Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1870, p. 4

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O.Ma&yI Whitby, M au, 1070, WHITEY. As we coutinulm am Suu publie,%0 ATE id reuiovated thi supero '111 Oud exoollent lios and Cîgara ger, Boer. (ibod. *m. D TEING &S ( Mm b. v.toaolibIoo work lsdyaint,, in al, vool sud coton. Jf.yLeepiaof- CLEA3IG & RygOVATING CIlotbe, A., don, on %hors notice. poitt. And futlî,rs laelsud olored. alovae !med equail 30 new'. . - JOSEPII mOlE, (là door soutîs otTanniery.) WhItb7, May £ad, 1870. I I NOLVENT ACT 01? 1884-9.. lu tuw Motter of ,TONAS TÂR BUBH, Underasud hy virtue of the. pow..r vested in ie ai sgno of tué tîtoend effutesoi the aboyo uanied Iniiolvit 1 wiii oller or eaue to be offured for Sale, on - 8ATU.UDAY, 'LT16th, 1870, A t 12,o'Iolok, n mon ; nt thi,ÀAnet'ton ocina cf t lie und3rigned-7un the Market plice, In tiie Trown ci f lér.aitheérIght, titi., equity of redeniptlon, aiid +tereit of e Isiiolveut aiid tnysel t au 1110 Agnlgueo In tlhefollowing pro- jierty lu the, Couuty of (liitiiro, viz: The. Sontî tit qtjarter of Lot number 5 In the 1Bth eceosof the% Townsahip of iteecl, lu the Cofinty cof Ontario, 50 acres more or leu%. Termeniswl be mnode kîowb nt the timne of For pationnor.ne toe oiiilons and tenrp, ,p1~tn may lie mcde b'y letter pcot ,,dtohmr. Met(rtily £Meeiirîity, of the rownof B rrie, solitor, ad to t ee nuder- J0SepI1 ROGERS, Meeti ecrtlîv, Ofiieai Assign,. sollctorg for the I[nivriît. Datedst Bari le, thie 4tIî Miiy, 1870. 1946ic b. "th. thil&"ire purpobe StIi 1only b. b.d fr6. us, beolag far salways ou baud, Stoves , &C. H&TOH & BROTHR9 - Iiotedi Ohesp Bouse. ~TWD -i - [ESTÂBLISHED 1833'si The undersigned in returning tbanIks for the liberal patronagte bltberto extended to th. cld establishment, for nearly a period of forty years, desires to say thit ho bai nov on haud a large assortuient of the mosi modern sud elogant styles.of N~ 7 3'IV '1 tx3E 2o And trusts by proper attention and nioderate 'rices Ito secure a continuanée of publifc patronage. Practical upholateriug. Vuarniture re-stuffed sud Unidetaklng and Fanerais Fully Suppied- as heretofore, gw'»Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. .Remember t/te OZJ Stand.ý whitby, Mfarch 9, 1868. 10-Iy BOOTS ALNB SIIOESN W1IOESALE &, RETAIL.# TIRRPIN, RE-T A II à1W- AN D (87 & 89, King sbtreet Eut Toronto). THOMAS CARLISLE, - PnoraizTon. A- The mnnt cI,- btesti; .upplied At lA1 rsed l r fiueiit brandi. 811.11 an a ystera ln every stylo. Me Partiesvlîlting Toronto fm ir da lvii ilid-overy ,,ceemmodation ut the'T'errap n. Aprîl 5, 1870, 14 Tao. nder»igned ias accepted tMa Marine Ageney or the WESTERN ASSURANCE 00.9 OP TOIlOIlTO, And wiii b. glîd ta eff.ct Inaouraliees fer il lîiving îiroperty 30 6111P tnm tilîloport. C. DRAPER. Wlîlîby, A prîl 5,1870, 1 1MPORTANT TO PAÂRTIES USING; JIACTILINER! 9 3.J.jeS TOO K'S EXTRA MAUIIIEOI. -- This 011oxcecs ai other Ou, hbot'.)animal sud segotablu, mmd vo are pi-opareel téiisbow tIié auperlorlty cf tllm Ou 30e.a1lotier. I13 stumîde the. testa nceosmry 10 procure a firet-clkîîe, ar ticie, lt IA adaptued to itiier lîglît or lîeîîvy mna- eciuery, froni a elock or s4ewing-noiuuiiie ti tIie lîeavest of! miufta. Tiie foiiowiug are tMi ' nla lu wilehIt13excelontliir (JUs: hT wk'p1, roT 011E, linde nieiinery ceau hc eaen witli but littie trouble, muid Iteyl ehean machiiiery tlîat luns bocu muredy guiinect iy other 011e. 13 wil not congemi or thickeu lu the codct o weether. This la a qiisuity et the higliesi Importance, froin thme tact mn 0O1 net havlig thlsquaiity wilil uot lubricate a eold sa eoh e)mi lmuiy b.cpplied in ,a heated Mtate, but tue nmomt13toUnes a culd shaft I13liscomgealedland viii not iubrlemîu un- tli 3hjournal by fiction acqulremuutt tempo- &turc noessiiry te reduce.it t10a iuid satiIii ncqniring aà higier temperaluro by. fiction. tiie journal ex p sds ud thie box ls lîifnrod h l6 as Imposiibleoto ue oih ltimt wil ichiidou a eold mtaft vittiomt tbt. resimt, ms it IA tu Mnî- ale Oh vith iouer. J. G. btook'e i% i ii lu. bnicani the coldlestinmachiner7 mie moment It la appiled. Tiis Mile nov used liit uer two lmundrôd otabliihiiet, snd le givlng the hast cf setlsl'actiou, aud ail ilti mnusmîlug tlue) profrit 30 r2eà Iutipenni or pure Olive, 13 is h.. fromiLie objection% urd sgmlustl mi otcher O(bts it 3deîs ot tgumnu cr freeme. Now us4 the puiblie ar* avare thâtma ny ortilmis thiugs iu'o puid iîîto uotorlety, lu oruior te provo thaf 311hllano umuîg, and to oure ourselves againsl the upratouoituuaortupu. loue a geut,<many cf wilîoinîî nt 11681 coae t pmjimn etftIie rmon offai 0f Ou refincrues âai bog Idntleal witiî Stoelu'sextra IMeliie Oll')ve proeto tio o oare intereted lu ilue rut hof'tîoe atements, te sucni to -ttse,on application, hy mail or ottierwle fui.4ofcharge liistu way, i.a ampie cf theoolI, %bat 13 Mêy $pak or bIt.ei.Aud vili lu oeund vîthti 3a tev sinipi teita, goasffetie esi chcseeteste by vihigolu l la kuowîî froun tuli baar moais, muid Wvh llviienab, parti.. ore derlna3*@scure thoimevoo agmust- impo&12, tio, y *nabhlug theni te dtermin. At oce. whother te. M1fcrwardodlu as good as Ailpar@» eslntla u him e (>11. viido * viii W. omuiletewitb 0 i 02,B, STOiCK, iroubamu,OnU. - so. Agnt for tho-Domluion. Bieouîglatmu aroli 15, 1iS70. I - TETIM0NIAL. Toi Jcizum HAnsMIonINe. W0ka, @.& uivoca, Oshawa, April i,1870. - Keeps constantly on hand, and iii course of manu- facture1 -the largest stock of Ladies' Gefits' and. Misses', :0C >lmd " M'E >ma Éxamine for yourselves the excellent material and fine work-' 15-prl13, 1870.' WM. BURNS, Brook et. TH. 0k '-DVIES & SON, MANUFACTURERS 0F xxx C REA M PALE ALE A LEq AND PORTER. Early Goodrioh Potatoes, 15-Aprîl 13, 1870.,R. FRA.NCIS, GENTLEÉMANS CLoTrHJgG 'MADE TO.-ORDERf CANADIAN T-WEEDS 4nu be oelected from, suitable for the'Season. g~Ail kinds of Gcntlemen's Furnishing Goods kept constantly on hand. lVlitby, April 13, 1870. ui£w ,100ù9Î38TO alAID.) --:0:-- Gain Rings, Bar' Drops,_ 1Spe ctac les, Mîrch 23, 1870. . Englieh Plated Brooches, Colord Boitte, very handoomo. &0c.9 &cal JAMES .JOHNSTONt Watchuiaker k Jcweller, Brock ut. 'Whitljy. FIRE ASSURANCE CO., L<)MBARDSTREET & CHIAIING CROSS, ZSLL1BLIBIE» IN 17824 GILLESPIE, MOPFATT & o,, Agents for JAMES DAVI.S(e, Manager. I SURANCEagie LOBS by PIRE arc effeeted on 3.notfvrhoternis snd LOSSES PA&ID witliout rofereuc te thse lard ln London,.*. >- 1 a. 'a YEOMAN GIBON, April sra,1866. Agent, Wbitby T L4IVERPOOL & LO)ND()N & GLOBE INSURANCE COMetAN Y is one o! the Most prosperous oS01Eiîlluish Iusnriiuee Cos. 13. INVESTESI FtNDS are. 05,86 .13, DAlLY INCOME exceed.... *50,oco Its LIFE POLIClEII are a Suro protection for the futur. 13. PIRE I'OIIES, ii..ned nt CunnnxT Ravius, iitlord ample protectior te the Merchant and Honsehoidor. 1 AI] fair edaim, 1w>EIFLT PlAln, and the ut- Mosit Iiieraiity alionluthe odjnatment cf HeadOlflce, Canada Brapcli, IMontreai. G. Y. C. SMITHI, Chief Agent for Dominîou- L. PAIRBANKf, JI: AoBiÇu at Y, bitby, Ont, Whitby, Jîîly 253hj,-1Sf9. 80. MANUFACTURED AT THE Agricultuxal Worke. LEPFEL'S CELEIATED ~-AuEitiAs- Double TURBIN.E WATER WIIEEL. 1111X OS? ECONOXWCAL WUEE l NOW IN VîT i INSURNC E 1 The undersigned continues to repreel the folloing reliable 111IE RO-Y1AL. Capital, $2,000,000.1 AIIIAD OFFICE, TORO9NTO, FRANCIS HEWARD, Esq-, 1 ~MANIî.U IM PERlAL, HlEAD OFFICE, Don Brewery, Toronto, Ont.1VNOI AAES »As the proprietor attends personally to the Brewing, a regular stock of Aies and Porter cari always bc dcpended upon. Parties desirous of linving Alea of auperior quality and Porter oquni te any imported, are respectfully ëolicited tc, send their orders for a quantity large or smali, and try for tliernelves. With the nid of our incretised facilitica, we arcecnabled to produce an arti- cie (il.the year round) second to none in the Dominion. N. B -Orderilleft with Mr. JAS. Il. SA MO, at the Furniture Wareroomg, Brock Street, Whitby wiil receive ponlpt attention. Dec. 1, 1809. 48 <n E oe q>3,5 -~ ~. OE~ F-3 bd ;- ~. >0 t, o OFICA A81IdN E-E. GENE' jJOHN AGNEW, Wrry - Capital, 6.2,00U,00.1 * JONTREAL. JOHiN AG.NEW, AGENT,. Wrîrrnx. NO RTJI B RITIS H, Capital, 82,00,000, HEAD OFFICE,'. NONTREAL. MoDOUTGALL & DÂVIDSON, JOHN .t4GNEW,. AGENXT, Wrr' r1IIF-SyWiicehuï vo mre n mîo uun!iitiug .Luilicmper tîimi mîmîy ctr tslop ii tiie cour)- try, iîl ne sel pRive amuauinmnte itlî cli W lied wiirraiiitig Ou-n I lo mua ve ilmodei, aimd Io give as gold iitimfiiioiî ms mny nmun- factmîred in Ile J>omilioiu. Parties decu.inig fui-huer information con oh. tain it by iiddnessl'iiîp PAXTON, TATE & CO., Marei Blt, 189. 'ariy-SI., l'ont l'ciry, Ont. 1-1O31E, - - Capital, $1,500,000. -IIEAD OFFICE, NEWIlAVEN, CON. PROVINCIAL, HEAD OFFICE. JAS. SIDNEY. CROOKER, JOIIN AGNEWý, AGENTr, Wnmy. Capital,* $ 400,000. TOLLONTO. j- JOHN AGNEW, Wr~ SCOTTISIL PROVINCIAL, (LIFE,) - Capital, $14,6000. HEAD OFFICE, A. DAVIDSON PÀRKER, NIONTREAL. AGENT, Wrllny. Ç~j'Also theColonial Securities Company, for the Loan of Money, at-reasonablé rates. -. 1W0hiby, Jinuary 4, 1870.'ý A gent, Wbitby1 0 oe w c, AGENCY OFFICE! ceuvedet 5happontment o! Officia4 Assigne. 0for North re' 'ýft attintioju to 4&1lniatters luin si'krttptcy or sud ccouts seodily cc$iectedl and remuttauce C o m z -I H GJE ST 1A BK EU: P1ICE FouI -PEAS# FRENCHMANS BMY. :wi. ýWIIITES'IDE. runeliman',a Bity, Sept 22, 19.89. 8i. BRITISHI AMERICAN in 1 a .av.utnt wil eéat once- apparent to Save mnoney thei and nie the MoveAb1. W [Point.. STownship Riabhts for sale.- 7 ROBJIS &TRENNUM, A p p I , w ..-P r o p îe to r s . ýR. E. .OBUS sud JaS. TEEN8um~, F6t Oshawa, Wliitby, Jlan. 5. 1870. i p 110 TO G R AÉ P DOMINION GALLERY# For mchuemsi. cfToue, fullucîs cof Detuil, sud exquisitle PIuisb, cannoS be aurpasaet 1 navn od ora-jpoecnânte Umvhig o ml aerye la roomen lu ii.- iting o!ertdhaileeryTe li *emi .kn pie piture bettatmi cicr. e he 1md~ pigtue teineatWlns: er othe "Tited V ingte,# n o ingvr, beutiflastyle. Ayhaing iiew lu lit t illy th Gllaewry. havingt, cln, bad m vtylsbn'a Gslery.ift Cmblyiue, l fruuues, elr oy.l Po, nncatl oed ln oiwtr iîs ,nb r d ie ie iMr. celo l iaen nuua orila ik. children'e pietnrea. April 12, 1870. ~. Il liu..L~oLus. 18 PI. JAMES WALKEI3, of Ashbnum,"Ont. 1lPitt.iteo of the Twi nPlouîgh AND ALSO THE DOMINION- PtOIGIG, tîteud euanuiactuiig on a large ieiis Full ha Wiuter. bis91 TWIN &--DOMINION PLOUO'GHS! ffl Tiiey Win be Kgaant.ed. Weillmade, and tiie vorkiug part grouud, W_ i'articis wou'd do Woul to meud iiitheir ordermk vithont dely. C;ouuty Eight afor ai,. Ashburu, Noveiuber loi 1869. 45.31 rT &IEUNDERSTGNED DESIRES TO IN- f.lirin hii fr.*eiids and paîtrons tliat lie tins Ïgiuret5ume.1 busines eLtue lad WHITBY LIVERY STABLES W ' lnvinir eueremsed thoii.îîiber and quality ot the stîid, aud aloo added to-aud !i- proved tlio coiive)-uncei; aud velîices on dis p-O1e,, lie hopes by heing, in a position to 'Ucot tIi. vanta of cuotoinera to neit, a shuiro of publie patronage. W-.CHARLGES JIODERFATE.,3 N. B .-Covcrcd coiîveyaiices for lii and ladies. Promnpt attendue, asb enctolor., t0e1 alordure. N. RAY, Proprietor. Whitby, April 9, 1848.1 To .Jleesrs. CHÀvuzAYBEw k SiLLB, Coen-' wayP1..,,'-ountyj of Lennoz, Ont., I MAnoc, Couuty of lliitings, province of OntmrliFeb. 9th, 1809. ilI fnthat duirinie th. vinter 0f TH,ý8JA townaotaen vith a moeakuos of thi, ankeahicî gaduilidurugtii. spring or 1887, e;,teudd to my huees, and -up ta My hien, 84 d I becamo se wvek that [ could not wi, bt wm etn ned tauy chair. For about two ycnnavhîlctliis wenn ua ascouiiug ou lue, anfd afteorars, 1 .ongh muedical aadrico, cru ioyingaet dienet tinies, thirc doctinrs. aîndmedioluei of d ferent lindu, pr-eneribed by frijeids. hueto avail, 1 cotinuedg get vorse aud vorse, untilthte su mer cf 1888, vhun 1 vas ludûced to :trytuea t Shoahion- ees Remiudy 11v roudinir the c e.,. mül CORDW.,OD & Luj KDER Tatrou ln esclinge, and Vash Price. aiioved. -JAMES CLAYTON. WlhApril 27, 1869. 17 .A Y A MOUNT OF ]ýfONE Y T0 L~>x Tho Siubgeibcrilanov prcpared ta Loan any. unonnt of Mouey, (priv4t. fonds) onpi FARM PRO PERTI. ri murnos tosnlt horroveng, at very lowiTea oe iùterest, repayablo in ouon , rb-ya 1 also represent tlireeoof the lurgeaS Monetnry Iiistitutione n luitceDominion, wliich lenit - meney on the mnctidvantageone ema. -a- -ALARGE NulilI',EOF WELL CULTIF-/7ED FARMS, And a quntity of Wid Land, for sale cheap. For partieulausa apply ta 0 JAMES ROLDEN, * Officiai Assiguce, Monoy Brokar, &c. OFFICE-S.iecond f10cr 3lMiIln'sflloek, Brok titreet, Wlîitly. Whltby, Octoher 4th, 189. N. B.-î am î'irepured tg invest iu a]l hinds ef »ehoiîînrea, Mort gag" an d other se iritie G4reenhacheanad Silver bonughtinue old. 31Mr. Knowliug mnd hMime ('lain; beg ta an. nocune0 ta thé LeujiCi O! Whitby mands- ieiuity, that they have Openod huaine,, luinCoiborne St., (-nuit door cet of!f3h. Grammîar Scoli,) wllere tiiey viiibe ppre an. 0recels', sud exeente al orders for dreai mîking and moln- tles ln asaupenior niauner eîîdl muer the. 1test fauslioui. Ail ordura attended to vith pune- tnmltY And tiuo strîcet a ttention. mils. KNOWLING, MISS CLARK, whituiy, Nov, 17, 1859. 46 TEETU EXTRAfhI IW TR0MUT PAIN, BY TEIE USE OF NITROlIs OXID LAIJGHING Gl1t . OR TIIEINEW AT x DENTAL BOOMS, - DUN-DAS-STIREETU IIITBI', C. W. ROOMS....Ov,, M. Hl. Cochraný1s Store. >Whitny, Joue 26, 1867. 2 G BRGE GURLY, MEIIgUÂNT TAXLOUi CLOTIIER AND DRAPER, the -bei-t styleomuid lateaqt faîluion. A fino stock o! Clotlia (rom vuich ta msk4 s seolection for Gentlaemen'isasommer suits.. Oshmawa, May 12,1881. 1 , JOIN--R0DINSONIS Hair Dressing and Bhavig SALOON, BROCK ST., Wmp -Wî SOirmi OF -raI BauNx or lo"ji,. whiilby, Jan. 2c, W-5 cP4815, $4005000., prnr 50lustre property saî;sit LOSS BY f PiR,"ont n 3h nmst favorable terma., hi 2-1ni. --Agent, Lhitby. 0 T Port] perWy 6td nip ro~cntmntki tuai Iumursncp Company, r tc the Royo eanl L - £0 (7 paS e ý 1 =&9 1 -.

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