Whitby Chronicle, 24 Mar 1870, p. 4

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Ana aise. a subi The big ten rtilby ex5lcçP resietlloS in a a £ r ryorjrns a s oporttsned Iishute frani. t4ifr.iettero. The iÇnator lockhtse Jettera, afl*td postg isý, pntherw& 411,a64 tdmlndy returned îhem -te tI, vriter.. But it cooid net bè Intated si Ottawa because Osur nenlbem r tpirHa. muent are paid only $6 per day. m R. JAMES WALKEIL, e AsuibnrsiOnt. Psstttimtec oft he ' AND ALSO THE DOMINION. I~LOUGIlI, FulauJ Wissler. liii TWIN & DOMINION, .fLO UOH8 I' g TJawlib.c ssassatteed. well made, Sud Lise workîs>g part grounel. W_ l'arties woaild de ýwel ho seud I l ieir, urdsrrss w4it sstiy. Conj içssfor W,ae $iL.s1 NVcsEsb R 10115 1 T l t NDIiiIMOGNEI) flEIlEtlTO INI inu ix frcsuirssssî4iisiptronus, huit lie WHIITBY LIVERY.STAJLES ggrJîsvitlsc e'saretaes te isisuier aride qsseiut t tisetils, ud aisisudoisîlsitueui lb»s- îrucasL4lseeesessseusni celit.-îesu01 tise - pausîis.ess, leh sîiueby letg lis a îsogitloui hu inseut ttise Woît* ut ciiesitofuirdtt e rit a sîaro eof-ustule pstrsssssge. W- CIIAUE5 PODEItATE. -4 N. 1;,.-Covered essuvexassce sifurfanifie Io ail orders. N.H VIIrepricter. WlibAvril 8, 1849. 1 FAEMING IMPLEMENT'rs &c. Tise sndersuigsss:d hope te i4tato t1ret lie tcsn- -Root, Sed & Manure Drills,- À# WOLILLXII ANDo ALL KMltiaOF FAR-MING .flIPLEIYENTS CELEBRATEO OHURN, liniesi as. sine uor tligst sisitiolts or' Ile kind * ai 'l AbC'titioa>easily wsriued,asuid #ô asijsrlor Isi evary rsristft. lisitilist fsrtcrisrsrioirisa csf ps"ON'a cée- bristusi (>î4litic LN SEnut 11linissîi tsfile torylise licita tsi ai'tut lie i ig iow etssSiiescti r xseuitii ordes, wiathis vîis lioia mcvie ss v~. ores l eiepr, isi nis sugrostcs r tîîcrliulinti tha ilss stisrts. ïnîsIi ti isrislecevesry ssssirctis. Iis tu eiqoic insr is tie s1niity gcci tite crIs- enospiansd ssuterlsi. UrCsali and see tis ew aColorie Esigisse ut CORDW<,OD & ILLIUIL Tmkess tlusalasge, si Ar.dLs'l5s'issl.rWO's'. JAMES CLAYTON. Whlsliy, Avril 27, 180. 17 21, Msura. Cusxizisniuàîa &SILi.t, ('on; tonupP. O., Uoutl of Leîuîsox, Ont., o'.c>cf Il)strsss,'Fai. Dilsi, 1889. rrIlI4xte lc erli'>rtjilish ifuriiottise ariter ci u 1tlIl satus kei ais Issca wessis issmr ite ouikies, wartis risssluully dsliiu'r Sua pnrwx o f leol7, aiteuslesi tuens>k icueis, aicil i i )ts i sy Isiju, - srl i bacagis&%e a ccrust Ics1 flot 50 weclk,, but aras cosuiflusesi s 5v éiscîr. Fosr silsiit taoere ac, viiole îis. ei'sc iii. sim c'issinti't5 niaspd terwrsirsie, i rie'ist musriies ul icp, ait o1 l~e éue uoh' 'ilservsit kiisss,, :ssi' l'y frîinds. but t use1isvsiI. I esistl1104so'l siet rMire a êwssrice, iitîl tise Sussususer sf 1 888, arises1 iIl issiscesitu try fleii.srent ntiseslsssss- ces lteniedi r>' rescsiiisz suigecure% s'erletmei, ls a pssmpiltle. At tlisê'tiuisq Ill i ,e.gol te fiel Vise weiskuep Ilis ssy Isendse; lis tc1 twsi gatblsg aisiso*t tusplesus. 1Ibavessi'itonaîstwo bohtioetci te iuosliee lenirdy asui duvo boxas. of tIse pilsessflinsu tsstlir ,i'rertet Jiesitîs. 1Inover expeted t t tter.'hesit asIIlsly l,'IO4tisse ilussais n sirh if tslalrn ,,,, s i s e Ã"(t suisse awcownt us priisite este, but knstan teaiil ngy' siiglisioris esîsi friandst; sud te tus>'cise uafitsecis» a a as,1 Iliea lets RIy c i y hte SiioL'ouonesIess; j !.Urei0vô wliii~re vosi. -MARY LLNN DOUGIITY. Storn te before nus atiMadt, Oessnfy tif HUaf- -, A. F. WOOD, J.P.s C&0. I isrob el> ertiry isstI taest 1hà i nwu, Mrp. Mlary &fn, DosîgilY for tiie lt hIfc es er elsemslaa grsc u iWOýrh.ty 0asisi trsitih. lie ltsoori er b8ros'a, fdsrsnie and igessieuer I. ,pe. Welller cerltlsicre 'tehe trsli ts svry prUetisscl. '1 igoIeusçw taI amue Ii isr lose$w Làdialoid nl opeie'sso 1sig1 lit h, ite linos, pitt'Oe lier eooes'er na!wsym >itritstitusd' tier r&uhserrY te tise 'isiislaa'ums' Wlitev r MîA tihh.pecsil'scv pcaps'rses et' titis. lilllus%,,one tliht lsec!tai,,ti QtIlis ber' pfsfl ss4 uod lins& tIkeftIse psecisunce pfi rslo. 01 A .VtgD weri ofthSie Couaty oet ishlgs, Province 1 *ipOSSOie asd, 1 Ae the proprieto', ttendB personally to the Brewing, a ree stock-of Ales -ad Part'e a' ,I.ays bqe idd o. jartics desirous of liaviug Aies of superior quOIity aud Porter eqnal to any rnmiortcd, are rcspectfully soliited to send their brders for. a quautity large or arnali, -and try fur thernielvs.: With the nid of Our increased facilities, wve are enàbleýd te prodqce aui afti- cie (ail the year roundY-ecoud to none lu the Dojinion. -N. e l-Orders Ieft iwitIi j$. J&8SÀUOMQI at le VaultainlaWhitby will receive pompt attention- Dec. 4,M1 9. 48 PRINCE ARTIITR -TWEE-DS, BroadIJiota, - Do.qip2etn O nts'ý! .Fu rnishing Coodu Âî'L WA Y9, Ã"Y H.Y.D. Uoods made up in latest styles; nt 1ow pies, for CaSh. Brock Et., Whitb y,ý'Aeguit 24, 1869, 12-ly (n E Og oe~ te 0e -a o- c, IG.REAT- I..' o ça o <P o UiR-LATNS AJ.L.E. U.U~MLJ IN HOUSEHOL» I.L . 1 N.- P-HUIPPErS, BROOKLIN. I willIgelç SQfa , -sofa--" ch4ira, ,Secretaryg, Book Cases, Cupboirds ,Shelfeners Wardrobes, - Bideboards, WshSb ttd4< largefauey haîgig LokngGiae.at greasacrifice. My stock of Furuitnreis very largeg "00 nei iyMIl my own inake,! I eau warrant it 10 give good eaîi4acîiou. Now ta tho time for grteat bariaius, corne and seti. us M~C'UN, FUNElIALS aténded tO wlth -every gttcntioD sud on @boit notice. A firit-elus Hilarse îo iîirefItted u ls edéob1ý ett oÇP iumes cOpUpipte. Rcmemlîer the place, 2<. PHIPPEN Biookljn.' OFFIQIALASINE GENEA ..AGENCY-OFFICEI L- 5 p c - lnoigancy, Proc promsptlya4u 01~ good tarmn seetityj negociatlis et of a tl 'ccmptlyi sudnati kf'Aise, Lnd, bà efocetu thtie Ontirio tintea l alens ludj U- Voocme splenaid specimens of. Mctute .vrames, and Uiaingi Remember the Qld S&and.'ý Wbitb>', March 9, 1868,l-l IN SUTRA-N CE, The underi,ed: continues to represent the following reliable -JNSURýANCE COMPANLES: TUIE-ROYo»"AL. - Capital, $2,000,000. MAX RZM I!WARD, Em, IM PERlAL, JOHN AGNEW, .AGIMT, W ry Capital, $2,OO,000. HKEA.D OFFICIC,. * MONTREAL. RENTQVL B1UOT'S,' JOHN 4GIIW ýAGEN,1W4 r fNORTH BRITIS FI, Capital, $2,O00,0,0 -I HA» OFFICZ * NONTRFEÂLý. I 4oDQUG4LI4 4- D4VIDSON, sJOhIN AGNEW, Ij ANA~tIS.AGENT, WsItBn. 11101E, e Capital, $1,500,000 - IEAD OFFSICE, PROVINCIAL, NEWIgAVENt CON. JOll NF, eiWnir ( 1apital, $400,000. JHUA» OFPFICE, 1s9 TOISONTO, JAS. SIDNEY CROCHERi, SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL, (Lxrzi) n'ZAD OFFICIE, A. DAVIDSON PARKER, 1 e , Aise the ColooiaL Sectlrities Moeat reasonable rates, Wbitby, January 4, 1870. 'j i w c, 0 w E *6 . M JOHN AGNEW, AGENT, WEiTBY. Capital$1,0100,000. AGENT, Wifrxu. JOHN S1 0f the 4Chqap Cash Store,' begs te aùi'once that ie, will have, until,,Iurther notice, one ef the CliEAPÉSt'SAtE$ ever5 pfféred in WhiLby., The balance of -the - WILL BE SOLD KGA'RDI>JEss OVALE Together with his own stoc, wbioh ls now reduced to such pries that will tempt any anaswbo -bas ready- money. The abject of this sale is not-to inake mnoney, bntsimply ta get the stoelk dispoued of., Whether you pureluse ornfot, corne sud inspect the gooda, Wé,wi1 flot quote' prices,- but say a, great deal. in as few words, -W? promise to savec osot of the stock iliâat 331 per éet Whitby'. Jan. 26, 1870. MAZ4UJAýTU'RED AIT Tilg Agricultural. Worku. ILIFFELeS CELEERATED, Double TURBINE WATER WIIEEL vus i~oav soosuoNteAL anme. ~uo~ la ras t Company; for the Loan of JOHN AGNEIW Agent, whitby Co 0 -M c) m z '-i w Vire Proof Chimne , Sha4es, Rofloteru, Pooke Lapi , _gimkralew ', Wiok Traya, Le. 2-Whivby, Jan. 12, 1870. 'FÉam)fi ïrug Store. Hgwe descided to offer thebaiance -of their 5iIand- WInt.r Stock.1 At and under Cos 't pece for c'ash; 'befofe Mr. R. Campbell stitrts, f6 the liritizh;rarkesd-ohare.s tbeii spring stock. <Parties d m'esirig ýdtiu ptcal wili pIeaf eava thair oidèra before the 2!th.) They daret speciaL.attetion to the-ollowîung oheap lines. Blaok and Colored Bilk ,~ Poplins, Panoy rTo8 GoodO, Plai, Winceyun Ladies lFurs, Nanties and ghamw1s, ;xery, ~Pcoyand bi1t,ïDoMto. ,Print , PanziolM 587 sui ar e aili give agusarante antIsesseis ararrssssraitistg tiusm bo un euWeil matie5, andi tsji icte as goos i.aui'ucctiossas mu> matin- tssctutre inisitIseIDomnsion. i'mrtiea deairissg (srtiser information eau eb- taisi it by mddreasissg PAXTON, TATE t CtO., lPersy-st., Port Perry, Ont. Moards5.6 89.- WEAT & vreneismau'a Bay, sept 22, 1869. Se. 1BRITUSH AMBRICAX MU¶JUN CE C 8MPANÇY Cptal, $400,OOO0. MIE ndeakiesi savng eenappointed* 1 ' "AetfrtIeaoaComlpr, 55 l WHITB3Y.' 'IL P.CLARK,. - m1roprietor. JOUX, 9 INNER. ýVALVA-BLE NZ TE4 ,Warehouse Property1 &C-1 (Iarîig tsi lie dissolstisi r t lIs psrtueri ijup ofe ise iiilisftssuness iouse &en ..' ac.- liolîseniesi, it; liliseciso iesteesteery teasil bsel, roperty at Wisitisy iarisoirrenitis jot Wisrelicoîse lsiive, icle fra' aise, tie Nsoiisli [Itel, adjuinfg tise igrbosir. -Tis,. wreisoucess sev, s irtiîot tarelit>' yeurm sciliîped aIscrier îsntity of produce, tisssn ssssy wssrelisosseci skIstro ]?rbosidl for tise iissraliîiaeofet te above pros- pertiesi, togetsero ep:rateIy. w 170 o eeeved eit tise oieifts tseagsd ui aArl c test. 'rs, one lissif oasis, thée sb nsninlutîsroe mt 7 par censt, oistVis a555s :i t esssaisssia'Utiiid. ls ,cissdpssrticnsius o t fltiseprcps.et andi aifýmImst, ilisidig elst or' siuiofisi serersil yesra puat, iil tue funtissiut tise officse 4-t Wiuitby. siss. 25. 8. IL (CItItANE, TJ~M1GBEl PU.ELfS LAZARUS, MORRIS & CO'!S.,l Cs p J,9TA, ' 'llse largze and i icressssg mles oft tise-e PE F CTED- LBE satised ltiset t ,eyoculd be sspprceiaîed here us clsewhere, eîsd ltiut thse ressity '#4 tiiessdvmn. togeesofféred lte wcârers; of 'sur bheuoîifsîlenisies. v.z: Lthe esicce ansi eespiort, Lihe aassssred ancd remdsly sscecrtscsssc-d ssprovcsast or tihe isiîs. tond tis ,iiunaciss etisey Rive in 011 Cases, ere lis shenuelvo> qo auperent'on trial, tisst tIse. reenit cuisi flot b p ctiserwisçe twIsi l; b). Ile reoifiiants; of tiiIoslty. WIiii a fll kn<swlçige or tise vains of the su- se-rtiosi, vo cl&stisisiat isty_ ire tise ist perfect 5,ptiuci nids ever maiiTfcdsturc.d. T!o tisoc ieci- 1. lss iectactiesé, are affc.rcLtct ilnmses insi ppor- tunisty ot proessriugtbe bestassdtisos4deaussble. Je, . H.PERRIE, Druggist, ê. Sds MeAgentfor- fMi place. Hais laiyxon bssndi a fsulaaortmeztsitable for evera <ifftcsilty. sw We tsske omeo10 Dto tiry th -pub]ije tisst-v weisiplcsy lie pedlesr», aisi toe-ction ticern uagsiat ireteW1Dng tchscv eàoir j-odà for sale. Nocv. 20, 1eft.; '48 FI-RE ASSURAYNCE 00,, *L0OMBAtP STREET& OflAitING ts CiQ$, G~LEPlEMOFF~T &Op", Agents for' NEWLY1 flANC cent s>y sui YDiiesd,s PAPER If Seleetei aeienîiy b>'il àslc at evRde Wbitby, April8, 18689. I3UTCHR'8R FRESH & ( T lIE UCEBfLbr eraan the h&isl ts properiîy msd cacei'fiir 'reaed jointed tte assît Isossekaesr, i-for sode an tsue owest Corned eeft, Pork and Cx TcDgue!» cuscesiin a ssperigrmnusser; nasicrrtiix ili tise Vieisisliing lisse' Iecpt eossbatinhiy0O1 - W Itenenber lte nm'a isep.-betweea the.'- scîsire..t etesirg, Lteli ansdi loquaf& Powell,. -Brook stgreet. JAMES MANiN. Wiubitby, e-moi sh. 1869., e-y JOHN 19tOEINSON'S Ilair Dress'n>g and Shaving-. - EIIOCK ST., WJIITBY. soWi ServisOP Ax Lis Or 3>losc5EÀ. Wisitby, Jisu. 22, les. LAN FO *SALE!I Tia Niotîit t L of-t No. 12, Ii the 41k TOWNSHIP of PICKERING, eoistaininu' 100 iacres. Tiser. icc altLr- equimn-, tisy cit c'xellwtsgCaer, and goosi iierclw;ossd o0 thse lit. Tise scoil ix gosîi lusui ell 1vsnteredy isuscior seraicpital Miil site ou tisa pra.: 4clir ppîy te GEORGE ]ËALLARD, c. rA il .~tj çremiises. Solicitor, Wbitby. Gcepnwoous, flm>18,1859&. tf-20. JO-MN CARTrER, LICENSED ÂIJCTIONEER. liosves e ooavTM$o, ONTAIO,- YORK & PPEL, > --o-RESI»ElvluF4-eot 8,Ste cou.1 - lilarkban.-Peut Ofice-IJlesrovilie. SALES atteisded oua tIse lisoctegt tete,sue onceascnibie tertnis. Tersisacan bemende u., bil pritesi atthe Chroareif. oeace fer M Carter. 17 CPMMERCILAL lIOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES PEJN<GLE, - Prespraelog. TEE ALBION LflOTET1 Corner 0£ Jwock f'& Vandas Street*,, WHIT-BY. J. C. cPHU ON, -Proprietor, Iiiecoite Unin ost la, Saerasheaut City. c!mirna. l lu LessdesD cted te ATTi J. ULY Wic. H 0 T w - WEfis tliRUEU,

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