Whitby Chronicle, 21 Apr 1870, p. 3

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some the cbg be on ati5 wuh mme-o mm aimwam id for, mardo. r-Oona&mnttlo . &bout as fornol sùmeuastoni 1a wu flot,ai r, il venioai was leld at Piçtoryye,4 t lect a Roou candidate t»>'fm@& P 80'e Im~waid ln the ItL .ïii -4m oiin piQ ai ti#.artyrn'Gr..ly, wl8ole froachery .~and ilalsibood vurew2kd.cl b>' the musaimmî etcornnli" lnu bue lev.atlon of Gri-ely, b tb. dlgnlieid office of hàu>gmanm of ie -County boho ud so baely bemrayed. IA namburet gentlémon weno nouainsbcd, but 1,11i duclinud oxcopti Mura. Robert -Ciapp, Oldeon-triker and S. Spnsgu.. The nomai. pation, luoee, fiaslly (.1llb. thelotot Mrn. Sprague. Thon. voe about 70 dolt-i. Atm prosent, bealdes. a. large iumben ef prmoment Rlformone (rein varlout 'pinte of. te eounty. Thor. la ne, dou btof Mr. Opreguu,s nturno sth, ceunly la sîrong reftorm.l -- t la.ne& to bé. presutmid that the Reformner& bave agitsitioecteil a cri von who vili doser ttbîenu Ion a incs of tt &'i~oae mosiiyr Greiy did. lJia- Many eo! bs Lower Canadiso Voimiteers pcv ai quebo osre suiius w volunteor fur servie. la thc e RBieur expodiiioni bton où*e batallen -b.hag asieS <SSii> bulugàaakd, îbey ailrefaude"etating <bey vorebt cl nied twîght imOoe. m la tie Sonate Coucîlue., yoterday, - - r. Schulz vu nder ezssnuîalion, sud gaes a bg oigpicîmire ofthu e soa <eehrnao! ile RéS River ccnîr,. lucali econrwd tbea<tàeaw iualtoady buaven Sud River sud Laito' epenice '100a reportedt lai Aity.Goeersl Wiih. e, of Nolàa seotis, vil 1 «,oo bor>'bils ~>PoronsMai Sa. poliios(faeof -bis coucnry a %sjudgeuluip, b> belng appoictei viti théelion., Sensior Riloblu g0 tbe pos tresed by thb.>0ev Local Ao. . Tie op., poItaient testa& ili <lie Dumliu4qGodu- O*sme CIL Ahîbongh Aý1lfgrautrou New 'York soctils abat profesesto lie a somoalisi crcuuîsctisl secouas of the plans of lie ýenlan., espisîil>lenrespees of illim in- - Uaded aidlute iRled gRiver icaugeuîe,îli information le cccii>' of vurylilîthe credit. &A I o tie raid upoo Canada tiere lu noi oiong tis aboie troen i t fabitesi mdi- ho î.dosîliof the Hou.Vg joijap P > ; velinoccu stommorily Serultry tu, the * rlîlat Lgatilon la. Paris, look pace l ;London yeuierday. Anu nîiaiautie ic ifignaio neting lia bein ield as, Godernili a aiebi noolu- lions ot a tory osansaieliaacior wce pasauthilurelation lu sfeirs ai Red- River, Ïwnd <i.euecaamîty for imaiediste nation - heruon. ReporÉ saytiatM. Cocirs'së,ot1Coeip tona hua concludtid saso! impîovod atock to tiee breedera, fro. ilie West, for uop- varda ot $10,0à, eouitiog of six Young Oiort Borne fom $9,000, sud tlisbaance Ouga and *Luiop. A volunme o! Diaipua' speechesa lushort. Il t bc b. liebed ia England. 1 f John Mforisy, Itecedicor of the. Sar, '> whil ssali, coon oulabisi a Dow SsiI> LýoastouPapîr, theJmgt. -Aun aiioP& ilabeiig umade ln Buglanti to Iiroduco 510<1 Sou ho3llist o! table vegelablos. Sen7o tam, cexpîîw"Aan. lis ot bsec vîr>'sueceuatoh. Lord Walter grm buabepc promwîed by> the London Uumaumoietuy# , ili s moedal in rsvsrd for plmugiî, inte the. 508 trou bis Ire. chad Herçgg, and,- speipt $ho lite o! Due of bisu beauen, Jcdge (lats Ildoclaon in the Soott a jaiot caseilu expocted îo o bgiven o day. Conut Biamarcki la 80 iii Sait scocaul.- oaia f pbyuiaiaus labu s uçunumonoi. *Tic Sonats if France la içuiiy disaus.. Jng the Pleb1saefo, Tbe desti of %be PJlnhesde Dort! lu Aunoneod by telgis-W; A (carral torcado lias vlasitdIÀLsoua, 401n08limeneudamaxe to propsrty ",d aa"nla$Oo .&0sof lite. TheIi.ltercathonsi Auaotmltouq of Workj5 amn bave resolveti to absaian irons voticg pa tie Piloblisie ogetier. $O t ofthe .V...C.taira9muýeb.e art, p<ilacabic te aAlecd parade ovin1 go the pont-arrlial of uniforme (rom- Otias { Tic ezpoditlon te Red River viii nuni. bsn 10,000 plckuul mon, lncluding s steel ibaLlàtter> antia nochot brîgad6, as velas f ' 000 loyal Indiens, ThO Goverrimennt ougit te g1vea nemmai or fenanscalpe., 8t9sethe g»na«voswil not b. backwayd. À Jiegno paruon ln lic Weut pnpouchhng opiana( the love o! mortel, conrJajuded bis ;gronmoby sasyin: t4I4, inaly, broîh- ,,u#, yeu cn jutl;. vkaui GoS thnks et jmone; byt4e'94U oftpoepje he gîtes bO hônover nelunis hanks »Y ki»île oalo s»aoLli, ents h# o know vietien Char, jlus jÇdtlsiy's Wat.r Babies' v.rp 'tecIt- T~b@ town of'M.dln1, O WvU b»qt~d- 49" aoi n rWay-nljgt. 1-ý "As Uoîn.al Oqs<eins Revenue lust Pour d J spared lai !n stneet, 'Torkvil., o rSacUldi 51 C N Thse <val siip of tLeesaon; freinJIe.' bec n t bara eon, rly4a 71ve men baie been exoeutud ti aI nce. -lm, Spain. for robienlus and ti - aala titnicomnllttod luat monlb.- DAt ri y W..... ...... .. .... 'i. ........... ! 88, Il ................ .... . 75 l y e " ' orPr .. ....... 0 c> -, NEW ADVERTjSEwE]NTf, To Iearrm TlgrnPhYanS ti e elargi c-o relarab lIl01c004o001ev Lmma7ma4liifdlng, throup h Canton. Tita n cpi@4 -lu l-diilig: la froiué8, t104 mfliïtiuat îi-rii avenige- 88 te $40 pur mmîtjli,qnnil oxporlon4éed. A! large iitiiro IKmorunuu aihave ies y beo'uuai, fies lui e istimomalmo, aq #me ii i iimipoal. thoîma oa i(lfferenî lges. To" cnergote yuc4ng muno ochier buui;ue omse Miun sgood' ldece- nmomta; tory emmar, pleâmmn, as i uertlre. An>' poraino f crmir.ary abilty can boocino a nomptout iperAmoi et thla luit;umo. Pur par- Boxmm 728, Toroetu,Ong Toronto, Doti 12, 1di49. -4 G0 'TO TitsBE8r, TEE BRIT1811 ANERIU~N £ND EBTT, "iBAlTUW &oDEEi Cô,1dted »usi*s. o bge ,cros emei, montetuxivo aud complute luuenemu Siomi' hÏfi u iie> mlîmtry.irtl imamathe ligat mdatimj bcuslpcema frmitis ud the. - boul atr- mtugeai asdnqia înliiic4ions saalmaitta.- lu liaîd 'thl8 pmiguof raT4)XVUGII mîmt mit uife littâticoleaoouîuulty-e Tiateiîustitrs anîld filM,. iiu »dd(teiau- Ji Om manrb daglmiter, >A3 isimtimms -carmer wit utuiiIAvali;iig himaîiamWo! Ils'b4ix. e, lottysP2e R 19b idiNa bhil bitlijî atLumîdîmu. Au tîia latthme gijth, vo foui coudmeut that 'lîerolvmmmmi , on<jîe Ojnomu aueviere t lugj e <a mate wl* F lama, 4é., "adrc DEI c!i. - EL iTjï0WT, Dr. lJmeO iCO m uk #tVeOy aab"uie ,knm, And' , o aei 0 f A.,cur o o ure utwuuiud* Timcy bave o=it. nid are vlme.s!mlmd Ava l l iheir aimm bu lots "n,, Atilicted wiilm canaos. butsi,.mm*- or bri»is, *Tlmuandtmmi alrer berd tliewo The tbiw u* to uti limi mmmme hir viewvU; Tlmey bomgbti mid heediCurate. Na gmner waa ie aori pari dreuaed l'ho paim, vas emmed liai afioi imWr rca4 iVih tra#* otralitude tmime mra, 'l'h imait whmm mde mimeCuniire. AU i aiu muetmeasOomwemii>y, *mWlellîr loi bond, inm Iol. omr ye, Lei evry calibrer ikcma ry, V. Iirîggio' lluaimmmCurative. Vf<m wiii lwarm. flommi ielx)e mammed Residy ai aIl Vraoggiâamienmmd Cmmammmy lm.ciiig.irll'imuim lime cmumiry. and rîmu witl~l D msd mrijgs*Als.-%ammimmi mie grmamai=pmumd o<i tbm mge (mie ie apmedy curie ut Cularrlm iarm. Nemralgimstmdaiil mlmmelçnl m M crleim . Dilueç. No. 2M0 Broadway. PV., mid Ne. o.mg di- Wamtt, Torum Io. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. V f.n~ Growerd Assoofation, -Tho uînderai7mîed hl iai enappointeil agent i: tii. amie ci Winea uidm otîer Liqmumm. tie PrOdîeotlîlnrapo. baimifactird by lime ICmdiYime irmmvmru>.Aa&ewtitiiu 'nmdolr and by *1irt4e Pt tie power anîd lerivilcelrocou- tW4i04 lu tiîo charler.of hniii mSAaoimlui JAMES il, GEIRIE, IrugaWiitby, April 2W, 1870. 4u.1 R DOM pAliEIL B 0 OIWEILIN(4m LATEnT STYLES. gW- bilver takemu at Par.:.& JAM Si. C*r ItltiE, Wliltby Ap!Il o, $91 IORM RVxP YO%!NQ JADrZ' à ÀleqafeVçgmnben oreJew luana Pûtl of Toïbng'iMI.'Jogrusi, an xaas Bow ~iu Amibe Principal PApen. pid magsul» .01 tboda>'. - ,- ~ ROUIT aIl G IREEN 0 OOLLINS(- * Arl 18, 1970. - - - * ~ en etmp, f4~opmow, Nt* .Tf£1 14ëel of Xmrsfor sWoeh. lyc »ilism, iMarrago*. .'I)Ou:tîm; commiercll 06nmml aary;Corrapoeee olplimt;rî lx*Pltel8 ipin -Iunpe Lgs; ltors,y Melelipra; Mdef !rmnle;Mi. 'tory; mbae!llameox ua;qle aitIi.theDramns; NNuaaMuoytil; Ubltn.ry;- Polieal* '('IeCuai; eug1nd - ,uhipplimg an PmIll;Sies ipreÏn !!oiea ; priii anS Bôqi , eails.a. Mr Sosriptiun Po4trobè-iu advance, 1. 4d. peraîmiimmlà, Ing1ual, 'ot postage. SHINGLES, 1 i IN 0LS- 100,000 Shingles for al, ai the. Fmmeluyo Ivo miles sud a liait Ncrtlm et Dmîfuatm ,CrooL iPuu"ANT iÀilOrioALE or BILLIRD TABLES, mitioral, blar -Pîxinre»# Beer Pumpi, M#0000 Prime' Cigare, e -ý"' Tihe Sabtfilers are unstrmitad îy Mr-. JAs. McUGxmm. toeliW jýPublie Auction. on li. pre. ;, Smîg8iruct el p Thuroda4t 28th April, 18730j Tua výiowle ot iFurniture,.ponaiatipg of f Billilard Tables, b y BStt. ot Bmiffio, mmiarly. nov, complote; Large Mirror, giit frames, Fiuley (.moia wtthgImuaaxmmimiem. 1 da ycar" lîmmSet'hir. ilidimbomr. Nrtilnq Foirfaitmç Aurimui4 teoplelnt bhi 2 rîeel: Witte,Ispap4Jl1tmvalmaIo bitrv. ingm, Lemtimar beit etaa, Blier Flîtri, or Pumip). Decemmlrx.utiiblers, WINES, AND LI aOE,.rel of Muinri'aoeiuolbmmemlBit- rltP.Ce rP>ý,:qt WimlmrRotr a qlaniiy of Do 5T <mq% l ~mi Pl' Balla; aloo, ivo plOn n iftoi PrimCigara, 'WSALE PICECISELY AT Il 010LOCK. TAxmîk. -For UilIma râ Tbles, oue-Iourth Vaah, thie balavce'iii Timiee nd dix Muntlia, oms . y r v d p o m m'o t d u r au d If r e q u ire d ; to n IlIENDEIISON, W 4b~LAC E & CO., A Good Bay Horse anid Taumily Buggy. Apply to SJ0IIN L. WÂTKIS, Whitby. Whithy, April 19, 1870. 16-lin W HI T -B tTnited Grammar and Common &,hool, WILL RE-OPEN O&Y MOTIDAY, thse 25th Instant. G. H. DARTNELL, Chali marna B. fi. T, JOHN KNOWLESm (DECEASED.) 4il poraon.listincelaimimaor d'mancls on the. optaleofu Johnm gnowles, late mut Piceirng, lni thme Conmty cof' >îîlmmio, dimemammmBrmqn.mrlcd fmrtlmviilm 10 senti theo 1imriculma ilmmrem-tothe unrim iilgmmn. AmîiI jm.tronndehicdtlu ime frstale are aigo reoqu1reml tu immy aucli dubta '#m IaîyKo loa %sDimbarmomm, excuntrix. JAMES I. G<>EDON, Wlitby, April 2j, 1». .If 16 SA P 9 B À G IXGS 1 ~'hei ndr.lgud ep oga u niormmtb"mblie -, -- mIt heo1ai on iîaio lthq llloiot &bd ;Mot pt.4 01 paper Uilamulug tu u, e,*lI ettheo elihe 4so asiuver>' loy, for cash, sud Payer llangong, axeenteil Ini a vca* #Bd ek aS x0p#dtcuuo masuner, ai uuel. - - A& C. WILSON, WhbAprIl 2t, 1070, 1-t 'NOTJCrTU DEBruzoi. I,~eA gntu pR. P. -HAYR , th#' nlote or samnteurt f» taon"010epaud tgme or My agontfs i, lrb> toriSpyap 'W tî y, Mmcli etii, isfo. < - As 1se $T09E -TU LE'. -Anuxulentierom; brIck 1;e fo lot,1ou rockseroet, lime prnlpmî blnffl sîrooet o ho oelof 1Wilitby. Su del lapieS orthee >gtimt>o0à or iocor>' imooe; aealon yard, bplaIbWaed latte bur., IDEJN A ig O il Wo whi 511 Uemrly a ti roino ma~nie ioesme tb.Cola:' f Dlateot i4.te 27eh DAY OF APElL,' 1570, aTon o'eloek lu hý o foeatoon,boimug the lime lponor aonecjadlmuilom oui lIme aun. Dakd thia 11h day of A4rl1j870. WMITI3Y, ONT. AprilSSN3, P1pr10.r SH OTOGRA PH For rîchopu.e ofToue., (p ilex.e o poulp: Pe bamrpps>eç1 lsigpajfe pest Imrrovemnmanta li tbii. t'hiii pliry, h.tunov talla qp ie- turs eterthut lver Tio ew ',Reoîbr#4dt" p'ieýtmre talion at wiIlmu0n 9'.;almmo te 1hmTtod- Y puatte, e nev sud very beuiitîîl .»mle. Amytblug now la Photographv. tlmmt f» Worth havintr, édu Ime bud nt Wiiion'a Ull.ry. 'Posbhîeî, lisi (ruimne#u, try low. 015. PnrtromIi. »eatly coîied. I'oiîriî, emilired to life ie, asu ikloreS in eoU.v#ter coloreor irîdmt l. 7;r. 'Willmcn a to rymauoesefuil ik N O T I C E OOJ F-IliE VISItoN, YotTalc To.wnsijp of Whitby. 'Winl hold Ils fSrât itiing for lime yeam 1870, -ut t lia TOWuIshf p Hait1 Brooklin, ON Tas MIRST YdOSD.A Y ixVB UI'E! EX?, At 10 O'ccek, ln lb, tomeoon. IR. T. 11ARRIISCIN, - Ciemk cf tIhe Court o!f REtlson. B-0oklmm, April 12, 1570. 8t F BEe5 )LATH mait yocekre anS for Sale, elrg Smaocne, iBermuSî," 5W Butamrois frum.h groutuil'luasir. C. DRAPEICk Co.- Port Wlltbv, Apri!lis0, 1170. 16-31n iOFARm ÉonSALE, The Seuîb lîi.4ro! Lot No.weysxlls olitli îoîteua.ou oftige. TOWNSHIP 0F' -WHITBY: Laesd, )Pino al list." GsIbiudltige, pleut>'o et usvator., sud acjleqo,<uit. aPas. Tmioraus, cmr(ALVIe CÂsjpmr&, »Zog Z43 1s sd JOua IA 'OuUaPrms. ici i J-i i i i &~Sitii~ &j ix f i .018IJC(IMI CHAIR' 04ilai>ktql forpaît pstnonag, bega 'to 4 uo b o.lis custoum. or en auî <licpublie,, that -hg 4"asDow p'l4 FU'RNITURE 01ve n lu W tby, ndsu t he b, cen infios to. una nufactumu dali>, friuet overy doscrip. Ion,, izcuinug flidboardu, àSols.,, Louages, ockaug Chairs, <wlh sndXithout rockers> *prsuwiug.eoom, Parler, and Jiodroom i ots, &c., ,11 maf nu ?ïIg est maoiaandi ftniibodli a supenion ýand vonkuiso, 40 ~ mappemr, unnurpaaaed by any sînhla otabi.iunutlu the -brogd Dominion ; al o01 wbich bolis preparoti to diapm 91 st qg. »-àÂLVV3, ýI47.é3- IL!~ - -- DOMINION WARERO&MS. AWb~t ppr*!sç our numerous fiieënds sn4 customers g rrival of orSigimorta.tion of ^.ta pl1e a a nyQo ~4ted to -the wantm o f oqp rapidly.inreq4iing trade. L~'&z~ e~ry iu leebyi~dn prIers ~~ fully invited. iWp gw not deem it neceayloin numesm, j[ . oo la 4ck but be assqred thse 'following DepàrÏLmentà will lie Ikept- fully supiied Lhroughots.thse ye4r.- Dry, Goods and 1 (i pt;iog rocpry;Ml- nery; Mandie and D"resrnaking 4a la 10, 10#4 0aI~,g &POWELL.Ï J.. minel FORCAH iTise who kuy eagjy esp tnov buy' oiaoap.. -9- fnn1d niondid tram«ee ofail klndsmoa anti uquanf - DruI andtine nthe oto&k.adgihbthor fou bny ce net, yen w4ibe h*iapLj l e cae, aid reçe #yplite attentIoi W ppet n ai tJL:saiti gw4s m AIL .Bfé *SPLeNDID AS9ORTMENT OP' Prioç Ar:hr .Cheks wjoa yù nr~~sotent of êeonts ' FELT I4S comprising the very Iate.s4 sty1qgsi NEWG0Oc E RIEs -=ur----sof JIJST JIECEIVED, A Orooeris, W~ne;, 'm05 '/< ~ *i: - - * m-Ou - i - LARGE,~ ~TQJJ( 0F eLA CXKITH9sP. R ind Paw 1, -o- lm mE.7islped, emniug~upeto i 'uie cuire, vi, s imheetolbro,. e" excciiloml à heb. hst styip -MOYED TO DUSDASIMrLRZ PpIO.JteAg Ç. Wilsoa, Plars -JOHN BROWN. Wbitby, Ah1!! 18 i, 1Y705 WELLS s.W EJL St PqrMiiul toA PeeM eor thleCourt or-Chsp. p.uà ate in lb. above ecase, &lirp~ IVIP beho laI, vlmIlthe approbation i Q or e ne ry D isrtti ll, î Zeq, base' fliaCourpt, syWltb, oit ERDÀY, MAY 'l3th, i18701 pt Two o'clock lIlte afteruoq.a a 1h. offic ni the uidam!MqJs. - $rqWhltb', by L -FAIRBANKS0 , APCiTIQDNEEB, l~Oue parçoIl, up tuiluwlng lap4, VIs nir.th coiceasmion et Wlhîhy. CoiumenoclugOn thé We.Ior nenoof maid Stat the Slm.ianm.e or ýome abein 85> lit&kit, trainlime Kortu .Wosig angle thurcoftý;- thon Souh, xuixten -logre., Rmmmt, tvonty-tilmee oelmmms)o-slxywono lica i; lM'eu Nortb, soeety-tfour Sogrem mettvcuty chainus.mrieaor 1mai ,o0lbtheumterm lit di xalIdlot: iieui Nojdr Piteen tigrees Weit, twuotimiheoa-hqn. ileven l ilies ; thon Suuth aeveOml>-fouriledoge.. W est, oclts, rmnu or leas, .tMme*centre ci maid lot; thon Norfb, sixteen dogesmWeut, Sm>ly iinkt ; MienQout i aeveti-lourcSegmee Weet, ton çhaiL mnor4- or p0ml ime ae ogismnjpg., -- - -Th 'fl abae la a l cleairoc m l, a jlu i gooS frîeahoue. nti bîrp. Tii '%I'0t s.gtc rasol rondai iiitroyghuthe 1«. 4 o. Telotna ii la sl mol a c o tli,9 dowor c un Ln a lh,; tJmé:, vlawhn a b sou 8 e rs oftago. T16 limcimAaer Wl abe nlred Io pa>' dov, ntl thotinjeof lle, lu thi e mn-ro; fis SoI- citor,',samepoait, inthme propmortion gmt $10 toi evomy $100. of l l purcehama.ne>, sud thq renuaiidar t h.yekafrou la In olluetr re.atgthe optiohnapt leI 1u tlth aidiu ýo0LtmMumé f $e saiS Court. For totîjer pdituaujm-lai yte Damuel IL. C0chrAne, 'VImdiý,r ; pcihiqo ; . A. Jono' , Nmq.. Wlikmyt-Mmira. Jmemn,>liuicael; Fitzvrimland RoJ ckin, Toromteoj ptheoumii tiemmaigumlid lor <4tboP fo1prt c ol .themmi Auctioue. G. I. DA1TNELL, Monter. PateS Ibis Ulli Sa>' of A pril, A.D. 1870. 4v1* PARENTS, ÇLMGYXNp and ail othcra wlit n Ie>' eommern, are bée- b>' notidaS, $Iat, bythe Act 82, Vie. , t im tmactd * tlîit il shah Sbe RegIsterei. Penalty for non-coomnpiianoe wth the reqmire- ment i ie Act, 52b. THOM~48 LpUSTON. Dlvilomi Ij<i5ftmna 'Town fHall Town ClcraC'm filea "- 1naînoi .ihavua IlDoligIt Oubers. bi enveiglod hlo gl pviug notcx -for amreà a l;#I~ -orb feiti 811 ertl.p [lt ii 1ëhuedg me, #for lte lmt5qhui OUB $TTOBEY, Whi W sSy, w # Uso N - Iii I.ici -' - .5 - 4 , 21WI&I qf 1 jiii 1 A-,

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