, $3.86 "The Port Rope Rqîlway Bill waa Inciter par te mending payment of oeveriii Hgr)*iger of good times sent. 14. Gerrie, fôr Mayor for 1870. ýwander, for wnrk between lots 80 and 3 1, The correspondence, in tlia,'nl)ij uçi 4notlier inensuie plairas cur thome, in 9th con.. $50-, J. liaiglit foi gravol for the New York Exorem, 11only brii fO"ld@rstiOut and Mr. Cumberland rose a Il (Unsightly with the test 'twill seem.) ------ the roadm. $10; P, Roach tind J. Wilson frc.sh coluinns of ;vords wiLliout a iloi Malle a opoech in op «ilion ta it. tb7èace:::oo.unTbe report ilotes adopted. 'Tis VV hitby-our owà Whitby town Ta endcavor tes lay before the business fq' mending rond scraper, $3.25 ; P. Cos' noix thoqght or fact. . EngIRnil as P -The chairman laid before tbfý'boord the ÃŽli', hich yet with tanner arid renow man and the lisipg gencration of the pro Tb#MPOD sa epoch et dillorder enboed, q grave for worli en Nortliern town line, as over, but in*tbe mokt courteinu 13010*8 d papers fiew shoot the Chamber Ofulus rail àh0win8'&ý Population Of lits proper place and truc position' sent day the Importance of a mound educa- $701; 'Wm. S. Dunshieitli, for - worli bc- guage, ;iiaintatqi lier side, and as tilt. t 13 il 2900, being au incteue of 83 during the- Must gain in spite of opposition, tion would only bc a reiteratiort of what tween lots 30 and àl, in Oth' con., e100 ; Uiiiteil.liintes ta pr.egent ber il bè 1100- m0mber wu (orced te-tskos tort twelle, mnoths. Ta gain it, here im our advice, is nl a fact, establishet'. by expérience,, - f ai 1 nfoigt misder 'a watte. basket. This wu& language nl,,eknowled.-ed by ail competentjudgeq, IL King, for work on aide rond, between Silo will pays but elle w1fi note 0 f ho , il j and on the auggestaon or 7 lie commi9tee on sebool manairement (We won'i mince words in lots 30 and 31, in the 7fli con., $10 ; Jas. pie. 31r. Éisti vividly pôurtr,4y Ur..Galbratbi vite iboniht ho might flud b Il i which vois reforred ta choici,) Ta arguethoquegtion wouldbe nlie futile for thsi matter dope not soielly rest on a 0 ropor', Conney, for digging stumps between 80 damaü donc ta Ame0can co'mincri fbý iligle Ilsit of decofem' on the opposition aof,,,tbe whole. priori rensoning but mainly on triel re- rallié no, man with shoer impudence, and el, lit 7th con., $27.52; Abram Byer profit ta British commerce. ýind se The firet ýI4ÃŽ#ç' Who ta ail titings hot; a pretence fnr repairing on aide road,ýbotwcon 12 el move the of Great 1 Pidf et 146 ROI118et lie souillit liboiter coder recommeoded-thO PIIY- And puts amongst his trants bu 9 abîme nuits. The commerzial promperity laïany 18, in Ith con., 440 40 ment of-tbe unet0àded baimae foi Isoa. But Io the town layo a whole cla!n) country depends as much on the knovr- ta a feeling songe of the wroligs rom *0 protection of Ur. Oliver. But a new Mr. Urcon moved i the robtl 1 applicable ta payaient of Grammar achool Tbough ho bave trièd that 1 that the tienc for the front j;yrnpatbV witi lion V0:1101'0( rail ial billé wai bore leielled nothing's ledge and aptitude of its mercantilo mois rettirn of the collector's roll bc e4tended- ail in Yja, salaries. À diçnulop prose '00 ta, Illikat bourne as the success of the physicitin on his John Biiii is proverbin atblm"d ho fied precipitoulybeltind ta the flrýt day of March next. and $ho United States, as* fi wu the correct #àoüûi.ý gome members With grestir ellise than publie scorn medical training and skill. Asille physi. 00 speaker# Obair-whon", whb bodj çiono edtteatiqFl --enspirical Ur. kackey moved thst the reevp ordcr :e",nn'd",Lnt, e illi Obstinate, and ça _je eontendicg lit abould hi $15t oih 0281. That ait affronts do still give place ;nust prither bc the treffmurer thil obuoi" and bied ouil proiroding ors Ta bis impenetrable face - nor wholly tljeàrotie, but thôronghly ta pay the triistees of orisocsi tg stands et the close of flic ye It wu 1.0&lly pulaI44 as the foiger oum. f raètiral, somust the business man's bc section No. 5 $?.OP, non-resident schnol when the Satiate ri-jecteil file Ji) PMO"44 4 addrest the illous4t, But Ott &IBO récommen4ed tý l'bat makes hi& way through ail affairs P tax dite 1444 ilection for the prescrit yeol Claretidon tro4y, "d gum'ilcr'4.to'ra Ilbera vu ne toit for hie thére. The T a el As pig, through hedges croup with thoiroi intelligent, appropriate. and thé 'reault of otý$ôrotoxre, y t sa its 00 9 Mrt- Ilaixht n'inved thnt tha pait- akokmot lir, Bold, nQt çpparengly car- . am 1 *Moniida' hale.. exporience. -Accordincivanv iiiiititiiiinn toi #0 bave Ur. Cumberland babind- Ékal i- Bryant, 0 ZI il p ja an ýnervo4Sysieà), in OU ry'nu asdoes alcoholie liq ,48ed à'n stimu]Ont by nearl3,ajl ýao -nativgs betwee4,ýha, okho strûijJý,.jtB (sk; y shatters thé' sFwem, and .hg Russians'Ao, the natives !Ind 0rC la of m0j gdmiàn law. va Qf'àll P-rohibitioný, th, ecýx& esrieCI 04>f'Mdl ýy dollaW Wàrth éflur 1ough The-Korýkzwoujt' or themsýIves, At one but it requiru ille 1 roi tirnbelý for itS-gjýà-Výth, and it tarie, ar a iduilà 'ôn amen., steppes the abat i hey', ýr-,àheer, ' - la the rô ar the',rüâï ýC)4ýattbey are uy it nt prices frein. the Ruuian tradem ffle ng a [Y- Box] -stra àrnerican cars eitatiôn Which aeoqvÀ'-IIK - his friends is n - - -na 0 t .'Corde in and irik,' but, woo rug, a., nt you g(y- and Rive, a very alluring . cybaps, '-for, a ý1'cjTIwzîd tolier, PARC, ct,',*qpon'a digsipatpd Par int' Korak is Aixt* 0 we - beard làke and barbar6us,-i4n-,s of the Belit 4pilpiif'tW. Àe-,Qùï sîeep waS1ý DUMI: vtth many unpleasant dreiLns- i. astised with 1110- IÏrunk on toad w,,,,,, A lots il ,ver tow-am Y large number of,,, uutnb diibléd from'Cdlborre and the, age F ' -'to celebmtë st. John's, bk,* anding d 'vine and byý bn of the, new, mae0c Hall, ber fi% for thé -Pse 0 1 f the Colborne- sire«, Rev- Bro. Mackenzie, ai, of W, a ulOst ÃŽnstructive,, made 1 rEDOn to the brethern and a _Tbe mgrekation. The;impresziire jülvuâ f Dedi -cd Itoud, ,cation výa8 Pericrir Bro. %Vin. McCabeý District ýè! Afaster of the 06tario Dis- Pge ni Qý>r Çrând Lodà- offlers &ad L 0 --V. -IV. ý"Bro. Dr. Fife SISW, ý nist, and V.ý . IV. ý Broý Ford uf.Apti ,rd. l'hé brothern elud con ]PARCE1 L' VilLge ,es of the dayby il grand' Phich (ho Distriet , -D.'Grand-, murnbe, 'CrOd BM addresq: AmonZ. BaLu&w were .-J. Marklock, ýV. ehi of Voseph Davy., %y'- Ni., PTS, ,lin-Y. Grov a store, cr, Cciltorne vil tbis orne Greer,. do. Rev.- do.' J. àl. - ]PARCEL LUCY, castleton. tlSirLý ,Sg lake and Soumer and bc* Lrly,,«' or, ýj0nday f0rý "Uth-W, the 'pro.per Araos Eg )PARCEL Chlatm-on iu týhe te of , V'ot, ýc' a ShOcking affair th, , ,kèt "quare#in this )P.ARCF.L resulted inthe death 'of a ,raisin .ut Jqý youth, name« Jeu. it appears that the oui nný with %ctýid df bià nà out that ilighvon a oh.ristiùas ere, and fin con.- tarie, ,mer'row-s and annoyanc& 1 0 in Sliel(lon,.whc, )PAUCÉL 9 LdM5!cnithuýjaCtad ta, ýhe ;r'gu'ed hiinséit witil a tiingle ý,VeU OUJL and other Young merl -th i rd cýjnc in the do round the saloon, wheil jýnd f1ýLy i ýt - titein through :& àlass r-Ae.CEL fý la BhQt in in 9Ile.nèýIç, and" ýtireLty, in a the oP'Posite sida of the of Ge )wn and expired. -CY beli » An in- &19 verdict of inail- =ell ërma na air for tnx, ai Shotion. 'l ýàw n.ý anothier 'Inan -ame3, were preserit at the time, Wr ciff Lte, lied and held ta give evi. tciwjebip )[laing ASSizes: Deceased t'trio., et thobaind or, tfiéeý2ý2nd PARCEL u i3. Vernaiq4 were luterred '140 -Ontario, Un ni. as laid dow VMSEL,-"]Phw kili of. firâtclass wars-hips of twent -eue ;t been laid nt Parlamouth or o tue t Sti fiïth berceqsoirt, 'e ' v, tÃŽtle of thê De- P=,Oý lot 1 dômtpeueed9 fie Il the existi ýJP.AZWPýL 14. t)e 'Éïades vY. W - IICÏ lenàCh is 28à; ,,breadth o2j feet, main tQns'burdeti tarie'. j 41406, Old Site ýhe is ta be vr ýCj or4ed,-by hormo Power; Eýnd'Éer, 5 set dolen 2t 124 knots un Al bc able Le carry 1,00() il 1(-,izn; 4 4 three ýwcekâ Que quatter, 1 b?"cOnStructed otn the X-ARCEL ýncipIQ, Without ýny at,_ ,was uçen 9rngiDg'dMng tbe 1 mis Voil muter the tirror. ho li edne SY194 hl to protore boo tite ULâUIE, the pTôper "Fge; oomk frein 411 evening and Ivag Orgwerchanis Mm Of »,Dtlâàini ber etiod;" hpMe, ' and je te fýr ber.ever à. set fôot on one bu wQ repo t luppoie and 'con a bj"4be boý«tored d to bave been lyfng iïlëep, plj, and emiploym generullyl, asgb rall r- incresse In tbo ntiUir gayor. shriek otit in distress and aednytp,.,B), nd Corbin w«e bi#h quitis sobèr. would never help nny one lô âaIt-ýatý rýpW,,nd oteady aP Xýrm&l 80boolp "d wO (001 eou;e On motion ci Mr, Th évçnt bu euta gloom, over c#.4tudents sè ý well es or applieztiquir, to Taz Most onhappy. PC mon i 0dýst 4W Abý@ VIII M'oued a wÉli th@re dmd that siMputlin Indebied for Grai»_ n the Vorld Would he be belped himeif i the' 1 F,41k'cl 10 - for b aln'e-u' fi the Dyopeptie., Eforyt 801SOOI ",ý#bôctd ýbè , »tided,,t4s anyof the article happened to be spilt m. bu, do» here U They have aman Injail In Karil CDJ«&-ý id'More th -fébqmry next mil WOX adell'441 aù i gi oè'q M UessIUI: liblesla iiout Of' goets,, wih the table, be wouldjump up and leave pla e -lit 1;ýMtletuen of 4iý$h eýýpdiQÏ atùoieet. bimuli - ý - , é ý ý meal unilaishod. zPgïnej,,Jdiu., wbp don't know > how, iýà ý '1 sait ,Wooid be 'bro'nght té re0ofer tbl »Pré ar_,wý m*n whit14 havé Do '0" and we eue. Lire la 4, Js9d ellàbogànm»r, Or-ta Met thoir vwffl lac molli thiu'tr'fSt di;b by,

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