Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jul 1870, p. 3

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-ooavetÀ 8an loft unCilithe vturn ai oeicOck tes -attend Co heun, YeSterds1 happeod that Trailisl fIt vICE h hé osovicts némed, and hey avaiie4 he, Sselvas cf Ch. pportunity Cceany'oi d.op laid schémae of'eûietlsg C1:475,c sat a fearful t 4iovever. Oppoïtë kilo, and st about 40 or 80 'test front stands a large çtcoé*biildîng the, 11 houe., 4audla th. doëo fCti uildlngt sccceWtýa omed Cc si'nd- exere, lis saurveillanco der ite v orkàîu. "T convicts had froe passage Ilu'and, out this houe., movlng behiud"sud lu front th gpard vîehout crdiuarily occsion! concera vihatever Cc hlm. ýY#stcrd %by ppear Cc have Caken advantagc orf *fdonc@ lu (hem, tO have gairiedt h. Crorrof the- building. thon jCc have-s vednoaiseealy ou Trai, anad deait b Cvo foanful blov i lh 'a .,hcavy cit vblch seetna Cchav e bon aimos butm dlately, bough not expected ly lfat, The) hen LIci zursusnce cf Chroir plu br.v o09 t air prison ciothing, bavlugj readysceurud ether cloches, which th, vote undÏrnuath, and after tyiug ai Mg ln hoirviceîna a:lil robbing hlm ame prn eurifle and rzvolivcr, sud L vite h antId oit,'rau off Cc h. vocd- cover helr ecape by aocurity;* Ths e 10or 66 Lctlafs.." (Front the Nfew York IleneltI.) Wlthiu six veeks of their publicacfi of "LeClacir'" h. esaers. A ppleton sc Otty-two housand copie$ cf hat -novc The. silo lu Eýjnin t u h. -saneaporic #faà six theusanil copies. Titis greaL du - oence lu numbçirs docs not, however, ir présent exsctly Che différence lu th. ri >Curu or lu h.esaunaber orrendIors. 1e the dîffrent édtions voe. oid at one à[i tv. dollars pet cpy, vhile in Ruglasul C! prIa. vas moyen dollars' and a hall'.% aîther'aide Cth. Atlantic, thcrcfurt,i teadlug public laid dowu uosarly h. iam immfor h. gratification or its lutelîocCui astes, Horn fifty thousaud câpia. ma lopret a àhundred or -s buudrcd ai 1fty housand reaticrs, but lu Buglanc whçqe theé cifuitiug ibrarison a lIan saiti systomnaClze he repeated use of th afflcop, Che uumben et readers, la oc atilte b eciated wiC the numbc copies soil. la fn ces tsinly very ituel grester. It Is lbkely, lîowevor, ChaC tt dlstîngulsbed staCesînan vîtose hlatory lu Volves s0 muuch tC# wuvie pculiaily regari gisl'heAméricain Ides"liîad mure readt bore tCan ln flmlsowu counîtry. Itla i Jout àa9memeaure cf hie gréat populaniq Chat, "Uncle 'ol'os'eCabitn," vittîbu chg ame porîod after publicatioii, had Dot sol( so iargciy as iiLCCitslr.11 ,AINGVLàalTaitAL tir 0CALOUTTA....4,isic r lirrâi eçoiil ck plc eClut hchb, vhiole lîîuivad l&Che& îlhcfts Bîudoo vcmca.-tCc embrsce the religiot ber 'coýnc utaches hlier n ight, hal causcd au Intense exciCement suiolg Chi lîctîvea. A youtig vioman, 1h appeans crsaock teucca cfrlier alîceatorandcriewi brrptizd. Ni)CwitlàoCautlihî its oiaflia. Z'air Corpui ncilltîer uiiins vtli v erc nesorteel Cc by tutu relatives tCcaceur, posa session of ber, h. JutIge before whouî tii un wu. asbrodeh-trefused te gvothe vo' msu lfuto Chroir custody, arte doidtodtirCai uhe had a ighC Cc lier liberty.11cr suothes *as, however, eruittrid Cc go witia ha' iuto anotiter roomn,, or h. purpose cofcr doavournig Ce shako e han raoiutioîa noCt, returu Cc her fauaiiy. Waiiings and shrlceks vere board lesuing front, the apartteut,, bte wbich nu otiser wu es cv mntteod tCcentCer, aud atter the lapse ci bail ahour,' ieaoütng voman camne forCi witb ber rcsolution unahaken.Ske hat] noyer been beyouTd the vialia cf a Zéuaua bbAbp until about a woak previous, crie ,e, ~deal hrough vihl site had pasce gafailty imeigincti; Tuas SJIÂwÂ,rwK TuexEr..-Tr editon of thse ?idditown Mlercury givai Ch. fiowiIng observations of Cthé great tunnel ou he bdland Riliroad now in course of excaation :-t.Puaeing finrougit the saient vilIQgu ot Blooiffogburg, situated on une ot Oua fiacat decititiai of Che cld Shawangunk, wo anccidcd te mountain as fan as the castarua crtranceocf the tunnel, visera wo hiltei to make u -Inspection cf the place. Wa touttel con- idera4le progrellsa iad bccn madu in bor- ing 'C he tmoutai-wo voro blforuied about 1,600 leCt on hé e;isterîiasudsaute 800 or 400 ou tho weternsaie jr ed of h. tunnel. Thte excavation la cf suffi- doent width for Cwo tracks. Tite rock on -tCh. casteru Pideé la itadean d very soliti fer hcC kinel of rock- On the Western end th.ecliaracCar of the rock in cntireiy différent. We are no minerîflogîs4, but shoulel supPae It te bc sarudâtori. It hs ably lnstentasucue; ailsbody vas 50 tlghtly veed u ha ftre vacf hercog vore brokonagel Cith. enVOIreofachneny0l Ce plcame Cc a sutidon stop. This lltI Cc au immediate' oxamnatlon as Ccthe ca uad a vorkman savi vihat iooked- Iliii a.buradie cf rage jsmined ila crong Ch. vbeoisý, butiupookiug more cloeely dismoered'the uilaàtod romains- cf bis uufonun*to fliow.vorkman. The vhee bad te be backed befere h. body, couid b. tsbouout4 sud vihen hia hidbeen buk' hho oad Av a ms c s ajelly, and %t bcldre, rmand legs crushed ln a frtihtful mauner. Tbsybai. bocu diring cannon la h. fieldm noar-Pariateobring ounain- ±senator Amos sud miss ButCler aréCc r» marvlod at Lcwfll,' Maa., Jcmýlot15. 1090 ostcu iscelola Uanada'sý1X&NV yob. >f TRUS tTmn SvÀvu.-Sna' Chan(dier [0 hau bien woMking bard C to 'EféRer' n and Harbour AppropriationB' Crougb n he Sont. ose lecame rom t e"" à p Wirs nable to cry his 13nf 'téu 0 ggrogaehg overpoo0,Ooo we dit t 1 IL Whu tis illwaspeuding ga, i fl ouse, Rob. O. D. cuger', 'm 0 à 3speck upJ3Il.-t It appeaus from * Mv. Iogri iveigaCliîth t~ hls 182&. The'aggregate anacunt cfop~,o ratloÜs mad, rom -1824'toe.IM0, lncq na. Ielà289,016 $1, The. largest *pè 0pro rlations,' oeedlcug four asud--abif 0mi lona w*Oe,,oe ad.tc ov TYo;' Mss sCamoet,Ï2,827,2c90'; D I)elew#rv@, et,- 886,108 70;Lofma P078 U aIlinoisa, *2,264,085 00flcigan,' *$,.1 030,019 $5; Iowa, $2,181,20 0, ;nd Wisconsin, $1,474,581. * Tfe Puas-Cues -or Paoearo&.; smr.-M.sslri, T. & H. Whie -bav" dis. posed of Choir inurtt la the Hamilton spedagor, it. Teurs. Lawaon 'k&M94004 lough cf hat -clty. The Meus. Whuîs o re aboaeroemovîng f0- Mouîreol, Cc ake P§iossoln of te. azette. Sinco ho post-offlci books have bien ostablished 145 trustoos savings banks lu thè 'United Kingdom bavo been c1ipsod, which h eltl above £&,000.000 depàsifs, kand nearly £2,000,000 of te. amcurfttfl kuovo Cc have boon traneîerrod Cc Cthe pose- office savinge banks, lIADit llcIpBOvEMETs.-..Congresi bas spproprlafed hé sum cf *80,000 for h. iîuprovemene cf h. Buffalo Harbor, Ile fa probable hat hall Chie amount will be used h prosene teason, vhicb wouid make Cthe total expendituro, Chîs year, about 1180,000. Thoeauna cf 040,000 viii enablo h. contractors Cc nosume hir work with h. openlng of navigation next year. B lu T ROBSON-As Whtby, on teo12&h dal of Jlli, h. wlf ocf 1Mr. George Robsont cfs ason. MÂRRIED. DIXON - WATSON. - At Whuîbyq on Wsdnoidey, thé, l3th mect., William Dîxon, Esq., Cc Maryo ldosdanghttr'cf John Watson, Hoq., cf Port Whitby. DIED. TAYLOR-At Whîeby, on Sonday, te 10[h iCt, William Ellet:, infant son of tr. William Taylor, agod six menthe.., P MACLENNAN.m-On Satnrday, t4ate'*C 1 inst., Dean bouald, Inant hid cf tho Rev. K. Msctonnaa, aged,:4 monthe sand il days, WhiCby >Markets. eeuoucr. t>7ics J~irlà, loi Fall Whoast.............L *12 .pul..... 70 (6 lKya ............... 08 Iitct.................... 'rkir w.......... ..3 Ilta. ............. . @1e Drem ueat c (verr isstnce kîuwu, Tui etuhCalrte, dr 6ah lotIa a08ali Accd ote ciu.pcsd. 1tl aýit cîe, 111.5 Owhî unfllalied euraulve. 'Th. Pe(ule slutmiwu'fsend! A ccc, IcI over soacar:woaaI' 'bhave ueâ il-.,î.dart whoe endasonett AîIait elitr psitli as lorii thet. Afflcted wîth cornas, bbabîus, or braile, - TFlicsauda crf sallrerg, heard lte sews, The iis, iss ofcoîd ihut nie:theoisviava; 'rhey boeght Imd aseI tIhe Cuataive. NO sOwnerSwasflic. sote part dîa.sed, TLhe puise watt îaaed lItI puilui thoir lesm, .Ait eigisia of .erenceu a0ocn 'eut by,- %Vleheir i liatud, e ci, red.ye, Lau cvry l' ssîlrer likirieîe ry, Lir. lisic' Mottent 'Curuive.. Y-eu wiIi alwaya lai thealteve nameit Remedyai aili L)raggintiF D'd tJuîilt'lercliia euraly hreagnua. the couisuîy, aitel Ydu ..iliIaimsu findilîgga' Aiîeaiie the. pearest rînicdy affle agea curlte speedy cure of Catierrhs, tîeaiacle, Neuralgia. andI ait alimuets.air cmn pain or hiîusesmatiouî. Or. J. Itrîgas & Co.. Prîo- vrîeîuprim.0 DAte, NO. 2u5roadway, ..., andI ne. 6 tuîg x lii. Woî,'Tog. NEW ÂDVERTIEMENTS. Auajotrnrud meeting roft"e manilbcro, for- jth eltli ofcI <>llera. &0., will tite plaeinet liu 111111t,0oi MCNDAY l uning, istli. mt., At So'clock. B. J. IIICII, See'ry. Whitby, dut7 Istti, 187e. 28 I. O or G. T. Teard tonof e lla, l.ntn, elyJ, îmté .'.zr zthé Lvc3<of T pubralos ie e"dn of thae uctlfe to EDWAICD MAJOR9, J EZT -KUsICI- For Ché iufermstlon eor parties Who have ordéred, vîlI ha ound bieov-ii Iat Places roel. >The GtpmoyA wgrung; Les loolsa Do Moulaser ; lihaba, onrLaugblng W'ace Polka; The waodernug Rfge.; Tltat Bli IMtCd heary hic5 tYl'Po would fats 9 ta e Hom; Ily Bloul Cc GotI, mus ar turThée; Puiliail ],&rd aautClnan GE.BENGOCHI, July 6 isro Bkncf h,1Book. aly.13 0 02 TO INVEST. J'y OSE BfOB£ £ 2 5TjL, 0OI EgCper cents Iater.ec. GEO. H. DARTIfELL, Baritnr, Wbitby. Jy6,1870. Lie-27 N OTIC E peilnsn. resrasiug rou Mr prenlaca sf11 h. prosecurel oi tlu.Rasmea liter for swlmmng, fialilog, stagimig fruit. on fcr iny otiior pur- pose. Do floti Sait for a seqpud notica, for 1 ana alr.ady quit. ontt Cpâtiffiîce. iIU-Nu il. BETTSe. Wity do.28, 1570. 26 p COICE C NT'A"ROS .111bh. nccived by h. undoesgned, as tiIs Departict, util noon, on tChe lOch DAY 0r JULY, 1870, for Ciii tolowlug Drainage W onke t lu the Township of Mos., conuty cf Mid.- tilosez .1lans and dpateitlois eu b. seon nt Ul1ence. In tiie Township cf Brook.,dcouuty cf Lau'iibtcn t Plans andI dpecifleutionscenuibi @eeîî ut Watford, lu tiie Tovuîlulp cf Grey, Couuty pf Iurcu PlansiandI peeileatlons eau bc oi sedtwagi- ton. lu h. Township of Ewt Tilbury sud Be- lelgh, Ccnnty Ket;t: PlanstsuantI pecilicaticna eau bcsen at tîliiory East P. O, Plansud Speclficatlons ror ail hea. Worbes eau ha accu ut titis Dt.partrsent, and. alter tlîe lst J uIy uuxt, at tite places aboya mentioned. 9W' The Iowe,,t or an> Toender will utot ne- cesaarlly hbcaeoptd. JOHN CARLING, Departmoiut cf Pnblic Workg, Ontario, I Toronto, 24Ciî dune, 1870. I28 L UMIIEL I Tlaeunuderalgu.d bas on band, et MEAD'S MIIL,9 A largze quanitty cf Lumber, vich hoe POR SALwi AT TU11 LUWEST -MARKET RATES, ]Bihl Luuaber oaU kinda sav ou tiie IGRAND EX CÉ[ R SIO N alttnotos. FEUlÂT,-JULY 22ud, 1870. -o- TEL£E 5w AU» 5TAUXOil 1TAM5N, AT.CARTER,' .111 conney an Erooraton -Party frouai Ccoorg, Pcrt Hope, Newcetle,, Iowmauvllle, Ositava aud Wblthy,to Nlasra onder teCh. sino f Ne~wcastle and flowmanvllle Temples, W» The apleneidBiteBad cf hé 45th flattai.: l1otua:d au ec ellent 4Quaai, BIlBad vil! fur. niai muoiIeon board the. boit. Arranugements are lu proffraise vbleh VIII cause Cis t'Oc hoeue cf the moat !ntereating tripe cf h seison. -Sînglo Tickets Cc Niegaran $1,50; *Doublé Tickets, $2,50. AÀsunal extra changeounail- vay Tràan Cte hFl'll. For CimeeutfIialag Parts, sad other partln.. lana, àée »MalilBille. - oeur. Tieketa eC once, s neon# vili ho Goadsem Ché ne. Suspension BrIge TIcket, fer silo at 1r. John porto- tons6, mèed iaaller, A. B. CAMIPBELL, Ilrookliu P. 0. BrookIll, Jue l7Ch, 1870. . à VALUANtE TJIE*ON ira£ HMAUsa Onplcxao-The Ska-The Mait-Thee Tooch, &c. Witch avaluablo cccllection of uev sud In. portant Itecipen valatinutîseroto. p1 MaIed f&ree to asolseldre" .on receipt of L. E. VERGETFE. manufacturer of I'erfumery & TullcC Articles,, TXorcuto, P. O. 1Box, 184. dJune 28, 1870. l-6 M ONY TO LOAN,- - On lino Prcj.orty euly. m8al si, -870. 22 1 'A HkDULLEA1, COMMISSION AGENTS, OFFICE0, 170- GloCaBok aa MORHMT M&RKET PRuiCE, For sur quantlty tof as. JOUXZETH 80 j WblCby, dupa 82, 1079. 4splendid article i faret, good and cheap, - ' A TNO..:i O ElH OCRNER; îe §,j-v SWhitby, jnly 13, 1870 CIAUTIU)N.Notlce, Cc vhom It May cou %-/ cernl. Tho public are iiereby osutioed igalitat oegoclatinlg' fur t vo notis, one for tselilty eWgt dollar'. aîd Ch. other for thIrCy aix dollars, datid. Bbgham,28rd Septemben. -lU, de aoutla OcebeJ87, adea lafar von of Daulel lcrsythe, or iter, ai t bave1 Doct ireeived eny value for the saans. ;' , 1 THOS.MZIEDAUGH. B r o u g h a s , O n t . , i on . 2 a1, 1 0 i n 2 (JASI FO"vU WOOL THE IGHST CASH PIE AIDFOR -N. @DLOW &hns# R Em O v A L JO-IN FR~8N MRHNTTAnIR, Noa qltorj sis la troun: sud Che pobi. CissC habiiiremoee Cche prealîss DsiC docr fast or Mr, Crosby,& greeeny, store, viiere b. viii h. propanoil Io rmeo rders aieomal. Out and madd up in the newaet Gentflemens' Furnishing Goods 1 or AIl Ondore atteuded e w iCIapuactna. lity cund diapaoi- Jt.I ERJONel Whltby, lob. 27, 1870. 9 ££RTAIN l'RESEILVA lION OF TUE JT. Hf. GERRIE, Druggist, &c., Dundas St., Whitby., Solo Agent for the sale of or OXLENItATED PEI5VECTED Tiie LENSES of vbiuh are groneun by nst, freinmarirlimauuîftititred etmp.ciilly ton OltIe PurPosoe. It la l'ture, 1HardaultlBri iot, arid as noiar Acîtematie as oau ho produceil. Tiîe peculiar <crus antI asuentiflo c eurncy nt- taineol by the aid 0f complicateed antI ceetly machtur, arnt* nU,ip naa-orttug them Cco hatî etl'orfoct Spectt:alcsaever niuuifîîc tured, thay e:isrst the sîgitt musC Briîliantlty, ounfor Ea.me and '-ornfort ou the WVearer, cause a coîîtiîiuousansd a aiig AU» OV XEN OFTUE EYES, AN OB GEA? SAUT TRAN5 without ncquarsit o ho cbautgod. So thay are the Cheulemct, as wolI as*lithe ui. - LAZARUS, MORRIS&kCoc., 295 Notre Dame Street; ýap Steirâ). , i " - .MONTiSEAL. sa IVE EXPLO Y NO PEDLLRS. .-el 25 BLAKE7S PATENT 'CtTTrING OFF MACHINE 1 THE. cREATEi'T INVENTION, 0F TIIE DAY I dota WrougiitIrou Steel Bars, Tobiug. &e.j antooth sud polslaed, vithani. résurtlugté forge, chusel on lathe, andI viii doa nmucit wcrk Imn boon and ahia'clfsau h. doue iu a day hy h. oltI procnsa. No Poudry, Iron Works, or Machins Siip siicnld bo witboui one. pacnuty Rîgitte, or tie Rigitt for Ciii DtMiiufor sale. GEORGUE BLAKU. WitCby, May 10, 1870. pÂ'PBR fANGINdS The. underagued bega C ton ite publicý Chat h.éhas on band Cii. largese and beut staek cf Peper Hsnùglu t o m ,rsîb ýl f r it 5Af18W 1A, Wldtb sls. l 1 As there lias been no hesitation to .mark the'(G TOC .Bayr of largo pa)rcelsoaa save, moncyby pur Nô,. L,'on the Corner The Uldoigned bavlug pùobaed trous Meae fbbs sud TrencuMnt h.#lighC TOWNOIXIP 0F FiCKERiqG, Moveablo Patent Plongh Point,* Bopi Cc qui the attention cf Farner Cto te dae JCi ocf Lts.l'atent 1'iough Pcb ut Panr a feta savnug el'twc butidred per oint, l fnh. yer, Tho otonceablo lpoint oaby' ccte I1ve cents. The. ortainany Ploch-Sbare cea flfty cets. Ou.10sîîre will lest te War ont AI Iessid'va or te moveable Pcints, Chus "'eY" gCh ava refernod Cc. Bave mcney sud upCtMoebaPointa. GEORGE COLLliNS, Audley. JDOelat, 1870; 8s2 Ceo. 'Ayers. Gi*NERA.L B;LACESMITB, AND FIRST-PRIZE I{ORSE-8IIOER, .DUNDAS STREET. Whitby, 10, 1867. -l FOR LSALE* Tlit deslrAble Proper!ty ccntaitlong896 Dore%, be1îîg'eompoad of' lot No '16 lu' the l4th concemsîcu of Euiily colitaiuing 200 aeres,the W cf ot. o. 1, lu dh. 7Ch coucesolon ooîtalu- llîg 100acree, and 596 acres et the EH cf lot No 1, lu the lltl concesston et Verulasm, In ho Cou nty of Victoria Tis ta", afYcrds an e;eellsut vieow fEmily lake, whIcli la uneqnnlled fàri0 oztlog by suy~ laka lu tWCount , sud bas eaitr ccnmn- laa ytio wiCh ldav aud Bobo*ygeon Soil lu "reh Oda lois. Theraeore over. 100 acres cleared li a hlgh atateo f cultivatlon. Tlîq ismaindor 'biug bard wocd lha Switit auiiient cddar for fencing purfets. l'.praperty là well feuced, sud Ia watired by a aver-faîiing oatrears On It la a log arn wfth two tlreihlug fiocra stableu, ebeda asud eut buildiigis. a gbod logtwdling lbonne, andI we fi; a youutg orchary ce olo rc@ baarling fruit. Ti ii idigiutalble. Vila roperty lx stitoated lu oua block, snd villlmaoeitbar Otto or two excellent lbrme, m ~bc dividad te soit 1 urchaaers. cr tartins cf sale applty Ct- WILLIAM -MoaFEETMDI, 01u the prenmises,, or to P. 8. JMA RTIN. Iund)aj, 7MhJoue 1870. Slc2o, 4lday tm.nc.h ail cia..wllh censtant ei.ptoyeynt At borne, the whal..rth.lb,êefetatho.pmimmnt a.nenumr, ak.o ,eni.Ald a popoetinsl.tom Dy devall..g tbelrw .a lliaeu. Boyo and girs ca.iiw1 addre. ad tst lhe buotan. se make 1tl UP aP.,.Tl.d offert bchatr otWil igl CWUtland sitepar fo thetrouble ofwrtlnt, Pullpalelcaaab.m 5, hirt. vîlîdo tacommence sorkes, ouila eopv of The eo te. Lit,ýV Cpqnbe-eU t fte ¶,y mal île. ~rompabfl.hsdail N .2. TE GREAT FEMALE IZEMEDY. Job Moues' Periodical Pille. Thla iusaonalle meilue la unfailiug lu Ch. cure ial hose painfoi antid dugeroua dis-' agases to wluels the feîîîale constitution lansouh- ject. It tmoderates aIl cxctto -ud rcmovas al obstructions, aud a apredy cure may bc roliod ou. TO MAURIE» LÂDIRi. It la peanUarly suiteel. 'It îllIn luàashort ime bring on thoettîoutbly perioJ witlt regtilority. Ilu all Cüg o, f Nervous aud Sptigl Affec- flote, Pain. lu the Back and Limbo, Fatigoe onualigh t'pxcrtinou, k'sipitaiou aoftéheurt, llyatcrlcos, sud Wiit,,thoee 1>111.wiii affect a cura wheu all otîter meaana have fitiled ; and altboqgh i pcwerf'ol reudy, do flot contujît Ir.u, oalel, aîltueny, or auythig burtful te Ché constitution 1 Full dlroetinri4 InClhe çamplilet aronnd eoch package, whieib ahonld b. carefully preservcd. J03 OB IEiNsW TOR&. SOLE FPBPRXTOBB, * I.OO andt 123' cents for pons tge, esialoseel, to Nortbrop.enàd-Lymart, ?4awct a, Ont., ge1X>- rau agents fortCh.. Domninin, will Inaure a bot. tic, coutainiug ever '50 pille, by roturu ma il . FoWl ;by Jme Byrue sud J. IL GarnIe, Co. - Oaar ; J, Dawa' Byoclin, anudal eb. 9.87, 86m Whitby, Jau., laSthsS]of, oitenuticu paid t ogsas.Cfolil d It7m elv, votlorol, OI Toe FamÙilles ttdying ooonomy shoald bu COING TO 2KANSAS1 îergooda at BÙOTN AD ~flftES, RJ. YARNOLD'S. The whole of bis splendid stock'of Boots and Shoeu will be' offcred at ost and under for Cash, FOR ONE MONTIIONLY! Aw he je determined to dlear out ail bis stock by lot August, whea bis lesse expires. NO MORlE CREDIT AFTER' DOMINION DAY. ii.Ail Bipk tebto muet b'paid by làt .Auguet, i: 'aýftërrhat date' theyý wiIl bc !nco iiCourt. * ;1 * Now tl tme tebuy chcap ed#6odPxunellaGooà; n i thrkna 27-Jly~~ ~, ,:~ .., cMi1en' bin, rook'àt,-WhiCby. DOMNIO.~WÂRROMS THIS WEEK, VERY CHIEAP.ý 3~Cali and see their MILLINERY, at, reduced.prices. Teas, Sugar, Ooffee, Rice Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Spicoo, Tobacco, &. o LOWES &PO WELL. HA1VILTN &Co*$* HAVE IN STOCK A, FINE ASSOMTMENT 0F FANOY DRESS ýGO0DS, -'NEW MILLTNEKLY. RATS & BONNETS, COLORRU UR, %FRENCEI ILOWERS,_ SU[A WLS, - BLACK LUJSTREi SILK JACKETS, RIBBONS' BLACK SILK, WHITEC COTTONS, LCS SLIITINO, ~GREY d~o. PRINTS, CLPW ÀN~TWES STRAW AND FELT BATS, REÂDV'-MADE CLOTIIING Or bI,DTHJ)Jl? 24D2 TO OBDZR ISTTHELA TEBT STYZEU..a FA-MILY GIRO CERIE S" -~ ~ ~~~ UUll~Eg rAI olis IVER.m Whitby, JliY 818410. ' ]10OUSE8 TO ]RENT. 'rÏwo Dvelllug Houmte ro ent la Ch. Townt dý 9s 0iU1apply Cta - WM~fnc -JOHIN HAMEN bl,1870. il FVOZ SALý,g 1O L'ET. à- Lot No. 1?, lot" àcn. 200e, so ses,10 acrge loard, iieved'log bon"e, comm ols sud wvlteil Ccd p, <ca 14<barn and extenasive stabllng, sp4 'cther oMlhu in e n oceuiry t ao an excellmnt, berlg og Ceiiid80fls-ýy lon. Bpring' rock <sn «Miing rcang tia, lot, Irot-ratomas, iô' o ô~C Ciînôiis, Seocli, Mille, &o. se.Scesacllresily or Iogg. Iauo hespïnug.:Godot el eof vater Close tao kîtceen do«r. Theiulot t ihl4 miles frouaAtherly, And xu1fron OnilUs For pantîcruas apply Cc M. Hsley, or John >CA.Eb.HALEY, J.r,~. LWEN ~ AWl eofA'>'P. 0., Mars. M AY f2 , 870. S m - N B4W MIL14I N E R ANDB 1870. Building souCI t Cirthe flojai ictol., 111.mKelier an& Missi Btuart mpfualy nune Cc Ch. ladies cf WhiCby sud slclty, ChatChey are now lu recelpt of tbetr 0< ý,ýoice Mliley-iw at Mngs Drm (4ooda rné'W o lotir§ Boalery 0elleres. oZ' Cu, là" psllrte, ebfiù. l'elIe,Çiiuo sud SIk Nets, Japsuese a ,àtcces, MOignons, Bubber -ado, cud ro.ot*.c, Paucy Jeey, sud gtatioemry. Stràv-work sud Stompitig doue Cconden. oï4iaths goe iveare ovend veli sesectetI su etChe batest <sobicu. Laies yuli-fud CbsC ebey eu ccnsolt Chein tste sud-ntereat by calling. W' PIesse note- the' addresu?;;-The buli4. lng dooth o! the Royal Notai, Brook ut, Wbltby, Apnml 27, 1870. - SOU 8E3TO LET IN BROUTGHAM. LLVeny anitabla for Sltoe malter,ý Taylor, Haeumalter, on Store, appîy e- JOHN PUIILIPs, B3roqghars April 27, 1010. ROUTZ 0F TIE CELS13UATZD TROTTINta I--O110 E Oil TIIE SEASON 0F 1870, MMVîà, MaylT ,.be ulîl leave hie bomse stand John Wsnd'la hotel, C'uiningtou, sud promeui Cc Ilaybee.'os,t, nocu ; Cheuce 10 L. Masscu's, (isabray, aud reomain aIl ulght. .- TImiEs, pnoceeil'du irte àhcte11Lndsy, antI romainaail niglit. WWMaaeAT. vli proceed CoTYert.' hotel, Oak- lc. t aoou; thos. C Dwey'a hotel, manilla, andI romain ail nlgbt. Tsruaeuay,-procoecd tC aobeli'a boCal, S«utIen-e ]and, ut noun; tieetoos c aoe'sla ptel, FRIDA, .111 lprcîoed Cc 4cm lrancbs', Dony- vil, et1ocon ; Chance Cc bis home s'sud, aW Wadabotel, Canungtcn, antI romunatlt Monday mornlngr, STitrouta .111 lb.cecutinuAd dcnlug te tasu, baîth aned, veetitrpermttlug. TERMA.--Tc mesure c feel, $4;,fcr the 'ses- oin, #do single leap, $4. 1 1 *1 E. MAJOR, Propnleon6. Ciumlugton, May 6, 1870. 5 H 0JSES & -IîOTS Tbe e"ubr bas be n sCroced by the pret priotor, to oeil -Che undcrntioue.j lA~ae owno WtrVY lot-Tbat Brick Cottage, (neidotace cf Mr. Je&. Wallace') PitC atreet, coutainlne 8 'o'omps pautry, wah bonse, sud O ebo.lt caular, wîtha od grdon velI atcked vida G o i a ,, ' r a n t sn d R a p b o r y B a b o s Thor a l aueon the premîsea a good vabl, scft-vater absten, sud a#mail stable. Sud-A range cf Brick- Dvullga, o6i Centre street, lunvlîieh titore anethra. tepementa, cf 4rooes antI ekitichen tp,> e p~.-Jresou nrtal $108 perr mun 8mb-A maîlvacant Lot (fneoj~,t,:~ Mn, Jas. ilirdie rcafelnej, o,:W Street.1 4th-A Vacant corner ltt on VKig tire i Itresté, Weiteacad, usa4ea n gurdeti. 'Thit se ropprty, or auîy partof it, >will ha pobl obasp, sud on enny t£-non». W itby, M y 081870., 2 0ENTUAL flOTCL1BQIJuuiAmr JORN BAILE, ProprietoT. Titeabaove boCalha.been oavby fittetI a, andI furnighod: (Incita viili ad cou>ortàbie accommnodation aud attention, 'Ocon rcoumy tblgsdaeul olr. Jm 24, 1570, AFRESH 8UPP'LY 0F -9 GOO'DS9

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