Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1870, p. 4

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wltb a sit@îl 'Ai If bis *aah-u if i tou drariy 1< us submls Il but in tl todd.d;.- tek.)' geod la 1a c omrndsd, mae7 been d- of ~1ye Noswlcb, -veut to boy tome corn of neigbbor L--il; but tboogb bo W.d nongh and could baie spared morne, ho, rofoied totelse ay. Corno was cerce, jet rocker hsev tbatFarmer L-1 b.d à goodlI7 quantiy of goldean-cas iDbis cr-lb, and vas, thoe-fore, -very vrotb at the refusai. H.o ould get ne cor-n, se ho enr-ud L--l oonndly -and vent bis vay. Nov swear-ing, in thone timeu, vua a grave eff.».. linL.'o cyeï ofthe i.v', and pu 1 __-' nsrigacnplle ree vwu summneào to appear- befor. Jostice Hyde to ansver- the coropilt. Re-came loto the cour-t vith--bis ilbla under- bis ar-r, plesd *oily, and thon plead hie ovo case. Opoig the Good Bock, Le tornod to Proverbe xi., 26, and road, 'He ibat vitbboidetb ccrn, the people shallcorse him ;bot blessing shail bo upon the bead M cf him tuat selsîth it.' 'Qed corses hlm, I corse him, and now do yen corse hioq, Squire Hlyde, for oqe- of: youra rtes là Worth taro cf ~inne, and do ail cf Vu gen. tlemnen corse him.' dHo von biseuecanesd vas disnised withont beini liued. 'Once, vben cillod upon te baud lu to the Assessors bis tai liaip, ho arote Iis - 0neîs cld hiîeo nl out of repuir; Two lijo tn l«qiofnd a poqr od umre; Tiiiteyos lavemyýanmOliCt o Prydutlet thu ttiiexceud tihé giot.'ý A doting mother cf -a waggish boy iiaviag bottled -s lot cf niee preserves isbelled thein, "Pot op by .Mm. D-l Jobuuy boving discovered the., 8000 ate tb. contents cf îLe boule, and wrote on <ho bottoin cf the label, "Po't do*u by Jobny D-." SR ESTAURA NT (87& 89, Ni vie trect Eat Toronto), TIIOUAS CARLISLE, - PROPRaETOR. oer -te cit Stand. lOTS qAIN WHOLE.SALE IL. -~ Bu ~n G ICeepO eonstantly -on haud, and, in. course of, manu- facture, the largeat stock of Ladies'. Cents' and Misse.' Examine for yourselves the excellent material and fine work- îanship. Mgnifiicen't'Di-pla-Y 0F NEW SPRING* Pelé ~, WINES, 15-~ÀptiJ18, 1870. JEAN GENTLEMEN, TTENTION GENTLEMAN'S CLOTHINO MADE TO ORDEI CANA HE IANESTW EDS DIS' f t, Can be selected from, muitablo for the SeâTiâOn. W 'Ail kinds of gentlemen's' .Furnishing Goods k, ALE K. PRINGLE.ý Whitby, Aprfi 13, 1870. Gem Rings, WC desire to thauk our kind patrons for their very liberal sun- Br roe ,ept port during the past year, and-hc- i1r a-' .continuance of the same.I English Plated Brooches, Colored Sotts, very handsom Weare now prepared te show one cf the best stocks cf new Goods ever j e t acl s & C cffered for sale lun Vbitby, and will isel ut pnîeus te suit the hard times. G *e , OURt STOCIS NUW VERY COMPLETE, CONSISTING 0P Grc and Whitol - gant, iopitiono ans] Farcy Dr-cia Goo eomforseble Ries Airsc U ssrtero lu evtry airle1. Cýd' Pannievisstiisg Tororîte oi. rsi-s>' VIII flud weery uilciiiostiosatise Terropsir. Apti!] 180 -. 1 Toc ttodtrsrigr.cs]lsati acceojies isle marine Ageise>'ocftise- WESTERN ASSURANCE 00O., 9 OP TOitOXTO, x x xf Ansi wiil Ie glas]te tifuci Isserîratîces for 8oh lsssvirîg propssrty to oisip f'tir this p ort. P A LE. A C.DPUA PER. Wiitby, April 5, 1M7, 14 JMPOItTANT TO P'ARTIES USING Do n Bre DIAVII1NERT 1 J. J. STOOK'S EXTRA MACINE OIL. -o- - * 'rie 011 exoes nicurier oit, hotu anImai and] a-là WCie ls i re p'cpared tle slow tire .srpeniority 0oltisie (iii te0o1 irer. itrituirds tins teses-es:srb4iy taîrocero ao lrst-elisit or ficie, it 1le Oroitel ta eiier liglît orliis'svy mn- s-isiiieri, frotin o el, ci-or revis. -rioclisissetritise issvtorf suinte,. Tise lfi 'Iowi rcr boots nis In lis iili Il exceotlitsrr ille- . IT NOT G1iJ Ntlieslic;jir tiliinery cari ire ilet cdeun witiilai<srîlittho trcsilie, ni Il will .-leaist ireolgliror> tbsnt Ilirsas err slresndy grImîneil isy tîsef <lai. It wltLrrotoocrîeiul or t1isùien liitishe cilesi off vessîlser. TIse ir o safiialht. (i tise lslirseist Impoiirtare, ris tise r-set ansOOl nt lisvig Mlseq irissi vili 3l-îhirîsrata Cola mlissît, $oeiliors -'il nay iacepjîlied iluio Ileatod tto, <ut tise rooinit iil tou isemil s olzd rnilisft Iit-oiiieaiedinrid viilot lalîrîcate un- tilitlire jurssal by flicio qiisisce ittenîupisr- rtrro is-csirssry te rehîce it lis a liqîsid este ir' ucqirisi islssflertenlperatrire Vtiy ts011j tise jissrtini eiqsiaie5e mii tlireboxile isttinresi,fI te rig nîtlsetius c il tîslu revll elsill 01r a cold i lsfî nîtiliost tîsis rer-suit, lis iisIo min11- f 10 0<1 vitîs vsst-. J. If- itoec'K 4>11will Ilu- Irrictisvie cldstîiitliiery tîist inoi5sIiit il là LIiipmnd. o11e nnssw ised in 00cr two 1 ibIîl.rronte.and if;egivieg ftise ic ciirisscisîasdc iii ueIns ssvissg tic>r Y ofer h t rreresi t4iîserniror par-e Olive, Il ns - re r-cfremi ise ijectissrre tsrges] rsg;iist ail otiser 0li,,a*ns- A il o -t uniiora truirseaNow ami tise iutlIle ort, Aowre unlitrrirsy wortileiq tilshsgerlire 1iptl.rl issu> isstsriotýy, lu orier tu<o Iireve tisté iiisq0le110Il u Ilsag, ont tasodeurs osiroivea sgriiiiint tlise iperitsulnonsc t repri- - . otifi eoi gns, is Ilsry (,f Wlsin i i i SscIissi. tate toaîîîlm 011 tise *'seisn offi (f 011 ro-fiirces ot boini deitial ieuh s8rokjoe.xtra Macîsisie 011,) 110 O itpO, tru tisose WIIO 810 steteeitesl In tire irof tsilIss;es Otemeiii. e. <onrd le tbeenon ppliictierr, 5;>' railior otirwrvs, fres-cfocharge Iis ns>' vs>, 16 ssoillse sftisa cii, tu tir ilnnoy xlei rss I<itîulsf. And i ii ins tend *Wt lla i tuw imtslotests, mos effective an tiroscioîs b> W111011 oiJ la kiuwsr froni ihs baiser motasie, ornd vîlehr vili elrabbe partien or- dcrlng to occîrire tlise1on osgneîimposi- tinta, b etiitlsg leuste ' loteruane At once wlsttir tise01Ù fir-wrded la As gecri ne À ortie% îcndeaiinrg Inh i le Oi 1e iliide veillte sommnnuetwitb - 0W. B. STOCK, Brooglssng, ont. $ole Agent for tire Dominion. * Frngisn, ~arei 1~,1870. TE;riIMONI-AL. Tirs Joires1ttRAU 1l'cnx Wcas,, Onirava, A pril4, 1870. G. if.Blocc&, ESo, Bxnouausx, DEMiq Srz,--We Irans liorusiotgycar lnbricaitng 4>1 for îthe pot tour mérihe[i, sud cat) say vitîsoot Imoiationr tittt il sie hat ooh vo Irnes ver noe!.' h Io aise cicep, andi Jate longe5r tlirén 50 otîor- Cl;t * - W. bavs r-un Our' large34 test trou pen 7 dayn vitin one Otlliag. Il k.soirstire tle ieniand] bs gitttWe do etOfrwaanYthijng botter-&A a s lbrlcator. 1 zim, yonrs triy, 26 ,F. W.G EN treeidient. ttons, Sheetinga, Linen, Shirtings, .Prints,:Brilliante, Colored Siiks, real Poplin-3, Black and'Faney Lustres, odo, from 1 OMt. to 75eto,, Broad Clotho, Tweeds, 9Hats, Caps, Scarfs, Neck-Ties, and ara, Fancy Goods iu cndless variesy. JOIIN SKINNER. MANUF ACTUREIIS 0OP CREAM' .LE ALE.m îwery,- Toronto, Ont. As the proprietor attends personally té the Brewving, a regular stock cf Ai.es andi Porter eau always ,bu dcpended upon. Parties desirous of havxng Ales of-superior quaiity and Porter cqaalto any imported, arc respectfaily solicted te tiend their orders for a quanity large or omale and try for themselves. With the nid of our incased facilities, we arc enabled te produeo an arti- cle (aIl the year round) second to nono in the Dominion. N. B3-Orders ieft iih Mri. JAS. I. SAMIO,ant the Furniture Warerooms, i3rock Street, Whitby will receive pompt attention. Dec. 1, 1809. 48 -. CL E W z t, - Q OFFICIAL ASSIOGNE!E. GEN1ERAL AGENCY -OFFICEI,, THE ùnd igned b ??Cg ce the, appotment of Oicii AU Insolvcn. J PLW aeyNttu conspcn olee pr-empli>' nose.r On good faim gseerit>'sit8 per cent Inter-est. Speeliattention vill negoclatlon of Loans, end b>orroveris c#n rel>' cpen havirs thei ppi t>r>, Aiso, Lnd% , bet', Im p"roeý1-d ncb nproved 1 consiantly ter sale etlediunhe Ont;r-lo limers tu,& Inaur-anco Company. OFFICE-131losBlBock, isext door le tire Royoî Casjaeia Baink., For Perr, Dsme.br 2, Ue. - - me for North mkr-uptcy or- INSURANýCE The undersigned continues to ,epresen the- following reliabl INSURANCE M :NIS~ JAMES JOJIN SIONf T IE RO IAL. - C apitial, $2,000,00( HEIAD OFFICEp5 - - TORONTO. FRANCIIEWARDI Eerq., 1 MANAGcER. - IIEAD OFFICE, RENTOUI' BROTH'S, NORTHT BRITIS I, Capital, #2,000,000i HEtAD OFFICE, M ONTREAL. MoDOUGALL& DAVIPSON, JOJIN AGNEW, JOHN AGNEW, - . CapitAl, ,Wumt -~ ~ ~~GW Caial MI0~,0 I1/iozelaicus. AGE1,500,-00 HEAD OFFICE,- NEWIIÂVEN,-CON. JOIIN AGNEW, AoGîrr,WIT PROVINCIAL, Capital, $ 400,000. HERAD OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY CROOKER, SCOTTISHI PROVINCIAL, (LIFE,) - Capit4 $1s,-OOOlOOO TOBLONTO. HEA» OFFICE, A. DAYIDSON -PARKER, 00-= Also the Colonial Securities Money, -at reasonable rates, JOHN Whiîby, January 4, 1870. Agent, Whitb~ - ONTREAL. JOHN AGITEW, Cm a Gfort, he 1IB o AGNEW "i i oe w -c, M z -0 w E a, 0 tz i Co Ne re Pri FIRE £SLLBZIII -72VN1782à GILLESPIE, MOFFAT-T & Co., Agents for Cand. JAMES DAÂVlbt,N, Manager. rX oAC goirrat LOOS b>' IRE arc CE C00, lu ~ ~ Aez w dc. YEMA ItBSO Apri Srdlsss. .'o 1<. INVESTED FTNDS are ..817,005,086 Its DAILY INCUBE exeed .... $20,wOC 1ts-LIFE POLICIES ors a 1Surs Protection for tire future. Il, FIRE POtlWIE5, lesuesi nt CUBOROT RavM, attord omple protection te tire Merani and.Honseiroider. -Ail fair daims a mumyPAIn, and]the nt- most lirerality âooar lu tbq a djustmeuit of lses. Hesat Officel, Canada Dr-sncb, licutreaî. G. F. c. 5MITII, Cirief Agent for Domiior0 L. FAIRBANKSi Jp., AG£EOT, - a Whuîby, Ont, Whiby, July estih, i869. MANUFÂC'EURED AT 1IlIE Agricultural Worke. LEFFEL'S CELEDRÂTHO Double TUR13INE WATER JYIIEEL. T'IISE heoo w or 13w mnnfstnring rn, oWC '%'!Il give o guiaratee witb cacII ie] wrrratirg therm teoboas e wil mde, nd to give seoo qti-;factlor as 0137 mono- hetnrc.d in tieD Mon . I'ortieg demirinig further informaUtion eauoni-. diu it b>' oddressirsg PAXTON, TÂTE &C. Fae lt crîy-5î., Port Prm, ont. £IGIIESTMARKY~I. puICE lie. V'. .N WHEAT & 1PEAS, FRENOHMAN s BAY, Wx. WIIITEIIIDE. 13RenIrTnI laSAEpt.22,1S19. 8 -SURANCE COMPANY Capital, $4005,00O, ME nnderoignsd hsving ben sppoluo Aget rte obove y monyIS0w =rsr e to Insu" = p âpst gfit etLOSBY e m.ost sterme. Apply to L. FAI BANKS, J. 0O&TIlEEJiN flJOTZL l WH-ITB Y. ]P. CLARE, Propriotor. ",- ý - - ýe 1 soe pon oly Co" 84 5435 cnt Wfl5ëë»t5O843or- Idlniry plougliarari onimnt altachod comte 50 cents. Une ithare wl ii lasito'vear- out at éast liv. ci tise Moveabls Poiuts, -thos effet- in 0 a aving tiat-vill bo aionceapparent <o Bave meney then u d use the Moveabie Pointe. - ga Townulsip Riairts for nes.- - ROBBS doTli EÉNNI A PYte- Poseos Wisitby. suid JA.KEMNNUM, Wbiîby, Jon. .1870. P H 0 TO0 G RAP IH S -W I S-0 -3T For rachuée sef Toue, fuilnegs of Detoil, sud oxquifteeFi niah, cwuuot ho ouipassed I1 Eav'iug mode great improvemneritsfin tirs ligiig of this galler>', h sno m knî ~ tLurcs botter tison over. Tite 1new '"1embrandt" picture toison at Wi]1isun'so l"e tire 6"Tites] 'Ignsttc, la inev sud very bcantifrrl stylo, AnYthil ue nov13Plrotogrsritiîy. tuai is 'tortb' haviug, caunire lias] ot Willison's Galler.~y. Cabinetsl, iu frismiso, verl bow. 01.1 Portroîr,. mnary copies]. toitroira fersarged te life mpze, and eeiored lu cil-voter *colorx or indla -ink. Mr. Willson il ev-ry onccual atakiun, cludren'»,pictures. E. iH WILLSON. April 12, 1870. 15 R. JAMIES W ALIkER, 0 abbrn, Ont. A»DÂLSOTVIEgh 1)O0 1NIN PLOTIGII, oteudâs monulaetnrlng on a large Soithatis PLOUCGHS! andI tise oriinLpart grounci. [9r l'tariesveuddo o -lt o sons] iftheir orders w*itLsoct delay. Coursty PBiglas efor sale. Ashirr, November 10, 18<30. 45-if hon tetueLadi e oh' W rlt ado.icind execut~e! lorders for dress making and t man- lu A noper-for nmauner and! ofier the latost faihions. MAi! 5trs itended to -witir pone iuality andithe sriostftteinion. - MitS. KNOWLIN<* miss CLARKz, WhtyeNove 1il 1859. 46 - TEETU XR I týIE 'UNDERINelID DEýSIRESTO IN- 5 art froiifrcs sdpatrons, tirai ho WT O PIN,'À irs gou eumj usnesaitiî&eold BY TIIE US;E 0F - C WHITBY LIVERY STABLES NIThOUfS oxin LAUcINi&< G.13, §5r IloLvinzg encesos] tir. nmber and] qnaiey-oî the slnd, and ase o dded -teoand firn- OR TUIE NEW proved thse corrveynuet and velsieles ou tire LOCAL-AN2ESTHETIC- p-emis,'ire hopeiby ieirsg lu apsssitioxs to rneoî tire vents cf etouers te usent a slrre AT opubloe ptronogo. , W CHARGES MODERÂTE. ~ N.- f.--Covcred colivOyOrices 1for jamilles IDENTAL BOOMS8, and iadiesq. Promptatedneasietoo, )g EE ± te ail erders. DUNDAS STR ET N. RAY, Froprietor. - I ITB Y, C. W. Wbitiy, April 8, 1808. 14 EO0OM1....ov. M. Il. Coeirrsae' Store. Whrtry, Jue 26, 7- E -~ - nGEORGE GURLFiy, CLOTHIEU AND DRAPER, - - GENTLEMENWS GARIMrN ae .ap'ln tusebor.t style arnd batest fosillrl.- Ai le stock cf Ciot 118 freinwbich 80 iM'os a tielecili for Gcntleuen a sumar nuite. Oshrawa, May 12,1869. - To Jl u r. C A xBEonsor , & S taI, <7oJ OHn- - 1 I wa r. '.<> on-yof Lnno, On't,l J SEph IS 11%11~ O a n d a I - D- o u n >ffl a i r D r e s i n g . a n d . S h a ,v i n g Province fotantuio, Foi,. tbr-1882,SA OO~ 91H15 le te cor-hf>' tirai dnjrinTtire inter ot RC T, T 1868 1 wsrs tken vit IL 5Wcaiçnexsotir e UCST1WM subiles, virloi gradrnrlly dnrfuýg tie Spinx of Iýe es TIM BANK Or 1867, extendes] te uy kneen, ans] on np ta> my lsrtbyJD 2 s oreriersd iau bitirio trou te cumton4 le, Cali au COUDI Tabou !u exclu Wbithy, April umoont cf Monsy, (prvaiL FÀARM PiIÃ"I u RUMB te soit isorrovers, iDierest, rePayablie luone I lcrneetthree cf tire A LARGF Hum] WLL Cu17TJA, Aànd a qumntity or wJi4lau, For par-tieubars aly JAMI Brook snreet, Whitry. N.ibYi October Ses, 1869, 'N.sf nm Prcreui eto. Of neetnrcs , tgog,a, G*r b eersiaokauad 511er bogi Mm-. KnowArrg and 3Mis Clark, ieg 8 0 vrk, lint wons oofne8 te r ivo yssàro,-*hrle tis eoaInn me, sud aflerwarde, 1 4ougIrit oupýlnyflt ai différrnt limei anu medicînes or-differenit k by*<icîrds. blt of neavai!. >1 vomis sud veretutir ef virs1 u Iva uduced to-try tirý ses ltomedy Wy roading tins e sn apempisic. At tris lins féel -tire vesistoo Momy bou RsttIrig al1most huIPInsS. 1 1 hottles of th! ishfoneen 'I boxes or-tire pilus and 1 am en biîealtir. 1 neyer,expeeied te nIMpiy tr!es] htisneefIneasM -hope. Tusaie of, minéo vs one, but 'buovo to aitlni> frieudo; sud te an>' one otice bave only i s ry t e stirs I o Oee nwilcre Yeu, 34 SE * Bs lia TA i Oa~ Te J; ---4 Va 1 - -il l 1870. rl -1 Mo UN March 29,1870. AND PORTER. JOHN =Qffý ý MM 2-.m e--= - FRANC lý ýIMPERIALi ý 110,111 Et

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