W. long jot tise avesning hêgars Wlsoaa tMe r(ooeliïd scias b wrest, jirudi'rnlnrrle OiOt>grdeu bues We jiazedA h a son Wu v. louig for oaa blout to bporruer Tie ieusit of iki1i ewhi.at, Tie liat of a fi,». qk benaait ont sorrow Wu» iiei bout ii a,co ent; *We ore tired o! s toélssîirire 101s-WU;toit, a.ae,t n s u srI Aad 111K for theî igeit ai a »iobtet lire, An ieloçling hisargt ,it's ter,. Con,. bock, 0OSpr»go loraleven I COMO book tW>a vorld forlui n 'Ws Joug for tlut twltglt tcot artta's sud ovea Te suat lta golde orntcv~ We 10,14 (tr 010 o souýt o ride Tisut1 g 9'r the egogl arqdtruae, To 1%e si olre . 0,tlI'Q'gh 0oung skies,, What 1 e dia drerencebeve a ciisworlug lover sud a pedestrisu excur- ,mr4aui âmont 1One' 1* s taîkia; voosa, Che ngothor»-fuý A waîktng tour,. hrnogoctatlbuiofL"ifs, rd b fa prosaptly, ind stiutt It la ail ver>' vel te abus, Our gahldeal §W- Al». -Land, bothla yà t* for gaa buia;bt wha[ m&hal WC affecwil ln th* ot£l.u..iF U.. rHI oNLY. BÂRGÂIN8 -WILL 3BE GIVEN. rimothy S an sd P1auter, WhoIo"e andrta, NO. i 1,000butbei bs .00 s r the clearingsaeefDYGD, t,4, ckeyed' marrowfst PEAS. ood CLOQYER~ S D YEO.MANtQIPS, * BNUAlTES OMON ,L U AT --lR uge Lý, RWÂELA* & ÀLE AN»POR-TER. ,1 ra a . 61q -s , wu- - , ý'uweWai aqtasptins o r ait".. 1Wbr le.vou itndUEorUs iarc glaeW. -JIm WO ar$ f ied (of tihe dresry irtoot 0>1 cartia sund Leartity titTU, Aud va toua zfor t'o sonlt' . nmortat oonu, At and uzider Whîoreoy anil lia,asre lier tieli perfuino, AnI'lr"the ,g mtîo ings. (Fromihé SpringfieldI Advertiaor, 3Maai'93.)FOR >1 MON'T On Tuemday Mr. Haltey WW 1foanal o do ripidly becomitoig viaker froua Ibo grcwiug fregueucy ansi violence ofrithe Goderich. Sait, T hydrophobie, spas. unfthe afteranon ho at'OLD 40800 80 0Violenît abat ih sas foud ddanger. o as f0euhou ise riout, and tise eombined ID @Otts of fti taon verê required su koep thse uadiaaa ln bis e h ous tise @postai voe a pon him. Dr. Adamis callod apon The bighest esh] tise Major la tise afîtrnoon aud reqaitiea orne ïpolicet'orce te sii i YIng lm fait. t> .Renicrnber Several personas wnt to the houge and succeeded i ilu iuing hlm. During one of bitsasnacks thse bydtophobint acraîbiea Whitby, Fol>. 8, 181 one of tise peirsoas vWho vsu vith hi., Tb ainperson vain ft.etuaoert atlari roga'd 10 iii. scratch. It vwa proposodl yesterdmy afternoon that it voutd bu pao. g pot, sud iuîthe euatgeucy necossry, .0 TP 0 Sive tihe patient cistorofurm f0 cach au et- tout as to.uîdaidlm ingirely of!Il th.*ualuery la lu flueorld. This bis fsaily voutd mot asliov, sd tise patient iea, op fo oMit lattati sccoant, la, dyiag agouies., To 1sk» ftu. 11f. ofs,huuasa being la eartoandid vitb tise greatesi ar onsibiliaigts. Tii. ci. X ius bcu uaite Most stsnig, and onty ddoa. inIt a t e cesesry f0 pro. torr olife cras apenalty fot crime. la .tise preseat case the - amity sud ovsry PL ether potion lait duty or aucesity catis noar tise Patient ire ln a d4ger. To have D on .B r tise iorriid distire"in-ad la uaoomua Ctty, Oven go tise Citent o! on. eue., Booms terrible gu confeompluue. Ih in worcy on -Aît the proprieti tisa.. f0 take eitsi, vieadeat isleinovitalu, stock ofAlcg; and Pot sud tise proient inshance seemu Io wifitrau, Parties deoirona of1 le,1t i4laà question tisat thse famaly sud imlportoti, aro repet tb.esataorttaimust dtermine. amai, and try'lor tii. CRIuAtaîpt, AB&ÀULs, 09A Si uaOP Wjl tii heaid of oua Msatcy. -At a apecial tino'fg o! tise ci lo teyerroa Po lice Court, 1idielon Che ol, Baury, tlthyaron ou thle t i insi, boforeIo a Re. P. Liteh. N. Bi-Orders loft fdautnd Mr. IL. A. Cartwrighst, a saetioas flrocek Street, Whitby charge of "asseault tisi ltent" vwas pro- Dec. 1, 1809, ferred' agaiat Atexauder WGOregort , a _________ comamercil a tselterf o! tise fis. of Spen. cer, Turnserà &Co. Loaion, vistitroaI- (o, tiug on tise London and North Westernî jIailway. Sister Franceat Colla. awotu-. f sua ingle 'oman, sud reide ai Buugay, Norfolka, 1 also betong f0 the HouaecfO Alorcy et Discbiagisa. 1 saforsy yearîo of âge., I lefi hume for I3snisry steleven o'ctock ounflac motaiiog o! tise 3rd tist., sund cime by way of Cambidage I lettît., loy. 1risnaaer joined tise train at Bluctk- 4 ltnghata, andl gat lto tboe couparimout esi wisets I wu.aiaing. We vere tise oul1 persona in tise - cardage. Prisouer -vie 1 Tory tlpus hoa sketi if ha mugit ait ou ml sida of aay carrnage, andl 1 &nid, "6Cea- tali!týteiserele tay o! 'roo." lsodid - eoasd maet frsioafruahlm. Ha. ce oiFcred mue part of bis rug, shacis I decîsa. C0 cd, as- 1laid one of mua va, Ho asisoa * a me folobat a bande ila bism. 1 tasid, "No, yoa Urte a etsranger id meo1 yaa vonld not asis nme if' you voesosber." *lIe tison fookO Sister.cf Mercy. He.seouisrta baud again, sud aildt hoe antoat ml>'rîisî baud not ta> left, ýHe asised if la vas right 'ta issa Saiser of bMeroy'i baud ; I1sat! #"Certaiuîy' Y not." UHe drew oloier ta me, sud I saitd! ~ 1 woulal have to report bis couduct ftelise G RPtIL J guard.LIoe sn begata kisîiug'me. Tiît continnet sonme imue. Affer viis ehe Kf08ety assitaisd me. (Witnessoe odees- crabed tise aesault.J 1 lcreauaed ont seernt ftimes.' e u n ad, 'Da"smais. s noise, beciause it wostd tamis f 0bsdi for I O SH L si Sieler of Marcy.'." le trital fa emather -ue voice, sud -bo bit ta>' inger. At h'sriugba, Station tise train siopped 'and 1 tried to metahe ti guird tas me, but coutti not but i@ loun a thoisetrain gut la mot ion I aid eucceed, analtise guard cime- to mnl asistîace, anal plîced mue lu a firet' clus cuupartuaaat. Beor, loavigtisaN e P H 1 Ilsiaburjo station, prisoner bruughata>m Triîppe . bu me, aad beaird biw say' tiat ho ' ; 1going Ioa bse Red Lion fîl'<.. I wil selu Sofa lVillîasn llnidgement-...îisua sgbadoaa Jphoards Shelfeners iy tuea ti«n ft* itvil , sud--Aoi tsot.iua.lasî-n L> kngGle 0 BARIi~AINS I Ear D - . Ero chos Colorid 0otte, v.ryir hndsoxe, JAMES JOIRNSTON, ~ 23, îs~, Waletasatter Jevoilev fr0015 if. Extraà ord inary C hea Sal JOHN -u SKINNERý' D2 * ' ~Ontario Bankr,Ciha OoTulE OFAT, ,, Agents for Bw26vt , In 51870, IZIUR NCEagtaîLOUS by PIRE-arc Thsa$uderaigad ogtp »dtetbat hefcs am1 ( ee thenf1 toâtiavorable terwand fluais t miauiftatr la Loudeon , Lot eet & Mnr r lrEO]'g.N IBSON 45TLLA Apai rd,186a. Aef W4IyWAGONS& Ias INYESTPJ) FUND)S am...ooo AENG -INME NT2 If. DAILY INCUtE axeeda. *20,ffl, Ifs LIFl POLICIES aa sre .Protection *UVn"Bis fnor te aote. manaEPCH R j u Ndal ens Att fitotlaima Pzoa<rnr yPà ansd tio it- se eppertar ta eve_.y respect. moat libuersuly âaboya la liahadjubactmof S1 a"uIt r r op e oe a RICE8ON'8 Cols HOaS RoeCauaa8rcl oitnt.tov, ,h begi têsuy Iat li i now uabical t ored .e hae , ud ifu greser explitiol Chie! Agent,10r Ot oaioc*tisslaitbert. sud bo guagtusa e'y'haîl»,m ~, FAjE~4?4Ks JI. Aeavr tion te eaatomréiuebuqualit# ! or Si '*1 1tihtby, Ã"at, mospaud uu u Whltby, Jul>' 28tla, 1869. 3e. andsoi ÃonDw auorlo Engin@s s - vrk î M'A1I;JFACTUEED AT W.O MIpkiLJME .. 1Takea la oeiinga, sud Cash PFrailioveal. mbcZ3E ZL.Y JAMES CLATVTON. Agricutural ork~. Whithy, Apri 27, 1869.. 1 LEFFPELIOCEIEBEATED I ' 311IJL Double TURBINE WATER WHEIEL ma 16as" ilOiMIOAz.VE Ir :4eIW f re fthe For the balanoe of this mmonth, we will seil off the -rpmauilng port ion of the 4,VCTION STOCK. together with Illan ever sold 1by auction. Thepg> ewery5,,TornoO t gooda have to be sold ýtr-tt sperscnndly to the Brewing, arjegular I g a e f r iu Orter can. always be dependo4 upon.0 liAviug Aies of ouperior qualit'y and Porter equal te ,>' , So that we xiiay have room, for our Spt4ng Importation&. tfuIIY seiicited te seita their orderslfor a qusatt lageor nislve.4 0. IH N SKIMN E R, in lcremted aoiities, Iwo are cnablid te produce an arta. Mah16180 1>) second te -none la the Dominion. ______________________________ ,wifh 1r., JAS.H. SAXO, at thé Fairitu aire , .À ull rcoive pompt attntio . I'J-a' ,IN 'S WareroomsI, .0--EU'U a.; .0 92 su -o o ~7. 7UN~TURE, PENfS0 B RQ J L N ha, Sofa -ChrSceay, Book Cases, Wardrobeso, Sde boruardtia, Wato Rtnde ag' a asgt ret scrUee l1y tock ot Ftaruit.ye la very own make, I cms warrat i t to ieod satisfactin. eut bargains, corne spd sec. TR~CSf ed o with overy attentiopi sud o t 1 tje. /& e,-ftted 4p with A dorible-seU OcfPlumes complet. 1 A "ý"A 8 1"C ýEIB, LIAGENCY O}'FIGE! ig receivsd the, appointpwoatof OfficIi Ass5gee for North té,glv PreIDÉattention te aIl saattm rrs I lls or eoMco«eAtooas pftod*fly tra o The undersigned cotinues to epresent the following reliabl INSURANCE COMPANIIES , FRANCIS II1MWARD, Es, IMMAXAAEL yau, o j ND ALSO TEE DOINI.N . PLOJGI *' ateaa saa>tapning ona £ argp *caeb~ 3 PidiaujWilator. bts TWIN & *DOMINION M1 They wiii be --rne~,watjado,thhe sud thte working part grouud. A, on W» torties would do well f0 ead lithe,; snet orderas without dela7. Osawal O.Pucty Right. for sale. L 1IV ERYV F Capial, 2,00,0le Capital, GET,0 ,0. RENTO tL B LO TH' JOpita 82,00,00.1 UEA OFICE 4 JOHNTHGEAL. MANAU B ITEISH, JOHN aGNEW6200WHrnW.o McoDOUrG'LL k DAVIDSON, JON AGNEW. 1E,50.0,00 IlfO1 E, 4 T 17.SE Wheelî va are nov*uinn!afuriag T :lae ape is alasy :tisatslsop ira the 'oaa. v n w ils iv a gnatanteo vith euht ve "l warantng tem t as n Wil:unmaie, sund tagtvo sasgood satsf.factior s s su>anu- lbctSsred ln ahe Domnin. Parties duasring furier informaton coa oh. u à t by udairoiagi PA-TTON, TATE & CO., J'oriy-st., Port Pers>'5 ont, Mfarch 81sf, 1889. HEDOFIE, NAta, CON.000 IIEAD OFIICE, - , WIIAVE W CON HEAD OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY CROCEER, s 'l M A N q E I . SCOTTISH PZOVINCIAL,< A. DA YISON PA1nKM R O N A N W CJOAGNE, AGET, Wrria TORKONTO, MIJON AGNEW, Capa, W0Q,00, Copny grNteWJI1IBof GQrj-Aise the Colonial SacuritiesI Money, at reasonable *axtem Wh~tbyr Januar>' 4, 1STQ, !O~N ,&GNEW - 4gent, ~Vhitby "i w c s 'z 0 CJOmpaY, for tkGe Lo c 0 40 fr~I- '4 hI~ ~-' >~111 a IGI~EB~aR~~Â. IC! PA2Tbume gy,set2189 om capià 1q 4009QOPbapa ' Whil TE] Il-140(: id toDU] Wlt ONT 1fuitd~ Houai ,11A -NrG-1 TU!HEuusiera!god hep ie chat h. Ig uaproha Ceant Ésa>lu Y.ngland,sa lotig PÀ1 PER IIÀIý Seled Carcantl>' b7 himaai as e r etToy tdpeed Pr W Pauag, «rat iand Papes l5agiaut e9 ananliko aad ezpdibm.isj Whttby, AP4i 168. FRE$fS _ Bref, MQUtOD, Vrai, La PrOPerly-isnd carelly dieue suait Isouà §ckccPer, and or i primoa. e 'ornad Dée, J>ork au carad ina4O PPenior aimnot '11 th V ie upgalling lime koj W Roenber the, new 8 atOras oble4sas, Hatea sud bas mhi roennae.t ia ue l WHITIBY ILIVERY STABLES W- j[antag ncreupd thflac asaet aaad ainait' ftise sfud, sud aise tudapalto andal»u trOv e flua svoya:acoaanal veliielse ou-fhe p'emià tos, lie hapeb>' being tuaila pomiion bt meat ti.hengte 0 or caaors bao pisnit ashosre o! public putronuge. 5W- ÇiJARUqE5S OIIjIATE. N.B.-Covered eoliveyailci air fasilies sud lsdien. Pro apt aftoudaace, » hberctulurei. to ail orders. N.RAT,,Proprietor. Whiîby, April 8, 1888. 1 To hopel. 1lD fiands; ead bue, oul t T.Aget the 1, 0400,00ng, - sw-t li "oH anignd = =gnapanti J. t entfr:> bi lousy env L. FAIILBANK8, Jr., 5-iSsu. Agout, Wlattby. N O ltT il E EN W~N T' canait& aoiuce cf oUufas, T Q, tbh '9 11I»Lafq n thafdan e iviter et os, theSurinx of ~ropk B~ree~i. .Whltby, Hà ~ UTE7.li a ( 11T7.E LE PROVINCIAL9 N]q je* or i m of tbo ithi, I., P-l 7s IV E S'PATE NT LAM )le , . 1 1 Il Il 1 r-l il e 1 Il ,-l c- c oe ai c, c E, ai. ërdef oi the lkuil. 0 F 1 4- ý cff£ÀP 1 TRE 110"vi-AL. -M TORONTO» HEAD OFFICZ, /Ã. XOXTILEALý JREAD OFFICE, MONTREAL.