- ~1V aADVEIT~8EM~NT8. 00K À3D V~lÇlNO-ROQJI OIEL - vLmS# IMWVIAIIIT, 1dp.-~LJtIAIç2~EE, -~ .6 tha Qutarle if otal. iluli0, Ifro. TORO NTO ISP RIN G. RA cES8 PILIDÀT, JINE lit 1870, XlEwxAEgET COURBE, Wlisu lb. foljelng l'urés iVII Prvic Jsulsp 'u ipl'es.' ?f*wmai- ~liet Plat9 i 1 alhmore, penai lies sud ai 1aiie, -2 nilîca Open Ilurdle Bawe, 0 pii!ci tourdit Rice, I T-2 miles. Sîmrry ane, ou$ liai!mli. (l'artleula ris nlu ntime.) A rapJýo 0acl-and Juttimnul Concert, ln - nidof. A INTS' CHURCH twil ba iuld ifttth oelIeÂY, JLJNE tOth, 1870, AtYý.hlciî theafolo* ilg Ltlcites and Gelitle- megg bhave kilidly voluiiterad ltoucasjt. lra%. Wt Mr ion -insv, Col. Iluz- zard, hir. Wi. Armotrcug. SFor karti.claN mca P! egratmeac. -o- served $enfuibO caule, Uîrecrved L.culs, 25 poistés. Doors opemi oitliîalf-paait "vont. Cooui lisy 25, 1870. 21 BOOT, &- SIIE MAIÇIER, DRLOCK M TRtj3Te Jo &0 nnouice to lis friands and patropil thal; ho liaiereinoceci Mis 1 uilesste theo wv Premites, wLelie awilIl happy tf. reacaCe ro'd.rsth il alkidà of work ln Uia Boot and -' bewed and paggedl work of the bcst work- FflUW'hil nd fi gtoitt strc. , Repors ueul4ot-punctuality myb txl)eetod. Wlitby, J ueff, 1810. ...Anew,publicllto, sciapteci te the vanta of the Former, Mllch,'upop, Muatse. Furnîi»Md o lctt oe. Cricket & ]BaseieBall Clubs, supplled t Wruto *P is, '&Bd "Ieddian Ist tc aw4 (EO. BENG(OUI, Sjnof tlc leà Èooic topt, a aeule-cf. areà ecgo, £aI!oct Book, ýcoltil lig g mie lleu, ti se to l'Say ena parsu rti~uIuti.. snietu tdis clIce. -KENI'Tl1., liliamil lierKolis arc lorbid- d ten frei m rcpsaig criain uî.tç or Sildated li i bipj;aylet, itu. 'de Lq me ,t vluailis beec rL,*iveci fur mmi. SAIIUEL IhJMMERVILLE. Wlîitl.y. Juno 860 .PER,1T" PIEOTACLES vwiii b. aI tir.store of hilr aent, Mr. James lit akulUki Va hLby, ou te sma"sat hlm lu Otlug dîfimeut sigîIs. ' iemembar tho data, Saturdiy, Joa Istij , 2r.8 tlut No. i7, 101h ,mil. Mos, 0sram 0 scifss eJuîarC, liîeed iug tèvus, liehu -and velli tied nia, goti 109iam 1auiexteubive , sw prizig arck (ntt,ver oliIîg) erowilu Ibo ot, itttra't ru ioi.la e t clurcase, #cu buetf, Mil%, &0. il, e ail reidy Sur Juge. » kithen oor.TheIot la 7ittiin 4 tuilas ro ?l trl, and viloi ,ord Joh bis MAEI ->4 JHALEY, Attely ., ars Fw Poney JmpDJs rednoea 3tp 6q, yd, Il Deu ooa redie-d rom 1 tQsbc. ~O~'84lduedêto5o 1rints reduced 2 t. yard, r waplà reduced from 5 te 25a. eae!z b yei 4od rnSt 5cs 1Ioalery and Goyes.une0a W o tj >OP krts Tduced 10 to 25C,. eub MlIadS~w,~Cl noy Gaparedpwcc4 tO'ostprief ffTHIS SALE WILL C0NTINITE FORt ON1 MNfl,. Coods Soid for Cash-.O0nIy ' PIIODUÇE TJI IN TIRADE., âmne S,1870. LAW arnl'OUnea., tht *le 0 rpared s ccv o llauted o mliii,: for -Toi mn,pWos~rt4, ilîlch cnha o!îaited it lier rtsitoep, IBYr60 Atret lhî,v ot, 1!;1870. i 2 'V A LU ABLE EY)A i M ALE, ir flîr8hscriher li eias ci ,iintmuctieîs i-on kalI. i;,- L'lti, toaelil.y vuie lie aautioîi. 01ou!li trurimem, cin 10D Y,4tb DAY 0P JITLy, 187q, -J T 'otecz, P. M. TL.ut raluillblê Fuuin, b*,Ii e nîpîr)9(d or part Mi Lot No. 17, il, îfie Prîketi Frt 2îieet i of Uic T Iwîl i Pîotr, &J-iniînp~li eerd. More m le-î 'ie llal If te bei-t qiîaity îîîd li al tst;itr ofectlVtiei, tiree let egeiolDweiîlIel ,vtifen r-i lln.a e id iiill-.aiilsl nei i c-liii g-4îd lmg Ban> ;aid le, if'udlig Two isulJ )lraci1. fruit trr.s. yul g,etït vitir l lfa.Ies exciiiaît,îîîrt lîitîr(î-îl, -mli giliai, el lîiîhrstotueld.11, ;.eri Lf-Il Jiliouti wii, gi-oitcl rcii-uts I fi-e, llii vitililit1ue uiit hI-a, yeiaros'Ilei- pu-drty is 24 iiliîra ilr Didflli-x' Crerk antiJ lu-.-,c i ttieglm*, B;1% sltloîids ai id 6 ipl-ps rrn Ie tclt,. of W iiithy Tarins e Roy, for flirihr p'irtîculitrs cpely te .1'ltdU Brownu, nu the Ilregrilis, or tothde i-uit- sciibor, At WliitlîY. L.FAMIIIANKtî, Jr.. Pll MniîgMu730, 1170. - AuC2î,er Q U$FP TlI1nlD....I~o~the riclencaet siîiuîof W1ithy, cent Aiihthurn4 , n-weanaid Iwo -Lambit, Llceisir).-Auîy pars-li W.- tr iliitg îiîcuor nvii-g pmccliniforînatilîiau' witi !eîid te thelr reovery vilie ha snituiy rc warded. JOSEPH PIERB.t- 5Ri~2. -AIl--s-,iu- ,iasii Dme .Ie a J . P . D i r s o , b p Le tu r 1h i . awTorL Sotd by aIu Drcgghatj aLOTS Tii. oiuhcriher bus (ýlu-euinstruIcteil hlrtiseprie. priceor, te ml et tindt-rtncutioiiud '-In the Town o! )Ibtby- s-'bîBiîtek !iotiiige, (rrsicTrco eiur. Jait.i - Wsieea~ Pf sîeeteeits iiug8 roi-use, paiitry, vAsîtlentu-, ce-il exliFent ceiluir. wiatiî a gpoilgird!e,,%'eoli atoceilvield Ciolla, i orraaîît 'sud litsplsas-u-y liislses; 'reI;a laaI0eOU the irrtrisa ia ond -vtiu 1 ooft~wtoii Osi-rh seanaOIt stable. 2nd-A raneeoe, hile Ds-ohiuigi., on <Centre straît. lui moIleiî tuer ie titi-ce taneîî-eiit.., 0f 4 rionsis d a kI*tertoeo.I.lasesout r ptI*îsler atiui. - ard-A $Inn)] vacant Laioteiîead), cdjnitii gfr. Jlus. li-lsradu 4tli-A vacaent oct-uir 1e anRinig end lPit- mtracu s, veli !euîced, nsed una.gtà loii. Tise tbtiy'e raperty, cr ac>-purI ofite l hc JA31E$-,BOLDEN, Agent. Whiîiiy, Mfay 28. i1870. 22 j'cTAE 1~aYllcE-Aîiperteuisli-alliue E1 daims a tcui if i-ttulot Ille ];eV. lor sudi ttai h e ra il ligilgaitBru)iein, ai-a Iereli ifietuhle I ras:iltteleil eudlt, ltirlilaumulrs!ieau Vieor lieloiuthedOri-e day VIl Juty lieut. Aikd aîîl îîeseus tiett tu e It- cii, aiutara rtqocateti te sejlu ietc satne horia ili. Brmeliiru May 28, 187e. i- 2 Tue thl rd atianl meeting o! thea mcmber# of ON ýRp RMEJt IIIJTUAL For the puîpau.e ot. racitviîig tta itepoît oh It aa ~t ltiicimsci 1e wBarc i iu teipen, i- Il ha field: tirmusuit teouicjtiurui Uaset, et' Le Toli ua tsl,lanLe Tu-Y-b VI IlRIDAY,,uhe 24tb ïjl..y oi Juce, 18170, At 2 oec1uck, lp. en. t L. FAIRBANKIS, Jr, H CedOfce, Whîîby, - 80i-tAtiry. Jlsby 80, 1870. 22 MOUIY TO LOAIO, - -On FarmeProl art>' only. -JOHN SKINNER. 0AI Au Notice la hareby gicen diat a 1D»vilenîl ni (Ouir per coit. updIutheet('plti 4tiîel t f im !iîttiitiî,, fer teetîrra-,!îit-î- u.thim <lii hepu ti eiîîrid, stami lir! i&uiwili i li puylsbtc Sà t thîe B..k, titiShae ii a uaîî Wednesday, the lst l'une nezt. rtlw Trutnfer-Bf oke s-PIlie bc ci ,dfirt),i mimi tttetht î( ..îofri.tN. My. lt'îii Notice las i givon Ot tlte ciii col (4ti-t-îuîl ,,ie ig itic 8tmu klîoIderg. 1.-r t4 a lecîloI; 2rf I!IIt>iOacIIeîs' cd ltlte porp-îîe refeteel tii .il îte jl'nbl %ii ic îJi-ti lv th.e tsutîirti> o 'f the,. irs-etrrs, mirîîrdiu- 2i 'Jamnîî el., --il] h he l bo i-t îe liLanig ile, ina te.diVlle. ou Monday, the 6th 3une neit, Coinnipritîing ant thea itar of 12 ooele, rcoou, tiy crder oftlîe Beard. D. FISHIER, Onta'ie llaîk, Camilîer. B.awîiiillte,Api 28, 1170. 19 rIjl E p AVEN T The liiidoritrur, h,ît-nzi-prc1ite-lfrein ter îlic TowNqsRip 0 F p 1CI ri G, Movcablo Irat e lt'lougli point, Bt-g-m to cal ti.e attiîl*.n ift uiut-rs te thp i-ah, iiEl'thé>>il ime »1r!Jnîieiui ,c 1l'i iiilr Ctu.ts r-,fi et, etiri ity w lleua -i per céi iii lsthe ePri, 'te M.h-ae wiflc lust î tit aIei -it li.e ai the uîoi-eilila l'uile, tilt]"i tirel ing tie, tddn ig refîrrid to. S.d-Ve iutiey cntiruse theo Mvogitc e iirts. ,- .- G- EOR!GE COLLINS, Audley. j u îa r lal u, 1 7 0 , -5 1- - I ls JI,j INLY TI> L}ND.- $10,A00 te teîîd, c'a (pîltte hiîudi-,tt t8ereclit t'etaujiil. Ie ccmuieie,v chicrgc-d. Àpply te lVhithby, Jue 2,1870. 41îî-22 R OUTIl 0F TIîîCELTE1à RATED TROTTING IR 0 R 8E "GREEN MOITAIN MCRGAN." FOit TME SEASON (iP 1870. Meiîi, M iay 9, b li vl edve Ili!i$l-nstandl, Jelili Wa%'rd'a hitei, C I ilîglon, iti îîree-eu.d te Wcybe's Inbtel, nit odit'iieiîce 1o L. Mulçutlii's, Canibriiy, aria rcrnaiui ait îigliu. TcxetAr, preeeed ta btnrtaali ctel, Lindiiay, abdireiîaiait 1 itigus!. WyzmnsIUAss. WvIii rocaîl to efe 'hôtel, Cale- s-ceda, litinouia ;-tuaere oCeuve'.iliotelf Idepilla, sund romain silt iligidi. TaiÉAT proeed te imelsîecPnlr ii noe, !isoor; tf-eu--e v)i Vuîeiie ahttel, wre nue-,eand rtmaclu tittaitght. *111-i, ii proeed te JohnîîîFiant.i,', Derry- vr, noi ; silence t'r hi, lic-tue sisi-d. et Wsrds itel, Cl.uuiaigtuii, and renîsien util Monduy aioritig.- g;M 'Tliiiq route viii hc onîtirnu-d dnriîîg TEI bS-To lunioa foui, *b ifur thae i- ri,$.ifigle leip, -44. , -1 . E. MSAJCiZ, Propieetti. C a rn rtet n, 1f y 5, 1870. 5 -, 4 19E2 superior ovorr theold i ud, a large stocko SPRING, 'ÂIGN t~REDRIE STILL .BELONGS TO 1,THE And bene2-th-% "That flag that braved a thouiand yas Thé batte and the breeze"1 er Tbankuîl fo7rpat paitronnuge, eg1fete unneîince to luscîxtomers, and -te ptublic, t tluelas now on iîaîd the lari-at and bst stock of ever in WhIitby, andi thnt lie continues te nianiifactnre driasiy, fiîrniture of every clrscriplToxi,î,iiidiuig Silelioards, S 'ofue, Lounget, l!ocktig CIatrs,, (with andi wiîl;oiut rocîk#-ms), Driasing rouin, Pirlor. açd t-d-ronni Setsi, &c.. allnmanu- Leýtureti cf the I-est iuitii-l, andi daishtidias a perior id wctktmoril-ku Snansicr,unrurp-dlsed hi- any siuiîilsrr etiliIietit ini the bro-tît Ocino ion; crIt ai wlsich -bc iii preriaredt t dispose of at tuu-predeikiîtedty. Low Prices, foras EVEiY ZliyICLE WARRiAN.TED. Tiiose b-ho bnu' early can now bujy cheap. UVPICLS1-;ERINýG 0F ÀALL KINDS, DONE IN TUE BEST MiNNEIt. M a -11yl , 1 8 7 0 .,l L L J DOMINION Theun( tl DE t;à 1-LO irar &&iUai-h ln,«,rjig sud Payer Iag eaxecuteina xus , muulikcaid axpediiuub us tiner, am uStial. - Dundas Stréett-M WhtbY, APril 21, 1870. 1,, 1USIC 1I MUhî le p Wltby Bragg end sLriýng Bandsa aapt-; V Iliau, i.nucd , xeiiuinaQuatirji partiey , &-e.,&é., wiii soPply the beet- aud' litiat od', L. Zaaaouabla ttrers. Appflictionm muat tic, made cither pii: or by latter, (poat perd,) te J. WOLFEND.- 20-Msy 17,180 - Wdi. lNf30LVËNT ACT 0-F 1864-'% lt1etthe o J0X4AS TARB z. an t Jnohaut. ]Uudor snd by virtue o! the powrvat , mae am Accîgifta Ofthe Mîtatu alici effect-,-.î theoacyau ic.diAoivct, I iOlff,_- or cea tto beoffarad for Sale, on 3ÂTURflAY, JTJLY 6th, 187, At 12 o!clock. nie:n,iat the Anction en- tia iudrsiignied, ou the Market plaee, i-r Tes-n ut Barria.a.aul thîe i-gb, titVa, aqu: t% rcdanption, and Iictrest o! the lusoielvru, - Mytatît as hia Assrigne. in the !ellowiug pr 'ty e iaCeltity o! Ontario, iiz - Thé Souteu st quarter or Lot number tha 13tt iceasieraof th(,oahpo f.. ira theCoeuuy eiJuOtario, 50acaresamoren. t T.eâwlbd'uade kuown nt the- li..;e-n For particulars as taeconditions aud trii ta applicatin Psj hoincie if.- by latter - j patd) te Miera. Mciltrthy fCrh.i 1'ew4a Oilrîn olieiîorb, sud te theni-- signad. -- JOSEPE laqGEF M cCartby &mcc3rthý, omfcIajAb.. Saliitra fr te IsolvenVi- Dated at Barila, thla 4d1 Msy, 1870. tia- J TST PliBLISI[ED, »R BnIZE BY AL CABRNET LAWYE!,' flcig a Blaudy Book or Lega1 Formas, i observationas "fc Vor the nu e(l Paumera, = ,-~uan sd othera. EtiHiEWIfT TÂ , s Qý~ A. LOVÉLL -tCo., Priuters, Fnbltsbarsand Beekbiietr,. W X L ~ ~ 3EIcaN FOR TIfE SEA SON, ON LOWES & P -Enz. -1-,- STAlPLE & FÂNCY PRESS, GO-ODS Cornprîisng ail the latest designs and, vari4ýPes of the season-:- llosiéry, Cloras, aiud'Rilibons, in great variety ; Gentlemune, Clothing Made te oe'rder fr ein th e largest S oc lc of T w eedg, Clo us , and (Jssini rcs, of the latest'st 1y PE s5. - and best qulity of Goodê, >..nufecnred. The general stok etof Dry Goods are fully assoi-ted iu- every department Sti -. i -i-i lu ~Y 3 ~ D 3E ~ ~ 9 .~ . ~ ~ ~Fre h Fam ily roc ries, iFl-ardýware, ý aints, O is, &e-, newlyl OLD -NO. 1 Y. GiBsoN- would Cali special attention to bis stock'of Timothy anîd Clover Seed, ulso his choice lot of genuine Field and Gar- den Seeds, just receive.d.-- 410 FUNERALS FULLY SUPPLIED! P"iCT"URE Ç FRA MED,- And spleiidid fr.-nes of al] Idîîds,-oî-aI and square,-to be had on the prctnises. Cail andi examine the stock, and wiîctier yon bny or net, yen wiil. bh art- iiy welconie, and reccive evelry pelîteattUention in iuspectitig al the beautiful gouda on the praunises. lu- t -I connection s-ith the Dry Gouda estabishment, Miss Elwi bas opa>ied bar D t-- t8S-.lTD M N E R 01 J A S S H . S A . o Oi râih t e r a r nge n ia i res t ssur d th t a l t eir order a w il l ex u thoe greatast prorupthess. Yhe best niaterials used aiid ali- the lateat g~-DAVIESS Crac m Ale v-ults undertieaîh tUe prernises, an-d for sale wbo1é sale, of which the undersigrîad acts as agçnLt JAS. H. SAn0. Aîpril 11, 1870. 1 MANUFACTUBED ]3Y si' teen years practica! experiecin utheo 1iîctuýe of Reapc-rs aud MIos-crs, salis.: - fieas- beJhisoîliiIaýkiug Iteaper" 15 very tfir in admousce et any Dlier Mâiti ode -t-i ut Ãhe preosrnt day. We have ju.-l inîrodraceti it heCacisitito otdi tiuîita utactaureti a liuiiitccl number the post osessn, aind ssYet are the oui>- rîscuuficturcrsi. 0F 1 Lis season Dar linchihel; s-l erabraica sucb saei1l imr mnt enl .>trcc lu OFinthe unnttuf-ictume hia auggetd -romua a>cr'eli-nuc '~Strouigly dît'd d paisiy brult. '!he hast inal -usecLin uiýs construction. Tts ma- - c dînýye rdomcii etipnetaud draabe. The'lenaýt lbieletget nts;of order, The ___________________________couîlintuîiouni fwoud ant i ôin xu he finger bmeikea lu the mosi t lfect o! Ouger bars. The seat: of the driver, 'idcat'éiIotid !tîepfvi-shec-t. su a lnices 4aiien- SNEý' E G G No0 LiA . -the fitigem bar. tiîat i al8ssliable'lo si-g oe'mlark ieunthaio u ur acutc - ~Oui- Seit-Itatki ix tha mtst perfect aiVe-ri'ninid,auî d coitiuta dit ii-e Itakes'revolvnîg A PERFECT EGG PRESEIl1VER £ arourtid IA'axis closi ta thé dusivîtg s-beel qp o >i-.as f e ~lecntirelX enter the conttre l ofe ie'iit n-utît opi icithe tîa illpo en e-l- nrt'gtI P'It cdlvestate Ëskiid rjedin i od- - p- huf ilire harx tieraliy eufiUldnnitsg tî.a riz fct 0%.-4: îaigti,i;' iiedad, or ljkhtcfor f t 3rnpidh s d lunonidae. Tueie l îrc- s ils idelti r aid ý1ikkl.. -cutta a coun fifcen e twntï crespc-r da),, i-1 7fFTg J'EI PACKAGE.- aiha u u utdy nt ou ces jn seat-eudiays. Il tise tirc)iieitire ciiri-eh eut ' i-«er- pnck- lu l anuufac-taued sonirIen ping'oilly, ,b'éccae ibas beau teinostratcdi hs0it aip aiverr, set raeî li--a îatii~rtearper asiud MiÃ"war iii ast te eut mordà ngs aud grin; titan I tw-19imuiuîetilMai- e , ýti")tlj*._Y1 c dhnes, andi custa ncucb legiln îhetggregî-t.fc Beaides s aaeparate Mi-chinue fa; lou coin- i 'e iiiiceuilpseck'lt enet te *market $10it- tana8 ebi o pliaoe #hani iai- naiti nÙb!ed on~ e; es hable to gel ci. serder, nuditsiaiçvays r ady for ?À dûi -111ihistu»ier @ 10 clii., coat..... s 0work wutboutî <ha trouble'ati dala>' oftcbanglîg from oet e o urthen. Cei»f Yggudeili.à ca titîdher îitii a. 111i. Reapar el eetu in sucetil «operaten euuly Si-c yearuu-buit is manjy euipcer - iolunis et excellence bu-e vol, fert-r iiii etuttime a quiltitide 0o Htreaid,.andi a po- -Ttl coa.................. e,; titioh nefl vier efcime atiaitu-d tIy an>' liai-iest(er in &Ou short- c l. For tîie* i-ut tsi-e or 80 dozen IfL;-iî 25 eigcfao et.... ré te ibrea ýearx il vas corraparatinely ultile kuownubut drrlugthe paet fs-osesisont; ut ws-i Net Gaini ................. aiéà wideiy iutroduced throaghiouit the pricicpsal Reab-gr.,wing sectiouseci theXand, antid LSent prej'aid b>' paitecî î-cstteehtjy- prî oi gsioed a popular-ity uprecetiented lu- thebs-is iulu - llidireclitiirns itr c-i01pnîce, ITHE I-A nVEST 0F' 1869. OUR RECOOR ~ ~~a~i-%ssnpîe setiedroars For ten yaprs there bas net ligen a satron s-len grain han been in se bad acniir o leyakia faur 1<0 ents B>'tto ro. for hri'esing as <lic pasi ea. Tlie ail-liv las bèeaue eeedingly baavy, broken auid W - mouegganailctile à MTaëIatk badi 'y ledg( d, th>rby ceverely lestfng the abilîy o-ditie ' ye ' ni machînts ta weurk' muac iiilaue ti re oui Outsidoe t tackage. under se i mac'.This test 1-S elfl oro-ngtitiuià Goi-dl reliable Ageauits wsuted evarys-bore. construction, liat beaenrabled ta meet sbccesfly.- à urnahing ta itha Jarniing pule LbiendI communlsalloeia. ouite ireot that it i-a equtw g&auv- rpcyAà ýe l - J NIl, Sel.M., au"at~-- Undooa>u¾~, hâby, May 5, 1870o. - SPB.ING -19iYPORTATIOÉS 1 few coodis AT M'MILLAN & cos! --The Puîbs:cnribcrs ii>g te intimate the ar- xval-ofitle 'hulket thei r it lg iripra- 'tions, a huch eunubuaceès a large. aund vairié~ Pnb r t y i f . S t aipý le c d F a uc y D ry Goua,.Clthiug.<i-iicrlsLiqûiars antd t - V n e , I l -i d 1 ic l c a i e d e t c 'r u i a n s cd t l e à s l ai a malcl advauce ou Ceai. . lulToi"Stall Profita anti qau-k Re- WÇe iîsuve linsuerk 100 porkogea et the abtve elel r'r' ed selkAe iu pime cti-- dutîlin, s-ich cc -r t' ue m-utc-ý- tarer', . ces, in puceLagsc et 10- 12, 150 etid 80 gallons. T. Il. 3cXILLAN & Ce. A,1uu-il 27, 1870., 17- NGs IT.-N1 h10À H TL i à DVND AS STREETWWJJTn ,Y The Snhacriber hep ste lofon thie pii tiat -ha bt. nvitl fîcd up pcd-ranovaiu-,. att-i- liotal, s-lie trceellers sdilftradaexcni* euuuu-te,.Liqngutui-.- Whnaiandaci i or aturL-rquelt>.ieet! Lmgarr Ser. t atahlng Untitetsraivo-shced roovm. Whiby, Msa- 2cd, 1870 Tie a tirbr la preprdIe do ah it- uorkicla dyuluaig,- lu ailkr, vee> snd Cit O QOVANýSG j (BROCK STREET, WIILTBY,), -~1 j -,j-i -7-T,- scwhole oà le plimi very lôw 1 fer. e, 1 LOW ES YEOMAN Whitby, April 27, 1870. lit lit .0 PO WIE U. 1 00 1 - W-, 1