Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1870, p. 3

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pied. ID ezi sis s- Ir, e i (#and oi.ugh0118.n i grest lsdr ir >miul tl n.ws te the U be jusdayMU, lb. ltdhet bing yheyt, 11o1110 . In eteuçon oltovlng rea i. A 11Y lqskstheSwring su no " vudgo - r-t, Seegtoinut. Ie" adanust eDe te,e~ ; Tumtod ousytil obm sioA sr* ro be.,nWasbégol r e nbe s iraY A Look suleiing Md wtruo? ai. dreoi.p sd ont umesu O a - ady 'or kit ' 4lansd op~ef8usalias for tit A o 0 WQYL 'lviseligues t o lie,,y tlne UVslss.saiy à c imule te c t eii , êi p wartis es (o - ~saet.e o? lip.rtes0k nte rlvo at. M. , 810, .1 T Ohue Frigt'Crs* Ip ls stiyot he >iftionsscrth ul e vîsioli lie. lorn e p aiar re 10of Pbeouarsîu.d Otri o 1s, Jan. lesr.ipls870t, edifres Tli igle. égsî h. ctis, et t e t c, eof tii. colte s ise l)lite l ma lsil , leaiiwsiy, sire tbooe wiii bdCs r e t o det t utu fc,dl .En r., u t 7 oclouksp. mtie 7tiiJan- aCe.ll Jr . l <YDUa to he8. mli E.. . >.IiLA ÇommiC.ioJ.a'"08 '. Qttssusa, ldtil J ai-luiy, Im?. . E XT ÈA PAIM FORt SALE. - TOWNsJKir 0F SCUGOGO P'art of Loto% 8 ad 9, lit tise MlIS con. of thse towssiiip n' Fcugs, oir,iseliîig veo dred so. ...a bout 80 acren ceurad, isiid i.* gsod stato tf oultiiutiei'. About 1 uniteauswi luà 7.11 Wiset, wtiî a youiig t4rchai'd5sa gsod Trame Batit, ansd exceiuntt traîne J)woolii, fuu isew), wltls toîsa e er nder tihe mislu heite.s 'f, it d l0Y14 waiiud le0iesle tir thse bist grain gruîwliig finTîselit tise toshipul Froin unctiuirtlIotaossa-isiof mIii bc îequiqod jlowno sd tise biaiece ou tiiise, for se turis> of yesis, If rcquireud. 1 Dibtaiie, about sxmis a frnm Port Perry. Toi pïrtlçulsrs iipjly t- - JO)SEPH II GKL<)W, port Ferry. Or- a. (G. BICKEL, Off the ]>roimuiiewu Port l'orsy, Ilti Jais., 1870. '4irs8 or TUBE TOWN or WNI5TZBT3.& i le14 (dD. V.) et tire Weslus>ien lithoist Citio lis,i.this atownoes NVONDAY EV'NG, lau. 24ih, 1870. Qew. T. Goldsoiustli, of Ilanilton, ieraal Ing Agen;t o? thse U C. XtIII)Q 5Scety.3jouird ~oves ni othar speikaore,are a'apected ýoa ýýreas ha e seetis. A collection wiiilliectsao up 1 p aid of tise Wliltisy, Jan, 1.8, 1970.) . 8 M. IT A LE1 ci ' Canriages, Buggies, Cutters, j ~ f 'u udraigssed lie roclveel Instructions troin tihe rropriut.sr, I? U »L C A UC TION, AT! slo i A155AOI5C ACToi, 13ROCK -ST. WI-11T13Y. MATUDAY, JAN. 29tho, 1870. T fhe follsswing vlus.bls Carriages, Bizis ,Csttefa, VOeiîsoe1iau, &c., - iesuieeficured ais ;bo'praiuiae, hy tise proîritur coisîigtiscg ' '22-piettdl td*]morlowîs~f0esI'issism; 2P iiaetisiss, mitis tope ;2 t>iuetois, Openn; 'liuig.scat Bug, ïii olaesad aPaits IlltroliiigteitLiugg flii lu i isised g us tsîsîcy l i aliiittei gear; 5UCulinitSir ; 2 'isssteiîe ; ltl Ksuudeigli ; 2 rsslilisg matssitSigliiu ~1Futut5~wtiiaiiisls c il u 'u't ronit ettor; 1 Cutter, (iieseniy tisaw,1icutter, S 101sol);2 cutteri,,.t'uod 7Veo- jiedi. Sale to 01111 9110ut 1 atlo'tk, isoon. Lunch pis tise 1'reîicu.â TERM 0FSALE, AIltol n;ofut$10, asaIsid unr, cis'; over tisse pmotuut, 8s iuusstisacrefit, ou puroeiài.aela' furý uluitiug aîspîot'ed Miduubecd Nutea». 1. 1.-Ait tihe love stoec it new worlc, andI «aS bc warruisted, lisseissusiî il" it Ceaini *t,U. Iuetisred lor îrivatlososuie tond ftr Citspfs ud 't it mliitie lluîtiio loî qiîsg sdhy nue- lots. 111 couslueie ors uitihe-t1gulu,:iit of pues' stock un litiiidtheiilu. e udiajuxj pi' witiiut rcrvetoorv,. 1 -L.-/?AJIMIANKS, jr., Auilnoer. 'Wliliy, Jauis. 1@, 1670 ZIPOCKET ]BOOK LOST ilitwecîs 1utiiîs' ireci andsa tise tuswî et 'Iittsy; cuiitiiaii$61 ihiitlîîd twu Loes pi l'Abd. 0110iisiinuuIy Liîater :, raI, l'or *510. (oui wiîlICII015 Jold seSsen 11isireJ bIiLQituif'seur »ýfJsusîc Andrew itise otiier MIuiaibly Juîsiiru Aulunîs, lit favor r, 'Plisie isse ?toSur $ou ; suth Owd i ubtusit urus Idue. ~io iieer wiilie uittuly rowrad cil etrî'<lepi. luet bo.ok 5iucoutata to tutise s; iderÀ!gitsd PusaIuutioô le iereisy givuistîsut ssii srtil'. aru cotlisees'sit iii isuslig Oi' 1segolatig {~.0iNAwày i I Boots,, and Shoes at any Price 1 -- The iueses.gcd, hlilssgenssciudea tDive ait bualeisslis Wiittiy, ssaIr'Fi, tst wwr4v, liste ilotsssted 'Pr. Luiel airbasi, à j. a riuittu be-lby 5-JUDiL!P &UCTI0UI, THXJRDAY A n d FRIDAYT, snd ielowiîsffveîsiîsau tIlthcii"-- dito M -4ok, li tockofrucianshoe ic i s. niso ctntiduoîtis)igor e large ssu>rt- nment of Ladite»', U@Iestiemess', aiîd Cilidiusi' boot sdcs , lit e v ariaty aisd uiyj 'Terme uhb,' h Ilsr ýSSle Ati o2oalc, là-tise aItaeooiS1 ansd 7 1l thle $*iiigs --s-" Tb&Immeoau 10 ppqoun.ea by4ppism V040 of the PY'M. te bd the kgssptee0. ocsaof theose la Lftâ.p.< TUI'bait lsmtiati s 04 iigle , - timetoesaspl.Otbe u esIIl aIPPoa. cSe. lisniaid JsUge Portir Tkun -mmERALb vil ueommeues on aufust 7, 1S0.Snd vil foisteis a civ story 1 ' LIORTftIBE AQANe A 4si.oattise UlOortis sd Srti- West of roas1 l iwuwozm&&r rom usa - aT coN O'5SAt2r --. Autbor Othse' "Irisis WIeo"f ""Tji6 *Ith tlisrintssler yl :b.-;Prosanteul anms es slui sron eteusga daiteh tory [st fila preaent, o? Ireised, suiroiiadlng bv l llîkeporaa ?ssiis recn;ie liultoileal pltures o? lrelsnd. 'isî viole terni- lIng onu of the isst bessutiuisily .îeosdd a tuion cvrtioed (rom-tie promu, b-' I8UV'IT 8 19AU IlT ' ' Ingle copias ouly t es tq., 12 mnstish ~ - Dissostiue f2.00 For sale b> il r oesalers l isthUited States, Canada, Iraieisd, Englessd ansd Seotlaisd; THZE JcEEALD PUIILISIING Co. 1P. 0. Box, 6,982, NeW 5York Clty-. 4io. S The - itlhest B~ook of the PerlodAE T W4 ED '_-o f WOMEN 0r NEW* YORK; 9, TH! iUlder P orld oi the Great City Ilissutreýtiss tise lire ufts tsirxl anda iow Piace, aîîsonur uthe od, tise Bad, and tii, Ilisdlfaranl; Et1tic, luIssnd the l'ver ; tIse "Virtuisimitise Viclisa;' tise Famouu end -tise~~~~ Uékon Soi>, Vide sessd Yirtue, thearda tiseWoie c l>iEepire Cil> ty « sô 13Y GEORGE ELLINGTON, Thisosut tartliss; revelation of t oderu ises. New York Society oniked. lisa ,Ariatusctaey, Woonan 0f- PleuRusre, blaersied Worue', ssaI a l cisae tis)udgiily-,tntiistcd. Tsp IBook c ontaiuit'740 osge, and 451 ilines- tratiuîsa. lrisesu, CIoti, Z.25; Lissiry $8 78 Full t it, 04*25. Tise ceeaet ooanbsle and tise WteoeilI. (iii. kgant reisîygd l1 orderatls tais dasys ; assotiser, 10 ule is. tlso eue heour. -"sdrea's,,ut 0119,, TIlE NEW YOR1K BOO1K COMPATeY, No 14ô, Nassau et 9,New York. T T x~iTAX Xi'tsssdlste paysiento alil fax..dgslise Corporîstiois of tise- TOWN 0F -W-IIITBYP- Io reqsilrel fôrtb li 1 ~~ w,~yood. s Jar O7nor.-Oppoe te 'tOc. W hitby, iauë 10, 1870. COU RT ý OF NT419I1. A Pal retitss of tise Reuvea masd Depnt., Reeves of tîse veiousu Muussii-;ilitieu 0f' thse t'ouatî o0 ustsrie, valhise isio tiste Cosîsseil Cisasis, Court ISosoce, lu tise TOWN 0F 3VUIT1Y, Tuesday, January 25th5, 1870. At 2 o'clock in thse nfterssoss, In oreler te f«sis tise Cisuilios thse 0Crporsaiasaoaitise aforcii Cosoty<Clur'* (Ifflee, - Wlsitiy, Jan. 12, 187P. Mr (COUtli paperg Osort oaustisoul. .0 TAV]URN STAND, &o, Tise pnd.rsig Ildbsareessived. inAwmretiexs Sosistise proprietoi, te dîspia, of ils Taveris Stand ande two uris8 et land attîstiece, by Pubici Aution,oa TJIURSDAYe FEDILJR~Y 3, 00 Tise prusnisearo weli gilueted on tholitis con. ot Pickernig, Lot No. 4, cose b?* tpaiyi luge of Kisîsusie, and easiie-esseia-laitY'flu (ireesswuud, osn a good trieveled îoad. 'Tiue Isis'ue làu41 x 86, ±wo itorise*, bWal) fefed ssp, goedsetaubi isg sud spaclofia dysilssg' ilse Aia god w ellmsId puMss. .- e A a e irea cf Laud, <0Js1t. lt 9t a 1i 5 yrâ. esif; i guèd'1Coi, toulaoissMitre 1 'Relier, 2 yrp. old ,lu cii; 1 1ullCife i fel. fer Cuir; i1JlBd y;2 Cotes-.; 1 onissu sequsutit> dtlioaehisold furssiture. -- Ail tise aboa upi operty viii' li0 aold jrli1ou& tise xliglitgat iseerve, 1ù5 lsd' propriata 'la rý- movlug ta tise Wcsut, Tise uttle leO'foupeior'b Miller stock,. ed ss Ce~ TERLMS,-Halfuash for tbej*tàauàanifor tise 00 asroe 0f lsiid, 'lm.-pbe. s<, tcnh, 55.1t ithebalance. peaymbw ti pite outien- lice. et tise puioIsieee, wtis .1* pe sei nter' est. For tise leiroouieutock. me u srssture, ah' etm uni sder 10, cmias - over tit anouit 91 iisostisurdt,'busislublâng 5pproled Jui- t. botes ; usteremm Wb. cîssesgusd rois dgy o? sal if flot pdd wiseu duo. ' sle teoism sence at il-o0 lous, Sois. Ktlasl, Jan. 10, 1870. $ ?lii T e- tue N "-t, / ~TILL Ç~TNE ,4 e,) s-'- s' -'5-- -A -T4--~ ey- ; .;- - '*" ' ~-e- 5~iecp ou's - a. i~ Loz N'MILLAN & Qo~s, NEWA&DVERTISEMENI'S, eseo. Comfort, I..pxury, ELEGANCE & ECONO0Myt CQMBINED, «In addition t.o the reiI a ýuorted stock of exery description of Pçaw»w, ~ 4ary, Kftohou and Bedrooxl ï,hweve mad"e arraigcenlents to take the 0F THE FATEYt RÂM*G-O.& Fornpng Fiwe.Screpn, CIiIds Cot, Loungq,'Camp Beci and Éa>r'hair, at, the Wonderful 10-wprie'eo6f$350. Pee- Circularq. j3-lWj»tbjr. Jans. 18, 1879, §q!e Agent ton lVhitby. THE VARIETY STORE, THE FOLLOWINdi ARE ON HAND. FQt JAUR.-h Ying Ladies'Journal,? thq !Gentlemnan's Jûurnal,' 'Engliab Wnsan's Uoçietilufagazine,' Good Wor,' *S=n MPuagazine,' 'Uood Words pqj!thse roasg, pýo trjcq .riiitrlt"alossMontbly.' FQiI FEBRUARY. -5»)emestIs Moptlslti '! norcst!e Youai 4;nerica, ' 'odey's fraI, Book,' Ballos's onthly.? WEEHLTE.-The 'Canadian Illiistrated New#,. ' !rank Leslie's Illustrated.' Chianney - corner,' ' r ork Weekl y,' 'Nou York Jo4cr"Wlks 'Wavcly iJ ié, *ireiide Oooepanion,' ? ~ to ~oTse, SPECIAL.-Joph Billing'i eParmerCiAia, o wc b s is bo.n tawkin so snutdii,' the 'Daggor,' ( oiy i,)'ve 7~tisdai,' ibifr, mUn loo4sil biiieh Sey~ .S. miulo 19poJ, 4o., #CI STA!*GNERY l4ARGE NEW A.1)YERTIS'EMENTS- GRATCLEARING 'ýSALE!1 HaIq deidea to offëe the balance of their At and under Uost price foir cash before . R.,CtmÉ;beIl stfrts for the lBritjuh niarkoti to pus'cbase helrsrs tca'r~~'&rn antigspu rIl-M aso leavo thoir orders beforeth 7s> Opcà. ttpio Rt e Io gceap liu'es. ]B1ackand Colored 8ikPpi. ao Le1~o, 1is Winoeys, Ladies Furs, Nanties and Shawlo$ Milliner,,-ý; factory -and White Cottons, P rinit, lannels, Çioh ad Twoeds.. 1IEADYNAELOIIG&O GROCERIES.-The attention of Housekeepe;@ is directed to their Teu e t their own importation. $peeWs prices for qiantiie.s5i5f 1 R. 4 J'C4MPP*e4jPL. Whitby& Mancheoser, Jau, 10, .1870. w c, E ~< S T 0.0e IProo AND V4l1gIE. N. .-X~isç, ofurnished, to ordg, pron4ptly and properly. GE;BENGOUGU, W#utby, Jais. 18,13810. . or suhMstlTlgahOfc. WANTED.-A, loy, 15 or 1# yearp yI 'hvn ti nRhedasoation, 10 niaie bianseif geoor&My usofim, Cutteors cutters! th Ie Cuwtes 8 1ik' t TuIE LATE$T TYLE-1 14NDPBST MÂNUF&CTIJRFý Na =Pie~ iHJ gu.q4 sufficiently Lt? unt ~ ~iflof jWibjan. , 187 Ma ~DON.OVAN, 2-Whitby, a 0W O SM M' Chimneys, Shades, P.fc PQokot lantearne, 'Spring Braoketo, Wiok Trayse #o. eAMES Il GERRIEI 1 12, 187Q. Fainily Drug Store. IUFU~S! RIFLES À 'U$SIANRIFLEJIoR ONE.PRD 0F HÀRDIY-qOD. -Carry elther Bal Shot!1 -few left and must be disposed.q Secuùre-on e at ppçg, wil4CI te wood or farmerîs prqlýce. « HEAD OFFICE4: PROVINIAL, t HEM> OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY COCKER, SCOTTISH PRO>VINCIAL, (LisE,) A. DA VSOfije*'AKBit% Money, at reasonable ratek Wbitb, Janany-,1870, Lx AGNEW, AGENT,Wmn pital, $ 4OOOQM TORONTO. jTOHN AGNEW, AoGEÏIrWwrnT. Company, for thue Loan of JORN !AGNEW> .9 Agnt *itby.- JU$T IIECEIVED 'DOMINION W3 WAREIIOOMS EZKxp5~ A -QCE E LEiT 10 Q1 OflI~T AS I9L*~TSN Whitby, Dec , I6~ BANKRITPW LOWIES tPOWELL., STOC~i i 'ýegs é -annu -Ï hiai 'h&ýived on- commiapj'lqn a portion. -f« o~Montrea1 Bafikrupt Stockwhich lie oifiýftf É.- ale, together» with the balance of his FALL 1-AN]) WINTER STOG1v- AT N -ARlY ALr PRIVCE. - Tba is~a fvoral~p~rpupity pf securing MUCIr LOWER THAN W 11IOLESALE- PRICES.- This is a strictly cash sale. Wluitby, .Dec. 28. 1869. JORN, sHiNNE. 4.ITStRECEIlVEO! Netçw ý,Teas, Black and Cren. BRÂNPDS' IN--,FÂMILY .-LIQORls, CLEARING SALE 0 OF TRUSTEES IATTENTIOPN IID - C4urhes or sclýob i .9 es, very cheqap. P? en, *ge Âmerica Iug nd ?ther 'Whips, pheap, Cooklng, Parlor, Boxqjnd lall Stoves 's-f«eavy motal cheap at, HMU-&;"1jiý W. tas 8oports ty piLisankia ;out 'nusoseroasa umetýqýesfr atfvoi 'sflitna onissnco l.taieh Ormollo is cbéd4kmnab' awtJor>&fi ~ î cfo Euiew 's "msn ooasssc at n is .db. i pe ltera MOP TREET. IWfb' a 217. MATCH & BRO., R. p'Clark hel to l1sifotJj s,'Brouisut., 'v g iser -oJ~1e ulive Ibeni, oungvi ig ast "salilsî, OXs PS~s-5AIOo4j flAMILTqNk& '(Q PrIO 1tor, il .L% -sdiusBank, busli'se lossc t a ,!suHryý' ISuT, assois ciilts ba peyablouttislth HeaiM" 1oftieiBatik lia Tsrust or set aiîyo'tiseéAgens- ctsf!ua Bycrder of ths e rt ' . ~~(iOUSE e& qUARIIrgg ACREI OF L/e Lt, e, u I, rwe ?Wiily.Wl fuL or aaesI1s sIy.Apily ta-. l muw efurWsib t.a nmi - - j Ci 1 1 1 ý f

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