Whitby Chronicle, 19 May 1870, p. 2

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tain it TÃ"PWosClaeee-E. O. M14 Newv h 40.su ONY8150 CENTS A TFEA ASE à Âu se PrO.vgaU.a .oitrarîaameaî. aco A out Important session o the. Do-Ans lulti P4*s The senoi onThuroday 1Ot f Iseta~ ttaa, he esson ,vai al]eue,.niau' nd e , c.0pylng nearly tire. menthe, ~W witbdrswn as veilias tiiose paso *oetii c lrigb.a ImpoOtndiverns 0 i.tlngtli* Canda centrai rail. wpMrte the< Queboe suld New. a Governsent v eis id sud ztendànÏatoprOvide tehariibours and oaetî mi.prçpiluaes0o1tu powlu. Iue nte 1oie th* rovions Oltava, Mgoy 1. ilirASai '.,* eti Tihis, day at four 'clock bIs EzcielloncyvaesofandcoyMntal *1 GveuoiOnerl u tatq prooatded A-4 em.~ thi eovu.e ic '10 tiiç Ciamber of tfi.ent i.~ vpaieIe ith sz-eptrtlmotau-set sd Daatbidn n toolt bis set -upon, rsoe e5sasumintioned bep u%-s lamen buIdIng ud ngara etof ii teeou o te i sis, tii. tbrono.. The . mtiu of thf Le Senat. Au set for the botter eneuling the..ielieltuc ty Wcng isécmbled,bils Excelten.> a f iecvlarjéof iab rvldngfo pleasecitucomaend the attendanceoff tie laittnpeërsanniCAM.n ercemîly t ora. Hfouse off Commons. sud liaIHloussbel Atsa rsotn «W oi o h t presont, lasEzcetleîacy wuapl va iver. prorogue the, tburd &mesIn off the. Oral An set te imeud au sot lmpcslng dates -ou -parlisment of the Domtinion off Canada, proiîsom note% snd bille off eelung,. -wltii the fltlowring speech froul th~ An set te ameq ie i eslu ol u tîrone - -epetton ofta flesasv ethr 4 'ifnourabZe Gentlemen of/the Senate foi'nurpo*esîhîeretut tnuionid, ts prcperty and po*ers nowv v st.d lu tie trotte«s et île t'(enffl&men of M6e lieUs Of Oomnwma:-Banik of Utppcr Cinada, Au art resipevtin ortin>' titube. "ir cannot close the ÃŽsn session Z pcn iitb present ~ An actte ansuau ut rueetn fsinb vithout acknowledging the. attention and foreigu ve*sete. - î diligence with vbicb you have apclled AUn adt te O sin sud -'ontinne tic sets 82 'yournelvcs to tie despaci off public busî. s'id sa Vloc lap. 3, sud te eetatiish sud -pro. 'vide for tho governn.ioff tIi. Provineetof oius, andI especually to the Important ob- maitobalt. )cecta wlich I recomrncnded to your cou- An set te explaîn sied atu n ne respect- pid.eration. [n lie measures.-wticb y lng tie.eollýecîion apd nsao et oftie reve- -haveoa<lopted respecîlng bunks sud bank nuse the auditing ýpoblIc secunto, sud the Ing, sud the issue off Lie- Dominion notes,'lablality of public aceontante. 1 trust'ellicient guarantees wilb. found mottéetan a l oine ur a.iety'ovoeu torita protection offths finaucitul Interests eertain expenaes of th yeq 4,uridodetry111 off the.comtnity, iînoiaelatveurse Ii ng r ,éie lyue tJrlie "Tii. teusur, wîicliyou bave ossd 1870, sudsoth eniesfctvo"80h7Mte il,', Anntt *e nudan toureT"etlng bbcdatte f'orithe govrrntnenîoff tie new province ffof fjn.tic 1li6 te"*ee oit; oe essin luria >fsnitobs, ,aridfor th. vogt ajacent ter- tlisuteo summay convictionegsieud ord6ri.. ritories, andI the juisi sud ressonsbl, con- An set ctree;>ei llglelasignees appoinit- ditions -whicii you have sanciied In'- cd uruder thee ils'eut sea f,164, sud ho favor off tiair tuhabitanta cannot fail t auond the lnîeorVent set o1,1869. reniove ever>' trace off the niaappreien-0 #ions wiiicii unhappil>' exiuted, sud t<, Wbiiby Races. plant in their stead a feeling off confidence - [n your good viii and off hope off ithe nu- Large nombei;4 off lorses atkeh op suiv. inerotie sud lncrenaing adirantages te be iuge sud te judg ftom île nummber of- ilerlved ffrotjoitîlntg tie Dominaon. Tii. re akigrudéer feno niilitary expedition wîîicîu itlateneceesar>' alenyon vr feno 10 sBond, vilI gratif>' sud give confidence sra4ger might fasaey our fair baun off to att loyal antI weltIimpoied persona. Whi by a crack #Ijçlining place ioilat. vici-. ler Malesity's troupe go forth on an er-- ras ofpeace, sund amîl serve as an aseur-ui>ofAsoorD catsdteoe anec to the inluabitauts off Red River et t4te boos 0-litse nytswo - ettletueni andtighe snumerouie tadan tribea copare gî sue ma thn o the Outd tlîat occupy fige Nortli-West, tirila>hpr a vouru Ilbi> ihIhs f ti bave a place in the regard sg d in th,. Sod.Tic Tui? 'Club are uaking arrange. counisels of Etagland, andI my e> Ilonme te ac scoomod&t* u. nvbreyi ÃŽie imuparuial protection off the.Brtisii ->' pi.rthi sceptre. fors taet ve cao reounabl>' expèec.Tii. liotter,à e "00 1»uiuw, ansâuueing of t eTii ovn d- blontoros, the Rliay s> eul sj aveb worliiugb4$ fo bs sar oamutsd of the. rotd. W.u' êrstand% th" Mr, Damble yl puiciaslislibit i j# sbI corner>'lie BhaeG.W. Eaflaaya4 1:l> oe i'Ie aoutnt. Tb i g,. sud psiuooucM ph , aîioa #ver>' puoop.e ie hérosi! iang la man- on' Ù4 vol thol acre ket. itli MAn> ning o"dr tue aiaIl.o eéor ad t0od bt>lsssj," The vea- ther, aliekn l le s.taabdligbtfully LÂtoaoss.-The Wlisby tLeso i ft eer sud euuny, bcea. domi>' toyards Club hlà à ameeting o o odaast,«4for -10 o'elock, sud wbiu -ciigoli asrriv.d ai Ali""da.msotion rata baute falI- sud thé parpo.. offootecing oscaers sud rm eco ne ekdi.u urtgbôrmaue lut Arrangemeats for a ivel>' ss , Mr, af-the êd", -go he p of f anu>'import. ulamuecon vuas ppoiutsd Soerstsvy snd ce tr»tnspiied -derlng 4 'rat off thé Treasurer ; Mr. Wm. CaldPrenî1 Journal, tillthti. icps araitn t Coling. Ifr. J. Blow, ico-Psesideut, sd-k . Foaod, alsre they dis.mbiod sud at once marctied dowu to the safae.la YauY&t ck,<aptain. h le aisiied '40 in- Wav&uq fly ady to rogive tiem. The erease thé strenglt cof th# club sud malle roliiaving, bea eaîld tçy vsrerte.v.d il as suceosefal As setya. .sub"Seip. of théir knspeactc andI scemuents and Ciou a bu ... placed! at the o 1e figull ra ffa.idWtbeiquarters oui tle vesdL. 50c., so as to bu aittalu t sèachof ail.. -Thé eueabmoao .asmtÇut compcl' Partis wihingobuo. mc ii. lebtlt-etesmer, bilt s 10-at Toratd, visingto beomm*bràof hefor csrryi, 1 p 1seutas etaa.a (c6lliog- clubeau ppl' b99,' Jn i ko, It- ai Woodd4 Saisis te;1Iça sector give tom: vsry iuD(fprgag - prhQoqucu t4îe 4 o be Cmii ~ ~ ~ - ~ ses.vortlyansud,"tlebttsp4 îulvs WîîTAIîX BÂTIN, off tii.Six Na- I have boenf ou board cf isna>' ovu districtm tlpias vis itiutOW4on Tonsday. as regards rçquIremeuts «P(bty' Zlotyai t H o vwu d:e s rci ws~1 ar c" hmoýa sD p r eu ion ai been - t é &' toi g a vas fcllowsd b> à croad cf admiring, against acci dents., Tii. tesai launderc juveiles Tii pf lisvi4îvas thc management bi'Osi PClanpbetl, au objciexporienced olicer'oeUte uppôr laies. d arrange for a mat-ah betasen a tesancoi- Pesides t4i tr-cops, the. WaidmnOearrios bis braves sud thé Whfitby -4ossue club. the. follcaing -stores for lte Dsn off the ex- Il ta probsbe ltai$ it *111'tàOPlue On jedition z 100 barrots off Oen, 259 luga offn the jot orf July. tl5fooed, 375 baga off cas, asIsge quantit>' cf piressed iiay, 20 cuse off pnived platas, N t Ithe lest im portant festtrcin pet- 15 aggons !9 y ole oof catl, ith ok s d 44d4pitâjne, 2 beef estie.& 1lowa' Counpound Syrnp off Hypopiiosphites, Ti eiclaoeicuitof a ud te the Cumffore, 98oY*ucY>sud Vigor aiie red ciiolera botsa, 200 bapdages, tac fieldi le inspir.d by -ilsgqasd ahiel le developu patiniers, tvo field companions, surgical. cd as the patient recoveri ffrom siellues. instruments, and liospitat epplianees. Im- Price $1 OP abhele Q>for $1650. Sold omeatel>' ounithearrivai Offthe troups naId b>' ail - apouhecaries sud by F. Candi lé Soult Ste Marie, Surgeon Codd yuiss ue a bandage andI a boit te e9etâ Mau in the. Co., abolesale agents, Montréal. exjicditiou, lu accurdance wi the recent i %M- i id le r. g "Gentlemen Offie Mfule O.t Commoru oioen s bdiaeleeuc reted,-for Twenty years experienoe.in ching I tliauk yon for the reueiness 1viti thbe Prine, iiis;uMp M sd otler distingnisii- BrYo's PuimuaiÏ Waters bave prov.d wiicii'oiluhave -granted the neceseit->' ed iitors ua Reporters stand, pool oel.tem teehotii mebteifectuai ypcmdfo ffupplies for tii. public service, sud have iug eStada " ece ap4s itcngsndriaioOfhet"t> *,0baurved aill a aaiâfactuonthe precîutlouands îà rcs yapuusfi.eagi n riaiuoftét~et ss you haveoaken te guard againit au>' pou- dividual, sud itgrand stand 108 (eet long .e4 h>' old, or unusuat exerlion offte sbedefiieucy in b revenue. an sd 12 ffeel deep, aisé a larga Bo oth.. Tii, veortgins;j pnblié speakers sud sing- >«'Hon. gentlemen andtGentemen.-:- trt"a le lusplsiU4ldconditionu; sud lunact ersa ilI fiud thonsiom t eteeficial.The "The information abici reacbed my- the. anly îhing v eun emt.tls.li reo'fou I eeein n aouetnment fromn a>'quartefs as to the O qurteMleteeiefedo 'fom& dlteosin ilesigni off ti. psttas styled -Fenians, mesting a grand success fi hua veathér, gredieuus rendors Bryan's Pulmunie Va- arrucd and openl>' drîtîcd itarfous parti For te,i9forMaîioof parties altendiug fers, or Congit sud vuice Lozonges, a site off thc nigtîboringbSttes, rcufred it lu. the. racesviii vbeiçfa e i' menion t-etiy for Il.etucet delicate person, sud cunibent on ce to sppty 10 Parlisment 10 -puges aPset tg suspend tic habeas corpus tbat the Turf Club hale. mode arrange- bas conseil uhom to'b. iteld ;q bi«g kes- &et,' as well as (0 Cali oui an ai-iued force mente aihiUn B. Roeld. f0 . ahîca tii.teîtm b>' aIlvioéliave tisd thoens. SoIt for the deffeuce off the froutier. The vig. tiie coqu le1cntreoff i.,1>' I 'icu elru et 250t8 per box. Ot-ous stepa resorted to andtIhie laudabl e ,ýgon ntecnr f» yatmdcn e promîptitude orit i îcîîthe active milila course for tle.accommo 1ldaion of carrnages. v Lvrt, a> lf-R iuo respoitded ho lie cal te are, chilîcd hie Tii. Boott e vesosui on the grouud, Ou Moot-, taveru keeper at Brentvo>od, bas liopes off theie vadei'e andI avertedths Ttedà utta uc n, t tle igliesibeen arreshed b>'Détctcive Nevbiîl uf Msengu e , opetlanl I shah nul erîîae ide, b'-it uouPo sleToronto, for lhe murder off William N. a sngune opetha 1 hal ne bcplaedbiderby tbeweHknoa Pol ollrBrekenreed. The case vas hourd before undert-ho neceesit> off exercising thc Mr. Quimaby, sud resulteit s follove; Thon, Machaut, Es ., J. P., and the poveeer 50 usted tu-tu.. "Tu. provisions matIe for fthe hsking orf No.,Il Booth, Mr. A. Alegander, Wîitby, Crovu Attorney' off Sitcoe. Moore !a Lie tIccetintal censue lu 1871, ailI bc so for $33; No. 2, Mr. Johnu Belt, wtit'by, Couni>' Aiz otes stolattenx -carrica out as to ensure, fi possible, the. for $29; No. 3, Mi. Jas. Shepparit, $aking ufts simultaneotis census in alitlberW ,fo$9,o Majesty's pozsessions In British Noti W4itbYfo N. 4, Mr. R. Snov, ODrosA, Ma>' 17.-On Mfonda>' lhe cor- Amcrics. -Wtitby, for $26 ; No. 6, Mr. A. P. ner'ltons offthie Me liodigt Epîscopal "Il siîîceroiy hope tuat the preparations Tshsunu, W orh0ite churci vas laid viti easonic honore. At wiici liane been tuatured for te protec- 1 e o 0i- ; 0#>,Mr,. os& an est-t>' our ithe lnhabitants off Odessa tion off te Cunadian fislitnies wl b.o etiect Poaers, Toronto, *115.- sud vicinit>' vere gatbeired togeuber lu live, Ever>' este will bu tîkien te combine --.ae--. front off tic Prince Arthur Lodge ruomt 1 lie caintlenarnce off the undisputed rigîte LONouir x eÂ.-We are Iuformed that vitueus the grand displa>' of the. ancient off Our (iermen viti tie regard due (o the London Turf Clnb, at s meeting tly order off Masont->. AI 10 o'clock, salu., thie members off tie Prince Arthuir og tlte uet daims off tie fotcignere, andI 7ou Leld b>' item, lhave decide ecag o eegetdb h l ria ftode ylI 1ami periuaded, acknovtedge viiiddt hretnvr.getdb'trehel'arvIofIet gratitutde the counlenance sud mural sup.. per cent out> on fit-t moue>', instesd off ona obrhe rmthie Ctat-îeui lodge antI portvltcîtherMnjstys gvetaynt it-t sd *pt-oitieuî brotiars from Kingston. potwihbrUnet' oonmn frtadsecond, wapp.ared in-4iei ro.A 2ocokhepoeso a oed ïbs announced the initention of aflordinm r-A'1 ' -ktepocsinwa omd '&Tic genet-al hune off your debahes ad grammes, viuiali the>' issud sOMOte ime headed b>' the Odessa brass baud, sud tise unifui-texpression off pt-valcait opin, agu, ut thlii. omngruceste 10 la e mrcied tu Lie grounds off lie ucv chut-ci. ioninîicae laI ie eope of Cnaa a-e her iu furhcuing tak plceThe ceremon>' vas condticted by A. St. sen nie of ieatîtaepesof anaiug rec e nJuns next. venson, G. l., off Moutreal, after vbilci snioftheirdviexisîariing futmorovenetm MjxBi.,,...htiejPivenile choir discout-sed suce excel trust licir contentmoni cay be off long 0,gtatynglntmsc i.'tenajundt i andtinuancessudftake for teafurl uotédt ie eturerlu sh ted, here tables vere epread Isden pontnuane, Vilcerle ailoïéedte elivr alectre n wih teboice;t tIelicacies off the Besson.i prese4t it vlithecaesnest vish liai tic de' tie Mecbsnics' Institut, ho.nigiic, npon t, viici tic>' ditIample julsice. Tiey r termînation sud effot&taoff i, counhry tu liisRedtie xeine u edr iiesdwt he hesfrteQei reserre tle blessinge vicî lit enjo 6ysus' Rvreiitetc.OieaesdipreailtrecersfrheQe. be creined vii tie protection antIdistin viii lave tu Opporfunit> off seeiug oe Suisicd fayot-out Providence.". wh e,,, ..h n.u "à--. -. -à- GonîsîCu. May13.-Charlgia Rnelasl ACai AM5NtitTliTo Br TUtt OVEIINuo.orxAÀr, Au se10 u19)(-1 n at el t-eCtillg ttue treai- ment snd t-lltuf fret suad .tlatre8sad cari- uer%. Aut aet reepcetirg te eoattug traite off Au set bIoand un settepeçiiug lie office off Qtteeu's prnter. Agi mol to .11ud uth e t reipectlng te su- tradition off certain etistiderâ tbtire viited btes t-%off Muet-te. Au set tsuirmoud an set re'peatlug oruelty to 4on aitsltus. 'ltat -ie siugiug off iiitia Aq sot toecxtetsd tic poavors off officiali eu-. eraire te Certain ctues thereitinuitiontîil. 411 set 0 ittîend un set rehatiug te liglit- bouses, bîttys aud beatoins, -An fset to atuteud îta mol, off incorpora~ion et the Gt-et Wetern llltvey. AunsRa reç'eeîigtie (;rond Triante Rahîva>' ocoulpâânof iiala, rithfio and L.ke -An set tlu stiirrize le tbau ot BellerqjIt l Impose antI' colleet Irarbour diusand lor otier put-posesi.- SAn met 10 ticorperato tIre Petroit River tua- uch oînpany. -- Au set furter ho acen thie setis rce eeîilrg1 the m eoveautandma vâettof tCe bar- -' An -au rome Un ,vthe Icirtîtesuigmîln. Bh atdailante off tornierce aud thept-e. pidant direethr, sud comuay off the 0ot Auniet b inaet-putat. ",the Seetet>'09 off - An bote IeorporaLt. heSt. Francia, td nt7auiie Inaptitonal rsillasy ompan>' liA*P ' r itnd:i ut Vie. ebsp. 44 sud 1 Aunetrepeîlu atss wdbank'-w. t Ansost tg'Ineot-pt-sbtea Company for te dottrtton off& i$' -e-1te 0onneel te Au set, tOesnthoî'xtu theorperatîcu of thc bovusiip otf Cotlitgveod, lualit. eonnty off Grey", te imupea-i cllee tllluor isarboun jeu.At licnacuti théilaBeav arvr o , - « Ove ma 'or -au cam r'.. - ...-i 5VnCau Do 5i5 $ot uy the rebel Rol,..Sud provet himslff, unneu imalt trying hircuttances, aàt-ne Britain snd brave mSn.- N douibi, toce, lui- timafo aequsiurfaace viii tii. sount> snd. witii aIl the psrielm lâr09off b. slliog, aitl furuisii material for a"mot interdshing lecture. ln other couêl% lît b.effouud t Mayor'& Proclamation for lie Quee'l Birthda', ve hope ouilowns peui. vitt psy propor attention 10 ht and ve are tikut>' le lave a grest mati> visitais on that day mate, on*I ivel>' ban lok s ell as possible. W, vonît eali, S tteotien etfthé Town Fstters tu- the évr>' bal sfatc off thé sideai twee-a:4 Sint' elarcb a&0 île bridge cirsrIyDe' ret ur vwilI be large erýowts passig o-r lb u.xl a.dhgou tle va>' 10 the racecOurs, sud if noblg d oue ik alîl b. strauga if vu do Dot best offtomes aceidenti. Bet- tan attend fei1 lu limeu e haeo Goob>iFOOtD »PtUswvovr, prodqies the Mme NcIut099 s potsianvite bas be -st&rved thés thé PersFmsuSyrup, su IrsToni,, do.e lpon-Utb Weïa N.dD-ý bltatea, t; k aies thstrlnand vigor-j «aiehoit lg eelema d ufeulug laI. aged 7 pars, a sou off the Iste George Rum«tbaîitOff tuis place, vas droaned le. day v.iteamneing himself viii a raft on9 île'river. Tii. boity vasimmietiatel>' re- -Aftera lngdebate lu th, Impsilai Houe off Com cons, the clause in thei. t Irish tand Bill providing for advances te, 6& tenants bas becu carried 6> a imsjuriiy off]E Considerabie uneasinase vas esusedin:lu Kingstton ycstcrday, b>' lie tumored cap- ture 0f Rcd Baver stores at Fort Willam andI Snuit Ste. Mario. 'Tie people ne- covered wiien il lîurnetj opt io bespAard. Atelegrapbic experiieul ibas been suc- ceasfullY- mode,.b' bywicb viti seven rep.ten in a circuit etrecblig 4,800 Union, a message vas sent lu three.fourths off s second. Willism Heur>' Smith, Prpoudent tifftie greffltondon ev. Distribuîiug Caîppan>' presided ut tie aunusi dinuer of tielg-n- don Press Fond, sud Lord Ulou$bpu ,nde- livere thle specIîx >ftis.ovelng.- A report leacnrubu.ola, thedi Hou. A. G. Arciibald le f0 le appoluteit Lieuteitnt-Goyernor off Manitoba as 0sc3 as .order ls rastered. - Lcrd Strathoeera has-itréadith Le Route off Lords a Vlompu , ory itiou »ill; butas, Mr. Fevlr bas ilîl off:he ssm» upinre ip théfe ÇqWjcuno saton vas taken -The conitliof *#airs 1là Cuba vas disuaofilnhbUoniîlîuenî Cortez' on Saturda 'anud ofcieal stalements voe tui.Iitorder vculeh ebortl>' be -Te- stei,, anthetIi. Quueu orf lie AutEfls onc 'Imre utaehpyaipieJ- At three o'01001 the.bugle sndeàthe rUfaiin MI, théletroopi - vers@nisyclisi tiat u tessef itaitet a fea min- utes sftervarde.As tie :vessel eteamed op ltse bey, thé -men ver.la in ue spinits, sud cleered in aneover to thé croad colleci- cd ou tii. wharf tilti l'oeeOnt off tesi. Appattng Ral-rcatl cclulet.t NiNETSEM rsasovs xxeesn ANDO]%£]gr 'St. LUnis, MAY 12;.-At six o'cloclI thua moruing, the, nigiit expreas train on tLe Missouri Pacifie Railiosit, aiic leffi Ache. ton, Kansas, yesterday eveuing, cothided near Bureka, tventy-eight miles (rom liera, aitii sn extra freigit train going vesi. Sixîeen perdons vaekitted Ont. riglif and Iveut>' aotiided, tipof oflm vili i.. The, woundeit are heing brongit lers. Most off the killefi are poison. returuing froun Kansas, destiped 10 peints lu Illinois sud Obio. Altieugl n>'off îe onud. cd are suricus ar> ltt, it la ielicved ltai tI aill recover. They at-e veli cared for. "ÂTES. Tihe train contaiuing tie vouniteitai- riveit about thîe c ck The sufferers vere taken îutii.h hospifal, A great eroad vas at the.depot, sud as -le vounit. cd aere bone on matresses ta, proper coun. ve>'anets, mueh-sorro vasuimauifested. Tii,,viole nuaber off killeilai novr r.- perted et uiueteen; acuindeit aient thirî>', off vIrentfiftcu are serionsty sud eighî daugeroushy iinjuied. Tii, blame off the collision seeme to at- taci, te Wiltiam Odur, coudictor off the. extra freigit lt-aip, wite shuuld Lave aaited at île gravel switch niltlite ex. pt-eus passed, but missppreheudiug bis onters, or tiiking Ie contit ascii Enrete befare thie passenger train, veUt ou. J. P. Jackson, engineer off-thie pase. ger train, statis lit bis train ami1 oven baîf an boni lato aitBaireka ;.-met lie rs- gujar freight aIit plae ,faggiuug lie ex i tra; vras tbld lIaI 11>'hai-t wonty min- iîles âf gra la~tme,uuéaCpnidne or Dulxois, aho a'vu-On ue-Lgnsalit, A I r ig t, g o A b e a I ?, ii i apte lurelca sîcIan> sd proeesitt'nibona mile aiieu tle extra freiglit- vas seent dasiig round a bluff under futl ieadvsy, t utly fromn four lu five b"indred lards uff. i seksou iybisteddoan braees,_ reveissit 1 l» engins, gaye 1ber san4, tbldlte cn- duetor sud jiremen te jump, aa4 an instanut sfier the. lraing cane togetitr Ijtli-the c arigitetI fli fo 'ree, an it ith Ie ppalting. rsuils iiretofore gtetfed.-Jackson, in jmping fromt thé angine, vas lufléd cover fi ivood iltend foud irmnslf-Ii titIry n cet ci tite-opposite aide off the fence-- it le did nct boa. couse ouueu sud vasuc oj erion>ly hInt. The collisio cu eeredil1on i h ki about flfteeu fe obligh. * t 1 Ssittrcgp, 70 us - W î.ooai.Atthé te ouri off Iuiteri'n Sessions, Yestorday-H cunor ;otge liott pnasiding-~.th e pri- k onen Johnu Radford vas Jarou&ht op on il -ent, dhargot vlth ommit4ig anin. tf îent Msa-f n up én a litîtê >frl nam et -e aunai Iosspr, lu the To wnslta of . il oni, a shts ime ago., Ho dld nue4 wd ppears, suicceed la aceomplisbing. bis etgo ; but bsing fouina guili>' off the at, mpI, ho va ses.teneeil to #v# molit la oprieonment, duiurginqfieb te tne- z. ive ffWeýlstJ#(aei- oft6 e ou in1e 10 - '-.-.age ria 1 0,nt ra - urdpn, May Xù-.bPoor-law'board rill at AVrouncucannot lAvfflly st as parîsi guardians, sud titat-ctisequently MisBurdetti Coutts is iueligible te- LiaI OMWIu-in lb.pagisb off BethdtalaGreen.,-- * faaiaM a 17i-MeJxicmalbatvfréesto e-.* b leben edtle t'- G ÇiaC-, .0o04, atr gin rggsding iumeous band, astlaek9d l 'ihe ian ofTnciipfià snd -were reputeied. Tii. Cuernavaca insur- gentshave been defeated and affiervords uîoved m i. Sth $ataoflPus. Congres bas decided to itiy Trinia icias ta eu-' bei off that body. William, au Ameri nie u Gsrray, coansioner for the. govenient 'have gone te T£ebuantepec toi suive> '- c anal roulit.. A rupture bas taonm place betwemeni gorernd ligiîtature orf Jalisco A l nune lfigwaymen bave been executed. .- A cotony of minera hav, left Hermosillo for th. nealy diicovered miines,. , IBerlin, PJy 1.-Tii. Reiciistair h as passd a bird- readînq thei, bitlcarrying .i . t t hfe i , p r o v is io n s o ff t h e, p o s t a l convention conclucled beiveen the Uuit d Stalla asndtiie North German' conffedera- Pasi.Ms 7 -Ti, Enapror off Aus- tria, cndEmprese off raime viiib. god- paréfnts of thé. expecied cildof the. Prin- Ceu s M eternic. - 7 Paris, May 17.7- Tii. 'Frie'h- gov;fq- ment bas offcialty notiffed Greece tint iff thc brigands capture Frcnciinen,' Greece shalt psy the ransom' Paris, May 17.-Thbe palg, Of Iti o fft centre té vbicii be!onged ýtbrée miniuiterg vlio iave juast rcsigned, is 1t6b.bcIee diatel>' reconstrucîe' d. Tii. -nev cabinet is viewed viii considerable aitonishînent. Paris, May1.-h ministerial Joctr-à nais contrndici îh1i report that a Te deutn1 witl b.e ung and- grand Jes, vîti1 il. luminatione, givei on the occasion off tii.- dclcaration off tiie plebiscitumn, but tbeyý sa>' a soiemn asscuîIblage wiul b. convokied ýat viich the hhnperor Vyul receire th~e îtllcial announcernent of the. national vote in prescue, of the' great bodies off the sate.t Thle eon#eitutionet. semiofflcîal organ,t demanda Ciat the lave lie applied tin thd rigor to tic cases 6f aIl1vîto nttsck th ie con titiîtion, and la full penalties be rîiied on the membohrastoff the Interna- tonal wokingnîen', ýsoie t>'. onvicled off. creating disorder. iphe police continue te n oe search for sud arreat parties ituplidâted si in t e lat . uon piracy. . A native off Belgitia vas discoveredL Iuring tb. election anuong the' voter. at an* polling place asu«!vuspreatd, and bai inco been snt outof the curir>. F Madrid. >lay 17.-Elipaitô bias ritten ft a letter to Marsial Pritm4 declining the t candidacy for the. crown on accounit off hie great age.. bi Tii. Cortes bas passed a bill autiorizung, ivil marriage, by a yole of 142 to 8 ni The press c'rnîinné to urge the settie.t ment of the question. of tieChtron, and tl te ar.xieby in politbul circles for the ai ermination off lie prbVisional status dailY d, craitWie yTonhi .uel SColuimbus,Ms>' g, ;870. 'V Tii, Gouncil mt tuis da>'. ember iO 41lIPpt-dent Minutes read antI confirmid. 0 A communicaion front he Inspector Of $id asYlues ,prisons, &c. nOtro a s latid betore tie Counci. n1Ota deiva A petîtion signed by A. S. Wluitingand Le4 others vas- presentod, cocplainiug off a pool off stagnant vale- Outhe'lands off Th Messrs, J. W. f'owke, C. biala->'asd B. Whsite, neathle Raitway Station, endan- get-iug lhe health of lie peuple lu tiat vicinity-i tihe ik vas ordered lu notif>' tw( lie uwncrs off thse landI to fortiviti recove Eu, tic nuisance, otierviâe proceedingi vould aud be taken ansinst licem. t .Tic Council tien passed a by'Iav t te estâblkti antI aseutue as a igiva>',ti the rond used for severai yeare paît on lie bes West side of Lot No. 5 la the hIs cou- lait cession. ' ing Tire folloving uccount e e.presented ver, sud ordered ho be paid; off J. fi. Moore a for repairing tic bridge near Sydenham Harbor, $32 ; offfrL. fawkings 1 pair offou boots fr ido v Jon s $2. 50 ;-off W e. w - Besîl for rcgistering Deet of RoatI onue West aide of Loi No. 5 in it concession, tie sud'-ot by-Iaws Nos. 208 andi 218, sud- off t copiés for Registration, $7 95, cou] Tie council resolveit itacîf intoas Court se of- flevision. The Reeve lu the chair. ti 'Tie Court rote anthe Council eucned. lia The Reeve repotted the Assesament Roll Màa withut an>' amendment. AndI on eo_-.ptt lion off Mr. Motiersiil secd. by Mr. Liefe, gres tie Asseasuncut Roîllvas couflîmed asofU the Rollof 187. - in A petition sigupi b>' Messrs. 'William tin l!hqmpsou, Jaunes Bligbt sud others; was starl ,res'téd stating liai M. T. Be4ford bcd a CI, £1 dt p the Nonquon Roadîin liee1.. cou. of lieach sud askiug lnth i~cffr the counclir te matter,. vien ou mo- sud -ion off Mi. Luk 'e seconded b>' Mt. Lick, One, the Reeve vas iequested to- correspond Othe iiih tbe Council *off lie Tovnehip offTii, Beachin regard 10 cloging up saud rood. The ýThe Council thcn adjourued te' Monday -sud he, 301h gay 10, t eteet51P0 Y sud Bîradford, May 11.-A unOst deliberateoOff î Dase of suicide occurred aboqt-four miles vasî romn bore lasI Ft-iday nigit. A man sud nmpd Thomras Mc9onald .hatI-- prumiiedreu Le b el p q n e ig bor ou S aturd s, - sud u4l3 fre a om ing as expected, te nei eibor s et one D u )f is uitie boys'foi bite. Tiboy fotind D iM iaugiug from ,a bean lu inte stable. ao IcDonald gid nailed s board up &buau di vwo (set froni lie f1oor, doubled ' thé -cord omake it bbasr bie veigit, put i rounet Tb ié neck sud IteppeI off tiie board.: A 'debal cnif eg bpond luis pockîcb, v'itktheî .meut liii.' open, H. hl" uot fei't b.! b'oises >"iPoe' tid 5hj t, o is ,uÉpo"dseittbayre baux. fid I i hfjmmeiaklyon lis relu-n ffrom p5 me'filti. coroner Morionheld au nueul linsverdict in ieraiewt l et -à oe.,-- À V ssthy lMoineami ecisut, jut . e vn sss , s,lb l mi t i leffi tom es 30,00 0 or e tO,cOO toe sused-lu onpplyii -vau naint- ïg» <.1l a in th@. nmetropo l-s publie t a c g m in t' ir 'e (Ecuienical Ceuntiil lias closed lhe Amos %te ou tii. ese'or aweesm, sud com- itr lzedtt tiiaioo t nffslliblitt7 off the e-the Ultramointane Party' being con-1 t that it vin Itermiate in a monti, lir1 coýrdnce viti ticir desuresthouïgi -CIS. o n. buudred memberg ibave given Yog&, ce off tiieir duterminatioa to oppqe.u4t. f.<fl deal intermiarvisgebetween vhite. and éoloared persona. The. decor4tiolyor lithaes of tiou.- Lodens. dead at Mount Olive pidAéiiety cemeleric.*tq0->k plare ysed.Sva siiousd pe~nse eePlient ianid tb.c vWs an înspiriag demonstration.- Wuushinton, i, Il.-la the. Houa. off Houem. resÉlaed eoelifflbraij&, off the.bill reported by; Senasoriqu'iU revive Americali eommerci0A0a4. jgý tion. Senatr Lyncbgavýe qotii. liai lie uvould oeil foràa voté on ièiseb Týi. Seustor Wood adesdtéHmé correct0d *bat lie iiaatrised a popular erri, shat the. foreiga 'Commerce oet thé tTnited States W34 on tii. deelin,. It vus fot-tthe foeign commerce off the. country as udeeaying, il- vaWouiurnavigation interesis tii- ere on the decin. Tie mistake pj té coufouad- commerce *uit nvigationt So fr as the foreiga coin- mcerce 'aasconcerned, uas hown bh-,tii values Offthe.importa aud exportsand 'by their relaiive pruportions,, it vus ia a, saffe Sound and satisffactory condition, The~ bitt vent *ver titi to-morrov. Nea Yrork, Ma) 1.-A erovded au- dience of ladies assmbled ths mornig ils Apollo hall, 0 ear an addresa by Mr§, stanon lpon the. caséoff McFartad. 8b4i &id bis trial involved uot caly the ques- 1 tion offhie guilt si a murderer, but îiioj off tarriage sud divorce, viiicli ver. euh. 1 5ects ndertyiug the. viol, social, poliui-, col sd religions fabro. -Mrs. -Richard,. ýsoa,-si ad, recalled tu ber minduiie fugitive $lave, Anthony Burin, Who-as. ruended hucitolestavery alter trsing ithe saeets off freedotu. The. trial of Me. r Fartand, Mis. Stanton considered à series a off hideonsnrsnlison the. sutirs voman- t kind of the. nation, for in dectaring Mc- Paîland Dot gnilty thé. Coqrt virÃŽ iÏly iectared tint Mi'. Ricliardson, ahongli married té anosiier, vswu SOIlisvife sudj bis properîy. Tiie Speaker urged fit o the voman off the Siste sboutd petition c the Législature for a modification off the t] divorce Iawi tht, divorce miglit b. more readily obtained, She also nrged voman p n suffrage"asthe chief meanueoff obtaining justipe for lir se:e, lton veec rend diuactîuing tup riglitf married per. V sons té co6sider each otier as propcrty. t Sir Staff'ord Norhote, aecompanied-by ni Lady Northcote 'and tao dons, Ieft by be Erie Rond titis eveniug forNia-if, Falls in route for Winnipiig. SrSf-C frd gocu thence on a diplomatie mission c t the Red River inînrgenta. ri llîica, N. Y., 'May 17.-A serions ti reak in ii .he, VSTISE Ï4oc, ti-'d 1. __i moiningaettille drffl~ i ié1iiie diveS W'titeshoyo'. On, boat -aas carred It 1rough tht ow-paîti; about 100 feet off Pl le Nea York Central railway, awu carried &I ea>, and no- trains eau Pais until lie at amage is repairedai Norfolk, N. C., Ma> 17.-Tii. entire idi msinéase.part off Henderson, N. C., Vus tr lesîroredby firé ibis- morning. Tii. fire Rt ras firit dicoverd iu a store ou the dh nain tret. it spread ver>' rapîdly and dai oun coumed every building dn boti uË ies of the, Sret for a distance off 200 j?. ards. Ever>' business lions. in toan aus 10 éstrpqyed. The. fire is bolieved to have tre cen thie aork off au incendir>'. At ,ho Internan al Ya Tchit Race.-Tie A Sappho Vîctorious. tai toi Tii. firat off a séries off tire, races lie- tat cen the Amei'ican yacht Sapphio, sud gr gliali Cambria, sut7 miles to viudard bar i returu, abicli begnu ou the lOti, îhr rminated ou the. following moruiug in the i l eie Caibtria off tiieSappho, wiiici of L fateCmrsfrom tii. start at tiie the ter'a beat point off sailiug, usuel>', Inru g t viudvard. Tic yachts werc towd ry early ou tiie tnoiug Qf th. lOth, 10 Que point South cSt off Cowes. As à sirong the terl>' vind aas bloviug aud ithe race Lon & toi aestvard, the. course vas*up chan.. endl I.Tii.American yacht Daunites and 9'. eEnglieh yachtî Pléiad, sud a number hli other Enigliali crafis sud steamers au- onn mpauied tiie coutesîiog yachts. Tiie Dii me ai tic start vas very flue and e; Go, ug.- ltvas arraaged by ithe umpires ville i the ilyiog start eiould bo given on rece rt taeck iy hicli the.yachts vould gain sent >A-1 neatn of Sir Johin"4A. Macdou ut Dot annountie any improvemnt thog4 offb li ano vorse. ut- The. Iusirnces on thé hll ô<*Ib.oe bcoff Quebeo ves--Provincial, $4,OWo Britiish American, $4ffl0; Montreal ,! w000 'Western. *6,000; Quebec, $4,00~ Scompanies in, Europe, $5,00-total $».. ->0.The cargo on board vas woeuj ,,aot$109,000, of aicl a large portio vas nsure The Orient had$Woq a te 830,0001 Ina counection vith tbei. m 40off thevessCity of Quebec, it bues bms 'star.ed tbat two Prenclimen vere.PM gers On ber *ho hale not héen acounte rit lor'TO.men ivere noticed vaikinz the. r-deck until m idnigit and it ie presumae that tiy thec veut below -aud sai o, with'tiie abip alter the collision vith th@s t Germany. id PARKEIL...At Whitby, -on lii lfl Id mest., the. vif. of Jpha A. earketts)rq, of à a daagbter. Wiaitby markets.- g CBEOUCLE O Mcgi 18i, 1870. : i~Wia........::.... 0 4 pe'u .....e............... 50 060 ~re ................. . . y y..o ........... r Litatv................. 1'tte.............$7@ d Prkpe t.......... 8 8 ir Butter.......... .....t.. 16e. If Eggs.............. STurkcyi. per l.......... 8 l0.8. Geeft ........... ......... toper lb - Duck, porr ..... 0 Ct,. t Dr. IIligeS foot ofeveèrrnutance born, gThîtCVýr r bed, or oùltèd a gnun, 'The people naid. at luai vai found A Acure tr everyuCsoteor vnmuu Q - Ad all w pi akfthn 1) Atticted witb emmnia.Itlma. or bruis, - Thoumzudsefaufferera henndi b. neya, re "o iui a. l.dijiaime t telr ivs'; the Cetre. * letevery au4rarer likewuie uny . I>. nggal Modeni Curative. t Von vili ataayà flndîhesbuveamud Reerayg ýDrngpizv;s and Cnury Nercbarn.agrueruvzu.ga,, the Country, sviyen vil ii ,qo8n e pA1tWsiu the grraieat remetly crhe site (or the. spWey ena et Catrru. iienahe. Neuralgia.. sudili aitieucntu cm pain or tnfiuuuaion. DOn J. Bruis &Co-. f10' prietrîna. Ol"e. ge. 208Broadwalr ...,uMd NO.4 NMW- ADVERISEMN. TIREE NIGIITS ONtiJ Tuesday. Wednesay & Tlmsy, *AyT 24, 25&-W0. Musical 011e Gombinaion, From the. Royal Lycen, Toronto. Ticket,, 25 cents_ Eeaerved Seatsen Ofts- irnpropriely. viti the said Countesa Sefften, sud lier. la mot tii. eligiî foundatioa or jpreteit for ltse stotem ltbat I arn lily>'te be Me-r.tloned in Divoërce Court sa a corespouident in ase b>' lie Ravi of f effion agoinit itheConali 03. 1knov nlotiiing off, sud Corniot ce ceir aff anytiig vhicb could hàve itc gested or gis-en ruse ho suc sa tateme The joint aldavit offtii. Barl'sud Coiu tees off Seftou staled "'-11, V -aeri tic paragrapi lu the,-Seffield Deiy T grape. 112,We vere rnarried on biseIM of Jul>', 156,13. ". W. bfiave lived t eller rom te date of oui marriage doi 10 tii presnt lime in' harmon>' sudj rection, aud-ve iave'tbree ciîdren. l!iere in not lis.e ligistest sisadpw roundation or pretexT for the. elateme abôv, seà forth, as contaiued lu. ,ti Sb feld Telegrapli.115, And 1, tb -80 Bari, formyself, ay>' Ikuov off notliing an 1 commot couceive of auyhing wiiclicou have euggested or given ns, on a statement. "16. and 1, lhe said Coui tese, for myself Say LiaI I kuow -01. n, tiîugaid eaun4i conceive of apythil uhici eould have auggesled or givi rise to suci a statemeut "1. Tier. b nerer been the. eligiteet impropriety ' uny kiud betveen- His Royal -Higiui the Princ, of Wales sud: myseif.I nd vo, the said Ban sud. Countess, si bhal e canuot look upon thé said stal mient as anytbiug but a vicced Iilseho and cntumu>'." tipon thase materialai Jobn Ka-rsike, Q. C., movcd, ou beim -f lise Rail and Counheas off Sefton, for riminal information againstl Mr, Loi lie proprietor of the' paper. Affter reaÉ ig tise paragrapit. the Iearned, count proceeded tu, say,-My Lords, tiers no thc aigitesi foundatio'n of- an> sa )r kindI-s Wisttesi b>'- tii.Earlain Countess.a, w eli as b>' lie Princei Vals--fpr tie suggestion titiS circulo ed ; although 1 quqerataiud tome sort1 tplogy bas been made or oflered, tù anr off Seftou ted. utal il is bis du t>' epply-t the court for ýa criminsl infoi tatiop sgaiqet~-prp1tr f, o bhief Justice (viti eMpbaspi). -M1oi 'ertainl', Si- John> Karslake; take îl.Rule i7id-ura criminq;i ifprm Ïou. A Uris %M10 ' L OUnSAGot-h'o-% tfsiî Mav 13-nacot te muosi diaboliedafair lever recorded, mblisied in to-tIsys Xonftor, On TuR t>' seven mnen came te Lie towu off Lador few tuiles South of here. Altier drinkinj t day (bey vent ta tthe boarding bouse o r. J. N. Roici, antI asked to sta>'al igt., Bcing reffused, ou, account e -unk.eunces, on. off lie part>' knocket tach insensible vith a revolver, aud tiej ien veni ho Lhe bed oc£upied b>' the tl augitere off Bosch, aged 16 sud 14, an risbed îicm during lie entire nigsi ing a knife tu, accoupjlisi theur purpose oach revived alter some time, but feared etir. Ife describes the cries sud en, 'ties of the girls as iesrt-rending., A larroi arase arnong the deâQns 'sud oue as shot dead yuil, satisfying his. luit. d aYbreak Lie par>' fled, one off Lien king wits un the youugest girl. Tie ru vas imeistely arouacd sud patties t-ted, in seat-ch, andtheii'. one a--ith lie Il vas overtaken and banged to a tre. -o othere i'ere found in tic towu sud ,ged l titeF game iree- Tii. rcmaiuin g ree vere also anttrdsd t-vo banged; eotier ai st accounte vas in 'cust.ody. the citizens. Hie viii probab>' ssare- fate off his compunions. Tiue >QUÏEN APPEAUÏINSx TT.TI een, in state, ou tha liti inîtaut,opeued nea building off the Univerit>' off ndgn in Burlington Gardeus. But Iitte tusiaum aawudisplayed -b>' the peopt Ile 1e rVd in the groundg ; but teimaiu vasu croiFded, sud amouget tii. emi- lt persuni prleseut vere Gladstune, raeli, sud the, I.adiug members off the -ernou nsd Parliament. BarI Grain- o. George, Grote and Robert Lowe- eived the Qucen st tie doors and pre- cd au addiess. Her Majet'- instead reading thé repi>' fauished her, said lu lai voice, 'Il 4eclat-, this building to opened.1- Tiih e p vas loudty ered, aDê cligeis ver. called 'an-6 giren teeston for the, ylFau>,the. nier sud Disraeli:' rhe auqrye>'off Lake Superior b>' th Mtlon Off lie American G(oveinntnisl so resumeo Oon'the jirat*off Jue. l 7, or tbereaboufs, j..euî. yid, b>' r of ii. Brîish overnment utadea 'e off thaï lake, suad no0 ve1i did lie Oranthe dat>'assiguaed bina ubat tii, ri te made las beea coutsidered -a RF - R CEI1P TS. Front euhibaancegatd r.- iFrotit baL. off Ce. rates, 1869, froin Townshilp off reock. 294 06 -~- Front Tp. off Mas & Rama. 1119 69 61 Town off Wbiiby ..12M3 3 di Vitg f ma ..112t1 72 of Loteresteondo.186T.. 6 00 "Tovnshsip off Wlutiy. 40384 - ~Cgovirnnnt, . fo n- ilsa Grummar Scien... 273 10- ( Joirarncent, for ait- mjulshtration off Justice ataMue for 18..... '2245 95 FrontAuctionejr.lieusaes.t 446 00 - - #6 .Fruneaper ifagiauua±ee 4925 "Non. oidnt jFond tW uieeidetentnrei.. . M 10 tgFundy te mcclt coupons,....0 55 00-: "Intarçil an Co. i'at5s - for ...... .. ~'Jury-f.eaé, parJ.V Bain .................91 0 GI<overumeut, ounse't et, Admniiilatralion off - - Crittlnai J astice te 301h - - une.............. 31 989 a' yi1 9 .50 ÏTOC iob -I £fui Rsau tara for] -- - Koelu 1cr] 'BSIof i 'C.ga ,£e baye, taa .JA BSTRACT OF Receipts and Ezpenditun 01 oMEs cuaPuRÂTNoir vusM COUNTI 0OF ONTARI4( - s per Treasnrérs Books, tor the>'esr - -ending 5 1 rejulations iuufsd -frgm t6ý War Depart- ment. i

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