Whitby Chronicle, 21 Apr 1870, p. 4

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N. '~ .PUZD4I STB»2, - WBIIBY, (1 dor FAsI of ýk@ Bbo= men e.) Bq$ toinlonm thépubif. tuat tb.y 1AYvs do- st5SifI7 on bsmd a impidor qçAîIctrof D'1,uv, OsI end Car* Nl. Cckei w 1healtGyahami Flou:, Oto Brnoan surbto, "àmythiiunthe b. ld il"Imellru Uts morst notlle,, vblo bq w vii 0 i oep br ossh. Jlghesî prila petdfer goo ell mioiPua :B. BLOW*Bull.' ]~TECLONALRÂLWÂY. Tlh. emsnr pe M Oiu. te ceumîrne the lutseektîelll Mllm RivetPublie Notie, filet Pive' snnulled tl'a Contraîce for Sec- Moins Mcm. i6, ô sud t tlhe> mie prepstred teice- aulIvî Tendtis for îeluîtlîg lilts aime, pocetlon No 0, Iolà ls Pi irovince oe nebe, tdexflns rotu )Slate sseu>an~d -et decien X0, . f ort y miles est of lvlt,îe du Loup lte thé Sixty.olXlb $8111eobst, bot isa meushi, mole, tance eof abolit 20 mlle,, Seetien No. ô Iolu the lPrevinceoit New- Ilinnowick. sud eutsuia frenm hue Rs..lrly end bt ecsition No. , iopoiteslIa Dlhlule, te tues Wimî aide cf dietisulnJ'est Bondl, noir tha lert>' igtitI le "p ootseri> tiom sJacquet Xiver, a diot*nqoeoet about121 itles. j ecrtion en. lla luite proeu lsr: fli Beetis, indýexlendei fronsî tle- Bout lhren d ci' Section 4, sîr Rivoir f'lîllpteliftisll'n, (for- mien>' Statien- ifîy,) Al Feu>' Laike, sdistance ef aibou t 24 mi lit. Ii. lre ot i sire Stions a le tth. IrSCk by telfsto! Jul>', 1871. frlhn i This.Commîmionera aise gîtee Publie Molles, th il hey are prepared te reoive Tenders for toleur nhhîr Meclettiof lte line. oseatcu Ne, 17, ii liholu -tns- Province ef Quebee, sud wlli entend from hie Easleriu- end et Secion No. 14, down lhe SMtaiedia Valley' te âtion No. 6au, about oeemtile sletefile bionudr liste, biveen lita Cou tiflas of MIn, cutmki sud Bonaventure, isdlstsnee et abent 20 [milles. Miction 1Ne. 1S, viii biilu .le Provînt., cf Quebise, sud viii eaîend (rom the. Xaxterli-end et BeetolsNe. 17. duvu téMalepidia Valley tl ition No. %80, fleur Clark'# Breek, s dit- Uane, o! about 20 miles, 4ection Me. 19, viii extîuid frommtle. Xsmtly1 stid o et elon Ne. 18, listhle ProvInice e Que- bue, dcvii le , RtâpoliValley' le IL&a tsaol,, sud tiîoîeéacmrcsis îhm IRiver Pililgonolie le Station Ne 810, ai the iielily end ofsef adIn 79. 8, ilate Provision oet-Nov Bruniswick., a illsuc cf o sibent 9X. miles, leteudicg lie bridgseter lte Riveir ostilîocete. beticu No. 9W. viii b.elu lthé Province er Nsw Brunswick aud vilii oxîn'l (rom tite ititeAI>'end o eilcuNo. 1lli te Town c ?fswestloe,the. ialin Islaîtd rend Ihence ircmoblîg Vie borîh Weî tittd SoutU West sîlitll"atlittNo.>5,, chout, ossteMile asud three.quatAr, o nfli cf theBouti Weaî britîth, a dîstsîaep or 0-liît six mies, ltîoî.î'tiii.lh brid es otti 1u lInmîchlsUr,, th l it u-nmr- The. Coâtreels ferSecellons Noc. il,16.19 aid W, tle be)coînîtuly flllshid sLd roady for la>'. iuglie Iracithle frnit day et Jotly,1378. Pionsé aud Profilent, vith Specifictioni mad torms cof coiitlriim or Seceiole. e7 viii bel a% IiiblioJnt il, flc n c ite Culot krîgineer ln Ottawa, aticiat tte offices ortite coînmeissluuers lu Torontol, Qnol.e, lRimouski, Diioupies, Noeiî, li't. JolisuLd Ilaliîx, on and alter * eiîdty, lirtilti, day <of Apni l iat ; furScie, lions N os. ô8md 6, e il lt e ci olleraon n'id aler ohuediytiîe 201h Apnil noxt.mend teor iMeotloîus Na. i ,18 19 and 20, Pt the smine offi1ces, pon sud ialler Tuoidi>', tse loti day of 'beioîolIsondera for Scellonsf 6, 6Send 7, ida- dretu.ed teltse Cuîniiesloîiertsciet heiî,lerceio- mil-Itialwiy, sud iirioed 'qTeîtileros," wiii Iao rteltedait isar cfilice Il)lOltawa, unu le7 o'tiock, p. l., on Mîtiirda>',te Ith day ef lie ' uax; utiti'for Slectionts Nufm .17,1 19 91t1110 up t107 o'ciock, p, m,ou WoduesLay, st lte 2[ils or utmDonit. - Surettlcm-ior thee ctupietion et tli eutract PUlI bel requircd te aigu the ltîder. i A. wAul*iI, BD. CIIANI)jLFR, o C J. BIIYDGE8, - A. W. MuLELAZI, Cemmimionra Olca, Commisîloneri. Oittawa, Marck 24, iTe. i 8-4in N0.2. TULE GREAT FE31ALE E DI Job Mome' Periodical ]Pille. Tibi lnvalnable madliî.luIn unfailiîng lu the cure!fali tose pîinfni and daugetona dis. ensuste wiiciî Le femtaicouailutien la 0,aît- >et. -I mcdersitum ail exceuis aîtd rres il ebsîrucliotus, and sa peedy curc mi>' be reiied en. It la piculiani>' milced. Il viii, 1ln a shait ligne bnlng eointee itlay po-loi with rcgnslt.ity. luàmi Comesof Nerrotîs ttnd Spinii Afinec tiens, Paiiîsiii jie. 1h tk attdlLimit aitigues mun sigliî Ixerllcaî, Papitaioun et ilite heurt, 4Ilyoterles, stsd- Wites, t1uai.. Vli l ii cffeet a cure wlîsit *Il eltet' îeaus ihâve faliid , ad alitottiri o powavf iii remet!>, do net coutidlt Irons col moil, alîtimson>', or anyiing itirtfai Fuil directiona lli te impilel around isch piciage, wvibeulid e srcfuliy prcsorvod. JOiion0 1:4NW Tom ,SOLE P»noi'EITqgî. *.0O-atd 12U< cents (orpoitage, oucloméd 10 ilortlirop and Lyuotri, Nevettlo Ont., gese- mi sgenla for ltseJoiition, viiiusae a bei- tle,eeùuallog cver8.0PUIS, b>' netturtumal. -, For aie tby Jampa Byrno and J. Il. Gerri 'Wbitby ; W. P. Atiiots anî,d lRobtnsoni& Ce Oiava J. Dives; ,'roltlmn,.'sud ail eêiine deaîlera. BU A£XVZYUR MONRy PLOUGH POINYT, 200 ]Per Cent-iul,:the ear! Tih. mnd@nWMrsou beg.t lteii1he. ltnofe Farin era le i iv«bo e at ient piungb poit, liy-hhênuaof1' blob farInera eau mtat s ssvlf.g o!200 pr ceut ln the >var Tb@e mon- able lt ouI>' cots a cent»,vlwiî,s the. er- dinar>' p iglsare and (uit ilîsoltetl conta 60 eltun ie aliare Wil' ant:to'legr cul et les. llo tbe e oish itutîs hua effom log- aoesvius lisa ill s ne, a pprbt &le &ais min>'$bon nd ud ns.- lie oable - Township Ruuile for ml.. -- - Appi>' te- LBSk EN K sud JAi IS. 1Ei»5tl 21tYJag O Wei dboire to fiaank. our kind patrons for their vory liberal suo- port durung thée-paJtyear, and hope for a continuance. of!the saMe. We are Dow prqpared to.show oneof thbe beut stocks of new amads over -ofeéred toiale la-W~hibY, snd àwill oeil at primosto salethe bardtisai. OUR STOCK Io NOW VERT COMPLETE, OONSI8TING 0F Grêy- an4 Whit. <toîtoes, ;etne ios brfgPf*~Bihae ï"ancy DresseGod@; froiti lots. b*5ou, rad iCloth, Tee. Coaing, Rt.,Cap*, Soarfs, Necit-Ties, and ColiFan cy Goods im endieu variety. April 13, 1870, JORN lKInnEU., Cr e atCearingSae At ad nder C" oitPo,a FOR 1 MONTE ýONLY. DARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN. Goderich Salt, Timothy'Seed and Plaster, wholesale and retail, at OLD NO. 1. - WANTEI3, 11000' bÙsbelo black cyed.i 6.00 - à$"goo The bighet eush price paid st OLD No. 1. nuiarrowfmat PEAS. CLOVER SEED. 0:) RLmen!ber th~e'cleaiug saled ol DRY 000DS, a&0o, &0, Whitby, Feb. 8, 1870, - YEOMANGIBSON,1 T OS BÂVES &SON, MA!qUFACTtTRERS 0P X X-X-CREA&MA',L E9 PA LE Aix Don, Brewery, T-ord.nto,.9nt, As the proprietor attends personally to the Bre 'wing; a regular stock of l ea sud Porter eau always -be depended upon.- Parties deiroui<of having AIes of 'ouperior quality sud Port"er eua<to amy imported, arê-risâpectfully iolicited bt seud their orders for a quantity large or amaîl, sud t>'>' tr tliereelvefs. Wikh the -nid of oui increased Uiclitiea, we are enabed te, produce an subi- cle (ail the-year round) second te none in the Dominion. N. B.-'Orders lif with Mr. JAS. H. SAMO, nt he Furuiture Warerooms, Brock Street, Whitby will receive pompt attention. Dcc. 1, 1869. - 48 i E 1 0El P2 92 OFFICIAL ASS[C E GENE-RALAGEI-.CY OFFIÇE!1 TE m tuunrderig aed- ba g ivedL the appeu tmenlào ffca!Anlsu IroertJ> Outrte i prpsrd-o p'gomp'tatetauon te ail matîesii.Bikraptdor Iupereuy ~ Promluor>' Nots udAcceauts asp&I leedi w olid dremîtani MaCc> 109W - WWC>o:xac>&l Ous gÃ"od tam rin ynt 8abSper cent flutereat; - Spuefal atention -vl$be gfre ttthe ngitigoef 1c"Bô~î, end borrenrsc*u rai>' ýupeeavna tir i attèpded to p rempl>, sud at sinali expinia- - - oe- lsoLand, beh Imici DSnail c uupomntant!> ter sals. suscl *fîeîm latheOasullauusutI [surauce Comipany,. I * OBialthe Itouoe u"Va'Jn stor. gave, reoeivM Thrýe Shfpment.s of their Sprizg and Summer Poll1arusâurflguftd and plmniý B"ic-and Cel'd 8111w, velv'et.umanles, uOwvltieO, frein$2 to$6.FneP'Dram, Gobdu 811k Bandles, fre. $500 te $1-00. - ;o:etius in CoutumeN, Novelîlus in Ladies' Shit.i, Bogiryi, ..I Nid Glôria, ne* co1oe, s811kmd Lyle Gloàa' DrumTloemugsDreu sButltons, Collais and Ouff.. A large stOoetWblte sMd Goy -Cgttons, Ticlinga, husisu, Dii!, and Dmalm.; Centlmens epartmo nt. Blsek Broad Oletha, Faey' Tweed. - Geuts cellîrs, Dow styles, Douekin, 81k Twieed Coatng, Ties snd lira.., Litait -styrl eltà Siik Rats, Vustinga, Leggins. Their Millinery h8-owRoorn will be op.ned on the 2Oth of the month. with ail tueý novolties of this semon's Goodi. CROCET DEPAR'fItENT. -Tbafr itock et ltnported Test will be b band next v.ak, sud vii be iold much lever tbsiofruerly, sao Glmusware sud Crekery. Whitby, Apri 8,1870. NEW-GOST AS Gem -Rings, Bar Drops, Inglish Plated Erooches, Colored Bettu, very h andsomùe. Sapeetacles, ,&col Mach 28,187«. LFIRE Àl LOMBARD&f LING MES, .FIBXA.LIB IND1182& GILB1,MOFI ATT* Co", Àgetà for aNUAC gainit L089 b>']FIEaie JL efsetedOn the mô$MOsîfîvos e rme sud LOSSES PAI Vititeutreféere-ete i rd A p i l i D r d , 5 6 8 .A g e n t , ' W h i t L L'IVRPOL L')IDUN GLOBE, Ite JNVESTED FUNDB Are-.i$7,005,Oss Me DAILY INCUltE oesed... 40,0 Ito, LIV! POLICUIES sroe s unrrectiono for ti, future. Ils 11PIRE POLICIZS, lmmçued ut Ceama: Rira, s*lord ample ptotection le the M.irchanî sud Jieusehcldsr. Alilfair cdaime PbeNpmr yPAI, sud, th.eit- mn* Ubterxlity îbown lu tii, idjusîment ef G. F. O. MITII, Chie! Agent for Dominloc* L. FAIRBANKS iW . Asa) 'ti tiby, ôt Wbltby, Jul>' 28th, 1M4. sol MANUFACTU14ED AT TUE! YLEFEL'5 jCELEDR3ATED Double TUR131NE WATER WIIEEL T OTa oImCsL WL N ov Mi Tn 1 Watcbmaker kJvleBrock so. Whitby. Tne nclfdecne continues to repren the follc>wing reliable INSURANC COTPANIES: TIE ROYvlAL. Capital,. 02,000,0000. EAD OFFICE, oTORONTO. FRANCIS HEWARD, EsQ., MANAGESI. IMPERIAL5 j JOHN AGNEWO Capital, .82,000,000. IUAU OFFICE, a NONTREAL. RENT0101 BROTH'S, NORTHI BRI'I'ISI-, Capital, 82,000000, HUBAI)OFFICE, m NONTREAL.a 1 jJOHN AGNEW, MoDOIJGALL kDAVIDSON, HOME? -JOHN AGNEW, Capital, 0$19500000., rlIux W heela vore nov nionnfhicturing TJ ciiompor titan ap tt>' ehlopin the coun- try, and vo viii gn'u a garaaio lce vihh Ul bcd vwarraistiug tlcm tulieb as wattmode, -sd to give as good satsaction as &Dy matno- factnred in the Dominion. Pamrtiem deairlUg furtizor information can oh- tain it by addremutng PAXTON, TATE & C. Pery-St., Port Peri, Ot march a1.t, 1869. 1 1BAD OFICE, a NEWIAVEN, CON. MCapital, $ 400,000. PROVIN.CIA.L, 'HEAD OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY (7ROCKER, SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL, (Lrip,) A. DAVIDSON PARK1M, 4180aMs the Coélonial Socurities Money, at reasonable rates. -Whitby, Jauuq 4, 1l7O. 'j oe- oe w c, 0> -w -E' TOIRÃ"NqTO. JOHIN AG£EW, .Aasun, WE1TBY. acapital, $r1,000,00. JOHN AGNZEW, 1 AGENWT,WExr Company, for the Loan of JOHN, AGNEW - - ~ Mý ignt4 Vitby 1 v TENT w' 0 IGHSW BET p FRENC'HMANSPRA'- 1 W IG W 1l[T JSl E. Freuebmiadai >, Sept 22, 1869.,88 AiSSUirNcE COMPANY -Capital, 8400000". ,7ýéd o ls m tjuais gsyf on lng been îppo0ntenu. THAgin for l. abo A on, a y, o R. P. LA . F, rAKS r.o, Ontsd areEnk'->zrnAi FA NG mPLEmENT8 &da The unnd.Mged begi to state tbblon- llanos to ma.nutactnre fot, &ed k Manure Drills,' FAREIG. IPLENENTS CELEBRATED Cf4URN,9 Noted e one of the best articles of the kiad mmànfmctnred inutu, Couutry, snd bis imprev- .8 A ST C uTriuua. no mly wvorkedand 0e Auporlor lu overy respect l Biviepmocred0ot of' LBICESOII8Ceii-- brated COL4IRIC EKGINEm ut hiumuulac- tory, ho bega to May' tlat i;e-Us novw enabled te, xecoté ail orderi viîh wbicl, ha may be far- oréaed ciuper, SId vilI, grester expeclltldh' titi, hitherto. sud te grofil o every omotiftpo- liU onl cuglomer inuthe qualit>' cf tbe vork- tu.umhip sud xnsloril Taiten la exolîsue, snd Ciii Prios ilieved Ãœ A I - - JAMES CLATTON. INSURA Buildings, aud th B~. JAMES WALKEE, et Asiburu, Ont. sure, su 'd hherel .IK Ptete!lte- Compan>', bite' TWIruPlough, DOMINION 1>LOIJGIIIIEAD OFFI< utedaniuuictrig n lrgeine ii GORGE GI T I u it,,li wfiît PL OU CHS!- ffl T'nevii lbe $rguiai, vhwe, Sv' ratesvonld de o U te snd inthir orders vilieul dois>'. - C ount> ' l ils fer sal. Asuburn, -Moembcr- 10, 1869. 45-tf LI. ýVE RY- T REUNDRSINEDDESRESTO IN-. bassgailiresumej business nt thie ld 'WHITBY LIVERY STABLES W Iiaviug encreimcd the lu isber aîîd qualit>'o e tsi anîd md uiaddcd le aîtd itît. provcd lte ceîîveyanecs sud- vcitieies on the p-omîmes, lie bopea by bcitîg in a position te neet tie vents cf custeiners tle ment saihiare et publiceitoae W lÇ CARGES JIODERATE#. l M. B.--Cotored coîtrayots ii'ur familles sud ladies%. Prompt attendauce, as irel-oiere, 10*11l endors. - I N. RXAIYPreprletor. Wiitby, Apli 8, 1868.-.14 eeZP. 0, Ce&un4, of Lcrnoz, Ont., I IeuiooCount' t o Ititngo, - IPro ines et nario e l. u o- a GENTLEMEN'S théi besl style suld la Aine m ooc f di, sceioin for Genîlg NEWLY IFIANGINGS. T IE unuuerAigu'ed begs o leiorm tie Pub. Iliechlat h b,%usnrciuacouing bis rs oint saYin>luF.ugland, a Jet cf SPLI!NDJD Selectcd careluli>' b>'hinme, v lcieht saloeit Ver>' Beduceci Prices. D-]Pantaug, (lraimmag, CGiusamg, sud PaPer laugiug, excnîeil ln avwoir mInnlike sud cxpcdutivun manner, as upuii. è A. C. WILSON, - - Dundas Street, Whily- Wbilby, AprjiS, 18r08. 14-f BUTCHER's mEAT, FRESHf & CURED! L eranthopublie flit bis Sbop je con- àatantl>' aupplied viti îLe boit lit s5iA,&oN, propir>' sud enreçuliv dressed sud joiuted te aut Ousokeopers, and for sel. nt ttie Joint prios. Corned Buet, Pork aiid Qx-Tougucs cue uaspor inannir; aund evirltbi lu the Vielnalulingfle kopît soatiy e band. 9W» Icemember lie nsw Shop-between the ttleo cfMesses. 6tHalisud LDeis & Poval, Broek Street. - MlN W1aiLb>, March Sth, 1s". - J 011W ROBINSON,@ .Hair Dressing and Shaý9 BROOK ST., WBITBT. SSeaoihm or i nz mor mea xs, wbitby, Jan. 22, '68. outi lI a LYMIAN -SOL] çONVEYAý uxbrige, Ji D R. W.H. L Iphyiciuan, WELLlII . il- AND ?ORTEIL lý HEAD OFFICEP MONTREAL.

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