Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1870, p. 3

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1h1accientms ou a ta !ý2i b19.reedonl ero la deaîlif Ânt'1dhna hsbsad'idrertwa dbit vite s'lvlq hub *ii(If oard, y sd then aop- ou or& dollar snd a "An goyen have nssrrld àa i. PnnyPi"Wad &-etlmman toa lady 01 big acqutlnoance.' - "No,' Mr. PebcaY" ,Ah,"- you have done btter thm 1 tbouïbt'", ln vlew of thse bot iiesiher, a Western editor ps't te the sppllcabillty oéf Lo- wdl's oftquoted Uine: 1tSi5t l ssua diy lu Jans Ir, ,,eId espan amnsdmneft, Ous: At làgo b% oaaidayn uiery - Af4rrIjr, wtablng b inlciM thse publie that hi *oold malle up fui% ln s fasion- AI"e assener, Out of cld fuis vblch ladies have At hom~e, appended theso fllovlng te Mis advertileoeent :-,,N. SB-Cap«., vie- - orines, Ac., msade up for ladies ln fabios abi, styles, Out of bLeit'ou-n iaklnsa To -le wa the vael oof money, try 10 Tins have had a Joue. aao.falile inte- hyherborçsn rnqlon of Gode'iob. tg cost about t910,00l10 Isa ibmthen- su of Great Butain and lnslaed. : Nover go la for a lark unie you have dira snàds-up yonr uind ta catch k. -Ti LUndon lima, la accused of "lbull- Io( tho-coru market. Presidot Grant'. o" i esg puaied by the PaU Mafoi Gazette. Admflral Drummond bis bien givon the osussand Ot lhe Britill chanul doet. Oaermnîn tawvq1 are bolng brought tb Crk tb replace: Inihasesnov "los strîko" Tii. Arcl blsbop of Parle bas reburned (rmm Rom,.. Wben l'be Education Bill nov aunaor Eo'nolde alon lu the luperal .flouu@e"of oM o~ecorneu laI i lblsd the Rîgis ln. . . orrlà te Lecîmode Mnfier An eichange declarea "4tisaIgirls vise uôs't balîqisoma bhâte uisefo uWhoarp, vbîls tisose wbo are bsndsssse hate one another.'. I1lGrN-k~Whiiby, au Soaay, theO rd lest., the vifs cf W, .- . iggleu, of ti0 i. înaeshLm, ut à dsîsgbr. luOBB- a Ã"sbva, !on ts !Du Iot.# TAYtLO-la Oeiisw, on tIse 29Lhlt. the wvif. cf Mr. W., Taylor-, of à son. MBARR!1 E». MACKL--HO0ITT- Oun itheu Iti ,c bY the Rer, Dr. Tbornîon, et iiie resideap cef the. brid'@ talLer, Mn. R. Mactie, te *mi«e Jainet Holt, dagter cf J. D. Hou:t, Boq., ail of Osawîa. BURNHAM- WARREN. - At 8t. &Jeiîibuls urcii, Deablrk, N Y., ou the 28t1à ei., t be is s. P.- P Kiddsn, MA., Reetor, Z. Berubsai, Esq., Judge Ontario Couety Court, Whuîby, tOc' Heleas, foerth daegiiî.r cf J,.1B. Warren, Ecq., Oshawa. POOLE- MOORE-On -tIesa 2li la., etWiitbly by tise Roi. M. Coaford, Ms-. 8. iPocie, to Mra. Moore, of Oshawa. DIII». WIUMER.-At WLiîLy, ou Fliday, Jny-s~ 7,Edward James, osly sou cf ,Mn. RpMutiiasr, aged 1 poar sud 8 .EZDWARDS-fin Oshawa, on ithe 3rd list., d'parles Wesley Edwards, aged 20' 4BFFREY-Ât 3 Oladtone Terrace, South Shisidu, on be2lst ait., Mr. ÂIe.. J'latrii, brother'of (W.. Jefftey, Eaq., of ,t;i oveow,) oiglaaily of Twizol, ad lais 0of i-alteriesd, Ladykirk, aged 82- jears. Wliiiy Markets. !VallWiieî..,........ 8 g ,!ring, w 4out............1.05 0*$1t0' .e1........... hoa60 l'Us.................. 0@a is ..................S fa 1>te ................20~ 'ork per Owt............. .$8 (à t ,Iltio... .......... 100. 00 .................... Dr. 1181s11aot:kor.vurr subsitancaeJuwwn, 1 @i ver hsaisd, or .1 lsd a rossu, AmI doo oo,î.ipocd. bmmiii a oue, iliI.own wîvaled Curaive. ,Tb# *opiss&a1d, ai luit waslutins! o u.Urunrerc o nd tealt,,itdare wlu eand amad erpeil bau Iion or. MIlétid vib cornas, boulons, or biruisse, *Touandm of suffecrers brrdthie neo. .Ziifi îng vas l'ound ibaimet Ihoîr vieva ,Tbay W, thi sud aises!lbheCurative. * N oSvai the fort part dromaed, ess m~~oed Ubal #puithaiir reoi ,Ail se Os ef4ncme soon wvool by, -,Wbclrfiband, on toot, or eyb, «Ma .wlWlwayb lad the above aaaad Rom.dysLt ail JWII u ouatryMnrcbaonhamr9yroumufo ahpmiy u y 111iialon O lrissua Allsvagiior tbrastemsyôWibags0lir impcedy cure et fsirb iadca et ralgaadailtssmacsa ru or1 . . on chCo",Pr a- . 0*0004rsflmmNé. dvy, VoN Wat oronto. NEW àYivETlfE§=TB. rIIIOLVENT AOCT (Y Y1889. À1 15 TUê The.Credliors of -thé Insacioat aro sotided te Suait oi the IwLYAL HOTEL, la the tova ipt W1aUby, in LlsCoani,. o Oniro, ou- the.1121h dayof JUXé'Y, .870, lianco taîlxoon0o ,se eDWA1D MJO andesnOiaomeu it. fan fn.o E ai i lo G, A).oî N .27 O i oo W ENmAYAJ TcLY1801ý Wnoti oleovl0nt agjnias vcf Ãœwa. 4b M~f-îp, 8.00tSuNO. 20,; Sugo.0 ii 81l.50; lii,, 81.00 »,th, 600. gnd 8eLo;rdîl&oo ti 6; ôt~8h. IConspoitiou te opea ail. Fdiracfa«15 ooata. Canptlios-it muat Le ou iii.grduad snd bgj@. tui atisrisa modc by 1 Q'olook, *p.a.. os the' d&Y Dithi e aloii, whea tihe raies viiiLe umode Conaiit. of Mangemot.4ii.rmâo Brown, Aloi $puar*. JAMElS BROUWN', Sécretary. .Ini 7. 870.27. s- I E ZT MUSICi For tihe ia'fornstios of porties vise1bave osded, ilii Le touad balow aàiai of Tii. Gl4 pssWantlag; 1s« ieaiD Meîomîra;, luocAhîha or Lmnglîlag Wster Polka; Tii, WundoplasRatage.; Thai Binm4h liai told thse sioryvilic t i oldfi souceîl; IeuY odit ylpoid at " 0. c e h .T h "' Jay6. 1870. LIEO. BEENGOUCIIf, Bîge ert lie B.dBock, UIINlIY POUND, t'Y Chite! Coistable. The Tois cer eau Ibave IL Ly proriag tMe sacuntoud al îg oiptusom$. A L(AMEXON, Whblty, Jly ô 1870.,9 $1 #,300 12V ONI OR stORE 2UM, Elg.ht per cent, interait. Atiply lis- ilarrlt6., Wote.y ~NOTIcz pesona trespillng oSnîv promises vlil Le preseented f'itise oosme. i ishor oivmmlug, fleisuiig, steallîgijr it.ýor for agiy otiier per- posa. DOo t vaît (on a second selle, fer I amn mlrcady quit. cut astoi sîes. wisîis, Jn~ 8, IbNktY B. BETT8. W ;bJs2,1870. 26 p IIOVIIICE OF -ONTARIIO. -TENDEI4S; wil bc mcclvod by ils. andtrbrca, At tItis Depargtui, til Doon, on iLe l 5it 1) A Y 0P j ULYI_ 19-r0 for tise folewîag Draiaqge Wo ea la tlîe TewnsblîPflpgtf i, CeunIy cf Mid. dlosex: Pla&ne auJ Spbeehietloiis oan Le seion In tue Townulîlp of Brooke. Conuty et Lsmhîon : Plana sud Specificatloas oua Le ceeu At Watfuid, lu tue Tawushlp cf Grey,Coasty ut Hnron- Plans aud tipeelficatioescals bc soja et Wal- ton. lu ltie Tovuip cf Eut Tilbury and Bs- w1.14bCoauty Ket ; 1Ilus and epooldcatious u b. s&couaai lIitiory Esit il, (O. 1'Jses and Speclicatîons tor al h iems Wos-ks cati t. oncri inttsi. Domprtnuî, and, aller Lise lut J ai>' acxt atele i. pieAsboya- msatlonsd. W. Tii, Iovst or ny>'Toîller ii nDot ue- efstmll>'bco seopted. , - ommlafoua. OoaEs4nesit et Pulic eWorka, Oularlo, t otureulo, 241h Juao, 1870. 26 Fise oudesiul ban Au Laa,» m EA D sMIlàL, - S AU a&SIR ultx, AJss-ge.unatity of LuMbon, arileis us FOR -8ALY, AT TIi. LOUWEBT.MARKEMT BATES9 I~Bill Lumber cf &a iRndu &wu au -IL. siiortesi notIce. -- ilmookilu, Jase 17tL, Il». . A GENTS WANTE.. TO 5NL TES CABNETLAW YE-R! 33 LNi AID, JuLI JIAGAZINVES TO H.A.D.- Tiie wbolo oofhi& spIeund stoël FOR OýNE Asl bis detenmu*od to lear ot expires. NO MORJ, C b.AU Book DebIts muét bx illI b. Pliced in Court. tiwý la tbe tme to u h l 21fJlÃ"M6INION0 Teas, 8gigar, Coffe., Frunu, sploes, w AlITED SERVANT! . ( pi i -,-ÃœwUL jÈ June9, MUn&.11. J1. MACDONELL, olyario Street. 1JEALTJII 1dbB4 UT -0- Banna Complezzo-The Sl-b Bir-The Teh,&. Wth s vsluale collection et nov sud lu- portant Beipes rlatlag tiseneto. M MaIied fs-e. te &Dy atdrosà ounisoalpt cf prace-25 Coula. L. B. VEXIGETTE. MAsUtaituren cf Pentuieiy Toiict Articles, % Toronto, P. O. Box, 1842. Jane 28, 1870. lis-28. MOE TU LOÂ7S, On Fiais Prne!ety ouly, - -May 81, 570. ML J. YMACDONELL. BLAKE'S PATENT 'J XCELSIOR O-UT'2IING OFF MACHINE!1 TU# IAETEIT INVENTION 0P TIuE DAT f Cea Wrought Ires, Steel Bars, Tablng, &o., jinoetiland Ipnliced,vwitieut rsortlng 10 foerge, chisel or iathle, Bud viii dosa mach woi'k lu on bolni ad a-hait s eanLe due lu a day by thé old xrocci. Nfo Foundry, iron Works, or Mlachinte Shiop sheald b.e vitiiout one.. ~couty Rlghts, or tlb. Rlghi for ithé Duniiolun, fur s"le. GJEORG4E JL4Je. Whutby, Idoy 10, 1810. Qeléon ky ers. GENEAL BLACESIIITII, AND Fi4ST-PRIZE HORSE-SIIOEU, IMtlAS STREEJT. 'WýiLLy, le, 1887. B. PÂNK - - - - Prapriotor. stages toalld trois WLtL Cali daiiy. Evmy attention Ma tolegnacte. Carefal a.d atten- TU . usdaraigued. yul pay Lii. HIGHIE8T KAIKET 1'ICE, For any quntittr of Gate. WhI*y, dquesoi9, nu8.2 mi.batle2 nband iiilangeai sud buil st«oietPapèra- Esgiu r lu ts ove, -ail of the- ~b1kIeboftbeze $ôr , vr'yow, forcasIs "md SuPm Rangieg. e" enied lu a vork Wnsle.& ud expeditiouManer, iasmal. A. C. WILwo udaBraWleyt B6dsShoo will bo offoerod a de forcshb, flH bs dock by 'D,1lt, risti-when bis lems M)IT APTE ~ D~ON DAY. A id by ltAgs,_î~trta date the 3 A R, -J. YÂAR NO-LD, 1 IL, W bitiO. oeooi-vn~ai, X lr ' o7honeeo outia t 1of fiis<r Th, a aagu a fi.u ex' slnt view otXEmliy lake, vbiola jqne a.iied !or sporzilisg ly uay - *lake la thse Cou n h sm'tteren o,m.M lces vio c Liii hxand iooye SiDl liq arichoylus Thoro ore ove lO0sicrea'îlerca lusalîlgh ultaitî'niéCtivntin.The îemnder bi eiug Laid ,oed lnd villi suffioCaCt edai foi teucinzg PuP809 pa-e os." ioýprty là vol! fosccd, sud lis velwatied b>qs sver-tailisg tîcèam is. t sina IOR barsnvitlwo uireahlegfloo - t4biog niseâ d or. ut b4Iicngo; sge ega' vliof biouseo,sud yl-sà yeîsug 2oshst choice tîcai bcsuiig fiWj.- Titie iisdispumnle.1 p -5erpery. lx itdin os -blokand viii mike cithli&nor t Ivecéu4euî tris, ma1' bc indvided Os sait pus-hehais-.» WIs-tr LLf 4IoAM bpl y plE B or Osto 'PlS. MRtN Solicitor-,, Linsay. cl prîces. Lîda,7i .no17.-2 TC_ TU W " 0e q -e qw q qMt0 WAREROC mai M tad Biuas.. rafr IrbI an p.5 a 1.P- ::h.ates*m<rî *tîse0arevsILmUpipual ~ibctvhoiilimio5ibsaiou. Or'aeimad Rie Riiscrans bhciiimimuasrataaeert T-obaccot âo.e &o LOW ES -A - O WELL N 0. 2.THEG RRÂT FML EE c0ElTAIS Ptl'RÉSKMVÂFIOFOTRUE Job Moss Periodical ill. Z Q * ii'. ivninsllp ~asin uanfailing in tise cureofail i lce. -pmiisful sud dasliîcjuadia- caoes te viicl!,tl.e female centtutiouje sais- - j t i eexi Ilocelsud isireteasDmi ob. nactious, sud as epe uod Myy ç els Te MAUSE»LADIES. Il laPeuu-ieitltedItwliiiin auesrt tiaso J. Hf. GERIlE, Druggist, s&c., isriisgcutishuOmntisly pu-s-ieiiti c-gisiarlty. ah]&IlCase. st iNers-vtaned SlpinâsAffec- Dandaa ai,., WVitby., . ieus, Paiss la t4 Buck and Limils, Fatigue ou sligb icegrsi , Palpitation et liselieeut, Sole Agost, for- the saie cf.car 117ly n iljor thèse Pilas vili offoct s Ze*bos'n~i is. fla sud CELE3RÂTD FRFEOEJO aithoneaigbs owcýfiý-tn -édy, do sot coutioin to tise coisltiu,'« lyhtg uia Flidis-ctions lu tii. pilet arouna each -AID- Jsf go, visioul ad ef~u1iyprsoes-d. - A N D - B O S E S , Iz w lTO R i, 5 0g Po P R IE T O R s tlqa4l12 contasl'or-pbmao nlsd - raI agasça forth Domiiqiue wiiilînssre a Lot- Tiso LENSIIS osf vlîlh as-e grouini' hy us, tic, eoiàtuluiiig oves-5g pil, Ly rs-dam mail. from inaterisal musihiotueid ospeeiî tfor Fer sale iîy Js B Iys-ieouindJ.Il. tGerrie, Ulsla ppurpose. k la l'ure, ilardaud Bri lisis, Ws Ihy . PAtkiîîaoîî and iRobinssonlA and ats ieur Achrematie au eau ho prod uced. Ce., Oliava'; J. Davos,, llrekisu, sud al The peaiaurferui and sesentillo reeaîaesy at- scdiu-iuc de:àles-ai taiuod by thieid ef ompinsead seotly 'eb.22.17.8 nsaohiaieiy, Warrants; ai lu sA'artiniz thin tu .17.86 tured,,tsoy ammsaîdis Siglit meon Briiiiautuy,R EMO AT confis- Esmae âsud ensfort on the Weas-er, causse R5.L a cotinuooe sud stiiding-0 IM1PROVEMJINT 0F TuIE EY£@, JOhIN FERGISDNO ANeD LàKT A GRAT V AUT TICA vitisout requirns-g te Lceeisanged. Sgo ibcy as-o MERCHANT TAILOIR, tise u2ueitpegt, o ashboi et. 1 ê1.9 431, &Cf LAZARUS, MORRIS & Ce., 1 eps tu iitos-su liii patress's tind tise publia 29 Notre Dame Street, (np Stalre). : tissât liais remerve to tehie pîonisca MoNqTR£AL, nett doors ast ef lis-. Croshy's gioccs-y WBWRLJIPLOT .0 oPBDLRRS. _fl * stor-e,vises-e ha yl L e prcpss-ed te icceive ordcsr s n nal. ASH DULE - GENTLEMENS' GARMENTS COMMISSION AGENTS, Stylaeanlfl aekiois. COLLE(C-FORS, ACCOEJNTÂNTS, £Pd. GentiemenS' Filin lSliing. Goods1 OFFICE, aW» Ail Os-desaattessded te witliîpunctua- OFIE#aGillietts Dock, Omswa. ut>msnd dispâtoei Fois. 28,1870. 9 JtlN FEIIGUBON. W BITBY INO AOTORY wliitlîy, Fi. 2, 1870. 9 ý .EPRET R.E Tho subaceribos-, sd iotnng L'o Pis.- RI cor. tsariku to lise majsy fs-landà sud castcmes- ci tise Wlitby PIANO MANIJFA tTOIRYY Legs te . @tâta ie cnov cierrivie on tise huai. MACS W $RN siei holiy pon mosaveaee,iut; and inusac-- lisitIog fteoordens lie Legs t.eman.e thin CATO,.-i ers ulena tissi sothisig viHle loft tindose on is sparit Pnaiu Ubl, sr Aa etlasepk te give satisfaction, lu aappiyîue - loven tofs.A 52pe pa!psetâ or SUPRîIeso _________________ QITALITY, THE -RBPON HOUSE, ST YL E, &(sE5UP oEî'5BOu,) IFiw .DIUNDÂS aTÏt-ET, WIIITJ3Y, CiW. GEORGE Rl38ON,Props-iotor. Tite coiebratel uav patent and crs-s.oele -s patiersnuttlîja owu lavetilon n ntatnned VHIE sambcilgsr egete assoaso. th&t'i b as beretofoe. .Tuas isd t'i,îe buiding fornîcrly knova "- Ahi ros-es executed wuL promptitudeases-ita rse's otelvisieh lias Leau rnovat- sud dispatea. sel, -t'aa-ui ised; 4tsîlfitted ep îlsrougt lu JOSEPH F. RAINER. t'a bestof<otyio. Tise prinemwa-ePleasautlY cetrae .oositeth£pogt ORce, Asd inuth., Wbiîisy, May 8, 1870. my- c ere ofayUmaTon. la ts Etl, the stage, four Jbrldgs sud BosysitOn iseav T E P ATENT 'tisedooreqrsymnror .n oardfl perduf. T 9~ÇE ROBSON. ~WWW5 ~ d~iO CaroJ ed1i 5 s-s paittedasce Tihe undomkpgu,, bavlag purcisaedf &cm[IrGBB N Masr». MobLasd Tresesit, th isEgbit - fotes io COMIfSSIQMER CHÀNfI To EINSURAI;CKrILeEIIE£11àJi AO T. MogsbI atent Ploughi ?oint,; Wstyla'8ig. Begs O elé Itiil-atoaagcs o! Paners to the GE CO e.XACK.sad sac BI tlaieofîis patent PIopgL Point, 0~str Fs-tueca ea u gets a sviag ottwo handigd pe s-. tllind.mambisi.0 A aouasi- -.aut, iu tise year, The soveaLle -Peint oui. ls iuieoeaau n ad comel ive coula. The oreiuury PloacL-iiasr, cetelMy cents.,.-Oas $bard ,Wlll lutt10vear:U A I G ont ai leua iara c îe coveaLia Points,. uas UNERALS fu nllve'o effeotnthibsavsng refesral Ote. Ssii ei OMih5.aout noeb. aple d sud ônàatd012o and eue tbo eobl o Plis. - lsnd. o.6ou apoetalyO '50;--m -Whitby, A FRES8H' SUPPLY 0F SUmm. j ~si - -Building Southor the, Eoyalýqgjq lIfre. Keller and Min Stuart ruap.ctfaliy aussonas te tha4sllu cfW tyssd vloity, t4y. are nov lanrecept cf thals- o f sslseice Mlilien,-Wj uiia~>ntJe, Dra" GoRde Ps-laç, v*HGome lprts, Ml HoRIeclci Cafnud'Vuffa Lacsesuàd"pa - chict, Vo ,t sud ld 1k Nets, Japueàe Svilciiai, Chignons, BaLLai Bandu, snd Conoeta, F4soy Jpolny, sud Stalioueny. ê tnsv -venk and Sfeihig dons t10 onder ail tbe geeda ame Dow Sud voUl]leid mD4 otftiie laipat fiables. - 'L a iie&1i lad thaI tbcy ose conanit tbels- linte Sud lateiessi Ly osling. l-fleffl note theuadnes-The bull- lag 5oath ofthe Royal Botei, Brook St, liuLy, Aprl 97, IlfO. - ' JIiIffflm, 13rQig1liain. Hî.III T N & (O April 27, 1870. T17EEBÂ: R HAVE IN STOCK A -FINE.À.SORMENT 0F TEOTTiNG i Il 0O.gI&gE FANOY DRLESS GOODS, NEW MTLLINEFtY, .UATS BO E MONTIN ORG4( COLORED LUSTRE, FRENCEI FLOWEIIS, SFIA 9 ,LG BLAC LUSTRE, SILK JAÂCKETS, R iBB Nr 6 BLACK SILK, WHITE COTTONS, LACES, SIIIGS, OREYX do.Plit, f LCLOTII,.&N» TWEEDS, STRAW AN» W L2 A S ecsrMay9, ho uiiI louve bis born atuand î.11,Jobsn Mar la isoli, C-salagtoa, sud pieceseL fo MsybeeWabvtai--ut secs; tiiene b I. V7.1q ,aCdand romaiifils gig. '~-~ ~Warxiusuy.will, pnoocd te Vackiuhotl, Oak- i-,COTHIKG OMADE TO ORDER 1 JIS HELA TJiTYTYLR& . wM ved,,r4 anom; tlieaco 10 Coas-slai,e il ' o4Ma nii.sd nromain ail nliis. 1 C Tnp4smr, pnofoeed ýoc Comeo ihotel, SuaIs,' 0 landnt Dools n ete Varooo's bote, FAIVILY GRO C EBR1-8 roJE q udrminal i Meuda iuoin. s>asd nrnaoatil - -- --- t rT hi s a r o u t e v is d OlI W Ço U d d u in g tiihesa, bali dwt ireustlg TFi).RMS-To laieréa s os!, 48; f9r the su- &)D K400. , Pro40pator. SI>RING IMI PORTATION S 1 cansgto, Xy., 18I0i 2 0- - ESTITS KOTfC&-ý-Ali pommons laving N e w C o o d s o Smr f he ndoigm ed orcfrste A T aiy ulcxi. Ad alil pos-sona Idobt4i ouelesïdetala ara re s o stle &é M'MILLAN & (JOS!- 4, -O-~ C. CAIL&PBZL4J<Xantoa Tisa subscribens hcg te intimato thc as-Bokigy2,i.1 rival oftbte bulk eft tiein spring imponis-Bokis y8,87.5 , J,, _ ,, s 5or t 5 e n t e t S t a p le s d F s r c y D r y O J S E S d L XUcods, Clothiug, Groecies, Liquon. anti Wiues, wlîich thty as-o detonusincdto teilnci; '0 e A t> E, at a sallstvnce ou Cost. Ts aiolo.la so stutdbli rs bMevve-lSial1 Profitsud quick Roe pThe tgoî,e bu btis uuome yisepr ALD>WEild'S ALE9 AIA5 E ?Ri We isavo in stock 100 packages of the In the Town of Wbltby; ,aboya clcbrsted stock Aie lu primoeCt55 latý-TLat Brick Coltage, (rasîdosce cÇ#r. eau. slitien, visicis vo offer a.t thse weufac- Wiillace,) Plt streal, oo$a8i4sen turer's ps-icos, lu packages ef 10, 12, 10 ui, waurbs iioan ,0.euleaa W &ud 80 gal Ions. .vl ons4es~soctvî T. il. McMILLAN & Co. Tiscre'la zo omd apliprrjfl alfia, mugA e aFc Bdà I>3.vuti pu on atta Street, su v hiseii tisas qallnca Isoissaç, eof, ooris and akstei»»o.eives routli8108 penrmaunie. Snd-A ssssll viaci Lob <faiw.d), à ilin -Ms-.Jas. fiWnd'à realace, ou - Wl9: sti 'cata, oi fuqd, lot onais gsran.it J 0 H- N S' K VI N m E R18 i-veaec; o eRIgs:P ,a. zç MW TT mi, Ji1&iiapEi dos5aia 'wJt> a4 S U 22Agut YETEMK#glr igSIJGEON, - and lat. Agriaut toPrf COM~E OI~$ JîJjJ MORNNG ~TTIIJ ml'icBUCKLAND, Prefof Aîrimdtw,,s Pic,. SMITH, V.OS., P4IhripMof (Ontarioe;y. I IE PêTO R 02. BUVELL. TOrosW E " TRORBIIRNi 0si "ROW ELL' - P . 8. cIf~ SW JKFT A PPL E cas b ,.x Y ~~nA f is ia esîd7escù.D-okl, NE W TRIS WEEK, VERY E,AP* Câl -aiand see their MILLINEIIY, a t reducc ( . 1 $&Iy 701)

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