'j, yesto twgdtersefSe a 0 l a t r ao 2 s r a a d a v i th d ve r ti s. m b y ]ROY&L CA&KÂDIAN BAIK WBITEY BRANCH. AIITITUE IZUIIAIIDSON, ONTARIO AK WIIITBY BEANCII. Kf.LOCJiIART, * l'fl ÂRITEI2SAND ATTOI<NEY&SAT B vsolliltors 1to t-Bauk 0f Montroalp - w"Moaay toloan upon gooa spqarh*y. Ap- 1>' at h.* filco oftiî. An, CourtIlIeuse,- south w lit . 85î 0 41IlCOCIIRtNEILL- D. UTl&W VC IIN£y'FoR ON- Ofneo-Broik street, neit dace20 to Roal EORGE Iltb. DATsi BAl$ISTER, ATTORtNE~Y ,CUNVETÂN4- Bcor; De put>' Regotrar, Masâter Extrardî ttrytand exenine'ran Clauteery for ltfCot- BÂUISTEl2 & ATrtI(NY AT LAW i8olcitriubaner &e.wlttby, C Dffio- User Ontaio ILtk,-on thoitaNovth 8, DIi. JARVIS, B ARISITEIZ ATT'>ICNleýY.4T-tAW Solicîtt lunCitancwr>', Cuitvaya aatr, No- tary' Public. &o. (Jve-etdeer ta téStar- cf 11. &J. -Camîpbell, Brck St., %Witliy, Ont. w.lltiýy, Nes. 18, 1807. 4 -_.JB. FAIRBJANKS,_ S IITICNOTA1LY -PU LIC,e&c. ec. sOsîtîan, C. W. C. A. JOXEII, 13arTlst.T, Ujitcttor ln Vhasuîery, At. foruîeye d*c., &Ce Unss renMeved iietiOfliceo L 1>2facon over teé Whitby, Pot. 7, 1888. 40i rAIEWELLiXcG ARR<8'lSTIAS, ATTCH~N EYS, 8 t PLrCj Urnez-Citec dor nantit of teé Po0,t ilice, Osh1aa; cttd a NCettrn'> BluteS, ojtjtosltb Tuviwlal, Bwaivitie. B.* à »L18L 088,OSS LAUVLR, IILOCE& M'J Altorneyentii', IbOllltu n achan- .ery-aise iieohveitcy, &.. ed(il;i Jittss-eeiliilttt's liaci, ivkt lty,, W. il, DILLING,, - BOLtCITU, &Q£., A0. -CIlAULIES C. KELLERe A '?tONEy AT LAW, BOLICICEIIN £T31 LîUGery~OvYntr ceuu an, llvoek, C. - - J. IIAMI49a GREEN'NOODy ATTOiNi~T.ASLCTRI .t..Obaaory, Nter'Publie, eîyaer &o., Whi I. W. Uiesic, Byron etroot, gouth 'ifPoaO fice,. ta4 ISYMIAN uxuLIBJi, Le ne. B ARRISTER AT LAW, Soiciter luactait- Stmnoeb3,-QeusWa40 _XJAMES-LAION, CÃ"NYEYNCEI]LAND AGENT &tc. Op'rsa.-Over Aruirang'ae Ilatul, Main St-, Uxtiliga, Juie 71h, 1889. tf-28 DU HANCOCJ<, PURtGEDN, ACCOUCHIEUR, tc., -ne j. ;,'jN N'M. De f iùBQBON To ltRE COUNTY GAUL, svaoi> truîot,Wliitt>. 4 W. H. LAWe B.A., M. D.a - phys1C8eýq 0 Surgeon, Accauciter, etC. TJIOISAS IIUSTON, rOWNCtLKRK tTEASiUlLER %WhITBY T Oamce-Tcmi heu l- Ilou ni-9t iO 'eloak. WELLIeGTON HOTEL, -XtUF13OTTUDM, lioprietor. 19-Jy '>W I LSON JS--O0U SJL 5.WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor. yplTEtJBSiti 1101bega 20 autno'uneete iii, -L ilulî,da tit t Ltpublie gettrii>iitt i essnuad te Dtte-lie te il ithe Village fAsltjb1tl'it for ltae seconwdatioti at uta ire- 'Vehliieg pfilie. 'lilich.s i tem. ,ttt fur- millid1)alit c t05t tIltcriagtl fisut iettleo pucater. Ouests villii ttitery aoluneîttiee et Lietasove 00ittelftitWl , Lijquana, et tl rs'i lteb.l ratda alwtt -s kept ami lo 0 Got tabhig at ttttcntlya otionslu taudance. A,. WILSON, Jr., 1lropictor. - Ahbbhuifýbl Msylit, 1861,- hf-18 - ftYAL CANADIAN J1OTEL>ý FpORT 1'£ERRY, ONT. ;E. TO!', - Proprietor. 6,îpenlranacommoatslion. Gond slubltng adletsbtooeu., sud attentive ositîens,- port i'erry, Nov, 8t1845 t W L1TbI Y B3RAN0!ilBîBLE 'lTeoattention of tho Publie is invifte thé b * »e~We i mli shletdstock of ~iLSand TEBTAXNTS, - mliiisudtvitlient the pouline la motre, nav ta haf;ud et the ]Depaatto' aor the wlitby Bnsamoh Bible Socle>'.Ttc stock bas becu so- joea4bthe Dopositar>', îit groat care, anti 11 ba coutd to emacovoleaies le vaions ga of buidinig, plaIn sad oranemeuntal. met. à a5u~u il' Lst, 180p', VOL XIV TE PATENT Tue U'140aCuegu.d revtg pnriiastiYro.e Mosans.Rabbi auti Trane I L, lit h for tho 'VOWNSRI 0F piçXERI G, Moveble ~ten Plogi -Po nt, 12101M ta cal the attention tf1"nmora ta te aips 9- BYte suneoofthe l'afont 1'ioughls ut sruter$ eau effeot aoavlag of tva hutn, reo cent, lunLihe y.s, The meveabie Paint e*iy ceatIsfAve cents. Tho ordican>'-PIon bhiTe COoslt 12cents. Que shsve miJilbes ta> vear cala et eset five of the maveable lPeint.,' t 6e eff.ling lthe uavîng referre t t. Bave noey anti eauthe Itaoabi l'oinuts. - GEORGE COLLIZIS, Jule t1 1810, Sm 22 JOUN WOLFENDEN, CELEBRATED SCOTTISH' GRANITE, M- At MarýIo lerksr ona fCNA&TIATOi W0LFENlDEl(, DtîUdan-SL ,Wnîtby. 17 NEW STOVE AND- TINSHOP!. TN erdor te meet tLb. iuet.siniz damcnd la- tnsu, caus4eti b>'lie building of'tii. lalincat sud tLe Iitparting er Velociptades, the euaibaoniber litns opaîtid a tove asutT 'ia bttap, enec40rtAtith of Till & Scmo'c Futîti- une dtre,wmItera tthasbet 'TlYES & TIN WAIIE Me>' holed, eatît.tii tustncr cf Tiuamitliî'a mark deteouetitn fienteet iloh!.0. t~"'Id on, (mpper, Bîîts, ('atttt a ntid 1.iîotthîîgeWutl itmIttptu, thun ablr andi avi tîer cf truck taken ilt extit.te. Wititby, bnea ittl-, 1889. J NBRA.10 ARMSIRONG'S HOTEL.- (Laite l'Iaitk'a;,) UXB iID Gr' E. AIUiISTîLONG, - Ppbortb- Tipl-UBSCIBERILes fltted Il asud con) ItiL4atti,tgtîeth ie abute tiýta sietin. ýOfi nat-itc lt 19ei, sîtti sot-jie >tyttc patrnage otf bfita publie et itîsli$friit-io. ttVitnl Ilîbnitip, Jeu. 28, 18A9., - 4 Q uery-. Why hfil)ktat tlîaîp la suei a mga for pictures AT CLARK'S GALJLERY? itlihs bcuiea tie fltet li et f&iltii. L2uutityand itas uMorettieitt.Ie wîth llittl.treu ituaî1y olîor UL 11tlu e. (11~ u cc Oous'iy. - Or Tlitt. wtat' tne mottter, se doul bp buekird *bout comuittg formant. - DIOCK ST.9, WUIITBY, Whttby, Nov. 12, 1857. 46 HRENRY GRIST9 18WBLSEDse.) PATENT SOLICITOR DRAUGIIISMAN OTTAWVA, CANADA, Treitsiettebusinieât iith hl'atout Oice, acu ter deartuasiats o et taavoru- muent. Capyrielîtîs antd the regisi ration ef trae ierks andt Desigus proctared. Dratei,îgî. SecfActop#. and sther Domastntees,. sary t lescre Dttse, /Invention. prepcred on re- eiptefghJe Çotiel or the Invetion. and prdice. inac,> sarches in the Patent Oeedtu ars- faO> matde. Mlarcdi, 1889. i Grand Trunk Railwlay Hotel. AT WIIITISY STATION. IX M. tiNAIL itaviliz urcaead 2he hLaIc VVeîttireutiaes kuomu astita heGrattd Truink Hôotel, Wtithy emotion, begm Lu infarna hit frietatt andtheit traveling puhlid titat lie ttc> ffittèti td itahonte sud stablesia gtt- Cleastyle, suty steittion te the matitie et titase wha toner hitti -,th their patronage trust t enlt is cntita dhtaa utofLitein eustcm. WParties ttkittoizte trait ansd leaîttp ItorKs, iii itavo thttuawatt Luken eene of tilt thisr rattrî. WttitJty, sept., i888. B50 TrU 0 bMA BiSN T, (1.'r aux MONONDON, BESOLASO.> Ieataitifonuthte people of Wtithbyand vicia- tty, tîtat ite ts apeîted ae etop Opposite the Ontario Bank, flroek Street, lVhifby Onîsîrioé. GUNS, LOCHS, HEYS, &C, Ctokand ctWata!tea elcèneti lanti repttired, els§o SEWING JIACIIINES. PARA4SOLS & UMBRELLA8 maittiot ttnd covero] atewa atanpieîtcandsud st, atttt répitred, '&c., &c., &o., A altane af your pà trtttttge la isolicitud. T18 IT Wliit.<t,, Aup. 10, 1869. tf 822 Re L. à 1UN'1<t & Co., LiamNBezo AUCa'IOwERrit on T UE CO-UNTY 0F ONTARIO, OENKUeAL COMUMOIO1tuSAGET$? &c., WIITJY, ONTARZIO. W "Ail crtlera loft peroneiivy, or aent b'- tnuil i ta "itbnti littttst,," ',Aibli Ioil en," or '<)nttrto îttel," Wt'iitity-; l'avait'> iaicl, Brookli lu tîtl'ais lntel, 4(>la e ; artiiroat/ or Gaze OeClces, Waitty, wmliibu eeretulty atltie'tte. Wttitl'y, 1)02 la, 18444. B LC KS MITH PB WOR M. 'Ilte unelinaiaad, iun eturting thankoa te bts friands andt'Inei utc'emera, leitepalise te ammune tit he.mtti l morkeulrttated ta Mta cura, viii, as tteratoeio , exacetati liat tae bcst atyle. REMOVED 10 DUKDÀSS82BEE7, Oppoite A. C . Wilson, Paleter's. JOUN BROCWN. Wblîhy, Api 18, 187. 15-15 WMITIIY, aONT. A. X A SON,___- Proprietor. -The aboya bas -boaa thovoaghly mnvted, su h ulcwllAd evevy accommaodaât" an h m tetion. BLARS PATEN4T, IEXOIZL S10(R CUTTING OFF MACHINE1 I fNTOP 0FTHE DAY, 1 Cuté Wroaght Iran Steel Bars, Tabiag, &c., amooth sud poi4ed, wlthout resorting to forge, ehisel or l.the, aad viii doaamnoltwojk lu an hbur suda-balfaaeoau. b. donceln s day by the old procees. No Fondry, Iran Worki, or Miachlne'Shep should bco wlthout one. gCtoanty Rghts, or th. Blirht for the, DcUMIDu; fo r pale. 6.EIG I K Whiîby, IMsy l10 p APIIR flANGINGS, The uderulgned bega to tnform the public * thfit hu bas i on ad the. largoat and beast stock --QI Parer Hanglegs 1la tove, ail af»O _> Zg4WzRw PAW Bagou __blch ho offcrs for gle, very low, fpr ceeu. Fw- Painting$ Gralalng, Glazîng, and Paper liangiag, excutc<1 lu a work manlike and c4pedituos matiner, as nuuil A. C, WILSON, Dundas Street, tWhltby Whitby, April 21, 1870.16t p ROFESSOR J. POST, PIANO-FORTE, &cý RESIDIENCIE, - ]Byron Street, (e>ly Male th# oaù 2tr. Tr.na.-Tceîrienincn Piain, $10. Titaory ef Musical bo!tata,&C., $5. g . Mr. l'ost Itera P apaeraI steak of blumad cuti l> , for sala, and isoie a cati ft-pm his Mitleacl friends. Wliitry, Marlit 2, 1870. 9 - JOIl N FER-GUSIIN, MEURANT TAILOR, &C99 &e., &Ce Fegs le ilîtarîn mia patrani'a atidtheptili titat li ltaremovetid te thte preittises iDettinar et or lir. Cývshy1s grocery store, wliere lite vii be prepueet te repoi'vo arders as usuel. GB NTLEMENS' GARMENTS Cut andi matie up in the newesf Sty7es andti oudaon. Gntiemens' FormnlshlngGoa :gr AlitOrdera attcuded lu mith ittoctua. lIt>' snd disiquttait QOMMERCIAL' 40ITELY OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, - PaotilrTcs. .-o- 4* Convetisît' ltly itted ttp roims fer Camîutar ci lrttvèiere. IBilliards natcelteti. April 8, 1879. 14 ASH &DULLE.A, COM1MISSION AGENTS, COLLEtIOJZS?, CCOUNYTAIYSS, &i. OFFICE, - Gilett'g Diack, Ostîawa.1 Feb. 28,1870. 9 CH USES T0 R EN T. Tire Dmelling lonses La eut lu the Town of Wtitby. Fer pavîlctiars appi>' le JOIIN IAMER. WIl tby, M.trah 1e, 1870. I jW HITBY PIANO -0- FACTORY JOSEPH RAINER, PROPRIETOR. Thliteatbseniban, sua retîîrîng hbtsin-a ceve Lhanks 10 te aia>' fieutt snt customors ut te Wltiby PIANO MANUJFACTURY, bcitt sIa t tat ho nai rrnies on thea huai. tics, sait i>' upont Itîs ewuu uccouut; cuitin 50- ittmliitg futture trdoe lie boais te asue thoîti tât nathiizil1.0i-alait t 11ittitt iItle part: teogis. aatinftcîtiou, lu cuppi> u Qîf A LIT Y, iF I N Io il. Te colelretei neir pateandticrosa-scanle pchteru ct is ii. c i veation ianuult-momtcd as iterotefene. gW-AU ontians exeautedti liipronîptiiuo suddisittlà . JOSEPHI P. RAINER. 1Whitby, Ia>' 3, 1870. e1>-i8 0.2. THE GREAT FElIALE dtEMEDY, Job Noses' Periodical Pilisi. Titi lluele nied-icine la tauftilhang ln thé cure 0cf titI tieeptittlIU iici atunirataus dis- .eai4assto muilt tic femuaie oanntitutian la atiu- jet I 1materat-s ait exceaandi remove. sIl ebstruections, cutd a speedy cure ay e>'taroet on. TO MARIElS LADIES. Il h pectilila iueel. t mlii a e hort Lime bring ontithecithi>'penint mittil egaiariiy. tnal] cas cf NarvoatnuttiSpinali Affee. tiattu, ?aitîa ta the Buek cuti LimbpFFatigue ailigh t exeiout, Palpitatiooet itle teurt, tlytteriaa, undtiWltltes, ttepe illa miii affectea cure irben ail cter ineunsi bave failet ; suit altlaougb a power niul emedy, do net o-ntalu, irea, calomel, suitimn>',ol> n>thiug burtfeî te te contaitutionu, Fuit directions inth ie çamphlet arouu4 eachi package, wvicIthoult he a.crefuliy proeevet. JOB MOBE> NEW TuLIC, 50LE PPIPaTwoS. 81.*00 anti 1234 cents for postageý , enelose to -Northrop atît Lytasa, Noesauti, Cul,,gene- raI agentes for lthe Domiaion, mihlinsue a bat- ti, coiitaIuiug oser 60 puIls, b>' vêera mail. 'For sale b>' James Byvue snt J. H. Gernie, Wtilby~ w.P.tkusan, ait4 Robnson & Ca shaa JDames, Btir ln, anailh rL RlED - TILLI BEL( Ana benett- "That fiag that bratted a; The battie and the 1 JAME% fi for a diii - - - - -4u tiOarva.ns ii ti sues>' ire,. x ya IV C « r 10 -, * Ii wmr5iithe&Lf lofiad , - 111file aat'sau an 1.ulthmug, Anti hl» rowies liprtd vill aiaew 'II1 ROCK.I}~ ~Anti shb ram a silvor strtug. Tbankfiil for at lnutronnee begs ho fanncupw to bis enaitonieva and the publie, that Jhbas Dow un -band the langet anud beat stock - of ever ln Whitby, and tbit ho continues te niantafoýiaae daihy,-tuvnitmur fcyeny description, in'clutiing Sideboards, Sofas, Louanges, Ibackiri'aOtirs, (wmîh ud wiitouit rockers), Iiraming rocm, Pttrlor, and iBedroon) Sets, Le., ail menu- -fuctured te tcbest tatutaial, tînd flîishet lutaa tâperler andi airkruclike. ruanne,unsîîrpessad b>' an>' situiltîn estibiichui nt lu the broisi Doamio ian; alil et mich it lejeparedtdis ~pose cfahuprecedmiutedi>' Low Prices, etjrCo; tr-E VER Y à RIILE W4ARANEAB Titose who boyry can a now bsîv chenu>. I U-PHOLSrE RING OFt 1KINDSt DONEIN 7TUE BEST Ml NER. . AND .FUNERA.LS FIULLY UPPLIED. And splendid frarnes cf ail kiîd,-wË nd square,-tu bo had ou the prenais. Call aad examine the stock, and wlietlier-eyoit buy or flot, you will bceheart. ily weicoîîîa, and rePcive ever>' polite.attention lu inspccting ail -the beautiful goods on thé prcrffloes. JAS8,'11.*S A M-0! * DROUI< STREET, WHIITBY. --o0 W DAVIES'S Creani AIB vapIlts underneath the premnises, and for ase viiole- sale, cf wbich tho underâigued acîs as agent.A . .SA O Aprii 11, 1870. 15 SELF-RAKING 1iEAPEII, MANUF,&CTURED 1DY BRO'J"uWN- & PATTERSON, WE DEVY COMPETITION! Sixteen yeams prectical experie'ace in the Manufacture cf Reapers sud Moirera,sastis- fies us that the "Johnston Self -Rakiug Reaper" la very, fur in advance cf any other Machine made etthie present day. We bave just introduced iL mbt Canada, and man- ufactiared s imitcd number the past seasori, sud as yet tira the on!>' manuifacturera. Ihis season or Machines wili embrace such smial i iprovementsasea yeaw's experience ln the manufacture has suggested. Strougl>' and durably but. The beat material used in its construction. ILs rua- chiner>' the inost comîpact andi durable. 7h. lentistlabla ta get out cf order, The combination etfmoati and i ran lu the fluger bar, makes it the mosL petfect cf finger bars. The seat of the driver, locateti cutaide of the driviug-wiiccl, so balances sud relievles Lb. fiiiger bar, that it la les hable ta seg orbreak than that cf any other tmachine.> Our' SeifiPLake is the moat perfect ever invented, erfd censists cf five Rekes revolving arcund an axis close ta the diîiviug-wbcel, s0 placeti as ta bc entirely under the cootroi of the driver without sLopping the teani. lt cuis ai 'd delive-s tatigleti, crinkied, cm lotigeti grain rapitil> sud lu good shape. Culs a six Icet amatit, with as littho drefi as a light four feel Mower, and nu sida draft wlialever. IL culs eaiy, wilh a cenmeon leau, tram tlfîcen to tirent>' acres pcr day, andi has eut aneitundreti aud fort>' acres in seven dys. It la mianuifatiare i sr IBenping cia!>', bacause 12 lias beeu denaonstreted thet a sapa. rate Reaper andi Mower wilil lat ta eut tiore gras sd grain, titan- tva Combineti Ma- chinesansd cents mnucli lsionutuea aggregmte. L'asiles, a separate Machine la less coin- plicated titan a corîitineti eue; bacs habla la get-out ct arder. and ilaelweys rcady for wofr'without the trouble andi dciay cf ciîauging froib:oua la tha other. Titis licaîtarlbas beau lu surcessful eperatian cul>' fie years, but ils many superior. pinlts cf excellencea lt - on for it diuring that tiine a muiltitude et friandq. and a po- sition nover befere attainrn t»' an>' larvester lu so thitrt a hutne. For the tiraIt tra or thi ce yeers 12 waceîuparativeiy littie kuowu ; but during tite pat tvoa sest a ms witiel>' introducedti irougitout lte prinîcipal wbcat- grt)wiug sections ahftite landansd gainîct a papuiarily opprcenated linte listuýry cf lteaplttg M-.-chinies. THE HARVEST 0F 1869.-OUR RECORD- For tan yeera there bas net beau a seasan when grain lias been lu se bati a condition for itarvesting as the pant oea.'lTe atraw itas bcen excecdiugly beavy, broken sud badiy lodgcà ,dieîreby> severely terstug lte abiliiy cf the different otacinela te work under auch circumislances. itis lest thi Jci)taln" $S011 4aeer, wi u its 2>pecuhiar constructiion, haie beau enabledti l t t nncec>ifaiiy, furîîieliing la the ferniug public con( usiva proof Ihat 22 a uisLuan> emer&en cy andi a camp/dIce saccesa in ail kinda and condition# of grain. ,ult n Wluitby, Me>' 5, l8~J'O. BROWN ý& PATTERtSON. Q'DONQVAN"ýS CARRIIE-FÂCTORI, (BBROCK STREET, WJILTBY,) Wil be found a large Stock of (Jarriages, Buggies, &,o., of the newest stylesand blSt finish. Best work- men employed, a~nd ail the materials usedof the best quality. tj=' Particular attentiop givén to repairs. Whitby, April M O ONVN uer, t. .1 'Madame, 1 Lboaght I hati berne enough, froru you since I entereit thia houa.. I hIave suffl'etilusilence alighs, coatempt, aunveilb; îacw 1 int you tu'ying te a e ftrm% rueahithat mek-es lite In 1an>'irya>' toIerable-n> hueitant's confidence. I bave benne up te titis point. This enta Ih. Youubuve been huugny for mysecret -tuke IL Kueirthat ta>'hugaeox- presset, six meeksacga, a wish that 1 situa Itlournho sing. For your sake, he sait. I coîîfa.rs i moult lieadtnoittie for yuur sakta eni>', but te pliseohbit mas murtb an effort. Deutful boy I1aitoubti succeet, 1 chose ho 1v>' Mn>' pperinient secret!>'. I ment Le Mademnoiselle Pierrot, andi for six ircîka I havé - stutieti under ber cave. Tamroroir yen mer. La bave beurdtihLe rasult. ILbat takan ea keen, ameet deiight-ali the stntonger becaue I iras unîharet-in this surprise miticb I bat planert tas ea-birthday offeringt, oi m> hochant. Periapa, for ycu, mn>' irn ucets confirmation. Toti aball ear Lb. aougs I bat inteistet- ta siag ta-niorair.' .Neilhev o et inlhat iuteviiptclb tbe vId indluignant flair ut mymerds'. Neither spuSke nain as 1 ment teLuthe piano anti caL 4jo!r. Witb untaihering voice I 'sang thrtougb un>' neperfoire. I kucir I mas ainging weil-ujp4ieid b>'tat pride aud pasicu-far bethar* then 1J slud have tonc tiihe L . veuing in. th iteneuulous exciteteent cf tenteroeion. Thue seul of the music tihileti Ibrough the resta. 1 sang ail that I bat learuet. Tison s mwilti, ciangingchai d horst fl anti mson- dantunderm m>'band>nt 1Liocd np bofore Mkadame Davtbobciew mitn, OlemeLrde anti oyeà a mbosebuÃraing rsf<i nô'tears came ta queucb. She mas ver>' pale. She apoke thon: 'In titis mnaLter, et least,- I have douo>'ou injust-ice. Wili yuu furgivo meol * I neyer heard, bladumte, thut the iicb mua esked the 'phor mn t (rgiva hlm irben ta bat sain bis one ove lamh. Wouldt Lte roqîeat.bave been 1dle ? If you Latte aae>', ni>'banda.trust lunime, yen take aira>'al Lte iger>' et ni>'lite.' 1 meut royahi>' cut cf Lthe reeni. Ineet- et ne support - noue iras chfenet. I ment mb ni>' umu chunîber eut set there, I kuai oct boir bang, ulono mitt i>' bitter, tearlesa mratt. At iengtit Owen came up. Re sattiomu hesit.nie ; kissech ni>' uruiug cheek, anti tank ru>'hot haut in bis. Ho lookot iuta ni> eyea mith that gaze of tender cautrol whiiot bat nover blostiLs pomor Qverrue: tli nom. jUe spake with.quiet 1fimesa:, 'Kathie,;in mni>' irole lite I havo e er heen se deapi>' painet an Ibis eveuing. I thiuk lunruan>'ttiogs my>'muther bas becu wraug. Qh.;agclnoie(fý.osiLtherself. Site lovet unetsae e.ntiri>', -andti iad Bo'latg bieau ruistressofetmyn>bote anti the final abject: et ru> thiongîts eut affections, thet pcv- baps iL moult bave beau Lue.mucliteLaex- pgct et uitua nature that ahe shoulti itearlil>' rajoice lunu>' nianriage, or regardi iL mitit etîtire censphecency one wmita siLo hac bercatter nearer anti deerer Lu nie titan iii others.' 'Do ycu jiastifs ber, for that neasen, lu reatingîtue miith cuntempt; in metcbiug ru> moverueuts as if I1ivere a chilti for n-lie training siteiras rasponailile ; above ail, lu tryiitg tealaienata frein tac yuur cou tideice ?' 'blihave sait, ICathie, that I Lhought ah. mas mrong. Site is remîth acknomhetge IL At the saine hume I da ual thiuk you bave been .jiite lier. Yeu bave seen un- hiitness mîtere noue mas meunt, anti mbcn a teir morts cf explatîctin *muht ihave set ail riglit; eut surel>' if r>m ite iras treubiet, he h bancie igit tetaconoab t frentnlbar busîtaut. But me shahh uhI un- *dean cachcl cther botterutoir. -Titere *l bli ha aîpiar tays berator.' 'NuL t tMatamte llarLtolemcwýanti ma untar te samne roof.' Ã"meu hooket et nie for a fullI minute ho- feraeite apoke. 'lhen ha said, ver>' show-. 1>': III do net uticrsant yuu, Kattie. Witat de yau ojean?' *WistuLI aey. Your me ther bas mute tersait utteni>' aahorrent ta mie. I mii! nuL dagrade myseîf b>' living mithtbar in oen ecutianeud contenttion ; stili less mill 1 be sucb a hypoprife as ta du'ehh mithliebr' i utwlart pouce witui itend utsoul atre fulli ef bitbornecs. Yen rouet citouan Pe- Lircen us, Oveti-chee nom 1' Ho susootteti ni>' hem mtit sut, patient enternes 'Poor tarturet, self-milet ebll!, you kueir not muet you se>'! Yeu mrong yoursalf. Nature bas net ruade >'ou se unfongiving.' 'Owen, 1 moan it-mean IL bitteri>'. Cuit nia unforgiving, if you ibI-thore are soiRe thingc pue nover cen forgivo. I MOtIir. 1C YSaid>' 940 ndisiaiz L n net 'u - diveli uinder Lb. patina roof.- ý Yn1 are the( hast -jotge wbic1i la oat g*cssamy' tae yoov bappines-niaotter or w'i VI 'My' own bappinees las Lth question. Imust do watiaright-wh ,# Gotire- quires. -Kathie, I do not rocognuze My> gou'tta mife lu ycu. Pain aud angeor bave nistipyoua bgaidey>ourself. -dtioyon in- justice b>' istening 6ýhta aLYou Say tOn nighah. 4V. wilh talk more of this L>- 1 vuds -i!eîiL, but ni>' nicti had nuL changet. AIl thet night,> irbihle Owen- siept lu pes. b>' ni>'site, jny thougbLs more bus>'. I rocalicti ail the pat-ali' tb. love midi viajph I bad-loÃed, bu ; butl ils maman>' did neot soften nie. Me~ eyes1 ment blinded that I shouldti ne 500thq à tnuth. Ligiat enougb bhat bis love been, I tboogbt, campanet miîb mine. Would 1,I lie. given hin up for an' ether tie ? Sola I eul on, hardenîng. ru> heurt, mnakingi ni> phans fanrni>' haehy future. Thera mas unqtbev secret Viiicla I batl intendet ta irbispar in-bis ear on the luoroir-noir1 ha sbot*d nitt kna'r iL. A feir metts1 mare, i beliavèt, moult uigke liii e fatb«-1 er.> Hoir ns>'heurt bit thiîniiediitherto1 irben I bat piannet luirbhmorts 1I meulti tell hit tis lu Lb. silensce cf aur1 dhamiben, andti tGhe, gi oirhic look iroolti- kintie veith jo>', hIc éyes sotten aiit gvam dim witia tanteruaca, bis voicetremble witia iLs full fneigbt cf biassing 1 . Nom 1 experiencoti a kind of sesage exultation at te tiîaught thaut ha moult n't kuir wiL: titat ha moult base sa uuch mcré& bappi- ness tin be treaîneti il ho chose hie motiter lun i>' sau. I, elieved ail the vil! I clienisheti e vagua,unuconseiouis hope that he voilti net. go oho ose-that, lu Lb. end, lbe moîl tit B~ave atrÃŽngtb Lu part wîtb me. Yat .J vent o,'niekiag ni> plans. lai'.oma property, mhich I beit in aoch !bcô-nds sud securitieg ibat, wberovev i mgt go, I could procure the incamcin ut gw ithout bis essistauca -lu -ftat, if Isbould so chos., ithoot -the kaumîctige of an>' former tiend-moulti beh oglnç,tt 4 ejÊ:. ftme. sud ravit. oven for lteeta n'PrQ7> specLivc ibincas. Ils Pr eiuc9. i niarriage more lying un oîièbidln fa> dcsk. I couît ho intep ueiît- frtanI> in tbcinionning Omen w tisent fot e. a patient in imminent danser, wbose resitence mas secreralesaira>'. As ho ieft fianreingriçeti: 'As soun as 1i eau louve lfr. ]Reynoi.d!, Kethie, I shellcanie hoe, for I vici a L renom aur conversation of hast ulgiat. -I can neLtletru>' mite mako hersaIt onne- cessanil>' unbappy. None cf us cau order tif, quit. as wme mouii. Ta aoruething, Got'à il 1or man's, me ail bave Lu sub- raiL.? To subruit i Mary Anu Wiihissvç'ry mardtîiVaà 1 indeeti ta e amu l, as ah. but foarot, b>' hiart anti bitter hessuors. 1 moult naL i Suneiy freedorumus 1{oasn's bout gifi. 1 wao.id neL ligiti> part mith mine. I ment into mru>oonaand corurencet pucking my trunku. 1 pot inta. thein aven>' thîng hich mas mine et ru>'mev- risge-notiting irbicia I but receiveti tram ru> busbant ivse apLiling koapsakes et swahb value, ye t tu dear ta b. ah. audenet.-'ibis occupiet* re ahh'the niarn' ing. At tirelve o'clock 1 hati juat seuL a servant fan a eaatgo, sut mas potting Lb. last articles in ni> truuk itou Ow~en came in. le looke t utni> preperatiuns* iu aruazeniant. Thon ho tornedta hmei 'Kathie, irbat doca Liais measo' 'Dit yo titink I mes trtfiiug mien I toit you ru>' ecisian lest night ? I ho- haeve I uterstoot yonrs. Did you net utterI>' refuse ta part mith yu moîher?' II tilt refuse ta tormyn> mother cuL of the sheiter cf ru>'honie. Kathie, yen loved your father. B>' bis meruory I con. jure yo o ItajustteLu ru>' oteLb.' 1'Yeslloeot u>'father,' Isait, drearil>', &and ha, 1 klir , lovoti me-theonl>' eue, I tiik lie mnis, mita ever dit. Anti yet, but lite beau living, I molt have left-itim ta go ta the morîti's cuti ih yenï' *MY iife, yeu mrouig Po bittovl>', men ocrer lovatl %maman mrea faitItftîly tiien I ta yeu. I moult give np cverythiug in ute for ycu oxcopt the hair cf (bot. Ha coruinittis Otaho or aur parents, ait speaku af ceblîdren irbe are thau-leas anti tilsoitetienl as iandonlita corse' 'Yoint 1h cotîvanicut ta fonget,', I cniUd, scornfuli>', 'hat le rss a man shaîl ftarsaata faLher anti mother, eut, cèeave unte bis wife,Y I mes goating liil ti Y. A whiLe ligit cf auger bleut mtb nesoiu*ioQa began ta gitaur in bis eas. île spake aleinyi>' .Kathie, once fer ail, 1 iili net benisb in>'Q metafrontî ru>'home.,lTeo tut>' I aira bar 1bw mdl fuiýli hoelier deatfi a>'-cr ine. Yeu ave u>my ita, vharu love as ta>'w cul.' Crer titose wirrttihi> -voica sofefcai, itut lie optact i s arme. mu is rua as mineU -agônyw o u mU mer raiin ; a hiriène, ÇriitbQr -jierce, desoiatiog, angry-uproo.ting ail thiagq fair:and sweet. , Sometimes viien 1 had visitod New York for a week wijth my fatb'er we had sitopped nt a aniail private boarding hausQ -that of a lira. Allan, a kindiy, ineuriogg woruan, the widow of an early friend of bis own.. The bougec as neither expen- aive povtahionable; but it was thorough- ly quiet and conifortabie. It seemed to me just tbe home Lu suit bath my mneans and my situation. There- I could b. as. secluded AS -I desired,. and I knew I should receive from Mlrs -Allan uiotherly' care andi pympathy when my hour of trial carpe. Thither I determined to go. l'should flnd occup.ation for tbe next few months in fashioning the tiny garmenCs in which I boped byand by to robe my trensure When ýI looked, forward fur- ther stili, it vas ta dreani of innocent baby eyes which -sbould tomn to mine only their: fulineas ot love ; little out- stretched banda -ta greet me ; amilei wbich sho uld shine ai the darkness ont - of My life. With these visions I strovQ ta comfort myseif-or rather, in My prid% ta bide irom aMyseif 'that I n'eeded »Tfiat nigfit 1 was qîîietly settled ai lira! Ailan's. 1 had expiained ta herlKa mucht of my situation as it vas necessary for ht:r ta know ; snd on 1 commenced my lanlinessand -remnembrance. (Concmdd. eï L tweek.) Swift was aae day in Company vila 4 ycaag.cotcomb, who iaing from i. chair *aid, with a coafide'nt 'ad-C Onceited *air î 61 would have you know,. 1Mr. Desan, *.1 'Do YOD 'indeed l' replied the Deu, 'Ihea0 tak e>'m adylue aad ait ddwnasgaio! 6A spruces yung divine vus oace con- aiderabiy take aback vhen makiag a pi!- grimage to the Doctor. As ho drew nese thleJonse, seeiag a roegh-dreadodmu hoe called ont, eadl a~ :OMcodger, eaa yon ell me wherg Dr. Chapin lives Il The aid geatiean, itboutf Iotielng the- rnees of tho speech, diroeted him ta the boase. The, yoaag man was del'y usbered ia, and iaformed tià &the. Daclor wonid lie ia witbia a few momqenýta., Jadgo cf bis s.arprise when la waik ed the "aam'q old codger, and anaceuncedà hiceseif as Di. chapin Il Ia order ta 'amuse the. ehildrea a lady vas eagffaged in readiag from the Bible the etar> ' David and Goliali, snd comiag eq the passage la wbich Golieh oea boatiag.> aaddeýaDtly dered the yonag stripiag, a 11111e chap, almost ina bis firot truwsees, said : "S1.1er, skip that- skip thât ; heai biowiag ;. lwafitto 0kaow *ho iicked." Othe: Ptab5dys are ia blossoni. Ti art!ess goaeraaity of yontb is. iliesîraied in an incident told by- the Albany Argua af a littho boy, bhé,face besmeared with'miaç lasses, and his rage fletteriag la tbe breeze, renaing op from e river, floarisbing aý dirty abingle, snd screemiaiet b.top of his-voico ta a cacerade':"O10BillI Bill i gel as meaDy bays and shiagles as you a for lhere'a a big hoguit-cf 'lasses busted ou' the psavemen-bustsd ail ta smashPt1" L:zAR» ix À Boy's SToxAci.-4n -thip -neighborhood cf Appin, a boy obaut seveq- years aid,. whose name wve are ot permit. ted ta give, had for sanie Lime been la de- cm..e The boy continuet t vaste away, and not.l-.iiug .scemed -tu, give hbia ;'eIief. At last a heavy dose cf quinine was adf. ministered, and aflar tva, days Lb. bay passeda lizard four and a baif luches long. It vas spotteti with-b lacc and gmèen spots. It livad for two days, and vas at lest kili. ed ty being cut lu twvo withan axe, blowBs ftra-astick bcing faund ineffectual.- Tho boy et ni'ce began ho mecover, and is ýnoW as bearty and healtby as ever.- T.e publice debt cf the Ulnited States was'reduccd during the Month of Mfa>' W thé-exteu t cf $14,801.902 57. Tb is 1s a the- rate of o7e; 81û',00,000 a year. At tlaiaj'ete. were it continued, the whol det orthe United States wonld be paid oùf in les. than fifteen yeara. 1 . Reports are hein- made. la Xadia ta petý a stop ta the castOora de;troy..ag femalq afeants aand a bill for Ibis parpose la nov before ,tbe, Coaacil lu Calcetti. 159 genoral bal the. practice became tbas in 1,oae native commuait>' of, 10,00.0 fDot 0." girl vas ito ho foand.-> The King of Proms i lsaid tW ppire the tîte of Emperor of Germani, sud ln- It iati up la to1 malsq sute 1