inany year.sPostaSsior at Stre.tsvil4, sid Clerk snd Tcessurer of tb,*Fownlump of Torontosu d leld severai other losi tiens of trust sud, tupoodfhiiIty e eanied the conôidence and Vrepect of l wbo bad any inturoou wiýh 4$ui or- hoyii léfrlëtidablp0 -line wus a prominnt' and active inember of the Orange 3ioci.ty. Iliii Iuneral, whtch took ýplace on Sa,î!day w4îqrss one of the msIOt lorgely a&touded :elwltn"~~ nL.pwty;bsrhan rtfoliowud Wtu the graà ve by ail the m~embesof lis, inti>' sud b y bis v"r> nu-porous sorroving en u d acqUatnt. lnces. Whitby Krikcîs. DJUOIICLU (~ 4coz, zut29, 1870. FatWi............ . .... 1 ..... . . ........ ............ 6*T 0'10 1'ork pet cwt;... ..0......... $80 $9 Ilutter..W. 0...........tA.. la. _____.............. .8lob Dr. las. akof.ava.y saistiuace ktown, Thmi, saur iealind, or tl.d aan, And aoan cospuad, bmBllla, t'Tb*>people .ii, e t u -1tun A eueto vesr i anuid sa Affilrsa4 witli comas. lgpmiata, or braI.., .Tbc ifmnde c(u1rr ea u r 04 thet me lauitisI l'uî limair ova ,oy"s.agli; is saiS lus, Corivu. .4c ca k rwua <b. ascre por, Th. puini vu. nead hatipotit shalo rosi; 7J'tnsmaW#O mmo1uthe Curai ie. AiWh 0 ie coe.isn went b,,: 1.'rh ussn, in tout, or eyaq or. li ga' MAodosa Carailve.! vu ueil utlwaym 5indTtis ba a»mod Remedy et ail I>sgaaaCauaîî' Idlehanî grisiera lllvhrcogaoss iéasoory sdye ill an Sd Ol«Irî Aliesnîr Il,.p~earuey oieu4r thape, dy curealut uauItb.1iadat..Nssvulglà . anst a I sili e urasig oas9ffn p llssst#Mla.tsé. j. la kà ou.. i'ro. ttnet.w e. <lISa...No il tosay. KY., M unS. e Rist# si. Wee .Taratta. nrW ADVERTISEMENTS. N 0 Ir1,01X - loroby rlven, thât p8tU0ts trcaflaai i. swill ho M tioilt Miamilne, Mthor rfyo wlimniltig, lan, tulîî rîiC tr for smiy otlîcr pur- Pose. »0 o t iait for a acemîd notIls2, for I min iriidy quito ont ut ptitleico. IIl NILY il. BETT$t WV!islby, Joua 2à , 1870. 241 Tii. itunul nelng of ttis Wliîthy<biehan. 1"a, Inattoto, att! bu hllis lathe. Il an- Konday Evening, Zuly 4th, At 8 o'look, A fuîi)atteaiond a I.requeald 1 ,U. crore- In- if, in.. 'Wiltbve ,June 85 1870. S28 * R0VI1îCE Op' ONTARCIO. >,TEND ER S wiii bl riolvçd b>' the undcralgiied, it tîlâi.Dcpartmnt, utitil nieti, on the isi-isDA-Y Olm JUJTY, 1870, lu tie ToWualilp ofMnoan, Jounty of Md. diooox %placa undi$pueldeaolun.cati bha ono utUGloncoo. Inl' the. Townsilp of Bror-ko,, Couuty of Lanitol: 1'an isns siwe outluna can b. slit at îturd, In the. Towns1hlp cf(Grey , County irf Huron.s l'luneud t)cifioatlum cati b e uu t Wqi- ton. ltlt lieowsîlip cf Eupti Tilbury ud ls- *ligli,(onîîly Ket: l'lit h siatîtie ociflstiotis omilt eli a est iiîry Eusmi P. 0. ?leWîsaand Speelfloatioi for ail teas Worlcs eau liii ceii iltis Dppartmeîît, unîd. alter the lut 41Y il ixt.atthie îplacesa bove uitiuned. Vin ls owost or'aîty Tender vii l ot rus- * comm<liy bo necoaptad. JOHN OARLTNa, Depmrtîtuet o f Putblie Worlca, Ontario, -1Turouto, 241h Jlue, 187. 2 * Tie u udermiguad liai on baud, at A large quautlly of Lîuiner, visicl b. FOR S I[J AI ras ILOWIuT NARXCET JATEsi, Mr ili Lumbor of ail kindi sawu on lte iboreatnata.. A..B. (CAMPBELL, BrookliloP. 0. Brookln, June l7th, 1870. 28 A GENST8 W AiT E D TO0 BEL&LoTEE '. w LL5E3at»l.1 JCTLY .IUGAZJffRS TO HA.VD CIear the ic r O' ped a~i, Jos. H. LSWJeCCG çp preseçs our firmn, carr1es arg, ock yoirAN fa.vors wilbereeeivedwà Aniin eor1?~Ids0z e e omne "-hi to-our tieoucs Paten t Horse, Hay F'ork ipçlIPulreys and'Rop'es t iatèlî. f a Stock's Celebrat.edmachinea4heQis NE TLNIY RTSkBNT, ILast Not Least-The, peiMonwho borrowèdiW rp'andtShierU,' Tnt daNEWeMILL rl r h&lBONNETS, ors, bl P onii~ o REO*1 FLOP. KiS, SHAWLS, is-kindly reqnested toreturn them without fà rffier .nôticî * cnesinaâ<Ot~7l ~rXBOS H.&Bare agentz for W&nýiýîl ad !Rà aymiotïd-d. cebrd à 0?ad eoo ie lIjofbt No BLACK SILK, * GRE CT ON Sewîng ~Iachue& - Plcà s~cafand examineour Englieh-r6 acres of the eSEEuTIofS l.9ImortthéEnlii, euutaconcessiR * ~ oof erul D ,la1AUE eWhiby, t eh,1870. Pl c :TliGi b ygçon hig. *Th.otrna rdeon1 exrcelln iwo fi alite nfBR(tivittRon quierende r o tgbr i,~.B Y E vod~an, ilîsît7ctst starfo e ucigPwv.I GJ4 ET RZE 2'T .'4 RT ~ ~ . NE~W AVERTIsMEp~Tg~ p~iy,~j~~TUE Pnposas.iîs p opety + spironEdp S _______________ al ofvoaretti ,Te enireaoinghif OTHn4 ta £4 R RleTH L TEST STLES. ___ d land, bruwb <vo trei e o~ r o n ctales A DV R I T EN», S ILEC B T . F I, P,' . sodcdro a b i., tlld ux a o N A I U 3 ii -t i mi teabeari:ig f<ail. à ÊNEIIAL OOID Tiinlispntabia. Tis . roparty laxsniso l Lna aok n ~ UI R~ IDWDD VZ SERVANT v~~ilImuekocither- oui.ortwoee1ulatt,- WAGEIr,- StPEU IQNTJI, I' efsalc apply t- _______________________ (51 aiJITJe L . H.GERRIE, tug,&ocrIc WILLIAM MoFF.FTFEZC3 - pply t--»ua t,1kî>'9.SSo~r Ltmicluay JE.R ~ ~ . I J MMDOLLL Sl~Agent for <ha nsale cf car ¶L , no17. 24 ~U ~ N Ontario Stretua. PSIrTDAL.1Q-1w r oa.Zi f tSCtOCLAB.Wc1caav.oaadi etMd uis t oabl gtïusSiata as cala.oisa m lhuiumti eri. tianit addlrasa.ldatesathe b aoau . a .usaiis sat l a .1 0Vie ftes Es ofsW11011 are grenue anis vu l e m~îo VALUABLE mArIai omTeita i ESIIS fnîetu rd c ud y neforatilitdfaèaalible. Unnuan Cpoxio-TiseSkia-Tis ru iaalltuu'tne aeilv~liuor ?aanovkassgeyrl ,"Plie pur t tal;>tr-e, liard snd Brtl lit Ceapa.s1caw- a .eb ae E.1as.à , i- Sie Teacth,, &c. snea. icr A iromatieeuas caihaoproducti d. a 00. T. s an Thea pocuilar <orýnaand ietntihiicanracy aI- WIt1t a viublie coluaction of nov sud li ats- tiby ltse id of oomplicatod ad sudCMMECE IHI .IRtli'G TTyI porta t toipes rceuatlng teneto. inualîlery, varra t iis tu rina iebng tiiena C O M N ES10S M R TI -zi ' T ' ~~h tainfrsî hontlie Prfeat Ssotea vr aaîsiAT.OYA - IIanut~ocbnrtr <ifniocoiitou n bamie it îgTht Annual GOnMral oct;-.iz orutuitaoîo Peni'neury &iT'ollet Artucles%, IMPROVEMP.NT OF T111E EYE8, eo f thpylî idi anari skli ,.l Tornuto, P. 0. Box, 1342. bcho ielâ i u iteir' PW S O .lnuo2S,170. *. * m-26. . * ANDLAT à GEXAT MAtiT '.Ana A Iîs l U E iitôt . enlris.g ta iii,!aigsd. Se thty ansti7 18to. v!OURTir iutrIJY -7. * ja Ubaèîates vol! sa ihua hat. *-*LAZARUS, MORRIS & Co.,aCil!lx0 Jy _,ROEO0,3ir - 285.Notra Dains Sireeb, (ap Staire). on We are bouiùd to hà ve the Oheapest Store in-.Town.-., <RR ~AWR OSJEA.MONIYY, ;4rè D»AY OF"JULYTl NzXT, Every artile will be reduced -Ja, Pr4ce. 111.9 EX £PLOTNQ OPBOLA&R. -M A 1 b 4' E x à à r s oni ýo FOR' tobc abls e- DrefGaoâ lapidl; disappeariig.Prints afý,Whoksa1 ÇASU a remeval of lits (e!iargtr B lank , ,Y lta - prlem TLweeds reducçd to Coprie. re TO onmnn.easesilu . pric Greyuait 0 it W t o iaul eso f ieDqiiinPriag-,nd Wbit-e CQttous, at piece prices. R 0 C Il E ST ER. ofrsetsÀiak.dBestg .Of ~w61 akesatWoeaeCs uln 'Feu0ie u algttcd viilpuy thie OUT ' order ti af tIi at Whourd, Cemiiier.lin a-o-' 'IGHEBT MARKET PuICE, Jue 15, 1870.- aî rèaie24ro 1 cnsyard X 7 .6*&umc Lace Sha.wis ait halfprices. * r For an>' quouttr.ot Oala GeWis Goods of ail kinds rèduced'té Moutreal prices. - -- Wihuy, un,22,JOHN IKEITIU. 1870. aîJoue22, 1640. 25OR OSE MONZ'H., TstueaeumLÂKsîpautg T~ AFERAli PDODIJCE TÂICEN IN AMY QUÂNTITIES. G1~JMO1UIUW5ArO ~r . .ti "~Whitby, June 28, 1870. EtIB0 m m iunudersigiied higo te luformn thpullo v LL, , Oaa lit he lias ounliandth te largemi. sud beitstock- cf Papar -Ilaugimiga StTKDÂY, 3rd of July, next, lus tours, 01or cf lie AC8Tf WA<SRN Lens, Wiîitbx at 5.00 p.m.; oAhava, 5.10 RwowmaELvrannu W WA R E-Angnsetslt an i . 8 pm. t Io . . 0 p .m. f? * aîWOj& N. A esiebstenm;Dri t,61 5 %; aît h lie effara fornbiale, very loy, fulsux. bO'Peniln ru,» (xa-r jIlPean Bark,"' * Colerg,9.18 P.m ;Caiharnua"g P ainting, Craling, aztage, g -L Fet ýrea. 1. 1 3p.sî.; llr ir.ou ai * k. 0 2o'loc k., sud .Paper Ilanging, executeal lit a vork 5~ Rxvussse-A Spatai Tran viii auve nailîke aiiS expeditiuuna niamner, as tusent. &PBN lioohester uni tuae vonusg etrita 4th, sud lha A. C. WILSON, 0T. 2. TRIE GIZEAT FEMALE REMEDY. Steamer viilanu Chà sj u tearvisiDndsSre , j 1870.yN tae trniti. Iot ulx rte !Wîtîby,DuaaSne.Wit April 21, 1870. 1-tf Job- Moses' Periodcal Pills. *-a ' SPEIAL-TIte 1lckcl. eod-frtIti. Ex- __________________ euralon wilii Ie goo.1 for the tnipoftitiar ouaaueaha2îî! i . uuy, wvltiitvii o A1'&DULLE.1, Tles iuiltia}llemealtelno lan nfailing lu the Oods lhId et.eti putleutsmie! porta fur cure of alit tome paisfutan sd daurarona dis- Claite ufiiw- ilits,-.1C.u.;O MM I SSION AGENTS, qnotwi t i tsîle fernaaîeconstitution lismuit-.A T- 9,80jbon 18 .nu; 'om.lep (LLEC lIOBÇ, acoovyTINTS, &a..' cletrucion, aud: a poodytiro may brejicd * MMILLÂN & (3015 l go- A baiîletîii l3xnd of Musiacgogatire -orTe- on.DLAUM the tbip. OFFICE, le Gi lt'iack, Oshawa* tlmîcurl ut OMed.ItD lAD, iEs.a hottThe subacribers é'to iblimalte (heara- Tll vilii la sfavoirablc oppotnnity for Voub. 28,1870. ig on <heiontl eldwt-rglrt.rvlo hlhWo hi pigipra vuitsxtg ita heautittil City oest iotmen. Ain- tiéne,_________________________ bntig ilarge pandi vtitregianty f ta ttllbffortiç to vlsit th<e many pilas cf lu ah Cames; cf Nerrona anti Spinal Affec--los bc m rcca ug u 'ra Interoat lis liae viclutity, h tisaGotco Falli, IX IITBY TelÇO r-A TORY tiona4, l'tttnKiits tisaBaiok uîtiLimbu1 Fatigue * assortrmenî of Stupieansd Fane>' Dry Cai Watgli Look. tltaAqueallia, Mount TV .1. jF . ou sigi t texerbti, l>lpita*'n tt o e liart, Ooeds, (Jiotiting, Gr-occrlas,'Liquonaand licite Ccnatory, tho Nuramferfo vicli Ro-,Iytniu ti-0tietiaP-l tt fittWines, bich lte>' are delermined te salf i ieno a5 lamous, &o. cor. viesi hciler ineaus have aliiee!;antiad ml alac n(ot JaCinltesu 0nîs 200,god S E P H R A 1 N E R etsietiegli a povorful renicely, do net comîlaià a m lavneo ot Ficlteta t hrot adrtri 3 0,go rou, calomel, iiitony, or atuyîtîtng urtfüi Morra"Small Profitsansd quick Re- for ai regnian tlit cf tuuouteaatîtr dtinustise, P 0P I1ETO I. lt théco,itutiou, tr& foIIle o oak. 'oui nia tha e Polw ull diractruts iii te rouxîiphlel urcunai auci * tts"Io L W L itîg agentsi;s Whitby, T*. W. Cierg; Ositava, 0pakatge, wiair honiti ha carefully proitenveti. ALWE .".S IE9 Jaote 0'011; Bownannnille J. MoClnisu; *Thoisc uiacribcr, un rtlrciug hi& ip. JOB MOSM E * w TOE. SOLIE ruopRrrrohie * Waluave lu stock l100 packages, oflte, Newcate, .W, nd 1riosGcoeathantisto ltae many frlenstd 10 nl1<ciafriotguumd~aboie celabrateal stock Aie lu prima Coui- llendersota1 Cobourg, C. Eliot l borga0oeoodt Kecar Btgitn, . Siali; ransd cuaottmers oifth. Witîb Nrttrp it! yaitaNa tata ngta-diin bc aofe Ihemnfe BLAKE'8 PATENT - Tite uutdarignco, baving purdaio',i' front ERHJT TAILOR, - EL SI * * ~~Mesr. ilatubaüsd Treiinm,' ts iegitî inn&a O X LS1- ýfor tobiE s t g. lntîon'xhi& patrotns anad<Ilu publi gavamus. OWNSUP 0 PiCEaRIG, tiat-iame o alta p1nrexs LiU.LJNG OFFMACHINxI * op ]ic -next door cuit oft11n. Ciosb>'1grooy - TUE ISEÂTS? - oveale 1'aten Plouiî More, vitere h ite b., - . -e- Pfug te, rselvo ordrsaLa INVENTIONOFýeTIIEDA C thDg 0eitt leila famnltaG~LEES A ~-e (Juta Wronglit Iron Stae -Bais.Tubiug &io., ru» -lWl Oaf, Le-aent Plough. Palot i forge, ebi or litioseudam*v0l!doum ueS otk>-l,rS tishes«r1, T nuamveable Point uh;-* -FcMu. -- ï.i -: ~ Insu liantr uad a-bSt u b-caiedoue it a day 'soslcns ie~udnt lni4sr <B'15 tkaJ - - on Ms.iiu Sbep aboula bu vitiont oue.- e, ont -aiav thtv fie moneable l'mt<humgiiteel s~~a un ,1w ga on>'1iht. rtiedu ~îtlwMovjable Pointa. Sav1 naoney I)umlnlsn, for sale. - ' GEORGE- COLLINS, lilt)ap~r~ bpnha - GER<s BLKE.Audley.----<--'rJ NFEAGUSON. - v;paus. ~.hlbyisy10170 Jn 11,180 S ~ îdŽy at. 7,175 9 L ..OVYViSD&,,rVyyLJ.g.'w i. ILSAUS: ERy; ][URON BOUSE, r R. SOW,. - - Poprietor. 7h. aberveii.Pllknovisoeà el lias beeu <Alo- nongiti4y -todsiuted andi nowhy furnuimitp&byvie pneietit prapnistar. Thto Stabling, -&c.., isve been put lu auefficen.t sate4)f kreulal n. tuent. (If gncs4s. beain Tsalisn, udtiîtbittèwm » f the of WitaaLiqotsud(Llgo rit keptaltithe Ban. 17 B. annoonosalttacis la ra4ta ?sinie 'a hlibed nnsobo pailisfor - Tuniinfodvsl, vfiéli an buthfâaijc ut îbearrea acByron sbret. Iý!bjJunalute170 - >-:*22- COeiZ&sIONERL2ffÀN2' REER OUS.E B. PLANK, -- -- Pr p ieWo. a8lst.sîmd4rIfom Witlby caIaIalyr \E*vny- îitantiçupjd - a tful ae4.staè HE bciler be"G' n U0USptho , na eieldteébuf]Ohà g Î ernt:Sknovn $ita baîtof style. MFit. pnaml.esareépleamuly .eiuae4 0poit th& ît 0ISc, &Do là the Titoeliallway OmnibuseColsat lita Rotel,ad hua *tagos firUxbie sund Bèavo.tluave *cde- - , EÇortfleOBSO . Ceo,. -A y ers. GENElIAL BLAVCKSMITfl4 AND-ýý DIJEDAS STREET* Wittby,19;18m. !'-y .- ent. ocA dReeiy# a liuacoesret h irdkoornort othOnai Bank.,'- SolteOlro -oià ent aî su dsd >lireaIo. 17 VÉTER11VAitIr SUJÛIGEO1, (7raduate of Ontario letera CIs> and Zatd Âsafatanst o Pi'o U. Paor. BUCKLAND,*Proaaoi'ofAgaeture, « -"Tronto Piior. SMITII, V. 8,, Principal of Ontario V. Coiieoee. ap. B<>VELL Toronto. "TIIOJBUlIN, r P. $.- mil'EW EETÂI'plEzc ap b c o niut ai Profesaionaltyut bis roaidenci, Bro)okinu, ah alil tr.- Brook lu, April 14, 1869., 15 0ENtËAL fOTL, BEIUURiAK. JOHN BATLET Proprietor. The abbiv.- otuW t1tely fittedi 0? and furniéthe&: Gue*tt wvîtiln& cmousi accommodation aud sttuuion., Ocoa roouay atabliugandattentve cahtem.î Jan. 26, 1870. - *4 ûrC'IY,11OTEL,' -Nos. 78,s 809 and M,, St. jeo"Pli84çe q taiolo'075o7. TlO .uribiiaoI ffedl bv ua ortêacmosioi tustaERln ulc l.sccinitiôt ae!th et id hcu si'n ïsYoctfa;wfh desr ta rd sud-tultllngt ru liiuag ontk et tse 'Rojali fotel. , - oý1 ý -r Mns. Keller and Mise Stuart, are nlov lu rceipt of thoir of -,bofre Mil1lnrv-' ciao Mandes, Dr... ooda Fruits? <osn, loopali Is. ole>.C aiIrssd (Juf. Tce Bsndker.. *bitâ ek, laCiilsdit d Silk Nix, isipsies swiichua, Chigiions, Rohiier BasndisFsud Coaronutt, Panoy Jowelry, andS8tationcrr. 8'lraw-work sud Stempi.îg done bo order. ilttbesgoode areuaw snd woU séoecWpland hal usd itorst >'caiiing. l PlseotheUic ddreos,-Tio iýIid- iug ISonCli otie Royasl Iotel, Brook ;btj.-, H OUliE TO LET IN BROIUGH-KM. XTo Vry tsitsblujor Sito ier,.Tm$.orï irÜness mairert or Stère, appiy to- JOHN PIIILIPS, Broughanm; April 27, 1870. 1 1MONEY -TO LND-1Oo.. nd L.(prvate funds),ats percent per anouan. -Ne comiIncbsraid. Apply to, J.K. GORDON, Bsrristr. Wblthj', Jane-2,1870. 0 UU'E OF 7THE CIL-X BRATED TROTTINC "GREEN MOJNTAIN:,MORGAN.'> F011 7TB£ EASON o02197o. VMPvn fv 9,118 lliloeA o s ontstand FA41 otel,0- nuiogteiéadyioeo te Mieyis$Ae' Illuel, ceh noon; Uaoo-q, L. Mu.acn'a, (JaibrAy, sud romain al ali Tuzmà ÂT, proceed te Morts'. boteS, Lindsay', and romaail niglit. Wood, ut.noon 4 tli oun co (unvoy'a Sotl, Mouillsan sd s¶asln igit iaîid, nutiDoon fltience te Varcooe. iotl, hromsintoii% sud ïronan ight. PUMA?, Winiprtecd (oe John Francia', Desry~. viiei nt noon Ç tience to lii.hie. a'aud. nt Wutil'dlotei, Coniogton,*ulld roma uligtl Ig TitIs route viii bu continuel duiing -TERKS.-To mlureafoi r thé o AÂLVABLE PF&BX [ V012,8LE, Tuetm;l*ber las Voceivod linstrucionfrcsm MEYH!uMA8 ]BROWN; toeiI llby pnb- lie onction, -oh lte premise., on i Titat valuai!. Purin,balngcouap«osd f.part ofLot No. 17, Iu tihe Brokeen Front .nonceaalon oftbo Township of Pickering, So4, suing 50, acres,, mors o.oî u. Tiselandisfà bles qualît,and in aixi e lte ofonlinittion, there tsasgood DwaliIn ouse, wilh rain. -Drivial with good Log Barni sud, coher outbuidW'à . Twa minai! Orchards of fruittruvt o4 gata. sud buaste ccii e voryflield laid ont vîth good lcrosfences, ithintise lait five yeasi. Tho p)roperty la2K. jnllea rom Duffla(rek sudFrenclimena' Ba.y sations, and a mllîJetam lte>tlo f WIltiy., Tarin say, for furilior partieitlara opply 10 Titota.a Biovia, on thoPr.imisaa or to the suis Auctaoueir. -Pickering, Me y W, 1I7. * td--2£ 12'$TTE NTICE-AU.perron&javn j0Afà cioaugnintat te estato of thi.à ev.ý PiluorSmaith. o f h4 vllage'cf BmkESUni are b" ereis noied t I laýjrau& thea sute 1 Miy Ot JulY Dnay., And aU parions indablad- to the @nid Bi,%saoaerqete not h Dro«kil, May 28,,1870. fiOJES'4LOT$ ChebeubplauIbevbug buau-lutrtaeted byte Pro- ~y,»lttttredoontioIn 5.rooma, panîr>', vais bOuhe..adexodiS>eul- qeuiar, vîth ode 's--- --wt Goc ýraC' Srï Bobq s,, -'J ,cep It coalde wen tyudo1It-à l*m,