*'~WIUI~ A, Vi JIU~*rO, P9.-L M. Pau.r~oe, MoUoeeo~ ~7ih, 2670, Farm &oek, ImpI.mentg, ~ .~~i~JwaIvew~me..orgy: ~ ~at I d14 "0.. of Plekerlng. on Tburs~day, II8TC~~ the pro1er~y 0V Mv. Wm. LILU,.-L. I?,t,.. -- --~ ~ wuuuriy~j,., IZIflftenAi...~k.g~0~ <Là mÉ~jjre' notr~~i.ivê4a~yd,4s4<, M srl'4nL sùçla £ bîng Ian orpd into the MaritIme Proi~q Iflka~jy.Actione~r, as"Il noaver a *aliei'gency Il C08 WIJIC ai *4* ,~*areh 1810, -- Jfree PPyl>. -I ber f -*5W in~ apô*a ~ p~uposed, TOOOiOD M .. ~î(-*pr.u rd~,t #nbr4I'reai~urca. ~ ¶'emperanoe ..-.~, ~4te ~ co9k v~s wîab l~er, ah. Seat fo~ ~jnt ~""~' Ha ceg. îLe lotit ~-1r.' na1'-~ ~:-~fi-.~, ~ .the Hau ced f #Olt~1~ 1,. las or~aeorîpg....î,~ Fuir' attela TQT.M#P 13111, aad leoir f~r WItbiwbo8 ~ tb~P, f ~ 138 Crieti, .l~, ~ ~o s,~,4 ~p4 ~ ~q(;i _______ _ k Bib of Mar~h w .14mb, _________________________________ w, Joe~ freai îbJ~ *qnî Ta# of 1*G9, 80 as te nJtow o(. ~ ~ un~jg rorappre îhey tntve ail î~e~1iviîe -of <hem Il les. P~l~aitbé1ai5 sait e i~o1 _ w. murely ~or ~ems taken _ fer , **,, ~ couL the~.4bu.~ aus. w, kuow ibmy muai b. grs. (Ifleon yftra In reply le Mv MeGîlI, Mr. aenî, O :801 donT Li~tew, L4aîevîn ___________ fora fi"~ beIie~ed j~j, Ofte~'.aag4 therefo~6 ~hey ~ ove net ~a~ajx ~' sud Steted heessa. it ~îî Go vs ah,. I~i4OW liai et mbared by <lie loua te rcrîçw 111, Itecaprocat,2 Treeîy ~ ~ ovhic.,a ne Q~ Te~i us wbat aie salit I À. Shs~ Mv. lu ord,, thora Vérnanent Peop b. lirai sait, "Cbar~1ie, yoaa are I~OL <4îe father iaud s mq shopeo! ir Jeb~ À.~ money vote <o ~ncîudo4 by mev <bey vrould etlierwa~e lie When#ver thet' ~feodepeîd nuit Mv, Blak,, ut uni eb~Id Lîrd C6!éls~ ~h.-fat~~r of '~P~" clama, n ho 4iould may thst <ho lnexp flOt teitve lii, It'es any e.~c:îeme,<~ ~ b ~î~> ~i1V aag O2ebÂnged , fev wordUj aa~id ibe :the cuit '> h Was about s aa onlIr, açceeaa, k muai ho passoit n~ Ibe wori<a on lb, Watliend Canai. île 4baîr.'~uî that It ~c e~oived thel fi ~ 0f car leeeTmjrkeie th~ fskîilue~nfforcta ~ iii. I~oue, on <ha poins ant iii ~boair bnfÃ"î~ cii. ~pek~ agairu; mJi~. <béai woul4 R atra.ait..: V.... pre~e~ trlumpIî o! pary over psrîy, or uiîasa ovar on liii, SubJeci, etiient le aaîtlior e <ho iagûo ottegel te Ameractn maîigfueturcrs weve secli e~s ~S~POiil~of 'Le general eiecti~,n cf 18~2, lait, "Cb~trtie, I bave been very ~ic3ked ; terpt.~ înded b aak for an £~. tender notes b lb, nner ~uuliortzed by 10 onablo thean lu ~lup lai an4 elWr 'u~èw '.Eopt~Mr Do, aigiî îhey ~ heve.dp,,, !e~'7 wron~' ~ mai~ ~VWiah Ma. uîîaaîu,,îa~ui.s4Jay Mardi 10, [870. (o Tetior4 tii, downfaîî cf ual wiiah bas linproving Lb, Grehville CsunaJ~' rpose. cf 1h. resolution.. ~î~o rer iaau~e lie stabed tuai ~laat year we early ta l8~, ~q Gov. ><7. jjo~tOn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~<' ~ ~ ?" ~ ~hs au~ered, '~Wih Lova sat4 iL T&oflînto of Partl~. - comaFon wqrk et COmmon lova nuit ,~it maté foratlià y Verte Canal. -~ si~rvya attackIng ibe ~iqypr meut for the ineon- itnpcaried mb Oftnade 1',8~5,OOo bu<be~j cf 4 ihet sbe~1d bê doue as L~ôie Sir Freterick Jobuaten,, iii. Princé wblcti IIay ofeor dsHy Coutamporariua ae4 :aoene. partie; ~ Cauadatb ~ Up of au onglgu _ Piodi son bGLlO~ (arma hum (~Wd1 I2:YLc;bevçuîttb£î,ceit~t. ~,b - wilI se <lie cemmon geoit o! cor common Uov~vnmeîîtwa1 ut opinion tii~t mi prove oEa! se Ornes. tliefr Và ~ipîîa 4nau~- Indian Oorn, ~hucli conlea loto direct ~ prowptly au Posaibh< ~{'ha- Bih waa tien ~t WaIe. ant etiora, etton andin lie opea' *CODOC fur1'~eAa ibean, thé GtoLc ..... J~Orîîn~,up (orme, OCcaaieaia; waa fier, as~ytiing ~oo ~~'7 w~ fl~engat ~,pre. ~~oItlî.î4e~. r John A. Macde 4 - . 4ay. <Penagajon la court.) - - munit, gent ofriervor ot ebaîjîs, as aiey Iranapîre, pros per la oîv hant, sud ilist In <bat Ire- WaS not (lue lr~toîatîon e! tb. Gove memorae. îo-ni~h te ms~tio any hcenmea durbng lb. ~ tbeureî banka cf issue, 000 iverili, ~4!lîero wea 'nu doîibt, ho mui't, oaiauiîtep on Supjîly, - viii <he 'leeperi dfeîresu1 eu4 j tiiol~ wiub Lont eau coutradiet lb. faoî~pîaîu as i< ap- suait by tii. tiea cf fie, wuIl nuit ~ la tek, stepa t-o proteet tiîe troducet wiîli'gveelben mate ne reply. Mv. ~ la aiuo the intention 'of ihe poae~l b it. -" îaî S-~slea,î lied berna i~- ti,, uartioto, t ' e brought iil><njt' aulount et ilte Sp ration. la repiy ~ you malte any repty'I '4. I vas cari tii. Houa, of Oomaions.....aîaî digui~ed nud seaulet att cLeerfnI luduairy diffua, Du<Jwcî~, ~ir k'çaîîcia Llinek. at-ateit tuai mon as Ibettie Iard Overatqaie, and 81v treille, ltî~iî wotîld lin' benet5eiery t-o the iae<,r;u~. , - nght~oI eu~q~îîc . d..beîeia, on inter-Pruviriîi.îî Mr. Macheazi, abat Lia lia$emeut; wern Q; How weq fi yoa anade Do 'rzpiy? et 'tbe~ boay. la tiare a austai bleaminga troan year <o year, matit from' nolbing hed been doue veapecting reci- Chance Obancaîlor et the Wliole Duîîîfniorî~ ~n tue itoan O! sitil than - J Did you betieva thsa~,Isîament? .4.. 1 cao. cf ,tbe e PpJ~eara aultlcinîly blgb.mind,~ sait '~, day te day, more auit more ove: a amiiing proeal tracte '~iut, 1h, U'~lued Statea; thet Exch,.uer. tl~e 'lete Lor4 Sydeathamn, wlîI~Iî would lie raterr&d le anore tully b>' 'boa, of lie llankang reacluliona viieli ment 4i tijat timi. I bat muspiciens. - mq4e tra amougat hem liai thoir Wood, furmneriy eerruphlbîo te steta tii. <Id., or ombreca mut there bgd ben sonni ~orr~pond~n~e alalce ~ I he poilticel ecenoanial. Ibm lite meanher for lIm'on, '~ interest.. ~îill aweitpd diacnaaiou, 't Tbe"Ho~g8 proceeded .-4 * ~ Ztlr. flese lot t ollie, whicb waa mliii going guveroane0g Jiel net inîend te give tmp ti~e cd lu the.coannîo<taty, tîte tii. favoriumg gela cf public expecîatîeu Pi'rt~s' MusicAL MOzavaa.y..-..No mu- on, saut on t-bat £eeounr hc dit noî lhink ismue ul Dominion note,. hue beau, cf sufV~red limst yeer. Accnrcting lu t~e tracte 8tt Franeis lJiockm aaid îLe Goverpm~î.< I hat conversation wiuit the nqrae aud almo were mot ta consider Dot aey îLe: I enairely ielieveti Lite a(aue- jeopl~~ tu-day 7 Thc p~npio aiIçntiy, bot uever. aleal iamily cao afforit <o i. vîthout it deairabie te bring doit-n uhe decu woui4 pruve a great bonetit velum ire inaflqrbed $442.000 worulî froîxi bat! determined b lix tic 'itlimimum ~ttpi... <nu Mra. Crntc.gan* Lot I mat, Certuin lu'vot di, Examination tbeics1 suret, condemu ~ reply le Mv. Yuumig, wlio movedihe t: 9~tca atvoceîect çrSbiU ta! on wbich a J3~nk couit atarI aI $500,. inqairbea ; Lady Louise <Moucreiffe,> enta, ing îLe-o ail. IVItI auy one Peter.' Muoleai Meuîbly; h la prittiet huais, loto eummitîee te consictgr a veau- Lennox an. Th~ iloîmeur unciober for lite Unicd Stetea, irbicia coince 4breevly of - ce trotte le, batik. lit coiiipet~t-iufa wiîlî aur owîî iaidustry, oit 000,' inatead a miliion, as ori~inaity town about il., 17mb et Mardi ; I cota speeches mat!, Çu <î. froan tull.siae muai, platet, sud' coutelas lotion ad.îaiwng tboruugt'pbrcct a Imnprovunînrî ing, but lie lied te admit remîrietiona Iii lite aheres et Leke hure,,, ereeted et a proposet. 'Tb~y, iowaver, reqoiret, <bat munleatet te ber whaî ber taugbtêr1 La ceuatry~ for tIi, et froc faci Ibere cuutd b, ne soda îbing as free cuat et about $200,QOu. 'flic ol~jeet et îiî. 8200,0<10 abotld b, aiaid aip befur jocîasubmittad, -tbs tbefr repreaentat;ve~\ ~hoiea new bouabo. Pri~u., $3 p.: yar. ?~fre~'t~d Itçic4uee l<a ~eline4 10 anti at lic trada la bamîkîng. Ittite Other laanku lied Aeiicriciaî aa!t nuinuf~lurcrs WOS, liC SOid, Bamik suartet.. e tliti aaatet cliv rernafnet au ai, bouse lu Cern ber fof N ~fuuae cf Coin~oq>,, on tii. vAieos *ub. iu~ Oaci aumeer ai teasi <watt., picees et &o., tif ateka lb munieaiîmtn witb ber teugiter plier tint goot Iem~ Cîpate toibowet tha exemple of tht, Itjank of Non to erippie thea, mehtufeeture~4. ais'! tue>' Mv, Ccli>' expresset iimsehî' ne euh time; t iett ti, hou,, about <ho 4ab ~of Wn~menie liane been liIlueoeat, by motives cf toiy, Subseriplious receiveti ai tua office, aber. ~" ~n>' respect bis tiîianckui pebenîes, anti treal in reg:ar4' te Donîînaon notes, tIse tvere suceeeding. fiat lied reet a circuler ~. b, tiaougbî t-bal ail qafestioha ieating to oountry ireuit have been grogli>'. benchit. issuet liy <lie proprietera et ilie Syreense aasetisfieçt nouwiubstsetiaîg <lie cencai- Aprit; ti, lest tiane I aaw my vite aa~ c~ 'b~ fuI c or patriotîtan 7- &.~. .;eî~ turu do a sampla copy cais b. seea. Tb. Casos- 10 thmean alîoutd lie pOsîpooe'l 1111 atter Ilie Led. Ife repiiet ag u~emne lema~tb lu so.mie sait weils, inwhich tbey eilt.red te deliver 5~Ofl mate by the Governanonî. tii, 2 0mb et Merci, bnvjn, pat-riotiam viaibî~ oct wei ba~~ in:v:r inoerîeda;twîcauuar~t~:x:v 8everal memubera bam.ing spiee:, ube thora wiîhout me~in.' ber ai ahi; dnring remediet net permonal, or aufre p~rîy lotumeats, ~ XIJI.R sud Peteran Musical Moutiiiy, one budget wss brouglîr dowo. Meîioiap were cf the miner pointa re~sed > aame botel buis,' aiao a (JoueraI t vaigli Over, otiter coLaiterai je, ~ iii cur year for ~ i carnet for r:turîîa et amounta peit Ibe sut seconder. 'beau man>' day, * baume o! partiametal viier, are <b, biais» ~ - ~ *"~ CopieS ut correapun~ence retatave wtmoily uncahi~j for in bbc înîerehL~ et lii, cents et their own wetle, timeir ebjeet Iienk ci Montreal îturing '00, '07 ant >4v. I4eiÇeitzi, bj udet wam carnet, numher ot lattera ut ibe Prince et 'Wales, Objeciions o Torouito i.! Tele.. e pdmîsaion or exclusion ot Amnermean coupîr>' a t et i~ mysteaq ~<, ing te eiîtejn amnenopoiy for <b, ~Iioie n tic ~oJm classe being rend <ha Fi- ant aomne flocere ant moIne verees la au ,tasir tinter htt41Vldtifil~ #fapIL 5outsÇu'a4i~, word. ant musie o! a fiaiserolen lrîr' tho watera of <lie Demin.. valse, b I * lion cf Mr. Maekenr *~r ~ Ftl~tgea- I lound intereot, cr aub.ervanca 10 part~t, pievail ballait' et-ev>' tv.eek. To bu>' sa'ci ion. Ilie seicet coia;Lamitîee 0f Maritime te Oiviaîe Ilie aaeceî~ity à fihngovermamot was dito beit.g mach irijured h»' ube froc.- '118 popula~ , ut tereed tejsn, Aujericen Cootinent. lIte trede in bnjî~ > udireet taxation ce Minlher agre <o party..-~4 iî la only a preteace nov-.-. - uvevywîere, lia preteuce cf differlng ~ b! yeur momie tealpr, wiiî cosi over *i~ - seatio~j wau reep- goîog Inte fereigri niuney nî:arketa te aicîn ail~ar4ed for Aiaîerfean poinpetition tii. chaume, tii, elre& orwij~& ~aJto haut lireegh the ineirmmoeenuehjf9 et ai, meut; Lit voie,, Covelope; mbem~p a mmah - tek ~<ioa ot aie cnt Flatacnîca et mat , ut te' LuIt Dîreemore çae no longer b. suecea.(ully msiuîaioed puuised. Motion, ivere grente..~ for, a borrow nie-me t lic betieved Lt was t-lie inîeresî o! t-be Pro a i!anlt's ilabititica e z,. a~ att étreefe eau lia my wif,~m boudoir 1o4,btaiuet ibemu ~as eue Et toake y e dîheir niiouai betore lb, imbue, Publie taili, aut lie ~ receive 52 plEates id ciolce momie, va!. anihtary nebouha, antI for corrospeî,ct.. Saut oue ituilsr ta tia TeIegrupJa~ sut! 'jet et 1b.o cagota pnaat-d îhruugh lite ae>-a- detlcitu. vince te secur, te car owa peopie t-lie reopoaoîhbe foo'any infriagmom~t cf ube law a aepare:e envelope froap etiers Eu tie aur,, diace publie weifare have airenty aullereit îoo W. notice Iii <ho Ontarbe Offiçi4t Ua. lle~î>~, M. 1>., agfmînap <lic (it-it'ernaneot ; CiIvêwr~i~bt- geu (lie iofî~ir; et mbe Prince et Weies vere bu bearit. M~ - for a cummnattea an t reporting nn4 put>- atriendaucol - utîder preecut Cireuînstancem. ta ence voleîirig lu tife dilnieaidm cf Mr. 4im. The la tîme on 3fr. dtîcu earne ù,t- thte Coan<ry~ tue>' ahi<,uhl, A verbal amae.îdrnanî vas shso mate lu viali wiaî 1 eOppooe mney be itirmet a s'pceeb tuli maîtunkete oh <lie couuitry. Il Âim-.eracma prmt lu thet reapqds~ ' t'aie ; tue>' vere iu lie same envetope tlon lu tbî 10~0Wing tivlcion tia ~c'Jnaitarauiu, veienain, ; on aime eaîv~lepe ceinaing uLla tiat utc teai omuci trem muci a faim. itocirlue. Looiî.. z$tu, 4b~< iii P~ic'a1ienoy, iii Liputeusnî hisblng lb, tebatea. ~'~4s-Bîak~ Boilvahl, Bolton~ flew- - a tex vttueli weplcl add le tiae revenîje et utiier clatis a mtstot et-or. se undem~ tie niasmi Clauhe, ant lb, euuntry, an d wiilclm we wEll resîmi ire lng tmpou tis hîstot.>' o! C~snade b.d.>', it Govvnor, bac he~u * pless.d <o appoint Sir ~. 'ç* Usît veau te <hi, ~<~50 lii. -fluait, Carlwrlgbî. <Jhîipnîan, Conneti, Dur- bile trerke. . . TIi, lieuse uiuu proceeiteit te Consider peoeil, sbowiug <bat il iatt arrivet pre. vouretl iii. cmae.~1'~w Scotia to (Jéorge Youug Smiuh, o! lii. tovat or PrOefliaed letton te Sir Jebai Young, un tho iqit, Gco4,u ougalI <T~ - Mm. M~itkoozto saydtn egecî'tî,at ho mi ~j tia t-,faoîutîucs wiaCW.~<t-.,,,t I~ Damtmij~g u4~'u.t,. me .ur E; an ovenlual N~v~' for our langer pmî t-alentie, ibare was a memeraîs~m - la et <tie tena, iii, I'(erîi Wpai~ 4em4 l~ îljo conitatet cf ~Vbuuby, Emquire, ~lavrister-ai~..I4w b ha Ma>' ~ ~ ~ imm an ~ trew), Mc~furvoi, 1~îIlj., -lierrîmon (Vie-- uit-il tii, ottoptio~m uta relie - uotea. ~'u<~u 'tege n vas Lad tebîte on hie sddrosa. It is daiet McKert5i, nul behiere aeede4~etr whbiu suit for tii. pro, tien ut Ment (franvulle, (bat ~ <orbe), Oliver, Pelletier, fiiclç~r~ ILettturd grade peiieya pohie>' tbiiîweuhdge back te Atuer some COiit'lttetion respect~g mie aide, anîj alon4 viii aio vaietitino laîside fiqq au Atue - Mordauct~a heutwritimig lia t appears eut. ti~s Biti ail',, eur '<atumanvo aucim as uujamîity pnîîie ~. s ~Iotary Publie su b: itusaWelhingtoo) WoiiaYoung~ Tt41 20. wouîd b~ satisfit - ut poaajiuhia Goveruntent eter>' te thu p 7 W. bava uer bouesi toubta. vine, o! Ootau4o, - pîriai a-am prapered te t-~tpte ut an exphanatioa tvom Sir Feencia Hincts ae TIi, envelope sut ita contelut. were bere Pitance pull hie item, b <ho Quicen loy Ilie lierter NATS-Anglin, AvchiibeIdAuhî, il~-ltti~-, Oîutenio. te uc posere tattea me borrew .~300.00o produceit anti iituuuillrnf b>' î<~iace~, thon prcue~pç hi. atatemmen et <o-day have hielpeit te A iloca yqe Mvgey OXg.-..S.n~ eue cf knighîîbeed. Sir 4. 1'. Gett theveimi BeauîWen, Beohard. Betleroae, JiemsoEî, Wr- A pea;age et artre lock place bclween - t t lite ît'giaietion ut îlîirîy or font>' yeara ago, agreemen<,~j~~ îLe ilanle et Munireal, anti tiers SOme iiOtt-?rd, demaraîla, puhhîc npinioii lai over>' way t~uhlar for ou, aobteriber <o <i. WeeIdj, accegt b, boiter witboql Uer menu, Burpeo, Uaidvell, deaimeron bng tmahien - z b;'~h~, ~::~~"~r action En pariE iwe:t, Telegaple, Toronro~ sait you vihi an>', hie deee flot teel biamusoit 4t tubent>' te trand, liletiohaîl, Boweli Bovtt.lirous Memerci, lIî~we anti Angla: ofter thu î~iî~-. or Ibti frflrchaee et iii, Roi! «iver l'ereiiory, tevarda En~ ropt-efentatmes ut <lie penpîui, lie>' ail' ,lii; Zetol~u a eboice boob for 1~.t receit-, Mm.~esîy ~ gevenuîanenî ewnre et <b. vicirs Carneren (Invenitees> Cawpbeîl Carîi~g lien ~ lîcire ae1d tht f h Sir Frumimois ~ncks vas 'severeiy ,Croaq Tue Xetva frorn tbe4 1<tyor, - detail. Atm lai Securing lîuov la. Net ~ men amongît hem <bit a, <ils weei~ ' ~f ~ eJ4s ot-î inde~~minca. On lb, 281h Cewap, e~rti<r, On<eeuît Cit>'î~>' <~hem. î~,~t>' years ~ linge toajorit>' et p'oph exami~~j b>' Mv. BIai<~. Homi. )lr. A.mu~r - t - l~ - £itjtiiirneit, Mm. ~îfackenzje sot S~r A. T. Gu~tî, ns tu ' nees frem t-led River, in nevs.. rbtiIêY~legrap4. :-"~ . Va liaI lie bas roceivect "e biglai>' matis- (Jrawferd (Iimeetivihheî, Urawlort <Leeds), tet'er ettres Irade iîa ime witesîacm~5~ ; etguîj te be~beIit ~sy' Gu,~ernmnénu ag~insu Jnaeres;ing. Tho Iniemi ia 'bau lie Ntw gtç'p4, Tovo lias ruot b>' oné raanns or £ttititbr coutri.. ]300K5 Olvas Awà y.~8enit or-e ô tii, (ipt-eyner GoberaI vrilea Mv. benlîn, Cheval, (Jotby, <Jesmigan. O-iupal. oh ibe Maritime Provinces bcd beeri ira ifs iolam~îEo#~vitb respect le tbe resOi -~-.4-~- - - , ~tite nept>' fiema 'Bar! (erent-illo." Ou Dat-amiet, Debbuuî, DretvDufresne buîîî~çiîm, but the pelle>' indicittosl b>' <hue (forera- the iemao ci 'noies i~ a~cees~ 'ut a~ êerteiu A'~~tio~~ îna~ ismeet as usuel Februar>' lOti macle ef a - ne Ptpeçpurlance, i, 'morpi~h~a~ ertinetî>' M~amc......l - l.îaletI luit quota tuvarta iteîtroying aie <O <ha Toroulo Fiuldy Teegrap)e aad Bouse inlu comnîlîttie on hua ttaruking eut Gais, qmmucuui drsmn, <iibba, Opûtiir there, tint beceuîe tb~>'0 amount or ils answers be- but lime ethtiohi waa sapprea Car. Jum< ' itttilgr Frida>' Sir Frusaiels iliocies mot-ed t-lie Fergumaaa, Forcie, Ferbeus, Foîtten, Fortin, nient in timis diecu.~sion wee be fi-~,edoq3 et ~iuu peoîtie'a tt)lTu'age.' We roceive s preaulumu book. currene>' rosolutiona, antI c debet, evusaed. tiotuai, (lratss, me>', Gruven, Iharnîsen. etts tree trauhema thien beturu, but beceuse unit le iha elI'ect Ihu~<î ~iI îyeult tien rosi dîmunibuiot, as it oontaïîîet nova whieli er~aafdeî~,, Ge jt Were , ubm sohaa~uce Mm, <Jertwrighîî epe'uçîd ilie deba~e b>' hleethi, Mincie,, Jiowe, Ilmîrcten, J-îekaera. abat Utîited StiulC8 tt'cre anekin; ueo ut witlu tht itiscreilen et' uh~e qovernment. tie Provieion#î Govarament viabat te orti ai lana ' pt<tuelî nu p~rîy 1-stîl are suie, blameabie. neîemning te lite iOCOOMiSlcmîcy ot <hie hîea4 Keeis'n.'I~acerte, J.'unget-in, Lapuîîî, La~. thicir tiacet reletiens trîllu us lu ettempt Thi~ appearet te give ihe greauequ pnaaibhe wltliboht troin tie public f~r îlî~ ju~saenu. Otîl>' lu e gonuavai oleoîlon Cao lie part>' h ieaith verti liaving h If h la pro- et <lie (iuverîuumeîut en thîs important anal. son, Leviacoeîîe, Lfîîle, 8hacctonaîî (King- <O cerner us tub Potmiiciel union tviîta dameetiatactien <o luis qocaîiuners, antI Me. W Gaut>', vite vas reponîed Oxecuîet, et ait, Courati>' b, regenerauet, unt to tus tact il-f1 i5 a Jevel as ansil>' loi: as vira,. tOn, 'flue tiret selieme et Ihe lion. :iiemibev sien>, McDonahl (.~ntigeîtiaua) Mel)ene~,î tiutua. WC <1~> tuer,, lie aeid, trant s~ehî Biette tecieret ube aletement ut tia Fi- vea Ortt.ired te ho executeit, b preveîut Prom t-lue Bo~ t fer Sherlireeke vea un 150<1, whusch ebeit- (-¶hitdlesex>, Magili, Mae.uen (.'ouhimngee), a lieue>., becimuco tve bave ceased le be ~ M I-iôhti e»d, ti. iOoîuer lu cames thia boîter, as ont! lai man>' cacas as itifficuit te recover. ouI cunmsimlenable eppusmtmuea. Aften a penioci Mameun (Terre Buîuîme), MeUaruby, ~slennitu, lrouttanders, -beeiu~at no nbeli te tueke im - ter vus a tise preteauce, ant moi vi'JIeî±ec. lie vag î~kea ' loto s vehi fer prit-ste Entereet, ac cg puhhle la tua etimate, ant uuere pavticularly at O! tiîree >'eava t-ne>' broag~iî tova aauuuher Metealte, Mernia, Mutrriaen (Nie';'ur;u>, Mîtti. pilent- le ail tue wctvbl, liant we an mn euma:t;'mduca revieuuly ginuin hi prir-utat piecat b>' alirec captalîts, nuit the>' A veil..peat grouaida, ' liii ion t'> ene p utelmeemue wluen litelion, 11fr. itu~e n'emPlit. ne, Mceoîîkey, McKe:ughu,,ey McIhhîisn, pired te etepemt troîui seusd pîineiJîie~ cf aniver ta e aiieuaber vite bat acu.t-hî lu-.. atrertnerd, 'ralporîet to tie tutoiera ant pontamai tiritla - messon et tIi. year, peopie are ver>' atace Jdimsialor. Now, tuiîîe mnunthm alter- O'tJemaumov, Pequette, I>erry, Plutenîmnoazule fLtc~i potuoy, n~ttuer Ibti, lie ceercatul ittte t~'îmamîotî oe Ibe sobjeet, 'aie peuple that lia vam oxecuued ; but, aeeda us 53me g, pve- -.-- 'e. ~.;.-.. Pp< te latta colt! atit! stillair (rom aora liront, wavJ~, tînt>' wore cakemi te cua>pidev a dit- E>oulieî, J~ay, iteynhrct, Ilees (Chîmn;îhîi.u> poîîîiei.î utîlon witiu ulie Uuîjfett St-eues. llie :lg-tI, 4ui, Sîhi amuit liii reaeîeîiena Bt,>'; abs irriter, lb, tnetaer la cothect fa feremuce te tie feront schîemnç, as orue Ilial te-sa caretulît lt~a~ (Dsînduiê>, Rosa (Victoria N.s~, Mr, Anglan-On beiîohf et ht~, Provineu lîaviîmg ieeîî adopued, lie Committeat rase '~ anueb msuymîeq îligî Lit teauhie teuit.. tiona~ ~'enrzne Oz~" Jeat as go te we apimting cf bIcot! sud cousidered b>' lite (>evernmnenî. - ileeomn- Suvirry, Sceucîterd, Sorivier, Siînerd, ,~i.np. trom wîîicîa I conue~ I Itroteel ag~ainaî the used raportet progri-us. place iii- ' <bat Mi-Jor I)~îvînoîî sut! .is es llolttau. compialut. geacreli>', viboîs if net ebachiait piaituect e! se nueiu daflenooco <o blie son, Saujithu Suîidev~ 8î,reaîî Syîzn,, vo t vihI b, esîsitidata, for tii. cIlle c! ~eatn- imwedinîely batte serioua tenaeqaeueea. eehîetnoe cf thmu Guvennap<~uî, whicb ibe>' 'lhuuîpeen(liaîduman'l, 'L'aliev, iroîmabiey f~ reseuitation ut lite Sr.erctery et- 8<mite Sir F. IlimueLi abs-n prepeset te niave Whien ~tajor Beutîcu att ils part>' amreaemenîa s çtlflor fer <lue Centre Waart, vacaiuit A>' lie The quesîiup SiItÈl5-vlilch la îLe qaiekes< caihet eeg tiscir 8tmIthI~rtene te muippevî.- 'Ltfpper, Waalce, Wahcb, lVehb, Wlîlte,' popular ,iaî New lfrtînatt-ick. 'b, pes>pto hteîotpîioaî> ; itit, ou an aîtîîeai tromu Dr. Lower'i3ettîomeom tonîsitat iniai Dr. Schah; bat-ai, alfair - t-lie hîruvincea, ti icI soîda e4~qhiey :v:m~ tii, lieuse inu-~ Cetaunitue, cmi alto Curreno>. veatu trom Poriage Le Pralai,. <e abe -att v< ste ut 31v, Cmmpbeli. ~ fer ve moal e~ttcteah r'mtteity? Di-ysn'a ~ lia vetevred te 81v Vnanc;a hiimîcka dernier Wilson, Wood, iil'enteanatt. Wnigîîî (<tu.. cii-I t-hie ~'îeaîhun b td Imeen poaî~ieneti ~ l'ave aio~ leîvd ut an>' otiier candidates ha- meule Waters have ipen betore lie poblie Prttîtent Colleagtme, whîeîî h ) yliar aimer >'eamr it, liuo hoPe Cttgottiuîg r,- eyetem ' imm ai-> lUtereat ef the Nova Scetiîu lVîa. Gant>' ana ses~.u b>' Dr. 50mhz te exlemmaire att a Iuug la lb. lieut,- Thé eleoilon lakes place for Ivent>' yaarm, naît bave alweys g' cuhd ha w On Mente>', botero proeeeding te geai- flic>' but nul gut recîprocîl>', atusi hd a paîmpomuet. -isii<d ~, ecttieeîc (Illîteke) lie4 'rutaî, 110. ciçurecit>' lite .U~ilteti St-aIea buit Cuarremie>', dîîeîeaîeu ve~ Setaleynet~ au imduce Oppomitieaî le thie llnnaciet acliemue oJ bis titWs couul~), Wrig!îî (Yurk aven t-hue ~eo~he ut ' te morrow, <Frits>'.> perfect ratiafaction, sait! innariatît>' gifeot remaunrkaîîîat t.uet tuaI ahi, Ibe goveraîsnen< betor, <lie Etoume tii, prevaiîgt~ îmrecîjeo ttiiat, hie Iîeped aaîd beuievd îhîc <Jevenît.. eunmuiderabhe timeummion, read a secont lime, arresed. <-huttinie emm llîmareiel mîtatters. t vea a <iraI buemnesa, lIn. IlcKenzi, brouglît t-ery lit-île ttnhspeet ut gollit,; il ; iluve,. hiC OfficIai Arbiareter. Ilihi vas, after houiti a man amamet Le Voucicier ana tiroughuaî'an. thicaun te getteai up lau ahi permanoat Cures. wben letton la £e~soai, ttaa imuosI anxbeauî te prolecl bauîkera, lime tîteupptying <Iao amewapaper corrv<îîdîu.. trient weîmh.i coîtue duuwî, wîîh îlmo L'~~i~ ne wa~ mule jouai Lin. SebaE~z ; emut e-hile at Mr. Du.aaat'a tiiet iii. '1foî Iii £ returai tromu thia flepantmeait cf b. SoIt b>' aIl medicine dealers art Counir>' ~ pet:tplr nvîd bankers oh Valante lied dents w,îî, inlonîmmatien and cutitlle et di~it .htuhio>' hou Ihe prttlu.ctioim qf Calme- nova hliIh ont tien i.tt*r 5..mneuion le tuscili- cati et altegiarice te Itiel, sud waaliherc.. ~ h bac aîreami1 - et a t'ariety o! s ' tant Revenu, laid before <1~e ilouse, lie stores guierali>' tiream~1uomîu îLe Province, 'flic>' lied oxprriencat et lhmit prataenîsyeîetîî tiiemubera o! <lue lIeue,, Qf Couines lie dud titeme tîteon>' ut Ire, tr.uule or prole.o,01, fotloviaig emaamntm are Rit-eu et ret-junuut au 25 'ta per box. anti weroe aeked for e change oh lait-s, ducumont bt i t i o tis Sicie amît lYaures;e4 Mari- La Vuocheje- promiset le 'taie tii. ~water. lienfeeli>' Comutented ait-hi il not blamo ammetiabere et Ibe preca f'ur gel. île bat!ievcd tiuat eurctî,îusîu:,e<~s uîîmîies- 10> titi Huame reme. <o hie tete (lovu-rnanenî buaines~ ~ hec, agreet ted crut ptcced on guard demy by lilsl, rangemaogs havi ' pehiectot for Ils. >'ear mmîding l0~i Juna, ~ "Deiut.leetts" seem jumI nov te ha lau ' VttfCO, tiiumt bear thé iargeà î burden utthiie lie eonsiderect ilue ifuaco aiîuuid tu-ut-at tîue lie wit,ç l;toiine~j te enJonce tii, werdm et- niuce Etw~îvt lataut. viii hie me.lçe~m, crav ut Engin 18110 t ~ Ontarieaa tige richc<L arud wvatîîaieeî pao. îing ait the i~ufermetion tise>' tii i tyl1h ! I lie, Itovever, eseapet tromu Lia eomrates 8~. John'. Paria Brunswick i&t-l hardi>' taxation. lime bemtkiaug 4Stletm ut tht lie- tîrat cluance. Sm Juisti A. a~uiJ tue liuu~e lIa, Socrel4ry cf Stete fur lii, I'ruvin SpIrite s~ Mmli hiqaier.~t.7Pf,7t8 et-Or ita 1*t, diflteuîay belvecu <Le Le gis- n noir omneuijtat b tino hanJn~ct ubs>uit-l bive complet, conîroi et thiat pi. liii 1usd recenîh>' licou taittitç ' 10 a Ieu~. lin P50P~O et Priuce Edvart! Jalemat yeurig mmmii tmamet Seotuerîaaîk wlîom Le 5,0ev 3Iunfre~i, i Atuer eacapirig La Voucluefar met- a une, tii vov ~ ~ifaht unillione ut dollars Il was t-be ver>' lite, pers Ihîtit lb, hîrimno objeet ut lurmamgirîg irmg Settater ul t-lia lJtuits.st ~tatee un tue alpeur tO lie determiriet iu î4meir uppcssi. siot eaud ttuaîst, H~ was~ pura~et by' tia meaia~ers ef .'.'...237.3h4 lauré Csuuueli naît aie tiovevaiwauî, wheu bisod efîhie commercIal ceînmunity, qn4 duvai papere was for thue unie eh tise Ilouse. 5'îtJeel, amtsî jittittîmiti te lufumi Ibet the ~ aiuum to Cantodoraîiou, On Monitay *ulctiere arît atîtin ~ l~gii, brou4î bsck <o t'timsnî" expecu rUb4;;;;~1;;;:l~~d ~. the Neatouudîaaj Asmamblyl futa 'iaeelt weuld keetut>' ted an>' del'angearscnî. hie hiso pua tera isu q mmeetiomm, releiiîm ~1 i"'.."" 104,178 uruabîs' ~j proee-cd te batelness, valu; l'o dillevencea it'iîii tue Fir7uîtnce Minuter were g le lhi~ pmlmey ut lifO Ustitesi SIelea wa, Very evcniaîg, l4iiî tilt, a meeîirag, presitei Purt Qarry, su primonér, batly vomaudet ParI ; <bey are a hIemde~ manotaeîure, ~ * l<,71t1 an Order ot lie I)ay, a~luicii rcquiree tiai ut a vitmal clumracttn. Pe deruiofi, cm, an>' Veet, mpede t-be ceae art e;ee,,îîonnî likel>' le prevent- tise exîst-,itnc0 ut arînexi uver b>' tho Major, usait atiendeit b>' a Witen Rlsl~a men carne le captura Ds..~ lie Hart-art Cret 000. In repi>' <o quosu;ep~ pot- lîltri, aerutianemst-a lut Ceuiciti. Stsmps,~îîcî liroceaita. ..14 5 ,7 0 7 O0- 'deviveti thierelrtm, vont- un et leamgub tii, blilt-.titiun <jovoruiment itt of ami reithue IOSttObt.ca0, -.i 11,065 Comaulîteca omîter îLe Conaroverîeaj tIi Irpi lIse b#nking iasuos, ov the profit <o be Admnim'atmy Court, 81v Juhuta etiisl i~ ~y;î~ ~ atone Of>'eur hmeople Iî,îvat dutatt nul tii, fait Wt-hi, lie ierge natanier ut olaizans, vas bitta - lai Sebuliz ai Sueuse Fsîrî ha vas net te be nateud~ai~,. ~ tvonty members ahaît 'b, prese'uî vien grourîsl, thîet ilie govonsusumeoî mlfOud con.- eînongs~ uthiers <hie eetmsbijei~rnt-. sI, I lîsdiev, >'uui are rightu, buit >'uaî Cie,1oaîe~uvo arsd atter a teuit itlaeu~,ln tount. Ns, person vas iri <lia tortexcept retura niauci bet -î.---- tien Act are strucie, as tii. Antis emnacutu. ~ c~phtubn lite reaaqns:- ~ mev- cioarly down tuai Ad te cetabtieh a Court ut Ap~ pOlie>' lit tIsaI respect, (heur, hucar) Edvart Pa~mner eut beeer.itet b>' lien. ah, Hudson Be> Cumpeui>'. lb, Doomor vîuts'rs et up Nb t, Uriaig C hit-tiat un <ho direemuen utaiî:îîmiamg car uvîrig retuluîion, mot-et iy Hon. Lie urtir.ary emjiioyeea nuit cslileera. o! Oxford. mua>' Pcm ~L'Qtal......2,S2l,~Du ansaisi oni> ip mem~,ers, aie Opposition wiat »'nm b~eugiîî befotè9M POW Watt a peah, enit If tIi. hluumae thooglul <v~î oh 'it, We tiare letîers tremat aumne amie,, imi <Jonecte Dssnih llrumennîm, visa Cariiet b>' a mejunimy vas aupîsoset~ te b, viti ludian aillea oenî. Sailing a, If ' b" W. voalit direct tie attentIon c! Ooyeramenî stand. ' furp anti mu do * Fruaascls litau~s' s~mligmpjv~~ diction <o a certain degrce. .Aîmsî I.. ropi>' >'eu tejoimi us Wa* t-si 5ti~m'e. >'eu immto nu' ~ FWîoneas~ <lie eententwont sud s:eady ' o OOar aie maumi ot R~it River. . river vilI te mat --al.~. '- - checkaiuaaes abear-!,>' stsyiog ava>'. lie ane~c csiînî,rouîjso, Lie coîmeijorgd ~jv ç~ Cfuter upoti lîmat Court admmîiraîtyjtîtje reprebentuaîg thiat <lie battit way tu gel et firs to eue I air reaitera tsi dis announcemusul En otiar Opîeabîion, lie Oui>' ~way Out cf .1 ' tvcdl w!îieli'w~jtui4 'lé~troya ce ta lu a quegtieuu put bybtr. IJuthEn reeîîectsrmg mîoxatioam. tUeur, huer). Ihaiî n'as tue aitvaceîwent iii materiai prosperiay o! Itaitireecta refuait to Join Dr. Sciuîîg, Our cerreapon4,î celumais, cf Memeva, Love. k Powou, e b a dilUcait>' la «1 get two t-senti be*ta filleit (lîgar, hear.) lie oseinînimmet tigat vesrrie1. ibe ~ahîo~j~ protpotiun, uaid thal tkueve lied ~'~t-t-' ut a nuema whsu rîrmtjeraîeqd tije tua Imietuit unter lus presen Ibe Scnuel atd part et <ho ~atglîab lourtfamagî~ 3juns lis arrIvai ci a Compheîe sîuck et hleait>'- - d~re ~ueny Anus, Viieh 1< is saut! vili h. liens, ais iri Engiant,' ~ouhd fort>' 'laya mcmi aispa. hefore t-d~ed <lie' nîghît cf ceumîtries te rogulete îf~~ ~;'i'~~~ ~iyeçnaiueail fer t-lue î~roîee- <bat their polie>' vua dicteted b>' muci, cal ttnuuaîitutlua,, contracta a ~ fre, puliai- art Major Boultea t~<ii>r turnisiet! :Iîem Iencitii ii a large as Irvecleeîsîable caurene>'. h1camelmub~v1. alwa~abeen sai a<'nueui terce îtuppîied b>' question thuroughîl>', and whîo adumuit Tht. (la'uasjien Coituticteretmons. lime tigmeff,,~~~00 exisuis.g m"'ce Conto~lra. u Ceramiauloriers SaFiti, PoSatqbery, Tua. greva jeet abat-e s mat; Oiollslttg, lIais sud Cape, ke., viiei aime wrlîa ave retocnabk, $eauîîme, tbe coîtu, but il badne riglit- lu teins. coin. G pe réason tobaî~~t-at Ihet Sir John luok oIt' tue dilt'oront apeakera atou in Neya '~ee:~ sot ~cw Bramnsviek. natit, arsd <b, tefrgatea Seeta; Iti~Leî, eut for taurnamenta oi trongl>' -witb Suons lieeauaa b. va. torced Le te ;p:' atjotnîaug pair ~ossr overfiment hî~uj ' tic>' Oler ehaap for cati. Houa, keeps ou adjournimmg frop ~my te hiedudriot ltn0ww~fefi.er <lia Onterlo batik Ibet terce weuld be wil~nlrewn ansi lucre. nfîer t-hie <1>-ho, eut lue Speech, as ana>' lie tiriseamled amate e! <i~ Norîb Weutu , ~ vere expeetet au P<mubina en aie cricket. IL, MIe ~ ove lt'id agneemfto <beptan o! t-lie naqce Lare Itat pe intoration cf puîuing un an bejuçlged producet mach merrimnenî : Territ-ar>', cnt tho goDerai vaut ofsnc- ~mD~ ~ ibis ~-5u!u~ o~i.~Iipjr ~ te Capa C0~miug Oot,'aosl Wi ~1~ aMPsaaMeogL~cTt-.îtA pubtie lie- . ~ " m.d(- >4jtiiater, cite! ~ net para,. fçr -t civ armes! force et ita evit. t at-cm lb, luit $ir Jebu A. Macdonid sait ho Inuat ceas thuî lar Buendeat. opou tie warleiug -'me -.-.~ dny, matit uotiing la doue, ~ore atbouî etqumriuug <bey mniglat tentien oh <lie Geveroapepî 10 baye n sympetluizo 'wiîli hile lion. triomut! ~Iue et Cunfeteraaon ' Tii, tetuer cenlaides hyaayfog, by'or~er tempovavy ~îw;~m~ tore ta auneunceit le be dhmilvereit b>' t<ev, l'aamt'vîix Srntia......T - D. Stewart, as tii. Lhieinîibom' Inatitoto, due isa beau milanîiv malrîauj"Iw #ay luto aceept lb, p '['lic. Oîîîaaie cuirlalai numnber cfpehica vesmeja there fpr Binialerof Finange. One ~enîIememi seiti "Titerefore o'esploed, ibat ihe torms et abe Stato Departmaîîî 'at Wachiagt-oai,' Paradîée, p~î tii, i __ - '- namenu.' it la ai atm. ?SaUftOlS becîka wt-~re k~ rrop0Hod. anti ouglit Iho eîuterceouenî et Iew in litese tvater& i~hat tlid so arid se but Wpald lie <hie moeh aalon Intel>' ou lbursitay evommlmg aucat. puihie tavor hy the natatuaveos remarlanhie te bat mnoinuainè'l, tutti aspîrsion~oagîîî Ou the queal.iouu otprolecîive dat>', otir popalar rîu.majn Canada. Ançîlior gon- ti, ~ . proposet lu ibis Iali~n~ iy :~~euce bac beaneollectait ai Remua5 le gvaud~haîîen'tb. ' -'--.- a ~ cures it Las perfermet!. J-ta sisagolsr e~- np< <O titi citaI ufîjun t-udr ti> sts~m. llioag~i count>' inomiaber fer t-be Seaîh 1iidiog tlerrien ilircatens if ho ' iveuit ~not-de ~ ou of Canada, invplviog et- trahI>'. £be - test o J~zvasem~vx Avtr105 SAm.ac...Ti. vos- cee>' ia"uvîng te îLe prof<~e~Ide of mon ~ un <Jolarlo tmad at4~ maits> <lie tullewlrg vemarka ; anti se sbmebot~y ~lma weaid, huit omt lite aie>' do a large itia~easa ia~ cur taxatie»,- tara uilaniioti isitirecueit te lie anaonuco. vilcila tus preparsîlea remala. onebaug tise>' bnd net failed duiing tliom~, wliq ~ed sJ,9koe, and cengeatulate Ibe>' lied one gentleman tlivew4uig a prit-ehegea vu nov enjo>', auti offeniag Noîhiag turîhnuaitiahôuî 'Boul ' second aigu,. <hp$ Mv. MeDougaîl vicînuet! hia'aeo' guimbat gueaus tbat lisere durimîg hué la~t ' £,J~, Gih>i~ veuiti endorie tha vlswa of whoh, lue waua ~ putior a lighît- phace. nuit a suir'~oda~ oh tics. nebl~ poliaieat mail. imea>' 5?~~ ~oFlt-~r4 b~v o!> sud a "grant tueut o! Mr. MIna Camerea'; Aueîien cd, sud la lb. ouîy formu la tihici . tWen~'yeers, e geettlem~oq opp <Lis penlo a ot groat counacuerciaî depresajomu uL s~eite ta; <hein change of busbeh otacît in lus lace, an4her e be~ et tOrma vhici, financinijy, ara unjustcîeuîd ' ~ ' ~ ~ <o ltii~i)i!!~Pi5>' -' ion;' lbeU~ pal, iq q1,~r ool'umus. Mm. Fairbaulas ia ~ ei ~ laitare e~ the tiuîrimerci*l Jtnol~ hasi uu5nner JO 4uiaeuutleing Çl>é qliiielioa. lie itouir, amud au beg et i~ops from a' <hart, net ha à 4çepîed b>' <but vpeople ' e! '- <bis EAIt-TBQUAKU 15 j T~u - . iteit StaLag ~a ~be aqetiou~e,, ~ ornent cf Lealti>' 'blood osa b. enasefi hargel>' by- legialatien. >(o qt~ii, agreet that eveèy iOdudat-;ori poja.ted M I ' '- - - ' ne _ ' ~-e-s-*~..~-.~ *appiieit. mount benkin ceuld lia cernait on b>' an>- Ibe va>' <o aa~li e poli~y, aut -ppn;ar. as ii~ui a berne! cf poîruleumn burtet et hlm - . s-t---.-- mymtem ut au titICielly.regulett rata of In- lime bnrmking resotuîîonut werc, he mugit I frein tha member 'for Lambton, but thal Tha ~I<oai4q ' ontreal OnFviitsy môba'lï<g lasî~ ai Ivo trlu. We îeok l'o SOItOOL Bpseo...Tîer, w55 no quorum ~,, WSCKLY Tiq.aiia4gq,-. SIECIIL tenemt. Ne comînercieî criaisin Canada lie pevanlîteti te as>', viîhouî Jnîeoctiaigîo ~gmptImmcn bat! tiscliangeit ~a caver>' derstb4.là ~uo~ *' sa>'m~ il i. nu- e'çhoek. ~ Tbe>'a 'vere t-hure. t!h~i~aeî ihOnsaibi apectatera ans! doubtleam 'he'weutd fie~'e lslnn~j." . - porta tha't 'ami' éirai~ek.-.-?&,~it ~ lu- ~Iriooe 200xY~, w~t e! lie Sciioci Board is< lucesia>' eveuîeg. Paunaîtîx Lîsv.-Tue Pvopriefora o! tlte wam at3tiai te thiose whicli ~t v~mriuam periets be ofteuuslvo un ve I he it, thja J. t _______________ o thougli i lise bitai Fin _____ ___________ _______ e,,,,. '.1 4.,...t... ______ _ I noce Mlnieler (c ___ Lhi~ shuwv o! Patreteumu et Sir Francis ~ . ~ u~ cf~ weu here tii~t ~ Jarja sbechma, hb<n firat e! vblch tastet an....... ' ~ ~ - Proasut, Lir. Dartaseil (eiaîrman), Meaira. Teroubo Weekly Telegrok ofer for 50 I 1k En~iand il _ _ ~'Orry, i.'evgusep, M8cîeuuan saut W ______ sêiKzr., oblong Pctagqu; an AbDQî-Meacr,. ~uen,~iac4ou5îî, ~, dnya, eut!iug ~ te~isB~c"tamumon aeîîavs <vouit t>. onu et tue Ilineke' pne4ecea~., (Laughutar.> - lie --.~i~wutie ou renaed ou (rom 13ngtebarîk 1>' <vo Or tirep saeouite< aud'~;a -o.. - ' - __________________ Ciegg, Joues, Loves sot! Guhmoa. qilumu person aeodiog t-lie Pionnée M~nisîev, snd 1301 md, moat ai npepular unen D.iniinien, (51v John- ~ Mîuc4enalct> believ~et lb, Co'a refiner>'; vaîtiet! au troue *20,000 to mîimatîous, îLe secout! follevin; mauy 4 YOong hbcbeîe qaireti o carry col parue o! viieli tue undôabuetîy,.asg tew uiîoiitia Finance MinlsLel vejectait h after s v~aîdîng mu t pIs~ iena. Tlmou*bll~p Finane, aflietea' dît pop ~, lie - iOlrodace4 ipeemure noor.ce liii pOlie>' ~as tde-e14 j 1', ~.. y or (e,,, Vibra.. fi'om Lo uton, îut, I 550, (Isaigliter,> vculd b~cemo the mutet eiibar ts$ b~ ?waze&o/'~wevo~e~,t te ait- ~ la Gevmauy ~e ofluferier qual:î~ tiOt~F, sud tliee s~- dboc~~ wbî~~u appenréit -'. a e s----~ ~ OD~ Uulltqriher, ~ s 4oila~ a.y*ar, veceivea nel butent ~e îit~tt-, profil fretai Ibis, jel carry lot-o ~fecî tlîe pnepeqsjs e t-lie moto. jtie Geveromant poiicy - vas fevb~ei'ndet 1h. flrm-jzeee,<v, ara colt!, iat<eatd (orwavd. rt.ftid tremuloi~p vîbvsr~,a Thê vave <o PK$,p4jp a hases. f b edvaauge " bu~ vboo~ Tt pvevenî lime total îpss o! tbe shîpaneset, te 155i fO~ tevumaity- 4eeoadg vîuh co*.tan, ~3~Jit ~%~8~ltei.îq4î<~ BBiWONI.a13v0ry muse ot4i. Toi-enta ~ itautarit Englis~' publIcation, ~p ~loi~ hi, vas mure hic vot~lt iii tEmpe inli~tuce a ber foi, Oxter~i, 3Vhîes, o ~ ce tho mues- t it-' weutdmae j b, iieliet-c elct$, TetegrapA cootains a~ermuu; Ail weak'a Tdegrap4, ItilI tp aa~4mji~e theeajtEtuî'~îui~~ ~ ha ange cf lie Pr'esiitdyiî et t e i çu~~ $ 'ont>' b îLe ffouce, wluo ~ êb'e'- oit vhéa.e f<~~~<n tl~ aà itae bvutg w np -vasa lii (y fates, Itaz Lie vequfalue ma~biuery i.~ vedîstîhl aie mot-et! heîveea sPttt>i east e.tud seatlm-~ litS Itititili 10 P)ivsm< of lb, msj t 1h. ac4ekteiicé tic immu an - Peataheute mermeuta ave reportait ia ' a~ b' dlslaeaml. lie dit nol entici. ' Le liope& Ihai ils ect'1iera~voj~t~ ~ le Ihevot tainl>' reprasentet- Ilf~ vipbq~' *nt -'---a ~ ~ fruni - 17e I Ai pi 8 b. - fuil, Opetut glanas eau uow b. s.en imi sét., pale aa~ tii loti Oo~smnll put Mmi., but ît~was<oe pst. delîsn p' >'sar. J et the fsbleuabi, tf.v 'Y. - hshy u~t#u atteuits»g eLuvofr~'4 )its #ddle>aiid celebvststt ia~ . - rk Ã"srobos. - ' ' um*g pros eroum iimei u ,uî hi <liai Canadinu EnteNais 'altit no 'O~b~~? ~ o! QI. peophe oh Canada. '¶'he ~ reiJuiret utatitamit. ' olase4' Polie>' ead te leeia~ B~msto1, Teun I ptTi?~a O(CO ifl~noai dcpreaoleo jt we~dd weolti J>. eonui4.ré~ ~Ié hatievar>' de.' ~ ' bei~wiili- Orlu ~o& ~çz,4ti . - ' - ' bera-vjah euh>' I'ré4sts ?oit7 d~ - . '-. iJpoee-dsro mettI, vi~h brai, f ~ - eue car, ' fOr Cole~~;~ ~ s, for mendoeen~ t. !t-flO>'k5ie~ ùiembcv té,._ f' >'lii~~OppO5itfoa to lie Bih, aat it,~ Govoremeat a repreuit-, ~ 1tO~îlîat-ory polie>' cmi ~b e4e~ate-~ vaj moao.poti~,d b>' (b. mamiera. -- Rorteacua,' CLief S (tir Ire. <pelme cm! itef~,c, ot afue Bihi ma tii. .5< - 'ait 'meqt Oompleu.z~~pweit>'. ' ~ for mbg liEs cf Ireha~aj, ~ greatty Oularga thme Propniaucq e, amoat~ lb. agriculturai tuiesses. .33chi. mnepb~, fer. Du blin Uuiverau,>. o 131*1 parpet-ueîod vi~îoua systeans- vii~I - cuet îLe pninciples et pat'î'îc4 y. lie idea e! eempanugîou vas but !Iw.~rate vas tue LIgi aut bar... imuiting posteniuy vere tee unah<er. - Th~ cunchitî~,ns vere bat!. Irelaud'. sut vas itiafitattiena au benehicial as f Englaut, Boom, t-lape Ialjottrapt!. ou~, Maretu 8.-fmi aie Ccmmaaq - tie debata on tie4nish baud BilE miau8ed. tag~oirc~,aemb,~ fer Con!~ attack. teacuve, declariog tiai il tel! short ;allad qxpeetaîiaas et tbe fi-lai ~J5aaes aiophd, be proiecuet! sud nefmile. ~ PolimicaiIj', <Le Ii-isl~ ' veve itnpgerO,, ; PenouaI~y, îLe>'. ialm et virtai,. Ha ndvecsued ~ <tiaiai!, iimiiteOacintet b>' express. phelea Ibat fie I~ilt, E! properly vopit!. ' prove a beuefiî te hb~ Ihiitbt Heu, ~. W, ~uuv, memu. erti ' amp:enmbire réjeiced au aie par abajen in tie tiscosmie0, sait, mi ai Iemîgt-b ou îLe 'previsioua ot ppraviag et Some sat Ceaitairine. ~e1f~auguu ube ilefetits migit a- c Conunuituee. lb, Amui " Date ami ehaberai, repi>' tsi a . T'a. O'Donogiem aieugit tL. tatteai vas realiy <hie reurgsofr~. social Syste au titIrelsuit. lier. - ipetul augur>' la lie tact abat ilmlierte unlicedet. vas uow r, Henl~y, auemeer ton Oxterd.. veret Sourcea ut emudi~aa lîtiga.. t Bih. Sergeanm Barry, la, ~ oflmmîanour sut force, mbowed Imurç mysuemp ol Englaut favour.. h ais, ville tbat'~f Irelsat! fa-r lantîorta. Tlu~ 85e, an 'tippOrlunity 1~;;q;;~i~ rdeit. Celas eut Breteaasatîu rica, ieanipg vnaco;oes batret ~laut ; an~ fromu themu came 1>' et ver with Amerlea. Me led me defant <tue ifilI iii uS If fanîber debate uLe Hou.. -~, - f feci cf tbe fVeeldj, 7~ele. ~ h ut9, COflt5ns tic vends mat! tputa batlat ; uae dollar per - f~ncy ~ pieces c momie, t $10, fer one delter. lia l'or the 4ilhaen. ' t'îto ('Olîsfmuere~t Aulveruiser, ' ~luurelu 2. et! anit C'iterprisipg conras... îg f Nmagar.a~. Çiq~dj~ imuterealing paraicolor~ f~ prepc~ 'Grant laitarai,... ceut' îo come off s~ ajî~: ,t nexi, If tue Cstntewplatnd ra perfecuet nuit tareletout Prieaamn vi>' thie>' sLoetitau~ Wm<hpreve-en,-of tie meat- -turectîve et <Le unit ener ' ba Oeuattvy. jj la famendet! li-imament" ahaîl continua emitire vrek, ant ceusias parts, bo~J~ On haut sud r hega ennounepit tint sa. i Deon seî<Jet heaveen ab. ~iirev ent îLe Champion ut, fromu jeveusahe upe.. fpur.earçit~ec. aa Lacune - ' or $5,tt0O~ nv~ t Jutyamîd lie 'lt'ietnuà tiousl Tour. <brie uwo Crewg ~lll asie lao ia eerrespeudaupe SuIt - a, srit top, ae seepre hheir le et-go Liniet ilta; î~ veen hp !1arvs~~ pu4 Isibly ha reveti ~ita <hum tgarc llairimmg aLla leorata. nd roving vaef~<s On thia t up tcr esci its>' cf i1,p-.,,. f libergi prIx.,- OffCr5it. . ut, açlite e 'We ioi*at! , ares cf îLe co~ ' pi nuit ti~ lieamiîitpj itm thie baau~e oflmerj t Iacreaa~; bas. bail sud t-au ot 4t1 ~ngiaud - aro III 'tube psr~ la ah. ~1gpç* me preposet ~ tG creet I ju tie grove <calhet! - alikeftberiyer for a Orat uigbî cc tii, plistia,. ~I presautl>' ppesk - prerner-sita COucari tte six ~l!a:r~ bauds from' Oada-t~e build. ~paa iLs expraaaioat,~ au t t <o Laye a court or - - I slisded wit-L besogiful r aotIea~ lIma Iveut>' ~tsilj ~-.. tr, a Ro'auÂu CaîltolE ai~d~to'~b~ marriet! p;i - fÉhel 8h tii. iap~ ' ~ - ~7~li4~ferg'pttç1L' - ~o!f ibO p:iMd 'bo J4~ 7;~ TL~ ~ffiao'~ss ~*; vs ne mavrisgq - pgur~ d~ w. ~ sut osth mon.>'; pot eve 471f t/se fa,~isvî <amatie, u Letou tev's sci vent un ~he iheir imît lipprepni pntintry, te niereti Mxcheag lu Canad lie ferîy greertbite chas, ai J <lie huenue cent nIai takema *t- ecluta' e-o <lie sema Tlie Le cil>', Sexe is an>' ruer ' fer <laLSe i <hem en-a tbfitie,-1I a A bdepoî,it ' - tOtbetv~ '- sua-en lait Àiumenican IVo enti ' ~Ocqaining minion, le- te alep. - citas o! t-b. tiens Xci "sinova o pquarely i %iocesaora-I ' AIdais jituces tIi - ' Pà l5 PosI '-' -v~ euppresmeed Binck Cahi bt-troc et ils ev~t, tahere Pt StiuSpiOiuui tangeruu~s fi Its uxlstec~. 'Louis 1V. ataolistesj utu ajapeancti ul gevemarnorul anti bluet et! seid tuaI th~ intet b>' }:su Poetmaester G 1859, Tue InTe ' samalysia c-t iL Sir F. muet, <h.Nev Tino vetet titi ti -Nova Ecuiha b lu Queue £Ld iag. lite -qmuemtici 15 qaîa ap for ' -WL, aot-~Li e îLey aae se se Onneedet tliese boti îer'Lu>er A îîu;îand Intdv mue'uke 15 cîuterutoruî <o g<gie omi n prol i t~<iun. fl~etun !ia~ a ai asuction. liera le a Ji<~ tliM-pnivRs iu. t by~-'-Dict I i dauber, "Lot [o ltert-aten> tt'suj.o, bol aIl <lteae lîi.u4 l'ismmatOyTEult.OC cf Ilue-Unitîti ~t- anilsismr.s -ul dsiIpa a riitiOstmmitti tif mIa Olti immuti Nauar ~ tinte cilice Mn. gaa-é $tt;0,Oùc, f5., artd un tiuis un Duasige tviti'u utf *~tm<-(,ti. il le i Fume!, Uîuaîreî, I me eln'msî imumu'!:; eiher Prcm.b> teila States. Tue Troiemîr>' s ~bowe n dOLTedee t 'ttitiestLlairirsg t-lac 75, arti uiîlt'mng ut :J>.r~ ut $S7,'j~47~ $1U2,0(Mut~U. - "'<tI'~ce pla>' mesi j tadiasf. Die.1atoy. ' They Lave gel c , - St. 4~y~a-poor <j ~'- A euian meonteit ,satiing Kîngst-ca îa A maniananet Am -Iccipedes. lu w AdvertisemenL- jean te tue thiecemi tioprotecuesl distrIct foot abuîdant-ctnluî MAR PAIMER-BLA2~ by, ce uhe 8îh inet ,ctctrinn, John Psu 'Bbenehsrt, bot-h cf t Wiiitby Ceeexîcz.e <,-i FafI eVtmeaî. $~.rïng, Wbeet Barte>'......... . r~;.......... :1<>-,........... Butter.......... ~ii:::L. Turkeya perib.