Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1870, p. 4

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latta& umosaf cii sim*, ii wis ibis~. h TWIN.k-DOMINION PLQU'~S 8 osIii, be ir;aranteedl vil sde, 0134 thso'wp rgpart pud g'porties wcuald do *Il te moud lis tholi' Aahbbar, Nosmler 10, do 4-tg -~ Broc' A OAVINGOF 0 0 PEU CENT IN UL NOUTJJ's oPATENT EcoomialDrum -Heater, Wlxch can Ibo alpliil te rga1,ind of 8tore, RED~IA 77J7EPEoPLE SAY. * OsUWà, Nov. 1ntb, 1860. noed twe ci your g'Nortli's Pistent Drnm leat.. cru" in my houe. lut wlntcr, 1cat i tffdatly @&y tig.et a oS«plendid article. Ii.ingColi.- strucee ou >reper prlîîclpîlem, lhtlîgailiparte ake il au lci lîrougliout ntagios.- hnetiofroel .t kforaîerly. wbilo the uniimmiy W~ i Wilel evry rotin euh hested l elratill-n.Aillihae to10do ln te opon al the. doora wlihln tile linuse, and tihe Iieat elreulaiug freely tlimuungl;oUt tuie Wrj'ôe. 'ro fave h,îleis ncanti a oliusecomîortubly lienied, ICI.uLi uoceasmnqy te liraIt théeve te a Yod ligat tlaoroby lijurliîg tii. sir near tise uteve wiîlla tii.fartier pi-art. hiave tle oleated 114ruollcton hrIltes e urelît wlioyali th old air lu reVOlrlIng tbrougli tihe druni. %eIlîg lieltes iînul asitt u éain, and by hua incmna nai.d tothe prupar dcegreeqoulred. lus fct 1 neyer beore mcocleil ed sc1boelle for the amouut texp. îdod nas1I lardilîad witil tise.. drums, Wislig yen ail tile &nucs^, Il deserves, 1 Iami, c A. 56. WIIITIIÇQ, Il. Vahs»rea-l,.sa n er fou Imreslensees t hvau 0110oot detrl Mustii to the seleev cf tC0 ig.ue 0 tîhe "Nertl lPatent liaster," baseel u oit th. accident wliliî, ocorreel wltiius ouit ulra t erectlon, r. deen It riglit au faerasW.CaiecouceInes, te Couinter. net the #uMo, Tise cineomutauce nau entlroly eied Py oleet on refiioucy of tlhc aoii work, snd iiot.by an y suenmnanconne-- tien rtia th appa AtsIuelt, ettihe pninciplea cu whililîiisoenntructod, It lunir lit fu operatîcu, andi ths fan, acets te our estire sitiifitlon. It Iol ioîr opinion, tom ssfety,eý flliiey of lîoatiîîg, gudeououiy cf ful, quit. lais sdraice cf atày üchier mode of lîentiniî uer1 igue. anuftatas WCarc awmre.- sisîco tise accidenît oedurred, as a furtiier lîrouf ofeoun tsfaaeon witlî It. reliar. got ix «rsctcd lit oji@ nAupective dweiliug lîoiîes, îand laid, me frase theîmsean girce ne lftise opportu xisty ati udglug, tisaI It sait. woll. - Mc(ýLUN G BMOIS, IlruanlleNo. tia, 1£69. -11 PRICE - $'Ysudupwards. aeeotdliig te quailty of gr Aterjal. A descrip- tire circueraoûtseul o pllsrtlou'. P'artiesthitare deirsucf heetlîxg Their * bUnldxinaeseaiîy 0ouid ueo thiîs hster, as Il je deldedîy ths lest s ud imoits cu:ls u yet lnrentud. Tho sub.orlben viii Le lhappy tiuiillis0peicifatlo if) and i nicute sny par tilnsftlat wiIlfisvor hlm wlttheîlr addss, ststiliîg ti. aunt t 1 bot rcqulred, etc. W .al'eninfrlt)gnîg or inî!tatlug the above patent rîlliha pnosooued - acordluDg te lar, Addros I. PEDLA1l; Bui i10 ilaa ýSol. Agnt/or tu wountir# gr QAMerlo 41à Jrham Ohara, Sept. 21, 16. 89 way -P. 0., OCenty of .Lnnoz, Ont, Cantada.- lrPnviIcOO Of tiiC, Fobie ti, seu. 1 111118S la go co lfy tint diiriner tIse intor cf r 16068 iras takou nul' a reakituesuof the sublis, rhieli graduai dr 1ng tuie Spmlug cf 1867, otede ny i ucos, suntiou up te my isîpa, sud 1 hacuîiso Pe roak tit i coiuld îlot 'vnlh, butwrasColieW teu My CeIiur. Fur about - Ir etenr,vhiotbies voakuéa woruscomnig oùs me, une l aferrarde4, i soulit iniudil asivice, emfuioyligntdlfomoutti ues, tlune.dociors. ausendilesuof ditfrirt kluîda, prsserlbed by'frieusio. btognf o arall. 1 contisîêl te get v-Wos an,vorueupitil theo tuiimer cf 1868, vhîeu wiss luducesi te-In>'tise great Shiosbo.,- *es lted> y readingt ue curges O orimmeu lua apampillet AI tii lusIia-.f ogun te foul-he reastue lu My hlido; lu fuel I ra gettlng ailmest heplees. 1 have taken ire bottles oaf the Slhoeeeumedy aud tire boisés of th. pille and 1 aseaentirely, restoresi t. boalîi. Iuceenexpeteelt eboter. but ssepI>' lned tîhe me lelue aass4uort )( ferler., hopé. Ibiseauâe of mieaisqe siîot aprimae ena, bet Inorie te sii arnelahboru andi friemdsud te auy.contsalir etesl au a ue, 1 baîve uir sa %îny the SlicuhoueXIemudy; 1 beIleve Il ru! cure Yen. [AI&Y ANN WDOUITY. Mmrs o te>Wo ai fados, Om grf lAè.. 8.pos ninéJdq qtelruc,1,, 1009, A. Y. Won, J.11., &0. 1 behrel>' ortIfý thht 1 have klaure r. naryA Doisghty for the hat fitesen yiers; Illieartàwoqoauof problity andi trot>. haro iktnuihrm bîfcma domhgs an sëber fil. imee- 1 bellevetUr, oerleate te lie traie ln eiver; parllealai. 1 kuove iaut rhiheIIliber fiwon vaade.li 4lipelees; aud lI 1mev &bat sel*bàa, aidliewr reeovery, alruys attributesi w an revr>' lc lii s lohonees IhnWei>. Wboevýr ika>'b, thoo clhar pro pen rtc IbIs mgdilhie, one hhieg la eerls, thl lu ber ous, it hau so ed éalet 1k. tb. portos, um A. Ir. WOOD, J. P. Word« ofethOe loety .1 llufIgs, Preste. et ÇflorDtrnIaoseGeaue 14 mr nerbës.4 facilit -ies, we are enabled te produce an_ nd) second tý none in thre Dominion. ý vlih Mr.' î S, SAMQ, at thre V'alts ina Wbîtby, tion* Dec, 1, PRINUE MThUR TWEEDS, P~zRINGLmrua ALÈO A GOOD ASSORTMENT OP Brad Iths,- eDoskinu, *'~peddvarieî cf nishing wt styles, nt lbu pricejý for Cash. 12-17 Goode ti=de np in latet ck lit-, Wliitby, Auguet 24, 1869, Nel0ton, Coodi, 50 *" 4 10 kegs.sodless -boxes Leonden Layen Wes Bad E.,. ie 25 apeOurants. -~boxe. Ouded Lemon Peol. Citron;'1# Tire above Groceries together with a full, assortment of Black and Green Teas, Raw and Re- fined Sugars, Spices, Pickle -Sue,&. &. opiiga well selected stock, whichwilb sold cheap for cash customeërs, at prices tirat defy competition. WINES -AN"L Reu'- 'Ê rdy. martelsa Dcnieetlc Jamaica Rutu. - De' Koper <un; ifanlt's finsI Port Wlne. Pco iarin und other Sberty'e, Old Tom Gin. Old,'Iye lWhiskey.' 50 hall barrels white Flsb. 50 " " Trout. 25 ' " Labrador Beringe. " l- Salmn». - Quintale Oodfebh. 60 boxes seal.d Herringg. Sfnîoked Hafddles, Salmon and yîsrmeutir Blottera rectlved freeb weekl y. A, few Barrels of Chippewa OId Rye, ini stock, 5 years old ex-ý CV cellent for family use. Ù7'JJ See, price Iist of Fruit, &c., ferr cagh-2i bsCrat o $1 00 ; 9lbs. New Valcntia Raisins for $1 0; 91Us New Seedless Raisins for $1 OO,;',NeW, GREATRARGAINS-, GREAT IoEDUGTIoNVse ae Raisins from* 12 c. Newy Figs l2jc. 251ba Good Olean -Sweet Rice for $1 00. Are I N B O O S' . S Q E S ~ duction -madeouall.,oter aticles to. u cs c mers, l O A A L R -A T -_Wirithy. December'15w, 1869. Cirequered Store, Brock Street., IR.J0y A RINOL D S 14 A 'aa CI N otwithstanding tire Shoem ser a rj cs dtr e ien L aieie eAjT=} ~ ' prcared té suifina'càesBot and Sho t a ~JiI.1J~ L iN 11 '~ aud'under tire old prie. for Casir. Ii'orF~¶~~ ÂJq VJ.. L A ktJ1£93 I- Moen# heavy cones oots ; Rip sud Frenchr Calif Boots,; Frenchr Califsewed Gaiiters; Artic0Overahoes. Ladies' Ilîib eut pld4n Blm"'qrls ; higli cout Gcat skun I3almoralo, Snd YVelveteen' aud Prunelîlaemorals. &isaes sud Chiildrens Volvetcen and Prunella 13almorals î Ladiés' end 3Misjeo buttoned FeIt Overehoce, Trunke, .&c. li'f. . ARNOZID I I NB.-AII eccounts further notice. Wlsltiby, Dec. 1,- 1869. Opposite Ontario Bank. rcndered last Octeber muet ire piid wîthout. Bm-4& <j> E o o oe a, E 0 o o c, o 92 'O o [ESTABLISIIED. 1833.] .Tire undersigned in returning ,tiranks for the liberal patronage bithet xne e the aId eîtablishmeut, for neanly a period cf forfy yemrs, desires ho at> t tb. asnoiron bandl alargoeaaeortmeut of te most modern ad elegant Andtruts y pope atenton ud odeateprices to cure a ceutinusuce of publie patronage. Practical upholtwng. Fturniture re-tufleel and covereel. - J ea igndd Fusb p o eratn to ,derals Fui Supp -ied as-heretofore. 8ASM,,e splendid specimens of Picture Prames, and Gilding. Rememberch'ke ld18a. WhtbMaoi , 88.'ATX.. c'a c,2 IMMENSE CLEA1ING SALE! $30OooWorth of Firstaolass Ooods-,, at .,Cost,, for Cash, GIBBS LOBB &,Co. IMPORTERS ANDU GENERAL, MERCHANTS. Bgtc, announce thirir intention of retîriiâg from tire *mercaiitile busi:ness on the 1Pirst ot March neit, andas tho wliole of thre gods; must be ceared out belcre tlîat time, tire>y will, on sud aiter the olt of 1December, offer to tire public tiroir extensive stock, tr AT AND tJT)ER 'COST FOR CASH. -Ptices wil be niarked in plain figures, from whbich no abate- mentuil bce made. Great Jargams wîll bc gîven, and as tins le a GENUINE SALE, aud no hiîmbug, ail uho waut. 10 get Firat-Cîs Goode, at Lowest Wholesale Price.,sliould.avail tiremsolves of tis iutuually firvorale opportu. nity. Ail parties indebted, by note or bock, nýust settle withonit de. Iay, te Bave exPense. t'.Pemiee teibe let for a term of years, on and aiter thre let Of Maràirnext. * OohEwa, Novoinber 24tb, 1869. 4 CÂSTLJ~ BOOT e-&, 8140E MAKIEfiJ.,' OPPOSITE THE-COMMERCIAL HOTIEfL' ITbeg Io rcturu tlanksfor tlirn'llbenîîl patron. jw J. borieetofore bestoweMrolnnuentcn nonne.atia rpre ecnic ma TOWN 40i tiCOUTNTY, AT EEAS'J.NABLE L'ATES. ~ rromgomeanta for mles cau benmadej - 'Àvônîcszx. Whltby, Jnly 3, 1869. 27. MANUFACTURED AT THE Agri*cultural Worke. LEÇFFEL's iCELEDRATED Double TURBINE AER H L TIMM ICOIr xcexouwcL irEz!. scv wx.mnS: James Johnston 's, J3ROCKSTREEi, W111T137 Whitby, Dee. 15, 1869. 5 GREAT nr HOUBEHOLD BARGAINS YUENITU RE.1 -A T- Ne -PHIPPEN's, BROOKLIN» I, wil .sali Sofas, sofa.- Chairs,ý SecretaryBook Cases, Cnpbosrde Shelfeners Wardrobes, Bide boards, Wasi r tan delag e fane>' bsnging Looltiug.Glatses , at great sacrifice.. Mly stock ot Furniture is ver>' large, and nearly ail my 0wn màke, I can warrant 1git good satiafcion. FUNERALS ttnded to with ever>' attention and on short notice. A llrst-clas. Hearse to hire, fitted up. withi a double sett of Plumes complet. Rememben tirs place OFFICIAL-:,,ASSICNE.E. GENERAL AGENCY" OFFICE T un' 'd hvi g recived 4iI ppo ntmnt (o ffial A uiignoe for North îl Onàlri !8peredmtogi epoept Attention te a&H matters a -eankruptey o praclvonc .J ' remleecry Notes md Àeçcnts spediIyjcllctsd andremtttaneea On goo fa'mReoeurity At 8Sper cent iuterest. Spocial attention wiii b. given te, the negoeltienàofLcaUà, And ttcircreur.iry upe. bavlpg theirapplications 1t4ndsd to pruiptly, 'and ~ alt iliime: SA60;' IÀ04 both 1 ipovo d dunimprcved cns~tlyfos i.. surAucos ]B. MAJOR1 rrl:,zWheele w. arc uw ?nmfactnring tr Cheupethon any other #hop lnl'bcihe en- y and we wIIL gir. a guaractee. With oaci, Whrcei warranting tiacm t bebcnasweil made, and to give un goud satiafaction as 5327 manu- factnred ln the Dominion. isortics eieairing further Inormation e«n-coh- tain it by addrcsaing PAXTON, TATE & Co., Mmmi>Siat 186.)Pary -t., Port Pcrry, Ont. March ot, 189. l PROF. -J. POST, TEACIIER PIAiNO-FORtTïl,&c. Tzatus.-instructionn on piano, $10; theory et mnsical compootlon, &c., ozra, $5. w Au experienca 0f lmcre thon 12 jears cnaboe 1'rofegsor 1Post to, guaranteo Ch. rmpid advannoenî of pupilolspaod under histultion wbztby, March lot, 1869. 9-ly H IGRESTMARKET PRICE Irc0 3ARLEY A ÀT, PEAB, FRENGHMANS8 BAY. Frenchuaau's tBey, Sept. 22, 1869. - 88. L AND FOR S,&L B. TEU Underslgno fers fer -mies li Nrh 84 icres t of»t 1S, Ih eau. ef th. Tcrubhp of Heasul. The landl la tro miles nort>oet Rau- cliesuer, ciitha Centireaodi.thoe.la uome vatuiable Cdar tibesuitable for BeiIra>' Fcr paxtlelars appl>' te W. IL BILLINGS, Dember l, 1M5. LAOK"S ]HOTEL. ADELAIDE STREETI, TORONTO, eaumom nom or TUE NAaas. 0o LE~J OR TO RPýENT r Ccpoecfthte rcarpart cf LotN. 33 ,4th Cfon.- ýfWh1bYi iboatAfntg 00Aces Iooa lgs abu 0arscleatred, the femsinder vol] timerd.Thre la a good trameDweliu1 Hoa. it> atone coller, 2.5 x 5, la. courue0o orection, <rame fini, 886 z 56 ith shedsu n deneath. There ua iig tream ruuuiuj t orFrrtoePai. L-f' Titlinidigpaitgble. Aise for sl lrequasntity cf good Cord %Vcod, whli wAS eut Loatwintcr, mIse a quan. tity He'»lock Basrk for side. -, For terme end fnrther particulars, epply .(il l'y letlter pre-patd> to ALEXANDER OGtToN, Wliîby post Olhc, WîbO t18, 1 69, 8 m 42 FIRE ASSURANCIE C. l1/)MBARD STREET &à CIIA1<ING CROSS, ESLkLJ4LeDv1ýJ1782, GI.LLESPXE, MOFFATT & Co., Agents fcr AMS Canada. JMSDAVISCN, Manager. NIRICE against -LOBS by FIEE arc on tiie mobtfavorable terme and MOSS ADWitb*oetrefereise o bthe lard lua Lude. YEND N, > BO TO N, Wh ~ON?~NRy5 81 ul loiisd rdetall i to mkthe suud confeio.r ln.Fruit. $Ponge, a»d ail otiior kiîîds% et Cake, Taris sud Biscuits ol the bruqt quilît. ,t!Z;tuilt otallsinduIt n scaaon. AIse Lob. isaSardines, Coco, Nul,., Girgor Boer, &c. . - J. IcDOUGA&LL,ý Baker, Coisfoctiouser, &o., Brock ut Wlithy, Juiy le, 1867. 28 ý,Linseed Ou GENUIEWHT LED At JAMES E. GERRIE.'S Drng Store, Whîîtly. PÂPER IRANGINGS. Jubt recelvoul a, <nesla aasermentoî uer pal.. tori$. En.glishl Pper Iganginga uolling at Lcw Prios., BoR DEBINGS, WiJNDCW DLINqD@, LpnilI t-h.189, * - 14 t fl£LIVRPOL' LODQ& GLOBE lis DATLY INCOME ex"ed... $20,000 Its LIFE POLICMESare a Sene protectionu for the future.,< Utn FIlXE POLICIES, lxued nt CUEST? NaRA, asiford sMple pltctiou-te .Marchant and Iiouaeiolder., Ail faimr aluPaex r Paîo, andl thé nt- H lead Offlcocanad aeuh, Mnîreal., L.FhlANS0 Agent for Domflior. ah Whitby, Ont,* Wlitby, July 28ti>, 1869.so INSOILVENT ACT %pic184. b AND AMýENDMENTS TRREO. INS OLVENT ACT OF 1869. In ltai ttr of LEWIS HOUTOK,, ounî of sià uir 1 thé sù aISiaa. Datotd at Whltby, Ibis ber, A.- D. 1869. -. LI fl2n by G. Tof ROYAÀL. CÂ&NÂD PORT lPERX suranc, e mpnl HEAD OFFIoE-.Broeck tSeet, blt'y Eo GTJGRLEY, MIRCANÂ TIAIL4R CLOTWEX ÀNib DRAPER-, GENTLKEMEWS GARmEMEZ M'ade up la the best etyle and lateat faa'hlce. A Eune stock of ClotUas <rom wbicli te Make a oleetion for Gentlemens aummr sit. Oshawa, Masy 12,2869. 19; JiO01N C. MOMIULLEN, ACCOUTNTANT, NOTARY PITELIO CONVEY'ANCER, Iaud and Oenerai Agent, Ortilla; Pom04 o Pecer Street. Wil an * veaFerme in th~e Connunt OOtioandu(moefor sale. Laànde- 'valned sud renta collected. )Mer-, ct. O, nd6U aIrrangedm~,ra. BSpalattelitionadtecluie and î.rcmpt rerittances md oleîo EFERENCES....oD. D. U. MoPlienoi, souator;- Hon. j h5npous.uk. i NRWLY IMPORTED PAPEÉR IIAiNGTINGS'. Bctao.e ly by himgeîj', whicl haobas ou alat VePrY Reduced Puices. 9w» Palutaugg .rainîn;,glag g and Paper Maeug, gezeecutoîl iii a ork maulike andi oxpeditious nianner, as nouai. A. C. wiLSONr Dundlas Street, Whitby, Wldtby, April 8, 1868.1-t IBUTCHER'8 NMUT, FRESH &_CY) ED! llE ESCRnf beg, toinform custom. -IL man Ib pnlilnt bt ias$ho e acou. umtautly supplied with tLe beat etf, Mottou, Veal, Lmb, ok,&. 1 N CEsser, prcpcrly at ed corefulîy dresed and joituted te unthcmkecpors, andl for sea i r B3r ed Bc, Perk and Cx Tongues enrod ina anperler a nr'îad evt)bù lu the Viatuaiiliu eianner; au vou~a w»keôb thse nov Bheop-betwooeu xtsr. of IMesugre Hatels aud Lores &ils V Brock Street P 0e, JAMES MANN. WhLVlby, M arc th, 186. - 0-I7 JOIIN ROI1SqONi. Ilair Dremag and Siraviug -SALOON, BROCK ST., WtilTBY. SUUoirmzasBASE or MON731AL, L AND FOR SALEI - The, North haIto o o 1,I h t Concession of the.LtN.1,l b 1 TOWNseHIP of PICKERING, eontaiuing 100 acres. h 0à1a un tily et excéellent Coe, andhere l a Ian o quen the 1 't. Tii.ti l In g cd san elal vatered, sud thore l% a cespitaIMII site on the pro. mlseg. APPlY to *GEORGE BALLARD, Dr. ADAMPLATN - <reenvecel, or to W. H. BILLINGS, Soicitor, Whitby. grcéuveod, May'18, 1889. t-O JOHN CARTER MLOBNSED AUCTIONEER. ONTARIO, YORK< k 2FEL. -e-- ]RESI»ENCVýjot , e 51bCouq, Y! In th.écuuty cort the cutehOn.I Office- tirer 0O11 BAR1IISTER -x tary Puiblic. &c. OMCxi-Neat d( campbeii, Broek 6r Wlhiti>y, Iov.lE S. B. 1 S OLICITORt NC Emiister, soli, 1.a rmoved hMal ONTAZmO BA. wldtby, Oct. 7,~ FAREW-C ÂIRSTEtSU LJwRIh, :OI TABIl UBLI5I. Ois:nedo Tm ,and ML Ttmlall, 1$owLsa J. E, FA"-EWL&. jROSS, "lÂi>k A. 'W. IdrsEsu. W." *SOLICII A TTUI;xl;I' AT uBrock, C.« W. J. IRAMIER 3 Chanceryy Nota dce., Wlsiilby 4'.I $ouil of l'.-t Oltire. jaticarsansd 1Bob Pnimiz ALBeEsr-lIJ Hall. Pour Pmsusr-!Orruc S IL Cocuissu, Lb. i Ceauuty Crowîi Atton, ..OEN (;zee Oi5'ct.-Over Armi- Uxbritige, Joue M, DR. HA SIJEGEON, CC R. J. <III ~URGEON -TO£0TT Bjlyron $treot, Wlsiii W. -H. LAW, WELLINSG.T( MAUX IJEFBOTTU2Z. 'L WILSON, JY. Tlti"Oudamud thse piu bwiepeed tjiiübCih iVe e ofý1uvfrteaccal ,On guuuuic, Tihe lionu Wjbod tSu- oat tliOr4>t Gosîsto vii fins sel<Igts ,fte haiBn ood siuling sud eudmiice. 4.wi * "I. YARM -FOR 1 1 Fil - am-48, ý 1

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