Whitby Chronicle, 12 May 1870, p. 1

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t eoetinuesdver ARTRUR R c IA g 0 to M. F. LOCR II AMERO & MACDONE A Ris t b un t of s Ao t ce of th r Coursr COCHR ANE, LL. tarN T CR O W N A TTOltN E Y F O is tor in ce , ry n i ro k agreet, next door. to & EORG E fl. DA RTNEL L B^""'"TEh r ATTORNEi , CONV tarya d x n e i a eer frr i y of Ontarlo. OfMee Brock-st., Wh RODERT J. WIL50N. AltitISTER & A T £0 R N EY A T Sollelto rinChancer ,&c. Whitb y ee- Over Outario k, on the s. M. JA R Vis, ARRIST E R-A T-L A W A N D 80 LI Its Chancery. Chambers-19 foron oronto. J.A MEs M EIT H GOR001% A RRISTER & AT TØlt MY-AT- Bollest or in Chancery, Cot:yeyntice c m be r e st. tEy o t. 8. D. FAIR BAN Rs. OLicITolg NOTAltY PU BLIC, ao Oshawa, C.W. rrister, s ac or n'ancer torney, &c., &c. Nas removed l.la Offlee to ist door ove ON ARio BANa..7 1868 7, , - FARE W E LL & McG EE, R E A Omos:-one door north of the l'ont O Oshawa, and McFeeter's Bloeg, opp Town llall, ßowmanville. d. E. FAnawatt. ' R. Mc R OSS, L A UDER, 11 ULOCK & SMIT T E RS. A ttorneys-nt-in w, fiolicitors in Ch os e i t , r ek ng M r. Jarnes f ielde a omee, W bi ea'f- "" W. H, ANI LINGs, soisc1Ton, &c., ac. Å r rios, a McMm.a's lkoes Br tre et. WhitbyJan.25, 1862. . C H A R L Es C. K E LLER, TTORNE Y AT L A W , 80LICI'10R a eery onveyaneer, &c.,Canni on, , e - J. H AMER GliEEN M OOD, TTØRNEY-AT-L A W. 80 ilcITOR A Chaneery, Notary M4 Conew &c., Whitby 0. W. Orrrer., ßyloli str oath of P ont OfHee. LYMAN E .YOLis H , L L. D BARRISTER A T L A W, Soliettor in Gh eery, conveyat ser,&<.., &c. Simeoest,-Unhawa ES L AMON ATTomw-er ao Law, soricrToa a cnuent, CONVEYA NCElt, L A N D AGENT & OffloE.-Over Armstrong's liotel, 11aiu S Uxbridge. Uxbrkige, June 7th, 1809. t f D R. H-A N C O C K, (nox zwounn & 10:iosto.) EURG EON, A CCOff( M EUR &c R. .i. MTNN, M. D. b1 UEG EON T O T il E 00 U N T Y 0 AO By~ron street, W hit by . W, H. L A W, B. A., M. D Physician, surgeon, A crencher, &c. 17-1 T HOMAN H-USTON, OW N C L ARK & TitE ASUlt Elt, w IllTB Otnee-Town lipil - ilouauto 1o'clock. WEL LING T ON H OT E L, MA RK H A M. RWEDOTTOM, - - -Pr oprietor. 49-l I L S O N H O U 8 E A. WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor - -o-- 8UBBCR18ER begs to announce to hi '°"""eau As b"rn for the accomodation or the ra welling ublio. The bonso is new. and inr. alshed n a most thorou h and comfortable nianner. Guests will fin every convemenee are tl a als al a a o t hand. grGood Stabling and attentive Oatlers in tendance. 4. W IL80N, Jr., Proprietor. Ashburn, bi sy 1st, 1869, tf.is R°"" CANADIAN O T E L, PORT PERRY, Olt T. Ee 70Y, • Proprietor. rior seeommodation. Good stabling ad ed room, and attentive ostlera. PortPerryNov,8, 1869. 45 H I T B Y R A N C H I B L E W B B D E P O 8 i T O R Y ! ---o- attention of the public is invited to the pay and well selected stock of and TESTAMENTS, álth sofwithout the psalms in metre. now to be'found at the Depositary of the Whitby h Bibl ociet The ath great e aE ud to embrace volumes in varion. . H Gerrrn inm hatore, A itby, as present oeen * CELEBRA D 8 OT TISH -e c 1 Whitby, Mareb 81, 1869, GRANITE. A. massor, rroprietor. we ---. The abovehas been tiierongbly renovstèd, ow ESDd Er0ker, Agee EF".At Marble Works of JONATBAN the bliew11fi Ã¥ every secommodation A 7 uds CoxvavArcsa, Coungsmoygg WOLFENDEN, Dundas-St.,Whitby, - sy April18,1870, 15y Tb b oas begips a IESURANCE & GERERA L AGEET bed had to bre a nts whic as b È sa-ef. 8TOUFFVILLE. Oxy, NE W STOVE P R O F E S S O R J . P O S T , reing the arry th I the A R T URON fiOUSE n ofa row r n be be b T IN 8 HO P ! T a 32 YS e re w I kn hotel b been N order to meet the increaln demand in P I A N 0 - F 0 R T E , & c. a r b p n - ee set Ontario, re out proprietor h 8 d b e ed d y bu d of the RESIDENCE, • Dyron street, I kn ne a questlon I e but I shsH h y a e a p her b o need nowsLL' m a n ne to meet 8 o !Je d or a i of T lla snF in Ton've y blood Dm oo en a C o e on n so n a b t b r. bTOTETO IR12"a"n " °""è°"" "'°" -0 e N D. C SNOW may he had, and all mann f Mus andr.'.Pnst keeps a general stock of p de matterfl am nòt tell n ny e in telsni th è R ON w»rk done on the shortest no r Tinamith's or sale, and wishes a esH y on at a There is aîíttle white'st one in Wey wouth poetica ic ou ad yde nd in-tliÅ¡ llodin stanris om anaf m e 8 'Hd Jr n r, Brass, Cottoo and ys Ma ehÅ , 18 , 9 And an ump p'raps we can e mine, church-yard, and it lathe sole memorial as you oo ese a ite t een' own poems, pu lish d about three years 1 oyal DUND all inannagr f truck takenŸ'e e geHair and K M O V "Look re " the cow, "tho the plan aat the only dre ver dr e of 10 see th trées g w a d the ass sp gt ago bore the eres' in specious ha GEORGE ROBSON Proprietor JóHN BRYAN. R L To dee(d-the m a nointi or gloomlife er death comes hea b ed y ne, deep, cloudless, in -en..ore.,,,,.no dn, , Whitby, March 8th, 1869- 10 The my a most c arly to e can ne, and I shall flod'my virgin bride ther d . The mist, golden and white I led the van in drunken brawls• EYAN HE subscriber be to "" Jon whi way it b mg Dodd_. It was earJy autumn when I an rosy, was meltmg away over the hill I took the chair in oonrts of sin. aor ns. ade"¡as e e e he rn enr y S EONG'S BOTEL, J B H N F E K G U S BN 5° to--ed he e che o er th "" °" "" °' tras'° "s'l"i"-°ashin't'he"F tand Üåe e "P 1 resplen ent rays itby. ed re urnished, anhte d ias been renovat- (Late Plank's.) - g stream, e sorrow-of desolat on . Young Robert pronounced them • d ' A r Aronnd my head 1 twined the bays, Ùtuated ofsty e em e rr ho RIDGE, MEECHANT TAE02, ad"fe."" h ", dwdhoa n the uonn n'aba y a n houghts Ih d orbe n Ande ed laurels d athe L A W centre of t Tow n. ee, and in the E. A RMSTRONG, • Pro rietor &c., &c., &c. - Shee near the Black Podlainardered, evidenti "I "-presence until he spok walle f Fortleia édngen , . wi The liailway Omnibus cal a at the il y lay dow to rest. No blood had bee it b b promised you a story,' he said r da where he hadmi H ortti t†e o every 10 ing D a re at d t e abo e ab to intoas r opatron's and the nblie -On e luckily fell rang ed.s throatshow d ha e bee e a a t at went GEORG E ROBSON. o the pn blic y nd his frie cita 1 e atro ne t door enst of Mr. Crosby's grocery Thong e might have i gued uncommonly doubtless been killed for the sáke of a con grinned gh tly grin. "I dori't think solfcito a d 8000 sûcceedÃ¥d iiiNiÅ¡i an CITOR y 0 eful fio tiers lwais in attendance far su lied with the best' Good roomy a . to 'r re hrdwill be prepared He had certainly lost in be toss " siderable sum of money which he had with its hero fo the tsu h one-a tale extensive and very influential uèiness. to-St.. 7, av 1863' 2 e o era as usual. . drawn (rom the bank the day before, and H But, after a short time of brilliantáccess, s.'2" - Uxbridge, Jan.2a,1869. E- ARMSTaoise. GENTLEMENS' GAEKENTS ., was carrying home to his father. As yet, emberTa'r'nifor a e and the Sept- he, through gain taking to 1 is drir king GEORGE 00EMA CK she said, suspicion was directed to no one ; I think b ow.very cold ; bÃ¥hitsdad to decamp/Bë caiÃ¥d back L A W L R M ERCHANT, Ca enter and ONTA RIO H OT a os mom, a um..,« % but it was so sadgeo terrible--sust as he soon he spokmann me. Pretty aga n a ce par-innsugand a ea r, No- nerGrecoSt. W hitby E L, Etyles d Jash' had become engaged to Lucia too i It "I don't k self to a strongtemperance movement ARIO GeDilelD6Rs' Fulnishing Goods i T'" b eak her a art an his oor si io e FUNERALS fullý suPPlied and A LEXANDER - Eip- All orders attended to with punctua. I can not write the story with story of this tragedy .to sadden me as other, but noth ney to one an- the shoemakers' shopsin town fmtit he hot t notice. CoE ne k ept eo at t --- - Proprietor. lity and dispately hands, but I shall dictate it to a t own deeply as it might have done at another gave u the id c me of it and they had required some knoeledg of hÃ¥nyera . &e. HE subscriber Ã¥ trusty friend; for I must h and time ; still I feltit keenlj for the sake of M. on know as there twe part of the trade, he left for America A Hearseto hireonilberaltern to the gn trretQthanks to Jt-HN FERGUSON. know all that I can tell rate the public Lucia, my deir friend and àchool-mate- hr any foundation for it on her (about, tw.enty-six years rigofi t a shi at IEØRGE CORMACE G h wh I pr ri r tr Whitby, Feb. 27, 1870. tr nge and : yste ons a a Fo m e to time Bell wrote me of e 8 et e su e. o man f r a n t e e is f as a e shove well h "°°"ce that he has lea-d W A N T E D i it happened. It Was a n kP en suspected of the dreadful crime, but no h t I b e me, and on most chequered one-now the orator ad 200khn DruÅ  Store havebeenreent na eto h Large additions - - - body I:bave been otte:1 helago, and in evidence could be broiight against an of taall uilt wild hopes. Love does not dressing a brilliant assembly/irCNew r the -. * ing trore commodinus aceo n 1ses secur- e un e i ned are pr ared to pay the that day. I do not think b pless since them, and they were all discharged It yo h• express what I felt for her. I York ; now the tran pubeggirig for a ieco f finamber of sleepjng om t CLOVER 5Er ny quan y of- was much disordere.d by that in intel ect was not long before I heard that the poor lo eyr. Su le and morose and of bread : now the candidate for State 40 ER in Drug Patent edicines e 48 Hiard Par w tl e t b es LA dr t- yettr leem to have lost, in some degree, ulng m n's mother had followed him to mile of hers would ake brigh the on lyn Chicago again the prisoner in ery, &e ata, 011s, ye St fra, Confection- s n a d8 ds, tens e add tions tos at TARES, ensatioover ind-the power of con- andosoon a te . C lone Eastman un b dheaven in my heart. I would have at another time so t o t m a ilor d purp Liquorsožthe best qualit r ena t a BEANs, my own ar de il ano o h do nd b r his sorrow n the seen hat s ould e p o er g vehop all the M xican war e h se r ffice CattleMedicifiesalføays on6and in the p ee. Ye" '#"$ 7me r hot e c' the act itself-it must be ponnect d with moved away. ,ery gr s tha had bent und r hme, th through the late war- He was then, irr os • W., 186# 25 welcome his old friends OFFICE . I am not a young man. I h k . It was not till three years after, when ootste s. I h g merica, for about twenty-threelyears, Whitby, Dee. 2 1859 . ' - - Guerr's Broox. Stevenranston for mo h are nown my own life's trouble had already come to h. p ave treasured, like somer and during that time had wandered G EE. O O M M E R O I A L H O T E L as- y oshawa, Feb. 22, 1870. 9 -ever since he and I went an fo t ears me, that I saw Lucy Reynolds again. She ut of sa ed, e t hwer that had droppe L through the greater part of that great Con- e e BRocK sT W UITBY. B 0 ORUF2 ferally obtained eother as eek I sho Id am forty-eig neoemed nea y as el en s does hor of a nes but if .she a othin nent. wa a ng a .a t H, a scriber begs to annonnee to States, for persons Iro a d oti er he was two yea/s younger ; bante he athat patient waiting had grown into her far good an. V h I :ght have been himself so obnoxious to the Government ume i and t be pn blic, that he has re- hy la it that the1e is a i legal everywhere ; desertion, drankenn 7, to-day, where they.dd not y g - s, seeing blueleyes. She never laughed, and n 1, I b I r.my guardian that they, about three-years ago, sent him vorn bly o"I,"l"" "If the above geli ,, no i a run for pictures non.support, etc., sufficient enose ; no p*aï' eartilly measurement 4( ec on ages by she spoke low and seldom. ca a b e leve I could have won through home to Söotland. He li.rived u L er- an- in a en er or maln'er is now fitted a T yf eno e inrge until divorce obtamed. ad. read these words Ano hny who wall At the same time I saw Steven Cran hall eaven. Well, now, I suppose, I pool, and soon inade hiday to Coupar -St., erec'eption o tver e v a t A RK S GAEL ERY ? 'ael""'"M"Esti'",","" ."'yt;ter4;rk-b d,' s"E" etääßekhagoohfadmeasged.soge n ad th°an°.a'i°is"a'n"d'a's 's."°'° ° m mu reken do a tuy, rnaccominadation, and superior Contity, chas the best Galim in the No.78, Nossau street New York City, boy. was a this eyen as a ding, and unsocial than of okl he .could (Concluded next week,) and since that time he has been wandering witiren ea y,"."f, " af ood nts bbne 0 an ath a swrth ¿hil.1ren sm-12 At the district scícol e tt scarcely be ;aaôd yetähétávas šòmethin about through Scotland lecturin on ways on the premeen. Churges rratael qn e as s'ood werk as any at befnini" h th a ended to m his facealmhis érdhieh sÃ¥ Anrenova or Tus LA Ts DR. DuxcAr.-- "Ethnology " "Agricultural Ùiiemistroy," E. M. CA LDW y' OÃ- l9INI E R O I A L N O T E L """" th*"a """** • ke The Atheneum says :p A couple Slavery," Temperance,'r &e. in the Whitby, Jan..-M, 1968 ELL. bot's what'. the mutter, so don't be '. he had the most physical e any week-go-wegara-a story of theJatelr. streets. lithoùgh raggedNdaething - ~~~~-- ..ly r about conmy forward. OSHAWA. ever knew any boy to possess, e I forever now, Duncan, of Edingburgh. A correspendeapbut-prepossessingr÷hemeldom failed to ock YEOMAN GIESO BaoCn so., w HITBY. JA MES BLA CK - P ally feared nothing. lie bad no equale - I did not see much of him or Lucia sends us anothër instance of the worthy attract an audience, and raise considerable hit by, Nov. 12, 1867. - , norninToR. the various athletic games with which after that until this summer. I came 'to man s forgetfulness. He was engagéd to sums of money. He was almost invari- 00K3RSSION MER CHAN1 -o-.- whiled away our noonings ; and th two my old home last June an invalid. I felt officiate on Sunday for the minister of ably at the sonclusion, or ahortifÃ¥fterg H E N R Y G R I S T Convoiently fitted up rooms ror comme, traits, of daring and agilit ese wo that the free winds blowing over the Con. Culter, near Aberdeen, and left the latter apprehended as drunk and disorderly, and U RA NCE, & G ENERA L AGEhi. (Egy 2 ciel travelers. Billiards attached. win the suffrages of bo s Aare potent to necticut hills would bring me health and place m good time, mounted on a "shel- lodged in jail, and thus he continued IN bitby, Jan.,16th 1866. 2 1seod April 8, 1870. possessing them to such extentone else healing ; and, though my dearest hope is tie." Bemg agreat snuff-taker, he frequen- wan'lering "about until his death, her ng have become a loved and reco d twould m the Beyond, still I love life -I cherish tly had recourse to his "mull" on the about a week's illness, where we have 0 REVER E B.0USE, A S H & D U L L E A , but Steven Cranston was to si eneader; no misanthropic longing for death. Com journey ; and arriving 'at a turn of the stated. In his written lectares the treat- MMcBEs'rEa, o. w, forbidding and unsocial No t, oo mg back to Ryefield, I found Lucia Rey- road where the wind blew right ahead, he ment of the subjects is clear and perspicu- is D. PLANK, - - - - p DRA UGH TS MAN c ommis s10 N AGENT have dared in any wise-to n e°riere"Sh nolds and Steven Cranaton the only ones turned his nag about to enable him to ous and logical.ly argued and of very er ma es e roprætor. Se him, but he had none of th of all my school-mates who were unmar- take a pitwh more easily ; having done so chaste composition. His poetical gemus eoti ntient 01, pa trrom Whitby call daily. Ever$ 'rr A , CANA DA, 0011367038, A C00FNTJETS, &c. friendships, those brotherhoo e dear boy- rted and in their old homes. You must he forgot to turn his "abeltie" again, and was also of uncommon order. He could 4s tive ostlers. guests. Unreful ned aftens ansnets bnsmen with the Potent OFFICE, - GalletEs Blo whose memory in after s of t be soal bear in mind that nearly twenty-five years rode into Aberdeen, discoverin only write acrostics on given subjects on the a ment. nn her departments of the Govern- Feb. 28 1870 ek, Oshawa* to thrill so many old m ars, has power had gone by since young Eastman's sud when too late that the people of Oùlter' spot. Some of his temperance nielodies an- H OTE L & PREMI 'ES ""°"°f tr.de • • 9 make them happy boys again earts and den and terrible death. Lucia bad passed had had no service on that day. are excellent ;. and we believe seural of E Drau.i a and Designs proenred. - I said he see~med to lik e all these m Ryefield very quietly. She his songs are published in a collection of F O R S A L E. sore n°"" ""'""'"""'--- H°""" 7° R E N T . should have made one exception. e rl I hed not mingled at all in society so called Ex.TRAoRDINARY ' IF TaUR.-Under the Scottish songs, called "Whistle Bin1¿ie " 40 . eeipt of the Modelay the Invent m , y ¡M M- opposite to him, on the 'girls' side' of thy but her face was known in abodes of the headmg of "Table Talk"in "Once a week,, We beheve he was known in almost every -- T UA T old establis-hed and well known no- a "' -ace care. -- long red school-house, sat Lucia Reynoldse Êoor, sick, and the sorrowful. She had the following remarkable story is told:- city and town in Scotland. te , ty® March, 1869. . Two Dwelling Houses to rent in the Town the daughter of one of our wealthiest men, one much good in her own unobtrusive I heard.the following related by Captam CENTRAL HOUSE EPEOM 11 of Whitby. She did not owe her popularit to th'. way. (now Lieut. Col.) P---n, at his own ErrE3fPoRANEoUs PREAcHINo.-- fl one Splendid roomy a abu . • ' Gr For particulars apply to cir·cumstance, however Look •Steven Cranston had led, rumor said' a table :--When in India with my re '- of the loiter counties of Maryland there c. to other, with one or t 'ae'r e , RDd TrUDN RailWay Ectel through the mists of twentysei hng back wtid life during these twenty-five 'years. ment, we were, at one time, quartered t flourished, in the palmy days of the "pe t., 00• And a fine young bear- ITER ST A TION Whithy, March 16, 1870 N HAMER. I can see Lucia Reynolds as he wyears A little more than three years af ter Robt. a place where there was a missionary cuhar mstitution," an old darkey preneh - . There :nre r wo welk wifh good 11 fifteen, and I know that I n astman's death he had gone to sea, and station. Some of the ofiicers (as was er, who used no notes, and prided himself -23 The "","i oÅ¡"Ila.er. a . W M. O'NM having púrehased the hotel B L O fairer face. I met her the otheverdsaw a most of his life since had been passed on frequently the case) having much leisure, on his extemporaneous efforts. His white and is one or the best e bn E>ees in t . ".'"' Trn nk IYotel premises known as the Gratal N. W & SO N , woman of forty-three she ay--a the oceen and in the difierent ports to and being so disposed, gave lay assistance brethern called him "Doctor"-a title for o net ive h::shwas in.n. '° 0°"""°" his trienes ;.ftat y i ton, begs to inform older than her years with a look of atiand which he had sailed. He had grown rich, to the clergyman in his endeavours totin- which he accepted, of course, with inai For remexe allged for farm roperty. has fitted up the hour e an atal I in t o E N E R A L , waiting in her eyes, a settled sorrow rouendt though I heard hints of unlawfuf gain, to struct the native pópulation. Upon one crons gravity. At a camp-meetiàg, which to, _ , e., apply (h by etter, pre-paid) ass sty e, and by pttention to t he wants of her lips ; a woman to whom ou would w ch I did not pay much heed. Coun- occasion, I attended a special service the 'Doctor' was holdmgE one of these WILLIAM B( hTON trn a t me tvor him wit b their patronage E0ÛÛÛÛ Ã¥ R d COME ggjQg not even pay that saddest complimen try neighborhoods are usually more or which had been appointed to precede the friends gave him, as a text, this passage irr E,,'n Mir' Parties a cortin ar.es of their custom. 'She must have been beautiful once'- d ess given to gossip, and ours waino ex- celebration of the Lord's Supper, of which the Psalms of David ; "Wake, psaltery L, -Octobe 4 horres will have da m well traEnand ten I turned my eyes away, and back throuan ception to the rule. three advanced prosely tes desired to par- and harp; I myself will artse right early." 4 their return, the fair country of the ast till I d at all events he had come back the au, take. Upon the occasion the missiona The Doctor' adjusted his spectacles, and Whitby, Sept., 1863. ga DUNDAS STEEE2, - WBlyBT see her, as I saw her twent he cou tumn before my return to Ryedeld, and preached a short sermon upon the Fait read : ., O O. (1 door Ea, ' ago, bending over her desk i itiars given out that he had been to sea lona, the foundation of Christianity, taking hif "Wnke, peasle tree and harp ; I my-- O I A 8 B I N T, t of the Robson Ubuse.) school house. Ey enoggh, and was going to settle down now° text f rom Romans IV. 8, '"Abraham be-. -self will nrouse right airly." GENERAL BLACKSMITII, AND Begs to inform the public that they have con.- Slight, girlish figure ; small but feet and end his days among his own towns, lieved God, and it was counted unto him "The "Doctor" went on to explain that 9. FIRST-PRIZE HORSE-SHOER ' EKoLAND.) stantly on hand a superior quality of features ; eyes of the hjueSt ; delicatpeerr folk and kindred. I thing peop]e ¡¡ged for nghteousness." He treated the guh. Moses was a very early riser ; that he had Begs toinfortn the people of whithy and vicin- Flonr, Oat and Corn Meat tint on the dimpled c;hecks full Jose. im somewhat better than they used. He ject m a plam way, suitable to the capacity a peasle-tree which grew near his window ; DUNDAS STREET. sty, that he ha opened a sh"? V'h , Cracked mouth-1 saw the all in the li Rhmi ing was a trifie more communicative and of his hearers, and expounded the narra: and that be was wont to rise mighty Y ' "' 18 24-ly 0 ÍÊÛ OR Û[jQ eat, Graham Flour, Oats, glory of youth, untpuched by time. t nd n :ghboriy. I can't say that I, however, tive in Genesis xxii. A native flindoo had airly, and hang out his harp on de p.easle. Bran and shorts bad a clear i . d e t much real regard for him. Yet he en been observed at the service whoalthou h tree, wid psalms. u ne o s't, oshawa n R E s PR P e shorte t no ee ne i mdhea and better t c a re e u ne o air br a th escapesh truc on of the issionaratten the n- A New Theory for the Loss of the City site fÃ¥ldoo"le": e groo; GUNS, LOCES, EEYs, &c. Sa t nd roter for nie. ÉropifÃ¥taen encranston nelnded mis "nfa awa nads udeeailand n the er ingeo"f*træeoena'me day I and a - Dr. W.__F. Thomas delivered a leefure ne treet third loor s orth ofaho Ontario Clocks and Watches cleaned and repaired, also M7" Bighest price pr.id ror good small Pens, sentiment for her seemed no mere childishs bur e hood days and so we were a brother officer rode sorno six or seven on the above subject at the New York EXPR ER$ SFWING MACHINE5. • BLOW & SON. liking. It was more the blind devotion of to d together. t is just a week ago miles towards a native village, from Nautical School. The lecturer explained AG ENT, No., also Agent March 10,1870. a Romanist for his t - ay that he rode mto the yard 9n his whence most of the converts came : near, that the science ofmeteorology treated of "'"'""°°'"-- 17 m led "" """"Ella" -i would sit and watch her"fo'r"he'u th"° ""' n°r ° i """ "a under the avete '"8 "bich °"' atte"tion was attracted to "ir. wind rain- and everrthing relath>s to 9 re "h"ff,"edd eu 0. 2. THE GREAT FE31ALE REMEDY. ak of rapt adora an he cot d ht a treeome, Harry,' he called to me get a rowd fenea , e midst of wn b the a phere and re ett , ' " . VETERINAR Y SURGEON, TIJOS. BINT loh MoS6s' Periodical Pills recognizing and liking this homage. sh our horse saddled, and ride one on the monotonous tum tum of the Indian drum the present cent ry. Hurricanes were Whitlh, Aug.10, isas. t'f-as . accepted, with the graciotisness of a ti ountam Road. I ve a story to tell you and a low croning wail was audible. But the result of the mosphere, which when s - Queen, the rare flowers and fruit he en e mÃ¥dder andjoher and merrier than any of- few words are necessary - to describe the yiolently heated, revolved around a centre R L. MUNRO & Co., e of an alnable medicine a unfailing in the constantly to seek for her and sheu ed em. It's a nice time to tell it, this Sept. difficulty of teaching Christiúity to a or focus with the greatest foNe, scattering Graduate of Ontar Veterinary College * enan to whi tl-e ale e'o a t"uÏeious dis- friended him in her turn. She was h - ember morning. Let me see, Septeinher race of ignorant people phose minds are ruin and destruction in their train. In ad a 2Bais to Prof. Bmit)i, I.10ENsED AUCrioWEERs Fon TnE ject- It moderates all excess and Tem as ward defender when the 17th, 1858, gin't it ? Yes, it's the best so governed by externalaimpressions, and this respect a knowledgÃ¥ of thealence of of nto. 0 0 U N T Y O F 0 N T A R - obstructions, and a speedy cure may be reli"ed coldness and misanthro and mo th is time m the world to teii that stoy., who are so matter of fact in practice ; and meteorology; would be of ineilculable am r nana. . 10 , on' - one predicted he would d re an It etruck me *bile I was throwing the still fewer words to describe the horror benefit, and would tend to save life and a r. 1HJCKLAND, Professor of Agriculture, omna masak ao'ENTs, &c., To MARETED LADIEs. for his wife, some af wm her saddle on Block fichard that his manner we felt when we found that the strange property. The lecturer then proáeeded Pnor. I ru y 8 . EElfÃ¥f, ONTARIO s Itas peculiarly snited. It willoin a short time I never thonght so, howe I was very peculi‡r, it was said that he and attentive native ha4 returned home to account for the loss of the Ã"ity of Bos- College. , . ,, Principal of Ontario V, - bring on the monthly period with regylarity. five years older than Luci a d I thin was a hard driniger, though I had never an d literally carried oùt the command tour He had carefully read and examined Da. IsoV E hL Toronto. An erders left pereonally, or sènt hr t. in all cases of Nervons and Spmal A ffee. understood her. I felt cerÅ ' that h seen any signs of it before. I thought E!ven to A braham i He had slaughtered the logs of the different steamers who " TiloRiiU N " me to the "Robson Houso," "Albion Ilotel ,, ions Pains m the Back and Limb Fatigue be ye difyg, in e must the brandy m:ght have flown to his his son, and was now offering him to the faced the terrible storms which the Úity L " r tario ilo ," # hit Powen nys er , andrtiNit a e n>¡lj,911ÃŽ "2 would arouse her eart om ts ng a li st r d n ur r e I got ready, and we "big God," as a sacrifice. of Böston encountered, and as they aR ar. page . - ETAPPLE Ã…sn be consultei or Garette OfHees, Whitby, will be careful eure when all other means have failed ; and clous, dreaming irlhood and k . rived safe resorted to the most approved all ho raonally at his residence, Brooklin, at attended to. Ithongh a powerful remedy, do not contain into womanhood's , quic en it If any, unfailar with the locality The mother of Lopez seems to have had methods to render a sea voyage possible, B • Whitby, Oct 13, 1869. 41 iron, calomel, antimony, or anything burtfni love, And y passionate yet steadfast should read this story, perhaps ¯'the a rather hard time of it. When a fugi. he was of opinion that when the horriance - rookiin, April 14, 1869. 15 to e : a tution, ti that he lovedeh used sometimes to fancy would like to understand better the tire with her son, the Brazillians declared arose the captain of the City of Boston OENTitAL OTEL, - ROUG HAM. PAINTS, OILS, &C. r;eadd"h"y"ý°gg" " o"grvet gn en um" ° e b' e h s o hon{ thepa t o he tRoad. Ina niebced her to death her exe ut on on hea inteamer before e wind in tead --o ExactsH aoILED AND RAw $1,00 and 12 eenta for postare, enelosed tt, of his futurel 1 oewit not seen t e current very high hill, known m that region as bemg prevented by the Brazillian attack. and was therefore swamped. The Lon- JOHN Buey a • Northrop ana yman, Newesatie, Ont., gene- were some lives to which Deem as i there 'The Mountam, A road was laid out, in A substsnee called 'nsphtaline' occurs don and Evening Star were both lost un- o rietor. Lin s e e d Oil raamme o-which the onlic'rin"a lilrIsthen "e-thceuthre n arse saan es in the waste of -a- the erssahr-dtl -'-so-ubeendst ons and an f ir dhot I has b 7 A M M 9 r a e Jam a rne and J H. Gerrie ere wh ch con d ork their heal- sbe ter nethe ne h boring towns, I t wor hiesand ar sbeen rejeh Mas was a true s lut on of the fate of that acconnnodation and a n. arNUINE wH1Ta tria -¿"si '- "-we-, Broo n, and a i When Lucia Reynolds was sixteen I left the other side of the bil Iyears ago on covered that it is an admirable substitute [hat ton. t was with grêat reluctance Gcoa roomy stabling and attentive ostlers , me eine ers- the place, and for many years I went back t f' the w 't . . n some por- for camphor, as a protection against moths e cap ms of steamers would do Jan. 26, 1870. ' , At JAMES H. GERRIE'S Feb. 22, 1870, 8-em there but seldom. I ke t h ions o ay i is as utterly solitary and other insects. anything, even.wben dictated by circunt, Dru Sto W constant corres and p up, owever, a as a wilderness. To the right hand stances of danger, to retard their passage • , g re, hitby. O H N ' K N O W L E8 Bell, and thro h ence wath my sister rises the mountam. overhanging it, high A personal item,, which of course is for all they thought of was - to make as Y H O TE L PAPER H AN g I t i J , (DECEASED.) ant th og her, was made au dour- and steep and frowning. To the left given prominence, .m the columns of -the quick -a passage as possible, no matter Nos. is so ana a e goss:p of Ryefield, stretch away rugged pasture lots, used IIonolulu cazette, readt' ilfus :-anis what consequences might ensue o 2 est. Joseph street, .lust received a fresh assortment of new pat- - All persons having e a ma or demands on the to e asfter I lef t, a stranger came only for sheep, rocky, and here and Majesty is enjoying exceeding good health EM' terne. English Paper Hangin 11 - t e of John Knowles als of Pickering, in fa il --a Colonel Eastman-whose there interspersed with wood. On this at Molokai, and is very much interested Bath (Me.) is boasting of one of the ship. for hos b o ned the above Hofe et Low Prices. o h t t erre neto 50". a y u n nyalid wife d a road there is little travel, and for nearly in branding the calves of his large herd masters who has had four ships struck by - Ita accomodat ons are of the" bera n ublic. BORDRRINGS, WINDOW ELINDS undersigned. And al rsons indebted to the ed his collegiate co IV ear y h- t.o miles there is not a smgle house save of cattle there. lightning and two of- them burned. r o e Ter moderard d sta g 50" S B ERRIE, s er y tion a t bor his fl ter one, aus and di api eboye a a0rpub ht na, ma le andt he he le attra t onn at K r saÃœCÝtv on C, LARIN, Proprietor. Druggist, Whitby J AMES K. GORDON, of the famil , Bell's letter w re quih n t e r id n of a solita[dman called old inside of an alligator. A family living the 8th of May, on the occasion ot' the 21 Aprilith,1869 Barrister, de. of him-he was so han p g d reckless near the place where the alligator was Press convention there. Whitby, april21,1870, tf.Ig ge e, so lant, manin wbose verfname lurked terror killed have ceased lookin to li generous and gentlemanly i she He died long ago, and I have heard but boy they lost about two weegka Ã"a tile . T dry n California 29, Å¡Ist,1869.

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