Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1870, p. 1

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asdowlth ad neasdvertise rinIesVOL XIV vertIser.by * mentsmust WRITBY BRAÂNCHL AR TEUH UBIRIHARDION, ONTARIO BANiK. WHITbY BRANCHI. -K. F. LOCR HARt', . •MAWAGEa. CAP M ÃŽiIIlA & MACDONEL Lt. AUlRISTICRS AN<D ATTOHINEYS-AT- BLaw Solleitors to theljBanko ontra, d the 'tr paton o c onty..Otri, S±h Oll of rn Court Ilss t. H. OCR A NE, L L. D. -' OUN TY CROW N ATTORN EY FOR ON- tarlo, Barrlter and Attorney-ait-Law, So Je ter in <Chancuery, Notary Public, &c.- ystBoe mrcet, next door to 11oyal1 B e lTXAT~y,-CEYANr tary, and exauniner in Chiancery for he Conn.- a y o f Ontarlo. Office Blrock-st., Whîitby. RODIERT J. WILSON. 8olleito r a nChaeery, &c. Whitby, C. W de.s- Over Uutanoi J.suk, on thu N orth -id•. TORJAIE,915 DWELJLIG & PRSENI TO RENT. AI t Wby, ai proeet occupied boy B. SNçO Wilby, Manoh 81 1"9 -2 Laud Proker, ACOoRta Comrîosa, Coxsemoxsa, ZYSUBM4coE s! GEB1"" 4 - U-f. - - STOUlsFVILLE. Os HJUROY IIOUSE, - -.-T W T3y R. SNOW, -_ Propriet The aboe well'knowvn huotel haes been r-oughsly runovuted andl aeavly fnunshsed bi preeit ps-cpr-ltos-. Tise Stsalling, &e., i been put lu ans enicient staite cf repair, anud tilgaa been irt uduue tomonaîîae req Ti.Tbn Isspho wlevryîsîag o 17 R. SNOI THE ROBSON HOUJSE, - (L.Azasosure's no SiL, DUNDAS TREET, Wh JY, C as-'eriFture's Hlotel, whsiel has beean roe eu refuuisthed,auandditted! up thsrouglaou *'ritubae o ,tsi'te ps-rn araie p[enais °°uato °opeLo ia"'es Iet, aud i Tielsshvi> >iribaeailla ai tiie iotel, the stage ory morni ge a lar6es S. M. JARnVIn, ___ Cae uLiJUsut . liU ARIîSTER-AT-LAW ANI> S8OLICITOR ~.s WhitbyMayeslor's liraysnattends lur(Jisaneery'. Chamrbers-1-9 Toronto-f.. itba ---------GEORGE O0RMACK. AlJ BE3Ei'U<OtU, TUltl. AiliClIA , Cas-pentes-, Sotioseso lu Chances-y, conveysacer, No- tityufi ilainrees eSboatWiot as laies as-y Public, &c. ofumeenttyo a apbea-ot d or te tise Stors o! 1.&d J.UNDEI AKING Witfhy, Nov. 18, 167, 41 F UN ER IA fou>' siiiîl asiitc. OLWlToh RNO AY PUIILl, &ct. &e ~A Iocs hienheatr C. As. JONEII Wiithy,Feb.tha, 1862. Barrister-, sollcster na Clianeery, AI. r0ln rg Sr lieu reee la Offie te lst ins-r os-or tise • ~ -Wihtby, Oet.7, 1sc8. an4 AluRi bDrug Ptet ei FAREWELL & McGEE, or>' &c. i, JoSnsCfet ARt- ER TONESSLCI o Medicaipur osiquorsof' the beustqua 1>Tit èvioEYAtNxuclts, AND NiO- Uorse~ 4attleMfedici î~~ eue Osrvioae:-Oaso decr no-th ofts the ot Of5ee, BrosokbLn, C. W., ta, Oshawma; anîd MtcFeeter's Bloexai, opposiate Town hlall, l3own anatvilie. O M ME RCI A L H OTEI J, E. ha.wmaa.., E. MU(lEE, BOKTE 18 -IhaC T,1îiTBY. OSLAUD1 , MIULocIC MTIsrb begs. r annronneie to i ehusead possosson ast e l a he hiuasJ r tAnnîs.ims, iCun.vorably kLnowrnuhotel, wshuis n4s-e dm~ls Asaao.cMlln Bsoc tJrlek¯sht.ay ni-pises , liags.as ai-a-s Gn se tasi a ing r. ie de's fcWb itl o sacti acoimoaio a nd~v- Oclu'ri ros. r. se, . o., , Wa. sUtcsx, ays osa tise lis-etnises. Charsge M odes-sat a, r. asasiat e.v. M5IiI. M.CA LDW EL L. soracrront, Ac., Ac. gig (aOEc, a Mcam' Drtoe, ireock YEOMAN GIESON. , Strict. h~- C.IfLSINJEOÀ Whitby,J nOs, 1862. CHARES C KELER, INSU RANCE, de GENERIAI AGEN\T. ATTtORNaY AT L A W, ISuLICITI-liJIN lby_ Jn._1th18_. ai4îuncery ,oneiveyauerm, &e.,Cauning on, Brock, C. W. - QEEHUSE, TTORN-EiY'AT-LA w. SIOLIC'ITORl IN B. PLANK, - - - - Proprieto Ohniryaes>, Notai> ry a u e, iovsyaeo- Sst ea towdto g e uthieli dily. Eve oautla -st Poct OSIee. . 48 tire outs.îlsatte LYJIANi ~.G1SI L L. I., I(s-T1 e >-aîry ARRISTER AT LAW,Soieitor-L i s.han-110JJL &i PR E~Iy SE Bas-,Consvoeyne.,&c. 0R SA E - Simeoest,-Oshsaws , 'AMES LAMON, TIITollsusied sauts wrel knowu nl - ona . a.w CENTR AL HOUSE, EPEOM ~ soenuetTat IN cIMcEusY, Spsîendad s-crmy si¶sding, as! driving ashes CON VEYA NCEiT, L A N tD AG ENT &c eoFtser, witth oc or ts wnees ol iand auttace Orraueu.-Ove- Asrmstronsg'e ILotel, Main Sit., isi aj-er sl r Tb i tredi ais- ta fieu n bavii o 17xbridge. îusa a nd555 excellaist maset-s-. w g Uxbridge, ue th, 860. tf-28 Z~. Thse whole ws-ll be sois! ait a buarsgai DR. H A N C00K, tK-aa sia tsaia-,. uesaeas inn Dmg se~l exebssasgced aor fas-a pn reos-s-t. (raess xxeotau de rsaors) toeor tes-ras, &e., applly (h at> etter, Ifre-puid *URGEON, ACCUCH EUR, &c.s-, ' WILLIAM B(t iTON, R. .J. ,5'NN, M1. D•. Octtob Ettas gRi1GEON TO TiLE COUNTY GIAOL, - -- 4 4s.yron street,Wihitby . 4 W. H. L AW, B. A., M. D., e o. A y er s Physiclan, Sturgeon, Accoucher, &c. G ENERIAL 1)LACKSMIITil, AND TIIOMIAS HIUSTON, T OWN CLiiRi<-J TRIEASULE1I, WilTBY Omele-Towns lait -lIns-.urst i'clock. WELLINGT<ON I1OTE~L, MARKHCJAM. U IF.DOTTOMIU - - ~ Poprietor-.- WI L S O IHO US8E, A.WLSON, Jr ,,- Proprietor. E~ii SUBsCll BEIlt begs te annonneuase te huis .j frloie!dassa theo pubIlhe geasnally, thlut he Lis onedis tise sbovo nsew bauel tisah Vilsageo et Aslibnrs-, for thse ueoomoudations oa lise ira- -ssebiing unblito. Theîs hovuse is new,.- s-nda fis- ishedoa In a most thaoroiih assa coinfSortale - sner. Guests avilI fiais es-e- • oesss ce - thtie aboie establhinenat, W e s, Liquos, anti Cigars ocf tise best- Brs-nds aimay>s kepst on Sans!, ainsi aittentive Ostier lu ~ oosd stabuiaganean eunc. u. WILSON, Js-., Ps-poesr. Asburnt, Mmy 1st, 1809, tf--18 ROY AL CANADIAN H°OTE', PORT PÈRRY, ONT. ,. PoY, - Proprietor. Bu S rie-oy accommodiatidln. Goodi stabling a .esd s-cenu ans! atiostlvo os ticses 5 -11 wIUT B Y BANECUHg BB LE D EP O 8IT ORY I Tise atteottando thse ptîb a. ir ia lo tise SIBLES aud TESTANJENTS, wIth, and 'without the psalms Jo mets-e, nowia to -----be fonts! ait tise Deposhitary of tise Witby pEranch- BIble 8oolety'. Tise stocka huas beoen se- - ee.ted Ub te Depoasttary, wviths great oas-e, and! 111befound toembracea volumes lasntas-rus '3>nOaWs>'-AI a. lHeGes-ie' Ps-ugstore, - h- b .WJuly 21sit,1869. 29. DUN'DAS SOTREET. Wlhltby, 19, 1857. 24h s- cocaC en-c s'Lcttt, Oahawv - D eaij sRoosi-s, direc-stlu>pIpo- 55ttîisl'oStsee..-Enstanceo ci rueae-s-tr tii-d doornors-il oftheo Ontario SEXiPREis AGENT, &é. aieAe ceidenatasul Standards lusts rse los. Age . •- S WE E T AP LE, VETERiINARIY SIURGEON, Graduatea of Onitairio Veterinasryï>ollege and lato aiaiitait te Prof sSata of' Toronsto. Piasas. IUCI<LÂAND, lPrfeiss-or (Agrieulturo, noac' SM 111, V. S., Ps-in-usai of Ontario V. Dun. lia lV -:L. Tesoonto,. STlisultlN, " P8.-AIE. SWEETAPP'LE eou b. coneaultel Brookhui, Apr-il 14, 1869. 18 CENTRIAL 1OTEL, BRUJIAM. --o- - JHN. BAILEY, Proprietor. sud fauisned: Giesiii ie! c tocutablo ses-osîtodaionu anal utloention. lI°°°° r°°"ur>y stsaling ans! aittentive olles. Jais. 29, 1870. 4 rCITIY llOT-ÃŽEL, Nos. Ts, so, and 82, St. Josepu Street, Theo subscr-iber has opeed uho ablove ilotel for theo acecomodation ofI thse travelling publia. ha coaiones sase-ot thae best kaind. Il cou- for ae lierms, Ters-u, eorated - C. LARIN, Prcoprietor. 21l SEs J0DN WOLFENDENq b &C.j 8 0 IT H w.8 0"'% heCELEBRATED SCTIH Le"s ndmn "s.. n"eig ak"" *°0 ". GRANITE. bis".r, viiieabr'oor nt 8 tMrl ok fJNTA.REMOVED 70 DUDAB7BEET 9 'd i g ' ~ A WOLFENDEN Dun os-St. Whiby 17~A Opposite A, C. Wilson, Pa.lsater'.' Th nehld ~'WLFNE, uds4. ailb .... JOHN< BROWN Thaha e "' N E WV STOVE WibA~IS 80 y1 - A NyD £ EUISO NE O stAb WHITDY, • ONT. Th hc I elI has ra losing thseir ~o o.T IN S H OP! '"' t be~ ~ ;:; • t Norde'r to metthe lnereasing domn inmotl ys y d e y the traecaused by' the. buidingo h h bv a entoogl renovated; Hs te t hwu:m isr sdt s haveRilroad and thse Ituporting~ of Vetocipedes and the publie wilIlfind cvery accnmmodatîo Tecnnyfa pa n od. dtdZo 0 n-tibe subscriber has openied a a tove and Tid and the. est attention, nw.hs ys rw uie- d-hop, oneidoor so io & maso's Furni- A pril 18, 1870. 15 'fhe n oJ by a wa and glussy. I beried m~ face~$ lxi s're STOYES & -TLN WAREF PROPESSoR J. P O ST Tmsver:dp.,~ yagj~y açkdn nd sortsest nofTmithîE£ Whs eDrs nur,. Bartholeme w came to bld me good- ..*ol r ,aasclean eara t rair in bye. Ho had prolonged his stay ln Wond: il.. n -,HreHi n rgtso ,al stock a mnonth beyond intentions.. ist .'w. WhtyJMrhOt,1 hN ea 1 N O - F O R T E ,& C e, i ,l9Ã"'c ir oregoros to sa'th, su siste' thatm' asi . W ii b ,M aiSuB Gs, 8 O T E L R E S ID E N C E D yro n S tree t, A i '>a ed w ith si inu g o d. o m fr.t n w t s and e it s u e hi sg t (LaMteRPln's HOE, ~ '"'tiodRr. i sers on arryed ; 9, as nearly approaching to gratitude as a ti(ait Pak',) -o- 'The other's ive thiroughoaut the year, heart so stupied! by grief could! experience. ntl U B. I? E . Tgs tre on o plno go.Th', rer bloombut nevair faide. Ail positive emnotion seemed! swallowed u'p teEAR TRN,•Porer.po o,&e., $5 The oe, tise suai iumsines by' day, for th0iebyteoe great grave which tise E UISCROBE, sfitteo ndleom Muan oJceepso a gea eusd atosk cf Thsetheruî auJst aby niat ; líad'iuguifed my> life. a eiî rsoatledi the aboie old1 esabia. from hie MuasicalfriendL'adws. sseu Ts Fotr Iodtise iso vo iht Iat sat alone in thse roome where mny Na fthyu. l n eided."r atrbue""T Whitoy, Marchs 2, 1870. - 9 Tise one lies in a faairy valsuer and I had passed! mo any evenings • i ti'r pupplie withi thei~ besst Good romtb No liame to it i. givein. ' togethser, It wau nearly dark, ands I had anace îing e.:u~î vli ieb Gou ErM.O AaL Tise' ""lesbru ts trslgd °°'o lanp fir s°oidered! 1n 20 Jbin a.euE. EAfRM8TRho7E IlE ,O Aod ggels cal Lt heavyeu the grate, for it wus a chilly eveniug in tJxbisle. J,,.~.,~. 4- -- ______________--- September, but I Lad not enonghs energy ad ONTiAlIO HIOT1EL, J0 H N F E~ R G U S O N, frtr '"""" "'e-uds .riua ' ed datd . Dawes's.) MERCH N TIeR evenry instance in whichs-I Lad ever faileod W HIT.By,_ONTARIO- &e., &e., &c, lu duîy îo my deta fathser ; every' sorrow * .A EADE p FàA WVare's Story. Imightu hâve shared sud did! not, every A. ALXNE - - Propvieîor Feas 0 Jutes- lais paitron's auJ he pubie - paug I Lhad faiied to asasoage. - cd t -be r ere ntua that osila r em r Cto tihe premises uLf m p, Kaserilni,' saisay fathser Ihodid notaeves Iook up> wisen Dr. Bar Ksoh i.u~ ila prospieitosr ofise. or-e, wvhere lhe wvill be prepared noe. •' wentsto iook ont cf thse weat ever knaew he Lad the habit of respaioting ta en oc asonto auce at he las im tedcls o-wr susa. indoavOnce more. IflIeveresee thsesebhills tie moeods of 'others. H. toek a chair e e 1,ddÊ n ENLE EN'GARMENTS aigain stii-be wit eystatcun ead sat down quetly' at tise othser side of nss rr.are asmmsodalens aon asSssSsisioin assa Cnt and made iqp in the niewess sealed by deaths or diosmedi by-old age.' te arth. Neither of ns sposke for s nunereiIt5.u abcotseepg roomsa . I. nI Fsin itea im up aided by the young whie, untiIihad begun to felsooted by ce ben dde. Exensve dditonsto he elltenins'Furnsli Gods ing hi.sien weeks' liines,, and whio seldom pieaisant than intrus:ve. Then ho said,-iu she loseore, e.,avealo U 0 I left himaso.'. My fatuher aas thse oldesu thse. quiet toues I had learnedin y a> it7ofer a ioldFr is unsicriged co HI Al Os-dors attensded to withs ponctua. medical practitioner in Woodstock. lu fasther'i sicks-roomn to know so avel, and h> i-ry atgesis lum sssed bysa noi pasheri ge lity' and dispsth. fact tise town contaiued but one other, aobyocrdayanintctey. - oj ltie rsd. l wL dat ailltimes bai happiy te Ju-HN FERGUSOq. ane of 'nearly tise Bsane rage. Pe'y 'Kathie, thsis lis not goodi for you. sitting 2 Whithy, e. 2, 1cil WhibyFe. 2,1,e tise rivalry> of haIf a lifetime bad not made here lu tise dark withs tsa firebunglo, w~ ai, lce" ~yFob 2,-1707e theany b0 etter friends. At ail events, and! thiniking, as I kno<w you are, about s LI beiie,ê tisai my faither, thsoughs Le per- 'as which deats bas seaied! up forever-. I -, Å "y C OMM E RC IAL -0 T EL, miited'mne to send! for -Dr. Greene atth shall not like you0to do so whien I am'gone. a W h s > i i t t i s i t .a s u - a s u o i t i o O S H A W V A - c o m m e n c e m e n t f h i . s e e e i l n e s s , a ,a i Y o u a k n w a u a e Wm et ok.o m r r w , e att e e s su h a r n f rp c u e* - ot sorr> Cc lea rnu tia i h o was tem porarily T oi r se m e, 80 0 t as, sii AT JAMES BLA CK, - P~aîMrog cot cf to n, Ilu tis emergency I Lad 'omro ogo , i CL~.AIRK'S GALLERY ? -oivuvî o u o omi "°oneMo Dr, artholeanow- young It eemedi to me as if my latfriendiwool or Couty beand hn msor iecetiss ea issues- eaitavies Billeid aahedicasting ring the sommer m~onths at the lHe stirrod tsa fire lili it busrned nia isa y other- artsaith Countya>, us ai Arl887.14 village toi, enjo.ying tise kindred pies- brilliantly, lit a lsamp, and placoed it on tise e. ao uat sa good avari ai. any othser mac in tise sures retiremtent sud tront fibshig.. erun al iste Centre cf.tise roomn, e Casy.Tdot'sth-t'A thUmntt 8 Frotle ramy streribai,ban pieg '< îaLAbaamnáW Sbackwrd Tabso'.ut comsi', tlormstcs, sodoc be withs his manne-s sud satisfied wilis Lis 'Yea, Kathie, to-morrow.' Ha booed B IRocK sT., WIHITBY. c o M MI S S I O N AGENTS, skaili ; thougs h. Lad asserted tissu h. at me searchsiugy, wth his grave, truihfui. _whitby, Nov-. , 1e7. , '5 coLLzCrors, cocrs .e needeod no physician, andi tisat tise iliness y'es. 'I casme to Woodaitock because I .dCCUXZ'IVT • wh.viichs aas upon him ws beon tise hadi Lad a hard winiter, sud wcas lu need! cf N. Y Q FFC ~~reachs cf earthly' aid. Dr. Barîiholemew rs. I ae siareuady mach longer i ( HESTNLI I 18S. T, OFIE, - Griett's B1ock,0sha had lu facu, tille! for six week 'tise post thano I intended!, nd I should bse temptedi t~rBI1E ae>- Febs. 25, 1870. 9 cf nurse nath'er tissu medical adviser. to stay' longer stll,. but it ls impossuie, ~ PATE T ~~LCIT~~ 8 TO N T.Besides mine, bis was tise only' face tisat Tise frien! whso toc.k un> practice during A ND 0US S T R N . id otseemn to bring confusion an! di.- my> absence isimperatively' called! aira>', DR A UGH LTSM14A NI. I"quet'lto the ickroom. andi I am needes! at once lu Piiade,,hia. r.I ass culy' eihteen, thsough an> fathser Iam sor-y to leave yen, KCathsie, whsile thse ry Ta ,C.N1)Twe Dwelling lieuses tourent in tise Town was nearly seronty'. I was tise cild cf wvons! in your heart la stLS i sorsh andr s->~ Trmae, a othersdeiartm natse ateu 0f h'sta iisil aige, tise last of seven, ansi an> ix foe. siscît"rbps-gnd îss"a~ ngas-itenred t whi0 h a JOIHN HAMER. Windors, wheroe tie churs-li spire castit myn> tears came instead f aors. Aftterais sîsrdsisîaiî t iaGse-i o- îsîeîisapytebciosas its- ip usga f u- epue!frm t oae lbts » A-as-kais Pesaig ».s....,.as ,,, litMseh 16, îs7o it long shadowr, ainsi îLe iight sireamed! iov- O eifiee, '"sasea. Sps-iie'aa," a ni rar ars, von re-ig crer a eu>'y bhl side. My mouise 'You weOre 80 ids to hlm. I cau nlote - f anr/seace n '--~a 7s"~, s-".." jPIANO F COYhasdudi so long ago thsatlIonyucherish.. thank you, but I shall indeedi teel as If I- o.aMrchis .-o-ed.amemory faset>idfcalw adls l hnyuaegn.' n JO 8E Psofi voiee, s memory' as dam as car . gain tisat seasrcing icook, as if ho vouldst d' rad ruk aiwaHoelH R A I N E Rl , chsildishs fancies abant saints ansi angeli. pies-ce ihrougs un> words to un> thsonght, im k. Grn rn ala oe. | P R O P R I E T OR,. Since ber desath I has been un> faitbor'asu an know n>' whbole meaning. Tueu ru r. T WIllBY TA' O. .-oall ashe adbee mie, henhe aslights, a gleam cf somuethsing I has noverr d ,NIL h piichaed te hoe hesbsbe, iunereturning his sin. gene I couldi see no icve or hoefor me neinnya'syebfoecminh 'nial 1'spremises know a-ss tise Gr-and ces-e thsanks to thisanyso friensds in tise avordi-no friens no 'comftet , anud I heard tise tirait wrords cf love thsatn nraa lsa, Vsais auin, b-.tsi isiformsî anal custorners ot tsa whLisby But an> hsearu stroggled!eespertely agis badl oever talien upaoun> an aiden ears. . a i fsited assi te 0 hoa s-and cis- ra1e that lae admittinag for au instan-t tise i des cf bis 'bsal ee s ! Id et ail in learing t )loisiavtyîr, asnds bsy, atentionss te thse-a NAND MA UF CT1R Yfnt death. I mess!n ennonragimenat lu ,. yeu I dis! ot antan to sa> it to.night triS s-to s-ai-t ares-issn , e o tses s-ato a e-s t statey atsi- heio. e re o h bil Barthsoiceew's eyes, yet for s long liane K tihti hs atweso or t a iartie-s tainsg the ,trnin ansd lesingsi us re por hirw. acnt ans! lin so' strovre to persiuade myself that there vere you haire grown ib n >' my eart it is fullof a r -ae-hmwlltkn aeo ti tat iwin1 est ssiure thsem signs sn:I possibilitios cf recovery avhichu you. Somse day -I shsall salk ify'ou can giveo issass 'ci i e t., n w h a s a - f tsl6 h t o iveth s a s fah o n i n u ca5 pp on his part onl w atching as a nx io us as m ine couls! m e l v o 7ove i o u w ll anar . an> hom e a -F tUPERir rem, an-plaedu i ma euatd n s!utiky u at rao bto negaul t Begs o o ni Lo oN, EGidKD) to g se .ataposiiion wheresupps eys!cojel un>'i t me u n - t ioe thn s eg tmsla g Wty, thatt.,and. vicin S T YV , & the ra iges o av o etsin san dþbae He ilnthv oranwrutl hog I N , " "uioe-frhln'adslny. A eg hoths Yo asene ou a learnedfo fo OSiO ($ OtÃ¥gg gg .F I IS. ins iaes io as e wouse branch know yeon Lart.ciso Bte thos grnteru Ia - g g7 Al Os- LPe ne h po piue H wlreitiK ti OIpatdit ae u r olha mie.,i , LCKS ES, c. and IsPTh-y potOO yersao-t0 ey5 a I Icloutavenseehmfwuds rtlocsiads wtiseps-cleaner andrelitsred, ilsu JOTSLEH F. tAiNER braingt your mtiser hoe laobride. See e hadpusurouoosm power. Noroi I d - SEWIN tieMs hosACIs. Whtyay3,80 ,îa.ptookew forth snd Arsut ok leaBisthikIwspeaedtbelhmte tait PARAOLSe UM RELAS .sin in tsîonghssiithe>'. loe itsIlove hif wbithias >'o baeinesve ;annes 10 Opponded nth e, sabri Bedank e, NT.a2 cîTHaEs GRA FEAL REMED11Y.hl gaznnesties andî eh avso stuci iea wa te netorneSoIa h r ecs-l icet , &c.,îb Outae o yo u te-a ii Wh asi c-s , a n des r ad oabesi nerl sai cid e n t e ln tisa yadan!e spok asin on aocthe- e sud l hu THOS.sde-a Bacuos ailsTro pttu. lhrc a s-. It l e ihal an youn ' Q yen s o t ie er e oneat ie' GUNSb, Aug.1 XYS,1&e..sudf-i2. a ···-. . - foyti whesaobeen vlepin a hn Hav outhouht hair anye-s lm if I coud! re Ths5asuiWr~, lisudaaueeaseas JOnvlaN SePhine iunaiiNtEred yeargstb >'0rsdeWhtdI•y wshaligtbsetdbfoeIo. T R · E W J N G o - 1î A C I N E 9 W se i y na ' r3, na 870ou d is. S r ap shen an al scI w i ounga s B rs. h S l I ais pa e a r a e d t ~ h mt o n w ti a ni PA i $o S cCea!B EL i S etow ch L rnlco ttu oni su g b Mt oga ie sl oe is~lvs! W ailis an'lii e' ov; t s o mrî CENds EDas ACTs-r-ed EEs s Foss-uia T auE Jeet, N' t modTLErutaalec n GremoveEsAL allED greent m a u lres, ainsi Rahe you Ig y iri 0 e -o s-n eI v -i abstrupctionsland. ne-p.,dyc.,uAelamayObe yrelie d ndeas ihesgrond her e isate r paluht tishe ii s a ter ogld Oas id-he boes.w O. Oh UaiTY POe laAo Rtd~ PIrodca°Pil' thhal. IdaiIh ae a-s nng Yoma ine Woodtoc lir Le- in, Kîinb W iiit < , A u g 1 0 ,T oSg .A R R I E D L A D Iil av s n i s v in e e s, e cand o g . Wa e s , a i e o t o o a > p a ? I c u s L.AUIL> >, ONAI. bigo te uletthtly fsperiouvitui" Is Ferhap Rahl'oous atngao mIeith 'Ystearange s! Yosit kn sheohs hen -- t~~~in aIl Cases of Nerrous indsl •pna Af'e -nowr-cut thre, * aninmi> er uO-Ln vsu os-aes-vief~ pesonaliy or ont lieu, S'iiu in ue isses sut Lmbe eor m 0an . ear ani iiraniut 0 snîî tsa ihiisioaIl-ssas, 'Alrs nl-ît b ianaiu teeraa Pti ik im et tigu Ho lapse! againo into .milence, bal hi. an>' near ties -like myself. I have asked s-es or- "tarasl ilstrI," W ithv; Powen i Ileil liiiresndw'ie avl earet, eyeos wera leooking vea>y far cff, strvig, it hem tocm om frtewner0n l r3- aiis;hssi.Rti eosara siarcee ens-e t ou aih ds ruer s navao faiied; asi seemedl, te pionce lis ghs clouds andli lskhink ashe is 4lads to do so. Shie wvilI Le Wlity c 3 89 1 t tise cos"siî°u n ir"ai ""'(rmbsvioasleisfoi °','°"r. 'Tisu reliae,' -e suio-mc -t ~ - 1_________ ai dis-eeiainustise îanpsîi ar-ound eachu nity', Hcow fanr1 tistat t Soanstimaes I sety'. If Miss Wilis Ls not ver>' original ra p A'TsI IS, OILS ,& paken uecsudh ca-ifih poese-vos!. tik a brath irold! liri tLe cain b.- os-aimneig,siesosgood, and avili tako goodi ~ -l~C, 'iuZ -XO JOO°sOSS,"W Y0RK, SOLE PRoPRIETos, îaween ns ansi tise invisible cnes beyond!. I cane of yocu. Withs ber and oldl Janeton e ENoL1sl BIolLED AN MW 1.00 ans! 12 ceents tor postage, enclose! to thogisthn Tetutcaeom wiil si ver> ave[[iso Northsrop snd iymaru Neweoatle, Ouit..o0uge ta se uhnTeruhcmhoeI• ra get frti.Dominon miii°u- a>. astg.I i tiai hi e dia ec akln ate tI. I mes bea tJiAMeEuiaiining ove son pland obn' reles-nimail. ago that t ean whect fLos fver tise tsai.ns hee, as! torgo Basooo A GENUINE WHITE LEAD, e°îc1ne s!deamuuaca.°kin n a1 *r ceno eter-nty-.-on this shaire 'I shall write yen eeory' we'ek,, ie sais!, (o-e ACJ ES ERI' . , 1870aw; . Da8-6lroai, u ' ethrts, on tLat-vhat ? Ne br-idge asas as wve stood sides b>' s!d. beore tise fine, Au- JAIES Il GEHRIS3 Feo. 22,1870. 0-Om tion tidoems -waters, Do voy'ager Las aven 'saisi >'oeumust tel! mai aIl abont yens- 1ife- ing P A P E RSucs-e Wisitb> J- O W L E (D ECEA SED ,) N e even auecho o s Lai te us a sro s la a n> d n i or p erplexity b a su e I shal clos PÂPER 1IANGAlINGrson JavKNOWESor -d lias-ar, I almeu heldi un> br-eath to net (ail y'on. I oni>y avant -one promise, upo Jest receivedi a frsh'issmortment of ncw p A Il psaeo s hvngno ams t o Pean euso the. li.e ; but I hoard no ammona nn caie rs- h ia min le rebel against God's wili-te thsat terns.Englih Papr Bangngs slling te Coety eis Kntaries ila et ,i ls rmth ermno eth Dd e hl- at Loir Pices.us-thwmith te sed the iartiel,serqute my> father. read hi! Hefsakgr u at n ie pt e-ig BORDERINGS, WINDOW BLINDS inadersigned!. Ans! ail ne indetes tis back • n'togiH a pair because an>' human friend! is takcen -'J at oi &c. &c8 estate are als~o reaqueste tOpay mach debats to egis h pillowvs, sud tirned! hi. aira>', eveu thse deacest. -W. have alwa-ys deac &cA, ECH, &EI E Fansy Knowrles, of Dnbsarton, executrir. >yes on une fondily. As if answvering uny Heavseni's work to do, and! it i. no humans do 1 Dr-uggi.t, Whitbys JAMES K. GORLDON, ' feavi ho sais!: beinsg's-right Wo eaifi hsiself foc it. Prom. nowr JArMES186 1WhibyAprl R, 170 Bas-riis- tser&.. The~5 messen5ger ha come, Kathi ; ho :ise me, then, thatyoalill try te struggle you, Lpri Tt, 189. 4 Whit>y, Aas-l SI 180. f-l516 waitinig; I muat -go. Ith wi s*i -b. againsi grief-to think o! yoaur father only .love - - -.- - -,ss sasa>' ou asne preparanonas. Of these I date Y po s mor-row, saud'Ishouldi ho mo-e atter>' alone ho eveir IhoagLh t-ait ne hvece than I Lad avec been as yetî. Stll I was .es-ced le himn that I condnot bave be- aiose pesenoe I had>'"aclancavdgei,'- nouie.Bal "" uir hit a ms'oui a v ma e laer ise fates-e, lana. nt ceomplish il.n nonpe c f te re fo .v euer 1 shouald as-r be rasdy to ple dge parting mw i h l m , is fare av l ga e m biai tise faith cf a wife, I felt aine.' gloir strengths H oye wue ae meov cf ps-lde sud hear-t.varnts as I sai! again lun> Ly hart ra' otif>"ed toash down and again to anyself, hait nconscieusly, poec. Hi. irsi lines-dg wm th andor 'He is good!, anad ho lores me.' aveekas aftler like s boedictionit -efo Shie next Monda>' Mary Anai Willis came. 'Good-bye, Kathie, est treasure I Gos! Se mes, lu uhi, as Dr. Bartholemew1mds laeep safely' un> promisoed ifetîlbl commaon remor agreedi La sty'Iing Les- tise came l! hast °oan" le Wo°aist°°ii- Witbauîen' We Lad s lis'sme-,Mr sa remarkable poavers et intellect or aittraiction, Willis an,! I; toenes-uae lh a ry mienUs-n she Lad made aven>' on love her by force un> labo-s. Thre ire-e "b o 'co"laes et'"e'pu-e"'°lasnecf°'ser heant'- In hon te o mas!e npi; desie -embneideris t." ow'n per-son ah, funsihedl a rfetation cf fashion . sining mils sud ans> neln aIl tsa carnmnies es-os inveutedi againmt old to0 be suibmitteto th L misty uhans!.c maids. Shenaned! ln goodi avors. She tise ci>'ty desa.-sakers- ae seu fe r teLbL neveor condemed any', but ba! alays> an presidung goulus of Oas- undertakbigs excuse avies-e excuse mas possible; avhere iras te la> asde an'mn-ig uu> v. - it mas Do, silence aes a tea ,s fe frma mes d n day yud aeas dh n eosts lse g r euriosity' of hers. Thougs no one Sas aseser eutir-e refarnishuu cfy an> ireuire an nao.-nra he asvig a lover, Do troe loves tise Usy, isp» umrpseiohî menas os- eddes! waiot her- et aiiss its agicai ae ntinatual- edbisi l -e- tendes-est symnpathy-. In ases-t, Le- caban gr-aunet of unrising, bts tier- licamne nearmer to tise perfect fuifillment goldeu an! cr-imaen pomp> of sensets i ohthe law ~ cf lov a, han a u>' vo m an's w hio ns w isie m oons, an ti stili,~ de m >' un i gh I as-oeoer knomu. Three dasys isetfoe lis.en apeins! I avelcomed Le- nuder un> roof.withs car aedd!ing an> lover came. hsmsa pleasuue. lu goodinesis, I ires 001 mor-thy> an> roeueét, tisat I mnight Las-e hi was t.. te s't at hais feet; Sait ave suited! eachs other. snce las airr-anging es-or>' thing foru> e W.e h a i b o t hs e ue g ift w h i eh -a a e n i nue p a r t re . I t ma s an >' w is t e in s i a l M r erilicisuns masel>' accord te avoman-thsat Ann WLils, rentfree in tiahe aryci ait silence. We oses! te ait somaitimes for I nover could consent to oeil, sians au.c Sens-s together, busy' witS ooka er wvork, willing leos-ont te s-angora irb avae ln. wnthoot the interchange o- as mord. Se capable of prizing on rsopectinLu i ler as- ras as I couls!, I srove to foileir Dr-. Bas-. sociations. This plan gave hr pleasere¯ îuemem' a sggestions. I cea! s great as weli Tas my>sef, fr she-- Lad bacns any volumes cf sele!, useful r-eadîng. I mus-ml>' attacied te lise place. - cm orced! myself to obsere certain egular- She avs te reain Jane, tie old 'r-- ous fr sudy, and! I trios! te shsow kind!- vaut, avio Lad beeu with mnefor ten years, ness teoses->' one muthlin>my reseaviseh an! al! things irold! be prs-ecrve! as waes poor or in trouble- An! so doiusngsearl s possible, lu their- forme- coniL- thewoud n ny ear bgaaualy to tione. --When thais Lad been seile!, and! ses! I. roli 1(sgel. y pu s- riny lite pso'o seenredsa Jr. ar ras heart as avehl es roice, 'Tse Lord gave, soIt ; when me ba! paidi tcgether- cor -lest snd tise Lord haths taken savay'; blesse! ho riait to tise gra-e wvhere un> father mieptiat iname of tise Lorda.' peace beside Lii lest Easchel-whiere the AIl this lima Dr. Bar-thokmaew's weeokly' fowers avere stil. frs-hi, and the trees, etters wre a great help to :ne. Tise>' their s-oots nonrishedi Lin tisai soil so ricL s-es-e not bce-ette. • I dioubt if tse>' aviistdad humanity', ira-e! greauly' as li s-culs! hase atisftied a gi-I accostomed! te June, ail mes dobse, an! we meut home to dulation, o- familiar ih th îe grand pas.. spendi our- last eveOning betore me should! be ion as lu is portnayed! Lu nos-elsus a s-o- aas! one foe-e- sauces. Thsey sai! ver>' lutle aboot hi. 'Indulge une, Kathsie,' Dr. Barts'olens - egardl tom me ; sud yet I could! cea! in had wchiaper-ed, as me menu into tise heee vasy lie bis anuxiety' for an> haippinesai whIle tise last sanset rays kinîdbed the min-. rs an> hast goodi. Hie tels! me a great dows111 tiste>' glowed blake flames -; 'I avant ~ ;li onthsl' macf ha;s pursuits;iss buseyutongt your brida! robes.- baiyar isouslekeeperm; his profession ione-so lile tiai.' -u shsort, ove-y thsing uhat matie nip Lis I slippedi aw~ay quiet>' sud pot - on n> ail>' lite iras put upon pape- for me; so ieding geas, ansi tison I avent dowsn tis hat aveok>y I gr-ea buite deeper anti mure staircase in tise gather-ing glooun, an! ti o au o avedge or him . A ns! weelyl soughti imi where, e saI alene in the olds - y> cn dis iideeper sud mes-e tender parlior, aviths ils irainscoatin, of car-e as-os-eue, until, by' and.by, I teIt tisat an> oak. ea-t has gone fonth trous me, aund I was The wesat mindom mas open, andi Le o longer un>'own, but another-'s, eaned! ont et il, matching tise chasngig still the mîinter day. ire net ioo man>'. cionsds. I meut ap te hlm, ans! Le tuies n - aas statifed te tic as he has tel! me- round nd openedi hs as-ms. otinksi et im, anti of whai the future 'Nu, yo avouldi crash me l' I laneges, îdfor me, I iovedi te wvatch the irhite, 'So I sould!. Staad lise-e a moment, iireigu o~ auow ani ice. It di! ot an! lot oie seei tise vision baefore it fades. eous, as il Lad seemed! ja otheèr days, chili I maint to r-ememnber Lt wheon Kathie and! I ndl terrible. Tise snow foldedi tise oa-li haire groin aIs!. Bright golden Lair• ' ' ise -i d as y m s e Soi> a n s c is ro s-f sl; al g s , iss ti g u e. ia l I D s o o se long eveuluga I passe!d n itiug to un> bride boeso Loir tai- ani l>'e sisa •s um, trying to ashow him an> natu-e as Lt lu mny eyos. But sUe tioes not sceau s-a! as -n e ao-se, no better-tr- anc ibing to-n i;ht. That flattering robe maies hoer s- bis favorite paissagem fs-mon>'m reaings, looka white ans! misty', like a spirit I id confiding rmy> wildest speculations te tee- te tounis Le-, lest mshe sh'ons vsui.h ms ait aj litte fear- as I aiclnowledigedl buto thin air. Hem veri iaughs aounds cm ow n m ieart. ¯¯ helloir, snd has a ghiosly' quavos- to lu. A s! se te winter mo-e ara, aes tsihe Goaway>, Kathie, sud dom. backe bu suais ringstolaeniiselessily oes-s tisehils, lie- garbtisat Ishahlnet bs afraid o!fyea. tt finge-s nlocked tise atreams, uns! seut 31y bea-t iseat ithi s s-ery humas oem dasbing ansi leasping os-or hill-top eus! marsth as I man up tise utais.s As Le liey'. Whsere she us-ailes! hem s-oh. aioug sai!, ho had nover spoken te me Lefoes- e meadows, violets, ansi crocusies, sou cf an> faste os- tors ; ansi Lt pleasedi me lo' y, pale ainemonues, asrang laite bitfe, boa- tisat lu Lis oyes I seemedi se faim. s>' ail thse asght throughi, es-on> mormaig We bld nos-ar sat ai> se lait. together as vealed! some new mirace of resurrection. me did tisat nigst% I fane>' neitber et ns e forcît trees shsooa forth tiir eave,, felt incline! to aleep. - We sat Lae!da dI tsale-trees isug out Isses- ilsîa- Lanai, aviis lihouaisgim baes -D iL ns, ountil tise day et Ma> came- wit e puitrri-ijt oi ngae tr bin lth th star-y tiowers ansi musical wviths io- mounding depuiso jo aani poai sangs et roSis ans! thsrushes-w hsen hie g ries -is f ,l g as n g 0ie ra u>'ss - iad pressao ecm e. e My fatae tiataemtlgoe-e. A trt mas net less tuneftul thsan thse bird,, lengis, wshen tisa clock asrack tiralse, Le s jubilant tissn the spring. I mas!. beehought himnself et un> health. vd-s my pa hou andb gamrnhe roba-t 'Here I amn,' Le-said, langhii' 'pro-. wèr. Ipu ona hinsumerrob-îng uny titness to Le tr-ustd wth yon > poparto Atavi a ia' boas- keeping yoe up1tll past, unidnightf by s-ne, aseeg, îoviug f~or tise fis-st tnse- -ost sens! r0o-aia>a' 'or I shall bas-es abIb , .to-mor-o. and ne rose. Goodl-n'gi ht rd oielom its-c kig, ans I kei Kathie Ward ; It avilI bo Kathie Barthole. w'ould mala quiet>' np Wo tbe Louas, o omsrm I meut eut iDto-tse lano te meeu hlm, aent away (rom -hlm, iso, gcosli, soi ls aila age sop Ima.' I happy' andi resîtul clos.d u>e's.Tise vosce his lesteso°nai I haiard mas or i bttp nds I lalitered-'Your Kathsie, yens-s neathsa> mwidow,~ I knowv net avies he- s-e, soughtu Lis piliow. heu, eunderneaths tise aipple-trees, shak. Ho looked avell and happy' ou the moc. don ore- ns their visite, asweet rom, as if lie had kept ne vigile. Se lu- - t t r u efI et I t s t r o n g a r m a d a i m e t n s e s lg h t e a i n i s d a i k r a y - e y . sn>'y moth i and ho said, beaieath îips mos-e set lu teoua cur-ve. His bold - Kathie,' beore Godi, auss becs-e lisae Mss-y Ano Wilis helpedi me fl! avay - i whbo love! you so fend>' onice, an! I myn> w-.hite robes ans! pet ou arcy taveUlig believ-e looka doms on yen an! loes- you dres s n earfai silence, Whsen- ail mas ,I promise 1o bot-ue ans! fathintsot done ase oasms up to me sud presse! her' thîe doarer Lalf o! msyself.- I avili soft lips t.o ansy chook. These asa deep -you-veligLciaL >'@i tenderly; an - (Contisaed ou foutthgauge.)- ~ nuR]

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