Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1870, p. 2

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.*ldufl'e M.-KéMlflauh Ce. Ku.lpg Kseù-Giu. Uobsoa. B.hag liai oh-James Brou's. loseutAmt "of 180-wlllam JL.8. < t'vlat Vlrceaeed. Caiaford bh (on ho Som famfl,-. ONLY $100 CETS A tZR M.SN to tbefituio Whlby T~rssy,.tily ,7 Io te ii ge aileu'ROLD, Os".1Asslgum gtuwi fEl olem o r'tt' Oflfrm4 w .1 e ,eeef *A 4w 1 metô'l eretUe, Ji5OE 1$S'Y .csted viti basy vhet sud laser n ai sCen eu"sud soft4~soàp tus -Wby, tha lads yoaax j sd jsl o r haif Te@ Hudson Bay Couupsuy.Ppropriateea Sud si "ud the £300,000 received irons Canada for j be ev ogr lis Territory, tW paling s'dividhod of £3 I ou. m the tû eeuh îbabolder.'I wmi The Bail o(;>rby aud the dqý pr- I.bese Tau[isO b& laie *"log~ ,poliay purswl by Baglsud Io.srdV and [rslaaudt but beii.v.d iii. epu On6' »zo Gaua4 (som th. mother Coutry widvos uet dilu.teiusod pîedged, theumla vuo W uiluî aIl ttempta to vr deoBris "îs; laflhence or 10 disnemaber the Brlish es. rj. pire.01a Toy Couvou.-Aî -theéamasl .ekil meeting or ube Cocacil, ou Kouday lut, Howrasev1t oeil the fOllovlug zeumb@r er#re uet:*-vays" boe tLb. -fsyorO Messes.-Draperi- O'Donovaa, native. pbilp sud Bey. si& Woship took she chair,, sud adjourned the meetiug outil maxi Mouds>'. gra"Pi,.1 * ~bu rbody b" IlaI.bocomlng quit. @vident ibat bus beard Coseral Grant viii, sa&l the Nortberom pou Frooldents bave beu, except Lincoln, ah55t11itb ont toes iProsdent. He 14 beeoomlnt aun. a I popular, snd omorn f bis sttanebesi up- porterasu ormnugoigal n. Even 1h. Nec York Timies bu matie an on. slanghs agali st. The ÃŽlenat, a fev dayo &go rejeted bils petauineforthbe aunexation of Dominion, fo the Ulnited States by treaf,. [t fasafod be obati nais sud peristaut luasiibemIng fo bis ovn no- fiona, vîglai or vmong, and dues Dot at tenipt go conilite pallie'opinion, noitber frieand nov fos. Tb!& Mvil nol clofore Prosidetat. He should retuamber J iaon's ROUI MÂltvca.-We o u;deauil î attetio tis fOur âgeade9 "Ika go mder the 'à eu f... ei. Pickerlgp Agricltans Society', open <o &IL. (Si. advetseienn.) FOUS CALUaKIL!I Dv Lîcuvu,î. -i Mar. Wo. Covie, I:b con. ohfiIsiy b.d four valcable colvoo kil dl-d""Igba log ou Thursdsy lut, about four o9cluckr,m p. m. - There cire diree aesastandi-ng tb- galber in thaeopeu field; ths ightenlng 11used fout et thens instunhl>. i BOOTS AYD Suoa.-Nr. R . M aod Id selling off bis catire stock of bootisand eboes, ai andi uoder coït, for oua month OuI,. Part ies -vangaytblng la the abov" liuo coald do velIlte give bit aa oeil belote purehasing elsechers. H1oux. MNLrou.-Ths ainnuai boelng matcii of the South Ontario Agrieultural Socetay, cIl tale placethis Yser, oun M. John Drydn'& terni, Lot No. 21, lu tho £lîh cou. ef Whlîby, ou Tuestin>,-Jol>' i 2th 1870. -Open te ail. Euiraaca free. Roossivta UNriosaTuzi.-Tb, lune cmber of thfs excellent Musieal Monibi>', apposes in a nsv anti siagaut desudnt Is ealargod b, tbe-editiou of a Bruss Band *Suppisient- confainiugt, îacb' monti' canefally arrangeti piece' oh Music for a full Brasa Baud, bealdes the canual animant for thé Piano, Organ anti Neleedesu. lu &taco conialus sigiit pages lntarasllng, anti instructive readiug on ail muasical &objecta. Ternis $1 WO per auu ; singe cep>', 10 etc. With the Bras. Bandi Sapplemea:, 19 willI b.83. 00 puranauni ; single copie,' 30 t. Spacinien copiaésosnt tree. Ad. drosi, J., P. Shaw 43 Suai. Street, RO cester, N. Y. 0 4aiem$. ',The graos Mropean Cirons vlited Qsbaws,4 ou Tsisay laut. [tia atvent esusetiImmense e metinluthe placo, 'Humdreds of peops flocked the stroata te - svtoeu the grand prooceuicu lrougb tus village, ovb.oh-certsiulv vwu far skead et thé average ef snob exhibitIons. The «nonîr, boys@cf 1h the uclni, vos, eobeeked lais o aï on ct songl>'. Ab u lm ut &ré vasgirea aboust aoci o.0 Ooday' 1&04 lu à ver>' t ae tube twu ng0e lub iUitheBock asud Lad Je cmpui calme tbudeing docu the otreettuW the 8s9emor f b.eIooîàgrationl' chIie pru*.d beveer, ealy W be orne W d othas on Ore lu ne opseairssuons, oh eframo'bous.ou Sela.s et, soupei t kbyee -. moié ~Iebi a perso. smoking la lied. Tii. 4«»nie e .qoie&ly oxtic- guIheti by eàlasoket of vw4wr or ivo. Iis Excezillen,>' ibe QoY@ruor-Gseral sud Imlil Yeugi haveg o , wNagara, -where tho, lotenti peudlug saume ibrer er.ks lu visltlsg- the Pellmasudi*thar peotasa8euÙÀlise desp, danuriveir. loy.' Comp snd took ht cure ot Be Prias il 51 Sold by apot CO-$ chol bal. "Bathovan," ô iv usou' acolCarsou's b. g.' "JO tbê4oe"t (jike yrs. oid;sundL$0 t)of X 1uot ouly Jaakr," ôyrs old.f1 ly lIs.'io Zany, "Jaak'on'the Grasu" preefditeàppe Thars vore six1 mue "prcvidedai, Jak-ou Ibe-rain fi a~ ~~ ~~l -,t eii..5* Rathovan, fiai à (4.4 Do àWe bout lu 1.18t; Mlis> 1.261. Ira tîis fies Qs 1: D; wusdlstancd Bay *beifila1.5s',.sudt rimsos"race. - sifetibi bralîrosd TeSepiObus. -'~ ' pura. 0f $250, ef+ý siasmut , sud, raeived $200, aud tf ruoi satlag toc distance-ves sbout I 0" sed ( ofàys.oi'araavti urdlee. < go kooc that the c5i'MM uven pondà steeple absa. once, a, ii4e vorit esm Ivice, ton pouuda cxi aaere eovef fourtasu 1Pound sccunîulste. The, e Graud's (Toronto) -6;' a bu. et1.1' W'ddell's b. e #*Bir alwe 0(Fi il i. ."Shira, E. De Hypophe.pbitos., Baldia" aaand .EI*>î de permanent utn tva býlWetk1 &dstand orïthe liraI rotu boues vas sacoud, Uv D . ATCaocze atarat fourth, Riý '0i Cacs* firsl burdîs, anti conS Ti.,a, 1868. attemptit. The boraf 6 for. $7 50s tsud lu lbe aami ord 'bl Cod as à thelbiri,bt by~~ ~~ Pà nutd Aa Sbira lbrev ber b hlm. tà, n uarüovi f"v lu h tb# Unitedi Sisi. @'Hiou Watersareanskovun, hbe bear dora aIl opposition sud ecfý,o- aIl rivaîr>'; lb. denisd for thimu as edily,laeniuaed for tbe lut ivan t> yeais, until aoc the sales average O.rp. badredti îbasd box@asysar. Bmieîoeiue nmebers of the medicai profession vithout nomber aMult tbat the>' kuov of Do preparauion pro- dacing mach boneficial remuits su uieso vafers. Whan îaen in- seaaou tboy ef- tact s permanent cara. Sold b>' every rorggist sud most of the respectable stores tbrougieut tiie Province, at 25 cea' pe, box. Sir Joba A. Muadonaid, Lady Maction- aId, aud Dr. Grant are en route for Prince îdvarti'as hlandi. Tii Emperor of France fa lu mourniag for Jerome Pattersou Bonaparte. of Bal- Tii. Govîruor cf Bombay manageat( trac exacîl>' double sear>' for thbe yeaî 1868-9. Bis #salà a25,6061., bautfoi uhe atoresaii yaar bo drev, lu addiuion, 2be7841.,s usar anti ioaeoaild eharges Tii. Friend of htçlla mtignmetizau tus entrj -opposite tie usmeo theisGcveraor Of Boni liay ai "çcsudalou." The boaseholti ani toar charges et the Lieutenant Governoi ut Bengal, a machi -langer 'anti vsaltiiieî province thubanhe s Fesidene>' of Bomba>', amount fer the sanie perlod te 2,8501. - The Goveruor offBomibay', on is appoint. !oant, fillitiop bis staff vitb bis owa relat. ives, a'son, santimou in lae ,andti bato itas pnovited for i>'q sons làlucIarativc public offices iu Bombay,. lu forma, daya tbim voalti bavb b iLaclfati he b pagoda te. Caban planters and'Nlave ovueru bave considerad lie Act sbollsbiug'sleveiry, fsdbyttbe Cortes.,an4 hmqeuanimo» y 'ismntedjls altafpb.0o4Y deiriug Iliat llieir ceopto:#,. I sted iu clnrying out] tb1(- o ;~ep, e t llp emancIpate ineo'cî biWimino-a busrdîn Upon lie c,cnunity;suidprovida fer thea coutiuued prospemiiy oft sgicultuïralIinter. cste. - Upon bis arrivaI aI Fort Garry on the l7th uIt., Fehher Ricbot Iras malet 1 he stesm-bcat, landing; b>' -RIi, O5Donohue, and Other andauesaorhod te tbe Geveru. ment Ihusea aud4jo47 biugired front tha Fort ila honcue. oft iéaeavent Tioa vus nothing of any. o l ufpLW. .Fo iTat" o f dia 1711a., ud 1'lis.vers ne preparsiions minig 10 give any sesiatanas to the lRed River expedi lion. mon&!nna aeiagg 6f -the Merebauts' auk iÃŽea 1.14 la Moetneal on Monda>'. The report ststsd ibat $IOt,o0* vas added to tie 'reat,' soc aoeontiug te #"Of, 000;- basides $100,000 crittunet agains& old l aeandsotpa'yiug a tfideutd fO per cent. . Diekona' fortune fl alti lu besowa- tklag nmeus £80,009.1 The Loudon Bpectow .r ubluka tb. In- diens in th. uniteti St&les viii b. exter- minsted b>' lhe car vithi lisAnioicans, hilchitilexeîl viii sor«l>' cmnce. Itsaredlnildd-î" gienbelor, a coronîr's jury l atinedon , on Ssiaii'dky, liat a Nrs. Waters, a "èbeby-fraser,"issUd polsoned sud stervs4 tiatatber 0'h babies o or lncars. sud bothen saneue*uer flierr oilod ovi "ehl other lu the dust. The rider, boyr ever, immmdiatol>' mouuted, sud oa. éil tbird,and 'obtainad second moue>,',Mu Beldie having run aroun t Io hurdles. _Atter the race Mrq. Baldie vus seld bi auctisan for $180. Tho. firat bld eus $106 sud 4iêsecund $1,25. Green Trotting Puse.-Tbis vau Purge of $150, trotlad for lu barnas bj horses that hadl neyer beaten ibree min. vtes previcus tte alosiug oh Ibis elake flrat borse 10 ecive $100, antiBedont $50. Mil, beats. 2 in &. Tie entriei were-Issac Ilarria' bî. ni.Litle Maria;' W. A. 8uith's "Socke ;" E. E. Lauzon'ý "Black Warrior ;" T. Y. Ellis' 'Wbirîpool; Peter (ieirna' br. ni "Lady Hill -;" sud C Morse's ci. g. "Orange .Bih>'." Socki did not put in au appearsuce. Black Wariior vas tha hevourite amoug poul bayera. Whirlpool took tbe fimut moue>', Lady 1Hl1 second. Thme, 2.51j; 2.49 ; 2.471. Dr. Lhvingstone. At theshotigtl,. meeting of lis Boyai Geographiisl Socey on, monda>' nigbi Sir R, Mamebfacn meerred t6 Imprien position of Dr. Livingstoue sud'tho euc. cour wchi fa beb.sent t10 bu. go mail $ -.' Thora bave b6en great nilsapproean. siens about ibis effair, sud I bave receiv. ati nunaroum applications froua active yoang men doxions to go iu searai cf Dr. Pr Livingsoe upsn sttr v a ýr niai xpdiio aou htsttarewaaa hi coaury er eliecbors. Tborasida no mach expadithon even in imainatiou, anti car- lahul>' noue in neelit>', coutemplateti in an>' ce,. Dr. Livingstone bai beau tira. >'ears anti a hait antimore la lie heart of Ahicsvitomt s singls Buropean attend- nu. e.mqt mare liaitie sigit of a oag eplna seat out froua Englanti Who cas iot selignamti wouid neî pro. e duce -a ver>' lad effect, instad oetàe-good onie, opon my frienth ie Doctor ; lecansa b. vogiti have to, faka caro of tis ne*i ar- 9rival, cho vouid v4ry-soon dia thora, sd'i sbe pjpr Daetor4wouid havei4a atiuipqal toed. 'Ibue t ls>rcors e eo uasc.«, Ït thora' la a) sncb intention' chetever. ,I, kilo reeoived a drain lieraonire. îadmit. abl. youag volanîsers cho are aurious to adistingaimii theuaeîi«, but vboko enot etiie leail Ides of what the, are abet I ha" ve resroon to beievo thau the £1,Oe bsihe Govenumeut bave giran a iii g0onou b, thb.Consulcf Zsziler, chu happens sccltentslly, be n ha is eoomtr, andi cao ia going ont inrmediatsly. -Se cil instroet Dr. Kirk, the Vie Consul 10 refit the smmsespedition chieh cas sturtet belons, bat chiai vu impoded tb>' a attaek o1choléra. Tbe choiera.hau puamlti Saa>' ir.y, the conuir>' i. fr.. trom Zanzuher, snd the ouiy tiffie'ulty novr id lb St ta Uiji, cbsre ni, desan d raI. sti tmlaad vu, a au &la. for lho cannet riove forvand or backvarts vithout car. riars, supplies, suldso tou'ub. Il cin! take uco menius or sors for ihosé supplies 10 go froua thoe abeard te Ujiji, sud thora-' foe. 700ouM-et "aIde aIl auxiet, for auOeO Mushe W onefl. I hope lu about savon or uigil meunthe u nes in e bave goind evs sud tiat ver, sconatteSr va aline scertffriand gain inlulias ls '.1ot an' ce ai ,eun end oh the table, 4ib?' No;1'vegotel ienexthtbiugw k"t-f thé 7rench-ht la thiWrj : jI s*spft.but vitIkus k.Wv ' di#a. cr Perse nof ta rush fo r iii... gudy Plë' of .bat- 56t ýti ds thetamerthe va lof elertes for hwusuad 1'erailiea-if we'wtluî dg 'va are 0 Prov§ncestistled-notbing morce. Tii. of.othe ;:T, 0- W. bour l relsedtW th eeagffe. B"a uev lase, 10 Ibo uoble Io secvid (àfo r s t t (rystal i eltral. Pelace.But with ibts'tran nlb nokiees' b- haro retires into privat if-.a6r- Ilbrsknigbt hobu abeau quit. f ua'nd 3rdan," ô bas k -iveup bis poeularit -. eg b. h. "Bsay favorite. But as to pahin n tures lut nlgh4, of megninary bettles the I ab- Vuite urd-it is wrong-worse-as tieu.- 5tiu 1 - It fa not u-stotislng thst witb litre- sud third desinanlike spirit alive aumong us bat va hehst, in- canol aPPrecaistthe patriotiam id lova tbe.lgresn ofFatharleud.sau comumou n oug ur col- £the 114h ionias. 1 IZCat Mud Perbapu It is the hast of the n tbaÇ ceuses Our colonial Couintrymto e De wus for sucb a heeri>' regard for our lusautions. :tbora.1:ucoid,, foggy, drear>' London, Il' diffi- 950. Tho CuIt te be 1lovo-iruck vîth "1Ur-old n bsIf1* Englaud g Our Country Us certa ly oid, 'ed horses probablr as old se sau>' othar 0untry; lutter of à sud if1 as certaiply doar, possibI) dearer Idextra * than any otbercouniry, butýk l4umpiy tinu *ni abmurd to grow seulimautal'ov a sland rc5b15to cootsinlng s Patuay, ,and poss!ssing ea 'a91JM h L.cestcv square. Ai euy r te, i thelb ~'creed in tho Times, snd Lb.headi gjour- ISmith&m ual bus made follovers. ' m.,Ui rue tW our policy of snubbhnggsnd 3&t5irt F_"4eéring et our coîonilas, va have ,aau re- uddeh e4i stly robbiug Canada cf aIllher,streutb. ,geï In pite of our kow edgoeatthoecnlans ir e re ready to sttekbero4~aub ,lrd, sud vbila the Rcd River rabais 'irera irady el &t *thea saeiling ber ou the uortb, va deplve bar iduced to of tb. Iniperial troopis. Il vu PleMtn tojeiiVs' k M. Love toêkuovtbat ,waisbvg Y.d>e' ib' cared tbseManeiéàaehe. t"sfut"' wiiatbetTauda er. suad 2w '1n a posiCIOri to'ýfiebt,-or wosilu'a Mifiuh'eit> te fercing brWso'nb Jo tid er aveloapeCce ms t. h ac*sou rr thýoose ut Couinons, llduatterid nudit' hi. on bether Canada field ber ovu, et r~fl i nto the. banda of the- , volun - ~.teersî1 Fortunataly for Sz, the rifles of the ýY Auglo-Aniericaus are good aud val' 0, beudled. For lie second lima thc volun- teors bave beaten the Feunions vitlîouî eState assistance. This lai encouraging, y ver>' eraouragirag. It fa ploasaulteo fiîid 1- that, alîbeugli va have lest al authuian lu Britain, soe of our ovu flesh sud IC blood recogoixe aud defcnd the colora of theb Queen. If ve vere nul su crowded, it vouid h. alinost vot tii h Ie of sanie patriet te imnport a few loyal 0"n- *diaus te shov us the va>' toentse4l-,1 suite; tote iccus boy le kecp lte houé 'oeh Englsud bniglit. aud free troin stlaîî Yes, lu spite eh tha brayiug oh rifle banda. -and lie silver sud gold uîîifornos of vain cheaiemougarsandu martial pawnbrîikers, Y va have luit our tate fer distincution, our lbirtfor gler>'. Ie kucw net boy te flgbt, but ve bave learut hhoneuglîly boy t e rnge 1 We enu chasut anti boust sud buw, but va have as much nubilit>' in our natures Sas a cur bas, couaige, os mch pairiethatu in our hearti osa email bas activit>' i Oui liano 1 Ah, iudecd, oui l'ana 1 Wiial possible gond wcul ail th a vritiug lu the vorîti do-? The taunt o e aFinal Napoleon thai va vere '"e nation et shop- keapars" ie nov ragardeti as, a compli- *meut. We are Ï nation oh abop-keepers audJ v are iatisied te romein so. Nov. a-days il la coniider.d a prader action te sali a pounti' of cheese thon te vwin a battle. Our army fa Vadually disappeor. *ing. Instead cf soidirsva havecroisiug aveepans, lu lien of georais, paupena sund ihieres I Evor>' possible ijiuiiýh"ïaied upon our wardiors The>' ore rcgarded ras expensive téoja, and 'sare eted clii 1conlempt anti ridicule. A bundred jeansl *ago voulti. veWaan- opflers .hasts ;leeu ckaued 1ke dinhouait 'ciees 1 --Abuâ- dned >'ears ego votilt reginaonia oft ricd soldieri bave.-beÃŽu disb*radad without rhyma or roasoui A hutiljidasý6moutd a coeiulcy>' etiheMililie bavea ébel- atoeetiupona Alderman'Sir MIlHam No, a îbouîand timai no I Buî"ithpn lu tiiose day. the Duka of' Walliuglowva ai once a geucral sud a-Minialer,,iq' 4thse, deysi tahorrible' nighiumara, *inca d rs#aliehd aut-even been iles>ed BuStll the olti spirit oM Englarait oi q4uit. deati. lu the moîbor doua ry 'Il aleeps. but 'far ave>'l; borna';, uite brighl>. les, Canada basuft<U ae ieuson. Surroundeti vith favuinW one. mies, nubbativith sneering friands1 she stl l bus been truc te bar cars. hu"ospit.e of tbe arîful bribes ofthe Yantkees and thei frlentil>'viointe.of the Fenisas, ibe hem1 foughî fotr lie good cause. Robbed of Imponiai support vith onuI> utriaed- yoetho for soldiera, aud peacelui mee for leaders, ahi utihi bas driten the eeoems of Engleuti froîn'bor. froutîe, the tees of Brits in from, ber Councîl.' This baisIte doua unaideat. unlefrtiede, ao4.~ doue, Canada." We repeet a Ibdusaindi tiu, vlidne4 At Àcertain jud5c hbaving beau cealleti uni aa public méeeng. foraà sang, regretted, il vas net in bis pover tu graltily thi. cota. peny. A vag vie vas prasont o '4 'lie vau mach surprfsei et tlbXe:U as, il vas notorions huat nunibers- trausporteti b, bis voo.." Ths Union Bank of Qau profit cf $124,667 ou* lb. yia'é Sir Jatusm (Marks. the clersI& ,dlan, ia daad. ,Haecas eli 3esra elti. M Synieïs, satby lady oft-konira, box Jain mu, boa givo ia bPope i18, h tU eri.lorol,. . IWeOare, atu toie Whoaeucegr (e moie, ade yon shako lu jour shoes of oldj Ay,,made YOD shako i 700Vo shoot, And io'bobe svitted by uo b~a-usfr fl iei YOD at$s1I-BIsi.,I i do't 1 kuovyou sff? llavu't 1 bien, ou your press 7 Didn'î 19 to Myaee wrte for Muiber <lump, -hu Ikrald? kA,i,au fr the San&ard? Aye, and'or that Beery shiet, thei.tiser ? ÂAd didn;I doftuse Odo,sd asth( poor talion dsrliùgs -do ih, "vho hlmu W eat," vite to es? Y... But Ineyai kist aiaabood, 8,j soon s 1coud file off goy fetter,'1 uirow 1-the dogs.collaa' go uhw, vinds, 1 stood#, as I eow staud, "leniacis- pated, uîgeaeraead udsaîhraled, vil, the. pare breezsof dear- laits Ontario blowing on me iud Our maaly race,ý ("ao Moaqu aders,") breaîbiag d<ifiied go yoar 1"vous aprava." Tiiey kaow, I, Preue, vliet "verba prava" meeal Wîll, the amonai of knovl.dge reqairad 'idEugliab testdoes flotemnauitomicii4 bat, for ni>'bops over bore, Iujol îlý@m ik menus "vi la uoolding," nso o ei t bîue tiiet the prom$orof eugmad, theii.av prouî of Eagland, snobs, utorme ad grimaces et as Cadians , làuds Grant, snd almoi deifius liai Statessarsbal that limai 0'. Neil, lu mont andigaified fmaboa, halo tbe yaukee buggy I Ad chet nia>' hothe ap-sbot? Tekse head, mnaqeraders, for il is vritteu:-. -Babyloa the Great za fellen, in fellea, mqd ta becomo the. habitation of dovilse, sud the bold of everq FOUL spirit, -and a cage of every uncleau and bateal bird 7" espac- ielly of tunie jaya ln pe"Occks11 feauera, whethar of the 6"Neoa,"hes "Planderer," (as b. daringly calis hinisaîf,) aud tiie pileous animial, Who cannot coll bis §OUI bis ova, ot the Army end Navy 'gazette,' vbc nb Canada. sud siug "Io PFeuss, 100 honesi, but nat to be liumbugged 0. P. 'Tiiera have beau ramais aacs$ for soma hhie as o the hatîeaded establishument of e great uionetary hnsCtito n et as eagent for sapplying industnisl cnterpris lui Amerlos witii fonds bonmowad in the -basi Earopoan mono, markets et ths loy- test carrant rates. la the Chicago 14 pub >lican va fiud e statanient cf the proposed 1 in of e business coalenulatad as follovs s- i s grn iaca vebe ieh pro-~ tiae corld vb2u fulI, develnped, bas beau *in proues of formation during thie pat nine montis. It fa an international pro. jae,-viii a snbçcribed capital of 50,000,- »000 froucs, wiishie pivilage et incrêasing il ho 50D.000,000 franuoren$170,000,000. The vary bau asud veathiast capitaliste of Euglaud, France, sud Gernuore aI the hai ofet i.affair, sud tour tof tba lasdiug capflaligts of Ibis ceuntry vili hava the mianagemeni t ftiieAmeriosu brancb et tuis great'i'teruationel bauk, viti oue- hfoarti of the anime capital efthte conceru. Ica objeot fa te suppl, tiie nine, nMarketi of Europe ciii our railread and othe Stete and municipal seccrilies. Tiiore are buadrada of millions oh moue>' to ha had in Europe ettfroc: lire. to four par cent. a yaar, ciie.o-vnars coald gladl> lait i for car sixaud &aveu pur cent. acunltias, aend for the mrenoubsu t ts buonot beau doue before, ces the vent of con5deuce in has wbc bave bad the baudling of our secamteaud tbe inabilit, et oar foreiga bauku' ouses lu jadge vbioh vare aafe ltei lu. Tiie Amarican branci of theJ pruposad international institution is ho ha located at Ne o York, sud vilIl e made lie judgas et Amorican sanitias. The sawdus - peraiudi la ta b. sonetiing site, tuis ahyle: hI aiway oanipenubsàamil- ,lion of bonds thoseil tic>' nay mnike their propéositioe to1 the branci. If the. local diryctors approve cof uberniatter finding - - bat thare is perfect secanlt>', the>' ciii ne- gotiato for ibani, on for a leisan cutiai. Ou niakiug tie leaü ha, 4h11 tatup the- bonds elti tii. auîboit, of hiie President, etfithe bauk .cho la ho rasida luW Paris, cher. the main Éan is'b'Ëh e'stmJliied.-7 Tir, chu -tien le sent go Europe fer dis- position, andor lte direction of the genarala directera. Bfilis of axobange cl uet be le g iveu agaiii bom..The mehemo c ouldd eppau te be a nacessit, of the limas. Tien. ara millions of cur bonda, perfeti gond sud &aura, vbhieu old finti redy Iakers ia £ctope, providedti liacouîd bave a propes indorseniant, anti peoples Who loau ibeir monep ai ibrse par asut. r Sma>' ycon&mrtulte tbemselves upon iaving brng six sud savon pur cent., citi s long Jhaaa to tua. Tha is ii be particolmrilthé t cil lminUeurope, chers ecarîles i 9hsr5 v, - led « afor n ltiiscoutry are neosu 0leut,. D'Arcy Irin, a veaiîby Enufakilisu landient, sWbo becaha, insane recanîl>' on secouat of, tie Fenian outragea, snd Who lved ondin iii. conitant improuloa that is' vu abont to be nurdsr.d, dieti on intrd, al sDublin Loustic -Aillonuto The Mou Pomipous Soldier Ever Kncon -Genaral Importance. W bat boro produces tis aot discodaul musho>' Tha driukhug bora. > To couvert -an artieus maiden lut. a ieartlesa one; diere ouI; vwantsae"b" - 'i We Quesugiovu harhoav te Daumut. U Ât2:30 p. mo., the sigual ga: bclg Ore th"y dropped ofr o t dii, a sud go sia. For 20 miles'tbe'Daun'tlesa he th. lemd out--Wiiea tii. yachts vere lI 'secs, the Oan»rhr bad tacëd, u s sd to >ebs aed.Th vehavsv ,due? u * strong vut -by nortb bre lieu bîiw"ag. Botinslug vSetltion t Suo Franoisco, Jai>' 4.-Tii. stasS jaff bsoagbî SIdus>' -datc- Io 28tb Ma Tii. Dake of Edinbargh oz ipccted Port JacksonlunÂAngust. Heevy flood& continus. Tveaty pe sono have perlsbed. Tii flood exca enyshing barsofori of tiie kiud. Shoé of aarîiiquake had 'beau fait ou May 24 sud Aprl 5. Elopeuicul Extraordiuary. À Mfusic Tu£sa or Puixgg FDis rtii sUwi-r A Touva GlIs. 13 YsAi OLO-Gaz.T EXoiTtiss N T i y; Yiaterdày the village ef Flusbing ws throvu inta great excilement byi ýrnmonred siopsaisu of a velI-kaoi umusic teacher by the nains of Kaufoi suad s Youug girl, the adoptaid daaghteri lasc Payater. At 6i âtithestory ws disoredited, no euse vould believa it ; s alîboagh Kaufman bad net beau set mince Friday mnorniug. ai 1wbich uime gava Soine music lassons te a numbari bis pupila, tii. uuivarwed itensin ciii ho vas baeld by .bja, e qushutancasfluil village vas no strong that tho umost direi proot vus nacesar>'to conviuoe, tiie pi lie. It seenis tbat Katuan boarded ut il booms of Mr. Peynîe,.bat in aIlthe Io mnthntb thob.bu Iived lu tb. fami t.hazd th ms.n 4a ot eau tovardîthafamily, And, as far us Cônl scn, tovard.Jane. Bse trstd ber kini ly, itlm iruns, but 11ke a cbiîd reubar tha a equal. lu a number of instance& wvi abo ba s aovu a desire te go to placesc antert;:inmeî,î, hobaibu oiared to accons panv ber, bas ina» annner hwpiling t»o il was ratier si a favor tocard tbe tamil uban au nct cf permunel enjoymeut.À soirses and bopu, a number of vbicb tiie oî:endad, Kaufumsn seemed to' îaks mer pleasarssuinbthemociet>' of othar and olde Young ladies, ai oue lime even bavin been joked about it. But ail ibis seaus to bave been s part cf the plattaho ram an r-t- 'wboi eo~~loieZ vArabo l d.qzuuw mnexp ateeca t co lgvraigcoois bafid.Lika sedeaiiary amen of FztreeOm Iolonu, fu end tUstoiselves. Wlth regard Wt(lu5wsdàha vass asocial, parasita, and,- lustcad of outhere wuason te beilvs that the Dola- îndulging lu bis usuai invectivas @gainât 'Oiniou vould becotue s grosst audi poverfal peersand princes, flndhng hinisoîf unuer- wz nation, flly a hio. te ea d it if pectqdly about' W dine with oua oftat mothgr comnry WbalraMdygusrsutsed diSi, ha W15 contant t dazîseand SeMUSe teber a ralivu>' ban, aud s fartber àdv'ance hi.. vould b. made to -coi-'ploie the fortilfica "he islk vwas ef Oxford,--sud wss aI mer ' eeu>auéd ,irst chiai>' nisinteiaied by lb, Colonel anti [A tiens,. e mne yCaptainu 355111 tha Proteasor. .>LUààllr ibema circnubatsuee the govimn- 1"1 atmnet a élestrusîlve," said thc Pro.. si1 menuthadramolvad to radas btheBtitfab fessor, addresuing the ('oloual; but, spasi. feras go one-battalwon cf infaniry sud oase îng loudI>', -1 vouid maintaîn Oxford, nr, boîter>' oi artillir>'. The dafaucs ofdiseuder au>' circumiancas, vhth bnoDces- ds Dominion vould tb eu dvelpu pon a sar>É'Ibnges.1 ks foras of fort>' tou a d -milti aa ndsu pon "'And vhat ar stbos, iightL Ia k ?'"- 11&h tbe garniraI naval upremscy of tii.coun- r luqirsti tir.o ac.1wol Ie,. ne boped* tffemotion voald flot bc 'luralt, not oniub Io e pressed, sit val not necommat>', wcls theIi "'Gel rid oetIhe raligion ' sit!Lotheir. -sccie of sach an inqa'iry vould b. far taco Il'You hava got rid of it once,' ah lie g igsntie for ths investigation of Say- single Professer. Ur coe»sin*You have aitered-you have vbst Z i Gert e y.co te d d à cose r, co .. people-ia miirfo nind i' said Lot bir- necionabold e-oinWndbateen the 'but >'ou have net abolishad il or bsnished ' iframein eU'ivrsty colonies sud thé. mothar. cocnîr'. nHa&"*The àhock voulti uotbe greater, nor condsunid th. policy persoad tovardib te se great, as the change froin the Papal te ras Cape, azpressad bis eappreblnlsion that if thaeIteforneti Faiiii. Bpsides, llniveasities tha' il ver. persistîd hn it vooîd lesd ta an. hava nothing to do viih religion.' vun otber Kaffra ver, and reconmnended tha "Aftar ihat fibe Professr proved-to mu niaiutsinsnca cf s'Britishb garnIson. bita (colonel Cempisjij that bca>v*usrelsiý. of Earligfrenvilla detauded iii. polie>' of ed le Eummuud Cempien, lbe Jasuit; sud ?168 tbegovoînnient, sud remarkad ibat thé ho .1ot11h Gnov 'rPot bicl~ ind va;luvicb the Canadien ,gili bd a asne sin, fccful, igi en r u ehb ave ben ficia l >' in lu n ce d t heco r ue L Fe .tâtenin wh-b cinctrz our histor>'. Probably' the Irih difficuli>' bie edias acontamplihie chis of fillibueters> vould net theon hav"e xisteil. Action la of sinvad ibat the Dominion couald proteat, naturel to mnu. And vhet oftar.aIl, are ii >aitv ithout the assistanc.a otpebs nicher conspiracias and reveiutiAns but- greai Lb. ditu princîples in violant actionr' Ac«ntry, 'At ibe eime fioù, Eeadi T ct tiat if tfii Colonial posseusions vore at. Mt ÂransLo sz~-r d ii tacked i'i ,would lie iiie, daW"ý.thelb.11-in. mundTATTEsaîL vO RAcma.)rks i5î seii gvain odfu tiu iover or breeder of raceorsesttvl th. fo<'be tiotion, ik cas nol one cbich it exciaini, lika'- thedivine -Th &.~a in ng voold b ooib.'a ia. . tpî6'L,h»fr,' i con- ba.r- a-ny -lmin t*tClia 41Y - Tb@ motion -vasiv"otually vitbdravn. pain of suspanite,' ihifaksi; lîrt bis #peri- 'r snee.ofnore titan a qlirter of aï'aantur 'ras rrosrao,.- ie'x. entil iq gopinien about borsud-nt id. Msjre.nie, Esq., Ibe michls atemad mns,- porPing nira e etandh su bei for Lamion, started front Sarna ao non f inembers of Pat'liomn. u ,t Monday morning, -on satour tîrongbhi thealers, sema et vhein have beau con- Plgenov ' hirtta gnoranee ot of Provinces oM Nec Bruswick '"ud Nvae l u Upou h the otl iaeta a- Scotie. Objteîs-,pleuure sud heailti. d. lits opinion fa thai ithe Eugligh-race. lat T4!reg advautàge cf is à bîîetie, -ce un- herse ba' improved, (ainca -bis fiin vas ily dersotand*tits people of ianiutýoa have lu- founded by bis grandfatuar>, sund thai bc At augarated eanievemnt- Iooking ho lb. pre- hW a botter anad futer aninaal ilion lie vuas- e, sentatien cf acme suitable gifi thoir tal6nt- fifty-years ogo,. there, is ne doubi he lsaa Ire ed maniber, as a reegnition et bis services bigger and more1 povertul animal. H. contauds that raeborses cf the present ,or- in- Parîlmeut on bebalf of the people. No day, with thair bigber early devloptnient Dg declâion bas >'et basa' come a 0a vhaî ifrom caretîîl breeding sud high, kaep front un kind of a testimonial.ote b-hprasaentcd, the aarliesî mineni en afslu sq sud betore tuis fa doneo, ve bope. hie Lambl. turity t a i uh aier date thun formaer- te, toi; people whîl give: &li admirera cf Mr. 'ly,*auJ thatL a herse ai the enu4 oft bis Macýkenzia in iba uaigiboaning counuies an] hhird yerir (se>' in October>,Is us god os ad. eppoýrtunfuy of joinhng la ticeniovom eut the raceliorse eft former iiys et aix- yaa d No mou stands bigiier in the estimation cf old. hie -des net baîheve thai earlv training or eaorl'roclug-that us, et two st- the Referma,, of Kent and Bothwel-and, yoars elt - unlasea arid taeaxceas, iu- p indeed, w, migbî add lu the estimation cf jures the herase ailier as a racahorge rm ry ina»yConisarvatives, as vell-snd bandreds a progenitoir ot receborses. ln.u a- prt et', et of r peuple..vould gladi>' John lu gethng bis -orgumnent bha raIers to the pet-forrnj st up sncb a testimonialtahoMr. Meekeazie as, onces cf Blue Govu pnd ihe Colonel, anJý of bis cqnduct ricil>' meritm. The Committea ras te tume, thihks the ist. M May a good id la Lianibten oait not ho tac precipitous la date-for beginuing tia race ivo yaar olds, ly tiair action. Let thons givo tie muvamant anîd the middle of Novenaber a finish te tai sInb>'iuvîig al M. ackazî'athe flat raciug season. 'Regarding horse- se firfàtrt b ivitog&HMr Makezilsracing ai the chief aus -ntcfagreat 4 friandéstg o asst, und vo ylguarantea people, ho thinki Iba Legislature ougit tiat the. appoal vil ha uebly ramponded te be caraful in inlemfaing vitih i. Tiare to.---Chatuam Banner. is net nov, bhaellogos, ona-icnth of the betling tbere vas a fav yars since among Tii.pneus and people of New Bruswmick Lie mambers -of bis club. 'Thare vas,' )f are discusaing jast Dcv saine extravagen...c ha ys, 'oui>' one rosi legitiniato Derby w aies'discoverad in tb. aecouats of hbair book-Oepen oia-the laie Derby,, and thora - 1,Leglîtive Concil, snd anotier little bl. i net oee open on the nexi. Formerl>' there vould have beau vtwen', and half Id called thea "toilet acenant et the Speaker ofh hein fuli.' ýMr. Tatiarsaîl, regardiug et the Assambîy." The bill cf itetioear,, belting as business, edvocaios a schame imporîedl froin Englaud, for lait session's inthede ternis -Il wvf a bririg racing nuse, conteiuedl, ameng ailer articles, tbe as' a busiueusi quille iuddpandant of bel-- following o. "16 yards black gros grain tîng, lu vogue weuh cityy sud country iIky "' £5 123 stg. , 'eue gama -Asut paopîp. Tha>' vil find il quit as steé ' iMeiik, ecmlt',and nmore remuneralive than ih vis te bu>' , n r-f l fgu19 ree-stclssc1, copIetaes London, Chaîben, aud Dever, sud mansy £1~~~~~~~~~ in tg;"trs oaspz ie, liter ver>' raspectableandhibsudg poiisbed unabegany boxas," 25& stg.; four raly> shares, a e years . ance, eorlae, domoea packs l'gentlemen's sud laies',iit. bu>' many cihar Ihings 1, could naminh e i'Jars,k £16,s st. oopirsato hich 1the> ' deal «habiluelIy. -1 vish tW Splatil caadlesticks," £1 4s; *'one ladies' seo.one ur tvo racing éompanias, forinad, traelling sud dressing 'bag, fitted c»* e nd .Ibèliive -tha>' veuld pa>'. -At' ail 16i~ 4is; i"e bagatelle tabl3," viiti va te' old combina pleasure weuh e- , m ac , ue.. et ., -£2 , o aa-doeaea 'business. sud I fel certain ha i st dt a' r ldip' kd gevs, ludresiu triée ai qh yearlings tMay' qç.be air aiakd , ;',61 n rssn cîrgi, inu mch bé,ter te, bu>'antd bAg," Lt1li16e "noecse- of BmUoisfor t ee hnkbreed them.' The forma. hsly"£1 le; "one Uuivýeriity,,Despa eh lion of suclicmaiswulb hna -Box.," extra good, -£8 sîg.; as vaîel as tvo 'give a higber toue ta the national aparti,_~ ,"Qïeae sCoansel'.Govs, casting £1?;seracesoldoi> py'>'vifhi 0li dozen berristesbadsd," at 30s.; sudV ons dozeu white stocka ; tb. bill for pape, The Coie>,eio p ataie bug la dohg moula smoïabunting te £30 &tg.; beaides;924 6sait- ravage lu lb. Coanty eOf Fo _h.TheS. o f b!tig aeîMarys Argua sa>'d bis tesraPie st is t T e flo ig-,&b4siq l pe k r, s out fi,. .eigbte'.iWt' an ich long, au'i . Oun'iburda>' evenluf, Jae, Whoe ii seemed troablati fer sonie lima, vas àe b>' Nirit.Paynl a le U ber chat themni ter cas, and she tien disceveroth. decl damnation of the suaootbitougued, oily -leoking individuel cbu s b ad beau bai. bourng in ber honsehnld. fi, seenis hai for a long time ho bati boan on ternis c improer hutimacit the cbild, asu iisd at lIret overcome bar sonuples partiy 1>' thraats sud parl>' - b>' promises. The obild vms aIse foanti to be ha au huteraut. iug situation. The nait torenoon, anti baforea su, thing coulti le doue about the c ue, tie parties oloped. At praient nolig bu bienu eard of ibair chereabouls. The citizossallavinoe a dasiro 10 bave justice done- the v;llain, but notbiu ai yat -bas beau daterne ampon. _________ UOw to gtaid 'the Mot Wcauiier. Tiare are a gres ainu'y ascf andan. ing tie bot ceatier. £bo Most belpei victime of the tiogotims aeayourgauutlemeb et laisurs, cho,-have uohiiing - nder dii burning beaveus 10 do mave to cauch the thermomtuer, seak cool'plaeqaatf'dveIll mentilly or or'slly, ou th. iribulationsof l'the heatati terni." slec~retiii ost plîlalle cf ai thesaoffsrers, outaitie of tic reeking tanement bouse juarteru, .-liai 'vc 96ov auydigsht. -' C': Men cho baaemuahIto do mnisage, Et soome va, 10 get ubmougi the 'day clîboat. iapoiag mint ibe utter kanti vaant despou. feue>' chici seules ovTe' h anplooYed and mekes the da seine ee te l eidioas daratiou. Ifsa Man's hoartisl moaIll lu Lis vork -no mnatter chat lu mual bs-he viii Icomo attout partiali, forgeal acf tbm intense bedil, -diseotatorts; of bot ceauber. Anti, besides, io cilI net 'eau>' suffar as maob as lie idiors, for tbe perspiration tiiat paunmafrém oniasltby tblil si the indication of a naturel rpeelion againîl tbe affect of boat anti of e vigorous ihrolving off of evaryîhing Ahat imnpedes the froc circulatioanir'oagia the skhu. 1V. knov ae couple et gentlenc ho get lieiiseives hato the heu pomoible cou- dition b>' piayiug a&ticouims of ton pins afIer Ibeit Ã" G'aloek-, dinuer bai is time to mjaît huelf.-.Jbey Sgainmb a livel, perspiragou cund iaîo aàcoditfou t otudly idor, auti citait abouthifai suppl, of cool rater bu ciemue h. surface of their ikins, 4d iwbisna de,baie 0joye4linuieht. eis rafrbmont cf théir' cigae, fbsy in- Jure the carapits of theiemsalof the evoning 'iia compoonre, guotinaurand ulpit- )ioph,ý wbia a"ssthe *nvy cf ibels l seoie »Mupanins. The 4"Grste" TnibtalsLoqs-A - meit> di i p di ti 1 ont tbat the iiloâ, iuietau iA furrie [thai ha u'o f havaet bo MBiderta j. ores, & aMie styles To se laybarbora r Itemsi,à M orggti.a 4Jarlean . reBoni caalereilo (rom Romb n lon.W. *t g-Edute S An excha snt hauidso tflese hoaÏ lbe Srdimat of tia Cuoo LOBB- the cfa of- liaw ifa of] b, the Bey. of the 'brida Mis# Janet 1 ]EOR., aIl of BURNHJ Jobua Chai UtSai It., b>' Bector, Z. B -count>' Cour daaigiuer of FOOLE- ati-Wbhiby, .b ju '1si 87 mtontbm., ýEDWARD insmL, Charlet Yomr. UJEFFREY South Shielda Jere>', bretii 'tbls'tovn,) o ro ialteratei 4'aii ...... tis.Onu Thek par cvm cyncer îO LV Z Qeet stuie li. 1. s a"ii

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