Whitby Chronicle, 7 Apr 1870, p. 4

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sPI4Ia angj et S. olde or ~ - the oe- drWlooo wvlluajr vunitlng phiosophera tryIlt for on# ihu 'r.4,nfp nk ie fi nPALE ALtaAND PORTMÉ~. W 1 E.3 And the on t ik ~nphn eAncltrusts bpoe~Ieto addeet for newaPaPr ; )'ou lhave '.ie cntIns b l itroeigo. Practo te run the acluora threugh -a bil dote JU Ber, uouvIILO, e o p.de ' ra -dzeingoa& ho [ave . agot cter D on - r w eryov"o 't O nt. eohNw, taI lnthe uinotiportani'Ufldertsking and Funé'rala and mb ouî dlmeult &-partaient to f111 As the proprietor attends persoay oteBeigareua £NSm spnddpeme on a ncwspnper. Very feal moto bave the oal oteBeig eua sm ped tilgbiet Ideabioslow to*do :he-rork j ritoàk of Ales and Porter aaly bdseém i qure aafoouhnespprk. ,aILWPri e cnawy odependod Upon. BRemember the Oid Stand. koows tbe publio--appetito weî-vi; esros .in Ms-f uerior ýuality and Porter equàlrto any- kowawh t l on on ln the world mpre,'r es>cful-solicited ~to t3erd their orders for a~ quautityJarge or Wbitby, M1arclv 9, 1868. and knows how to re'wrlteand- pack à£snîall, and try fur:themns;lve& - elumn loto a dozen linos. Mbon Who sklan a newspoper and Li ~ the nid of otw ine"reasjed faeilitieRýwe arc enabledto preoe n it. itside, bte retluct how nmucb brama s and- oie (ilil the year round> second to lnono in the Dominion. I tolt have been cxpended Iloerylng tp NB - ýréalftw r A.I N S ~ U R > ihat meal. Jlsy hends and bsy baonds31okSrdea et ih r lJS t.SA MO, atthe Furniture Warerooms, have been toelllfg, mil de> te gather and IrckSret, lVbitby will receive pop attention. preparo thosvianda, and oste v ant Dec. 1, 1809.- 8 -e1 buIlding.lha. baai lit tram celer te gar-_Th, u.$Orsigned continue t 'ge - ail n g ot e the paper ready for ISRNE "l neao ycrack of dtd*.inou INSUtNC t Y- o thinge1n hé e r 1! P otbng in yu-r lcail!tt a 0wbatlii tho maLter. P I good NGI A R IJ Uli VLI1~JM, iRAOFFICE, Ilow goda nice, juicy wel-coôked ..MANCAGHWAD, E R boefetoak Io, but buw few undcrntand the. uano .fi1USqyhy e f ebtalning IL.,>' er coolj* MiÂo -ta1kïaoaer a'alutefl re. It fi req nîsite thaL,1 2 yeu meain, eyery cdrap, 0 is, Juit.. Ir it fî to be Iried, lhave your frylng,.pan 'wita h H--..-- EAD OFFICE, th. butter or drippingats i&$ bot that~ ALSQ 'A GOOD A8 ORTMENT 0F - RNOLBOHS ,tley alinnthumi, then dropIn yotnr st&k .osxs eIo AAE it will cookJoo frein -thoes te fenrtMnuntes. Droad loth8 sokn, Youn touot stand oer It fi*i th~e anantîme, Bik 1k fltur.es, &. O,&, NORTII R 'iI F itirnlog It n0 elten that Lbe iu!ces vIilI ne t Ir s have imue te exode befr. > ýou ,tomn IL A Slna variety of rigaîin. Poepper belote fr)ylng, but de net IZ FFCE ,gîTt u,,til ready te take top, asne at drawn len OOGLL DVD f lie subsnotaete .surface et, the steak. F .n s 'i g - G o s Yeu ean cook a steak ln a 5plJCa¶'wit» Icaee ý AL W4 YS oy-_ À.VD uuotitan on a gridiron. NwLIe..10~ iton that brolle'd steak le preferable teoedade* 1a10o31 fr as. E- frled le tliila, that the beeflélebrought iaîUp3lJ-tCt 1tae. ,rce>- iient l nmiediate contact with tb. luve ALEXANDER PRINGLEt HEAD OFFICE, mtsi, the oubstance on that side la qaickiy Brock st., Whtby, ÀuÎtost 24, 1809. 12- voiagulated; Lthe uic uned for ftour2i cf brnldg. Thisd reaui on the pari t ire P O N L .ïmek la Olton the aaking cf a gondsteak.' PR V N I 1mow cao people la. content te dcièaidon'EA OFI, imck for an occasional good mentWhon by BA FIE tinder;tanding the nature cf timnga we JAS.SIDNEY R KEZ mynyrfl.Bt te my steak. 1Droppin.- IL loto a,1 itaid, but lift it up and toto. beiore a par. CTIHPOICA til, of moisture le seeon n he-top t-arn two or tl;eo tînmes; Fend tu taoble pipaog ~RyL HTL.~IEAD, OFFIcE, hiot Witli bita ci butter melted on it aud aA.D ISO RK 9 Q=.Also the Colonial Securi cc S~ItE UNîî)îM tî(îED DEuîiRiS-TO IN- T brma filsî friulîie unud pIatmoaslim,,thâho fi* eagi milnsîîij litiiitieamîat the0d>, WflITBY LIVEIW STABLES l,ïV lli&viîîz oeureiaod thenimbanercud Fuinilty cf tlii, enid, mandIalmA idi ditead lin-. 10 it i, oivylmcajil 'aflicîtia011 tile îieise, le lcapmeb hua5 lun àposition b ,Le tiiO Wtla t4 emastotuaima te mait a afuame iiptiailli )t teimlga. N. B.-Covure co mueleîtcafur famamillea te ail! ordorK N. IAY9. Proprielor. Wlîltlîy, Alit il S , 188ï 1 o 1 <P 'o G0 GREAT BA EINS IN HOSEOLD' Q . URNI TU R1 N. PHIPPEN'S,-RO OKLuN a. ~AuacaLAl E NLs, 'on- f w ll o- SfAS- Sofo - Chaiao R +a,. T.,d.P... u0 .)Uoiî,at f Tnt L)flo]V1 laapbnroalsSokiifenerasWardrobea, Side hOurda, Wagh l8umnds, large faocy 1 1 1 C1 4îefTstng magig okiagî8s08ag'cn t efs acrifice. lMy stock 0f Furnitume is very - aprcvlamouu Ulr 0, " V',18 large, naîfi neaî'ty ail mycwno anake, I casa warrant it to ie- o atsacin P 11r la to ceriCy Liat t alriniatlime -iîtcr mci N epo SaiLinaon .1? SalS i u, ii aiaîwitlii îaet119r cf îaei efor grýent bal-gains c8n a CASHT.- itaikiesA, wl.meli eraidaiu dil iî1111 le fipi'iimg of -- iS . TE M 117, eatauaiîf LO ae'Y myuem, ad eu aii)-toi ny YTL eeyntninado hl' oie hui1, aimi- 1 buailli o wM'(glîC 1n1tlatt I îni Imt I ERALS -attendefi te withcvratninaadoshtntce A 'Wtlk, hîîlt W11 oiia iiimej lu îny chiair. Firataiocî lst-c 0 h ame tare, fitted up witm a double sett tif Plumes ropee' 'wq !ii e iiiiu1.wemkaiai-,wîîa coniaiixoaatecm lt aiaucialiniriI4, 1I ceefit ini.eitl veti t , seaî r i difcrelit Mialestire. docieri Remlember the place.- aaaa. oi~lae f îiffariolitkiadts, îaeeeaubeiiNd IPN Brooklin. b> frleiial'. fuît of litsiviil. 1 I eitaiaattie-i t e Sept. 29, 1869. --89 woraé aiJ wcr>e, uil l he li n f18 , ea slieraiedJiy 7 tailiaa z hum ir erjjerliammua, tuiaà-piaiplilat. At titi a ls lima.Ifîaid bilaisi te - Cito ut -eth îe ;1 y lai iiub; ini fict I m1 gatiasig ilimeet.lieuîlenâm 1I liive faken wîa larîlîlaisof thetimaimumîe iieaiîy e"1% twit-eI L A SS 1 ba lineof ti itAsittin 1ufian etîir11- mîatoreîi te iaiope, Tisi. dico of -aauleu*me tiat'Étit~e C AA S I N E ca , blt kiowm te tii îaay i-lgiibors 41#iiîîiI ?1'(oi- odç iîîi ýt h> ciie-altie n a Iktili, aay a; C ~ ENE R AL AGENCY .è;itdt aiýiltii! d i iî;10F11 G Ywor tobelamre n ta i =.000e'.-,,j J«qIL fi# n(nA 4epîitPoriryi4 a nderigoot bhài~ng recefved the appeolment cf Offica 1 .fe ot A.Fy. % 00 t ." -a ats q nujçyo -iv0~Ontario, Io npared to fgave prompt attentionte li' 'à i SýlD"r NULCO ancd ceunmta pedulcolecm ~rrXG k 1111 SlippIé a eto<ore, W JI;L ? u f us of Pietîfre Frames and GIIding I have made arrangements to take the OF THE -PATEY-7JDÀMMOCK a ANC!LUNN-CHIRN > represent the, follwing reliable COMPANIES:, Formning Fire-Sereen, Child'sGOt, Lounge, Camp I3ed and Capial, 2,O0,Ooo. - asy Chair, -it the' TRN.Wonderful low.prloeof-.$3,50, cent j ON AGENT, WIRTBY. See Circulars. capitt M, 8%O 0o. j A s.11-. SAMO0 * JO É T R E A IL. - 3 W i b , J n 8 8 4 So e A gent f r W hitby. an J JOÈN AGNE1W,ý MANUFACTURED AT THÉ' ALUABLE 11N-VESTMENTl] I GNWanTJ3T 1PCEarMÈP WELMCLu. 19Caitifilal,1A%000,00, Agricultural Wor*u. Waeue M O N T E /A L . L E F E L 'S - C E ar R A T E;o F i oIn AONIEw,. Doible TURIINE WATE WIIE EL. PORT WIIITJYý, PR SALE. FInt t»Wl il,, ltirtcff aI¶prt .C a p)ital, $1 5005000; a orEo(XcALWIZ <WXJXB i~ ifm io & ae eci NEIJIVEN i N c relo"Yim lrVCA, ituli . -.,&cprope 70raampedaJrgel quantary or produce tbàu aaîy-wnrelaonse onaLake Ontare. Prc4>01air for Cise purefause offl! boeph pente,, togetfaer or emrtl.w!h ecad lit 1116lfea 0.of È1la.uiadersigtmed, mai11 let Apr Tere, aneimafeaiathe balance lu hiaec cqnaau uiaa iaueaaîa, wila iratercat PayableB nt 7 Per ce, n tiCiacaOmiit îaaaaîC api Tihe plâillit aîîd puoticulaire ci liaj, prcammny, aaratccaaentaî, llauw!114r c.atat (offanajasexi, for ceVerl Yeare Pit, avili be fonaad eC lioe cifice. of- SIr UOCEIRANE, Ba-rainter, ~Vliiby. WhiLby, Jain. 25, 1870.. tii 4 FAILNO- XE aci~EEv~t Cr T . LAZARSI MRRIS COI., c Capital, $ç400jo0. TORONTO, JOHN AGNEW, rtie) Compa, $r t00,000o 310,'±neY, at reasonable rates. - - Wbitby, January 4,18à70. M IN AGNEW a. i 1u cm tiatait r cIla fop Il)ati.e lnilll. isîa itaitamairt1iîm t-L ) ia b a i l m ,l«le, md te give ismiagOOd atiimciloiag oney naîmi- Pamrtie daeairitia urtherimtlamotnnatlon eau oh- - tianiL y ddmnaiîPAXTOiN, TATE it Co., Penayst., Port Flerry, Olit. ci4 cri -li Co ' PireProo Clhmnev RuaAea , aueczr4, oct. . Spring Bràçkéts, WVick 'Trayà, &o. GREÂT CLEÂRIN G S Et IG IIEST ARKIRE c Ding Store. vos LE IWHEATI :A T FRENCHMANS BAY, Fnama-umliman'a lia>, Sept. 22, 1555. - 68. ~ WII[TERIDE. ASSUIIANgE 011PANY Capital, $400,000.- Agnt for thi, abovs Couipany-, laq slow 1 paaaette Iluavepn=elyagi i.at LeeSBY AApiy L. FAIRBANKS, Jyr., - ~Ità N0 ail 2 BEE-,N -1UTE L 1i LAZRU11MRR E.&COS., lIalelarge. nciliîaceait lsoetthe .o0 PERFEC TED_ GLASSEs, a a anme Pmoofoftbleimsnperomaty .wer aiifcci taîitlmey would lie appreciated hore mi lewher aaad tlîîîtt Lme meiiy iitadvan. Lges offueecite wcamern of 1,r bemactifiail rcaîn udYaiaeerceilleciimprovemasnt f th ig it, 8dlie aillam nie$tanlc eu . gave lIl Caie, avare lu thoanaeli'e. a aparauIt on trial, 011t tih.reuelt could not bc otmcrýwimie than il; Dl DECLEBRATEI J 1, ta Wtafulkiccwldga or tiei.alatla na mmtioaa, wclàaîaamtlîjt tlîîy ae Lme incat peat- nPIcal aidse ci r ma mn fa e e i. Te tîao e caecl- ç 'gx alîcetaclea, we alfor atail-tiluca sain epr lîîty t îrî.cermmgîaebot and amont deairii hie * H.GERlUE, Drugg9ist; &o.,' D'ioda»s.9î, WlVlibr., 77mr &ieAet triiepaé alie lwyson ydimaoïntýd a lfnl aaartmeuit, nultablo 19ritw omkeoeaaon tto tr>y tllen Cmi m asit pratooiding ueOrgoufr ale.tofiîeargce rj Cit iI RE 0 CSUlI'E 0, A Q-MBARDSTREFT & CIARING OEoS' a £SLIJ3LISÎIED IN 1782, [aTESPiE, -MorFFÂTT&e., Ageauta fôr JAMES DÂVIIs,N, Manaer. - X8UPANCR againet 1088 by FIEarc effected 011ohe limenoitfaivetable termpai,(] - 8)t3g LAID witmcat it et - t tj -Ludou. tlo rdà th( a] F. miy EL navecteIcIe o oferthe -balance. of their Fail and Winter Stock! At andunder <Jost price for cash, beforeMr. R. Campbell s tarts fo thue Ilitieb nmarkets te purchbase their Spring stock. (Iarties dea'ning an>athing special wii pleanse louve their order, before,,the.27th.> Th.y drc - ';peial attention tô- the olo'wing cbeap lices.- ]Blackcand 'i elor4 ilke, Poplinso Fanoy DiesGôoda, -plaide, Win cpyst, LdieOePu1rs, -Maiftle'sand Sha*wls, Milliuiry, - - a - -7 -c*n 1 (eenlwood, Mauy 18, 18 JOýHN C LICENSED -A ONTARIO, Yý enlier RES. ateasal Inhurane Oui? d 1- ý- ---t 0 2-Whitby, Jan..12, 1870. il-à JL 'vit w amiily 1 'l -rý -wo-w- 1

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