Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1870, p. 1

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a otaits slon. havetsrs1 01 ote4iOfcs ecdwte er1e. P>rw, $0liseootluuetadvsrUa.mouts muta bo la itlu.lg ROYA.L OANADIAN 1BANK, WHIITBY BRANOR. ARTUE R ICUiAtSoY, ONTARIO BANK. WiliTIIY BE/eNCH. K. P. LOCKJIET, B ARRIMSTE AND ATTOIiNETS.Â&T. Lsw, Solctor» te th a Banuk et Montreal, pd thiedc0rpcrattc, of the Conitv or-nare K.<. J ngsx,Q.. .J.MCOE. tMua 1lceu apon topa iecorit..Ap ly attW iic coftlîo Irm, Court lions., fiael'g8 S. l.c0lIANJ1,LL B CHUN~LlOW14 ATT.1tNIt TItON rç tclarsanadAttornce'-ht-Law, Se a ter lni (iîcncary, Neiry -li chue, &.- 01wo-mBrook strect, iiet aber te Itoyal- Hôtel, Whlitby. s GEORGE IM. DAIITNEL, a y efoilurie * 011leo ec-mt., Whith)y. ROBJERT J. WI]LON. B JIISTEII & AT£ORUZY AT LAW sollltorinoheu'cry ,&O. WhitbY,C". '. DIoe- ,cr Outerio Batik, on tho North B,&IIRISTEU-AT-L,&W AND BOLICITOR iu Chaucory. Oiiambers-) Giorouto4t.. Toronto. JADiES RfEMTI!GORIION, BRISTER & ATta>RNItY-AT-LAW Compbil,JBrocklit., Wlithy, QUi. Wlalth y, Nov. 18, 1857. 4 s OICI0 .t OARYPBLIC, . &o Oshîawc, O. W. 0C. A# OIS IIaristorg solicitor tu Chacry, At. .torncy, &c.9 &CO. iras remae ii. OliMecte lot Ioor over t!.. Whlty, ct. , iIS.40 S FARtEWELL & JIcGIE, -_, AREaISTERS A'I'TGRNitYS, uII . l tUES.,lu ~vE.YàNclis, AND Nu- TARIES PUBLIC;. MOn'oo-ouc eleor nvîli ef thé i'et Ofleco, osltawsî; aid bMeFecter', j3ioca, oppuaîLce Tou all,lilowiiiaiîville. ci E À8EWIeL. B. MOE 088S, LAUI>ER, MIJLOt21<& SMITII &àttoraey.nft.liw, Solciettrs in Cham,. cary. anmd I &ovecdc. 4 p4Oiîlc r.Jutii(es lu.ulduîîis Clice, Wlîitby, * ou. J. hOBAS, Q. o., w. MI3LOCK. BOLICITOiI, &C., &C. S(0511(3EIN oitMLÂAN's IiCocz, Broak Strf at. C5ïIILES C. JIELLER, A TOINY AT LAW, SOLICITORIN llâlcîccvy'QJCvcycillcr eaciui A TTUUNLeY-A'r-1,AwVSOLICITORt IN J KOllîuuecry, Nuttrýy Pltie, (1ouivaoyaluccv, Ce. NiliC>y il. W. Oryne, ityren sîrect. 0eetu ill'on Oilcc.48 LYDIAN 1 xGLISII, L L. »l.. DAURttSTEULtAT LAW, Soilctor in UOlicu * - ImceSCt'aleWS40 ýAl 1 F SOLA WLA0 W" SOLICTIitC cIANEICr., CONiVEYANCER, LAND AGENT &c. Ornicuc-Ovar-n»unrug' l, Mi',t St., Uxbniulge, June 7tlu, 18ît-28 DR. HANCCCKY - -(irROUIL NOLAlau, dcroltowTao.)- ouRtGEON,- AccolVciIEUI, &Cc.9 R . J. s,'INN,lM. D. s uîtatioN To TticouNTY GAoL ~ByrouuStreet, W iitbu7- ï W. H.- LAW, B.A-.,-M. D., iphysîin, surgaten, Accoucher, &c. THIOMAS IHUSTtON, TOWN CLbICK uRl'f'IZEAS6UI{ilt W IIITBY WELLINGTON HOTEL, MARKHAM. RtUF.1ITTOJIs . roprietor. ý WILSON 1hOU SE, x..WILSON «'Jy - Proprietor. Ti fraded.h pui uiierally, îlât be bans0eed Che uthova uîcav lielInlit huaVillage oft Agolubuîvut for tha acceniodatieiu or the iia- avollîeuil ublc. The liuse lai uew. ,iud tur- - iahi:el fil a e nt th a.luglu anJ cotitortal)ilO inclllov. Gucats vii btd cvary eeuvaitleuiaa ,sa.thoe caiv tablisliulluntWl ce, Lîquers, ,sud Cigers -tf tba haut Brandsa aiays kept on bond. ~'garlod saablig cnd attentive Otiart ini t endancea. . . WILSON, Jr., Prepriotor. Ashbunu, IM @YlaC, 1889, -f1 gOY!0 (ANADIAN ilOTEL, rfORw'NRùUY,04T. Il$ OT - Proprietor. Superhor sccouliiedt lti. Geod slcbileg î%cd atieeusi, Sud cteetiva eslOre,- 1cPorry, Nov, 8, 1809. - 4 - WIITBY B -MeRBIBLE DEPOSIeTORY 1 Thé ite tion ofetthe publlI uslvlted te he 1nav anud voli stlcted ,ioik of ~1BLEB aud TESJTANMT Fith, sauJ vîtheuttho piciinlumoire, nov te ho oueid nt tha llcôitier, cf;the. Whltby -rucht Bible See)Ltyý The stock bis beau ate J'atd h thtDepeiCryi vith gresi ocre, anti vlitfeal te emîsasi en sl ain ptles of heîhdluesplain ceai ornemenutal. ~»Z~tV a Ja. H. Gernie9 ua rg store, VOL XIV s TOsEt DWELLING ?RtEMIUE@ TO RENT. t ctWlbat preeut omapld by the 1Wbitby, Marehlu loft86. ai. aiNow. 18 RW. A. LAWq, Land. Broker, Accountant, INSURO42ILBOUSE,~RA .4G R. SNQ'Wt -Proprietor. The aboya well-knowu hotel hall -beau tho- roughli recaovatd auanduIwl>Y furuilhed kv thc ~reeut proprictor. The. Stubling, &C, , avc cnput la un eftiQlOlt mste ts frepair, aild ane- tilg ic b ou1tnudons Oauesî tlîeqrecl. ments otffatbts. STite Ta ll leanp.ll.4 Iltiav.rUlget b.t udsr~o , guonujbit the beat bratidi% of -Wiiis, Lltluoti§asud (Igars -kopa et Uic Bar. TmE]ROB SONHEOUiSE, OUNDAMI STIIEET, Will1i r, C.W. GE RGloItON, Proprio .or. T IIE subscriber bc e g o nenc that lie uas leuacd the, buildibg foru erly k!owu asiicripturo'.iq lotel, W114-11 lias beau ranlovet- cd, rehsruislied, nd 11Usd cp tbrougheout, ln the bont cf styla. The premîsmeiare pi csantly aituibted, e puit. th£ Pont Ofua., cnd tn thé cuntre of the Town. 'rThc ieiilway Oimniibus clis et tie llotulind the, stagen for Ux bridgeansd Bonvarton Waev thodcoreveryniornuîcg. BoardSl perdays GEORGE BOBOÉ. _IWOareuL tlitiers lways n attantiae Whitby, bly -1868. 20. GEORGE CORNACE. TUàMEUR UCHEI1ANT, Crpinter, ced .L Jolcar,GrveauSt, Wliia.by. A lcrgeq eau. tityofill knd ofil umbetccustautly on baud. ~ creollrcontlbcrcltcrm, Whtby,Vcb. 5tl, 1862. Brooklin Drug Store. dUous1 AWEOO, ET ALEIJ In Drugs, Palât S edholues D. Palats, 011e, OeStuffe, confection. cry, &oc. tWrWIDOs s'id Lîqeorsat te hast qeclity for àMediecI plirpot.as.-- gore* oOlte elfeietq nlland Breekilu, C. W., i8flx 2 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOK ST., WIIITjT. T lIE suibsorîiber legs te acconcca te 1u1s fricuida and Jlt puîblic, flinet liei lies ra- suutad posse-iloiî ottia aboya eelli iuuta- voacly lruav» hetel, wvicIii anovfitted tnp lu a biliriermir huuc, vitli aver>r oiivlli- suce fer fluricacption et guosîs uud Ctue Ira-. velliuugpublic. Zý" Bail econutmdtion, and sepprior vinices, lktuer$4a auJ cara. .-Genel -eod)llupt , vîthi etcloiad yaîds,- asud ettunluva Oslarg al- wsys e» t-ha promimes. Chîîrgas Ioderaute. E. 3I, CALIIVEILL. Withv,Ju.1,88 2y YEOMAN GIDSON. COMMISSION MER CIL4NI INSUIIANCE; & <IENERAL AGEtT. Wlitby, jan., 181!. 1868. 2 -REVERE HOUBE, MÂNoeEs£TC, tC. v. B. PLANK, - - - - Propnotor. Stages heeaud treini Wliitlb call Jciy. Evary .ttimluiad te guicîts. Larcfuî aad adIu- lir ustlers.B IIO'lEl, & PIIEMISEDS FOR SALE. T IIAT nid estlilulied ccd wvoîlmev» De- icI, te CENTRAL HOUSE, EPoeOM, Spleîîdid rnoomy sltblluug, anîd driviug ,lued, Cugchliur, ithuoure or two acres et iud ticelu cd, ts may lie lesîrad, cie a Ours Young beur- iîîg Orcliierd. Tire are îwowe vlis with good puuuepa uid ex-ceut wa.or. 2rThe vluoewil---bc sold nt fe bargaui.1, cand Jlcoftt!. heutchainces lu tlîc.Douiîicietr1 for m ano!ivc tiuîslesmuit. - %il IIIbe exchiiiigcJ for terniroerly. Foererîu, dc., cîiply (il uLyletr, pre-paid) tla - ýý. , - 1 Octle WILLIABI BC tT(N, -42 Coo. Ayers, (4ENIPAI, BL.CKSMITII, ANDý FIRST-PRIZE JIORSE-SLIOERi DUNI>AS STREET, Wlitby, 19,,18bt7. 24-17 0. N. VARS, IA(,Tl(JAÀI,Da*ntiot, shv mDetLl ttems,,directlvoppo- site thclePo ue. ntrc no h-nceetrai.t third.iooraerth of the Ontarivo te EXPRESS AGENT, &oc., alse Agent coident auud Standard 1lusur.uce Cesq. 17 H, H.SWEETAPPLE9 VJITEUINAI1YSUGEN tiraduate of Ontario Vetmrnarg College and late 4usistanft torrof. Smille, of Toronto. PaoF. 1ICCKLAND, Pr-ubeseor et' Agriculture, I'uey. SM 1TII, V. S., Principal eft uane V. Da,. IOVELL, Toronto. "TIlOitflti lN, I<OWELL, " P. B.-MR. SWEETAPPLE ccii b.t oonâultcil l'rofessauuslly et flIs rcs!durec, Ireoklle, at al heurs. Breelilini Aprîl 14, 180. 1 0ENTICAL HOTEL, Bj*>UEAU. JOHN BAILEY, ]Proprietor. -o- TIi, above bote! bas besu ucowly lltted eu sud turulshed lUaeste willl bled aomtenluibte aecmmedationu aittention. Oce rooiny istabltug ensd ettenilye ostilrs. Jan, 26, 1870. -4 <izrClTY- II1'EL,. Nos. 178, 80, sud 82, et. fosoph Street, Ths submeribc: bas epdned theaebove Ioe for the acaeuuedtlee ci thc travelling publIc. ha seccomodctlous areof'tleo besticlal. la. ouv- tains 75 recums, vit! goed yard cnd stabllug fer 00 bottecs. ,Terniemoderato. S~At Merble Ç crks, of JONATRAN WOLVENDEN, Dunust., whltby. 1 NIEW STOVE AND in USHo p!' IN order tle cclth. Inceosing icrmn nl rade onnaed by lhe building et the le ai rod cedthl" iliuge aelels ibliep, ont. o t, fT!dcSue.Fv- Si Cure- ïtr, wbre(laU N Mey b bacd, ccd ail matunar ef Tlnimitbs' 'serk Joie ou tire lurt et te. Io"'DldIrou, corpor, Bru,.o, Cotteon ind iie tag, Weellletkiilg*r4#orosc Udr and cil mniner 4Ceck talion le exclucr.ga. JOHN1K IIEAN.- Wlîitby, Merci. dlii, 1869. 10 AIRMSTRONG'S HC}TEL, (Laie Pliick's,) UX1 R IDG E E. ARMJSTRONG, - Propriator. T 119 SUBSCRIBER Ifix fitted up cnd cern .1.pletaiy vcovietheuahove ùld eiabiln. cd first-cîiis Ilitel, aced soliocitpa aptronuage of Ce publie. cud blIsfrtis. - The table auJ bar sunitplied witla tic besCt (ood rootnysoab- jing, &Cc. . E. ARMSTRONGI. iJxbriulga, Jcn. 20, 1669. 4 Ã"Nr I RIO HOTEL, ilita C. Dawes.) VHITBY, ONIvARIO. A. ALEXANDER - - Proprictor. T IIE sebaicriber desîres te velnu Clinks te tI bVie pîlA lec,?iiiflita a'ry libers! l paron aoc beo teu t liit, whde Proupritor ut tta Globe lictai, Ilreokliri, aculijt taé aillie tinta takes eectiivuitle aiuouticec Iuit lie aitué iceed llio:aîiovc wall lauowiti litel.- Largo additions kavec bacit rocelitly iiisac etheo prtca0sectîr- tug mrore (,inietud ieu nunciiile sud euurcaislig flic iumhar et a;ilaeplsig reemaita, uteaplynvOic lifmuorc tiat teruirly. Afirol- clasi lliaird Pairler wftth tItalbes luns aciao hecun addcd. Extenaiveaiddhionse te the Stutbliug. bhi1,. Iouset lleo, dcc., haveaclaie icou naJa. Al anahliuîg tua uudareigîîculte cIter ta hi, 01(l Friands aiuîiltapublic «oiia- val ly dviitage csose asd h aunailielalte lii ti e plauce. de will t et i tTc hîappy te wclcomo kilso oldt"fricaîida. Wi.ltFhy, Doe. 2, 1858. 48-ly Query 1. WIiy leait thet he la sc* -b a n for pletures -AT CLÀIRK'S GALLERY? It le beuuiso bc bas thie hast Gîillervl lu thie Ceuuty, sudlias nieapisthor. vîlh chll.reuf -ienaî ttA-ltlu-t0 (oo.ity, "ad cen- deqnite cegeieod venr abs soi othr Me»lu he Couîry. W Tlis w hut's tle uîutlar, ce do't ho bacirvard about canuîîîg forwnrd. DBROCE ST.. WHi]TBY. Wltltby, Nov. 12, 1867. 45 HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITOU1 DRÂUGHTSMAN OTTAWA, CANADA, Trousocts busincetiwi tue l'Patout Otflicc, aundctliv depnrtmnclits oft'hue Goverju- mont. Copyrigits iutic registrationoetrado Mirks udDesigus precîîrcd. Drewiegs. çpecifications. adother Documnentticee. sal go e I'atents of inventioan. yirqered en re. rci1 f isJLldo; the In vent ion. and prelim.- ioîary ocarches in 114e Paient Office cae- Grand Trunk Èailway Hotel. AT WIIITBY STATION. W MTI. ONFIL hcvi'iLy rplrcluaed Cthe luotpl V'îîd 1 vemisoa kluown te. tho Grcuud Truie Ilotel, WV lithy faletinu, hi-g. lu lifornu Ilui fMon'.Kand tlîc traveuiog pîîhiic luit bie hué ltted up) tha lîoui e end tialin iiirot- cas tylc, udby nttcuiiu tote iii. wiue tluscoe lahver injiwiulu tlîc'r putroluoge trusts t o ret a cortinuencs oet theur eustom. tO 1'irtica Cikiiug thc train u dIalr horecs will hava lueiniwel altionu care et tiI hir rttire.' WXiltliy, sept., 1868. 86 T HOIAS BIN T, -(LAE rox eunirlitLAla.) flegs teluiforru thé 'peopleof u tl Iyund vicin- iey, tluit lue huis polied a sl Opposite the Ontario Bank, -Brock Street, Wlulby Ontaîrio. WiEIRs E us a PEPAIuED vO RltyP& GUNS, LOCHKS, RETS, &c. cloche A ceI W tclî,'s locincd And cpoired, io SEWING JMACHIINES. PÂ41?A4soLS d3UMBRELLÀis monded icndevcred, Qcwis liarpi'lied eud set, petrosag l soicted -TIOS. BINT, 'Wh1ICXb, Auig. 10, 1869. tf -82. R.L. MIJNUIO d Co., LIlEi<5ED At!cTO53is FOR bTaE COUNTY OP ONTARMO OEE10 AL oOitIieN lAcIE14cro, &c., WITBY, ONTARIO. SAUl ordearsleft pevsonaliv. or seul by niai! tt ua 'lCob.eiI e1use," "Alion u lorclel er"<)ntcvio total," W nhltty; Poecll's Ibide, Broeklu; ,Ilin'silaUnel, Oalîewe; erChr te or GecctU Oflices, Whilby, will b. eeratuliy Atteudaul ho. *Whia.by, Oct 18, 1869. 41 B wAKJII' LOM 'Il plerdl1nad, lu ratumrng tbctis to his tre~ u iug utenîcra;, hag alaise te oeaira lhauî that ail work egtrusled te bis Cava, wil, seeatofoee azecnhcd lnithe bout styia. BX0 Y-D 10 D UND4S2 BR1fT,7 Opposite A., C. Wilson, Pateter's. JOHINBROWN. Wbtby, Apili 18, 1870. y1 - WHITBY, - ONT. AX M'ABON, -. Proprietor. Tbs abovots. beau theroughly reucva tua, and theubll ià i blend evy ciledt adt esta ttentiou. No Foeindry, Iren Woi )ùldbe witituet oni.. W 3oeeuty Blghts, or. Ibe Elght fo D(*mIu40nt feoiala. GEORGE BLA, r p IP ER flANGINGS The euderslgcod toge t etercu Bbctheppblie Ibait bc buoa onad tia largaita aud - jo -tovn' alit ofthe, - wblcb ha e ffara for sala, vrylow, for ach. 1 al P inug, rclanin 1g, Giazaug, sisa PaperHcngang, exoctei lliia e vrk mraillka audrexpuedltionâa manerasuel". A. C. WILSONq, Duis. Stret, WhItbý W!.lthy, Apnil et, 1870. 18-tf P R0P E SSOR tJ . POS T , PIANO-FORTE, &c. REPSIDENCE, - Byron Streett (Seary opp&o ethé eld Riek.) Tzaai.-Ihatructlonb on Plao, $10. Thevy of Musical composition, &o., 65. W l Mv. Pogt iccepa ac genarl a tock of Music snd Books, for sala, sud wimbs C cc trom bl iaisîcaî friaudsf. Whltby, Mare!. 9, 1870. 9 MIhN FElUSON, MERCHANT TAXLORe &c., &C.1 &C. Feg. to Ilctevu hi. patronti. aud the public thst lie has vcmoved te Cthe prenîlsges flcxt <Jeer seaet fMr. Crosby'. gvoccry store, wliera ha will ba prameed te reccclvc ordure s as nul. GENTLEMENS' GARMENTS Cut and made vp in the nenest Styleài and Fasition. Gentlemens' Fumnlslilng Goods ! :0 Ail Ordera attea.ded te wvithÏ punetue. "Wlîilby, Feb. 2r', 151. COMMERCIAL MOTEL# O)SHAWA. JAMES BLACK, - PitopRiJToR. -o- Convculcutiy fltted up veau.s for Comnenr ciel trwi'lers. flilliarda attîîchcd. April 8, 1870. 14 A SI! & DULLEA, COMMISSION AGENTS, OOLLE£67OB., ACCOUYTINTS, &a. - o- OFFICE, - GillettlesBlock, Oshawa. Feb. gs,870. Ha OUSES TO RENT. Tvo Dvelling lIeuses ta rant lu the Town et Wlitby.. For panlionlars appiy ta JOIIN IIAMER. Wbithy, Murch 16, 187. i W/ FITBY PIANO F ACTORY -o- JOSEPH RAINER, PRLOPIIIETOII. Tho snbscriher, in rcvuiuîg bin i. cae theîuks ta the uieuy frieuuds ciid enàgtomers o et !.Whlbiy PIANO XIANJJFACTOR'Y, hots te paelethat lue uev cernes an Chehai. ucas fsolrly-uîpolii ii., ewu are.ut; aud in sa- iiciti.gfu ture orendralic boas le Ksaure thani ChiC naltieg wvU he loft nideneon IlulsparI ta guve satisfaction, lu aupplin ug a U B â RU M i m Vf or SUPtiRtOI QUALITY, S T YL E, & IF I N 1851l Tha calobrntati nov peant aud crogessce- pattern et Iii. ovu invention uicnunfcturcd ce herotefoe. go» Ali erdens ebectoal viClupromptitude- sud dispatciî. JOSE.PT F. RAINER. Whihh,aIey 8, 1870. ty1 N 0. 2. TIlE GREAT FEMALE REMIEDY. Job Moseo' Periodical Pille, Th!s invcluia'loe nodîciea la untollung lu lb. cure et ail thesa palutulauJ daugrerees dis- ecsas te vluich IL.. teutcio constitution lis suli- jec.. la. moderates ael exceas aud reinovos aul ohstruottee., sud e speedy cuve niay be repjo oni. la. Is peenlltvy snil*.It vîli, lu a shert Urne lrlng ehn ie uethly periot vit!. regnlirity. lu cIl Cases et Norvons cuti Spinal Affec- liens, Peins lu the Bhoir anal Llrn u uile o #.Ob n eer,leualpItation cetu heu Hysieles, sud White%, Chose Pilawtll- effaut c eure whea&l ether meens have 'idled; sud: aitlucegi a pcvarteî rcmedy, do e Dt cootalu, Iran, calomel, antlmny>, or anytleli ug becta tte, constittion, Pull directions luC he F&impilat aroeund esci. package, vbicb achd endi setufly praserveal. lokjOE.m og tLpeleos $1.00 andi 12X4 cetfor poutage, entloseal Ic Notiro cdL un,Newcasctle, ont', ge~- rsl agents for h Dominion, vilii usure s bot-. lie, cculatning even go pîlis, by ralunue ilcl. Por sale Žy JamescB>yrueand J..L- Gerrl, Wbilby j W. P. 4t8poeiu, ARinlson d& <J sa - JdlDawes ' Brookfin? aud i al mnAle 0dederc. 82od t e IpivIIoecd tew, Shuaib. kuewn tioi. val ioîwia rd.i- Iler1Cockaal» btird for teî Ne mcre-ind uJeh I mont. cruel] - S.!11 tlu, gcll'rtaa Yiglit by nlght, Sceo',oucg couiplesifhliret as «ruai, Specu cway Itl l alor mig!.t. Nover mue-bat thoaMy m zccala Gétalîig MO»et profoigcdl.y dry, Anduiyyvy pea raefusesi Fort ir Ws iligs te scppiy. Ysre-Y-yewll, theïl, nobla tullews, T'otiutr scanes YÏu'rc triete retaunj Draw jonr uîieuicy,\oovk vour !.allews, Paeaiyour truuIkoed ,laar for himo. Paddy BhIfae&Echo. Iu thb.p gof Dunlo, ahcl's is oco o 00 Aud sonae of tIin co Lç verT. anrpriminu' Fera balluul'o a tluing yri tte findles ln But nartin sud Clrue Ili tli4t.iiiWeriî,t 700 'Mhcrc's an ache as tluru4 and ceibufe as the. bîni tote, Just clvilly spiake. l low dyado, Padldy Blaea1 rha clle vcry pelitcly says, vary weîl ttieîk Oua du7 Taddy Keg wltlu KatùêCeuinor did go To lier frîuîutheiceiio tllswoncP.rnul lilk. air, But thi eue thoyy r wus contrury thuit dît7, Vr ir- 'dyBaka b.d goua out for e Now macyaTcddy tu Este 'Tic tee bard te b. bote BM illsdont and dusab bastaetfai echo se Bnt if wc hoth shunt tlehCiiher uôdouht We'll mica up au ecluobc»tw ucn us sey dcisy i New RiCa.y, gays Tcddy, te cu euuwcr bc reedy, Oh vcry well, tbouîk yen, aried eut Kittl, thon» Weîudj:u 1k. to-be wed, Kitty darlie i sys Ohl very wclI, tink yen, gays Kitty cgair sir, De you'*lilruec t se-.am Teddy, and Litty quita rcady cricd Very weili tliiîkcyuu, with langhtar bcgniieg, 1 ti"ik yeu'l coluicas Teddv coulet net do le#;, Thiauiîpay lîlarespecta te hila lîi tüwere aîniliug. 1Oh doci' Pcddy Ilieko nay yeu' nover farsîtic Tho!oabllsliahut rature uss ulIoiîoas eaur. And cil girls trcalata tbciv awaca. answoralika And ties whcii inclincL .iuicy cli trac. loyer, Sund Swee chece te easwer irem litarts Chey'n Iiivoking. A WVifc's $tory. la. vcselmost uighteal the nazi dey vbcc vo reechaJ Phihadelphia. I vau toc vcary te netice the streetu îlircuirb vhiul vo rode from the diipot, anti vcvy glati1 toit vhac v le pped ti alst haeorea lianulsome tut unostentetious boue; anti hending me froru the crriage, ni, bus. baud eiti: &This is home, Kaihie. Wolcorne, mi wife ' 'Shaîl I sco youv niother ci once cekeul, as vo vent hInothe bell- 6I boieve h yull tair y ou op stairs iret. She h. weiting for us in the dvcviug ron I supposeandcui1ithiuk 700 viliftel bottai le laire off jour vreppiugs.' This chilled m~e a lttle. I bad navai lied a mottior cince I via olti enougl t( remeniber. Perbepa I bcd teau idit enouiglite imaginethat mni, badi niother -vould holieal te mu that my ovs niight bave beau. 1 bcd picturet ber as meeting us in the hall. iisiig u ; vaop ieg ovar us, posajbly ; calliug nie ho deugliter. I > haliave I lied prepaeetj prolhy litîle guli cf sentiment for the o: casien ou rny ovar bebaît. The roalit, vas ce difforent fromc il Chie I I vaIr.l vecrily op stairs ced Clive-vmyscît onj lonuge le wy vn roru, îto Jiscomposei aveu te notice vitb vhce touder caris ani memevy cf ni, evary wbim or fancy a] bcd beau arrangeti for lu7 comig. Ou treairs tellovad us immediataly, auJ vhsj mine had basa set dowe my huabanti a8k ed if lie could bl eip i ig ding sonia lhieg le pet on, fer lia sheulul like me i change ml draps betere I vent dowv cmairs. I vas hait tempteu tei renienstrete a finIt-to acc irhm if bis mother vas8a exacting CIel sha coeld net racaivo me orfter a day et tcîigaeing trael, vitheî demaudiug an eveanug Celt ; but I lovei bim o 0e vol, ced lied bon nimied _AJ short cauis îo e b.illieg te 4lspleau lm se 1Inl enid :J II am où ired b, 'L knev il 1e..- Were la. net that ni mother sa waiting tooe o yn, yin shouli have your !es op bore, ced retire aI*onci As iiiî, yen woold net mieL tb. treebli ef ebanging your dreu if YOD knecvhov auxions ýI arniliat'ch. sheuid admire loe ai onrt sigit s mach s I did.' I mede ne fariber' oclicaiene. I baih ed ml y face,- artangeul my hair, ced put ci c& band sipe hoie. . k bpretiýY, Joli cale -lac@s. Pospite cil :fatigue, 1 va rovsarded by ihe tihand au ies whie avataul ime, and the iook cf *pride on mn heshaatd' fte.os b. ieôk me Love stil .sad into-the spacieua drawing.room. .At nearly ils etiier exireniity c large sisisil loking woman, dreâsed in a becs falliag porpl satiîn, sat, au if ena.breee iu a bigh.balSod crimueon chair. 8h. ni inlnded ome of -a aqueienicwciling boesâg front- bar unbjeets, I 1 -toit ceonselens c béine ackvmrd and M t cas essba ave nsdinca litile4o imeef ns.o ve o -f0050o iyJîgsa- a iiplt-ime1 however. Sihe ;ked wihinch coo formaiay, tie-teba ;O0 'Wili YOe sth ca f. the tabla, ii, Bcrtbomelsv, or shall i ralieve yen 7' I vas tee mepbcsrtîed Be aesvor et oece, ced whula I vas aoesiderieg vhaf'I eeght te deo, my husband, spoke,,for me: 'Tou bcad botter, toulgbî, des, mether; Kaheis'vsry tired1 vawu tireul; -sud Ibail îhoeght; su heur bsfre, I vas ve -ry liuugry j- but iliengl the dluner vas mor9 elagaut, lbé vicuida more dolicieus ibae cuny ibat *bc d aver greeted My ayes or eiy pul4t, I foeund it impossible toesat, Semethieg soeieul te chekre me, I am afridthat -oea or Ive tiers droppeul ie tha vine le vhich I drank my ove lealth. Atar dinnear vas over vo' vvetbock in. ta the drawiog room. Wbat vould I net. hava given u le say s white b iy- self; 4aî I knew by my huabaid'se look thai ibis vas net io b. permitteul lu the order cf Èercises, e Ieset ced. ried te- make ;cenversatioe. Phd I net ipiay the [oaelitea le t hat heur?7 They -vers nea. the ouiy eues who have beau saut forth te niake bricks withouh strew. 4fter càbie Madamne Berthconimew re. msrked, in c pause cf ihe-ialk, eperbepa y>on viii sieg for me, niy dear 1 If YOD cre eoitee î ired, il would giva me great.pleasuro. 1 cm vory fon&ot môet and 1 bave lokeul orvard with mueh eeîici. pelien te the proesce of a youeger lady thon mytaîf, vhe veculniaka the bouse!c littla livelior, 'I do not sieg.'1cm strcid Icusuvreu; l 'WIIl yen play for me, thon Il '1 de eeî play. I ar nont musical. I have ne accompliahmauts., Did net Dr. Bertbolcniow teIlYen that bis choies vas an uoinformed ceuniry girl?' , -1i I sae fbar eut c glenua at'bum-pertly, -I a.boegbt, ef inquiry; partly ef vexation. fe. came a tenirelief iestently:- 0 'Kethiae ndcrrctau, herself, dear mother. At laet Y-euewiii deaâ Chat cbi la îborough- rly educe"teul, mi uc saso -.,y niants et icore value than ninsio or dancing ate tbhe ppinasa et our home.' I do coetilir il was an egrceable aven îug te euy of ius. Hev- differcut il wus ( rom w, fend maiden dreemnga cf my liome-comiogI I balievoewevre aliglead whcu the tac vos brought in, ced niy fatigue gava us e fi excusa for sepereîiug. M tle niglit the pale, proud face et Owen's niether, vitb teClaeck liair cverawegplr.g the passionlesa brov, licunîod -rny very drcame, Tinia vent on,ecnd vhoeawvasthe hep- Y pineas I lied picînred se foudly Ibreugi. a menthe cf hepieg and vciting? It wu b ilierai perhuapa, aechered in Oveu'a %becri, I aeltcred by bis love. But I ceuld uei ircaiize ii-my lite ied 8o mcuy pchty vexautions, I did ual lika Madame Bertlia- lemav. Thet la plircsiuîg la.tee wcckly. 1 bclieva luin y beara. 1 bated ber. At yfirât I made oseasligbl etteupts Ce placge -ber. I had suopcctcd thet tbs deaircd stilî Ite roain mistreas oetlbar uen's bouuaeld-i se I baul quietly giveu up ho lier the place et houer et lVie tabla, aundaaduloualy avoid. ad iotert'cricg witli au, ef bar fermer pre ,r rogaiivas. Fear this 1 had axpacted at leaisilent gratitude-I vas nat prepared ,r to bave lier assume ibat she vas dain.c rut a ea favor-rclieviug me frein a charge tor le whicb ecturel inccpacity, no lesa iliar syeuîb and iuoxperiauce, rendeved mc uufit. n I wroîc new aud thon te Mary ).u -s Willis, and 1 know mw, latteramueut have p- saddtrued bier, fer I wroeofet ey tim1 -r rallier tban ru, ovulite. I vus io.o procu a te coniplein, tae houest te feigu a sotie- *factioni aundlippines vliicb Idid eoît eed YSomeiimes I tbought et ber words, uni J woudercd victlier 1 migbî nulat e helm. afor the axistiug claie etfaffaire. 1 cauli dnet, liowcvar, bring mysealite (eol that1 Jd was. I said te utysel f that la.wuvai the Ilfeula.ofet bacaiti, preudt Jomiooeriog vo. r man. If she wera but ont of a.bo way, n0 Oweni and I migble Bo happy. I heliair 1- miy tbeugbts ot bar vers cinieut.merder. i- oua. I lougod, 1 fear, fer lier te dia,tCa to romovo forever tbe black sbadow that siooî rn betaixt e niacd thé saulght. - If I bcd ouI, told my busbaed it voulu al baeeacu botter. But I chut myself ni go in seleinu silence.1I vs. net geieg lu ry, t he, fever.tcnt Oe hieu....hapale Bud vore l, aeeding repose tee mnch fer mo tO disturl e. him, *ith cey pelty veéiàtIaus et My cuva go -Soniotimes haoveeul uay, asI set besidg of hii vhile ho tried le 8eateb a tcv moment se ef rest. - - - 5ei M&bus i be da boi' n6y-.ïooe tfo te 70ev poo old jim4.y~blJc Tbe -nexa. day Omn .came, ;e vbilo I vas, dreiçg fer dinner. --Uecenacecusly te niy, sali, Ivas beeuming over, as I braided mni licir, au air froni athe .oper., vbiob bcd bantoul nieail day. 'Se yenoas ieg,Rallia?7' ni, hibaed said, viîh a pnecied Ieko, as lbhelest chord diod on, my lips. 'Net1I, 1 de net knov a noie-nover Yenl bave bave, a due Musicaler. YO aeremambared tIbaiettrein perfect. ly.- -YOoutl leare seoeksily. I cîmesa. wl-b yen woold ; il voeld> pIges. iy moîhar I cal dewno on bis keee, aed isking bis face batvoee my bands, tuned il.tevard mue.- - 'Are yen diusatislfied viih nie, Oven ?' - Dissacisfie& villi 70e, Kethiey? Surcly- net. Idid onet ask >ybu to e ha ni it vitheet keoving yen vehI. I liedseen o yeta your tatiierlilide a.reegh veeks qf voariug illeeso. kasw wbat yen vorae as a daugltr-I ceelul trust my.happiness. vitheet tear ie yoar bauds. If Ilied heen selleitees on the question cf acoomplish- monts I chelniLnt bave waited for ni, meiher te make e .duscovery ibatz yb - coel4 nelîlier sieg uer play. My K.athie vili nevor kn'o by eli h lved ler fren tbe firsi.' O There vas ce more salul about my leare- ing mesie. W.esC there tiii lbe dinner. bell rang, dreaming ever tbhe lul, 'heleveul dey& of the by-gee ime-c conversation, I teke il, vithvwhiebthe readeF bas ltie@ te de. The nazi euereing, etter Ovenn bcd gee avay, I look the daily paper sud lookeul ovezth becoonpo-et dvertWs'mee.s caretul- ly., I fonultLe oes vidb I desired. Il vas Chat et a lady, a musie-ieacber, vhem I ba Ioiteuboard niantioned in- socieîy as vary seuceastel. I bcd my o-wé, luChe plan, about vhicb I vas reselved te heep alloes. - ýI put on my- bonnet and vont eut. Soon I rang althébe der of Mademoiselle Pierrot. I1vwu tortuncte -acongb te dud acce pleued me. Blia vasW yoeng, prelty, avoaet fvoesanud, anner- ,I epenod lu, business alt oce. [ xplained ibat I de- sirad ne brillieul perfectieu-only tec- qeira, in the leut possible urne, kuovlaulgo 1 neugh et aiegieg ta ho elle te euîartgin niy ovu home circle vjth simple nielodios. If 1 ecceeded volt in ibis, I might go ou te higler achievemeeta. At cli avents, I desired ho maire the' atlempi. -My buis- baad'u birtlidey voîd h lu inx yacwks, Did aba thiuk it possible for nia te laart le that lime le sieg one er Ive impip ballade, andacucompany niyselt? Bbc lIt is notet xctl, en regle, madame. Wa do net usucliy give sangse ntit qui c coursaetofiestructien bas heen goe tbrougle viîh. But I ceeld ruak o yn et exceptiou. Yen visa. 1 sing reiber thon tet phay. We shal lv, v hat va can Jo. [ 1supposa yen sing nov tram niamory - - vat-youcaîli y rote. Lai me hear you cbit an, litila meloul,, just te hry the iqeality et yeer voies.' I wcrblcd 'Aid Lang Syn." la vas tlb dirst tirna in my lita Fliad aver attarupted tet aiug te cuy oee ave myseit er mj jtaîber; but my velue ablulnet trembla-] vas too full of intevest lu my prejeci. ehc omariled agalu vhen I cancludad. 'Bien, Ires bien 1Inlusix veoku ,ot suait learu six sangs. Can ,ou corne li andi pracîlce four hours oacb dy, er de csic tee much timc 7' r'Net et al-tee meuh, I cen corne verj Weil., 'Then evcry day fer iba firsa. baur - I shahl bc et home andi giva yeu a lesen. The r.cat yoe shahi preulica b, yocruelf. l'rec, ten tili tve, ebaîl it ha 7' h enîauteti. Those. vera tbo very bours my buabanti wee sure te bu. absent. She ceuld eoa. bava cliosen botter fer my con- veeece. lb. ucxt day h vcnt ho ber punctuliy.. Duriuug thie six yacks hefure Dvan's birtib- day I Jiti net muas a single day. - Aller - little-whila irknoy Madamue Bartholemev's suspicion vas axciîed, She Mnageti, tisnal,, le le in ihe va, vhen 1 vent, auJ leeketi at-nie curieul,. Oece aie scid iYee go eut c geoul deel et late.1 'Yes,9 h cueveveti, ccreiosy, 'i enjo, Beyond ibis thea% erd me ne questions,- ced h voentearod- ne expleecîicne. I1vas conettothat she shoulal regard ml iporo monts vit!. Jisîrct for a doie. I vas biappior thanIt 1lied bep. lefere since 1 gaae Phi ladelphiia. Thisas cvowieg lua part, doubtiess, te the rogularlîty etfniy occupations ; lui I teck, Mereover, a rusi, girliâs hdolight li thesurprl.isevaswupre- paring fer ny hnibnd.ý 1 bcd nemnics oe: knovlng uhether bis mother bâd metlcued My ruegniar abusea- cas te hlm. If che bad, lbe neyer <qes- iloued me eu 'the subijeci, or varied le the loasi tram bis ainsI fend cnd- iraîieg Maurier, 1 thinir bis fait!. i nie vas cf tec firai agrovth te lie euiJý* hcbens Seafar ent onu eutise .veeieg befere nil IitIle plot vas Be reacelils denueýnmin. I baL pnacticeul nir Confis thai day, for the lest iime, viib -;the full ipprobation of MadePuiiele Pierrao, seul my boavibea$ 11gb yul glad aplticipatia et the- morrow. I vens downe sairs vii!. ligha. feetatape $0 3cmitu y nchmnd in th. draving.reeni. -The door wvas r, cnd s. cerecehed t h I lueardliadanaiBBarth-- thea aeaogrape Cuble, LOcandUi te(0 MMy message. Tha clark ctaid, 0IV~ e'ts;how it te YOu, asw-Ivehave sent.it te Lnonen." "But," I ropliad, l'You in- t bcve MY' original paper bore ; I wieh te soc that.'" 11c Daiin sacW, "No, weve nga et got it; la. tain the ligstofflce lu London." "What do you meain V"- Iced. '1'ray lot me Sac th. Piper 1 laft'uaaro balfsle beur ago." é$Wfe,,, anid ba, "if 7011 matsac it, wo ýwil.-gct it bcck lu e few minute@, but it i8 nowý iu London." Te rang a bell, and lu fiva mîputesor so, produced wy message rollcd up in pesteboard. t Seces that for somç menths thora haî axisa.ed e pnuumatie telegvcph botwixt Glasgow and London, and batwxt London and the othar principel cities of the King- dpm,, whicb consista cf an tube, mb which lbe tuessages'ara thrown and sent te their destination- 1 fnquired, if 1 tnigbt se.ca sonoge at "Oh, 7es, corne rouud hoe." T8 e .lipped a numbor of messasges into the pas. boardl acroîl, popped it into the tuba,- aundaecasignal. [put my car to the tuba and heerd a sligh t rumbi- ing noise for seventeon seconds, -wheu c bail rcng-bcside mue,, indiccting thuit the ser-oll hed cvvivdll et the gonerai pest office, four bundrcd mriles off tITÉcleosat took my breethn ewey, te think of it. I1f! .Içoull nuly go (o Boston with the ase relativa spced, vou migbt couni ounany' passing cn aa'aning avery.-week et No. 124 Boacon Street sud ratfirning borne tosleop. Who kuews but we uiey be eenveyed in this mervallous mennerhefôir < meuy yaar?1 Parbepa you areaewaeathet -thora hes beau a large tuba botwaen thea zeneral pest office in Loudon and the steions in Euston Square in opeation for a nuiebas cf yeers. The mail bugs for the north cire alsent by thua convoance, so that the peut office raceivas- lattera up te s taw mof mants bafove the train.leava,. three miles off I The trausit takea lass then twe seconda 1 Surely this la an aea of Won4'- ers.-Cor. Boston Tran8cript. iAn Irish Elopamant. A DUBLIX BELLE IN À JESEY PO1LICE3 3 OouuîT-HputITusBA-!co DsraTs Tee TO Go OFF WITII TuseE lls --u.tile ovar s ycar .go-, saic anase tending eoeetofIte bast young ladies' seminarios lun(the City <i Dublinjraland, a very bantisere and higbly eicconiplisbed young lady. tha daugbtcv et, a wall.te dq fermer nerned Henry Gucut, %chose place vcs loctcd sema teu or elteon mile. oulside the - ciCy. Inu bearding, subool circles, as wainolueeor bye 'uetbs'of the firul aocicty iu the tris!.-capital, -Mis Gucal, whe bcd julcinecbed TheIOral buddiug spriug oftyeuth Wlieu cli its prospects pleàs. bcd already taen a torward position as an Irish matropolitan, balla. About (bis limeaube sômehew bacame ccqucintedl vith e dashing young felqw, acousin et one et bcr fellov studenlu. Bctwen tha (vo cpveng Up a utrong passien,, - which- noîbing ahori t -frnalriîueny could seaiat. The young lady'u youth-she was- then but ueveffeen-toether, vith divers and aundry objections, parantal cuti othcrwise, rendered the prospctetc apaedy marriafre, xceedingly peur, and lu sîteoviiespeaetibu tho two resolvaîl te Laea liane by 1he forclock and gea-,uplicad parental and othev objections -te. the centrary notrifhhantiing. Thc purtie of the yeung man vas not luae very pief toanc condition, but juat about Chen Cha tond parant eftIhe youug lady wrec fer bier te corne hainu,anud iu huiletter ha teek cava te enclose a checke for a con- sidcrable curn on the Bankr et Ivalanul, elta bey ncw- dresses aud, other tbings." Inalcad ocflier goîný; homo, hbpvea, aie aud hev lover taink pass:ge inca;--starner bound for New York, lcndcd thera safaly anti finmetiintely altevrars proeedcd te (lhe lieuseet' a clergymen and wcére duly antI regulcrly joinad in the boly 5(1110 of mstvimony. - Beon aftcr the pair vent to' Newavr,. N. J., and there the husband secued a, gee t aution lu eue o( theo rnuufac- torics, anti waa Jeiug nicely - untilt(ho reccut Fenien flasco favcv breke eut, vhcn lic auddlcnly anti aecrehly desorted bis youug anud intcrestin- vite cnd a' tlree mouCha aId baby tCejoin bis fertunes vit!. flic 'irigli libevators,' I- îlef;eta.bhi nd hird e note te. thatctleci, logather vit!. a teà dellar bih. Yoslerday- the decerted girl-e vite appeareti beforo Juuica "Milsi, - et the Newavr Police Court, anJ ber caL story, au ebova, witb e vîew Cc gatting the magistrato'. fidvice a-tw t vat sha - ha d best do. Bbc-* bclieved bar. husband veuld ibot rotumu, anad vas satisged C hah ha is nov locatcd aI Ml4dleton,' N Ir. The magialvate cdvisad irto vrite' te ber tutibar, tol biU ber @toiry and naîrte bic taircu bomne.This s sai sh ba onlal de. The poor crcetura las t pretty as a pcture, andl ccrried the sympathY Of tccourt andl thos. presen t by lier clinia ing nalyote andl vinning ways, A lady lu iachoigan heu roceutly recev- avad ber reason after being insane 23years. The interval bus bon c bleir, but 849 rornambers vividiy vhaîeyer occurrad ba- fora il, and sadly puzzles 'ber new trieuds hy bar steriai ef ,vhat occuried £C r vekau ge." Thie Egliab ÂJdmirclity bave order64 Si iveai clcJ, te bacaliad lie Ealegle carylng 27 beavy gens, ced bye îiglb draft iren-cled steamers te ho cominea v at once. A complota steonent eof the Penlet; lous. lui the lite raid give Il kilIe 4 u Il -wounded-S.mortally.- Thackeray, on bis Olrsa. vWst te KwV Yorkc, vas introed o a svery sshlopsr ebiy dres.d young hradY, the danghter Of a pubIishaaixo.ad for is piracY cf Iho ç!orku et Britishi -Aullirs. 'Ah,ý uer-r m urcalth..neveliat, , c splendiJlT bou; edîttiofab lisa' )~be 1

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