Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1870, p. 3

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irs trcl x n r iced el AJ>J in fa d JPort .16EIsx, 00 fetwo 7 oflda y, the tli lune next, torB1*f iffld c ln iY mhr er an t *J 4' _ Q v"r $ ,OOOwtg.diliburt*l is ntthe oarf 12 oicloek, npon, torn te ey' f iceIn(h t, wih therto P?&Ct t&10;e t igwtte<', 1,8ep cbi maluci f be. y AVpWerîed -and <itut Jengaged in drowing , hetotl amo'iif rnrofh la S gustei wfth thet unernngenia driidwery, hootIhtmnfcud erLiFaoD.7JER ~ bal cpdrmti tbi'1tro, al"' %vwr'gj$7452 The numiher of men efti O lt ilk, (hhieT. t hroih thse influence of bis futhsrs liter- 'loyed i n h mille; (q over 26(V;- team'ils ~ BwsMvlc pi 1870. 19 airy friendix, "Disraeli th- youingers. hg md ecoprs450 ;'men kl'(Yý n NOVXT C F19-0 wtt thon fproud ttý 01,I-lrsflured tlriving g rPostthe roepcns)i,-d the entret of the bes4t cf society ln the A large quaniy of hewn titmber hall alto metropols. -filas triking pe rIonal beautIr been gaot out turint 'the prssa:, Fot O. l i 3itr elean rnnnroatdwoondarful 'convor- lThe t .tl amount of sawn Iumnber withîi Utez trofJxs à BBR gatinal power4 madie hlm aB peat flvorlte rdis f 0 iesfrin- erhfs 6, a roav tO S2A U , wlth stli and hie was the particu!ar Pet 0f- 800.00t),ftet ; loga talcen oust, 217,000. Lady IBlessingbon, Andi the select- coteie tahinglW 80 o ltgmnf crd, ljnlerana h y vlrtna ortht1e power vastailla Goefoie hr ù onWP ilS498090 »sndles. - use UsA. sslgnee of tht 1'aatso sand effceittst met lim soumayeart later. - _# 0-0- thboye ansis.,ts] nwolveiet, 1I-will offcr A t tht sgt of isirîcteco h.- villiteiCier. Xffigaton bia convivialî club Ilthe or tante to Iii, offiercd- for 8sle, on continent enaintis2 '%epaitiisieutîi" ATURDAY, IULYI16h180 - celebratogl romance~ of ,Vivian Cre," Lk ari afrmrtpasprou.At 12 tap~, non t t Ile Antn Ess»oaof bôo whch ltoaUytook Englar.J ant ngi besae tLldnie undermer,dtnd, on the P&rket plase, Ait tht Europe by storus, and. mjjdëfile author A young traprrcnlelei To*n efBrt - tht rlght, ttit, eqtiitv et lamous -. le thlan ditcd (o! a litt white ( m t iteÏupé contl elpe redespiis andj ititerent ofteIxou'lvet a milpliialnwespe alei h r om isi tt'W is u îçs if n>sself sni i- Asiigna. flsthe followung pro- 1 a te*erail (jvtc, wch c th throre Béei Prince Art1ur ils propetuing 1toggo home,.Pl rt3 ln tiie Cour;ty of Olitisri, viz: Jolin)Murray, $Ub0,000, in six mcntîis' e I sttdbis estibliuh tuent Bt Mon- 8lTh 8olîefls c disrte of ghl otf e l atidi flnally died an unlamented den.h:treal cr11, ltezt weck, otht -1p ad lteoIss'cgssiosîs <sthssT.wsslioreo cfisa.h From '1829 tes.18319, Disrae-l*,tracsellc'd eeybugsls . rk p anil e~s:t tSnai,8 ec in rss through 1IVl, rocce, AbniNubia Jamnes Gôrài)R iletînett, j.,le to Raili F-r particnlý:ra as t~e Cunititlf4 candtrifime, andti ,4ypt, a4nt nbis return pulatlisied bsick in Amai-ica fnshis 0cm pacht. appliestirlr myllht msdu (if hy letter possit 66You111 uke" )dtsîd 1ntarini Fletminx." pdletc r' e'g,' tî>& l'cartlîy. ofI the Thl l tter thoeGermnan poet l1oineprq-. T rvisetBusrî,aoisito s sisd tothe undaie- nonc'I "on@ cf the, mo4t origiinel workt .uiud er writuon." At this time lha matie aitTAIT-CÂMEflON,00 Moa0dsy 'the oiin On8 effort ta gi.1 lîstn P.irlitm'nit, andi vas ne- 23 fout,, by o ho R Ir, K.M clenan, JuschMCnls&ontsv 0-abAssga jt'ctcd l y thse people on three or fouiragie'- TaitI(ss.hins't, Ot1hga, te Phoebe Eliza. DatdIlut 13srs iv', tif. 401llààsy, Ir, 0. 19 tIti -Oessbc-th'ceelonn. of thercown ofg bitb-b. la, cli et catl leîrs, ho contintmcsj to cri.. 'iwnac h 'vac b:y pasmphlets edni lres, btmean wîilekept -R -10 <JTE ( TIUE CELEIIRATED * bis oye fixedi oqthc gitulol tl# hopeaandi WhItby XMarkets. l "', aplrotlooi. <vos 5<rc~ITai 80 Victory calme at last,-ard in the fir4 pu ..... ..... o) $1 Il 0 ' 9 I'arliammf.nt, under the reign of thecprellent F$î'ng......$o 8 teck ilx seat us ineliber (rouic hecoser- 1 :: : - ..::..... u 1GENM UTI ORA. vatira lïnruugb ocf Mit5sson.. Every'mise '""1'"'" e enfle 1E8L8fl ! 80 Iciocis thsst is nisiden s!pecch ......-....t.~ 2- 8 trahie fillure '-bIls w acougheti down by ........i w10 Maxi AT, M~ai~9, lia *ciiilehv -"4 li'Msmîati the boite, cauJ cloftetibi-rniskain Ile l's-rk ;en', J., ~ os sohni ssruhiel. C, nehiisgtoi-,, ussiproc'ssssl C fillsswiisg cbaracteristîc 'andi me,îîsrable r...... .t.. 160. tn Mssi-boe'1s hiplel, at rlo'sss; tusesse to Le iiy V * ~ ~ ~ ~ . ........ 1nÃ" .-,,-s.dsitlitr.c.. ]oc!. bllssisssssn, Cutisbnssi, isîstreusaîaityal ight. t he wors 1, a nt-lhiried t herecp - ,,*- je 44 Tisisitesr, prosed to Murtse'e hottl, Liisdssay, týsnf rîliuies~snthiti;g1, ati I Iî-s'e <hs-s-'s pur...........s t. alb ,reslisein i ail iglit. ofien 'ucceeied u laet,~ ~ ~ 1>~Rilcr Tpr. -........ .51setil siessrx.v 'oeitYec~lstt as hvtent tisce lt. 1 cus- h cn i'q r itlekssso" vows,d, ;t ssii ; tlsev'se to Crssiswa¶ S» ite, tsiJ, e- ue Tr-ye,'r- Inter lie fuifl- f "liso issi sees-s *i!is'teksiowss, T Ti- -pAY, jsrsessed tsrsiî!si' lSsCi~n Icl1f ld c by dcI'.-cnissg a spetct-. Tisai s-s-s'heisi. or su- il -îa s'nssai, uisl ittntufs ;. tlisell.-. igs vsss.s'u , lifts ,t<15 S ls, Wll~atscidgreas' attenstioîn b l % sc-la- Asit toto ssssn as-s.1-y oascsii siloa, 5sr"oîîstî, )j.ais,]rnsou*s1î Ilssifi ht. qsîeni'e cuti sdîihty. In 18-19 14e« rosaiijed 'Fle ais elleis si sal i vill; s id rve tiensa- i! sn.seitau îiluî 1is80 s'4D11A -~tise wldsu'.-of bis fietit], ~'isIecLe'.-. î, A rsssss- i'srs,sers , .ss-ws'sss;svii'e, s.t rsu-is ; îlsi&t f' s liiilln 'sd. 'et whose ampl ietissi ifts'd Ihua above the, 'lb-y helvs- ijîsil W ,sidliCresyvleaannnusselle assl'eltssigcs, agissirenslîie nt;] recels of pscttiiary enandsîisiest I And ! aIl lissetri-isfhuxa fr0 i(lie. Micslssy Iiosrtisiis. ail'.ice buve ccsniîîutesl îsrgeîy to taLs Titss-isis "f isiIiiss.ls.ste le 'a, T'Tsts n'Seeh i tr i's i fis- tsî. le iiis i'i"sii ilitissi iis.ir vsewa lts'<"iIelislni 1slssjs ustss' au'saeqerst rThe).. i> ;411 ela s'sied lleCea9ive. TI, :iss' Jeiî-sr afs- , ; r tle s'es. rti th is e at ilil $s o o5u'of bis .wotîks lie Tlw WsS"e se 'arpsrqs r'-a esl gs ;e.p * Fpe,.skis tsf lisr is I"II, scrfict wifé, et;" iti '.VsW11 si) l esttre; s 't sîss- Ls-i . A ,proprié-usî wticîî, fi fcs.'sî' y- s h ttiia5. , Ip" rt,et! '.Vs Thet ' lise ýiissis i us-sus.' us' 15ss'-siise C itii i yti, 7Mss> 5, 1870. Ai ir , sis.ss OMIsas!. 'r ty, s ofltrviI hi ih c itiisîl Ille lissssssr,.Iîj uii i ,t I'ses-a issu es-p . ~5.î#,r ls qîleisýt-silita it iii t li c'îslkrred i siaîs 1.s41 sVs-si *sîiisr-r ilsi -s.s' is-y. X ,T lier., ili ils i-sce'ssrsiîgly dtî. Ailli - tir,. lirig;za .'s' tii istrie. 1DL î ApNT e"'tite o i ; littmly cii give a ecry sc i ¶' Yý will iwa,tussi iss I 4ssvs. s'usislfst ielvn Rlsa ,- thssis l 5is~ssi isri ssssar. isllii5'a'5555C5ae ltéiei n ( ij.oe files, ofber clsersscer. suitril xls,ifri Cithe '; ist s sss r-se ss- ssssmî s.s..r1-1 "sirzo', Aii-ist.s ieit'.shrseitst'ssi '9% fiie cevr ie st hix jliv ý, t peied Ile retsst o-ol -9 lis t i t ts heusee i's-c- sa,- J,(iiesrssl. iitt-recn tssee s q ted. s~~~~~~~~~'~c tt rlcîew.til ic l-t cue , xscss i ié-sssiesls sis-a iiisisil sse l i-ii, Cru ais.' ltc o uron ber bts'hanr!. (iii cisc occision ilI ossss issis1,,s41 i"e-lsossss orsss. BrtskkC".. 'sas.'-"H> îstcnes& accorrps'tîtil hlîlusiliiht-r esirriage te tltirsis.t iIîs s elrelu-.(.asieeI~C l astsi¶-si>-et tht hausse a f C i i kitit -lsere 55<555 sq«Çt* .ei. 't-ssisiiia.- isae ie a Kiw te. eowgtIhsat day e i l ivr ais t-lal)oi attasItti - ----- - -- -ii sv ls. 1 1170 c-in'.fu!iypreparei alliùssss-, osesteailesoisr-. INEW ADVERTISEMEITS. uintculjst, lit bdhed>tcr «giusi ye-isi thie tK 1 velîfic,na stepfs~piiig osut Il-u Ahe Joor lte IlEE SII 'hAYED).-gira3ysd toesite s S beilîl tu tu. j, Ils-n flssgs'ns ci--, in tit as. i 'sreigite, ctsfMrin Jssuajsisl'i'n.s ai <snt linose tai l m i sî,sc w-'criirlsc-d ho Illstlst a Fse¶ cM ach insetsssLstnh Isu Thc'ii le Pasii wîîs territ-le, but rne t- t WI l"sita w) wt> v els. l-, M c i e 0 1 pregsssimg'even a gruau -ursîili le 'es eut of Maly 25, 1870. 21 Agenît fur WW1I itI y o fact Il andht cuti eriîîg, li-a Ille acit]tnt uiiî JAMF.S [IL(JERiIE, Ila dimirrempossu the t(Jîuglit cfft(beorator aD ut'fiîl, im for Isis taàtk, usheordered ige A E G0L 1 UStre coajclnsssn te drive lu tise sîsngcol's office, âgeISI' hiner. andt terýs utinsitte tu t a scIer. operai- -C N %Cv E R milsPAPER HANGINGS, & .9Com, tion. IThe 'ýÇan itiisy"e i5 iiulisti la 1844,ran (tus aitiof Ail &.Susia'Sehool Funud,) SELiSSOo eir Cituàe. theft,& through lane ctiitieîîa lu uetuuay nîeîsths, wiil takie pl'oe oni JAMES il GERRIrE, Our ahditi cuttrailated Iiri asenai forcign ])rag stle, WIji5b>-. souns languasges, lt. "erudt, or the Nov - THURSD- AY, JUNE th, lai-Of Whltb>-, liay 10, 1870. .19-4t cf tise4 sade,2 ' tbo but tsfflis liivsei, except teOi le l If eu enc- tiov heing mesucti, appc--ird in 1847 ; Ct and (nom thiat tinio until tho presleut, M;ccbflu-ic@P lMail, 1I'litlsy. -wltev Dsrccli bas dereteti blinscîlf t opelitica Tise foiluwting Isantheaveuit- iidiy ceîicesîtl Oaibi cxciusively. is iipoiiticsui cî,rcer for tise lu tssltt J'srt (lst tise s'e-aèiot s-Mr%, Bei-s-n>- I i. hat aeut-yecars wa- snecd jnot recai. P}le"issimai,'Ltiliille I)uanokss, Miles <o'-s,rat IL as cl. Iliesrs, i5r. Antusstroîsg, Mn. Casyley-,raes 411011u hte ay that tii# iF,4i'jnug cfa once May 25, i870.chns dcàildo ad persecutet] rece, a race wchicb --- 'w fornogueal ihtet'u centuiîns u as matiu' TAN TBD, A C 0 0 Y-* or thetimark of tise worl's acorn aristi pres W Thi sien, bas, wthout flu51iiflsen4. with- Br T a'n poinsa ont the calthi ahich t] rocs f-lretss aud sition ri adiicrcrtt, nîaclsed uliwand step b>- step, 2Stl 0F m'A y *tbree yo otil lieo niscebe dise hglt position a -,zRf. 3. lit. iARMSTONG videl>-j t sstcati holti, cutncouetrllcC1-1 oliy,- gaiuedj 41 cf uemiecu iihtt Suicienter alcaWbitis>-, Me>- 25, Wlililuy. - *21 >0F- as finit Minibter of tht Crovu anti Preursilsr , I fltopyrîglit of I"Lollîstr" may notfr li o-h£10.000 ; hUt tht icîstOn whicbi.ssroiL5-lsravpteeit"hanv 1Cs authoî's lita teaciies la vortss iat antid tmicutuîuPteaaas aesfteaaw u9--cibat i more. tetrs aejuoina turelsesti esteraM USI I nes~ nd - --t+t-'-'"- 'a.,ashamen. Tba*alwhoeUiFon -dL entr abett~t iiis t isa 1r ha orio, Gnoetrs te4 oth't- saxppfled fit wIiolast.on I. rN-~ s at W- it <tiýl beus-ura;teed ln 1818, Tise tflic mîiit#nalI crissa. C met intit~ts tlkçheriesbahav ocr the mat. Siligsle packages. fur uamplet, sent to 0 rs motsu Ur pIinysatesia, ifthe>- eoose te .lie gypiu iv 50)OtAe- b-O lis iwifig uponuiIy an t - ust no egeuirie ule s my Tri,]. Mark - abusher edû- Ilpthe n C nai va oten iiaieo ad $igitare aru onti us.ide of pa,,ksge. RAN'BE[TZMJANN'B BAL LA D 5 t>-1st ~açpnse Ift~s enatis et orh ra (OtPdrolibleAgeisft is teti .vqser.. ' t.os- lihilo 4lfre~f hu.---Litiràl cota6luffoe.sdenytll ueBm nd . - gat Atdrea- -- u8oAr-thngh tCOUk u Cum ies ila miraLif,>lm. -Tharikful for peut paftriâge .beem >uu tc Lut euustonerS and the public, dt hJe iasnôsow onband the laigeafs and besi -toê-k sf fie umut Mthtbct aatrla, ntifiishd n asuenir ni r a i ee* ion;ail f whch hla pepustd t disos&ofat n ailcemet nu- .ow Prices, for C'a sh £EVERTI éËItLÉE ýW.L4RRÀNrPED.,_ Thoîe wo by easly can: now buy cheap. 'UPIIOISTERING 0F OÉALL KINDS, DONE IN TUE EST MAN2ER. AND SLUNERAis PULLY SUPiLIE». PICTURES FR AM ED -Ansd oplenldid fs-res Mol-1lIcîa, ivland, squaorc,-to lbc hud pu tise prensises. Call andi examineith Ie tock, aud whivthor yen bey or not, )-on will bcelseart. relconsge, tîn ti e cver sy poite aittention in inspeting oU ýtise isautiful goqda, on preleiiles. -BROCX S'iRE-E', IWIIITSY. ýe. D %VIpS~S Crerm Ale nutier ueuîh ILhe prenlsea, anti for sale wholt e, f a-bicb the usndenssigned a.cta as agent JAS. H:. SAY¶0(.1 Aîunii 11, 1870. ELF-RAKING IIEAPER, OUR MIIJLINERYs FORTrHE6ý EA6ONPO - WEIJNESIhUPOWMLL1 LOWES & POWELL -- .'- I STÂPLE & -FÂNCY-DRESGOP Cornprising ail lteé latest de';igns and. varieties of the season liossier>-, Glcîes, anti Rilibons, in groat variet>- ; Centleus.is'Ciothiag Matie teos-rdec' fs-cms tise langest Stock cf Tweeds. Clotho, anti Caaeimtescg, f tise lategt >la, andi bext qtuaîity of Go(eîâui i : -a eefnd. Tht 1 entsa1a oof Dry' (oos <are fuslly ausort etiaten>departaen t t r- OLD NO. 1.1 ~Y1JN jaAC]UIED 13 Ci asn OLD NO. -.1. R O N & PATTER 80, n to bis stock of Timothy ridClcverSed, lsohischicelotofgenuirie Field-adGr 'V M :WX «o -vz& ,n c den Seeds, just received. W E D F Y C O p E T T I O N - W hith>-, Aprl 27, 1870. Y E O M A N G I SS O N , iu conuection wtisth Dry Gectis establièiswen4 Misa Elwmn bat opened bact 1cme ycars prccti-a expérience in tht e înifcetns- of r.eapt.rq ant i oirera, ain II ~IA 4"[1 fn as that tht "Jossslifoîi &ll ltukiig Reajier" issîtsry fsar in advarsce of any olther D E b5 iJS AN, D Hil A iT &E 5 RWO.W5ASY, ne maIle ut the preseuft day. WC hurt juufisstrotiuced if itto canada, cnt] man- aet] a liusîlteti nuster thse past seausmn, usd-sis yet tire theo oui>-manufaeturers. Lad les laxoning ber crits (hein patronage nsay rs-ct asureti flhat ail tlseir e-des- avii teatonur mMachines viii afîsîtnace socs susalli iprovesnents as-a ytmr'u L-xperieace be ssxccutttd-with tise greateat ps-omp'ncas.- The besi niatea sIaued snd ailftise Istest -ng- ati du-ahI>-bailli. 'J'iec besi mate-lmda in its constructfion. Ttamia- ________________________________________ !>- tie most couspaic anti durable. Tisaieust lisible te get eut of ortitr, 1 The nation ofi coud andtitroI ira thse fnger bar, usiket if tisa meut perfect of finger bars e scat of tht driver, locateti outsitie of Cisce diving -crheei. se basIinces sat] relieves Vgen ban, <bat it la icîs hable f0 uîg or break tîsun tisat cf an>- otiser machina. rSLil'Rake là' tht musCt perfcct tene inventeti anti consistas of tireisakes r-evolv.ing J sin axis close to-she tii iving crieel, so piacetias te bc enti-el>- under Cisc cont-ol d r i v e r c i t h o t t s fo j p i n g t i e t e a m . T W l l m m f m n ifts anti dcia't-s tasagiet, cninucheti, or lotigeti grain rapiil> anti in gooti shape. SFBJNG £IM OLUALL1NJç a six (cet scratb, club us little draft as; a ligit, four feat Mowen, anti no aide draft ever. It cota esusil>-, c ith a common feaus, froas fiftceu to tweîsty acres pe- day, O 70 a c u t o u a h u rd re t] eîd fo rt >- a c re s in ae ve ss -d ay .- 0 . qmanufacturet ue aping oui>-, beccua t h lai bc-en demonutrutet tst a seps- eauser ant] Rover cull laf tote ut more grassu und grasin, tiîan tire, Combisti M a- aanti ceats mucis le.s intisa aggregate. hestides, a separate Machine is; lest cous. il tFan a coasbiuad ona; ilillae get ont et onde-, anti is alwy ey> for N ,e . GC o o du s witiseut tise trûuble anti JIs.- of ctiançirug (nom onete thte thar. sIleaper fias becn isu ucee.ssfiI operction osI>-are yeas, but ius many supenio- s A T of excellence bîe a-ou for it t]îsng tîsat Cime a tnuiltitntie olf fiemt]s, cuti a po-rT-sT tgc lever beore atfaneib>- an>-,sas'vtst.s- lu se tissrt a f imv. For tisa fis-st tvo os- M1N1 I AtIN - & j esrs it n-as eoinpas-ativeiy tittla knovu.- -but durng the pait tcro seastins it va. iutrotincedttircughauf Cie principtil ceat-gruvtung scthions cI tise lansd, anti a populait- ulsps-ettinted in thse history cf ikaping Machines. Tise aulscnibers h4g to initeiithoai'-- rival offtht-huik of this- sps-ing importa.. TrHE HARVEST 0F 18C9.-OUR RECORD. tionps, vhieh elibraffl a large and:ý ace .a >-tas-s (ber, bas nct been a seaýeom wicn grain ishaîbetu in Po bat] a condition. - - ison o "cerap i>. Fauty ry d >Sefting as tht piaf ou.. Tîse straw hem biexceinl hay broken andi-Gui lis'uGece-eLqis.5ed ltiget], tbeneby senerc>- testiag ibe abilit- of--the, diffus-cnt machines te crorketamn vnconot such eireumsummcet. Tbis test this Jisuato" Self Rake-, eving te ita pectlian tasni dacoo ot i ti a n , a it b e e n e n b le t eC c u e e t s u c ce s f u J i > , f u s n isb i a g t i e f s u i g p b l [ne~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a pr]qhti.l qa e t> ae-et u e th cmeeesrm igplie Moro--18mall Profita anti quick Be- iis[tiuai c gran. - B owN & PATTEESON.T..MMILNk(0 1y, Ma>- 5, 1810. 18Apfl 27, 1870.-:1 DE ES. Q E EXV'8 BIRIHO A Y I ru will le rtce.ed b>- the ss'-t]tred, UNZ lait. for tii0 tcùmltntction cfa ffl BRIDGE, on Bae Eu-e op- 2, lia tise tevwsiip cf tt'hlh>- irw rs ýFre ok tn -peifi'tinn ay btaseunby ap.i-o- cdt. .s u lrwrs irwrs- 0,-D 0N O.V A N s JONwULIS. Ia àUfD-04 aà a y, MAY- 16, 1870. 20 bga ot al] attention to bis lage I E!S PATENT eoistia3g 0f o - iàuCle. ' - (BROOK STREET, WIIITBYl,):- INTION 'OFTUE A- 1eue-ruckit0scesq i,s e», ~ . - ilbie foiud a 1lir e Stock 0'f Carnatges, T sght Iran tiLe Bas-s, Tabiag,&o.,yBs o -ý ilpali,üd ihotigt.Byzt ug-gisikoé. of the rneest-s esand-est fiDW . ef pr-crs uior . aiatsu d o aiiu li vo$e >'-'m en e pt a d ai ll the n >' i lsusod of the best qua lity. C r ud 4111r o on e o ln a dan Af a IL 'eu 0r,'- oru- asnU.a WBTBY PIANO FACT-rOY. JOSEPH4 RAINER, PJltOP]RETOIE. The tulsiesr, in reusulag lht le- mme- tlsanks ttis anysa ftion,! and eustom the l.Whluby PIANO MANIJFAITORY9 bet ititeChastbhe nov eus-ies on ti ebu-h nlet tolal>- apon hi. C.a bee.,a sd JInsa- Iicut!cg fatus-e os-des-ahbies. te ssis-stht,. tlsatnotiscinF vil . oit- audoat on bis part f0 gîu't saltiellosumpptycas - TY LE, Thoeslebs-atu ev owa<eut ati eou -se -le pafteetaofufIis ovn ifaon ' ufeu,, gW" AIU ordts-a.xecut with promptglds and ditipatth. JOSEPH F. RAINEli. Wbltb *Y, 5 81'0i. .1-lt TRB .(G4BINET:-LAWYEI?-$ SalDa>-8vo.540 page. YaRSboeP. 0RC 1.50. Blssg aPTsty Book-of Legi Feras, vh ubo-aln deslguad for tsatbet - o Fammei, ereisasif, sud ofisas. J01114WIIITTEY, ESq., SA. LVELL & Co., P-inters, Pebiahe-sstd Bookbueiera, 1a> 1018 0 7 - 19Troor CObiJE oi'ReVlao ef Etlei, furs-the,1 herd lu tse lovaRnI SATIJEDAY, aM thea luur oc Town Cltrk'so Mce, FOR Tse uderulgaed ce, Bqi LWe Co, Fickheus-las> o 1870, rowu VIeil-. Il' ý ý tommun» ý ýrm h

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