Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1870, p. 1

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lo"oessv019 rTiti Nomme * 0 -At àisP rin ti i & Sssbl inent, A LL%, dvertiomgtmqnaeumr clin Nonpir- tlia~l,and ebarged attbe raiteofa cents e lee6,1tratt nsrtion, asud 2.0ent» pet lino * ech ~.r..,,fLt5timadewith advertlsrsby ]ROYAL CANADIAN flÂNE * WIIITBY BRANCH. 7ARTHUR RCIB2, WilITBY IIRA?<CJi. K. F. LOCRIJAUT, (hall>. eeni P UR N, id Puie llm rr,,v- ýy vui'kstj,iiul fe li mu,be filite wogiei iive I t>N, asotie ehoatp, tiifliN, t foi "Il 'litia hiegj to to. and I t itit bu niaklng sit t su-. md te-wl littpste CLARK, Mis eennstoe CÀ IL R VI-AL 1 AS lirsno's tare qNTER, va. zER. lut i . @[n. n -xeiiie inuite iak1 110itthhe nuitM. .1889.ý - Jr., SCAMERON &làJIACDOINELL, I:IAIliBTUBAND AMRIMA Lac1 S, tbloicitorm te lite Batik u oi litreî "Ii 1h. (orperat11of utle cuîttl t' ai littaric netaries-, &c., &c., Wiili>yc. W. M.(. CAMeno,Q. 0. I.J.Mnei. ly tai lite Olfituofe lte ditIl, cco;trt! louse,. C.1- OCHIRANE, LL. 1B. C QOUNTYCtow 'N 'ToiýlSN ~FOR1 >X %,latie,littrri*ter tii ttortiey-ait-Law, Su i0SoJu Ii 1ai blteerY, Nottry Putblic, &c.- (I1ç49...rî,te .trccî, ttext doui to le> AUtOST'EI, ATIoUN l.S * CiN VEYAN B Dr,1eputly iegistrur, Ilanttîr Etratrîi -laryt aud sxiittiettî jjClliicer, toi tnt ('Ct ' y ofolttrj<,. Oile-Bi e lc-Ml., btlutbh>. > ROililT J. IVIIIfON. P. 3x. JALtYblu, BA ltk4Tfl1-A'r-.iAW AND>ShB'iî Torontoi 'i JADîFH JIEI-l1it<oIDlOfb, tory' Pulici. &c. t >tixt-Next iloor lu lte liter of L. &J. Cattiotte:*I, BIlk itît.,M'Il iiy,lit. W 14h, o. 1867.AILJAN44 » 1C. A. JNS 13&rrlister, Soliciber la b..htîumery, Atm toruey, &i.p &ce Ito.'n eoveil Ii.. Office t-oist fluor mier tilti W iltiiy, <>4A. 7, 1868. '1 FAREWELL & DICUEE, 4 ltIS tVJYbu18 ANI)NiO- Ji. E. FÀItLWELL.R.Mfîi Aàttor»eyu'-et-lsîw, soiïclt#srp in Chans- neiy etd lislventcy, &c. 1uîmerie. A. W. LAT LAW,, 0St. ,kL2CIIs.I J. iIAJiEIKR tE~iO A 'rOltNZ.Y-AI-1,A W. su LIC0i'IîiN hOutitt Il> toit stren4M * JvYAN tNGLINS, L L. Il.. flARIUiitTEUiAT 1bA.",:Suiuictto in Cltani- JL3 cry, Contvyîaiu, &c., &ce. 40 eJAMES LAMON, CONviyA tCE)I, LA N sAiE" c {etufji.-tJver Artuutâtrutg'e i-ul MiiS Uxturlulge. Uxbeitige, îu tt 51. l'2 , DR. HANCOCK, ) ( iMiN EtIttLANIPtutiTtiet au1t f(L'ON, -ACCOUCHEURI. LI,&r., l>ujtIGEî>)N To > liEt IN 'atAtL, W. H. LAW, B. A., M. D., T OW N tl.t11 t-'ulbul il ui'1i% ýWElLlINGToN 11'TEL, MAIIICIAM. Ilit t wIL11180 1SE A. WILSON. Jr., - Proprictor. ftietîîs4 t tlidt 1e ttiiw *iýr"r,itlilt fi, jutol4 e lesî i t>tit.tt eiecs1144 lt iie 0 Villatje of A* J tietî, fier ii. tt"utîi (te'tt gitri r- qoIllag publhie, Thlit 1>01154>titOw. rvit!lier. $,jar!,';r. OUti te sO ill tiiîîdeV£,'y e'tt it suit dcgarx 'if the L-t jireti i awape ktt o* L0«..LGoàd stabliiig tmud attenttive Ositrsliti RyAÀL (JANADIAN 110TEL, PORT 1'IIRI, ON~T, H. OY, - - .Proprietor. - suerior mcmmdi'uî ood laluilîîg isadb ,hed reont, sud attenîtve oitleré. Prt IVerry, Nov, 8, 18609. 45 DEPOSI'TORY I ne.v ed seu ll t i tOLI of B3IBLES and TESTA]ÈzNTS,. - wtis, sud without tha psainis il, metre. flow te Jha touuid ut thet, OIepOrtty ofthe %% luthy »rautcti libi. Socitty. Tho stock fti> lhcett .e- leeeJ bythe lYepo;turaty, witiî gren't Car', .îtîd wtli b. (baud tu lucnb)ràtuctniutiler, il uricias otyleUs of' tbi>iJttM 1 itii sd ottuîît * Drhitor7y-At Jss. IL. Urrie'A iruc store, WiiJjly, j Li y 21 , l 26. 'T'O lENT. ,&g rrt Wbiltly, i.t prosent occupl.d by te Wbitb7, Margh 81, 1869,.la8 Wigls 'oal>m Printed words, gros: thon ght ad VOL XIV ONTARIO HOTEL, fiat. C. Dawes'u.) WHITJ3Y. ONT£ARIO., A. ALEXANDER - - Proprietor. T it UFrs3!s P'tron toIhe piibi îWhilo pr'opricoroî l'ie aginta 'e< >rokl, atndioftflictne itnie iltritti oci;iCtît to antîonîîce ltat lie litta ine.d the ilîcve weii inîown lioli. Large addition» hatve beeti roeîîtly made to te prettîlse» secuir. lug trie Ltntuodions oieons mitoltion anîd 0 re ng ie imber 01i sleepiig irooma to 1erreeief nîorc thonu tormerly. A ftrt- Olttttfluiirl 'ior with i tres' tables haftaise been added. Exu-tîsin'e eddiîiomitît the Stabiing. $iicd». Ina... BOres, ue.,bhae aiso Iteen matie. Aleihii lite uniJermigrued to offer t3 is Oid Fiud trdiepublic geie- raliy adrturages ctint iit4sed b io ticulier bItel -ili the place.' .e wiliifit al l imes beiiappty te weJcotîe Lia oid firieitij. j MIJN WOLFENDE-N, AOIlYt FOI& TUSz CELEBR.ATED SCOTTISH GRANITE#. 9Â,/- At Iarbie Nl ukso; ofJONATIIAN WOLFEi.;DE:, Ditîaill.i-tz. W'tîitby. 17 NW EWAVsTO'dkvEo .L'ç vD WHITBY, PROVINCE ~ R E'DRIV1 STILL BELONGS TO TflE., lAnd1 beneath- "That flag that braved a thousand years, The battle and the breeze " BI cR I CJNG CHAI , *1* ' l.. Tanitil foir laI't p.,tronnu,-e, lwj T IN S -i o yand thubîllic, Lttat lise INorcder ta intel luie iuteretliuig demand in _ ti iueti l ut 14 Ile iltuitltuC iittue --C i__ lillritin, i d t l leie lildtrtttW utl n tiiof. tlic suutsirite i. ts0leîtit î' e i'ufiti 3utlIV t-ituîu, oie t-orw tut 0f 'liii & stttuiu's umit- tr I ritri Ieil EvTOt in Wluîthy md jthi t ile t'ontius S'rovlis & rr1N4" ~desiripio, ut lt , iin, l Sori W111 le uti t IÇIi tlîitr<fTititlts factured oh lie bestt iiteri;il, ltiil i jil li-ti us i 'iti'ttgt ius ii tt joli ; iai] ut ni uic!, cis lirtit(i ii L4 li e utaî ti r u ek i.ken il)ii s -ye fir e . 1. %Ii îu>y, Mt.u-nlt-Athu, lJOHN L o ARMSIROING'8 MOTEL, ' EVER Y Ali7ILi (Lb 'i's.)li i LJit' IBItit ilns lii t ' ttlie to his ' tull t't"ueilie t- utc' lue1*,,i(, u itunI-uis ltîtai, ut siuict..t u ltout îtet Query WL1Y là; itfiat tme 1eluiulta ru, 'or picturesq AT CINItK'S GAI.LERY? ltm. ui seeeie lune titu beset (muery iishie tlý Air Art'iat ils the Co>, sud cati li Istils xgonud wvrk a ai, lue andcl] ms-rtod- M -Ie baatuearn bouuttnjoilutgrfurs-ard. ~ DROCK 'ST.,,WrIIY,' Wu"lthn, ?o 12. 184;7. 4t (E'.TABLJIIrýD îe PATE NI OIIO A IN 1) DRPA U GIIT$M l,, A IN OTTAWSA. cANft>A, Tr iitt is ttuts'u vit lu titi' Pistenut i iîuu, ii. tIir "îîtutu ttt lv r. uttuuit ('u~î tit anidtitthr 'ejiîtuui i'Irud ofIli, 1tuttt iLni1sîrueutn titt u/ Muret, mt-i,. I Grand Trunk Railway HEotol. A'rT WHIî"rîî STATION, 11 ' . 'NPIt-l li-ivi ltipurelitt eti le iti1 -td ' tnn tu--re Iut>. tc (rut tutus iîui ui' u t îî'îs- it- lie ttî , l tive i lit, l , thilli-tt-t tutt ut litfilsi t- -- -i titi fili l t u tueri t--e tuf tLI Itu i i t-yfýtii. R,, 1 opposite the Cntacrio Bank, Jb rl itt-eemi C) fltb Otaînt GLJNS, LOCHJS, KE'YS, &C. -PARlAS.'OLS <dI«Al1'IZLLzt6', t11tti rui t-turd ti,' » .,d t,&C., A eIîet'e ai)Our Miî ie,, 1t.'.l Inc. Il' 321 COUNTY OF ONTARIOli jto 1.. 'A// re.Ii tv ttu ll, t'Ir seufl t t-ti tuutrui t h îiu'i" ti Jltlut> ; u 4j'ls itu'I u-r Gaizette 9t îilem,,U libylt , nililbui a utt Wiuiul i.t lui.f>et B LwKSI 'Ths untlcrs'ugiel, ln u ririiur ilines te lit ftic.lt- ti, tui tuituu> tututttt'r tesaise 10 ueuture iiith tu t ii i I cîrie a'itrtiulti t ilselcire, cul, au t Isrùte.rc 'e4 exentleti ilitte liaI styie. REMOVED 70 DUND.uIS2REEfl opposite A, C. Wilson, l'uiutcr9s. ,.JHN BROWN. WIRITIY, -ONT. A. ]K A SON, - 1roprictor. Tiiher. v hlien tuorouglitrcnoraledl, auJd Le puluîile vili litdsuer>' accemmodutuen and tue Ceet attention. Aprfil13, 187a, ('9 Io .lnntnce te, his customers Libats iltw on hand the bestni tck of to tidîu atîî l'ily, firîiitiii'c0of l'r>' tuu iiu.ituisets, &c,*. ai lîtlanti- itl i ig asut juetior atiit t'k iit-tr lîke (0 dlispose oifaIutitreieede-ttedly for zCash-! Tîtone wlso buy carly can rtow Im lîîyîitt:j. 'U1'HULSTE RING UF.AA K INI)St DONE IN lTE BEST MAXXER. AND FUrI,;ERALS FULLY STJPPLIED.' .And riplciidid fi-ames of aIl kiid,-ov'al apd equaî',-to -buc hsad on thec prcurxisus. Call and examine lte stock, and wmn'hetr >'oîî buy or not, ygliiLt,-beheartý i l7 welcotie, ted receive ever> pole attentjuiotiinnspectnaii(.terbegtifU.g ttepeies - -,ýj DAVES*$ Crenm Aie vouits urderneaîh Ithe premisei, an d for sale whole sale, of whichl the under:iiglied acîs5 as agent. JAS. I. SA-1110 April 11, 1870. 1 MAN1IJFACTIJJIED JDY BRO N & PAT ERm O W E 1) E F 0 EtTTIO Siuten yvaur tprictiu'sl exyerlnc ie >tui'i-clîctu1i"pùrS mnti Mcweriî,salis- tiers ils thtitîts, 'Joiuu-ptutst l utgii itu'" u er> fa r in aui<iuit of t'any t> lu NItcltitte tiie tut (ie luu-.t iI titi>,1. W It-ut-ve jîushtunu]tt.i t itto Canada, aundumtnt ufautîfetil n ioteu ituuuutcr lteit-st-e-.-t i tut-J tt-> attre flic cuti>'tanuuacturers l Ltis nettseo cir 3i-î-iti:urs nll'uu-eif uctsuutail iiuiîroveonetitîs aNa 't-ir*à exjierittic- Stau irtt.dd&îruu!bol'. uut. 'lu '1«11(- hC terII(t-i tîu1Cin'uilin Confztrucu ion. ItS inni- dit;->' lit- atat tuplil)#telaiîd dîîruui.."lite et il-t-tue ta gel oulut (fou uer, l'ut cotiltintatiutuitf ninl n-id ttri in the ituger htur, ttw'ketilutuntire nt put-fecîttiuugn'r bars. 'iuetenat te driver, itueuiedti uuuus f t uite tu-uiug u eei, io ibalancies audt-ti ieve- the ti, gî'r bar. Ibîtit bu mess lit-ullet orbe akta su" tofarv letichinte (')il- ScflbuIc kist-e Ymuet peu-(eutct eve17 utrltea iitie -tan i t-t i elt-r erevolingr aroutl dual t-i4Ct' vto 1ie (li initmleelsgo jtiaced ta to le ctiaircly utier tite cotîol ofIt ti(drvvitciit ti iti,ir(- i'te1tut - IL t Cist;1t-u1 il-lite' n bIigintiri-inlu uil, ctr lodlgiti grain r-tIilU -ant ini,-on)d Shape. Cuita a Imx etu- t-Ii titi nu uas.lili lu' trbi uts .a 't-tlut tîtur bî'u'ruwcr, anîd no s/de uirat s'lsut-nr. ILtut( t-its t t rtiti rul.iiiinbtteiI, ront filtutetu tu>burtwntacreàa per dt-y, and lut-unlt-tis iweii C ii tt] iii t- -dilit-u3 it- ut u-v ilu e t t-util ->-ut* . ILi atittift-uet unuit ifor lut- mtguui -1. be UcIL litas bIeenu ueniottlrtttci t a sepii raie luiuîtr tt-] >lgtîrti- nu lilari-t utcit iirrcgrass t-tuti grt-titt. atht-t Cîu ititd lMt- Chintes. aluti e t'uî 111u14:1.î-lu ýinca itlue uggrt'g l'. hpeitett, a Sep-rtuui %,Iit-i iéi letus coin- pblu'att d liatita euurutît-lu nucrie ; :4->s liulu';lutgetutit ottor ler. t- ttlut as inra>-s re-d» ter work vuIîtttuî t ict u-tut,lse 6idclai'- l itariggtritsatt-e tIt tlueite r '1 bis ileîpi lt fi . JonnceuNitul op errutiçtu-t uut>' firt. y irshuoit ils tran> ' iperior Ïinhut uf exi-ellence lhuve con feir-itiluriggttîCrlute a 'm;ilfiuiitîue oifru and lo]a po- il- raer'er before attaitiod tuy à. yIir4mu in snfost arttLtieFor itutufi*rst Ito or ~'e - ears (t atas cienl$ritirely IUtile 4n"14s ru; Iliuîîdsriîîg tuto-t [tait 1m, i-açon,%ILmt a ý,del an, iîcdms - f-4 ii>elslcat grttni i-seîbuîîs a i Lb.ii iand ~~tm - 't- isa Ii tirehtory of licapiig M7thliiie. -~ T HEHARVESTOF 18C9.-OUR -RECCORD.'- For ber, searut ttete lt-sm ruat lita Fsetann wi uigrain h;îs beun runl"obil a 'ndt iuon for birtte-tiig tus ftle plt-tnt te. 'l.&Ir itrt amwluin ucts an'et-tlit g-y inar'. bîrokeru titi n-rn-t Iicstil-cit ItiL u l >rt f it u lua ît li-ui- l'Jt e ) fo i-nu- il1t-il. e i't ii li tut Contu itsicprfiai fitl;ut inteital to ait' ly aLudytnt] a coziujlete tnuîccceut aet cuti dit- cutd &iil/ttuuu j grci fi. SWItiLb>', -Ma> 5, 1870, BROWN & PATTERSON. O'D DONOV A N'S CARRIAGE FACTORI, (BROCK STREET, WHIITI3Y,) WiII be fotind a large Stock of (?arringes, Buggies, &c., of the newest styles ind hest finish. Best. work- men employed,,and ail the materials used of the best quality. EE Particular attention given ta repinirs rW'hitby, .Apî'il 2 7, 18 70, M.O'DONOVAN.1 j lit(4 The i For opi Ifnma fren'k- in]t, grau, ta U ,y stueei, mY freu!o t ft., t4ewant e' elaca * ll Parîli Wm.,heard Jî J 'et'e queLz.ai aiteepi y 4,lca l rdit'ni>' fremi' zilpes i la -t) itittir fliite0cit yel, '>ttuid liaîtgsîjte I i but 1 reit a t iii Oul deligbt dieu the Lust "cuti lsy:v ea;-oien, aud ihe cuaeh rotled b.ora the i r bearin,-ti yfii> v> r t aa 'eaasu toUr antd ienvtrug me'sale oc Tsil ruato ouse foir1 biree or four bleu.s- lt eti Aecfks.' w'a unit fien 1 coulti homon nigi ettirs4y sic ,.' 1antd j1 opelted lie wirdows te let iu tie Jon pie sky, wch ad tigrovo calinin sunreti- reg ter O ai seà, t.dainLalo ea in.ebeir ge ltht 4dreang., ,or ,leçp, jus aai t " chance.ld qutt'î deto.I couitici tau.î ~î-4t whir -f -îbc-tij e cthe m ' aei oV*i6ser part cf the leuse, feil but nU9c. w bàn d,-tiquuected it ssrîh uý ay dfle nemt.lbd. -g to.,Oil à do but lt ' 9 s y- coIin r NO027 '.tliflg down euth ber arm veypreuy 'iy Uncle,coen-_ là vere gazin&, 'g, perhaps?, tan bis lips. f Ged didn'î thiogs ereîîv, gt--bow dace. speak p'i 'r anyhr*rùt lk àé<.ýjy orchestra; hb f the eoiu utjonlg Gregorian ilew's long"s only ni ringiîîg, Andtihe ýo cat, teir nude Aur saîeîtidsel 1 F siug your songe; ituldeit siiower I f cau'î have th. before me no'. gyiiium wcîth your n the verauda thet d to aQ the earîh e slueseàchose par, j geîrby ibm m Y lj& t ; ly in gr , J4t cens. e. fber r the ocean ànd4 refftion, existence S u p p s -, D eo , M y n , i every sanrrise m' as beconte cf my"hbreakl This was unansePr~ smer rereatet roum hî A ib mi tiagreenlilà couic se famiiizeti, < voice andi sfrp ce kuti grale Onef of ber ai eut her mrenet anti foul 'Oh, îhere's Waârren, ciîh e miehievons la 11--oa very wealthy Young mnuen,' te îLe ,luit hie deaceniftiirecîiy i"e ye,,î aitiBertb,-@C bu. sure ttelltMre_, L, young gentlec prolnseiy, it ji tîôdibis rami Berthe îurni Changes îilI be le. rà 'Coulti be-1 ,rd Bériha. 1-, 0r uteted lieh tri.' 'and bell minutes of hich the id Bertha he men- sheaed ZIA au l is ige1 -vbich natice,1 ul en.1 On. nDight h. arEi'iid Satt St the foot of the et£aira leadI, telegrapli office. The. door and lic coulti not open il. The. teIegrapb, las a aay un story, at the top of the bu operator bad & b.d tilerëto tireti prompt[y et threc o'ciec The operator up) Blaira loolietiat hi8 vatch.' iJenkisvnt on.tti 'Y 3a4 aWeil go to bet.' And the...W iisnya*ung poi e yYeý7t In go to smre othiat iiaitbirj4Y o mus ny cuber lin.,' aid 41Îe CorteeO0dénit 'Ah 1i ly.got lt, ha a4ded, and before the, policeman conld sak chbat >im.>wca, the exeited Zenkin, ha4 ,Odasto fftiown treet seif-a mad dog were after bina. -Jeoltiné rahbet breaîbiesmly icte atiother teiegraph office, six blocks away.- 'I sat>' Isaid beto lte éperattil', 9110 in a Ozs 1 Got newa te ge; coff in hall au houi, andi the stupiti operator et- my office ha gone to eleep, anti1[caunt get -anti- ,Weil, that i" fir.' 'Tell yen vhat 1 cento' saiti Jeukitis, endeavoring to catch hie breatb.. I vaut you to teiegragh dovn àte Glaegow, anti -kl the operater shere bo telegraph op here te Jones-and bit imtacern dcvii stairs sud let me in Il The operator roared vitb laughter al' tbis, but vent et once tc his instrument anti hezen rattling avay at 'a greet rate. This is the m-essage li1sent: 'Gtago'. Wae C uP Jones. 8jtation ýX; tell hum jenkins at the feè6vitof te Blairt cen't gel iiu.' Jonc, cas ieoking et bis catch again, anti concludet ibd boîter put ont te lighta ardti el bis littieý betiroom aeross the heii.vay, eben elatter I cilatter 1I vent bis instrument. 'The-e'a Glagcv calinig me, aaid Jones, aud hnrried to bis initrument -aud 'adcrufit go lot So yon seseflow 'a mal]sent sa sag tiarengl a soliti teer, anti up four pains cf Blairs, four buntireti miles anouni, sud- hy es>' of *alasg.ow, eud alvithin beent>' minutes. 'Yound hetter ask for mauners then -moue>" sait a muan te a lrez2'er. 'th' ara' 1 asitetifor chat YriuOt .t :ai tha Most of,' s'as the rt-t-- Wby is a pereaurn t-t-l t--it a plainuuff caqt lu a long t ti/-tt ldus? hIe is inousuitet et the, lent.' Probably the causaeof cemen's beeîi decaying sectuer thaw men'a is net iho- perpeinai friction efilueir tengues upon tle peatl, but rather tieosweeteess cf taefis lips. -A Nasbville reperter, in speakiug cf a femil' gatberirg in that ait7, tiescribes "aà ieveiy baby ceariug au elegant Marsilles_ tireas about tce years eiti.' Prince Arthur bas sâut bis phetegrrpit anti a Icîter te tie Hec. Cann Eileootie, ini chi@usRoyal Hig-bnesa exproees the great pieasnre with bchlioieattentied services ho the Churcl of Ist. James the Apoatle. The ýiucky litile C!îy of Raguas-one telles of lier as tlieng she s'as sentif- us going te try again., As elle cault4ary mnucb coal, seewtaits for a fuir cinG le hitave Carie barber anti altempt - 10 cross the broa t launtic, A couple cere recenti>' marriet in ony. The groom paiti thelministe r tco- dollars for bis serviest, anti then vaiked off villa tic iatterls sille bati,leaviug bis olti plng mn ils place. Self.made.- One of olti Bombey'. ad. mirerg a peing cf him te a vit, aaid, tQt-tu onitt te gie him credit fer hat bis bas accemplieti, aislue is a Selfnmde tVW~ one, e qu- mi fret Ber eko in vii Sgt chi wae Bto . ebe a tee or a8i b setug p e prcutianti greava> ri ietSo ,ette Ytaruing badle agnn cil] > reualon,, puoderît brauches; they cata teoun the air ihat cas l11e e preseuce feoin the bouka thatcntain dtheiuetr o 90 man>' 8ou118clibin iheir s'eiutbrowu cqVers; (rein the living beeatiuirg rose ail throbbing aund crimion,' anti the reuco- lems jtuponieas paiiid wiuh aupprc-oueti freg. ranuce ; trot Le 1i idsthuit s'euesiniling t Giîtia atut tLe wcuuutishat dore 49iterit1ý aK r;frnm eut-r>'tt-izug nolîinate ait( -lniue sarti xccp: et h Mii syu t eteucn>',' liv atoot cithut t le ti w u y r c s t n iy , e ti ug u is h i ug th t Witile soiq it i'inr me anti carcssiný uM>' lair w-li lier é Mail futiger-, let me gien e sitru tut-un l'au tn-'îcbcf ber, miental>' holding, ber et arun'o ieugib, andi pincbiag hur soniew.hutitl, un' ltritup. Sisu i rer>' prett>', ui- dubted>', club e soaii, s'eu- r med figure; an ahii.duut flowcof flaxen eris aiu oe'r ber necit afit bosota; dira- piet, coinrîcfs ceeits ; a pair of unLie bine ce eyes, tnhici do rot oft-en meet ycurs in uncoueciot-, ranuntuçs-,broken, ii temper- ed eye-brow-e; a menti almoet offeeiveiy t ù fn bua udiuug <lie Preîuiest - of teeîl; e nîîte bëanuitul,,enongli te put in munbie; antidti vdice of velvet chen she cl oi' o ts. Ad tiitt, my Cousin Bat iba is ne fui. oi Thé girl iLi s-if'uh atititreacheru, I1lenos', houdittg ber ucliioseattd liolting Ibru-ugli -bler. 8h. iî net capable ol' e sitngle acu c&i [t-ue, dtsiiiterveeeift ue:hip, t honth lure t- lea sort of carmîi somecliere in lier ntiîurea carSnîli l iacliscerci chaj ut touches, But ciy abeniti I bia "e lier for heing 'icpable of Jliutg or tiyitig lor un wfriet.ti? Ifit bat inîmortai streata that stunrie cweitcard freu» tie Mtario cere ctuaxet anud fitt4eda. î,e' iAai the dear litile brunI- - bauwol fid6qet PeoiS, snt ch araiutg fleb.jJ-t' v - ï1- ulti scerce conter ai 4njsi.~shei Isatteng itter of Niwaera. Abdti), 4f4ome irnal- sysieta of pipes coabota4_ <,y je Custin l3eriîha'o ettrjo , y lnhNeetuu eforeibie'h-ire tint-e t o uu ue'uiîmcîtâ aidA icte, it uen't bert Ilsurc-ty. Andt e are ex j uulg> id l iwai ; est -*b c ibter u6m) t iyltiet-uîea igltumes unoteta use toe sh uttuer ; esu'ute chtuumuttg liiile notes ; nd fat lieu tua ciii-th abs itneoIfueht girl. thouIh sic managneste loklein l ail my beutsnàa, nd crumn u, asud fine Weil, cuIthat June day I embrâceti leri eulh a ëliiitt seringe, aui,d5 saiug ber inî >'-Y taeiii~be tayehi upon tic fit-ur, oenî'"saci of lier armus, citi ta> bauds cle;peti earounti ta>' lues. aMy avreel Meria lan&le.saiti 'lo ie'cll you hîve bere about 7 1 can't comprehsrtiI1 Wbat whîl-yqu do 7' puîine sncb a bl oO pli b ler face as matie me vaut te box lier er'> 'Ber laif yn-ar epy tue, 'Not foi ~Rgins, i but chat cilI yen del?' 'Obi, cur : hIte, anti piucl un>'cheeks ant rat titudra. 1 Cao alInkmIe Oa chair alnaosî'au graceul> ast you. See 1V 'Hos' abburti I but ven't you bc afraid nigbua ?7 - 'No. ' am net besitifol oneugli te- ttlnpt tiequraige sud dospalrie eVersi cor" au yqu fait in iré v ae 1we7et ge in, àttiwju You are vet rîha Mili one hy ail flesil presence of thi mnusic, tee, ib' bearing'ai anies of liroec iant; wbere ý lt a todcuh t0 rouingasîotn rien ihueot;a ou and Mr. Lye ifor me,ý t' l>t to r tule t NaÏ, net Dpl )ubie' te bcW inysen, lmli tut ts ongl1 Lyl ht ilb.0ygy, i conneloa àoi adistancesteik 4neà as oui h 'Ob, every wbere. Wiet vo see isn't eheus hoi, ut' Goti, bit eniy a seep et i:î garment,. Periapa the Mule>' Way tbert facroffs migit Lue a girdie, anti the solai nsysite- jeweicti breaït plate, or oui>'a es rose upon Hus bosoci. 'Are ce aet God'a bosomi Mariant' *Yes, tier, or in il- It llircbs and n sentis the wouldm spitning tlirougli bis teins. Do you suppose uny littl, specle cr d giobule of blouti in tuis cee bandt of YOGIS kuowis or can understauti yen?' l'Are ce in Goda rveins, Muarionu V e'Yen, ite one ; in an arter>', I thinle. Deu'î yen fee thte tbrob i don't yon feel nieur Lhesrt 7' t- 61s thet chat siiekea me se soinetinies? t-tauet inte chubti in e ehuo§per. F 'Yes, love4; doi.,t fear, it's God'a beart beatinig.' Il caut lu go te tieep, Marian ; ten't you l7 'Yes, Pansie, 1 cant te go te tieep.' Eit tere cas ne sieep for ua, bal cali- ers; sa the helu said, chose- imperioui itiuug betraveti ta>'Utîce Tliomanis baud, w1iihpreaentiy ciaspeti mine. Andti Iere cere Autit Atite, anti Bertha, anti estran. ger benuutti. Itr. Lynde, Mre. Looiîîg ni),in tht' diran ight of the hall, 1 5is' a daili facut- with cdean gray' eyes, asauti aý,euoh carcecs black heir Ibrocît lack frotu a ie, sirthitg foehead cbicn ftit nu pieyed upniun aputuy trame, but s'as ro)almu I>' uîîrce. lHe gîceinti me c.tl gr-ave kîgîdîtensj, anti shuîn ceue-uier tFe cntnu.ýd2lîier rave mu a look thet maIe me i.'ei Un3 itiun.'bMta>' ut erein te gia-s case uf ntcctt-tmcuit ciariiets, but becate tt-uuispa -epini, inuit proper, anti polita in- medt-ntely, rcsnurîng me of OluaCt'byj bs i].nu-utanireuid) m.n4uuy tiuclo- t iiozna.4, dlitîsi> teligt i ian lîinsanti antise lhotusoftin feuttau eu&ta e eOni> li, as p)nsoophers Say, ehl b4diott atiruct i-t prupurti'tt- ta ilir quant -ity of,. iâer uhenu cere M'y l tb'u's.lla every attracluve pLeeot ; as it la, an>'body anti sjont reéoi froua hlm, îbough I tiaure Seay lie 1 tut a ver¶u gond sort of man. He considers lhiraseif a Itbtlîîsopber iiideed ; Dot oe u ytiur gitn>'Piaîo:iis, but e genuitue lia' cttîuuai; tiu the lruth of 'wbieli estimats the ditiier.ttnbie giveia teta Otesîtmonups- tarI>'l, auJ luis otin persan puttni>'. As tu .ry Aiat Anale, auy one cîîb eyei i ud read bler at a giance ; Sittiug there in san eceomJiceil gra>' dress, ciil a pro- cessïion of tiels cnurcbing preciaci>' ihgîtlithe mîddîset'flier chite cap ribbon, suggcairý of Sanida>' sebool picoles, anti ber feanînres atrauget inb proper ortier fur the evenitî, l'iota chicli ortier not au caribquuake coniti more thena. Sb- , sa guot ctu u>' iie yard sticke, geomnetrtcaiiy bel>', as cenacbeutiona as a- reccaugbed-triangie anti as three-ceruored, tua. I den'îbelieve ibe everditi citeti tbing rin ali her lie, anti dun'îtieoubîthaiu dieu 1 rue egainst ber opinion;iiin>'n ce>', andi commit souncthiug that is an enormily eun ler reins, ah. forgivea meS, a the Bibi. tolls ber te do, anti prays for ta>' conversion. Novertbeleoa my Août Aunie does net aitract me to religion. Seeing ne light ere, e thoughî ynM ,but 1vau dtotrmineti ta tout yen eut.'1 'Marian wvs aar.gszîns, veto ,ou neti ent iumeiuteyto, the piano, anti sang bis an-i4.sd sang il ver>' sîeeify I cent te hear Mr. Lyitte preaclu the next Sanda'. Sa titi eer>' one eie, 1. thinle, in our geedti own, h believe, ton, îhey all canîcti te ge again. I amn sure 1 dai. Anti ye't h6 cas net ceie of yeur flower>' speakers, aube crocus bis hearer2 ciîh loins blonis, andti tirowa garlantis upen graves, but e goti man t-cie kneve in bis aeul that tic moments are golebnc. il-s eyna bat the ups'ard ioule of one cho is useti teo itnhung dufficuit iei4t, blook- ing ever t thie geal-, anti yet 1 feit cer- tui>'l that lie neyer cruetier een the tiniest flover untier bis fim treati. Hie serumn fred me, anti I v ent home trera. bing, anti chen safe aioe cept myteil calta. Aller ibis bipiiEr et fire anti caler Mlr. Lit-de cas suncredtr ti me. i . Deinrme 1 cas;> *t le stupui 7' crieti Betrthta, oiig leto ee me lte neit day.- ijtndt do yea kuos' ie's geit.g te lire citi ns 7 Tu tuile ol' papin's uiking beartiers i1 But liewcul. 1 oui>' hope Mr' LÀynde s'ont îry le converltume. I uhaught et fret, deer, that I shoniti adore hua ; bal 1 dt-îu'î ebieure he'iilibe oeeof ta>'flimes.5 'Certaini>' not, Bertha. Mr. Lytîde is e good minu, anti youn flames ebceys emeil of brimittone.' A TEtîiic Y- Leng-On the eening trainu t'om Saîcrameinto, oui tha Vailejo routte, a iraiuntdy wseetttei litifureter vttuls Sams hatci'uNuegara leap in the shuntde - unakeut it ont>' a aide show wootier. The train, il li; etaie, cas atboaut ten mritntutsbciniuitinse, adetut i sas maiig it up et the ruile or icerit>'fire nmiles in hour. Wien abouti f e milesa ehore Susn te passengers lu the smtokingt car cuare as- teelehbed. nt seeunz a man ebo btiten 'eleeping ile oe e' id 1~e sea*te, osuil]u ilo hWt feliand, vitl -cime bounti, pliouge beati foremtnoc ut of, the' cmndoc on the eppoalte ,"ide of thme aarý - Tia. vinties iraia~?it-Ie mli~îl'h- manice ni tbrfflb hIe atdai, seheing thal buis as. an expienu durer. Ne tilrew Iis beebàut p wieu lie matis the ptuure, andt le>' came ini contact clihte ticos, @oiiering lie glas ta atims. ,T-hle lart a s'eut etonce given %lat a mat i ci., oerb,ad, andthei t r a i n - a s s o p p e t a t u ti h c e t i p t t hI e place cher, theu terrifie leap vas matie, t'or the purpu'se of picîtiat p the maugleti remaina nf the iman. Itusteut of filnding a ghesiv corpe, ibe>' tount tiir bast paseenger oititut- on the grond utibbinr hi&i eyes anti tryiug tcu coiient bis scatteret senses uffh.itltty 0 scertazu 'vimre Èb. ws came tIen.. He cas liandeti tentienl> et fir'tt5 but it sas seen escertaiued iluatl- the oi>' tdamage lie bat snstaiued cas a Sligiî abrasion cf the aliD 9u one Of -the eibovs.0 A Californian s'as boesîing lu the pro. sence of tlie Boston Excursion part>' lu San Francisco, lie ether day,cf the un. t nie s i g .-o fîh e se l s lu C a lifo r n v aes- Masschusetls1' ' - sgaget the services of a Chinese lAvY@r,ý 'Comear I go catch mybij btore t1erse. s'wue eucated t a, s chool ilu Eng. 'Yea gar Wliî d yene&Illue ame landi, anti cheîiifl defend their ieterosîg sar 1 Olympos tien'î yen knov chat the aualassu bc th>ma' .co. pot says about igb Olymps 7' 1 dou'î, cerei. kos' about Hio -bt b. limps nu(, date' -Wues'no a policeman so ffics tba fo: aatiq,' ,hbe snîeal Iy 'tk np' is re5idif, Au impertinent felloc asketi a gentle. man et a public getbering chy ho lis4 siaveti oif bis @idie chîelers, sud cas an-ý sceredti iat, le meet smme-tuen, bo re. quireti more teeV-c. The Londion Luancet maysas proces lias been inveti in Franco b>' M. Hnrtanlt (tan rndernug petrconm, inezplosis'e, b>' stitinz1te il a certain quantily- ef a elcohol onrfnad ol. - - uyi A Devobire'mau, chen on bis "b4 heti,îlme-etiiEn day, begged bis vite suiT ehuJldren éi"tae .fanerai, praceieui à ~ rly, e that they Migbt gel heju 1 fiUg lime. A baulruptb as contileti ith tb. oiber day for bis emharassmeutâî# 'Oh' 'Ev. i t et lue, rnch selies' ilaugbters of the prement tiy- lsithey been in ber place, insteati cf beiug de- j vSst news. LI WH4TBYý PROVINCEý

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