Whitby Chronicle, 31 Mar 1870, p. 4

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eoirdinai 10 R0 14*05f rooon00 and 4asoirablmeoi of location. The, trust." .!go pois..a ait D. eezond.y not y.. 1,lit mpon T>second donation of 200,- (0$vtiob only becau»e avidilable- for 'Uiding purpois.,nleJuly lust, oa . been i.:Cresad by loléresatIote .xtent of 9,- '711 .' 'T d. 1Mr. Peabody, by fbis las ili and tesament, added go tboe s'ecoad tust Iboe&mmof 150 00U': but .îbié, by &!Io te ras of the gi, wili neot biec.,. iviiaiable until 18731.-The surn total af ;i i girl$ ta the îwo irestia arnt ta,1 Hleber Ktrnbail bail 22 wiveil Brigbam 1ilas pootti'f aplrihual wires, bat oaele, 16 'n thbe fiesb. Tue Mormon WàgÏensard i*vequa.utiy,,uted t'a dec.d men by,»pWtiuâl insérile. Jos Smith là msrti.d every ilay ta0scene sor îwo vo..», -becs»,. t '07 reverenceihlm mad wisb to b. at bis fide la theo ailer world. Pulygami.s g':ve ne aeppors tg ibeir .pirioual wiles, Imolgraîlea 10 Kinsas ibis Beason is îîaprecedented 1inte .bltory of tibat Bute. '~aurdey v.arg' aa Sodaymorniuga train', BAyo i.Lîcoas paper, bad Oive bah- f!red immigrants fo r thai Sltei. Tih. rail- way campanles baye bea» obiiged ta Pot o» Aîditianqi roing stock in order fo sceau- wadeite the Iravel wetwrard. The great- tailoy af the Maisipi 1tgithe J.ocky Moutains 15 rRpitýlY filing op, in cnlise. qunce of the construction of raiiwayo, mnd Jt I# anly by the sýme mears <bat w, shail 4 le aesoccoed in the rapid seulement 'nd devlopment af the great Narîb-wes: t irriterys A negro ln South carolns wili -occopy "les wool sank of the Supreme be,b $slor ebyvo il bav thabe pbentmenon ar .1 negfro with wool st both ends oa imt. ,Chicago Timnes. *A Geroean waman living ceou Gro.- iuetndi,Teszowell ecnty, Ili., mariled ber lUth. buabsndlb.eohar.day, Rer oret bus. i-ad ran owgy. tbe second bung, bitaself, 1 hl, 'tird shot bitasell, sud the fourth vas ,lrowned, 'the Phldo!pbfa Star lino,. of&a youing lad) that will giv aîay "mac $30,000 ta illsrry .ber. iÏ A Boston lady bu publiabed s column în fine type te prove ti*bat ibe firit duly 'of %/Omn»Io-besuty. LIVERYI tfl UN)Eh'tî;~çî>DES[ICIIs TO IN famn film 1>4('I c»lu uit idptroua, iliuc e ii agiciiî reailu,'>i iiecac>ea tt I. uI *WHITDY LIVE RY STABLES 1, lIievilcig t'ea tii. îcîcieipiî c uili>titue ailil, ced ilamnd c, ititi cd hic> l'fgci'e1tu tthe '>i; 0114iiii 'iik-iea ciii tle 'c'aîiae, ii 1p),> Ia Iyieig c îic in aliintu 'aiuttheiwr ite i lmitctliurc» t, durit i46cciiicue àf ptulc piîrcifiîge. W fCIFAIM( LS 3IODL'RATE~ , _il N. 1i t--Cae'rd LiiVî>iic(fu r fcîiiira sîii Icdiii. Irruuiilot ctte il>eu a a el, ýiert.tcifere. -u I al riurp. N. JRAY, Lraprietor. 'Whltby, April 8, 14638. 14 1109na.,a.,Cottaty of Uannez, ont., b1~T a t ec>riity tiîîtf'ic ri,>.tii' "îii'ra iSP i Waticufi wj>i i' k, Dêi ice9 c kithc, îLl rcah i iiriii i îu ýrii:r t >iiT7, vxtecl4t' tiuy liciets, ala>11 Ii, tti u t'., mut I bacucie co t'cîcJc ut i cîîuiliaio r'lI, t Wt .0' >toi>'i c nechiir, 1cr ,;î iWu yen>'. wilu 011% tîi»>kliirat4s a cliniilona ci'0. 0a141ittrwu.rcia, 1t i.i i>ttivîibet] 04'hI4., îy frionutm..but of ieriiti c4il~,itiI , et '>auIrsola mdw.rorsOilcitil tic>' Iiquiîî,,er mc"I' >, ,di» I1vw""cIilured tu try te grt tiiicaiîci- r.%atsoedy [,yy nuidiir tiih cirq, 'rtrul 1:1 a J»t»îhiiOt. AStt, tiliiq1Ilista bleg,iîte ;oui the wpsikte,'. lit my lhie.cci; l intas I 'en .'cttirltîg' ahiacalieaijleen. 1I ié aviliIWO iaottles c f Ithr Shontîiiee-Ret tîcpcy and twb ii'xes o!te 1>11101miitJ4 ii tit ïtirtly remtorea fil ýiceiltlc, 1i aever emsjcd te Rit boter, bcut il- IiytrocI the imOu leicia ma >)r1>1 riar»i 1i e, 'rllig e114e or iic. va. IcOt Sprivaiit 0", bat klnov, mta >'ilieigîlbom cac ýcisl nAytry the, Siacsoaces Me>nety; av twlcre yei.' MARY I'NN »OUGIITY. fi befgre M4 i a«, ' oif ffasu. -e A. -F. WOD, j'P,, &0. Aiehisà"p»nvin oferhltua ir 'i tuli.î bare. 2l n ohoèey drh.at lftfalle ari; x As the -proprietor atte stock of Aies'and Pos'tçr éan Parties desirous of hiaving 2~ imporô, ar repcetflully soli mlsîdtry knF tlietnselves. s personally to the -Brewing, ways be deponidtid upon, s ofmnuperior. q anadPorter eq I4 to beud theirordiers for a quanýi iVith the nid of our .inercits0d facil ies, ive ate enable¶ýto produe au narfl. lIO (ei the Y«ear round> second tip noue in the Dominion, N. B.-Ordérs left wvith Mr. JAS. SAMO, at theVatsi hby il eceiv6 pompt attention- 't nWib i1 Dec.1, T09.48 PR-INYCE ÂARTIItTR TWEE DSl ]Broad Clothos, SilirMxâtures, Doeekinsi, Nelton, &0#9 &c., &OI 'Cents' fulàrn ishing Cood, -4lL WÀjl118 ,0 YNJLD. Goods nmade up iu latest styles, at low picesfr Cah Brock at., Whitby, Auguat 24, 1869t ALEXMANDER C.CD I IN HOUSEHOL4D PRINGLE, 12-ly Q PURNI T tT R E, I NSU R ANÇE The 'undcrsigned contne orpeei the. following reliable INSUJRANC E.CMAIS nocerate prices to secure a& holstering. PuraxLare rc-ztufied and y Supplied as heretofor e, >icture Frames, and Gilding. 111lEROYAJ-.L. HEAD OFFICE, FRANCOIS HEWARD,Ev, IIEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. RNTOUL BROTII'S, JOHN AGNEW,- M,1ANAGERtS. AGENT, WUITDT., NOR¶'I :BRITIS Il, Capital, $2,000,000, IIEAD OFFICE, - IONTICEÂL. Capital, $2,000,000. ~JINAGEWÇ, ýMr 31oDOUGALL &DAVII)SON', i~$1,500,000, 11O3JE, OFFC CapEWitalE, CON.000 JIEADÏOFEGCE, * AGENTVWHTCON. I bave made, arrangements to take the Forming Fire-Sereen, Chiltl's Cot, Lounge, cam*p Bed ~d EasýyChair,,at the Wondeérful Iow price Of$305 0. Ç2 See Circulars. pA. t IIANUFACTUmRj A'~T' Agricultural Works.' Double TURBINE.IWATER WVIIEEL. TIE ItOâT ICNOMICAL W» tL îcUW l IX> e-9 LF ~ ~ ~ oe Agent forliii~~ 1 vL UA IL E NvEFIS 'SMEXNyT -o- Warehouse- ?rôperty,&, lon I WIITIJy, FO R SALE. WI fige ltu ii i..îIlciti >ts > & Cc>.Wr.. i.îsîeit jm 1.:i i ue I>C>iuî t, * clmn th .e Nîiccil i leîî., edjoilig ~the liîrboqir Tilee wei-,ureJouvelii', fo~r tige s. twîisty 'mtir,,.îîii'deiiric 'q iîîîltty etpode tl.îsîii wr-hice i >.ke 4 >rterio. Pi op' i- foi'.rie ure ldu, tt1i bove pro- pért ex. o r aher r'>,î.wM be eee:ved, '.Iermsîicetîifeebtige bidacce l, tiir-' ut 7 pur ccîît, 0on ii» iiiiîii t iciiiiîiii>uiipaid. 'Vll e elitl i ikai'ticeiilrtç of ilt>. prc',crty, d1. IL. COCHRTANE, I'IIItily, jefi, .25. 1$10. riter li4y UNFAILING E> Ul'E1VE21 LAZAUUS, MORI & êrCO'S.,9 CELLIUATED PEILFEcTED 01 ri " .1 is a Saire lro Ci îi ucperiarity. %'ie werc ailiicid tiîîît Ilewii îiîijlie cppr'ei:cedlcei'e ""fiewîe',ai> tiiîit the reigî'it Ille dvau,. lEaCtrIL) ac Wc'ît'csor -.rrie;tiiccî iile$4e v z. tiue Came :111(l -nitrt ' tiheeicr.id anc n hi r-icdimpdu,wt 4 tiot>. glt tond iiie #I'Iitl4ciytgive il)8i tiî:t uiAc iec'i cii'ic t atleipparenit' oistriali, hamis .fio' uiiicýt ierai wi11, tica at Our b> Ille. remidiuîîa ft.Iijsoc'ality. -M'1i iiit ki.icwieîige at tuie vlu, af5ieu- aeî t cuhuit t ît i'-Y ire tile aoAt t rféect Otilal aidi c% eerwîcî iet'arred 'V'citii>,,» iiced. îîîuîy a i> U iîgtidiidlàetdlCtd-i..t -'. H. GERRI'y Druggist,&. Duchca i.. WVIiuby., 7eir 19010 Agent fur iig place, li3a> lwEoi ba uaaJul iaortmeu'ut,satia for oiuerv tdiffieeity. %l' e tok-c ie, tîtify tue Publie thit w» cîcii,> q jieilcsacaitu vulitiaui 1>0v 9, -o Fil ASUA-NCE cool £SLIBL1,IJE lm1 17'82j GII.I,$P1E, OFS'A"r e., utua for JAMES'DV ,,Manasger. ýApril Sd1a. Alzent, Whitby' Wliitily, Aril 8, js8 IleMaiton, proporly aîîd cârel"i pri a, itliiitby, M JitJe.22, '66, L AND FORSALF! The Norti, hl ai of Lt No. Cici, o ftlo TOWNSHIP of pl( tiiy i "Eeilet tC'edar, and go> 0110 l it, Tlie cuil j, god atic andîîliu re i',e a uCiÇc Mill iUiiec. Alj)ly te - (EORG E BAI - Or ta W. .11. ire>o>,My18, 1869. 3C0HN- CAR-1 'LIOENSED AUCTý] ONTÂRHj, YORK JJsrklnan-je01 fice-Ci uni recapnabiA t crn, ais blt 1*i prîduti elié Chrnel Carter. COMME .RCIAL. JAMIES Pl TRE Lby, Jeu. it] PROVINCIAL,- JAS. SIDNEY OROOKELI, SCOTTISU PROVINCIAL, (LirTE,) - TapILTal, $ 40 0 » JUN AONEWP A. DAVIDbSON J1ÂzoÂozn. MOrY' Also the C olonial Securities lVlitb>', January 4, 1870. ON CO Captal, 1,00000. JOHIN AGNEW, Comnpany, for thé~ Loan of JON AgntW i- Agent, Wîîisby 0 -~ m >1 c, m àz -PHIPPENS JUSOOKELINVE» Eire Proof Ohimneys, Shades, Pefloct3rs, ePoket Lant1,rn Spring' Brackets, Wiokc Trays, &c. I will Bell Sofas, Sofi- Charirs, Secretaryhs, Book Cases, JAMES l. -GELiRIE4, hntging Loii.bu'cs tgreat s 'fie. MY ltock ot Fuuniture ii VCr 2-Whitby, Jan.- 12- 1870;- 'Eainily L)rug Store.' large. and ncarl niy n on mke, 1 en Warrant it to trive-gondsaifcon Now ii thue tititi foi' grent bargaint, corne antd sae. TEIIM11S CASh. FUNERALS snticnded to ith every attentionî and on 81101'L notice.'AA ~ I'A R1N ' A 1 fli-el,ais IIh'nîse tu îîire, fittud up Mitlu'a double sett of, Piuînes ctîlîtiSA'~' "'""-~" ztmmrthe pae Sept. 29, 186).- N.PHIPPEN Broaklin. OFFICIAL ASSICN.EE, GRNERAL 'A -ENCY OFFICE! prwîy rot[ ,eceived 1he appointmnîa of ilAsinea ire prompt attantian La ail mamters in lunrp Nots and Accountss peedily aolhected ad remîtt cettr et Mxw ilIiLtnt. -l 'have decided Wo offer th'a balance of their Faiand W.inter Stock! At and 'under tJost price for ca<sh, bc'fo'e3Mr. R. Camnpbell stqrts fo~ ~~ ~~t thaýiiu n'rkt oPlrcilane theur spring, stock. i'àrties decirig anythîing spdci ili ipense leaivi their ordleri before the 27th-> 'Thcy direct rptcial attention Pthue ollo0ing chcap e. Black and Oolrecd Bilks, Poplixs,'Fan'ey tiss Goodo, Plaidsi, Winceys, Ladies Purs, Mantles and Shawls, Nillinery,, Paotory and WhÉe Oottons, Prints, Planuels, -and Blankets, Cloakingi, t7arpots, C loho and, Tweeds. JWA V À'1) v 1 h-11,rTET i h giele iiii> sie auiiraiîop uc %iia cicî cel w.> rrllitit;g tiîrin tii 'c u11.4s>', i l»ie, cîil ta grive ncenrslafi uaî> us ia u- fi'etiired ini the J>î>îîiîîlil. Pairtiesi ceaii'iicitrluirtler inforaîtion eau ah- t4iii»11 ibytiîddrt,iiig P AXTON, TATE & Cio., I'erîy-St., P'ert Perry', Ont. ari I ge, qt. 1l HI IJ~STTiîscKE>rHice WRait TA Capita, $40,00. q Tî n lrI' .î ci'N 0 e ppiT E ' > .WHLITI3Y.- JONA4 EAirr HIIT 'Wljitby, M.-treh 9, is6s. ýor, THE, PATVNT 1 -Whitby, Jan. 18, 1870, , spienaid JOILINT AGNEW, 1 1 AGE.XT" MrlllTl;-ý'. b 1 il ý 1 B-IRGAINS

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