Whitby Chronicle, 7 Apr 1870, p. 2

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AUCO *>I8LU On Pridey,-April 8th, 1870.. onl1 20, fa tii. $Chicou, ocf FIesdngl, 1 8to.b, Iaplummnts, Ott#,,&a, 'Ibo Prty of Mr. Jaes Russell, James Di On Toroy, fAl216t 1870, en Xo 1K, a tbe' ion. or Eu,, Wbi Tara teb, k &o. oprop.rty cf 1Mr, I Waker,-L, Fairbashi, Jr., Actiol On FrldY., April I5th 1870, 'on Loi -28, Etoiçn Front Wbltby, the jrop 'of-Mr. Wm. TÏOW,-L. Fairtbauls Auetion.er. -ONLY160 TA yL Whtby,- Thursday, April, i180 Tho estimnates for the year ssding3 Joue, 1871, bLa,, becs laid beicre Fatl * weut. LacIs ing over thes vas Sud 1 sa e ncrotssid ezpenditore IM'oeçaiclsed aliot oiery item 1hrugbouAo littie I Tii. total cutlaY fur ithe yesr 1. esîls ed et $23.915,017. The setnai out * for 1869, *ld,144,040-sbpwigg an.ea moatet!encre" iinvo y.ar4 cf $9,171181 Whou tbo Finance -Minstei rhuings do bis bud, et vs. saali earq vhs'. the il ficiusncy la te come (rom,. 41 the î bluah h lochs a "blg licki" The 3iurder cf 5cott. Thor# 'Ilebut oneefeeling îbrougheut 0O tarie,if Doet th.e asre Domnion, and th la that thse Murderers cf pouo .cc# beic Fort Oarry shailb. avengeo,-d-, dti Mcoudrai Riei sud bis scorvy crs. brouil te strict uilce. W.li las kuovs -it -distance, l bisàsafétY. Not a 1miorni ébould b. lest by car Goîernrniiî lue e lia ont î4ae necessy quota cf vidinteis Tbey ares rsady, sys roe, tao' yard lia thcusauds st tii, frst eal.' Ai iviii ibm S C4be regaîss ovDia t, way f<nm Eaagiand, and thse steel gr- brio# vitis lb., Fort Garry, &si&- i boucrir &bout il eau soon- b. occpie. Biery dela.dlay;ower,.vilibc a drai bck, aud vo jois viti the viole pru. ib. provice la urging upon thee Ghiern. ment immediat,, action and the danger c dolby. Gel rtd of these ilver. la nie days time tthe proclaatioi iuaking Aunoricu silvr4. legal tender a twenty par cont. discount i ii comae uti forces. iliervilii Chec pose currect a e b.i cIlowlng rates; golif dollars at .......... 40 cents. Q..... ......20" * Dires,,.,..... Rf.dimess......4 Up tu the. 151h init., the Baniks vill roçeir., on Gcîerurnent ameanut, large zliver;-1bàt ie balriansd quatrs-al file pet cent. discànént. But afîer a Mil- lion bas hein pald in the rate' osy hi toiai!dte o& per cent., sud ultirnately, per. bapoi fro. that te ton per cent. Nrchanti qÀdd thers haîving ilier on band viii unu ge. I4t lt iii b. te their adrantage is 419PQPti0 citheir ilier at onceo. Tise, 6"Ostz Oildtu. 0as0grson * Ail itepes of ý tise su of-cithse 1lllfteî Steamer appoar noir te ha" b ean relin- quished. Thor@ i-t, osfear halentIoc sncb xtqçpu te dread that ab@ ha.s ar a * 0 a pieU e u tet ot hel.- PreidAPUt, vives v*he *sy howno, v;4ev., aud t61r oblidren erpb U&slto 19 ojepp t»w - gsttfalo 0%t rtbejesu s,'b d lus-Tie Oarmont Osiniesi uMill, ovned by John R4mltOus,. - d leased by ~s eRusol, vu vitls mwats tealîy t dstwoyid by fira su Wedussdyafeua 2W I Matel. -Tb@. buildngontaned cicr ~000 ýbushiel.o Oci., 2 00 busisla of Fous m04 qtjsg F#,44tb1 gr@ pnlgluaîed la tis drues bIlpn. Pi904»0 tIgg io* auar 8100 làum i a Éfi*n5 ttiAii io,uui to. ;pou a .quis gis,4uîarw stoftnépt 6 . 1 op las part aiofsvlga Bak4ssoý ; £t F tehirds of-wiel é», Nova 4msl bel'ar1009&a Besid" tins monsys l@ overnc.qli, In Le latrust Doms tvivî naihles'Atl Rut.:oi ihxpfbere as l sefr. Ost -slUta n atrust <qui.. is4c0 ssbarbors,à Party river lmprsnîsmmatsla,.eoit $21,44q00 the <Granmd Traikoves, pHOiepa sudi tassOr s-tise epveqpndent teryj remark,)tve Cive frr k, sud May asf [ cunsider itsecuntry lie dbo,$50 Ise Great Western, -$2,768,000 -,No lU Scetis ýRailayp, ,668,00 ;Nw Bru 70 yck Ilîayi, d7 ,00-ukg grand total for raliwvayst Off $43,549,00 Tbh. canais and najlwsy tgei e tis not uroefý-nUmbers, in Iboie siti 10tb beriJcd cf sirty five millions cf dcliar lia- The publiq buildiingp Ottawa repaes bat $2,774,0à ; roneis anbridÇea,*1Ç9 on000 ; -ctiierpublie werka, - i,eso,bie iiUpper 'Canada,*,5,0.oasgis ali st- Otor aou nît@na'k.n p aucth er $3,000 iay 000. Novage the Omava bqOrea Bt. pondent cf tiei Pr es ros, if v.W ovs, 568. buadred millions, npou viicive . à 'si aerage cf $5 38. j.e $100, the enui 'v hearge for iuter08osî- viii he 85,380, .000 le- but as Our icmw-s 1,8,0 rsî cOght lobehouble te doanebighn $On so Lhie balane,'Ncv tiaisbod bqw tse bi o Nonvlj loteee s Sô00 00e",leisapnt. -', pheaisjes "charges0 la Lparties le ugiansd tise Baok0 bs 1feuîrtsl, *39700Okor abo'et, 1.lOti of1 i per .cent. Tise item -look&s-ilrge j;lai vises ntljrde'd a e -s pur 100 in loi. "on takfu -i fgsd 'et $hs interasi bat only 'psu by iii.'hsi9, vls.t. P,6000.obc nt (iu round nnmc~i JI - wite80étih fiiriptanoà d, sèr-io'ià o Stise dobt, and Iherefore l dychargeabie »d an sxpssditnrs. Th. uezt itsem la premin, ZKcl joL plesssut'te ssêtempIato. The d pcicead(peni , il", *1,19000 about- vbiei 1 bavseuiotlilg to ay, es-$ v.ceps tbat îti aoqui doeessot. efueex of travagspt fornosel 'sand ýpopucue Oa _ceunr as curs, - Tise etsIchrge, boy. ofevsr, snom. omoshat big, vit r legieis- lion, *409,613, toe hisYODnasasfli addi for maintnieso f 'balls sud- offices, as muci as vii sasIboii.aroniat $42à, - 000 ; su*Cà ep uist'16i--coi Of la. 'n rnaking seerns oxceuive., 1 soed soi go tibeugi ths resu c( tbo ieus, but viii selet oeOrIwolarge -I-tems,ý cha Subsidies- tote iProince&, $2,604,000, et vhilb ianaudiatéiy moas a great gap iu the pile. Then thons la $937,4Q0 fer 0 defence"....auctheî big liçis for visiis ve got very iiîîe, Ihougla I presumemova ingsi moaeop Our rnind for ail future tise te muais charges. I. mortel th. adiocailes of IL depeudee bIave net fassenedupopesàth s il tender. @pot. 17ibé Occàan sd River Sîcasi ýeService taIses 8317,000, sud h laIo t Leh bcped tasi vison the prenant contracta cen -ont thse fgures yull b. redncsd. Te-claarg. es on Customs anud Excise, viii "iretorned clii Imts,' m nai .t$-711.428 ; tbenths r.Post Office oasts $787,886, tbe Public - Worka *692,853, and $65,498, Lightbouses $J90,870, sud th. remaindor Sous ta Fep., siens, Laigration, Geologicai Survol, te. We @pend al ve gel, snd, lu tact, tise measureoef aur Wania iudicaîes tbe amoiut te ho prcîided, the vbich our tbniftyatd coauted eipeepie.. are aivaje villing to Pay. Tic, abeé asaysisI hbave isues Ieu lu doea nqiappier ý'16baive eau curtail niuch. 0 Ljegisiatiq)n, îLe Maagernu -"fIbe Dott ,tué O(bllectien of the Revenue suid Defeuce, 0- s migisî, peniss.pe, sa aornetbiig, bumt vilh iureasiug population- sud commaerce.. vitb euiargiaindohîiq P4o V-uv Assa lkseaÂinh, lusie va, gava bts pu t4 ;ô~tb Maishtu Jse.. 11s 10froap lambo qfrop îiçp sip cr# ulablu the lut îwo yesve. Who ,au beaf oiîa us o e FisP su osvesiaaprl.eu Pd rp. e elessed, having svoge fins m s nt Muse p.ethyj fim&q ii -- re amethe tacots sud thse -olarges msul* sgalsst tis esditcr oethtle CasRîcî.a ledg. of visai ho vsnted, butie'ildtà't gst, rom one bid.eak nov viii ià*honesti, la- lormuvi bt bs gett(rom te oer 7Au ho soem o teob.iluthé, mooi f giving ln. formation, VIII ho.&a ssy, viiethar valk. iug &bout sud "Il, tlu Qibbs ditcrial ln u lo oket *dani Rrcus a ntii, otier, dii theb.isnust'O veR kaovu, vere made Ur, Gibis* by lisek -editer cilthe ClaeasacLa, înd'vere spurned, le lu nedOess te s8y, by thisigoeu su' and bistrlâends. Aficnvards a speuis, - saeneer wvasoset - tWMa. Gibbs i' but coali ffect sene e t hoiue tile peuiàry arrasotoefor vbiecar Ooeteisgrnaiy bu become notorloisa. Eîerybedy kueWs Ibisi imd Iths CEuacItL: lu oiy adiag te ilis lreadynuss.rouesinus by d«üaýiig Siculi tîLe Ca5txcL&' destre tise - <s of e the mater-tbougi Le eau scarcelyLbaie -, orgcmten lbeea'...uey eu bc suppiied iz '.Id the publielinougl liee clumu of the W. isal!l irai taie op thse Gazette, aud 1tau iioleal liug assertions vs gtire tise voict vpqcaliAsed sud eçiphtieý denia.i. The editer of the Caziouï,, neyer' made Say overtunes tai Mr. Gbbs. The reverse vas 'thecasi. Ti-a oerturés9lP vere made on bsbtfeofMr. Giwete editon cf tiwse Cuozw.u" of la refuiug tus obarga, the difficultp. . ar positios yull itonce b. apparent, fa na vssasot si" iai the fttsvitiont coip ~ relun~tieasac c tsidparties-as aet tie, fnienda et Loti sida. Witlaout asj '0 hnsaciîf oncr or confidence, -va ti. Ïé v méy icuser, <un seliiefesce b. itre" i ooeied, fer 1Ur. Gibbs@s champione cou -~msasesd'îi@ business, s4 for'es us lait le tihepesîtiou> roply Mas f1ole. " Du gr. Gibie, lu poison, a8 lise di ter Of tiCe CHîLB fOr bia support ý tue lun aeilien offteCuyCosi 1 67 And te isring frtber te his&necol le lamtin. Did ho net open lie conversation vitistishe euquiry -"Hlfigglus, lu il pes or -var h.tvesn us -ly 1)14 ra hnd ,of Mr. Gilbs go te a ne. lataie cf tise edita of thlie CuaexsoLu, and v k ics iterfene, coing tbe lanmuage - i CWbat does Higgln mes 9 WiiI 705 & Peakt te is, ad ses sdaat /anm V,t ' 9Did Mfr. Gibbs astosrize or depuiS ay othen inficential friande cf lise -editer ci r tise CaioicLe to d"apeais$0 e uap" sud ebrie5 hIte ternis? Did oeeof the prncipal-&nWrter4 et UrM. bihh. (bsing tisousasds oetdoilans cf Mn. Q!ibbo's mouiey iu bis 'pcseasi6n, for iL ýtspurpc of ci ig up support) appoint mesotisg-vit i is dilcriof theiseCuox- icLE T'And was net tbat seeting, at Ait (Mn. Gibbs'& supporter'.) roquW esbld at tisa Caaoxicr.g o001ce, on.aà Sendaj'ton the purpcse of sogociating 7-, -4ud se.,'. vill tise Gazýette let us hue. Wbo thLs "special mnieseger't vasthat vas sonti te1Ur. Qibbi?7 W. deuy ie loto that sny ous. vus ver geul direcîiy by tb.' edi. tan ofitlie Cosoci10 1r. Gibbs..As vs have ststei sîreai>', tise isry reverse vas tise asu. Thene may have beenanil emsasry ires Mr. Gibbs-a Sdinegocister'e -(anrLhadWmany oet îel,)bunîmoli di4îiuctly ne one direcîiy fronstishe oditerý cf this journal Ie Mn.* Gibbs. Hfovaver, 'let Ur. ilib's friands trot is eut. Let ssevisai loo&lica 11Ioha eo 090,of ibi tinegopatcrs" wLo psu 4#fty à.u4! a bnndred dollars fer votes witi Gibbs'@ rnoey?7 lâtusilêaov vho e0pe ieepre. cious pair cf fell4evstue speciai mes- Senger," sud '"Osee o nw "(Who vnitas amsnymously iu tise Gagoifr,) and tien, ponias, somobo dia>' Le ahi.te ýll ho. muth cf--tise Gibbs mcn.ît14q Pocauted wLle buyimg votes? Ferispe Va !pigla: aveu h le in o arnsmorne cf the Vote bcugL.f1 sud gire the exact pnice pahil for J#epà, By ai! paeus eziiLillic- $"MitIeesiea 4vîrtnrpua friends"- Nov ab te uhe smtelfp p f the 1und- iLar th Fi . ldica1o,sbc*pfbibliing -Ji6bo.'mediîeia in la asp oeke<ui grq vqp la the cterl-it 1f sarnply 5-git Pi th. Latin, lin. Brown vau mt a auàdl- date,ý i15.111We "ileti, outili th. nid- dl. ci lnly, 18«7. U-r, Gibse vu lu th.- fleld ailti th fe tg Os the diltlon. Lt us'a »ter te dates. - go Jhe 40is a,14197,»u au artice la 'tie CgaoarWLp, headel "rieo DoctrneasOff ponot,ve 1#9"4 aie Inatnto -the nuge4 Mr. >,owuas laimc ppa the electca'e of RolabQistnio <rom'thençe -fonti.al- lsosaga, aU vu baire ateleds Mr, Brovn did -net ecpt tise nomination "ut b1 ts Mniddle ofiJl>'. Hcvtien "do urliigity, Mu-Irhs atulpuent q d a:0o;t tse' bave etood bylies sin s@ter -Tii. im-ý Sudiste'peiiasy beuseqeence& tu our- seives eiag Mr. Gi taissiiy, snd ie' - Appivaticu ofi&ah govenrneuet prntiug' from, tise ouuty *olicias-.eieu dovnte 'Mr. GibLs 'm;prndeuis'4ri..tone effcicus fnends dragg.us lnîo tUiezepia. nalicus, visici ve-ironld sncb'ratier bave p roceediogs-baie uct' 'bis sanction 1th. .onueneceuibe upen Whltby antiPort #arry Orsiel 'Boad toir Bale. Xt il bc11seau b>' sncuancere neu uoîser Colnmnm liai lie Wblitby sud Fort .Ferny graîsi Eca isluetfred for sais. 1Mr.- Dra- per,ýO oucdut cf tise exteni of lais othen fmies.oti engmeulst «daaeinte uab ou nwi#utlie 1te ietit wattentio ni ty 'isnov affone4 iésne1aiivînu 'v- "biob h tàrosi- pea0ui oôtà<jte par -tfaes asio ai e ia n4&l$sera D- 7la9 dsY1isa55gebyfor" r suda ménsdiate tiisodio Wj-,ýx'é, h;;1asd Stireug i vsîstise roi pué Id taIs g tops te pochuse it ctçau on.,'We baie ,à unly reens te soi jast nov*- uLatý,we Iris tbaywili ll sie tîcths opporlamity. Tise Lanai Question ;ft ireistis, beiug a mries"cf Letters 'publisise4 lastisi indonTINme, frnm ts ciru- special coinmisaicr, viit rofereniepisp, Bi A. 8. Irving, cf Torotot, sud for sale by Oeorge Bengougis, Whitiy. -At this moseni-isdoed v. ight usy -for cealuries, psî-ao- question Lus agi- rtat'i t -le Inimsh snd so mch s the Land questison. 4U4 nov tis a proposition bas lise nruade- fcr its-iettlcnientinlutise Britisha Faniiaaîeut, sud h7 Engfliaih citesien, £ne fvender iet Ibe deepeat intere~s-t oit -tisncughosst tise kingdom. Nor-la tLe in- tereat loeu airosi uisan at homae. Wisreîer &ny itterestiolutakefsi m-tie affaits sud veIl. being cf Ineland -sud vissre ars-,ncl ber seons agattered aiU cve'r tisa globe ?-the settlieueth îe Iris lanad question yl h. regarded as one ofthtie momt ituportan$ sud mornentous eveuts lu tise istory cifiit&t country. We regarded it ina sa practiosi and future consequencei to Irelaud, as a question of snch greater importance than tLe diieudovseui ofthtie Irish Chtrcis; for it la the question of questions Iliat affecte the peagpofaitise countnyi and the upateniai iAbIfare sud cotufort of eîery inudloe ndu tenant ii the agricuiturai districts of Ire- lia.Te laud teure in Irà&l'd i 1 net ensily undenatocd by tise. vise ro net familiear ith Iriis coue.ansd tisose -«Mnstm differ in varions parte cf the cuIntry -Tenant'Rigit la tLée$àrtL, viéie visai msy jatly b caifèd cÃ"ialsi.aerfdom" prcîsilsio a lange eztent lbÏhgfouti sud Wti, and in-many parts eifLInster. Tic lette in îLe volume before a.-go la th tise.tiorougi iniestigstiosu cf uhe pubjoct tiey ore oanefplly prepared, sud give cri dence ibat iieyhsve bsenvritîen by, s gentlemnan veil qualiifeti for tise* tain, sud irise Las taliez pains t1q iiqîsahirnself siiit fully on the subjecl u i l is isan- lue. H. explaium vwt4b gresi- cisarnes. tise nature sudde ils. of*tisisnius ten- ures, sud tbein elfect la eitber pnowioîiug or retardiug the prceperity efthte people. Ai vic e mire te <alinserssaud tise Dnqione of tise grand retors is ici Mn. (;isdsicue proposi 10accomplisis Ly the Fnigi B.au iili owLeford thse hapenla Panijsf fipu1d reai tise-bock. Tu1. Ssu so u y F ?p Ff' îc azsr AcazcmutaL OSocui I, Iibe Id e Deengisas, on 'Tlamrsay ud the, y t We regret su srror-in the pa4ua4 5J11,j br tise muneoeusary linroction cf t 0 vor4 s.Spning show cf." h wýSa'Lotefebr au Ovasugit cf thea -pnntes, asij e 1 n ar garnSlé10 85gayhu iiSqa"t 4t lest As teb auppremshag tie proceedinga of ti Towna Ocneit in tise. ocluunsin lbe interest cf tise Raiivay Cornpauly, ne ibini on nesdiug avertie change 1r. *cgillaa vil iil roh eal itL.It isa uýtrue a il lu offecsive. If the trot uts t e t oi v1 feltbai ve vore altaffng our columni vits proceedinga cf-ibe Tovu a- Counuci sigbî aftor nigis ibcb vèesairplybaider- 'uLauitits i i tise perusal ofi "tb pracsediaisgsa nannatsc'r raiers; îLth fqUi1jlirgisaisid*eùdrele. I are besniily -lad the "hietold tale" 15 ai an sd. A1al v. cuc4e nov vwiti tie vsnhg velius i vtwe e hli iLsh Comanuy bave compiied vit ailtheîLei. man* oqf thecCoaiaici, 1s fa,as lie$'. lu tbeir pover, sud tbat amy fartlicr opposi- 'tion cant buLadot cer Ibas facti!s, hi the ratepayers., IUpja<othus'point 'esé giîe Mr. Nmeillan, the Mayor aA îLe othor-gentlienofciii.Ceucil a&Il eredït for their laudabie exenilms iq ioelting aller the intereats cf th. Town. Tiseir efforts bave bien, ercvued viiasufcees. 4et tics net nov destnoi tie good tie>' haie doue 1Lait neuteaphq er s- U is e lut sîrsuir tat bruis the came)'ê bask, O 1fR, GIBBS VOTES FOR FAYMlIN TO BBÂTY i r M1r.. Gibbs, lu tb. cornuittes on public i.accoants, îoîed for paymcnt cf $1,170 for id sIens seized b, Goverumeut on tLe York re Resis, and sot ouly voted but advocated id ýpaySeù cf tLe item. People vie remern. ibe aitlsformer isunuciatiosas o bd his iesti ;e velffscarely hioui e redible.- But lsre s alie vote. Wheu thse iteais came pp, it Mn. Holton Maoved- ,"That laîtbe opinions cf tise Cemapittée tLe cliauset $1,1W0 for atone decided Syearm ego by tise verdict ci a jury t.leb. long te the Crovun belng au mset of the îl defaulîing Yerk Rcad Comnpany, cqit »S ta Lave bees psu eout cr tise appropriation fou unuienen uexpenses, but if ds.rned radvisable noeenisi fcr tise judgssast of Farliameut.1"I r Yzats -Auglin. Bolton, Wood, Mac- -donald (Giengary> Mackeupie, Rosi (Prince Etivard,) Yeuu-1. Nt'rs.-Lngeviu, Tiiiey, Crawford (Leeds, ij freane, Gibbs, Keoen, Lapu., Lsvson, Maseon, (Terneboune,) Roisitailie, Ryan, Rings,. Wali-1q. If ever s man deueunced tise Yenk Rotdà jàbieny, il vas T. N. Gikhs, as tise peaple cf Souti istaro ie yul lrcem. -ber. Bui Le nov appeaus te haie goee over, body, benes and-a'lI, te th. "cor- rupticuisis," wvise.acts e - was torenily s. forvand is ccndemning. Ma-. Gibbs Lad uethiug bitter icay iii justiiying bis voe, 'ti»ssut i rom -beginniug te sund tise York Roass -bd beeq 4 ,acqrce ai trouble te the Goeenmeut. He tieugisi tisse parties vetsoutitled te îLherneney.l" Hincs-îhe mati vbose Goie runent vas dcnunced by Sir John A. Macdonald as beiagg "steeped te lipm lu corruptio" - bas cangit otancossisteut msuer, and vitis sn4 tor Hincke, Lis votes are nov Wei migisu Mn. zoltou cctijpiaia "t5aLt thse vete&" [ci snob son ast1Ur. <ibbe3 94ivee giron in s part>'&cses, and likel>' te tender the cemmitte a fraud." - TVAnea AND RoLLNIt"-Tbe Gicbicopies fronmthe Nitre Recqrd tLe folioviug -in netereuce té ttee abooiasd ve ali cali *iteuliqu Ie tue cautiotisny notice-ins.nted u advertliug colunq cf 1fr. stoer, pnwehilm ag'ent gel&1Mr. D. M. Potier 10 sigi," u greeseut te tLe eleoct thst Lo (1fr. Felter) weufd naantsactnre- tLe mq. chines.- Browveil liuself calisi mpoti Mr. FoertIsi aIl, pu4 attpn sausctieaiug Lis sgeni's hargain, tchd 1fr. F tise pal- ternus for tLe machiine vcuid Le sent te Liin iuhe ceurse ef a fotaigbt <nom tisai time. He ibien teck his depantore, sud notiig more vas beard or seen of im antil on@ day ltveek, vian ihe nneg- pecteilly caifeti tapon Mr. Potter, sudý vautcd ic get bacin the BIft>'dollars viicî bai Losu iepouited as 0scuity. 1Ur. ' Potter olered- 10 boasi errtîée mess>' land auitîle douments oonnaeoed wvii tise tie 1agreement priMed Bremuveil getà tie consent cf th.<armeèrs, vbc bsi beuglt Wiausip Sures in îLe machine, 1te Lis gme fiîk'f e usedies.tosdi tiat Brovn. vi clu ta do c yîig cf the kimi. -t lu arèat b e aione ibousasi dollars t ethé rate 051 at cetsa pr L. 1>6~ "~3,1q5fl8JU.'hmbr Le.u8v"uULdNDMO4Ei l 1oJe> Ç e Weî . h~ L ( r a v d à r d ' o i f a afl r r i e u o . r ôt l e a fitles, boug t op lt is ,con ty, baie ais ýe r ' Map , IÇ s5o ,i0 g Lacerr. Lugevm iubhoughb-î bien * iU% telmes. ,te.>t h ln' C4 bensbpped ta thé.sa re desiutiaa.- AvntAoLescue.>sd nal dôihlgo mLong may the qoply of.,ntano continue ne aeçIZ a scTcrie ani.rn,ýkeunr j ji nch!is 4& te fl u rish e n d p ro s p " ,' m s 4 no p p ly th e D i t ..C . n ~ t O j r , e *ur : #y i c m ua r k e t & cf t h e r n . r ep c i f s e s e u t s ud ve s t jRm I sn* niqs Y c e n u W B , i ll% Muahee.trel t , slo 1't w s ; i ;Ùt P Onb y actu ali w th h Eu te r b e , m u uo n fa n d p eti. * -r ý - $VQ q(5 c D~Â~~ --, iâ.s-Mu'. iacardî53lae, fWtt ispu0WOtise O.CtuPa Jte W mat owe,. 1rowni. hrpee, CmlwalLOeameroope h to D aorJoHN DosaaugR, op Qutnsco. ÇHse] ameal hvl eeI eu rThedtee -31r. 3ckn Danaglsnedied al, Qnehec, -on ilVerris, Panser, Oeilkieu, Gilh, edSTise lo the lst last., et cousosmpiion. He vas neune h Paq'ànyuetPeti sic-Pier vlard , saut rd u Edp ],Roa '.1 esli1tleuost baie' pruises ute old city (rom hbis earliest- "s 8rd 8Suea, adet, sitRinm ladbr ; ]~the by-Isw. Y e r . R e i ug a p ri ti cl p in te r -uu e f ~ ~ î . W l W h. ite , W b 'h s h a I V - m'~ "i a ud ha v e , lit iielèý sogtise coeti on cf vrilers ii Yci,- suifor somn alvas sogktru tse ouseetCommonis, on Mondy içkn,.derlini cf abiiiiy, anid viîhb bsçv endjng'ccin, r. MKnzeaiiuted - lu iset ;Veii ent, and pratical' gond & vas wu strongest tbrus te tie atroios m ode l r rew4 pr - sense, At Red, River, and, Sir John A. Macdonald, ]n on ensblied te malte hismiaris on the newapaper' in'yrcply, nulmitted tisat, the. munrder had :meit for hm, litoraînre of tue day. Tiie establibuaeut been conamittecl but iaid that'as yet tise bentures or cok governxuent bad receiî-ed ne notice upon said 1 Cozu[ cf eÇaa4sn Clopsf b biti5if 110tise subject. Sie John cxpluîned that tise towti, as taQ Mv. bsreto, <ud iii hic paer Le cnsissioraerssept te Red River bad) The, 0<s - wriîer cf tLe». remarks vas -ccnnectcd op breni instructed te pursue a poilu>'*Of -o the contr, tc~a55) gve1fr miou conciliation, tisat the Qloverninant hud no pasgp cftl Dougise cc- ight te order thse dianliarge of tse% prison. a bUugtè -n bni,.Tis ÇZoi~~wa tse iensof ers, an4 thas amy tisreast on 'tieir pa rtar deteranit wol have préjudiceèd ,tise une of policy wisaî lipy tl reqnig: oq e. Chusl. 4ileyas, (the -prset herffetQaeeconlindie-tiseir r-presentativea ,werc pursthing. 'fie ble fer, and, Presut S rio of aebeýjý0 theý d u nùrdersîood frétan Mn. Smiths il tise prison. cf tise muet mUs f icHick:honisÂdqinisîraion, ..rs hid nov been disciarged. beau made, and effDr. Topper'douibted tise étjecUtion bave bers cf lisp t sud flhtod uçigcc ~asjtsday as Le ng aken plaire at ail, on tihe strengthsof -and dangere )Ppeciai ergin cf îh, Irial sp4 -fethîe siletero eeiedty N Ca.QamerRu frein viii,lisadi donsmunaty in tise auciuit caplital. "la lats, - M Provencber. bacp'etts been amout years, 1Mr. Denagisqoeattemptfd 'geveral. l~aiz eevdb'ii iig~tis ieui o qtber newspap.ar 9ep:erprlses which vire - ',U'. 1Mr, Wôod mnade an effectivé speech te titis scisep nttqoile 5 suosafeWl, the lusg belpg tbe ,rèlatin& te tise public isuprovement fund, b. kept viii and qwoîci a seriew of résolutions 'on -tise'&tien have a, DaIY Notes, et vhich ho v.asediQr sud'sU-bject. He laiaed that since tise*-rrg te the Rail p ro p ie to i. île v u s a ,m a n o c oi r i np . en d in g cf t ie ed e r i a , Q M c l -b y - ie p n d t i depeqdopce, au4 p'9rèu.ç~açe.-lte' oeirnneng Of Caaýa<la Cortis s-vih-a Thet-eg*p ,laient cf x»pssles dute fpr puWic improîe., te tise Crooe Tis teeepi ifera is (htfoll mie- * isenîs under 01é 'Orcigmnal, compact witis that _44 ~te rai teck place on ibe4Wh- lit., pnd that' ~he se(lers on tise vwiiît landg,, te wbich i Iaiiway Ce. o htis. f aspplicable, slioul4 bp paid Suijj- ibis -a' bas funeral coriçge vastheIs grgest sud 'by tise Dmnin-setteîssd M o s t r e s p e c t a b l e 7 e n -'f a s 9 t e b e a f o i e t s e P ical e t . - - g4 B 5 9 i d , b u t ýO th Provnciildeb more. jwd long tise. Roquiocat in pace.. 4pint pt ortier huving beeu. raisc4 tise fit (in tisein -' - - - 'eseoties vee ianded i, in t11wismpe oppse. -bis SvrnU9 rIFLzsi- nontief ltion. ---noaincedbyi veue sindiig saee o h.cessn du obst.,.qKw.~r.ar, X45a s am ng Torontoc vicinale serchanss. À - ai, W S -l c î late f tb s 4bion in iis te spt týatil Iging ire'ot'grqpig i d te bae bouht. -Tovu, se long end el kn3on o thetiscnclhv silensce $Iq grejit priçé,*snd aftonvards cok.'- trAirelling paiÇiç.s, now th, landierd of Wvus-theRail ed their- accoput-e ao s te ma lge ie t htie Cormm ercial istel. Osha va, ltel>' kepi ts*t ht i a 0 ~payera yl-ti tauras appar te bave hýèu açcidontli. -'ytsiksdyiut f.Jmes Priagie. cousiderez, as One-firan à said ti seven. thogsend Inl Mr. Black, A g900d succensor ta Mn,'thOemputis of dollars noder Ã" ver umn!ent seigurç, ring e, lsf11 be f ond (noe eay sater ) be au sut on end, in, bio aIse, Oshawa -uLas seured, 'to ui sind tJpp Ces? oî Na. Hows'à 'Ti? o, l89M geod and respectable citizen. W. deaire ip. ccusequeud 1n;vsjt-Tbe Hou. Joe HOo.'.trnptoec te remiud Mn. Blapkls man>' tniend& vhen -thép tcwrici nerest ofth, Red ivier settlenaenî papi tise cgnntry $650 -tiey vlsit Oâbaws nDot te forget oaliing- at procgedinps4 -bsi, of course, is buta auaglîl eiffl iss bat C miaiiuenas pluciný vas w a bsd expeudittire. Il vould have P-------iut, sir, 1 ho bea bote taba e gve bitdouble the -TE sitssN R E5&TA UAT. This od sd 1as Yets haie à sautte hve rmaied a hoe~ ~ desevdly popular establishment lano"rtg give us spa ,îead et efi'ecting auy goosi by bis sA , carried est iy 1Mr. Thomnas' < ýar1sle, suaUçr p' lie did an iç sinà ii, amoQ t tof ciii, f (brother of te lae lamented proprieotrý. Yo at4at 1 wv baf iat in reprted qpi#bis sjngasund nd iiiebu bad1Sa hreore, -oafei..tUfly, nti çOP0 iwetiercer daigola oreç; :lahnsd ceuvenient piaçe <on p4nties vjii- patit ot tise Ra iug the City, taoebtsin diuner,, lunck pz- CpaîiipUÂp5 o T~ Drnisci super - il ii.goed things. lu season 3ow.-Mr. D. Dàlîesr oftSenti Oshav' a, snpplied. Billiard reoma have' be en ;a- Bals R. B. lst a vaînable ce. ou tise 5ih inst. Ou ceutl attachrd.- - rc29.j opeuing the body of the. animal, a darning eau i - îslog 1 ouille, absout three incises in lengtb. vas p. o o ie<*<> bsri sog <oued in tise besrt. TLhe cov bai eûten. scarceiy anytiig <or ten days previotis te ber desîh. Tii. oysterj lu s cv bhe ucedie got iute îLe poor auimal9siseaart, Dsàszoxspeyoz-BiLys xg lIsts.-ufr, Jases :PouglasSîcver,,M. D., tbe cele-ý israted ciulimsud anncist, aunonupeï iti- other celumus -Lis -intfention -te Tisi& Wiby, on Mouday, lth, andi repuap app.j i Ssturday, the lGth mat. Couuty Boanit cf Fqblipa Jnsirgcttoà', Tise Boar4 met ai Brookim, pu Mancis- SIsI. Presaul-Rev. D)r. Tboruicn, G.ý H. Dartueil, Rer. Mesmra. ticuglas, Curnie,' Matitinn, baa4 Mesarp. Lains 4 Absrahamsa. TLa Board ergaimed b>'tie elcciop of. 1%6. Mr. Curnie, as ciairman ; sud ne-, eleciion of Dr. TiontQrsua Sécreta> ' - 1fr. Danineli calied attention *le îLe lopse vay ha vhic ipqbers vprne olifed.; go à#jd neltier himit fnon npy menthers pf tse Board in Whitby. cxpopt M r. Mac- icunan, Lai -neceived su>' naîice OF ibis oeeieg, and înat tlsis vas pDot bya"Y' means tbe f#rst time suci Lad cccurred. Ccuaplaintp veçp *!pq aade frno her porters. I Âtter some discussion, a reelçsîioa was puaed t0negtipg notices of esuismpciug, ýiobh.insertéd-tvjco jas ee pevspper lu etcb etftth. Ridî'ngi.- l'h.Spiug exarninalion cf Teacbers ' vu -fred for Prida-y-sud' Sstnnday, 27mb sud 28ti >1Mal, 10 h. ield st Frince Albert,1 sud caurittees ver. ppoiated tw prepars tise eamltatiou papers.- A discussion arcs. sto the pnittug of tie.papers, the Board bei ug compelied. SaIt bIn latis e a ensing theise i i -th6las isue y Jur paper,on1 t lOâf tis kstev via poîllon 'yeu talc., in what is calied tise difficait> betveen tise tevn- and tise Railvay c3oipanay, 7 or tise deisentune qeistion.), In 'previep uggss e t y ' u r p up e r , i o w v pv r , 1 n i n g ia t o p a l - mit ilmnt your views vene fair, trant, andý entirel>' iuacpord with tisp iultenests eft tie corporation, and4 mqst hbaye lmet tise ap-ý provaleof tise ?ratppayprs. spd iirdeed -tisae tise'is>nesi dipod oethé lâisiy Board. I beg te (ste issuei 4 tfi P*'rsp.ditorial ip L-quîia,,li 'ie vingit ta be but lasijao m ysell, as a saemberef tise Levu- xcàlj, andfsir te tise ratepayers, tisn t lipÇue pesiîiou of tise so-calýd "difticuity' isouid' ,e given, and *aies etdrift of yQur article la nqt i.isependanice villate bbc tilmighit have bise efiect -of uaaleading sense et jour neadens, avio inay' gt bu fp posea sien et ail ts ts uFànP cpecîlu vu this mater. Von cerrectiy state liai a 4januàt'by Iule ofor $50,000 vas passpd lu Àaugast,. 1868, -andisat, tander tisat hy.3aw, tise debentuneishsoaud date, sud 'ia4cnen.. tiallyise4r intorustitroî tisai peniot. But yeg tfaye ;utirely everloekedbisp tapi, tiai previts'te tie final paseangp *pftht" isy-.aln, 1h. RaiiY <Co. epcuted a bn ta tise tovia, for tise sans or *3cou>, set- ting fortis tiat ie Compan>' Would upt be entitled te sn> portion efthlie debenuaes isaed, underibis by-law, anti t-hoy ver.r dtsly arg4nrzed rpades Z/eir f4rter ,-,jz t10(t,000 'of ba mzfidestock Ïaahscnibed; and lec - Per centout piid. Liereoa, -inte .4ompcisarteedl>auk pIls0p rovince,tbi* bocard oft'dimctoe'na t»..A' h.- *'- _ - urs, ;c., - T.. MMILL, in sppiest ofed i burg.- À brOhen rail îisrv tise ssci 9r UsdJ,!IP.apenger coacies res Thp : lie gin;, ipader, haggage 80ti l P&sseger caces, vilchii sleeping par§, -passe d ever safel>-'. cars vhîch rau off vept dovu an- emba ane d Bui ,,s, Ai wr vecked. sqahip pr vs ccapiedi b>'esign bouud fer Rohcester, sevenat ci vi 'Mene seriniecl>'injureapi pa5 um brulig -Thte inured vans inougbi ta, 4ileniçsp note injaibSM8Cit>', vLsre t 'ore neuiinrg thse necessan>' attention. 4 .borssca > M i, f à, 4açsfl i- Yc MXX IIL£'-bnuàa CTity, F Mlanci 29-A terrible accident ap At ahe îeceaiSmine cof Rici. Bckebetr, a tiei place, ibis tuerning. -Wiile fcur a avere descendue5 tise sbsft te emml vorin, thé nope broie, prepptaijbt Ipoxir 19Ba.oop. - lu voit mupplsidvisi is i tet ig*rous 4s u of a su i be 1

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