Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jun 1870, p. 2

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:tbp ONLY $150 CENTS A TEAR Wfhftby, Tbur8day, Jane 23, 1870. 1:> '.MR. HOLDaIrF OfficiailA.ulguee, lu antborized (o collect, accooutu t foit iis office and glue rec.Ipts ; and sîso touai for te ricovry of accounts placeid la his bande for colection. Çuban RIecognhttot. ClnriDnce esltô3forIth. re-~ oj&oiion of Cube bu. bien defetod iu the tU. S. pse of reproentative &aid lb. ollowlug uubtitated t - "Bc ù reWoled, etc., That, tbe Prii- dont lî lrby suthorlzod te remonstrate againuit tlb.barbarjous manuer Inu 'vhich tbe «ar lu Cuba bas ben couducted,' and,' If ho shah deem expeient, w o nni St he eo.opîratiou of other goverpniints lu unîh Mtiesa as1ho a deem ucergsry 10 be- cure foain both contendiug parties an ob. servauce of the letwse o war recoguized by %Il civil loed nations. It vnuld nue b. al, ail surprisiug if the. tI e Prisideut's *remonstranc" aMay net yt led îLe Washingtou gomerment lu. 10 seroes diffictiieu vitb Spain. tgcleam lness la ucxt te Godlueu", ile l1 sald. But ibereIoluàaproper dîne for ev-orytbilug.XIt has been as ource of ouch sunoyance to mauy puisons visitiug the Da nSunday, sccouipanied by ladies, to b. obliged Io tur back on rescbing the wharf, Ovlng bithe neinbir of men suda boys gongrîgaîed thiri for the pr. p>oecf batbiug, utirly- regrdlise of suy sinsof decency. Parties wishing 'o en. pe> a bath sboild go davu ealy iu tbe mormnu, sud uni mouepuias the baylie viole day as vas the. case last Sanday. to flue uxelasion-of those waviose cl, chance cf getingý a bnethb cf pur. feLb air i. on thal day. Iteislu bebo oped, that the at- tention of the Police by the propen -au- tienities, vili be diroclod to put s stop to such prouuedmuga for the future. DouisiaxDAv--Tie meaubins of the Mochauica' Insituiî are busily engsgedl in gelting ap a progrmime 'fer tii duffirnn sportes to metioffets îLe market greuuidu on Domin uDay. Tiee.vii i essi prizîs for-aIl ihe gîmes, &i. Ai. Aiso a concert viii talc. plaie at thseEsal ofte lualitute lu tie evening, vblub vi hope- vili b. vii ateudid by our teunpeople sud othersu s h. parties iaving tii srr&4e- meunbLand are uparing no pains or ex- pense lu maldung thi sfl'air grt-lus. The bill# sud proigmuteo yl be lssued lu a tsv days. Plgcoeu heutlng. Ourn lovu sportsmen bave benu bving1 a flue limâe the lait tes' days smong tiei wild pigeons. Fer $Oo time pasi ibm. baubenu a talk cf ibm,', belug plmnty of pigeons round, va hsve hiard le cotinually nemarlced, diTLey eay teîe are any amoant cf pigeons la se sud so's bush," but asei vas alva>s Lard Co comaetaîvho e the by"' yoe, Itdifi cot muet vti muci crOenai. Hos'ern some prties veut ont on -Frida>' hat sad auccocded lu getiug s faim bag. Tisswu'asheLssicnual ton a grand tara ont cf tLe spores, sud îevery tbing lu tbe ehapi- cf s gun, froina " hBrownBias," ta e "Jo. Mantowu a slied lotorequlsition. The pigeons sppean 10 b. sialtemed preity veii lu evîmy bssi"_rouud tiIs"anilion oft the coutry, and vo-ave beard cf serai veny fair bagu ieing ma ' d, te bindu are aIIyong sud iî le a cuirons foc.ait ivlei hardi>' any exceptions îbey ami ail bons. - sportilig Notre. 4 'Nttlel' sud s'Rauionef"have Lemu malcbed t1 r un lu Gelph, on ttult cfE Angusi, for 8i,000 ; tva mile bouts. 1 A match bolveen "1Sms Archihaid" suad1 'i4ngersoli M'ad"V is tecmie off ocrnthe Hamilten Diiug Park, ou ýilt -JuIy, tam $500. "sisluerlal" beat "Pniule of Erie," ett OtielphlitI eek, Ivu mile dasi., Oua TovwsAs;u, M. Jseph Tiompean,d hift for lise 't Lanud o' Cakes sud Br-*ior4 8Cos",ltltvweîk, iiilie imet ofiun penilug soma ihorougle inîd stock ou the ~.GR%îv AsseU. ýCi.ràns1XoSAtrE.- W. vonld Cali atention to ti.eauverise- Menl oftJuba Skinner n luotir or man, sud vould adnise au y of ocarndors ii- iug cbeap baiulu nDry Gonds en gir. 5e'W. woel ideil ii stention1 of oui- reuenu te advertisemmnt cfmer., Hautnilicu& Co, ilu cîhin coluans. Tii>' .wunld de voi iW Inapeit ia langrteeleýck or' c Dry Gpoies, Lsd)' jfsde Cieîiiag, PancyýDreu oueds, Mllaei, Groceniso, -Witiu tb. viiole range. cf bah sud- jatenslivo 9idicie ns.lovu, noie i. eu- ltid tWmomq considirIt bn liaihePF nuiaanSyrup. In ail eust& of uufeabhed aud debiltated eulnatlum, il iila th.- veny n.mdyasded.- Theiabst OlloItivrfPýoo ,p i tis iau bi addoud. Dr. ebsîr. The prise.1 Litersai iniiîd t& k he b voe lain Égllsà ýmoer, snd Genersl ruer given by tbe masters, hlatlir bys lady, Wvho bad aI- vSYu isauen Fnesl<iirellt i.e duisilonal Institons ofjtb*toi!' nsd vhow good, exampli bsd unt teen JouI' by ber o'u' obildren, Mr, . iW'.'Bronv ne trnsi.d ths ber' go4d'eùau.p1',ofoffoing,, anie- lboteda prei, vonl.fba»1M tedbl cîbeni. That i~la ~tlat;la - Eng. lisb Llfenatane, Misses'Huton, Pardon sud Gaon wera-equàl, and ln oral exsmi- nation, the examiners wrere stilionuable 10 decide boîveen Misse' Pardon and Hu cen, sud tbenîtorq âarded Ivo_ prises;j chat for Mm. Brovn'@ prise, tLe examus dion vas couflned 10 Euglish, Granimar, EngligL Hiutony, Âiîbutitlc and Oe- graphy, sud chat the senior or aniveruity clous vire net oompeitore; ibal tb. prise Lsd b6pn avarded te Mise M. A. onatnn chat Mater FoîhergiliL ad ebiained tIb- prise in-Englieb Grammar. -Dr. Tueken 'ýresented- tbe prises, ad- dressiug, lu a very happy manner, ecb of tbm recipients, The Dr. then expresaed bis great saeisfaction, vitiite. oditable manoir lu vLucb the pupIlu bsd acqttited itîomuelveu, paricularizing more especially claselcusud HugilobieL Ltutae, dwelflng.at aime lenglia ou tLe importance of chose Dr, Thoruton concurnîd lu Dr. Tocktrns remsrks,4 expreaulnjfmore partiaulanrly bis satisfautiou lu the manuer lu vbieh tii. pupilsls bd aîqited ibemuelies lu Latin. Mn, Gibbs addreid 'iLsepapilu lusa vury appropriai. manir. Wî ê%ttorot te hat niadingu vire givita lu excellent style by it-Guunusud Mr. Gogîcinu. The papils.sang the naîlpual antheut, sud the, meeting cicsed'wieh the bene dic. lion, Domin ion Rhle.Asocation 0 -The prise l1t 1 e 'b, nocai aaib 'of tbe Dominion ile ÂusOisîion, to talc. place st Fredrichonu, Net, Brunswick,' ou Ibe Bloc Auguit, sud ah6bceeding day., bas ~beec oillially isued. The prises are as follovu z -Ali.comeru' seat, $520; Dominion et Canada match, $ 1,115 ; Provincial match, $680 ; McDougsli challenge cap, $2."0 - Batslon match, $405 s Aflîiiàted Associations match, $205 ; Nursery take., prizsuIo the igh.- est aggrîgateîscores, $90 , Timi match for breeub loading riflées,$300. 1This lu tiLe lut match thattheb.Associ- ation yl mm rhold,, le Laving bien de- eomnud at ita las' meeting lu Ottava tbat atn tbe match lu New Brunsvick cames off, tb. Association i. te h. dis. IL lus dmittedtista owill-fltting pair et spectacles la ene' ut -th. gnial bleesingu vbicb modern science 1bas uoutimmid upon hbos. ueeding epebusl &id; "beoce noue but tii moie perfeit uboîtld bm nud," s b>' tua misas fniqueni chaugez sud the fatigue viiciîth e amer et ondiuary ope. laclms ixperiencesiu a voidmd ; tb, hast cosîîy are ibose vb.imbsare touud ho bie he bceit. Mr. James Gemie, Whitby, dlaim to bae. ton sal. the moue pertuut Spectac- les sud Eya.Glussîs lu the vorld, vis . the Celehnaîed Pemfecîmd Spectacles, man. ufscuued by Lazarus, Morris A Ce., nomt. bining bu ibein strucure the aimi of Irns- pnnmucy viti lie grestost aiiumaiy- uf te. cas, sud are monutod in the mosi durable sud' finish, fiiuiid trames, in Gcld, Siînr, Siieli sud Steel ;veny pair ià flted cn optical ules, sud tias tLe agent'lu also euablîd 10 fit these famone Spectaeles sud Eye Giasses iy coreepoudehiue; Eveny pair uold b, tii agei larsnsed tram oue eu fire yeams.... .. ....... Tit Micaoscoî'.-Uof ete.Maout bo toeuîeing expermnts, sud oi vîbuh is tasily ponfommed, Io te satci the change in iii -leud of a dîlimate cm vomy pale pin. soli white coing Fei1e' Compud Symap or Hlypepiosiles, - 1TL,îoioalisson dead orpaseles are steadiîy removdtra the system, sud are 'eplaced by tii rsd on vieaissd particCe, se uecissany Ia igerous exitence. Prime $1.50 s boule ; 6 for $7.50. Suld by apotàtianies sud by - . Ciandili & Co., vieles.'a l enMoutneal. Bsi'îx'u Wàî,a, (Tii griat' pubie riunidy,) Laves nov bien in 'use ever ivmuiy ymrs, hunceie le snut b. aaid tistte by ami on triai, Tiey - bve-been eiioroaghly înlîd, sud pnononcsd tou tei suihoniet ebse iese-lieansd iealeb îhoy have preserved) tuo boa came, haras- les sand miueaely salais-r> pneparsulua,. and if alcin in mieason vili'liriably cure colds, ioagho1 sure. tiruat, and ail Brou. cilais afl'otious. Ou. faim trial wilI con-, vinles tié maoul ukiptlsal. Sold by &Il medicine dealers, et 25oes, per box, Odin ,bave bein nicecid li Ga.lpb 1 make arrangemen'& for s brigadeof t ine bottalions, wvih iviii pet. ln' sanueldrill tire sbqat tieinsIraext n0moitb, said vire ni no use aud unstaleable, tbe asrnuent bîing hb 4ld only psy for tbose sold. P. A-. Iurd, for pl'ft. ;SH, Cochrane, for dedt. Verdict for piiiei Fowk s. AbbZ.ott.-Action for balance due on tvo' notes. J. E. Farewell, for pl'ff Verdict -for plaintif$122 2é. Ian medjate ixecution., 54eajO. £keehy. -Action on bond, re ferrfd 1te th arbitration foî S. O. W ood,, Esq., Lindsay. Beown e8. 6hli-Actlon on contract fo~r patent door. slips. S. h. 'Cochrane, fr pl.u. J. E. Faewîell, for doit.; non.- ,-The pi$tsncr Brithour, found-guilty of an ttîmpî 10 commit rape, vas .brought hilare hie Honor t e nelve sentence. His Hlonor askîd lbe prisoner if ho had any thing.10. say - vhe liisentence of th. coutshould not b. pnssed on hlm., The prisonier said hi vas flot guilty cf the crime charged againat hlm, hi hoped that his Honor vould malto his punishmcnt as ljght- as possible. . is Hlonor in pnsir.g sentence on the prisoner said, that thei chance was one cf a very serieus character, he mad violated thei law cf hie country, hi Lsad had a fair trial belore a jury tbey bad tound hlm guilty, bo should tiierutori hava 10 pas% Ibis seîntence oniim,tbst hi hi committed te the comumon guiol for six callondar uenîbi wiilî hurd labour. New Pont Offices and Chaneîs. The. followiung taispose cillais vire es. tablisbed in Canada ou tihe lit Joune, Blss, in tbe township or partit of M- dors, eleceoral couuay ne Victoria, N. B., Ont ; Posbmasîea., Mr. 'Ibomai Burgmsu. Clarendon, Ponîlso, Qse, Mn. Watt getth; Craigkbsclm, 0Gitrafîai, Welling.. ton tovnship Ont., Mn. Murdoch Craig; Langoitsff, Mrkhbun, York, E.B. &Otît., Mn.,LangeaiT;, Judique, Inverness, N. &., Mr.- Anugs I3saon ; Msibon Harboar, Iuverness, Mn. Donald McDanald 4 Nipii.. singan, diotrci ciNipissiinig, Ofit., Mr. J. Shaw ; North Stnlce, Ricbmnoud, Qfuibec. Mr. Wellington Lsathrop; Pln? Rîri.r, ne- olpened, Huron, Br<uce, Out., Mnr., Daniel McDenaîd ; BouIsin, nenpened, Middlecou, Norfolk. N.ROn. Mr. James Covan ;- Sts. Francoise'-Bejon, Teutiscoues, Que, Rer. J. 0, Drapeau ; Stok.s Cotre, Stcke Richmoud, QiiLeo, Mr. Aétbnuyf'Bynon -, Soketo4>,Stoke Richuaond, Qs,,bec,. Mn,_ lis Hs61l1 J.Tîluater. Victoria, N. R Ont., 'Mr. George Bucou Vaougb.neý; gîkley, Victoria,'N. , Ont., M. Lei Miller. Changes ilà Pott Offices alreadjr estibli.sh. id s Offiaqs closed .-meye eabiirg,. coty, et Nor1humberl&nd9 E. R, Onî,Nalmi chauged - romnsbascéonnîy of' Grey, ta' Mankdale ; Tortbo-iton, centiey of Carie- ton, Out., te Dunroblu. The uub office ai Thuanden lBay bb einmidi a nigular pont office. The Point Plston pont office vas opeued for teeh tm saua of navigation on the lsth ait. Iu DleuurLaum. -c- '4x ADAPTATIOt. Wliat needs aur "Dicken',t" ton fli. bonoond b-atieis. Thé laician of a worlJ, lu piled stoneis 1 orn uut flus glorleas relue. ilîaîi1d le bld uidir a st.tr.'y.peilated ilynamit t1 ilimeuOc f Iutsg'r--grsL hin of faune, W lbai nied'set tiîot;suilu velk vitueâsecf tIi, Thou, tu our vamîder anud atauielumsi, lla'f aulît tliysata Illielonîg iotiuiiOuii FuI>luheidle tIiniffital C itief o' tsoulud, Thi Megqial's "Ilutiell" lion thion luioben fuinnul, Autuai cii spulelniml, in such pomp dasI lie, Tuat i Kii, for snob a total, woild visî Leo die. Death ut s Pmusubatu Liberal. The Berlin correspondent citliie New York Herauini a latonr dated Jatte loi âays :-Atiotlem evcrat importnt lta polit iceC cincles, lut more uspecinl>' te the peuple et large, lias bheinfliii dciii ci DepiityI)octun Waldeck,- Jud.ie et the Saumreane Court, and for mai;> yeîns (ai- soosi a quarteo c entun>') the ueader cf tIc Litîcral pari>'. As uccl bu vas no faivuante viti ttie Gevenainusirt, aud manu ato upte vire insîde te rubin Mnlu flis posi tien. IJoteîleitinr>' period atier titi nivoltilicuof 1848 a ceuspiracy, ferai- ed by tbols M., thie palie, tried liard te fisten upes i hn titicuiarge cf bigL.teesou, aud dfurbug e vmeîius iand pmeîmced pncsocatiouî lie sttred a yea's iiuprison- moeut. During t-is auxiuu period lus baie iruned penfectl>' vhite, and vlien 'biey cire caxnîelled te denne hisu iano- cieoftehé chuarge and ibrated lut ovin the State Attorneuys stiguauized tle oi- dence et île Gaoertanien t vituesses as a tissue cf vilitil anud corrapi luts. llmriig als'uys sîaod up fornte iglls etftiti people îuîud tLIai ntenane of Lthe conusti- tutionî, tull cf painiotisuat, but neyer yit'IJ' iîag a jut te îyn:rauuyti, ls poIiuît.iby vtîs uiutitded ; arîd, i 1866, vîtîtu lie betucil ci tue ;uireie Coturt declared againts fneedoun ah speech lii the Lagislature, lbus lisseiiting tgule f mllyi>' jîtifite-iItheuo atifi-. dettui repoeed il iiiun bylut tiu eLiberal Party, As an emnor ihO vas lot iunihiat. bue Whuîîî ploading iiiluohaitf lim e piolle1s nîgi it itiechaicuoer, erid iîieîuouîîaiig te arbiitrai linms aItivertitîenî, lis vastinlu trîlqt eu reacd (uiixlutnd.ud lie liuit angumetuts could flot bl e nletoib>' li' cpputtis Sacha h. mai>t (ie juuroreu sand itbogl'ie>'Inattspublic 1mai, ;etild uat lait tain goldenu 0iinaass t§frein uthe ass8jes hiance là..,douleathfi,&riht'eu onitd ns ma geiîrnal lbai, snd ibough at lis cbsmquie nua royal an aristocratie syaîupahy s'as evinced, yet thae lutterai, cartoe vas -the lsrgesl vilhin -tîce meuscor>' 0fthe sitesat luahmbataiti. I i's,>lpa Lid,ý batno lesf tissn, lô5000-cmouPy is. 1 u.,l the -Rstidiiiag. tii juilar>', p or~s and uludelîls, eic oils surnens, itnrai, es" a id ithizuns luii" enersl - teck ps-t lu the. procession,wville the'dense mnos'd ct speceteus vtiehotnonged tic roeiand clillesud lil. eemeteny and its nicinut>' ceea b ecnimkoncl>' b>' -lundredsofe thusndu. .Tl'e ,decuased lad sttaîned te. advataued ai0 sxî anhi,~ d vast lu fuall Possession outbiusfaculties ltiih Thori a i-b.agrand negau s aLchinet, gkser Mostriah On DOMWtaho.Dai. - secouais oy Mr. tb. report b. noti back to the. cemi te ammend tLea $50 00 10 hi expe Eastvard from1 tl.h 10hCon, and Lots 30 and 81i ferred bsck. Cosi id repont with su, Mr. McPbîi, se4 slioedthat tber id hy lMn. Harriahy., r; au noir amînded 10 adopted. Ilepont adoptuo-ixpeingý inlu I*950., Mn.-Edvalrd Knnuy sud Ovin,1DoyIe vine placed on Thos. MeDermotL's Liai asi Patbnasters. - Mr. Wm. R1#cie -vas appolntedl Road Coissioner'n b îhe plaie cf Mr. -Johnî Donnelly, juriedictien te titi Ttb' con. uine ; Mr. A McDonald as ne-iýd coin- miesioner inetead cf Robent McDonaiJ, juniediction trem 7tb con. North. Mnr. James Duffy puthmuater. lu Ihm place sud steed cf Johan Nonne, sund Mn. Jeremiah Quin, -as Patbmester insteed cf Mm. Camey. , 11 Mr. MoPheiue moved, suconded b>' Mn. XcDonald, ilat tIi Clerk ir.struct the GeunI>'rcnasuner that te suan et O2eui le te bu b> ' hlm ec*ived in full cf ail taxcs agninsl 3 acre bbiiag pari cf Lut 29 lu îhe llth cn.elMena. Oit motion cf Mn. ýFoey, sîconded b>' Mnr. Nlet)onald, the élerk vas ittuceed bo notît>' WVit. Baulfoii,ESïq., Townshîip T'ecenc, to enke iisediatu proceediiige- agaîrîst Michaei l isalin Ion the necotrr tif uuîit due b>' fiin tatibis tmunicipal - Alec b instruce James Freed, tI- moasser, ttgieîad ail lad lspotsiili centre rnd lunlii* boat, as faimas thi Stetute k-btiar, ta bu expoîiilud unsfer Csils jeris dicia'aa soild du thue4aime. A Jititian oet-Michael MeOystia, pray- iîîg tha,.the coaii wocld c'lisi J. P. Foie>' i, ta enave ail cbstructions till a ide or bacli seit iii Lhe, viisge cf liruclaia,.said obstnaaricuîs heiiisgsi tenue wil lîroteceel Mr. 10ley't draps. Theii i ccil huvhig ex tmnaed itîto tIc iuatten. aid ttliuiiiigtuai thie petitiotaor cîutlat;ai i iagnesasatd egnesâ te aud froin tIae lut in question ýianueli-the front cf hi& cvii loi, lotI ',oti' betîg lu lis posseassion sud nul Jav-.dedby fence, vocld take nu a-tion in tCîe natter. Mn. Pub>' e;taid ho wculd remoue îhelexiut attér bai-niaI.- Mn. Iiamnahy moned, secendedb .Mn. Foley, thiaL tiis ouîîcii do 1îaoW adjourît sud stand adjncnned until tite ,1011i day cf Septeinlen eîext, tiiutita- meLait The cnep ofc mios tIis -juan will iii fenned, notct le abundant oee le vanl aven. Titi y-aet vf het, Oving te tinougle, amivihobcextrenacl>'spanse in Europue, sud millions of people vii i leh coiteequiol euflure. lu the United etaies thie yieid of tuaI graiîiviU prabh 1>' bc nggregatîvely fair. XI vili be good, eccording te prescr indications, inutee bneadil ci counitry back trom the lake asaoru aiid thse rivers vhlîl iutorsmct thi Wiest-thc isiseipi, hMissouri Illinois, etc. Tito places inostthibentend i vh partial tailune amei tIns. lyittg lu LIe in-- teioie-tan train theo vaten bide. The ixîneme eausu d viii of lova vilI yiîld a geod' croip, but the liner c f ilaL State viii scandaI>' yield tîneti founthîs eftihe average. The yield -ci Caiifuntia will le tuly uk . t lseof tormmr yeare, owhng w te grenIer brîadtb to le plant- cd.I IIcloks nov asail cuir>' buebel ot grain vo dans spane frein-tIi înop ot 1870 wiii bu cageil>' demsaudmd on thie tiien side et thi Atlantic, sud te fanmiug coin@ mcaiLy cf the grenu West avilI, lia ibis tuvenL, lbu tboroughaly nîîuimbunsîd fer tlaeir lasses in tIe lest lio re nps.-41. Y. NmCw Omealu Postal Arraugement. The Poetmaster GUmnemal ofthîe United States bas-ai leogL nmade an arrangemsent wiii thi Itituan and Canard Steainship Ceînpaîies for the carying of United States mails taoreat Britain. Tie agne. metitIs, LIai tuie teaanene cf tîeselisisl siasil carry the mails and acSit the nînounit et ses postage on the mails ciuveYti as full ceopensation fan the service. Thie Cuard atesinens leaviug New York oaa Thcureda>' cf eauh î-ek, wil carry tIe un ils; cf île Unaited Kingdoia1, and tIte steamers effLthe Inîinu hue leavinug oui Saturdaye, yl carry tLeIiismieail tisl>' ta Queeistes'u. Uuaden ltae presuîît an- reugelîîents île mails for Europe are des- paceled traun New YQnk as loliaw-a-On Tuesdays b>' seamers cI the llamburg liai ta Plymauth, Esgletd;Chaerbourg, Francie; snd tleîoburg. Germ;îny. Oit Wedite.udays b>' tIe steaila o5f te iil liss&itaicu liaie te Qiieenstcvt and ti'verpool. On Tlh girsd-ays iay liaiatiamuà ira cf thie CustarJ liue to Qtecostuivu andu Liverpool, and ci te Northa Genman Lloyd lisae ta Bnoîsaun. Oui Satcidays 1v steluc ens of île Norîta Ocriittit Lloyd lisue te soutliiiiaptoti Ulsd ilemni, nrti f îhe lu- mars bise, carryipg the rsh mail oui>' ta Qijeeiialowit. liii torigoiug arrange uierats liaeluulj ail tIie valble uervice ufIinded l'y thc ethafg Tais t s- Iabout i m&sgeiIent. Tué guas CisîL.-Tbe unuess$tl - poaof u obuttouonfronilaih@s CUaa làsaouad section o!flb.ecnnery. Ârtbue Puiec. a labourer of tiluplace, niinmued trom hi. ivorfr early lu tbe afternon a fHttle siuder tb. influence of liquor. -Wheu i reuceid h.house h. iommeuced abusiug snd beatltag bis, vite shauuetully vith a stick sud other vesponu ibat Leho btlun tbe bouse tuBit ab tias quiti dead. Hi disflgured her*wobslythat sub u' s acr Il the appearance cf a banian beiug. &ftir b féound aeh, vas deacK itook a brashansd wbitaxubhed ber face, aud body s8 athat bis guli èl o l unib. deteilse<.- Some of te. uqîbbours board ber crise but' vire afraid te enter tbe bouse while ho vas thîre. Hi suiempted to escape, but vas arreseed st bis another's bouse, and talcen 10 geol, vlter h b.rill avait bits trial aI the as5sis. lit is- unppQsed it vas hi vho murdîrid two oft Lii ovu childnu mre yîars sago. Ân.eamination ofthee prisauer-îook place tbis evîning in tb. Courttiui, bat vas postpuid tilt tg. morrow for fureber evidence. ASNtFkeL DRILL-The Ministir of Militis bus issued cirnulars te l)iputy Adjutant- UGenirals. intrusting thacm with the.selea- tion of locations of camnps, and of tho periodï for holding themn. lnsteîd cf six and a haIt days drill, as last year eiglit days, must bo spout by thie volointiers in camp, exclusive ot Sundalys and davs <of arrivai and dopantune, and six hours drill a day iouaI bc performedl during that time. Non comi*nissioed otfleîrd nd tuitmn wull recuire îigitcdollars each, coinmissioaîîld ollicers sixteen dollars for thoir, sttiiiid- arme. Fur transport. O<lUeurs lire Ullcwîd six cents per miI.L, suit su ithrci cents to iuseludceaurti hmoteas wr11 asthe trip 1< Caulp. MNturitod ofll.ec. n.tsd iounied tronîls Vill bhi sllowed two doulIars forn mcl honte. Vol usters who du suit t:cko p.t ilsan s uy up, mielsas runîil itii'< nfot in battelion ani city corps are La penforn %ixteun d tîv'a' drill et lucal guard, as usual, lit their owu couvenieruce. PieiNTre'i)rvt s iasPney Ftne, a liaoy si great iintelligence, who is a îîractical printen lieritll, lias the flîlowisig haappy sud spproliri tc notice of su call priestens' dev;is * -A -rent ,uauiy pas bons ;Lre lu the hlabit of liuokiiig upotn, nid sqjeaking cf printens' devils in aàinannen that rcflectit no àreat. creilit tupon Lhein selves. TJhuse s mie pritatens, lu fi'ne caý:ep4 out cf ton, are thrîe flimes as we'll poiteil on the issues cf Lthi day as the pîrsous wlao speak cf Ltlîum. There is no clas ci boys tur whouî we have a more prufound respect than-woell bu!îaved printens' deuils. They kioîv soiiethiing, aud are practical, which s sucre thuan you eau say ci ail classes of boys. In titat mspetwe place the boys 'vIte sork nk upiutinà,ofices hcad eud shouldens above iousi othen boys. Youssg oi sto knows hisîory t tl yOu tif e men cf soiue characters that wene once priiucens'deis TELOîxouAtotuLiUoTt. I-A dnniOuSc diascovir> bas laid>' lein made b>' the telegrapbers 'on tLe lthi island cf Se. Pierre, Miquelon. 'lIen are twc telîgrapla stations on tha Ilanad ; oue is vonked 1>' u Aneican compan>', vhicî neuves; mes4agîs mcm Newfuandîand and scuds ilium on to Sidney, csiug a powerful larter>' and thce ondinarg Morse siguahs. Ti'c otetlis lwvaked b>' île French Trans- aelauiic Comopany, wiio cuol>'exced- ingI>' doicate instrntus iiin eciving muesages from' Brest asud Duxhur>'. Thesc ver>' sensitive instrumernts venu Iour.d te le sermousl>' aflected b>' eanîla curnînta thatilis, camneni depîîadimtg ou sosiai rapide changes in tle clecinical conditiosn cf the islaufi shicb iuîonfened- ver>' tuucliîyul île verkiug cf thie line. Atten adopting uresîsunis te obviate tîle diffuit>', it vas discovenod thal ibeso eartî-curmot vere due li part Cc thue eperabiona efthîe povertal latter>' cf lIa Asoîîican Telegrapla Compan>', tint batien>', ovin>' iimit vas aaîd, actal>' clanging, ns n Leyden jan, thi vIole uiti l ock>' islaud et Si. Pierre, Miquelon, Aud it aaeourtd tuai b>' sproper dis- position ef the Frencha inumnuts, cuir>' word subit cuir île Amenicaninoiu could W, unude ta icive i s fa iee ie iihi île Fr"nch ccasapanu> ; aud ihis, tee, ubougla île tva uines nîîcvbecoune vithiu sireraI Iuutdred tl yrds ci emel cilier, itie otiii> counecîlan cillhe tva o uag Iirougli trie canthi. Powiit-DicttE-ss-WVhin ile illaCinlioup acter, l'aven. ihie great deiineaton cf lIsh ulunecter, vtts lest on tIi Presidîni, lu left e vile aud fauil>'uuravided for. A peracunl fnieuad at-ote ta Chtarles Dickeuis, tent residitg in Devonushîire Place, Nota Road, London, aud saggested the pro, iunieby cf n public aubscriptici n rtiein asssane,- Dickens respoudeil b>'a checîk for £100.. and in e latter te the Tluncs -oui cf Cils ctuanaèoýerisLie lattera- ollerid luanceire an>' sulsuniptioais, and gui M. Delane, thte utuiagiig odi'tot cf (lie- italen, ta mcsciit one ofe lis povoîfui edi- tutiais lu supporuo ige îe apuitîl, and b>' th e Ce openatii cof Lihe iionar>' vamId ut Lonadon a suilcient sain vas iin lisçlaut s inoîtl rnied ta place puer Pawer's vite nnd taily lunccoietlilsu crinbutinccs. 'Thias lea îsocie truc aud gooad nseai do whacaî latries.1 1 îbg great 'hep of <ame' weapî, Tien came s mfgb'tv change nier tbm spirit cf my dueau. The. marbi toronet place-sud he:vbo once a'conl-turn ,aud wînd a fieny Pegsus*, sud vitîhîLhe v'onld, witb noble herse man %ip" melted away te bis :repose,. pronoaucing the vord's a'Denbyte tth. nescue. Anad é so ae. Nov noble Joseph vas a dab at inter- prîaiog ,dniauts, and tho' I amn by un menus s0 protetiuO, f angur tise' if the. pige sud prigs sud factony tynanis vîto, furgetive. cf old England's antecedents, would venily, I believe, psy ,.an&cmute au invadiug tee rather thaufiglît, I repeat, if the sud huest Liant cf nId Eugý,land dosetintue as aIthe -seory et our rnient vronge, srnd vindicate Lie bonôr sud those f vnugs, asc penlîibes the. lcis cf à moul loyal sud mose noble people, sud utakesa bye-word sud a biaseiug ef ber noblet toast aand hoaet, for vbich ou maray cf ber Lirnoes, naval sud miliîary, bave bien Lapizqd lu hlood, ta wie. "SLips, Colon ies sud Commerc."î-Nsy,ele.ruse rock. lessly te nittlize Mecsufyes vision cf tLe New Z..alander standing- amili ber ruine. -Rame rfel. Babylon biture hbem hi. came the place of flithy satyr.- Les Lin areuh. Let hem caii ho 'DVerhy te eh. Joue 17. - Henry L. Pope, cashuser cf the Mlechunicu' 13aak of ibis mui, vas clone lu the bank this p. uni, vhin îwc moten itred, îadodeeof tht-m placiiig a kuite te Pope's ibroat tbreateued bim wieb lisant deu if honie teed n word. l'ia i clier man eskitag bis badkerchiet *saturaied it. wth mblotoom sud ebrew ioser Lii face anid ehrev s uhavl 0,cr bis ed. As soori as the cliolo'orm Lad tuikîn eflect tbe rcblîerh csnnied Pope lno a roain lueebacit lant cf s building lomked hlm in, sud ien . pnoceedod wiib themr wok. Siuîy fliussnd: dollatrs vire secured -by ibe ruests sd t1ev.eérr thaiien tiuusand 'dollars left scattered cvrnthb fluor. A clenk eunning aihai. puisteîitt o'clc-k *diseofered tLe baok dooan cpengave the ularin and calîrd iu tva policemen, who bîsning gromna frein tLe nean cf te.building, dicovered sud nîleserd Pope, vie vas stilhl uncouscionst sud it vas soine titus beloie b. nîcovered. Nu e te teo bbens Las bien discovîr.. id. Dr.ITR <op AM i'tiiri-Lonidon, Jatii 20. -Tie dea to Lord ArtburnCCiu. ion bau crisied a oew ioterest lu tLe case cf the Balton miiequeraders, Thbe dying declamation cf tie geneleannfat hLeivas innocene cf tii crimes imputîd tu hlm je fnlly verified hy bis attendants, via solemul ly disclsim any iniminal parpos. lu -tLe voman pursoustion tclly. Fzsiàx FuzaaiL.-The funeraI of Mmes, Luby, moîben cI te.Feuiance îtc- curred at Dublin yestîrday. Crcvds cf people sympaibiziug wi th Lb. Fenian more. ment followîd tLe nemains ta tie gravi. 1A Liaser EzTetats.-AU Euglisb company Las ptirohassd for $660,000 te. Maxwell grant iu New Mixieo, ineending te la, cul towos, to build railwaays, tram- ways, îelegnapbhues, canais sud ronds, ta wonk minesansd establisi manufactures. - Ilii. uaid tisetie ompanviii ioitlmuc a rstinoaîd ftramils lanes te Kansas Pacifia rond. Tii capieal stock ls fixed ut $5,000,000, davided joto titi, îhonsand shiares cf oue bundred dallais eaeb. A PtîcuIuasET M91dBER cl-T«E QuExa Baie Di&towszD.--Montesel, Jane 20. -Mn. C. C. Abbctt ut the las' firin ot J. & C.t Ahbotcf ihia city was dncvned haut ovin.' . ug iu saaiing arcstiieSt,. Lawrence int a saut bout opposite Si. Ani9o, the seat cf bis private niaideauce. Titi deceased vas a pr9mioint member of Loth thi Qie- bec aud Ontario bars sud itheneesce bis deat villhob.rend viti deep sonnes'Ibl 1many,,friends in bath pi ovinces. Bts body bas, net yeî bieti fund. -FIR AT SzA. -Londo, June 19. -The sbip Sea Qtsees, tramnSuderland for Qae,àmpi.ook<firene i sea ou the 17ilb huai. E01u.18 cool Ws go'od elfc St.li the t A atraugen in a prinîing offie nsked tIi iy iower, >'OUaages§t epprouatice vîsi laue ule ut pane' tlltious vse.*1 jset up Ieils ong as 1 co Tue1 .lo au>' breell, ttien 1 put iii a couaima ; manient vhsesi Igpe, I insuert as eiuidon; anîd kindu et wlen I voit a cli iloe ct tk pitnagr.a.pi." Do WuL Or CLAIuuxmz -'WILLAit.-'Ti e hebouc chier loquesîs b>' îhe viii cf use. laie Clr an- u scot mice Waîîard Cisq . are as Iollewa:. Toru Dueax Tre>' Young Mu' eodei,$10,000. aen.ble ToLu tjatie ofrthe 0dP îyens ca1 Dean tbi.dlnrcb deht, $3,000; asietote tit Iusit Clia tue- the tanlen sain of $1.000- Ion tle CHL poon fend. 'téitie Prusbytel'ianurtchlaivi Ho*me- cf Tro>', fer sged pel dtJ--ttîe To'e le s>'Ilcne, ire>' 5,000 le re>' it e Oplan Asylant, 59,000. TO 'trustees.l fiue On Second Priebyteuiao ibanîh, ton a lirâi-- childnu dise ilcnainsit-d cck, -$600, poided {»pirltni liai the, ci>' on ifizeaus keip the samne -tien out. iiiamioated emery 'îniig. 7h. 'reuiduie , ou tlhe esiaiito thoetmi>' uouut ' Wafü lite tnsw'auce, $3,000. gars Fal DBAT ODuo.re -Csisaxe 18K.igUDde rasQosx.-iteQicion, iumedlateiy rock veu apon bingn tf Dickenes' dai, sonmislot-.. lil ter of condouiet. Jaisfamilles uîsmior s Caors.-TLe Globe a s .the lIher sud rnieshiug reins Lsd a ici on thm gmavimîg grain cnep. breadéudo market is ual mateial- Bou.t.tex IdàatT.-The bullion, 'iêM.rs sunen6îh daily, and ail uicantîee are îompid. .xso.-Proeso Darvin declines mrary digne.. 1uendsnîd b, OxfSld, tunt cf bis foubi. healti. id yesîîrday te lieten toethte sermon Shanla, -cf Wuetminster Abliy, o Se Duicexay' Wuu.. -Pari ef tbe eto Charlos D eakens vas nîad. lu dmîlince*,aonemeat, hutito i hbi. s'enk.' H. aiae argea bi.t :9 practice Cimisuianiiy lu a bnoad i aimepîing tep-narros' conaîmnu- uny eau or aujy secS. jig oignei bave bien put op st Nus- oa,<'ad thon arosi sncb 'a sbniuk et agony as vas nuver heard bufene. The awtt groans uft timon and agcny vbumb anose tnfom thi poor victims Who e vre - hingi ton,- lacîrated by tii. frigbttol monstens below, vas beant'nendirag and sickeniing to n terrible dîgee. Evîry motment some oneilcf lthi baud would extnicati tbumselves trom I -he de,- bris and ueap ovint th sides cf the cage, w -thé lgrcund vitIa W'ild'epring, and teint awa>' upon sîniking -the' eari,su, gnial iras their terrer.- But huan nature could n et stand t e ii mian lit.inally de- voured befone ehein very eye, for thee wene willing heants and strcu.g arme ready ta ne:tder every asaistance uucesaery te resci e heittortunato vîctims cf Ibis, shockiog calamity. A hardware store which happenid tu stand epposite vas invaedyth>'îe equesî eh tête nob)le hiarted- praprietor, snd piLch- fonka. îrow bars and long buis eft met,, and iii tact every avalabli veapon waWbrought inta renîiisition. TIi sida'doors cf tie cage we'!-e quickly terri ironsi 11cm tasten-, inge,. anîd ilin a horrible sighî vas pro. seîtîed te uview. !lingled aaîîong, île h iliant unilun-of the poor unfontunaies iey legs, aenlastern otho 1jin sockets andi hlaItdcvouned, wliile tIc savagi brutes -lared ferociously witbtteir sickly green- coltnined eyis upon the pitrifed cnowd. Proiesor Chatrles Whlte atxivid- ai this iaoiieit and gave ondens iii regard wo ixînietitig the distd arîd wounded.-bhe well kiioting il would ho s diffilcult and Jaugerons undeuttakuaîg tM ninovo theut trntthe inturiatid.-iticustîrs. Siatioing min wittt forfis and bars at ivrn>'availi tble point, he epirngfcar. lessly imbt te doaa "id the itacastene, $MJ coiasoiceul naiaing tIe .woutded, and paesirg thero upon liii outelîle toe ir trituiîds.- lie ltad succeeded in reînaring tise woindî(Il, auJ, wai prcceediiag ta gaiher up thelenmitsscf the lifeless, %witeu tlîe tnatnuîioth lion, kîtewn to show nieua as old No, spraîîg wul a frightful roar upan i li eer, fastenlng b is teeth and.cas ini lis neck and îloulders, laceraiug hlm iii a horriblemantun 1.1 Pn<fessor Wbite made thrce hîrculean efforts Ce sshakoe i. ooster off, but viîh. out aveul, anad gave ondinste flie upon The contents cf four'et CuIlVa navys vomi iinmidiataly paured intu the car- caia et the ferocious anisnal, eand lie fell demi ; anit îe bruine ittle ýmanî, uomithiî- stanîding the feanful maiiuer in whièbhi was ounied, eyerleft hîpcage,,intil -- o.vin>' estii of the deaid 'vas caÈfetlly gîhnd together sud placid upon a shteet fuer enn. It vus fcund thist tune et the ten vine kîlled cutright, and tour othsons terribi>' lacer -ted. Theli napoes cf the' killui arc Acgîîet Pcltcen Conrad Priez, aînd Chas. t3ieiiuer. Collins vira pnocured andait itaînediate bunial doter. miited upon, as tlîe ladies-were îa friglt- tully, torn and lucerated as te houre-, cognizable tutc i m ant intimati tniends.1 11'be L:ns arettien nuens whicb nîarly ceai Prof; Chanle White bis lite Ivo jeans ago, vbilc travelling witlb-the1 rhyr& Ncyespar>yýand verehknwut Eut-n attention is, bei1ag given te île suficees by the kind and hospîtahle citi- zens cf Middletown, and at hast accounts tbeT viee alpronouncîfi ont etdanger. BELLPsn.-Tbi match be tveen Ru- doîphe and Cyrille Diou for $1,009 sudi te. -gate mouey,,vas played on Fnlday4 nighe lu tde IBppothîstron, New iYork, in1 pnoteume ot about .300 spîctataru. Dion1 von' b, 411 points. - NelDNrass ?OTHM Czàai.-i* lu no sentfL tiai tbe Czar is mnad-m6dimally mad- 1 and thai ho la nfie 10 neigu. Heielutii vimîim of a strange illusion. He supposes imaelf te Lave-mnrdened his fatber, Czar eliabolas, sic died-so utisecouctably, snd se cpponîunely, -during tLe Crimean ver, aud Alexander IL. thinks Le sues tei ld gielemani's giesî, sud is as maech anoyed as Ramflee vas vbun bis « patemaI _parent mide nigit'lildiaus bybils impolitiat prao-, tice ot neristing tii glinipsucof thi moon. THeBTu:iOLE ON TUS Roào TO Epsom-. Dowàs. - A novai fesînnre on tii rcad te-5 Pipsoà Doens ený tie Derby day- vaÏs tiii' nunthen cf bicyclise, upon whicL, te Iheir1 evu grie danger sud ehat oft.,verybody miuds le go deo. P'arACB;xo TO TUEDE. -Chicago baà a uev iburci, ai viiub tiei ppi lapro- proided viii a ceppor ,apeakingirampe, whieh ib conueeed',v iti eleven pevu.,j Asocialist neuank gli "thle deanîsi ship ln tii whleivonld vas.Fninduhip.0 Wiieape sL Young man SUrose trou, amougut the cougregatien, aud ststed isat hi kuev suotier, s diaren sbip uîili, aud tise vas C..uriuebip C N, B -iel had onde bien defindaut 'la a elahu fer breauh of promise cf inannege. Dtosre's LAS? LI'r'rssI.-Thi lut let- tir vritten hy Chsarles Dicensls daied Joue 8Su. Tis oniaiued th. expressions etfithe deîpeae nifenence for .religion, sud - lu qoted bu the nivepspena io-dayu e. putdisanig an)' centnsny impression v.bicb mal b eiiidved trou accidentai - xprea. sions inubisibeeoks. AÀ vesumt uailmd tehWite Oakis tb do a direct eraiebevien Toonto- aid Hali.. fax -Si. crrs ,nt 6cî,000 buaelauQf grain anad 11,000 bbis.. utour ; bilugfiug ceai bapk. Thi a my bhie coummnce- meut outleu important Inade. - -- loipen u bold of France, bis 1fniua' have slvays claimed, inasmul as Pop. Pluts Vil., althougb ! imperliaoid by tb. Empuen lita declane the mamiagi nuit and veld, ulvays reftised te-do so. TIi homne et Madame Bonaparte, silice' thei ui trber son, vas always in Balti- more, viere lie vms e reued.' Fi entened- Harvard College sud gradiîated bimnce iu -18A,. Hi qualiflmd 'bimacîf for thei legal pretessahon, but bîing possessed cf aud- sot vcalfuhnever practicid 1ev. Eurly fil lite be toarniefi Miss Slisau M. William.,- dangîlir cf Benj4min Willias, cniginshly of Roxhur>', Mass. The telegraplb bninge noes<if tie deah, lu the came bcase, of Mr. Williams, Ibis lady's brother. MiFsa Williams vas as wrealuiiy as ber busband, and their joinit, fStuines made Jerome te. ycîîngen the venîthist utan in Baltitoni. Two- ciildmcn vire borne cf 111e marriage, a sos<alzc named Jerome Naptulpon,) born li J8f13 This won vas in Lie.FVneaigarmy in 1858, and %vo beliere les sili in France, toeièr swithb lis itrotber Charles Joseph, homo in:1852. Maddme Botnaparte invai- ahI>' prophceiedltaf- the elulesi c f-Liii,. bos iii entuali>' b. necognized sud. sccceed to the linotte of France. Thi birtir ofet tii.ncogiîized Prince Imperial (vhiiols in ver' dtlicate hialti, hoveven,) voald s;eeto fodisgipate nil possuibilit>' ne te thi reilization cf Iis pnediciion. The decmes- md was on terme et intiacyu'vith bis ifatair,ftnd pals! hum manyvimitin Eciepes Louis Philippe avas partiaîllta Liie oe- e.isl,-0' nermîLtteflr in. - duninzrbis reign, btasnjnamn a short tinte in Paris,w.- îliiaoagb li vax omèuelled to e t he bm namue cf bis mollrairsdl'e, knovît as Mn. Pattêrsen. lie bore a stiking* likiesa t NiapolenIL, and vît.atîvur nam*e.he îîîight le calid'b>', vw"sknýown for awbiotn bi mcl>' vas b>' that remaarkahil' family' cnuaitauaance. 14e vas di.-tffguisbed b>' the seo ap of ehle iiead Eami perfect regaîlanlî> cf tentures, bronze cuuefoé and durkItyes oh peculian tint, - v&icb liie' gi-eat Empenn laA9d, enîtvihcb iaracter - li the Donsicatn people. Mr-n.Bonapartd had alvays bien on gond terme vîiti Louig' Nnpçleon, and b>' îlot potentate's ihvitAsL. lionLad'vit'ted villa bis sou lIai Frnch'b Gourt. Ti ovlti f is fatîer's Brte minaigi vithb Mims 1attieon' bas. net? 0tF course, hein acknevledged by Nlapoleon' III., ne, if ially recagnizmd b>' thee Conti cf France, il voald lave given hlm pre-e -denceovcur bis haIt brotiers, sud 'the Pniincuas Mathbilde, tiei.mildren cf hie,- fnthor'a second mariage. Tii ildiat soff cf'tho deceesed Faduaited frein Webt Point in -1852, teek ar thle Crime-au van, and serued andin Geb. Bosquet &t the seigeofetSehastîpol.Ilji. destin>' lu of course a mire. matter of, specclailun. Fate mn>' make a grnat man ocf bîn, or beav hlm te diei likieliii l4bject et Ibis sketchnafflu icent inca*matances an ordi , naru citizen oet le United ÏçStatis. W. suppose tînt b>' ibis iimetibi cabli bas casri ed intelligence cf lhe dêaîh -vi bave dieussmd te the French Ccourt, and. tist et titis momeulLoals Napaleôn is considur.- ing-lie. dîec f Provicleocu viielt bas sundered in -titis great modhtr>', star off frean lt'eausof Impeia ritics, oui uf bis consanguine tieai.-.N . &; TtiuinmITeiN, Iuui17. A -Young lad nmud Alezan g-Vincent, abent 18 years-cl, emplyemi aalo on board tle subeo nîr Mnujec~utor of preequehse, vile cuthe& Way dovu the laite ibis mcmrning, aboutlîneo'. -clouk, snd& about surco kiles epposite Port Dinme,wvIle idi tle ct cf- takitag dao a lump, tellt. o'erbeard, sud betene has broezu, vbo vas aise emplo>'- id on the -scîcenen, ccald i-asci ihm -viii a smail beautlio sank te risq nemoeu.Tii vistd at'île iîue 11ev vezý meuh, Tii bod>' vasnet niîovîred. Tite you ng lady who vas iacarned svsy vwitlihe bofeelings"' caine hartc vtithmr tuaîfeeling fatiier.' 'feeling test -" but tiie neideai lady %vite- -couldri'î express ber feelings' ielegrûphed ltent, fb5siediri oct trust île aamales!" The man viio 1had lie voel pullid cuir bis eyes" vas a negro. -1 i Theý individuel vhe vase "ianging int suspense' vas-a honse-thief. Titi crosil vho "taxes car ingeuuily" us a revenue elicer., 1The tu ieuo IsIjiis litth avl" vas a shocmakor. Hl iiiuh 11clings te the lasL" TIc "mnan et mark'" le a drausbausn. The loai wvIe"made a deep impression" vas a die s$nkar. ' The man wiaase "1finit impressons avine eften vrng" vas a pinter.f TIecalnWvie "gaiued more tino hi- î lest", was a gmablen.' .1"liat singalan man" is a badtulor. alTe lady viii la-single purpose" la an ài$man u a spoi t bv rimedies 'p lady, daufrb basd ber nbga1 a atone tint pure waueeo of the leed clad nan>'co aise frein il --28gns Io 1 GRaIttuC icultunisis eh famine exps of the droit1 t1 mnsider 'Theîvievu c ibe ndvi&sbi * mported gr Corps Legi 'the Erie b 'Y$20" -lnjGieàmdi &pniC, 1868, An aenob one ston-é 1 agi, livingsi liatili of lBt 300 peands 411 living. The Engi Fnida>' tast Dhckens ta Tbe Ho Posîmastîn Hon. Mr. C tour tbnog Nielson, ventilîcqit francs for Nov, ahi frein tho I thei world. - Wednesday, tee eeîdîou 1

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