Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1870, p. 3

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Musas. Esavua rItP~Aiascun Mrs. Keller and Mies (tuart Gsr-r.-Ia r-cpi>'ta vomr roquept I beg cpcfi>'mîoneteteLde te istate tbrrt thre Johsrirre rrSef-raking HBeaper "c;etul noic eteLde îrnrchi r ont inom e n ote so sngiar. i etWitiryssi ticloîfthiattire> me tire meet perfect satisfaction. I mai iuuv, are new lu recelpt et thiri frtruéIlle finît sighçéni aie rmacinre 1 50w tfi pfiuroit)le ves v!éuat I tirouqilt va, moust peTtiot B~ B IE G B ! snd wlilfrort séy lrqeitstross gave an>' rderet irreMlnn-- aan uLs iren 1 hadi a gperd nper."oféoi Mlie, 1î âs oneg But alter a isessen's race et this machino I Dniés (lGoés Frants, Cetteus, lloopikirts, caoeré' vrirju feén t orrnadcton. tekirrg Iloréery .CiI arre sud Cuti'4,,Lace Ileusiker- iL oulunait, itnle ire moot perfect larrvo,terÏ elefe - ie, Chenille ans uk e, JaPirce '-ravésnys 'kuoedsge et in crrîrlng lerlged,si aSi it-ehes, Cliirieré,,fubirer Bandis, sud tsugodguin. t ustbe au>'erreI evn a Conreuét, Patin>'Jeweir>', rard Strtieery. tire or erais.It drive rnrl tireploI evesais cri: Stnai-vek andsi ampiérg doue te order. iL é-ler. ur.Ict Ovre,140 acnes vithcuL micéhop Au thes gnoorleare nav andi veli selectei andi on break o aivirrg oeemoment sdlby viLla et tIhe listst tâ,ilous macnhine. uuan ynraciiauaj-drry la noL verni oilwl fnth leyaucsl ler te tire valse et 25 cents. Itsla in-y41Agof' tan Ladlce iirr tiryai ie'n cnol îri netprt vtr iLto a.>'moe>-if cois n-t W f'eau noie Lthe addnsnr,-Tire boilsi- gr et anteIvol éybyi a Joéntng uit il ofétiRayai Bie, -Brock St, lcpor ra rW. t ateaia nucotir.n. Wiritiy, pril'.2, 8. 1 Jc>tIN THOMPSON. Autrtanir, ct.4tr,189, 'J0, BUILDERS.- Mssons. ali vs& PÂt"-nuann,,Tobidarx are vasiteité-n tirs bailrhirrg Of a ~r4lieuse,>ner DoMlt'ereek, .Plans ansi GawrLmxv -ugmes ueey -rspiillsiors may bieeu vitthe Liéerlr- Joîrnaton sfýît rrg Ilepiens fer eue sasison, edkft+térdMa>'. Tire Centrait viiibd, let i venI, sas>'that It worked ver-y iatlnéfacter>', ojeJlhMy h idBýge t dorrrg ifs vork se Weil as'mr>' stlr cî oaiÃŽbiaée oVieOtl Me ireptirnden:lgwnedclr. that iibuve smen, cutting bosgedsàdas]shrntbust~r1cvst et h VLe bILeat elle. harle>' hetter. ÏTheMra r venes vli; yen _d oi> WATE t R.ROr. casa ick snpethe Krafnsviren ne othen rake eu Tiiamue rkeu-tog, April 27. 1870. 'ut-2iit tuoîi, ansi take Lt-off in au>' aizesi bundies ___________________ As La duraillity it;labequal tg ay etier ma. 07E T E 7 IORIA caine, as I have ectnrear-iy one 1initrosioctrire - - O E NBRUHM n1 bigîsson ovin ver>' rougir 'grosi, andi net as. 'Ver>' arrtible- for Sirea maker, Taylor, casting ton cents for repaira. Bttsic net trn>' Manne,, muaken, or Store, appi>' fo- art tcki, sitempré sud stoutes, as my ex- , JollN, PÉILLIP'S, Breughuam. poenece iras prred lt canait bi doue wiLh a April 27, 1870.. 17 resping ci- mewing machine. ___________________ As Io ir e CayogaChief J r. mover, Il dosa ait tat ary mai) eau asir-cuttmug al kindis oetyTAND 13E SA LE, greas witir casa, andi viti saTory igtdr4ugirl, asi il la rer-y strorug sud durabre.A iiespootnîi>' yonr-,, Siguesi, ED WARD ROIILIN. ¶ Yé1 £s 'I zig. UL1~, ISSU. PMTEEsC rat 0 d M wr#,wlli 1l- -- v .i ,rmnstreaa £04 'a <pg 1 obinid ctg Mueh,1ems ln tho-e gat,. Bfldeo, a eaa*Mhf a1e om 'w itt the obl nd d , eay.able oet outoetorder4 mnd is alwayi roady fwr WOVIvieutberout~sn dosy %cbneIg (rOone00to tb, otber, Rseser b"ssbeen làn aucoess(d6l Cpefttion only, Se yti rai -b l ut many superîor po" o f .xceltnc. hate won for IL dàuilng the t ime a muliltitudeocf 'blonds, andsa po- sition nsvrb*fr, s ttainod by any barlestor ln go short a dîne. For b. flrst two or Un.. es m w asc6'mper*tUvely Jil, eknovn 1 but durlng -Lbepat tvo 'oisonù ILW'sf wfdly hntroduced Lrougbout b. prIncipsl w1ý 't ' VI Ms t the0f Lband, and enled a popuiarity wlprecediented in5 Leb btor7 ot llesplng Ma Fles ITH«E IARVEST OF 1869.-OUR RECORD. For ton years tbrehau nct boon-a son vrben grain han boen ln so bd a condition for liarveiting as the pait one,>The straw ha. beon 'exceedingîy boavy, brokoen >sud badly lod,ed1, thereby aeversly teat;ng Lb. abili ty of _Lb. ýdiffrent machines to work undir tu sulicrounistauces. Thia test the "Jobuston'y8.11 Ranker, ovlung W t ocu lîi Contruction, bas beW edabled to mieet auccoafully-fqrnabingte the. ami»5publie cocluir, proof that it la. e, al to any emergency and #.omg Umm, Mina, i fj d and ooidUm0 o/grain.. Wedo niot 44k you te roly Abuse upon Our own reprementations, but Lo read tbe ovi-* dencof cf Uic. Who bae usod ourrMachine and Wtnensed i1w oporations in.thefidd rb.-%olloWIng are onîy s fe* of ite t tinoflîuhveievdtomblpr so thes country' m nlIehv eove ru I otoso limona .3entlemn-î have o> ac0kn»oldge gre- uie pnrohsaecf fryo uluSAugj; sau>' othar Rooper whlch ms al e d#r ns>' bnervitost11, 1' rog t eout a sandf peuritred iesoper ba gîpverentieat- t PtrJor roprtfc% cbleft>' cottelot 'à o( tgacumuIon o cfa muas folatuf 'errviela oa ~t Ite lr e olif acdon, or ftb. aksisu be reo.iliyad au c te abrge'tlie preof.., aior tne ahc vh the 0 .cOP "Y 'hbe v die sd*tIi a odretful die Ll ans1¶Lsd ornpàrttîqveîyRglît of On inë. Anmong Ott!ldiig -grain IPo 0foed f b>' IAleequhl totht or the qur whlelîIl s, cogne i îder un>'nottce, u;gAga' lalïuled nttod erop, ih for * an>' utler i perI hasve jet netnin l nnos uof w'èed work., r; thion, of tlîuoil xcu>llnt pmpelio le utet> Pierflecgaé Irapi r .upn e,1 woulru wlrh cotifderîci, relomnreud. 11h. g to, ,l.rio tool>r" t c net 1.0 ta nera Whîo unr aylît a goed soit- pé r lai ngentiomaon, Yours respectféil, MArterrrss aa, n. 8th, 1810.' bn0d Esper sIg Mevoen trontyoenosme thrc, roao sageasd tenrîsiIt s firit-closo mocinue, .cd ftire o, orarveot of, 1869 I carne te tire con- CIltigln te keepeuuy fihieexprtesiny for sanuover and go bey me Saelf.rakîng r-saper fon-raprirîg cOl>', asdha 1 noneCeuse te complin ir, o Vuatnsent J s'ecsîyed m tyonunasbuSiness men, Io viti a goed dueal oft riviuq about buyi l Our Dw gol(- it ILhsairg neyer beentro lnathlsooory-1. - en gîl jPjeme overygeirrsrir téestira it sheuis ivlme rue onr a1tIè,etlon, I bouglit e Ue Oftire Jeanaton &lt-r-.Iitileap. ar, uditoirs,i.y7pritactéd biarvet, I val i «e>'itiLaii.0 ncet penfe: barvîeter tirat won *ver lurn C dIth ie country, enlI arn suoss as n flict>te r, kuevrutihe faranero vIiiboy no rhlir. Tire>' ire ver>' iglrt of fraiiru,-a ii Dloct et fî)r repeins like otlier csbsuoi i hlur ourt tirhorrrtry. MUMN RALPîî. EsooxC, Jan. 111h, 1870. Sra.-Tire Johnston el-rakirig ileuper 1 boisgir efydu lest hIrrrot Rive@ me tir est efmt Irisaition., IL là tire most cern p hure barr veoier lever ov tctncen crt erouritii sieut graIn uematferbcv rncliit nioodgd oreaigi- id afid IL vilie.ltupchen. lu s&tanding grain IL villiput off thre siruavès as atraigit oseIf tirey weu'e irntfedvitihi a kuite; end tire hdero neesi Pottoke sarrite ute Liée r lad lu rtaudiug grain. Ail -Who jave ýaccu IL veork Bey tir e b> neyer aav I& eqal. Tvrotuaireri sirrlarw eeuld nD:t eurpt me ta p*it vitir ud becritirout Whl. EWART. - Butrouto, Foir. 2r-d, 1810. Masa. 23aevx kPAc-aaOIt, - ieuICSmo.- -TireJohaîstan Ieaper- heutsgt of yoCLn Iriuavest suite rrflir e beet et Ara>' epr lever unluot r05. Thée dr-att la se eso>'asd tho n-kinu ce vl due tuein ýe mon leus coisi do tire tudilrg. fit la a periot sum n uIldgeci grisn. ;r I b.d ne té-uble luputrlrg my machiinet- gether. sud eut mry graru vitrent losirrg lIme o: apeufou ieu isesiages,. , WU. ARMSTRIONG. -! bve seon Mr. Anantrongla- machine &Z vorir, sud xalI>' endors, %laitle baaaboutit. Pz*neArg. 20th, 1869.- Gss: .-Iuý buylung iRepen and Mever fr-cm yenr-b0et.'Mr, D. Forsytire, I onpposud hoet om y Our thOrwitd.tri.rak:,aaà thon vas told sIsaL i& vas Lia. JeiratQu Soit- itaklng Beapor, sud tire ut ronàirug, ae )-on ktu@,1 vent il the o' yteeOur. plaus te bave ns> eider osussllàd. 1I s uborr tnet t aire' sAt o prIe.- but'b>' your pnemisiurg te gi ve meshIritrliAsd 1lfroc àat farfo-te ai rov- gosteretaîn àf oie etnot41 oncpludledtogtve ~It ùrtilofan d nov t1 haveerîiy -te sâj, tt tire moment 1lfuv It aiarte i>teins vantlied, andiami boRd to %ay if la theuMost psrtees- Yen nmode, outUbng iodgred sud targlid gis-tri os eisoau asuirglattuding. The nmacinlus aà perfoôt osnfee,wpalna bel the ï4i>aV,4 1fh euse, bicher lof"a or smslh, t tirei ficf Lire drliver. Thersuamoelu ver>' ilgir-cfdisft and Dîot 11010Ie eo tOVf Order, bhimg eut nu>' Virole barle.t withoe& s ug me Que osut ton, ispeluusTLI -W -u 'rs . -"' '.lou. lI Maou, Bn,, Pàaaor, loalaO loves, and Ribbons, fn great varity;" Gentlemeon&' Ciotbing Made to order i Omm'-ln anser Lo Tenta lîov 1 arn <rom the.largest St ock of' Tweeds, Clotha, and Caisimoreàs, cf the lateat styles pisaed vtlghe b. Jhu,torî oi-raklug Besper and bes.t qriallty of G;onds Kaenufctrred. The generri stock o f irrlaodton you ln Jniy, cf lbat ycor, 1. vould say, lunru y opinion, s à arveter ît haâ Dr y Gooda are fulil asscrted luncvery departueint aL no equol ; er c(0 1 be!loyêîg VIII be -oxcelled 'OLD NO. 1. ton yeàr t o rne. i tliirk, witb yourr (yugit litwoi sud Johni.ton Reopcr, a fariner boas ail hMnsoirfor Ji! h yWg g jn rai Fresh Family Groceries, Hardware, Paints,* OiLs, &o., newly ocnlug-My arvelior lcong6, waa aonc r eeovd worat lodured snd tangiedtiiot erer I liai, but With thé e dosptch Reatier Ifi as sf-ont vItliNO èas ~ linêho su tagiOLD NO lulofcd cn-anld gtaind itng Itl si..t ovoi a'toiti e G erirn, tl clingar f0 t euui;aud lu gee * iBSON would eail special attention to his stock of Timothy adoie arnotab rîyafi ts h rano and Clover Seed, 11180 his choice lot of genuine Field and Gar- lu a nial, comnlet, gavol îor bindiig, and entirel>' out et f ai way ort hoea i t laeîmr don Seods, just received. next roiuud. 1 bave ranch, ptessne lu recom- rnendiog,yourmluchlu, a tirte fsuîrlng cern-O AN G BS N Mrailly, umd rto igirattoutayn u uf Wbitby, Aprl2,180 <roat ounols i nrducsgmcl, ditet yu p o pi 1,i".Y O A IB C thia ecticu et the cont,,ailt the fer',- : 0 - -ors sîruldoe ycur mcnulîîe befero purchrrîring, oil onéter, yare a In atwr Le' g~ uconnection vith Lb. Dry Goods establishmcnt., Misa Elwdn bas opened ber ;Y YI> D 9D- ~E sAN!) MIAXTLE ROO1Ms, Mains. Dmcwur & Pan.hur5td fvoingbe the e is rptns5,ma. est assured that ail their orders viii Gsra.- Raviîug, vitragoo esà t 0b i dte ib h goto-pomt s.1lie buat matenualsued aud ail the latest luetitnce, bengli: cre et yuur Johrîaton Slf tI. IR«htrernfy ragent., Wr. D. Jrnuhsrt, ipa'iî.t i rnnsd t#asyîî î 1 Bmý 14â L vit.G=es ~18WATTED-TIi r erai rfe sah.Igtiafsctfon.i ac cf o heA t îire Il ConâiarIliutots eut oi ny gin 1 fte o nsacive Intelligent umon tocarivaoa vitir rnalittie trouble as needé! be. IL lth, tèi>yoninion. gcUuael ,lot boit machjine 4r plcking rip sud cuttiugIdg uocoaa 111cf opuratirrinlubis owu lo- cd 't'd 'atugW ietr.u taceld 4 emode. The' eoIi»r. A a$renAid Prcmlur Piste (tLirNstlv- rake,, are @o srronged tbat yen- seule theWI' t.i,oir orgIo) a suett te opreflunti.d cloie te lire gr , arç ai Js, o p Wt.14 coahiSu4rcien îd vn'cilasr.v tIre utter-s, W lerino other mrîebne oon <toe beptvviJod witir scupy. thot lever sn*. Tite draft i. er>' lllt; i LesI;ae è.Jlre sani reterencea et Roiêru' vrduld as seen mnu>' tri te vcrk 1 itee W. 'otèi, W ritby, where tireounderaignesi viiibire Anih one thîîîg viti, l ucicmachine& vhir le as, o t tM grost créidcrsîî,n fontirfrmer in, 1 iecader 1870E . MRN 1$ ver>' durable. There la bot verIa litte L1E P.M I machIner-y airout l,,baaiug euttnu>' whei bar- Goeeai Agent, 0. I. N. aveutlîctiut Ités ceating anyihing for repaie. Arl5,18 0 i - B I8 0. 1 i wonid racomerneud Ibimcîririetean>'oe wanthir s pertect reuper, snd If 700 sec one E W 11I L LI N E RY Tho Ontario TurfClbSrn Races yl work tio monu>'wlIinduce yoe toy>'au>'oa ff- .1.atvf ý [ém to do uni. wiiunm Tee douoa n s 1y ~. ~ obriaut aN MOEDEII I.JcI .WoNAD 'OLD 'u lUV0noTrclu »v ~Ay3cv~ STAPE &FANCI DRESS GOOD'S --e n uoe a te W ' Çeyorse on Tnesday,, iVednesday and Tluursday, Ba>' 24th, 25L, and 26th, 1870. F R T DAY.- QueeoieaiPintte cf 50 Gmnuora-The Gift et ler Mont (iraciern s jirY Queen Vicltre,4 0parairi'f rs,,d owueXurM traruiedin rie VlrCice etOntario thaï uer-er .ebri.m.rey, T. V . 0 h01 e. Ent74lrane e, 9225-Wlitby Purrse-Oro,, te li. De- maresiP-rer oses alléoned Ih,,a cdash ni 2 mie.Fnthr e0»"ceurd.$5o, snd $2U retre ti r,-iru tirrtirre otn *I25-Tretiug pi'nne-t'peu te-iPlhorer-, bred, owueélandd uined.in uthe P-rjtie noyer bra 2.45 Pr un'lohr aromine, Olce; eted, $25. lii, laserhrecJrtye vte or,, Wseighto, 1i5Ibo. SECOND DAY. 2 homrteT rs. Pa n-e h rs , P u r se - O pe n t si a il 5o«,200; seeud, $50. Do- m in rae b -d ho r es s io e e s I b o i . T w - ruile Ceai,, T, C. %V. $l25-Province 1' -C)e o l o -miuuen-br-irrir. i;rt ct on e r I t w ics, 10 i1r9 ; titres im e», I t i hq, 012i5-Tnrtuug PunseopVn toril Ieras bresi, ralr-ed ourd swsed in ibis Provnre , rar ney ehat a mirétesonaytck mieïns rrres.ilra.rve. rrtbrsee auy0;sse en,ht$25; THIRD DAY. 9200-A unrde RnceeA laihoe2 ile, orereigitres arh,, i 6cInSches irigir. Firat hrse.$150; ucoéd. $50; wighs, 160 Il. $150-PrOVun1ce 7- iidfcap...pen te 811 hmies bred. mi-erid aed rn rh rvincire. $015 ecti 0150 adrled ; econd Cor,, ru receive ese utf trea ras. A dsi cii-vmiles. *200-Tiroiting Pnr#ac--Oeu te null: mile 'bus.teiref-irr.lve Fir-l orre, $1«50; S eo iear >, 8 ; w e ig l t , 1 l e b . t e h iu, u ue e . 50-CoD$tscitju Paf-ffî $5 dch, itli $50 esaddesi, ferorbcenlirorâes ouI>-. A d âaroir e ue m ile. " RILES ADI BEGILATONS. 1. Entrante fer, ailCor-ses, 10 per cour. 2. PouerDeoreror,,, Ie Malet ire neBeici netia than rnee t0errer-r. 3. Rder e sIrirar-ln full Jockey i tneraicelr, so e i e n a m e r i t uh e l i m e o e t u r y ; A i t J c ~ , r . .enriug Ciorsitvelf igimpn-Ã"a ny djee e r 4 . D îca ,r note J urig e s te lie fin a l ».- & . A ir e nr ie z w ,e nm ode in w ri ing ; ssu i ent éy t ea peiry thiee. nomms, cin, ex, sire andi dam or rie L a r g . w i l i i r a b e a fl & oc e u r , c am e ; u h n r r y l ô alto 3itbemir. essesoé te ticheer-erarvi O.liemberait p,'#. - 7, Entriez (r re Qecn',iais sd Province Esudar5, tecieteel1o rUny; nUmi eonacsm the 2<nMrrMy. 6, itces U com m enc tir day a t 1 0'lock, 13'O.GR ND TRU K AgitA 2GE>rNrgq-B FOR TsiRACES--A arreciai "troisnvU!icu fve Toronto feir MIY WariIout ea'ek, tu, -n re Qeeuso tolisy. RamterTacite wrl ie lsued etani M alt tes bet vee rs G uelphr au n e raevine, l oe i , a r a san g16 fi m n.cll , «r, M r li res M IS, 2 6, suM d Ut Mrv.ii(er-ratumr te Ire 27rh.' ADPlOTATOB, FOR$ALE. Tie ubmob, r ha -Dow ou band! for sale, about- 4W0 bushelh SwodUIahTuriips, là QUANTITY 0r POTAXJOE9. The Pot&t ea tuamxtueof varlon ui i.d, Oibl4mups, but occ for ý oooking prpoeea Apri 27!u, 870 - Ba>'eldo, Wblsby Otiéer."' DANIEL LAEKC. FUs MUacxaRns, Sept.. Lli, 1860. lisson. DBnr & PAturruses, JO 1rave mueh piasure lu sta tlrg flai tire JolngtariSel(rrekig Merrper la tire mone pet. tet mrroine t evor usesi, botir for ligirtucss cf drrft ansid lseant-tiug.ý I con cnt 'twerrty acres a da>'viLla erre teai, anrd min eomaneusi Lt as ireirîgtire boat macineronov lnunoe. Signesi, JcIiN C. HRIELET. FANIW WR8RN7U0 -uhofte nylI i] F5En>Dltcgzuty, SErT.2SD, 1869, whitby,- Gontlien..-ihare Mocab ssure lu stal- -111 Shah tire Jeliuton -s. lnîg Renger vnlclrlPurchas.d-front jour s geut. Mr. 1Kellogg, lias given Me, evor>'satîofaton.' I have eut tullioee irrdresi ncres ithir i> bath iligi d lioaay, g#sa ll - ILee' ii eut evornbthiug lu. and gatir suc! SICI it 09 InttaMnnarfa.i.eran- . Tire %uiberw- IIOTEL," lu I cier toi $Ale0, s ES be VillsgcrOf <Ihava, ah eboit, Mnon o , uy th, 18709~ cdof land andpeua~ î,nneesicn fet i, Tevnsoip ,aiudulng 58 square perceo, efter kno)wuasheirprt ION, Tifre, e agclhylck ,lei sud drIviughboui,. mac :tr ured b>' Mai Ps I WaIty~Aprl 8~28, O I - tANKs, Auctloneor. 32'-4Ia iiHave lin Stock, specialfinos in- D r esack d 11 a o in S. Q i$ 2 0 0 V elve teé n Ja n tle« , $ 2 ta o$ 5 , Blac 81kg, Ladies? Wtrproof Costumes, Novéltis in Ladies' Skirts CcI' 81k.,Plain Poplin, Kosfory -andGoe, Flgured Poplin,and an ondleu' va,,jty cf Ladie s acollais and Oufia. JTJST RECEIVÈl) Crsta Five dozen of Nèest- Styles, of, Yrench Cost, vil b. opened on Lb, SECOND ýDAY 0F MAY, vi Lb achoies. stock cf Bonnets avàd Bats, iatest style#. GENýTLEMENS' DEPÀRTMENT li nov comnpltq, vith al Lb.henevsyls Lb, sosson syeso GRtOCERY DEPAtTMEiNT....Tbeir nove Teas ýhive arr!ved, aud great»inducements tir allé us a cal! sud jadgo for youroelvee. Wbitby And Mancheote,., April 28, 1870.. R. & J~ CAMPBELL. SPBiING IMPORTATIONS I- New oods AT The aubacribens hog Lo intimate the au- rival cf tLebbulk of thein siprlng importa- io, vbich ombi-a larg;e ansi variesi aasorfmneut cf Stapie îad Fançy, Dry GeoS~Cetbng rocerlex, Ltquora anýd. Wines, vbich Lbey arc duterminesi teo ell at asaeR adran.ce on Cost. McrT-i-SrnaIl Profits aud quick RIe- T. IL MaMILLAN & C. ÂApril 27, 1870. '17 CARRAIEFAC TORY, - (BROOK STREET,, WHRITB3Y,) WilI befound'a-large Stock of Carrnges, Buggies, -&o*, of the newest styles oand hest fini.sh. Beàt workç- men einployed and ail the mateials used of the best quality. 0-D' Iarticular attention given to repairs. Whitby,l April 27, j870. M.O'DOrNOVAN.* I ] Il. S'AIJ 'BIs 1UCKÏNgt*CIR'lnzl tbankful for putL patronage, bog bo aunounes 10 bis cuatoni. ors and Lb. public, Ibat ho bas nov on bhaud TH AGST AID lor FJJRNITIJRE aeor lu Whitby, sud that ho con- tinuos b manufacture daiRy, furnlture ct every descrlp- t ion, nidg Sidebouards, Sofas9 Loungeo, Boekîug Chatirs,-(Willa sd ,WUhkom rockers), »rawing.Room, alr n Bedroon t, k a nufadctred 0f the beat ad , finisbe d lu a soporicr and wonkmau. tek. ioe of nm un.e b u r'rs.ouîrur whrr; aireroatio whichbofarepaod WELS v WoE Lao Eq-, Maste.'oftbia Cur;tl PRIDAY, t&Y 3th, 170 at Twc c'eiock lu tire afteruo,, at Lire officecf tire id Mas- fer, at Wibiry, i [J L.FAIRANKS h9,AUCTIONER, u i C A Sinill e parcel, tire follbovig land, via - - uI> ' iltyAaaces, mor ole,388,being coa»pcaed cf the fenrth part ot Lot nurnirr tvunty, lu Ibm nauLli cances«u, o et iiy. CcMmeuingcon tire Wepterul'ne et smid U.t, at threditance et oee bsin OSi>' linka, tfram the Nortir.Woet -angle theruof;I thon South,, ndhteeu degrees, Font, Lveuty-Lhr-sc chiarasuxty-cne lioka: EVRRBY4RIIOLE wARRANYTE». then Nortli, acventy-four degrqé oatvcwnty chaîns,'more et- lus ate iretem lianit et sa lot. Liren North sirteen dogmees -West" twcnty-Lhree draina cluaern linksa; LZhuenotir, iséveniy-tonr degrer WesL, ton chaîna, more 0r lemr@r La Lie centre.ôor saisi lot;- then Nerth- Those vho boy cari>' can nov buy sixtuen degneen Went, 110>' linka ; theu SenttL s eventy-toaur degreus West, ton, chao, moee cbeap. or less, te tire place aft iegeuing. -Tire abeve bla aillcareci,snd iras upon' IL a good tramehonse ansibain. Tire Wbitb>'aud- 8 cngog grivel rond rua Lhrongh Lirelot. The lot viii ire aold sniraeet ta tho dover of eue Losua Wells, tirorein, vire laof> about 62 yarsaetfrge. 11 T ipurchaser viiibuoteqrn ird ta psy do vu ~ 'fWi Mitire time etsale, teLire Vendreor bus Soli- U~ TYYT f-t il~ citer, a dpoaithe Lre prio f$1 o evor>' 8100. 0f bis punchasOioiant he or rumainder*tiroreof withizitfor e t ror tire du y oftaale. lu otirer respects the.ondéition& of gale vil! of ail kinda, done in Lhe beat manner. ir tire standing- conditionsetfLire saisi Court. For fardiier paîticulars mpplyîy teSomuel H. Coeirrînrc,' Vundnn's sol11itor;- C. A.Joncs, Esq., - hiby;lr'.,Mes. Cameron, Moliîcruel. Fifzgerairiaod lloskin, Toronto; te tire un- deraé*ned Maser ofthe Court, cr te the d r i G. Il DAAuctacucerer UN D E R T A FJN G, D4 si" a fAfl ..17.4 ANwDoBIî L, ARR1AGES D T& S Pu..Tneral, fully Supplȣ I. PARIENTS, CLERGYMEN IIDICA&L PRACTIONERý, -O- sund ail cirera virent 1: Mu>' couceru, are bore- by notifies,Lirait, b>' Lie Act 82, Vie. Chap. P, (Stttes cf Oular- P 1CTrU R ESlei)t iaenacted - Theundoi Wbiîiry, Apil 21, 1870. df STOE TO,,Lrr. soet Au excellent om re soet1,4n Brook atrethrern ric leo tb. tovu Of', 11Ii3blPal ag s treeOt f dry ged r . ÇV-11adpt I or tih. sud slrîdud Sneas, sýpacien ayard, be ebWaidla 0e.nApartrnt,,eau aiso Atheytc ldlng-four il requires. JORN WILKINSON. Apuil9',187 WiikîuaOD'# block, 13,,>,k, ue J 8UT RM-EzI V ED. kGODEy78 Magazines, -FOR ARL GENTLEMEI8' JOEN AL. - Aise aafcv numbora cf Nov -1ear'a part cf Youug,Usiesrjuruàî, sud XEna e BellBj. A uewleg cf Rubber Hfair Bands, just Ailtirepriocipal Pppo suad magazines Of Lbe day.1 - QEO. IBENqGOîyaI "M.ýnô 1aot~2o<~Wiliseo, Bewmau - CeaHamlton, bowlng Machine. G.13., ài bie."-Bicoko. SusOtsmP fer-amaver, go S.E. WELIS, 589 Broadway', N.Y. nIRt or.B,ARImpl EA~ kiuda,.-oval sd qare,-to b. mad ou tbe promises. ,q-u- .J -U'S T R E C E J Y EUID1 CrIl edeaiéto1 ckn*bg1e ÂSPLENDID -ASSORMENT 0OP - you bu>' or not, you vill b. hesrtily vol como, sudrecoivo overy polit. attontie lu inspoctiog ill tirs beauti(14. os 0 - ~'the Premise&. INCILtTDING 50 . A 0 f t STovn, and t»ý 1 n'Tay, Jan. lot. 1870. 1 1 N"s 7t d d ir 1 i

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