Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jun 1870, p. 2

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4br .oeI r m aaoeri- ', l a i ' s.!Cldr~à*J ~e. caOu r .hbn stiser Weai sappean te asdtratuad udappreelafle, lantise rigisi splilit, théead-vàantage of Reilwayo. A bÏ-.ahan s paesed tise Ceni>' Coneil et strfor 0200,OOQ, la uidOf, the Cao. ada sonîisssruaJlws>'. Tise CocsnlConeili cf Kent' bave adeptes! à b>.Iasete go te thse rvaipayensl grasstlg thse Soatiseni Rsil va>' a bossua or Our Coui>' Concil of Otario are nov, jei on 1h07 vere tlfteea years ado, iveut>' years behissd thse tissa. Domitoa Dar. We Uu4eratsnd sisaL a cesumitte. cf gonlinen' cf tise Mshislàetlito are preparlug sea programme cf Rae. and Âîietic Sports, te taise lace et tise Tovn bail grocuda, ou Dominsions Day. Tiser. viii W a sumber of vainabi. suoney primea gîven. We Isepe tise tovuspeople viii turn ont steonsgly te wiissesstishe spcrts, and, h>' thir proMue., Oencurage Young mess aiid boys to go lu for good mail>'aer- citle.'1 A. Re-union villIéasehb. Isls!aitishe - Mcisciueshall Ilu th'e evesing. ~-Tue TÂ&TCO o n îo ILsS TiACOis. BNilTrios Taous gave oeeof their popular entertainms etaitise Mochaulas' hall, ou tMondo>' nigisi lasi.Tis eaulrtalumeai, -vasver>' largel>' palvonises!, eviuig, pro. bibi>', 1WtIse prosence of 1h. :Frommsa fansil>', Wvis icotirse tome ver>' beauiiful musio, lu Ibeir »seaold muieri'style. Our to*n wus prous! cf t i bea ile living boe, ausd yllva>.iný trcu oui sud glie ibeun6e varien eception visenever 1isëy -Psao.-Thre eppeana ho b. lîie or nu diminaution lu tise aumber of pigeon. lu the Woods in tisis ueigisbourisood. W. have bserd-of tome ver>' large begs boiug enade. Froun car exclisuges ve uotice <hat theao birda 'are ver>' plentifasl ail1 ovar tiseProvince. Tekoul;g cue su>' tIsi litalua asure aigus cf e ver>'hosoammser, sud i a viitatIon- of the ChoIera. Wa isope net. SrYDAT SeuoL -Pic -Nc.-The oasch- mriof th. St. Audrev's Subi>'Scisool le. tend te bhols! hieiannuesl pic-uic t"ia (Thunada>') afternoon,"ut tise Grove, nean tise retideued et frMnMGillivney. Tise Conat>' of Brune la iu revoit segainsi tise ufliction cf s;cailed '5neigionau" la- postars, A-wviteiego tIs a>'ia!tIse cea- vertes! 3ev "steen," or nome sncb Dame up tiserveo nises!bis carrier among tiahi seduci.sg, sud tissu desenting s y7ouing mant, eundmore neceuil> tise>' bave becu sufferlssg trons tiseanuirabie pronoeceocf tise 61Barou d3 Camin." FIrôm 'bie Paisley' sud lOncardine ?opéra it op. peau tisaitishe "larou" uaeffectuell>' jslayed eut lu tIsaiddistrict as voias lu cuber loglities, ParsAaTu.-Prince )Arthsur bus been vliiug the prinscipal places of inter- est about tisa Auceut capital, &fier visicIs bo *M1 taise a trip to tise Saguenay,,tboasci te Gaspo, aud thence to Halifax,' <nom 'viicis place hise1viii sai for Bgas!o'. 'Bzveeoon0F TuEe mt.-Tbe isi meeting of tIse cissmisicu to revit. tise Bible- hu aunels!, ans!tîhe planuf otvrle dltenstod. Tise commission ins 10 miet agai 'o'tise 13tis et nexi m'ontis, than te ai for tre.dors.. Dàirtos i 4t5ADiraîzussoSuer- n~itu.-À vombe in Meutreal bas be@âes atteW geolfer thsee vwek4for reulîisàpsue mdb>' tise Plna aMinlter., lais alsrge a'sis réeslà thé e<cu'usbp e! 4Çbinguoeeuy vas struei b>' ligbtung, aid lutauds t bÉ'ts-bll' glîig ttisa 'Amen of ' Pj é e iuaqs4, God1 Fèil&y' '~y~dst ~~kiIIp 'sà i ~vi$4~TA~f~5MgWT , J td,-b a Bill pvovldlng for tise gradeld dçsa Boabinentt ettise Churcis. rote ,eb Ho.>', UosemQDno; John B. Raid, Un la~ . 'Lemsois, Brantford c ~W'_&vauge, M. 'f. P; W.'Roblnîea,; Mfayor of Kingston; îThsoe, Scott, <Perth 1 Tis nov b@41, oréot.dby' lise breîbrea -of Kingetea, vasdedlsated vus lmepoing Tise meeting fId Koatreal ounSiltirda>' oighsi, calies! ostaiy for tIse parpoasî cf psasing reseilon. endfmzabory opf boîb tise Britis snd AierlessaGovernats, appoes le have bienre fi to$me.- iig vorse. Son, Jôon Yo nÈagnsd oiserstrtiad te ipeais for d"indepen'dence" sud te bring forvard ecunter Tslios _ad, lu tise midsi cof ooufaicn, vworse "coafouuded, ""'Ibe ebsirmau Ae.iered Ise originel reaolationa csrried. TIse Herald compares il tao mmmuasesa ing aitIshe Tover et Bahl,1' sud tIse G7azaee aya 'tiseSthé ls independeuce" men Oigoally' failefinla tioîn u-1 tempt. Tis bor>'ylu toifi tisaitise Gev. ernm@ný vas epposýçd <otise meeting, and tise reperting etfkilatIse Canadiau papes., tIsai ve fe.1 confident tise rosi tiais aboni it basnot yet ba"toldol Tise 2NewYork World'a deapatei aystise meeting'vas adjounes <c Tuisda>'. LATEST ]PaixFORT Gtaat. _Tbe lstef t 'pidt ii eloee -env IvoopiasAuI*'0 eer vers, of peece andis!'odeTIse 1N'eo- tiin l a tlîfied'ý, là ise appointmmut 4f ti Rloc, Mrq Aribibals!;-ens!thoes l streuger dipoulMateseao apithe Maçiebý Bill inslsusrt.Tise INa atin tampts te justif 'ise actions e01 e as tise coursecf tise Previaltolai govemeni!, maiutainlng tIsaI 'isýrs prce.asi'gs vere forces! upon tîoisaby tisillegal coaduet et Pàçzas'u Mosrý*u,, for Jal>', hegina its bIst volume, viths marises!improvesuenta.I It eoataius, hebas"Physiognoin>, Etis- uolegy, PsycbolIogy, 'etc, portraits ,sad cisaraciers of Betisoven, Sir Saueul W. Baker ans! vife, (loy'Palmer; of' Illissot, Mark ILemoss; TIse Gàvero.ors et Nae Yorki Typeis oethte Beyronî Population; Memaraing Mou ; Pisicai Edecation Ravage. et Wild 'Baasta;-,sommer hautise Fieldaà; Referaü,'fcn--Womea ; We mus& ResI; Witt, vtIt'a Moral; Loie sud Liberty ; Vactons ; Tise. Invisible Mou., tten; Patcr'a Wlre;-,Glimpses oftàa WesternnEdîton ; 1The 'lestnic Post, fW@$ st. Paul sabeebler 1 SuecessAnla Life; Equalapa>' for Wamoa ; atigrity ; Up1 ie thse, ckies; Te Correspondent», sic.t Oui> $3 a yesr, ans! is offeredst i $1 500 - orist ba àyen, Jul>' to Jan. Addneçà '8. R. Wells, 889, Btoadva>', Nev Yorks DETERMINEI 'ucrs.-James Wattf bang himuelfif luOrsugoville on. Meoda>' lust, inua most doemsinid imenuet. Be. fore doing au,Ibe vrote -a Setier, givlag direcîlous for bis <fanerai. Beiug a vol- unteer, ho daresseil himtelt la his usifcra, for tise purpeie, PaOoIoree or Ma. W. R. Dsa.-Mr. W. R. Dean, agent-et tiseMoutresal Banks et Bellevile, and velI knevsr'bore, dnringi bis conssactioa v. ick itataInstitution, hua, vo are glas! to l4tu, baea promxotes! to sIbo agen>' oftis.,anat @London.. 'Mn. Deans iii W sueftis6edsintaBelleville b>' Mr. Charles ~l~'> Hutcr us savru-T9POirpt -uior conquar dlsomiela e e; fet tL4gradami 51 tasl3m9,nts e10r simes!ai'b>' usansd BynsPalmsonie Wafeens iii as sre cure .ongha, coldal, tlekliin uthse tbsnet sud4 lonua viii destioif. onerse oliaif set -atndes! te so ait Is'tea' leas!t<c lnear iinongesai, »On -<aimsif negletes!Tisa readisotand, bosS mesua' 'bmowm- for the cuse of tIse.. tàcorm o p otas1.U aase.! Il' tries!;for tise lasitwist>'. parj, ans!1 bava asv.1r bea.kùown ,10 <ait idt 'isd'publie sp«ebesvill asien. ddrlga baifttfretIsêi~oftliseà.. SeIdby 141saling osa 14 Wlsg." t#fy au vise havemae of etDr. Witse" Bakfs fli WiIs! Cherry, and bl'éoh m s*baemas0W ot'Cou çs, tid@; blud h4,aIis in~esi o q..s ona. Vie aa -A-meeting ofce sora w&4~pp~k tc tako. piace oeToesdy. < the ozn f«r Lbe 4o1*tieu.of Offic.rs fog th.eais luseumili ote of tbsnksýIr, vsp&O..4 tieCaruaii tismeetinpg adjoagned. "Oent tIsat produeed am nitueldegres o1 plmnt 'ctement -af' ld St. John'. Thse lime sppointed for tb.e merenn Isaf-p&Utf6ar, -6. M.; home, Aiame bfor. ittstý boavl eur sgoodly' nucbeÃŽ oet pair. sous bas! 'asomblos!. Tise circisv nsosità nteiand>' us!betutilfell, decerâtes! lori, tise occasion, vîlti myrile aud'.otern 1foiague aud obole. lover, tisai er. ar-. iticrgali>'ans! eleboretel>' wrouist i111 's'vatho ,festoos, &o. ~thse postasseona vcri cf iieynng ilaiieèp<1 tIse copgrega- iont Nevr malîing vas laid dovu on tise visie lengtis fthbmaisie.sund isetore tise ebaucel, 'nuder tise auspicesa of tise verdesa eus! otser promnueut inme4rs' cf *tise c1broit. Afien tise eremony.a is ymn, ua nsg b>' tiseciséir, sudtisaRoi> Cbmmn -,on vais receives! by ise bridi part>'. meeting cf tise members cf tise WhIstby Mecha'siea' lustita., takes pince ou Mon- de>', Jul>' 4îi., 7'lu tise'bell ;f hlutnatitute,. ai elgbio'loeok, p. m,. ÀfulIl atteudauce is requastes!. 1o1 hulit>', -Cautions,-Hypspiospiite.-Fel- lois' Compond!S>'rnp of Hypophcspisite. As tisis pusparaticu iautirel>' diffIarst lu iae eomb ination aud affects frca, ilotherý remedie. - esled Hyrpopbospitas, thse' genuine -ha.tise aime cf Feleva Co', blfcvss on tie botil-' TIse signaturset visfi res! is acrou. , .achlabel,ans! tise prices le $150 per boulie. TIsa publiesus ecnes!aantcsapiiaiss Prie s$ 50 s bottie; 6, for $750 Sels! b>'apetisacarires!d yF. Caudill à Co., viselesale agents, Montreal. Tao Vtat La'ras--A matrimonial notice Ibis moruiisg viii couve>'tise lu - teihigeises, -net violi>' unoxpeccos te tise ver>' numeroua friands cf this-prties, thst' William A. Williaeaou vas marries! lait evecng te Mis&sRéale A.'«Bull, danghter of Renry' Bail. -TIss'horeiuossy as pet.- fonsned et tise Brick cisurch ast evening s!d tise srviccaof Rei, Dr. Sbseus!ndRer. 1fr.-Sauke>' vers elles! inte requisition on tise occasion. Unlike amst IoiSon affaira of ibis Iiud, tisera vers no groemamen sud no bridaasnsids la tise caseaud tise nev ttyle of issviug ushers vas introded, thse !ollcvlug gentleman 'ae«iing in tisai capac- tty e Frinis V. ReltiisFrank J. Stewart, J. Walter White ais! R. T. LansTuig. Anotisen peculian festar us astiat tisé suoite; vIicIs uahi>'produces! b>'Prof. Kalbislci, contilneàe4,Anîiot interruption tisreugi tise entire service, Wng continu- al>' adapted te, Ihat paritvisicis vas lu progreis. Mita Jeunie Bull, tise fautons soprano singer, tise siaten cf the faîrbride, aceonspanies! tisepart>' 1 Cisarlotte, sud, ai tise urgent requeit of Lisose pruseutý, favors! tise compan>' on thse Norsema vush a song. 'Tie uelywvadded pain tison sailis!fon Canada, an rente -for Wbitby, Outario, ho riait frieuds. Ont beat visbes go vus themt.-Rochsten Cktronicle. Pétate Sesokens. A Paris correspondent fnîises tome pleasant 'gotaip about tobacco amoise eus! tise ladies En--route le Versailles yeîterdsy, 'a gar. theman, travelling in tise saune compant-. meut, uskes! a lady for permission -to 'moase. 'Ver>' villingi>,' replies! .he, 'I vas about demauding tisesame, ptlvilqge Ot Yen.'< We are uet go advauced here as Lau smoke beiveen tise conres cf a dinuer, 11k. the Spaniards, Bat occusionali> 'tise' tait nex vauder into tise sunokiug cavriages, sud finish cff a loir cigarettes vitisout be- ing ln tise leasi sanoves b>'tise gentlemen, lt promises te become the astre! comptei meut fer Ssnprohted feue-tisat DeW tiektses! for; tisaladies ÃŽ lu ie -refuge for- ever>' eccapeeot 'i^ncertain age, and, tIsi' à1adame Raciel'a préparations, cosis!Dot- Meke lesisifel for thea day, mucisleluts for. aven. ,';te"Ferai recepteens this seLion erai ' %dlas cf ,thse bosses' prmutes! gentlemen 10 @moka oitqe a>' aies isuesa for t uisJ othe îwculd be impeuibla go relai ltheaesieurs vitis oui Ibis eoncessionHov veýlI tisa rie.- ceas Mettsérnich understauds heran pc 5h.reo 4teaspfbel 'r f ognto ud Tbhé Engluais natitoe os tseoee Of tise lut Yevv*47, WSa 'tincese a0 OKR. >00,t0las, seu couvertes! Into- a temporar>' -unit>'. Tis. debt ln Dsow leus taisas lsais ar bie 'since 1418. h lneleus tisan 1t,0 '00,,,ow ise assouut it àtoelt'àt in leiS, àù Md oorétu 'debt in8~4,0Oapu at8,O, sisuou> oi' s viiprefun 1875.,Tseperment-charge l Jisslit l tbas ever bauMe1812. 12 ion, without iinýdïance or roiDonsance, utO 0l te Vétaoienet the. viOa1ton cf Ouels. ou-.11 Tisat thse'citizeui- oft Montreal believ> r ucis proslaedings,' sud the psibilit>'Wo Stiser besnp'eqScur4e4 or t ' ieatht ie preseut day'iâsoncaàt àaevilizid sud Oris- li'pipefuruIsUjust '&round forLb., tfeelings cf reeuiment aud indignation which pervade tht. c ommunity, and the srnsee-fi njustice vhicis is feItalt htb.protoetion fford ta(oaurisoutleasby the (routier O c isUtnited Statee. jRaoIVed,r-Tbat Lb. gratefssl tisanks cf tIse people ae due tO tbe Hoite Guard of rMiisquol, and car Valunteer blilitisi generally, for thse elscritv snd gellantr>' witis vicis tise>'repelled thse invaders cf or soit, wh onoly escaped the fui punisis- suent they suerited, by fiyiun 'Lt the pro - Latien ;afforde4 by the r oto> f tise YUnited States,frba i wenco heey -came; and'tiset Lis cuismunity, white fully ap- epreisetihg.tise assistance rendercd by.tise regulor troops, also cordiailly recoguizes tise truthsud justice of tise tributo viticis bis boen puid te tseservtes.ot 'our Vol-. unteer defdudersr ýb>' Lise Liesst..generai cousmading iu Canada, No. -3. b. formedî at adistance, clthoexteutt o visicis thée.unlawful, proceedinge affect the gsrseral intereat of tise country, para- lyzing trade, iuterfering vitis tse -peace- fui avpcations cf tise people, ansd creating a feling of insecorit> clulated ta prevent capital sud labour (ro aekissg invest - ment lu thse Dominion,- conssequences iwhich - eris;ing' <rom mach sa 'cause, bave lever before been tnflicted upou-any suis- jecte cf tise BriLtis Crovu n im îe cf NO. 4. Resols's,-Tist iL lu tise dut>' of tise- Canadians Erecative to came.,(o a clear undevttassding witi tise Impaîl'lGovevu- suent aste tis nature, tersa, and extent1 cf Lb. support tise Dominion viii raeivei lu future, lu ujiholding Lb. hoacur cf tise' Britlis dcg, ->resisting tise iqvqon onf Brttah territory, b>' tisenaeâiol tise Empire, sud lu dciaauding indemnit>' (rom tise Goverusuent et tise United States for répeated outrages permitted (roantiscirJ territory ; and Lbat, viile sa doing, onr1 Executive shouid declise tise continuedf williogneai hicb undouistedly 'exis t among tise people of Canada Lo fuifihi every obligation, pecunier>' or otbcrwiso, ia-. volved by their conuection witi tise Maiser Country, which' Lise>' arnesti>' desiro may t.. long maintained, 2t tise samne ime urging tiseir right ta expectf tisat eggressions upou tise sou cof the Do- f tuinion will bu as wermiy resent'ed as if Britain berseif Nu. 5 The neceauit>' of a vacation '<frois>;laluà Reaolved, -That wvus a rien' to pîcci n sme . es fau sot srcg our true positionu belote tise people of the nizes! b>'ail ave tise see hotbiuk--money«- Empire, thse fullowing dutital end lyal getting tisa chief eus! ans! ebjeut cf man' addres,, ta Hoer NMjest> thse Queca be aigu- existasse.. Tise ieates!'tenmS uama ,faini>' ed b>'tise Cîsairman and Secretar>' cf this to' have, set in, eus! people of, ail.' clauses meeting, and forvarded qthtie Secrotary' are- preparing for their ustial sommer cf Stete for tise Domsinion, for preseation peregrinations.-, Tiéreatge -c'pleaunre toilerlisjeuty, threugis Hia Excellenci' travul in chia country ha bcome su vide, the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Garro eerl ieueauof couvcyauce have'so nmultiplies! "&Emigrateon ta Canada."9 ans! abouni! in munis numeroua conven3iences and luxatios, tissi stayiug iu tovu during <To theieF4tor 0ft5,e C3roaiid>"' tise enlire summen Sôn, or liiitf'goos Ss,-TVis Rev. Mr. Hansuis'slai lutter nusticatien te tise country' or te Lise agri- te uhe Timet, tisougis b>'nu muas consol- cultural fnioud't- farsa boas. s fev miles lue. la more cncduragicg te Lîsese w ho for . aford buter pilianthropieo reasous continue aiaing the Sae>, s e le tseWh eau f1bor ueody tu umigrato. thiags, a spocies of sef-sufictes! peance 1 amu faoures b>' a Canadian clerical ne longer ta be îsoagist 'cf.-The esom correspondent cf 60 year's standing iu of auel>' sesenîing tise oit>' dering tIse Canada West,(o say-"M1r. Hlanson ha a hot weatiser ot oammer, althougi b>' no comparativeirsuger te ibis colon>', and lI means 4a nçv eue, beirseévidence cf lu- fuel bouas!te, sa>'1Ibelieve iisuo be a oreuissg popularit>'. Our sceamUnlnos of gentleman utterl>' unlit, in couseoquence trevel bave douencia10 orunder sommer ut bis vrotehed state of bisli, ta write ecriD o fairl>' or dispessionctel>' ou aucis a subjeeîexuasn phible te tisueviso Muai Hie is aîwraya aecîag a lion in tise way." nes!tise relaxations visicis sucis excursions Tise.oral and vrittcaîoestimoay utfsuan>' give, as!d who, because tise>'must toit sud émigrants and tiseir frienda, is, tisaIOCaa save to pravido tIse means for tise expause da is an excellent place for a poor m-in cf tise trip, are ail tIse more likel>' te ap- sud bis fatul>'. Wages ara foWans!good, prociste visateven there ma>' b.luit of food! (aspeciallj animal) ila ry chersp, reni laueetfO.Geta a ents most moderato,. clotises (iufenior sorts) a mreens'th viw-ofeplys triflu denrer, furasture sud isousebuldimreaetitsevv oeplyr articles about tise saune asa hm. fduring tisehast fev yuars, in respect tg tise land, free grants of 200 acres are girea îo' necessit>'lof altbving thsie-Irepio>'s some mornicd couples, aind 100 acres bu ail oven litie lime for reat from labora wisicis 18.. $mailifanus luet aisasiable tormas. fvaisen ans! enonvate use pisysical eud! Tise cisuols are excellent and suspeior to bicot aud stupi!>'tise mental poseurs, tisare tise géeuralit>' in Englans!.Cisurcs ensd is roun for th3jr stilI taniser eslargeunt- cisapelâ abouns!. ttaving baules, trade Tise evi vis taise.s aveok's vacation socities, tesuperance suis! otiser meetings, are abl>' sud seatIs(ctoril>' couducted.us>ay "ve hise 'employer botter tIsan if h. Tise viaters Lisougis cois!, are very bur-, bas! taisen- noue, but be viso a ive or able, use natives ud emigrauts being " Ore"lise. vekaveut vill accomplis5 fat mure filîcO lu" enclure tise cois! v.itircemparati-evovis Ib tan if ise',iadi laborus! thse ebolu imunit>'...Oui cf 643 'assises! b>' car fgy-tvwo veekt vilisut intermissien. TbIi. Cleriseuvehl Emigration ýClub luas eaaan, il'for tis e bnefit of tise employer; but tise but eue cisil (Lise.Patter'am ssestioned b>'ofo h okaý,t isi sÈl KMr. Bangui?) fbas!die , dup té apillst. dt'o ievrsa ebusl asi Tit peu i -&olmePfr "b, ,,atii;samore cmpenssire. Wisatevur tisue b.c Ms> cof ch. Canadieu cimata. "- ou-if héomumibase tise lois-for tisa Eoois,'Sir,la tise teiimocyj as'be lsisi ef neeesan>' nat, se vilI maise up et afier aualting ont -1800 persons. 1, am ll4tisohiseres!fa lite wilcis neder crOfifà- itrougl>' in favcur ofémigration, A goos! ary cinepaslasces, s propat degr-.orra hiveeugb te vain I1 ititeus!, D.V., <csud raeaie vh rl.g u ieee rlit Can"dsinptinc111p al mse> a us'«pend, ia tise proper týsevisoîher t4sg shaibsmtsoif bacs utsvneo bacuet il-nts n! aÏriasutIn St. Luke's, Kensinglon, Clenkon. ateac fti bjcvi!-nteed voit, or Depterd are botter off, more c6m' prove ho bave benu joudli ly ,ans! profit.ý- 'fortabie, -isupp>', sud coutqedtidda-r vn'lS bl)ia ineste(L. ebcdieuta~vsu 'r '~ ". die.Colohtal BWt.e okrocauly psblssbed f itap~eMuib~t tie estimas!expert et Iueeubdit ~gels! rom' B ,itis Coiembla vas £570,. 45, Celebrookeralv', N. - ' - 000 iu 1865, £MQtOÃ"Iiin 18M,;f £700,0001 ; N.BrOn tuda~aklul4ifdéervugin 1887 ; but iLt, ladmittes tIsaItLis poo fesnskrue~btflXfln' thuuhe!, apes exer*à's p+ebsbly 'ssuîcW 'larger,. suisecriptions toi belp tie poor pople eau à* s t; t*ls ïIMoàsillle' to-u*eeëràtsi Is pa 8U.o-hbc, »don and,.Wutioàtser* iamout.dr)ifed ta>' outise jalses4e1c (lirregk obrp>;crtociyalfsrc~sl. lssividuua, rTbe bubeetmnraa -mau msribra-rf7tb~eIt !>'P>4 Iissn rcoutry lanLise veAd TiseCol acku6vl4diea1thé reiptýofe 0êfrol i iSegragbl1spn'wtsrb tb# Rueleommwslt fu 4ndp Bat"stafamÉnthe féfe"t- iits h irba aids isa en,'eeiy£~OOba bau sh1 te obecu&viLbin tise Colon>' te su al-1 to b. ~mi"onc fo' er oiulL' meet nuprocodents!dogee& ClB b onclCCnuor cfwliob lb. Houa., in comiiee, resosiIe h Is hLand Bill. Thse Stale bu, li whick wis obe ~fe by thse Prince or Wales, bu beis foit' poued la ecnsaqumce of -the mnelancholy, I&t.àbeliey.d Ibat Barl Granville -vi hi, eïýbsîuge il, I>epýrSe4;i( the Colonies, Kiisaer -s.vlan soncnneed WtIste Becrée-. tary 'Ofr St., bie m îngý. îbê deth ~f rectefi ainase of yqeitis'asd caet te ho îruaiîted. Tise floig-ep'h.vaasb' ",To Mr.MoLle> United Statesu st, CaTis. deaîhJ cf lthe Earl cf Clarendon reowe. a tateian Ise.. ëfame belongs te tise venld. and wvIse.bloua ylho fait b>' other nations tIssu îhai'in vise behalf Ise iabored-fortie. adraaee 0 fcf vilizstion asdAintLb. interests of 'peos.-'Tise Pr..' Mientsi tnderas tie sy mpatisy cf is. Uuit4ed States te Rer Majes>' and tise Britis poople, and'ýcondolenee e to a ote vicm Lise toua bringa persoual grief," <Signud), Hea Ove Aîgxotit.-Tblislutise te- mankable 550v>' of Gelastine Fejervar>', a veaits>' young lady cf Daveupont, Iova s Receutly a story wvu circuiese! respectlug isen cheatit>'. 8h. vaited, utilsoa er. spoutible person couid ho prove! te have iselped.circulate IL. -Tissproved ta b. no teu a man than Mayor Renvics. He bos! tisougstlesui told'tbe ato>' as ik caine to ii, sud tois! IL as da.ping it if iL vere irue. MisFejenver>' prompl>' maed iia, 8h. vas cleare! cf tise siauder deriug thse progre ofethtIe triai, but beeuie iL vas thoagsLtisai May7or Resivick iedbsno' thougf i of vite intoat lunvisa ie. Said, tise verdict vas lu bis favor. Mis F. bs publtiisbes!a cros t h ie Gazette, l i wici sho s&yse."Fis t ofeAli, tise faitur. cf Lise joUy te agree doos net sud canuel îermi Date tis uit, sud, 8honldti se ot years .9f my>'life be apentinutise endesvor, 1 viii nti ruatntil a verdict bas be givea for on agaluai me, sud, eliber at. ibis court or s isigIer oue, au esasupte st Dot cal>' 1 'a,>, but ta ail alandoers; for, inýbringing tibis suit, 1 have cet bean u mîndfut cof tise mas> innoeent girls visoun have meu lu jssred as shemefaîl>' as 1hayebeebcean sd machs leu. ahi. to defens! ieemuelves. As for tisecisoice cf tis exemple, 'h feil on tise lirsi mas ageisainswoun vebas! good proofs cf bisie viug repeacd tIse alMauder lu lia MoiL aggravsted forai (a facutvisic he nov denies) aeus!ee vo, as being an oit 'ans! respeeted eitizass,'shosild have beeu tise lustte bave given couatenance 40 go foui a vrong.p" --.444-'---it!e 8 or A nasa. 1 to adîb. quiet nocw- 'are aaxiona tuatl bi done for the.ei lion vire Ibrovi ,quarter of smlle iinotly (.elt: ' tant. The denias -$150,000. 215 Ike Editor 0 tvouldvlisb, through ycui valuebJa colInua, 9tecatcci tise aten- 'sien cf ouir "Tove fatestu te severy bad stete côf, tise,'bdge on'Lb. Ningston road, overv- Blslr' crels, Tise Isavy efreiset veliadisstb. aprissg looueaed ail Lishe timubera cf Lise bridge, noakiug it un. s safe, lt' vu spatcsed up a uitle, buL thse tnae part e. ai'tise preseut tîne, vorsa fAtisu tie'od, asud ln a ver>' Jaugerous istate.ý I eum gled te aeeemach a substantiel vfôo bidoge pot up, sud hope eère lon'g. to a..ee- anequaiy gondd ee ver tiseroad. 1 I1remain, ne>'dear 81v, 1 Yonrs tral>', A CO'NSTANT EgADE R. Tise Prlntera' Excursion te Nis.tava ou Saturda>' luat wua great succeas. As 7 o'-' cloch, r.am., terne 300' Týpos >and ,their frieuda ambsrked on Tise Cit'y of T onto, saeopauied-b>' tise excellent baud 1cf tise Teucis Royale, under tise lcaderaiiip cf Mr. Toulun. Tise veaileervas aIl.tisai cOul>' b. desircd,' and' esrrybody seenecd bout nueajoyiug theseivea 10tis4e utiost. Arrived et Niagara, tise perly made for tise beanrîfat grounda cf Captalin Gale, visere athietie gamea for beevaluable prizes, pra'.euted by several firmà lu To- routo, ver.eugaged ,iu. Tise foot races eapecieily vere ver>' keeni>' couiastedrond ou tons. of thee eveùs et a' te tle beteug took plae. - Tovarda tise afternoou tise Royal Untel gardons vere crovded b>' tise excuraieiuists, wetchiug for lise arrivai of tise afterdoou bons ni-on <vwiiiwuva e.)large addition ï tesepart>'. Caýpî4 'Mif1Y,,of tise City'of Tormaoo, ver>' cousideratel>'1 deferred hi. deperture front. Niagara outit 7.30, lu order tisai tise excursionista usigisi have e littie longer lime tu enje>' tisea- selvesa sore. Tise trip hume vas einoat tise plessanteât part of tise allair; ou ieav. iag tisevisarft tiebaud coussnued playiu-8 tomte euiiveuiug dance musia, sud tise lov- era cf lise Terpsichorean art iWsdample cp portuuity alTerded thesuz for iudulgiug lu their fevourite pasima. Tise Party' an- rived here lbou esp am., aftoer spendiug about 'as enjoyeblea. day as eonld have bocu vished for.-.- Globe. ie lflibI rmrede,' Teroatmipriuz Races. Tise races on tise Newmanket course come cil' on Pridity, tise 24th luat., anad reaultos! asfoos Hurdie Race- *1085 te frit berce, $25 to second. For Douiaiob israd homs. 1; miles orer six burdes-etiff tituber. Four yeara oui, 135 lb, ire yean ulda, 144 Ibo; six aud ages!, 150 Iba. viner of s steeple chas. or is.rdle race 71ba extra. SSevea eatriea, sud al l eertes!, After tv faîtsetaie hontes got avs:y veli togetisen. Tise irai isurdie was tealion>' "Sbire," clomely 'prussed b>' "Lady Bird,"1 viso'vas gcing veil, sud a guod pece, "Catarset" holding third place, ans! look- ing a hardie racer ail over. At thI second1 isundie "Lady Bird" fell, but vas soon ramouteds!bher rider, "Banaionea"1 thon runuing loto second place. At tise. sisird hardie Baeous ans! hie rider came te grief, 118hirs'" holding a sarong lead, "C0aarsct" close lu ber «aire. At1 tise iis ISisira" paaaed tise judges se- verai lengîba aiseas!, "Catanset" boing second, "$ipisaing*' third, and tise others comiug un aet a valk. Fias., 3:15. Tise rider of "«Bareboues" suitainsd a bas! eut ou tse ses!. Province, Handicap-SIOO-$75 final heorse, $25 second! ; fur t P'uiuce bres! isoraeM hiighsai eighi coite oexcees! 135 Ibao ; lmles. This va àbollon' affair, -'Kate Allae"t isaviuig ihaIl ber ovu va>' froun lise stan$ te tise finish m-IGaiety" nunuing secound, sud "4Nipissiug", buing uovlsere.FTimef 2.53. Open racra-$l00.-11 milet; $75 Oi hors., $25 second. Wiuuers lu the pro.* seat seasen, once, 5 Iba ; tvice, 7 Ibo~ îhnice, 10 Ibo; Pnoviuee -brus! (ota.. ai- loves! 7 Ibo, eus! aaiden hbrses alloves! 5f Ibo., t. c. v. Ttfere veus four borsesenterad fortii race, but oui>' tvo startes!, 'Reluii Huais and "1Chas. Stewart.' Tise fermer provud tise vinner. Time, 2:52, Scurry.-for isorses regulari>' uses!as boacks ; hait mile ;, vas voe b>' "Com- promise," uitis "Fonndliug" saecond. Simoe.Jusse 2.-On Sstitd&y ýmen0u- Ing, ekenit 7 o'cIoois, Mn. XMIkBrevn, ane discoveres! lu bus coopor.isoýp lylugila au insensible~'condition,' vitis à large gus senose one of bis chreks, and another ou l tise bock cf hi. headi;- 'Sbisont a etenvirda,: s youag Maunîmid' WilliansGoodteud, awetid te auneighborisihhisidmnnder- es! Brown, sud tisat ho 'inteistes! te mander tic ~ ~ ~ wo ete psosvsa .sais!,vIser. his Oen"m'ie. ela vas rreateal ud bronghi'- toýjeîbore. , Bronlv 'nutil haf.pet 1fv. on t -Pr. ClarkbhOaueninquest ou Suada>' Wheu s verdict cf wvOftimurder vwu re- i bernes!. spinaL tWiIIissGoÃ"dfiand, bo 'Il A certain yoaug lady bouta tlsat ai bas Lve bhundros! -'ceaepoudeust4 WhvIsel daerves Puy 'if aiséspeaka tise uttîis1,ri meetings, lu aLer missppruecsion of tise motives F gi"aooj ho ~nérr 'distinction la a usefutl art- oui>a 'eon'years after -' vasýds tise menufusecrers isuitated thse ex - amiple of tise <armera by- crovding (o tise 'Hyde ,Park Exhibitiou ' A pr!*ize or aa výonderful ami veisable resusîtof Ailiand- ant n' btobdof thespocîe t6 ileat i a teants nvetion o ti auirés e msond thei tenants-Tisek S-aWyurdy avied o o- fesse, Thorold Rogersf.. "1foLDE'Noe u.~Tt IL about tisue thisa MIcFasrland, bis movements, vagarica, lu- oanitiM and lavaulte sisculd bc droppied by tb. pres,,Tise people eta large are utterl>' ueuseated'vis.s'tise suan apd tise ibeet'cf, it domeO'tie rclatioisd, Tise attesuPt tealvanisce hlm into a.eelebrity is au in sult 10 tise intelligence 'end-de- cene>' o! tise ceuniry'. Let i i continue bis legal, suentr, aid conj»aial cnge, ,but spare, ois, spare us Ftisne mdasnable, 'reiteration' of tîses. As a sensation tlice lf; nio a delusion, and as Aaietyr a] fraucl. Lot bine be svept mb tiseh dusL pou of oblivion or go to. Chsicago (o ô,pi>' bis vocation.-Louislli Courie Js- sixcli report of tise couemisioners of na- tional ediitidnl'- nýIrcland, jusi lusued,' shows tisai st tise close ofL18t8,tiser. vere 6;586-scisools in opcratiou, visics sldon 'ileir ruila for tise year chou eà 'tdcd, 957, 563 ebldrea, viLs an average> Oeily ai- tendance for thse saune period c.f 854,858.' At tise cljsuof tise ycar 1'860Lise namber of seisools ia operation was G,707. Tise- total' nuber ofj csiflren on tise relia vitsin tise'yeat' '0a1t'<8,3 and-tise average douly aticadan ce. of children for tise ygrjvas 8i560.. Tisere bas heen, tticeoùre, a> ieaes-of>2J3e2 on tise rTliS, and 'o! b;.707 la ise hé"avcrage, dci> atiendance. Duringtise lest year an ia- crease bas been msasSe of, W1 scisoola, and sicîsoolsare lurcourse' of bailding vbicb vHIi efbriaccomunodation 'to 14ï000 more ebldr-en. ,Tise toisi- expetediture ferLise. 'Wasiigton'g body 't'riint stitl lives l- i n'iole came, Ibis time, is' Sinsuci RandallI Motta , bit lives in fi(yraeuse,.Nev York, -and , yuoi> 1 yoava 010.- -Tise International-Rideé Matefe, bas bce.en ;isai tDolly-mout, neorDublin, b>' 8 Englsis ogainat 8 Irish conipetitov,. Tise> tircd tiity bots cacis et 1-.000- ynrdâs Eisrl Ducie vas tise; EnW iss, sud EcrI Spencer tse Triash cÏplain. ToTia o tsi amounîctd teo.73, tise Engliss total bo 642. TIsebiigist Triash score vos.100-, the isigist 'Engliss103.ý ErTaLoessew&ts.-Os'âMouds>'lest tise vife of Mr. John Gavin,ý of Byaifrd osys lise Ex-posfitr, gave birts te four ehildren, aIll eli fermed, but diminutivre 'iu aiz. Tvo cf îtiseunwere, stili bora, and tistestlires! but -au bour. Tise motserfi a getting-on inid>el'_conmidëienng that about 600 inqslsitivè femaies' of ail âges, ver. lu au oui of Mr. Gaviu't ruai- deccoon Monda>' ans! Tacada Ozo"suee the babies." ,Tise name îIsiug ocrrcd-et Mont Pleaaaut, lu Býreut ,Counot>, about eigist years aego. - Twiueand triplets ara coaaou:-but four et onceéila àrare pbussouseson. This lu a isults>'pari cf the Dominion. A papet Mill et Cohoas ha-ring relcacîl>' filedran 'order for a siseet cf paper' four <cet vide and tventy-flve miles long, >tise Nev ýYork Wurd tisk it muai i1e 1h51 Mr, èeverd is about tle vnte e letier -on lise Alabasma dlaims. EXPLOTMEIeT FOR E]ÉIsoaasrra,-Ost7 Of' tise 8 6 esigranis viso arnsved ai Monstres], per tise Rssi'ass unds! rathblane, -'740 obteines! eeploymeut ni once, ebiefi>' ia Since Lise first of Jauas"llest outil date Mr. Mitla,Remigration Ageutet ottava, bat rcceivedlans! fbond! ituatio.ua for one sisousaus! emigrants in -tise Octave district." _MoRis Toura vYos CàÂessas.-TIse Min- erve givea currene>' 10 a report tist several <ruas reglusens of Britishs trope for service lu Canada viii leeve Bugleus! cari>' nuit mentis. *Diea! of a brokl.. ieart.-A ou vemau nameal Elis hav, of We*îGar=- <taxa, Oies! onu nigisi latel>' <nom grief.,' ii lu aaid, ah Lise coiss!ci of ber lover, 'vise rau ava>'&0 Cisicagonme tiîne &go, sud toek ava>' a gels! v, ateisbalonget-,ïi exa; Ia Montréal, lui vele21 Proteatanto ans! 177 Roman Catholos d.:ý A Minussuprescher anpplieaine chirchés,' se. ircuit béing'170 miles long. List >'ar is i -ussali>' was 8209 80. A Hiuidooeprveérbii ays :-"Stike neo, aven vîis sa flever, s vife, tisougis aie bas a thoustus! faulta." A -roe5ceek lu an 'oroneit, bala rus uose lu hardi>' se. Seciety' vili bave its uitlep prejdices.- Lady Lytten, ;afler a long abstinence ftrsu publication, ba s p-.bvoughl eut a- Donald Dinnie, Lise nell-kusifvus'àîisjo< bas bèrý ditdoAmerlos, tbyf itls , Yorka Calealonia Club, vise viis hlhm <c camfst.e t tiseir asinual games in Sep - -tmber, ansd offert. pay' iiapenea eut cafly. Meuay polidoson 'vere vountded, iand 6nel soidier had his,'.kull craahed4ýy Thiity people suore-or--Iess injure& . *2Tt.-AcotIl'o'C1c1c on' fiturdar night a fire bioIýe out iw the Grand Trnk Woodshed, and dedtroyed7the7 shed and about caeen undredI cbrds of.wood; sijo live frûigist cala 'and thse steai saWing m~achine of 'J. Star'ling. Owring ta 'the timely arrivai of thée steaiu' are engine froin Towu, -'thse progreas of thse fire vwu arrested, and the englue shedsansd &ta- tion bûidings verec saved. The total lou ws bou $,O0.Tse GrandTranc propertyvase 'covered by' insurauce, 'but lMv. Starlingls saving machine, valuej about $2,000, vas flot insured. Jane 27,-Fb. abdicatio'n of lise Ibroie 'of.pscin n'es signed by Qucen hsabeli,, inheb preseence of ail the, uembers of te, royal fam 'ii>' in Paris,, adivlSanish grandeàandgenrsa'Tise Qtseen pre-- ceded thee act by reaafng a formai addries' of farewcel; Fn' a lettev ta'-thse Pope, tise ex Queen notifies H5ia jioinets 9f ber ab- dication, and bise îx bleaei for the' Prince of Austurias, adf for Spa-in. SEEIEHÀYL -S-lom. -Richmond 1151, 'June '25. -There wes a terrifie bail aud rein storsu ber. id day aboyât one o'elock, listiug forabout bal an bour., Windows 'ver. brokenby tise bail, sud shade trees- were Itorn up isy' tho< hurricane which se- companied tise star='. Mucis dasuage vaîs donc. ~MLN5OyAccînz" T-TseasisY' 27.A ted accident -dcured this efie- no >on about 4'o'c.nck p. sum. -1fr. ýTisonis ESwsnyacd, -itissix o! bis ',eblidren, four' girls and two 'boys, 11r. F. E. ilitchie, and a ma belonging bo thse yacht, wer, out on tise bey, and-in cosuing'bose about derse, tise boat upset, and tbree girls, dabgisters of 1Mr. Swinyard, were drosin- ed. Up to midnigist thse bodies-bcd out been recovercd 27-.sring the, h eey thunder storin Wbicis prcvailed lier. on Sasurday, aalti marinuasued -Edwaird 'Qailan, wsas killed by libning wbile _ ateu hêblter trouMi tise aorsu under a tre. The tree vas struck isy igbtning.,and itpIithnuatosus, REMAKAEL Cow,-Acon' belunging th Ms'u- Mcx- -Noble, ef Elora,- bas been giving mille cor.stanly for tise peet seven *yoars, during wisicis tin1e i se isd only one cati; sund -thet calf, - sihicis la three yearg old. je noW' giving àiîll, but novýer bad'.aealî ,PEJS, Ncw York, Jane 24'-Three pen- sons, coaneefe l rtistise nasucles nues- queadepder s 'iw -Lo ionbae dicd auradean>'- ' 'oidosats rite Lisat ',t eiscli ttle doubt h ptuon iad been cclledluntebs0* justice, b'ndiL is gonen- ail>' admit <, -< tisiord Artisur Chaton morpleted al CA r- c mucixed viceb> cunmmitjg suicide.. Indubitable evidnce ci LGeorge Fa [10 atart a nevapaper li- W»ahlingtoes. Tise NevYork Irs&pe mt eîcall Dick a thLie John luùnyaa of tise sceulir vertd. 'is nurcls'are- li*te, -ospels o! cisauity anti good viii -to ail msuankiud. Misfortunes neyer camé siagTy. Iu a>'- dilliou Lu losing tise rac«_ M"f-erry va» eosed of bis vutce at E4som on tise Doris> day. A nev sixpenny usetisi> periudical an- n inecd ;aLondon, la "Tiie Peetical Magaine tobe devoted to thse vritino. ot aueateur pocha." - Tise beat bvewers' cia nu du tor"tiser' ber, ereferrlisg b osdi tise geuineJartîieý as it pays besita Lishe long ruts. Public curiosityr-ould be mach velieves! if the pro ops cf3Mn, Pboebusand Mv. Piatïo iu L>;oîlsair wouid aleo re-Veal thi! Bail>'w,wvsevote Yeatus" 25 yecrs ago,* andi thon retircd frusu tia' publie gaze, is eut vitis a puum in tise> June number of. fIA.GOnlema',Hagazine., Howv 1, makec a fire isot-Kccp il coaldt hu iigispirits -Drunk on twenbydollib'o brandy. t Transportes!, for -life-tie'mavise marries isappily,. , Wise suen-Icra more b>' fouis tisu n I do b>' w!iae mon. 6 -Tise cap biset aeiticr ciseers conrlis-. rites-tse ic.c-up. Sunart meney-m àoney isicis cl ra 5 per cent -à moisIs. An eraitor-vilisout judgoments l isMe à bors, vithout a bridi. 'If You vau t te gel a sure crop ans! big yield,- aon' ils!cati. Thise whs!rise refr an bouton. dîy luit veais didu'î geL iL. "'F W a>' to treat a - man cf doUbtful credit lu to take no note cf hiles. Tise rsaiug of these taamasip Bolivar5 vrill coal81,00 'Gifles! people- .-Tiose vise are coniuta- ly receiviug présetsts,a'f co'us.- 'Oie'P3ult-plàyeà the LisevirsTrilt'ùus 4rewell tetise Bsotoniauss. A goldensgeece laugetes! for Lise rt meus.e n7-llri YPork ]Bucei Dr. aima nid A cul Tbey Xau Thse i Thi 'he a T Wsihý -ris Let e Wisew 0 u sires la'Th ai Moud àt 8 d'ci WHiiibu utis nt etGisco Iu thsa Lansiton accu At,' la tise Imlans auc Inuths' lelis, Cor eau be ael PlausI -mu la e Uat Ju,UI Departme Toi u AG t CABI Dgàa ti m ei cc Pl

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