Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1870, p. 4

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41n.8 INrEBOI.OIÂL RILWÂ~ --ALSO A4 GOOD ASEORT"LNT op Tira nc.Pulia NUa ttliler#lt»,aI ore egiaTeiiders for B 4 1tIs D seis, K ltn 2N liiucolietî t Cris150 1, id oaido cars, A Splepdid vaiety of' ÀN MAI An1ud, .»l nrml a t lfat en'tel 'a'isIui ng Oo d, i.B-.Pce toimcari bemoýi7 th@.i Goohirdo d g o .-ui e ()t(bw, wou iit4 Le lthJan moàerate to su de i latr 1 I Iit*rtj ON ijlJl RuIIwy therkad ieldTenders .ad-lrcooodl bto t Commis. oomade i lstest style#, aI lowpre.fo ah A. WALE4iI, -l A.l. ItC(INLB 141 J nua y,107 . ( R *W hthy, Je. 12, 1870. _ _ _ T'P_ _ O~~ REAT BAGIsi'RàijZE.D;CTÏON,9 JI'NSURTIR IN, BOOTS - & eSHOES81 The -undersi1 otnust DOMINION GALLERY. Fo îlueof t<no, fullesoq- of dtalLsnd dax- qslt lssscsuu»oî l~s rpassed. Urest c vo talî,licspyltc1 nId portaIts- enlsrgltJg sL:,sout veyr ,i...ba takisag c IN'l s s rIMs nimsci<1 kirîls oalways r Laud. Orcet rrduotion lu 19, C.-WILLSOeN, I)asmlalc n uar>, Donjons st 1-mJA*F8WAL 1%EII, oî Aslibolî, Ont, TWÏ Pou&h, DONI1ON PLO UGIJ, Stndaourutsttuirlspon &s isrg& se l I MWIN &- DOMINION - P LOUOHS I w '14y wilsyu lagaarasatoed, welumode, AUdI 01 wOkilsag part grouaad. W1J l'orties would do well teond ln thoir O cridt!rn witlmoit dolaéy. (u)ulnty Iilglims lfur saie.O Aieliburi, Ncvoitiber 10, Ilogo, -t o val/ P- 0., County cof Lennoe,, Ont, Cnada. -- J lao, css:roIl lsatlngg Procviasce or t.Sssbrs,, Fia; it)i, 186.. 111,414 ito crerîi lliis lsrirst, tise vitter 01 T i vstitsisis ll ith siwesshsueassof tie 1 1u, thssijtsfi ua y k fsonds, onîsl asistsite)us> ,-îl s t1 I 1 acaiflsu go) aaa ttheI1coula "tI boik lst vusa. cssslse ifassy chsfsor. Fur aibout t wu4tar», Wllse tiotu lnuis.s vaiscssing 011 fisle, islt uraa-L, nîi i aisinraciental asrseo, assa ks4sii'uess ci cilotitia - il ludi, peaieibed Iay tIrisa i. itenct uso iril, 1 c)4Jcus tue t Et W-araasto ar>e, itatil t t'i jsusca. rf('t18181 w i, Is teI ia sdiîij ltu laetissa gscas- SIet3 uasao- liais lIse vaasissca t ly~ ass Jis cot rIs güitulain siasaîisotIliaiss,,,. IIsave tahisstwo, huttica cl thoisa 4nunies ieaUonlosd d vew Issiu,4 of t lu, ilIs 5.55sI1 11su1;c-itireiy imatoeeate -Ieaitlis. 1lsau'viieîscastsltje gu lictter, butt Atlh tr! ieu tise tssjchesn as a 5i:f Icrîsru loupeu. hislee4tsaofauci assisse a saa oprivalsa ,9aJ0, butuevsa wntoteell sauy uiiglbûrssali frli,-ssl',a;ad tu tas caDiue sslued saa àvse5,1 )issîve osi>i asytr>ythusoabcacutesa liemedy; I ocelers1$ii cure vsou.I 14ILA INN DOIJGITY. k'ssrna t bf la-a l et .I*se, Cbsaaat>qs' lia. nqeh51 loie4 14day q F#baaue,l, 1 69. 'A. F.,t-on, J'P., &.e l Isereby aoerify isaI 1 isav kunvus ulrs. CU S iir y At ol>asuiïsy fur tis@ a let firia-caveuasn;lu aii luwesss.ss uf îrohïOr #lsi trutis. 1 iuio kticwJîalier litiiare. durisng, miel milicelier îîî. jar aoi..! 1I hilev ar Ia.ss- it tislse snssalast e veryl porticaiir. Ilsuow tisaI wlsiie lit iesr Cassa6 ivas duijfrcd Iopcis; usIoi 1ksow ai -i -lii hiss, -sisea bler raesarery, ssîasas>-suttvilisted lgr rfuoseery tote ol tsainss e iady 14 wls*Igr rr usahlier.lituetcssiar lparîîts 4l 1 tlaIs masîleisus,, eue tfslssgis 6cumbali, t1h51 lu lier gsuse, IL lino u 94 i$ lanesî ike tisa efsisrtcsec et a &W*ocis. 4 . Y. WOOD, J. P. Wsrden of tha Coust-y tY O 11stilg, Frovîaea 0<Utsta3nuiiisi f Cssasp. l .Tic-s -Iuuari~t Oi u pi lne, $10; tiasor> Advitucet- e<ofP;PMJIpaÎÏâ 0eue4alà îtoti Wtikbty, àgreh l9#, Mit. - - 1 IRL À 0 'S - tTE BL. u -AT-OD NotwthaàlniùgtheSfremaker's strikt and thêe s n Lestber, bel.ý7 prepared tb seil firat.elus Bootâ snd Bboe. at and- und'or the old ýpçice for cash.- 00 MPRIsIqa .Men'a heavy coarse Boots; su, d French Caif loots; Fu-eh Calf soed Got r hjrte Overslsoés. Ladies' )sigh cut plain B al1morals ; Iigi eu t Goat skin Balmorsis, sud Velveteen sud Prunella Balmorats. Misses and Clsildrcn's Velveteen and Prunelis Balmorals i' Ladies' and Misses bug ocd Feit Ovcrahoes, Tu For1 cbeap gooda try- Trk, c N. B-AII accounts rcndered Iat October muât b. paid -wiîbout f4rbor notice. Wiîby, Dc ,189 m-4 8 R. 3. t Y OtriDBnk f -- E-4 G.REAT IN HO0USEOLDO Ne PHIPEENsBROKIN I iili801 SoasSofa- Chairs, Se'rerewy, ookCu, npbars ScIenr nrolffl, Sida oriWnbSadlargoe scy. lung Lookeing.Glatus, a1tgresi aouigIeM tc turiu.s vr rg , aîstd n early nl M y ow n Imna1é,' 1 c~u 1 L O ve ', * ti i ow je tnetst y good sadsfaoUôo O W a h e li e o r g rea t b a r a in , c o m e d ù4 e e . .ïe R X C A 8 I 1 . 3NE LSattended 10 witb every attentiou-n adon -, shortfnotice, A 'aIÎ OAraso tb Jure, fitted up4iîb a double sett d'lumes complet. ~s~iii~(5.he pace. -sept. 29,1869f. N. 'P~IPPEN Rropkljn. ;EST MlANUFÂTURE,DO I ON W IE O nes.k ýw Establishment or HIE E~TON. BROOK STREET. AN CEet Sllwig THE ROITA. , apitaL,$2,O0000 lI At U tA U Ç A E EAD, oFrI TORONTO. FRANCIS -EWARD, EQ ,I JOUX AGNE1W,ý INÂP IL 9 Àapita 5 $200»00 IM P RA L aptl $,0W 0.Have decided to offer the balance of their RENTO 174 3rtOTH'lS, rJOHN AGNEW, [ Wns Fail an'd Wintor Stockl AGEin, T, T At and under (baot 'prie 9orcash,fr Mr. É. Campbell starts- NOR II RITS F, apiwa,$,0,o, Biihmrestopieus their sprlng -stock. (Parties desiring XIBAD leuve,11~ohr rderaý,befor e .the 27th.) drc BISA»OFFIE, JINTREL. -speclal attention to tiseIollowinar cbeap lie». MODOIJG',ALL& DAVIDSONÇ, Jolie AGNEW, ]Black and-Colored Silks, Popiss, (;codres e, Plaide, -MANAGERS. AosMan, Wsu=-,,. Winceys, Ladies Purs, Mantles and Shïawls, Mgillinery, fiOM uE, - ait,$ 1,500,00 Actory Éand WhftO -Cottons. Vrinté, lanels, anid Blankets, t',loakibgs, Carpeçts, 1BAD OFFICE. NEWIIAVEN, Cox. Clot.he and .Tweeds. FOR W iîby, cc n 1,18i9 & ESPOWELL.j saet 1 Pialk PROVINCIAL, HEAD OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY CR00, j, SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL, (Lii 'HEAD OFFIVE, rj'AlSO' the IColnial Securit DMoney, at reasonable rates.i 5 Whitby, Jannnry 4, 1870. Pire Proof Chi=eiys, hadei, BpigBratkets, Wt JAMES THE -VA RIE!.o'ýa THE FOL.LOWINO ý , FOR jÂNtTÀ1W,. , Th. 'YoujnF IMÎOS' Journgl, for the oodiWord±- Ls4y>Poo,' Bxllou's motbly.' Crnar, 'Nov York W eea1çi 1 * 'ia York match,' tbe 'Daggerl' comioev,77 stgrd , R, , F -- - ~'wNp4,'*0, hnhed toi -' 50 :FFIOA $S1~ *REA tGEC. FIE a ptnply, sn4 et seil oxpe="eun elpnhaigerapi. loo, Ie dO, bot-b I'prond sud ;oniajwu"d elsta .tly for sale, Msrue Onao arigersu Muiasj an NComany. mume - W b ity , jaIL le# 811. dm oeSouth 1 - ' W M T E .- À B y , 4 y~ q s f e l 7) I a r bip o g oJfm e rsy fairfV Dundas 51Sreet, Wiitby Wbithy, April 8,] 8 da. 4t BUTOHER'S MEAT, PR'ESH & CUR ED! pTHESUBS3CRIB7 ns e to frna cstonh, I r eand 1 bu Publicet liat Salas lop ilaOU utuntl> SUPI lied valtihaMebâét cos eeMtnVeal, iLamb, Pork, Smt, J U1524 AGN EFW, AGzNT, W iT B -. cnred sula LX 19iugup T~ ~ M A X T, (1 O fl au in Veaal po i nu e r sud evevytbiln8 ('1 VTIT l j iokept Cohéata04 40000 REA I 'Y MADEJ CLV jINU S En4l Itmm e w le 5vSliop-batveeu lhe 'n' , . . ~tore, Ms ar.slh 8udLoes.Powell$ TOOTO ROCIERIE S...The attention of Housekeepers ils ece to Brck itret MANN. TOOTthejr Tes ot thejýr owu motain Setlpe. trquammes. % - y , MMerIS ts, 9, 0.l JO H N A G N E W , ---------See a v c t r a tttl.t AGENT, WuRnTy. R . & J. C A M BIL4311NIO I8O~ F B ) . C ap ital* $ 1,0 0 0 ,00 0 ., W itby &M an ch ster, Jan, 10, 1870 -l i r s i g n h v n JOHNTRANE - --AUFÂCTUREI>AT TBT JNPAIF4LfIXG BYE pUtESERwEM8e -BIZOCK ST., WIIITBY, A G E N T , W j3it i l s . M M , . . . , Is> .- J n . 2 , 5 8 tis Co many,. for the Loan of A griu tural W orks. - - * -'LAND FOUS 4 LEI. JOHN G~ W EFFE 's CE EBUA E» /lse North isf O oLt No. 12, lu tb. 4t4 MR AGNM Çssceisae ts Agent, Whitby Double TURBINE IVATER WIIE EL LAZARtS, MORAIS 'à C098., TOWNSIP of PIOKERflrG, 4 1 - , NOOoMCA WIEE __ .CELDICSiATED FERFECTP.5> ecntaaiuiusv lO&screg. Tiser i..s alorre qua.> =£ to£ rm ouiAt 13EL N W i va ., ity ni s'xeellesm (',etir, usdz~od lavdwucd eso4 tI P l ise x agond ssud velI wamered5 ~fC~ttAI(L~I ast t1sea 55 Opitai Mil site -ontIhe pv. S-PE C~ETEDA GLAS ES G mrenI*oojs 8 Oiioht laasi îrnntserpnort. e veel.0 sotied taat tae~ wSuldbe 01) eitl hea - caePD els lasle, RF CTE B5LSpaTÀ5 S On r eeaal, sey18189 - isai,&be ressulthcc ud bc appsrie in hr Suas, jas ieagila nd c m te dpmnn nîdouirO T EC C- InuCEL4BVolucmtEI> PeEFhcadoptinoor jar RESI»NE-Let 8, Sth Con.j - b > l i s , , n i l , m s o t i l s i , , l o a l i t y . m a r k h a n . - a o t 0 c - U u a o n i l l e . - WIbsfalk"csiaefic I' tise volas. fthes.. SALES olteudedeon tIbe ss5artusî notice, oui sertienf va clv.im butit bu> uebte most i-rfect on raassuauble erinas. Terynisecoube nde su s W ?ptical aide aver m nfasstctsred. Te l5siertia- bis prited attblseChroessmic2e for]MI, ssg p£caela, o alfl t Iimeai saappor- Carter. tub > i rcurinjgtlie bestauud montdeniràtble. DunanS.,Whily., OSHJAWA. 0 w gM now manr 9 n oi &1 Ag ntrf#r tsia pZsMs. 'Il'cîeaper-tiss uay otiar sbcp iiutise sossa Taslayohan pulcJAMES PIGL,*Proprset E E1. iieel varrantir.g tîsmescun h ss eal -sadSe5 fr Wela e iIet* not uithoe "l3T. LBO andi te ri vaO o o eed sa:îc a » eue ~ akymu- -tî e eo cna dosie an d t llscbssrd isa tIe D em i nioen. st-us a h eu: v a is p eoid sac . h avelrs, sud te cauti o r T er o A L Ec I r Dn d aO T re , ageoters, Po ket Lantirn, l'ryendesiring iarter informastin Cou Ob--ae. -teaaaatwtuag hvoroatv Cre <Irj rB ua .~~--tain Il; by asldverug k Str.9eeta 48_W IT -0 d.3Y,~PAXTON, TÂTE & CO -,J.oC. 29, 1t69. .. WUITBY. r Ho. GERRIE, i ml-ch zsbstlsoo. P rs.5.,Pot enrOuPHeNX *. MCPHERSON - rarent' Family Drg Store. -__FIRE AQO1flîî'AN E oi Loe y Jn i ha Uionisoal -1-4enau y . - - S 1 r O R ' E . ) I, Q M B A I D T E E E & C II Â I N L I C R O S S 1.OEOu, '-AUCTION BUSINESS RE' TN AOR ES1BIIJg ) 72 the1IUu Moniens , Tuly' Qodord. -Gel;E8PiEB, )!FFATT & Co., Agau te for189 I m o r s t' Y o m p g À m e , c a , ' G d o y s - -. N C E a a i: t L O S S b y y t r c * e I e r_ f a t o r e s a op s 4 h lbP o l P L 5 O ceéted n the fotvorabla terms snd hýe bta m pt- rd 1'te o utmds,. LOSSLS PA ID viîhout refreanete t-heUri nosica t- stprpr- e»dcsl ,'Frsnîk IÀsiia's hllutitraWad' CYEOMAN - GIBoBOc. > - dg.r,' ~~~~l Londonnt r;s.Tm~, -YOANGO 'N -OR-COUNTY, A- Agent>WLIsI,64A EA-iÀBLE RATES, > ics thse prsi s ban tavkmu sel ï LG OB héC4- LxOo $, oseayeW4 sNuitÂNCZcUmVÂ e A eon.e f tihe moBrocel aireaur, w lsbyjt m"proserous 0ni Engllh jsusuranse C04 - - F. 'y orient aide, Toronto. W!l,itby,1 SOLICITt -soalaawa, in enTP-3 1Oirno BÂ4 Rosstb, 1. Fttrny% W o(krsci stra et. CUAJ ATTOIÎX4E ehaaacery kc., Wlliti.y entus ni l'ut LYMAN AJÀMES LA CONTEYA? DR.i IJEGEON T s tyroli!Stree W. H. L IPhysscian, s THIO WELLII MA JWF.BOTTC W1L S i,ýý

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