Whitby Chronicle, 19 May 1870, p. 4

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k Otie , J Wbitby, namuumon tblea ix airs net gracefl ,-lbe Wealadest Ire al~~n Iol the, lâtait senthema' ilovlty. If iretto imycteions 'Power whicb c«al i etenùed aoccreshava avaiQý tha ignorant nagroci, >b. Mrtin iacorda an lItance I la ioblc th eaist vis Ou the rlgbl aide of the body.-The subjacit**as a cbiid igëd nias, oud 1h, beart l"id dug lhfe.beau hregu. jar,i The goament ofcers a free pasige ln -h lb,0tast bout te sailifoi Canada ta ail do'kyîîrd labourais iecontly dlschaîged Mdwho wlsh la- amlguate. An Englisi paper coilanie'# cf Red Rir fame, dis voigîr, bombatlifia, vho aold bic *otbcu'a cnly aow ta boy S l nia f a &by oifor.. ST. NICUOLAS J]ROTE DUNDAS STREET, WHITB -W, Keep3- cc bro and, and in course of manu- Lad ie ents. and'Missei -Examine for'yonraelves the excellent material and fine wo manship. L Y. Tii, Subseribar lhegs ta luform tic pub'ie liaI hh ol avy ftted n sd renoaited the ha hiole10 , viii.traveliera vili i td excellant aoanîmudpt,bi .Liquaras, Wiin an d Cgare ofsu1pariuqn qallty, lasI *Lagar Boeeu God *taà logaandaextlîve shed montm. A. B. TSTIAN. Wi iiîhy, May 20d,.1870.,1 DY EI1N G S 0 V 1N G. Thec ,isMeruIo pîeaaed to do AIl hindi ai ~ork li dyelug, litaa ik, vool and caîton. Nvary dearipgla.i ot- $LEANIG &t RENOVATING Coho., dona on short nolloa. Iul bats sud famhers lesud sud colorad. oVsolciated equai ta uaw. JOSEPHI NOIR, (lat door sauti of Tannery.) J!Wh'1Itbyay d, 180. 18 ERRAPIN RESTAU-RANT f ANR l (87 & 0, Kingstreat Elat Taronto). TýI0MAB CARLISLE,-Popzox Thnect ois-a MIletes upplli04 et aIltbauim. Wlnas iquars andClgairs atli ttbrande, Shahi ana ,m ystri $aery styla. SPaillai vlatlug Toronto for a day wIJI flngav rY acconumodaîîau il the Terrapîn. Ta neaagmc'd la. acccpteadthe, marina Agency of the £#STERN ASSURANCE CO., or TORlON", etd wilI b. Vlad go affect Ilusurances lai a11 laislg propty tasbîp frontthi. port. C . DRAPER. 7Wlh.April 5, 1870, 1 M POIITANT TO PARTIES USING 5XTRA MACHINE DIL. *Tihis 011 excoa til Othhîi 011, bath aimal 'And vqgbtglb"d W. Are prapaîad ta sbav pt~i suority of thlls011 taoal atbar. l stansds t 0 tois becim pr oura rst laaa aià S tiol. It1% aapt ither lîglit or havy ma- cltairy, ramsioookori>îa urmschilua t h. hoavestl of abate. Vhiealîa-wingare the intA, lna- whloli it tcxciiothor 611oa: IT ILNC'rOUM, lles.. usaoînery eau ila Rapt olean with bt lithe trouble, sud tg viii doen machinery 11. st bonisulîaiadY glimmad by othar 0110. It w 11 Dot aongeaai or thicakan lu the coldek-t of wcalir. ThLçta, a uan utMI it aigat ImPortance, frain tihelacs an O i ual havifng thlii.quuit v iii ual lubrloate a aoîd sliîft, snob i0i11 May bol apilaîllu a besait 1., but Jha imoment t toches a caîd ahi.ft l ta ougaiéld tend vii l iubricattt n-* siI the Journal by fiton acqnlres tual lampqr- atuli~eoaenry to raec lltoia iquid salealu acqirng e tigertempeatrer by taltion.'tie journal -expanudatend the box la litjurod, It ia sas lui 00101le atao *- aIlt il iiChili on a aald s iaflt vilhlint Ibis resuit, sariftaeta min. gia 011 villi vatar. J. G. $tack,, 11il viilu-- briosu, ltie indenttnruclîluary tha mainunt it lall CI.,- 'al%()ilids ratantan o raaz. ov asnro ob. pblia rsuavarenloi mnrî eboeat thinga ra gim aitb nie -in ai ta prav e hI eL0l n hmbnor ud01ilsaci ane rovsanahe 4e ortlons uroaitncr&Hu etor 1i, ai l ta -ots u wham vii ua bail tia te piblieo*IareA tient f~inaf (>1rtaalea sie areg poliatl viii, tck's al rlrMoiîi pro )va raposa le umb whaara liinsersa aientrolo f ite taotamaonhe, la nd lap lou Oem, o* an ap oricitouiymilai os lîewi sasc aisnharg eu n OAI ofk011 uiîi tl.al,» Ag bellaiel <aWite oloestra achine a lnlmai ia bt voseh ald emekaa oud- amthe lisermmoais, sud viich wihi cailla parties or- dering saesourse hietuaulveqaffaianiImpoal- liaon, by aiibinqliîam ta deter,»ine at once whcîhar lb. C01I fcrvardsd la as gaod sa Ai pailidîsleing lu Machine 011e ViII do Weil ti ronunu("te wiîh OUO. 1B. STOCK, Mrongrhsna, Ont. Igole Agent far the Dominion'. Brougham, Meuh 15là#1870. I TE ?$TIMXON làL. Tia ic ta lIAt M7ooaxw, Wav, Oleb" à it li 11170. Diaaasn -We baye bon ningyour Lnbiieiting CIII. or lthi peat fou ntinîbe, isud ian, ci>' vithont hbatin sinhap, nd lants long*i! Ilan auy othay 0il. Iw aetn or tas e14 lut froai ist, 1 Il,% wlt aue iiag. Il koete thetool 01ean suod bi git. W.dà Dot vwant sytinu battetrcaiàlabrcator. -1Jam, youycuuIy, y. W. OLEN, PrcslnL Magnificen Dpiey 0NEW SPRING GOO, 1 jl R. CII-EAPicils 1H STOREý We desire to thank our kind patrons for their very liberal snj port dnring the pait year, and hope for a continuance of the sanie. We are uiow prepargd to sbew",one of the best stocke of new Goodsavo offerod. for sale in WWbîtby d, d wei ml' atprieua4osuit the hard tjies. OMRSTOCK 15->NO W9*Iy COlgpLETEl, CONSISTINGOFO Grey and, White Cottons, SMeetings, -Linens, Shirtinge, .Prints,BuilMa Plques, Black and Colored Silks, rami Poplins, Black and FaneyLdtres, K'ncy Dress Goodc, front1IOde. f0 75&gA., Bioad Clotho,,Tweeds, Coatia<gsî Hate, ,Ca ,S*i'sNok-Ties, and Coliars, Fanoy oods in andieu varlety. Api 18, 1870. JOHN SHINNEI THOS1 BVIE'&SO xx MANUTFACTURERS O0F X CREA-M Aý LE PA7,ALE LE AND PORTERIL UOR& 15-Api î13, --Don B1rewery, Toronto, Ont. As the proprietor attends -personally to the Brewiug, a regular stock of Aies sud Porter eaamwmys be depeuded upon. 07 Partices dsirons of Ihwing Aies of saperior quality and Porter ec1uaI to' auy iniported, are respectflay solicited f0, seud their ordéas for a qnantity large or1 antail, and try for Ihemsclves. With the aid of our incued facilities, we are onabied f0 produce an 'arti. aie (ail the year round) second to noue ini the Dominion, X. B--Orders I*ft with Mr. JAS. H. SAMO,mtt the Furuitura Wmreroonts Bîock Street, Whitby wiii receive pompt attention. Dec. 1, 1869-. ---48 0g E 0 o e 0 '0 lu rw E-1 A EL. p.. ~' ~ GI e -I O OF FIC01AL ýAS10NE. GEINERAL 'AGENCYOFFICE!1 ,, ndin .d vu eevdthe appolnalenîa ,,%,cii aav t, Ko Ouaîolaprpaer 1vpvanî tentîontealtaarInB ukptyo 007O uy. Potsgr oaaAAcnap' i tis d tyet dm d rmpc r piaitptly111111-id*uns .- -ncë tProniptly, sud ai esia ee 1 eDr~.8 I *b.Ont Me réta irs e! SInsurance Company. P&W GENTLEMEN, ATTENTION GEÉNTL!MAN'S OLOTHINO MADE TO ORDER, - THE FINqEST Cam be gselected from, suitable for, the Seaouu I ' Ail ldknds cf Gentlemen's Furnishing Goodas kept,>ý constantly on hand. ALEK. PRINGLE. Wbitby, Âprii 13, 1870. rEW OO6BS TO lAID. Eur Drops, Englieh Plated Brooches, Spectac le s, c, c LOMBARIDSTREET' &CHARING CROSS, GILLESPIE, MOPFATT& Co., Agents 'for JAMES DÂAVIIî,N, Minagar. N2suRANOK spainal Loge by PIRE arc LOSSES PAIDvithauîtrafaîeo hle iaUrd lu Londan. YEOMAN 0GIBBON AprilSîd,805. Agent, WbitLy Ieé INVESTED FUNDS #rs....-817,003 088 IDe LITE FOLKIER are a Oure*:Protectian far th#, future. Ils TIRE POLTOJES, issuad at CImTREN Rira., aftard ampli protection te tha Meichant and Honsehoidar,. AUI tai aims PnouapviyPA ,mdlaut- moat libeiality ahavn lu thé ajusattfa Etead OfflceL'auadé Dîancb, fo1ptrcîl. G. T. C. SUITII, Chief Agent for Dominion- L. FAIRBANSE nAeMw, 'il WhIîby, Ont, Whitby, Jnly 251h, Iseo.se MANUFACTIJRED AT TUIE Agricultural Workua LEFFELIS CELEBRATED Double T'UR13INE WATER WHEE L MUe x La oi OXOA MVEIxO v I is a aaavtng that Vii> bailtonce apparent -ta lave mousyhoan auc nu the Moeible luIs. STownablp'Rlahtos for sale.. h JA.TENNU, ROBES Osaapî.lo Wbîtby, jan. 6,0. 7 DOMINION GALLERY. For rachuasa o9 Toure, <al s of betail, and exquîiiet Finish, canitot ha-surpaaacd I 11aviug mode eset lmprovamenté-lu the lligbig of t higaieuy, hala.8aiv lekt'ug pic- luues'bltar thoan aveu. The nov "Itemblrauidl" pleînëe lskeu it Willao's46alun tii Tiuta Vguetta, e nev and very beanatul style. Ânythiug nev iu-Phalograpb1. tat la-vourti having, eau b, bad aet Ilson'a <Galeri Cabiatets, liframnes, uery l OdPortral, nesîly copled, Portrita anlsugcd ta lita stize, auj calai-ad ln oil-vater col(or aJIdla ink. Mr. Wiilaou la iVi-y aaoaaatui ila taking cblrnapicluras. R. 1H WILLSON. Apili 12, 18o. 15 31Ê.'fÀMS WAKEROfAsbbnum, Ont. I k- ai. p I .4 -J il j T il I R Mi Il t] JA sc A. Wl Rr ESE Wbaeia vo are nov mufmolnring TL Cheaper limonaauy aliar sba1,lu tha caun- try, and ve viii gi-va a garîo eewili o, aci Wee baivarraitiatg tlîem ta le us voilmdi, and la givlu goad samîifactian eas u>'manu- tootUrad lu lia Domnilon. -Paicasi nriug furtiar iinration coan oh- 9E UNDEESIGNED DESIRES TO IN. tain it by sdduiaiugT form uts fileuds sud * palîauu, liaI ho PAXTON, TATE dh 00., bai aga.lu reaumJ businesa natellad- MsebSlt,189.piuiy-S., Port Pery, Ont. WHITIBY LIVERT STABLES MarehMot,1869 Io gar iavIug anareaiad lihe uimber sud qnal ty aof. lie alud, and aIeoa dded la sud fina. proved the coaavoances sud valaiclea au thé, paemi*aa, lia bopes hy being lu a pasibion til .nectel li vta ai aetamaîs tamoult à ahore of publie plitronaga. 1 W CHARG ES MODERATE. N. Bl-Covaued cauveyaaaceafor famnule» nd ladies. Prampt sîtendacn as hretolora, - to Il ordara. N. lRAT, Proprietor. Whlîby, April 8, 1869. - 1 To heurs. CAX(VANo KaPn- tuay P. O., Oout .Of Lennor, Ont., - { MADOCI 1Cr 1 il>' 0f Jatua. - Povinca Of Qaiaula. ei. 9h,18. rrRS l l if)r thut durInqr the vînter ci £L186601 vas tak.u vith à veukuasuor tie amkiai, whicbgrDelly durlug thba Spuiug Of 1887, axtandeulto trny]inas, sud ou op ta MY blpii, sud< 1hobeucso veak Itut Uoud nt v,.lk, but vas contuad ta-my chair. ýpar eboul tvo yeaua, vble lis viaknèe vas eamlug on me, and aftéauvsds, 1 anghî inadicai advuce, am at'diff ima e, lire. doctars. a,'oedFie'f dîffereait kinda, ýpueacrlbad b>' rlaaads. but olnoavail. I oantlud ta el verse andwvaie, outilthle Sommer of 18498, whaui I vas iuducad ta-trliaegraul Shahoa-. unaRliedy by Y'"di tliecuras aarforniad, lu a pamphlet Attlsimalhsdbfgun tat fiai lhe viaknaae lu ut>' bada;,la tact Iwvai ettinir ulmait haîplasa. 1 have takan Ivo ottalb. Stë'hQ&oesac medy sud Ivo boxa of lic pilla sud I ar-n eatlueiy raitorad tla bailli. 1 noyeve co agel botter, butr simi>'tutd te mdicluas a soit >f foriomui ape.- Titis osse of mmce vas ualt a private oua, but kuovu - ta ail mv ~aial.1ow -...a î batiav-lt viii or I Suera fabEfcra ,i <agi, sud. n<a~ 4ol I bcraby certIl~ o~g~ kaova boikefore casa. T hallage L CUTOF REYîS1oNr, Township of Whi*tby. Itiff balA lc a t allhint for th. year 1870, nt Towatshîp-RiBokÙ clarciof thc Con"s 0f Eae<qçon, proahlÇn, April 12, 187b.. 15.td A'y A ou N-T-o, ONE«l Tii, ulacriher lanov prepfired te Lasn anyr autanntoaiMouey, <pivate funa) on goad FARM PROPIERTY !,._ lunanie lasuit iom.vars, ntyVry lovr ates of 1neesreaalea lùne snm,.ar lby yearly - I alo r6presant thrseaaf îb argeaI iionetary InsîIîutioan uthe Dominion, vbicb..hend mncueycon thé motadvataeon, .... A LARGENJUMRER OF WELL CUL77FATD PARMS, Andaà quntlîy of Wlld LeAnd, for sale cbuap. For parloular aapply ta JASlES RLEr - - Ofial Aaignîi, Money Broker. &c., OFinCE.- Second fioor MoMilian'aBlock, Brook Sitreet, Whithy. Whuîby, Octaler4tî, 1869. of leaalnern ~apa te aenat In ail itaa. orlibéitaie, rtggcan d otbersaciria Qrs ebaks s' lila ogtsc o -on --» a l id a 0f W-hlîly sud vin-ty Îles lu n.u8i0 9fnran i h-atSst tasilt Ail Ordeus iltendcd, ta vlîh puni. tnlî td elia triolt ïatanalan. - - M]nu. KNoWLINcI, WhIthy, o MISÏ7, CLAREK, Wbtî~No. M9 11. 4 TEETII EXTEACTE» a BYTRUSEO()p NITROUS- OID LAIumING GAIS, OR Tagiçw LOOAL&NMSTHETIO s' AT DUNDAS STR E E T !WIITBy,,C. W. EOOMS.-Ov,. Mi. Il. Caohrsn.e Star,. Whitby, Jans 26, 1887. GEORGEG'URL]RY, MERCUÂNTr TAILUI GENTEMEIS AEMEWff maade np lu lbe boe stayle sud litait fasimon. -A tua s;tock 0f Cloîi tram viiel ta inake a seiioaufor Gentlmeni anmuaa ants. Oshsvs, Ms>' 12,160.,1 Hfair Dressing --andl Shaving SALOON.- w. o - - BROCKST.> Wnrm.y -Wbitby, han. 22, '68. JOHN CARTER, LICENBED AUCTIONEER. ONTARIo; YORýK & PPEL arriaber, s Il -.Oaav an sd Tu Bail, i Ross, LAI iCutaria. BON, . lmxc Wl CHtAI J. HAI A TURNE) Lo, Iiily ton *imeoaîd.-4'îy AIES LA CONVEYAr uxiuiidge. Ulbriulc, Jà t SURGEON, w. H. L T OWXCLI -WELLI. REBIOTT, WIL S -AWLS ,oad Sti Ce., Wilobinaker & Jowalieî, Biock ut. Whilby. Match 25, 1570. JAMES JOHNST7ONt, ENS URANC lie underuigned continues to, represent the following reliable INSURANCE COMPANIES : HIîE ROYOZAL. CaptalGEN2,000,000. JERA» OFFICE, a TORONTO.- RANCIS HEWARD, Esq., e MANTAGER. UREAD OFFICE, E-NTOUL BROTH'S, VORTH BRITISHf-, Capital, 82,000,000, lI MA » O F F IC E , N N T E L CapitalA82,00,000TB.1 * IONTREAL. IDOUGALL-& 'DVIDSON,' [OM E, - Capital, $1,500,000. lIA » OFFICE, NEW AVEN, CON. JOIN AGNEW, AGENT, WRZTe ROVICIA, -Capital, $400,000. HEAD OFFICE, LS. SIDNEY CROCKER, DOTTISH PROVINCIAL, (LpE). DAVIDSON 1'ARKER,I (~j'Also the Colonial'eurities 'neyt at reasonable rates. 870 Nn TORLONTO. JOHN AGNEW, 1 AGET, W M JOHN AGINEW, AGENT,WEBY Company, for the Loan of JON gent,4Wb H IGE ESTMAR Erp BIGE .wu. WRITKERIDE. Friobrs'a Bay, Sept 22, 189. 88. Capital, $400OOO. .Pa lrw, o n e ost r tan. Apply L AIBIKS . Agent, Whitb7. NORTR~ERN 11TLf IL P CLR,oPropTietor. Agent, ¶,v'biîby Co .40 Z, e' -~ ~0.4 MUMU" l' 1 1- 1 lýý ! 1 il DONINION - PLOUGfI tade manufacturiug an a large acala tuas TatfI aj Wlntar, hic TWN&DOMINION ~ g Thîy vill b. aeed. vaît id, £MidlIe varkln tiraun d go, Parties vonld do veilla aond ln thaîr aM4ers wthioaî dela. Canait>'Rigila forsami. Asbbuu, November 10, 1869. 45-t lu j jargest stocic or *1 whiltby, April la, 1870. 1 mmb 28, 1-8m -JOHN SKINNE1 joinif &,Gglzw, - AGMM, Wgr='Y. 1 capital, $1,000,000. 1 HEAD oppitÉ' a KONTABALi. ALEX, PRING-L't#ý N -C Capital, $2,000,000. IMPERIALe

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