Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jul 1870, p. 4

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w71tqixlèbt,18101.9 OQMMEMOIAL -MOTEL#' . OSHAWA. ourely tu onlsfor ommer- AprIl 8, 1070.- Id t~MLO *UNe"PIea annd profit- J"Iabl."-Booke. Bond stamp foronaàwer, tu . .WRLLO, 889 Broedway, Nq.Y ~1 - 6 Wbitby Brais and Strng Bonde, odspIsi fer uic.Pe ie, Ezeuelons. QuidrllJe parti#s, &o., dko., wilU anppiy the bst and, letos&Multe, on reaaonablo, Appliuation% mutI b. mode sithor peraoWa1y fr by louer, (pool poldp, 1 ST 4IIOLAfà HOTIEL (TSWMura fmi ITL, DUN DÂS 0STRETt.WH ITB Y. Jh Subièrber bon to lnfonm tho pubius' ho ho hanswly £tupn d renovated Mei aboya hotol while travoilers will i nd ex.illOflt ueecmmndsllon. Llquora. Wlnesandu/Cîgcafa of 0nperkr quality. lBoat Lager Beer. Qood alabllng an«ul oinalve hed room, >.B. IAN 'Whltb7, May 20d, 1870,1 I EOLVENT AUr OF 86d-'9. lu Mf IHafaer of JONAS TARBUTBR an Ie~it under aud b y virtue of the power veted lu mens Assignoe.of the lmtato and effeota o1 the above nanoed Ilnît, 1 wilI i r or canaitu b emffored for Sale, on'. 1 BATURDAY, JJLY 16thf 1870, At là o'- . Doon, et t he Auction Booms, cf the nudersigurd, on the Mrket place,, la the Town ci Barrie-aIl théo rlght, titis, equlty cf aeiitond lineront ofihe Inlvnt snd MyRel eshlaAselguee lunlihi followlng pro- perty lu the Couuty coutarlo, via:- TheiSoutifiest quarter of Lot nunmber '5 lu the 1881, concessIon of tho Township of Bach, lu tIatiocf Ontario, 60 acres more orleso. Terme vili himode kuown at the tlm-nof For perticulers as tc conditions and teyms, application May ho' mode (if h y letter Put Paîd) to Maesra. MoCrihy & Mcarthy. of-the Town of Barrie, aclicitors, sud t10 the undor- slgnîd, i JOSRI'lI ROGERS, * Crt y decCethy, Ofliciai Aurnus. aolltom ,f or ttc 1 naciveut. Dat.d et lia nie, thla 4th May, 1870. 19-61n TRRAPIN RSTAURANT -XBILLPx RRU E S (87 & 89, King trent ZEt Toronto). THTOMAS CARLISLE, -Paorazvida. The mat olé- gant spacîcus and co;rÈable Rois - x Meat,. snppîied et aIl liours, Wines oLquoras&dd Cigaru 0f ttie finiat brandi..Skiai! sud oiOystsrs hi every style. W Partien vlatlug Toronto fora de y wlll find every sccommîoltou t the Tîrreplu. AprIl , 1870, 1 -Tueunuderdîgned lis-accipfed the Marine Agency cf lte WESTERN ASSURANCE Ut. CF TORO0NTO, ý And williholie auJta affect Inn1urances for Il liavligprdporty to-ehlp froni tIis port. C. DRAPER. Whtby, April 5, 1870, 14 MPRTN TO PAUTtES USING MACHINER! £ X2 J_ R rii lTc9F Aptul2ir, 1810. TEQLD ST, NUD! [-rESTAB -LLSR lE D; 18 33.] 1 The undersigned in returning thanks for the liberal patronage hîtherto eztendîd 10 the old eetebiiahmeut, for nearly a -pirlod cf foriy yiars, désires, to aay that hi haî now on haud*a large aaortmiut eoflthi most nmedern and eegant style. cf NuwIVx'rw or ýy requeoted ;B., are -age Machine Pdalleys and ftop es to match in n ter Oils. ýrson who lborrowed our hand 'Shiers' =n them without further notice. r Wa.nzer and Raymondi .celebr4ted HATOHI & BROTHER, Whiby 3nei8,pore of Xnglisb, German, and Amfirican Hardware. Whity, une28,1870., GEvNTLEMqEN, ATTENTION!I GETLMA'sCLoTrHING MADE TO ORDER, And trusta b, proper attention and moderato rele to secure M D 1 ÀA N T W E ,D centinuaeofo pblc patronage. Practical upholstering. Fîiitnlre ri-etnftod aud N A ~ I NV ccvered. Undertaklng and Funerals Fully 5upplled as hêrétofore, LWsoi!e splendid specimens of Pikture Prames, and Gilding. Remember the Old Stand. Whitby, Maroh- 9, 1868. -10-1y BOOTS ANU 1SIIOES WIOLES.ALE -& RETAIL. w=. Keeps constantly on baud, and in course of manu- facture, the, largest stock of Ladies Cenhts'. and, ýMisses' Examine for yourselves the excellent material and fine work- manship. 15-April 13, 1870. WM. BURNS, Brook et. lThiOse-BÂVIS &SON, xx x MANUFACTURERS 0P - àà 29I 0-9uLàmm CR EA M PALE ALE Ne A LE, AND PORTER. Can b. selocted from, suitable for -the Seaton. Iff ,Ail kinds- of Gentlemen's .Furnishing Goode kept constantiy on hand. ALE.PRINGLE.0 Wbitby, April 13, 1870. £Ew INeeOFesTO lID Gem Rings, Bar Dropi, English Plated- Brooçhei%, Colored Sotte, very handsome. Specta.cles, &c,., &c.l March 28, 1870. FILlE ÂSSURANCK~C. LOMBARD>STREET &. OHARINS CROSS, EBLLBLISRED -IN 1782a GILLESPIE,- MOFFATT & Co., A.gents fôr Canada. JAMEbÂVIiIiMaSager. jXSUEAI4CE ageluat L OS by FIRE arc I îffected on the mostfavorabie terras and LOSSES PAID withoutreferenoe tao the Uord la London. YEOMAN GIBSON AprilSrd,808agent w hltLy TEgE LIVESPOOL &LONDON& GLOBE JLINSTEANCE eue N asof the Mont prosperons of Engîlaig lusuranco Cea. Lta INVE8TED FUNDS ae 817,00b,086 Ifs DAILY INCUBE oxceed.... $20,000 Ita LIFE POÉICIES are a Sure Protection for the future' Its, FIEE. POLI-CIES, lanned et CVRRW< Raig alfordapepoetint u erohaut ond Bousoholder.I ptao t h AUl fair cdaims P.BommPTL PM, and the ut- Moat llberality ahown in the adjustmnent of louais. île > d Ofce, Canada Drae, Ilontreai. G. F.-V. SMITH, Chic! Agent for Dominlor, L. PAIRBARR», JJLAîaav, et Whiby, Ont, Whitby, July 28th, 1$69. 80. MANUFAOTLJIED AT TE M»>MLWM IpamEL=Yx -Agrionitural Workis. LEFFEL99 CELEBRATE D Double TURBINE 'WATER WIIEL TB£ Xcvi IOOIOXIOAL WHEL x IN* IXVUS I JAMES JOB NSTON9 Watcbmakîr & Jewolor, Brook st. Whitby. INSUTRA NCE*l The undrsigned Continues to 1 INSURANCE I TIE ROYCAL. represent the foIlowing reliable COMPANIES: Capital, $2,000,000.. BERAU OFFICE, a TORONTO, FRANCIS HEWARD, EOQ,, MANAGME IM %PERIAL, JOhN GN WITB4 - Capital, 82,000,000.1 IIfEA D OFFICE, .a JIONTREAL. Do n B rewe ry, Toro-hnto, O nt. jRNTU ROHçAE6 Asth porietr attends personally to the Brewing, a regular stock et Aies an oter cau alwaya be depended upon. -IJOHN AG¶'TEW, NORTH BRIUIS 11, Capital, $2,000,0O0, HEAD OFFICE, -MONTREAL. - "se> ~ ~ IParties deairoun of having Ales of tiperior quality and Porter equal to, any MoDOUGÂLL & DÂVIDSON, EXTRA MACINE DïL. importcd, aro, resftctfullîysoiicitcd te send their orders for a quautîîy large or MANAGER_ - 1surali, and try for tlîomselves. 1wr Il dr1 - This 011 excels ail otîter Cil, lot, animal sud vogtable, and ve arc pepened ta niow thesaupsrlcrlty cf tilla 011 te 811 ther.lt îîji the ttots uecaenary te procuresa fr*eitan,,r -tub, Il s adapted b Iocther light or lîctivvma. chîery frnt eloit reelugmacliiietatiti heevent o!r ît fi. lîe foiwlg are te V isln hil Itl iel, allicr 011% . IT IL 10T09, lienice muelîlniry cun bc icept dean with but litile treubîle, cutI hi will clesît msldlry thai lionesa lreody glîmmeel l)y eiter (III.. It viii not ectîgeel or tiîliecu lu te ecldeî.t of weatlîîr. TItislaaqis cf the hlghentImiportanice, frointh ltitan ) oal Itavlng itis quaitty vîlI neot inl)rleate a coîd ,hefl, enchgsut 'il May bu Appledinlua beated iete, but tIte mOîneitt l toile es e colti shlafi II. ;Aoeil ealeîl eîud wlll nei Inkinlats un. t'il Ijid1eeruel by lictloti ecqîtîrea ilitt titpAr-. a ttire uecemniry bo riidurec Ih 1 a lqnild tete lit ocquirluga hîgîter emlterabure h7 fltioi. lte joumalel xpanda cutI the box lela ijned, Il in sau lilpoisib1e to ne cli tîtt will Chill on a oold abaft witlîont Ibis restit, uns illàIsteîMinî- gie 011 vitIt vaber. J. G. llto lc'01 Il ltu- grica4te oldeat îuechlnery tih e motî h te auuiied. Tiiis 011 la now usod lu oo'r l'o hdrod esablbisuîtt, aitd Io Civlis he bient ostifclnand &Ieh tîin lusîîyîg îI'cy- prefernt tereitned $Por pore 0OlIve, itla frse fron theItobjectîene urgsd agant aIl cîher Olîs, as It do"s rot guinu or freze. Nov sas thepublie are averti that mtiîtyorîlîlîns tilngu r pufad lutte nctbrleiy, ln- order te praitli tai thia la na htiibng, aud 10 secune onysoivea agani t heoperetiena cf unucrupu- Ions OU àslinte (,Ilny of whoîu wIi îlot hoal. t&Wttepotn o i témin cITaI cf 011 reiluoorles asa ins -Icetiesl nitIt Wtok's extra Maclîluue 011>) ne propose te tiia..î 'iîo are iterested lu tl. trotl of tfie stettenua, 10aod te - - the9 u RPPon spilitthy mail or othornîse,- Ireof o crge hl n aWy, sàsillule of tii.0o1, sheît tMsy »Peak for tuitî. And-will aIea *@a d vth ia fan aouimpletesta, ne effeciv, sas toe tests by whiîlt gold in knowu froint tit evblcoqsd hh willl oushie parihsa er- d glteOcre Ihemslvia Igaunenitipnt- t1op, b y .uabllug thsm te deteriuiu* ai ence whotbor tbe 011 fcrwsrded leas good a 'Alprties destinsgIid meohine O011.Viil do ,irait tooommutuîoate vitIt G GB TOCK, ErongitsuuOnt, Sole AgenI for tho Dominion. Erongitan, M"011 15,1870o. TESTINONIAL, TutI Jmaràw a a -cecfa, Woxu, - Oshawa$, April 491470. G. &.-ivcs, Eue", Bmdeung, Dzu orq -Wé baye been nainE yeur Lebrliug 4MI, Vô lte post itour mouti an sd e0 gas nithaut itelition blso ebeap, sdIwout longeir thon any olberO li. Ve bave tau out large 14 lesttou piailler, 1 deys vitIt eue iling.ID kon lte' toile elon-04 t Il . Wade not vaut snythlng 1 am, yoursfrnaly, With the aid of our inereaoed faciliii, we arc enabled te preduce-n arti- cle (ali tho year rotlnd) second to none in the Dominion. N. B-Ordern loft witli Mr. JAS. Il-. SAMO, ut the Furniture Warîrooma, Brook Stroet, Wlîitby wilU reccive pompt attention. 0 E 0 E 0, ce m l0 o ~n. 1~ s~. OFFICIIIAL A SSIC0N E E JOHN AGNEW, AGENT, WEUriTE. BUXEE Wbeils we are uo' manfacturing ±cheaer tItan eîîy other *hop lu tihe Conti- try, aud wa wili give a guerentee with ech Weel warrantiug them to be sa welIl made, and togIveaungood satisfactIon as ny minun- ibctured lu the Dominion. Parties deniriug furthir Information cen ob:- tain It hy addressiingZ PAXTON, TATE & GO., Match ~ ~PertyBIt., Port Perry, Ont. nulu ~, - !..apltail, $,50,000. HJEAD OFFICRe * NEWHAVEN9 CON, JOhIN AGNEW, AGmT, WumTB. PRO VINCI AL, BFAD OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY CROCKER, SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL, (LirE,) HIEAD OFFICE, A. DAYIDSON PARKER,j 00-j Also the- Colonial Securities Money, at reasonable rates. Wbitby, JTauary 4, 1870. 'j i oe w c P& Capital, $ 400,000.1 TORLONTOu JORN ÀGNEW, . . AGECNT, WEITE. -Capital, $1,000,000. - ONTREAL. JOII AGITEW, CPompany, for the Loan of JORN AGNEW Agent, Whitby i <1> M -c> a-' p 11 GENERAL -AG-ENCY OFFICE,!O IIInudrsiuodbavug ecivedthe appoîntuteut of Officiai Assgeu for North Ontalo, a pnpsre 10 iv Pmt attention té aIl mattera ln Bauikrnpcyo Iuaoveuy. ~Proieeoy NtesandI Acounta speîdiiy colloctotI snd r rîiueaso' prounptiy Ud0. On poil fsvm soiiiiity st 8 per cent Intire$4t. special attention wIll be giten to te nqigoolionofo Loatiî, sud borrono,' ea rely upon haying thefr spplilcslniattended té ptomptly, sud st aunait eýxpenao. 7 r Z f ç Xi Aso, Lands, beth Imeid u uprovedanui couetmntly forusle. Ioauranceg - effo tdln the Ontarlo Vannier, utaInIlu rscOonu. - EsMAOR OMFICE-Eleîv's Biook, nezI door 10 the -Reyl Canadiman le. -Md Port Prr, Deambor 2, 855.- Jii Laaterna, IL1 IGI EEST M ARBK B'£ RICE pou BARLEY, WHEAT & Wx. WHIiTPiIDE. Fecmu'aBy, Sept 22, 1869. se. BRLITISH AIAMERICAN ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital, $400,000. .rA g et for'th. aboya CornaY, laDow- Ç~psrî t mur popxi aaîatLOSS BY ITE oulmafvorableterme teply te 2-12m Agent, Nbtby. I P. CLRK, - roprietor. B. P.Clavk bis te luforc is114 ri isd sud eestomari iti hmesruftd à t m.5, 2570. 600n* enb. Tuahlarwil laseatO 0wiar ont at toast dvi cf the Mfoveali Pointa, thus e&ect- ainD' esaving ýhut wil be et once apparent ta Bave money thon and use the Moveeble Points. STownship Rielite for sale. HOBB8 A TRRNNUM, 'Auiv ropletre.- . R OBlIS, Whithy. and J AS. TEENUE p HOTOGRAPHR'S DOMINION1GIUJLERY. For rîchness of Tone, fniluesor Detail, and exqulaite finish,- cannot -b. surpassed 9 Having made greet improvaments a thie lighting of tli.r, gellery, lie is now taking pic- turcs botter thon ever. Thc e w'RIembrandt,$ p icture taken et Willsou's :aiea the "1Tinted, neuett, n ewaud viry beautiful style. Authi.1 newlu PliotcgrephjT * thut te worth, bovin , cn i ld t W lfgcn'a Geallery.! Cablnets, lu fiuames, very low. Oid Portrbaits ueatiy copie. l'atraits îlarged to life igiza, auJ colored in oii-waer colora or iodla lit. Mr. Willison la very enccast la taking' cildren'e pictures. -1XRWLSN April 12, 1870. 1 MB. JAMES WALKEE, o! Aoiiburu, Ont. Pateantes cf the - Trwin Plough, DOMINION PLOJGII, uteuda maniufactitrlng ou a large acmie thia PeuauJan Wiuter. his TWIN '& DOMINION PLOUCHSq! 9ýrThey wili be guarauteed. yull made, alld tihi workiug part ground. se Parties wonid jdo wtll te eBond lu tiseir orders without deiay. tCounty %ilits for sale. Ailiburu, November 10, 1889. 45-t L1VE*RYI- T IE UNDE1ISIGNED DEBIRES TO IN- Tfon hie frinds andi patrons, that he bas again resumeJ uiesatteod WtIBY *LIVEUT STABLES W HIf vlg eucreasd the immbir sud qulof the stud, anîd aIoeddcd to sud fin- po'îtecoiveyancesan vehiclea on the reomistes, lie liopen by beiîîg lu e position t0 mcci th Inta ueof custemera to matit a ahare cf public patronege. gCHARGES MODERATE. .~ N. B.-Covertd couveyalices for lamillea aud Indien. Promipt atteudance, as heretoiori, te aIl orderin. X. RAY, Proprietor. Whitby, April 8, 1868. 14 TO .1kw'.. CnnHaXUR.oî & 8rsIL ,MI7o- coay P. O., -Counfy of Lannx, Ont., Canada. j Maaoc, Cou f U! lstinga, R ISBla tocanify tbet duriuc-tite «Inter cf 1661 vas te uen villia weaknoma o!r te aukîe, vIîcugradually dung lte sprlng O! 1867, uztended to-nty knes5 aud ou up to my hîpe, and I becamio se vek that t ccuidnoct vaik, but vas couflud 10 mycliair. Pot about l'o ieara, vhile thie vuakue a@ ascoing ou me, muid afterverda, 1 nought mudîcal advîco, employîug et dîffrent imn, thre doctars nudmodiue it differout kunda., prarlbods by fnienda. but ciano waal. I cuntinn.d te gît vorai and *orbe, utllte Bummer o! 1868, vbnI vas Induced to trylie gruat Bbceheu- mua itemedy hy roading ltea cura cearformeci, ta a pamphlet At t, ls Urne I lied begou Io feuil the veakues% In my heunda; l n uteci ly t etting almoat itelieis. I havi, faken l'o batties ottha Shoshcuuou Routedyanud twvo boxes 0of the pilleaend I am entirely retlored 10 lieâIth. I 1-nuver ecled 10 tegotbiotoer,-but slmpiy irlai the m c cie ls a sort >1 farleru'1 hope. TIiscaeic! mine vas ual -a prlvate ciue, but kuovut te aitt m.'nelghbor anad -rMonde; sud te euy oune filieed s a vas, I bare euly teosay try the stoshouces Rimai7; 1 bellove Il vin cure von. MARY ANN DOTIGET!', Sestbfromd cf Madc, G>cntqf H#- Leîgi, anLsf1e k4dayo Fbrua, j 6169. A. F. WOOD, J.,Y ,4ho I hereby -certlfy litat- I havi koon lie. Ms1r Anu;ýDoughuy fortiue lesaI- ftfeon res; eh#Io wwanofprobity, aud inut.1Ibave knoovu hev'before.durinoe ad nc te hts..iii 1Root, se( WAGONS§ AND» ALL XINDsorO FAMEING IMPLEJIENTS CELEBRATED CHURN,; Noted as oue cf thei beat articles o! thé klad mannfactured lu the eniry, and his lmprov- id STIIA W CUTTEIIS, noceasily werked,and so eupercr lu ove.y respect. Eaving proonred one of 15RICESONIS Cele- brated COLORWCENGINES a i lt manufai. tory, liebega 10 eaiy that lie lanuow eonablid t10 enrcule a11 order,, with irhicle hetuay b. fav- cred clîeaper, sMd with greater expedition tiien hitherto. and 10gumaulue eovery alai. tion 10 cuiitomers lu tbe quaility o! teho- ork.> maselip sud thaterial. an Clisd sce ltee-ow Caoric Engins nt coltàt»<oD &A LUMEER Taken lu excliainge, and Cash Prie elowed. JAMES CLATTON._ WhthApI 2,18697.17 AY AMODNT07OFMONET' T 0 LO0ÂA. The Subscriber le now prepared 10 Loan any - enonut of Mouey, (pnivati fonds) ou gcod FARN PIIOPERT Iu-suins 10 suit horrowers, at very loy rae, intere 1 t, repayabe i n smo yyal inu-etaiments. bi l ee- pni o0byyiti 1 at-o reprenant titree of he largest Nlbe.tarp - Institutions lu the Dominion, o'hiob fend meuey on the mostadvantageons terme. A LAREGiNirBE OF WELL CULTJyATED FÀRM8S, And a qunutity o! Wlld l.and, for saie clieap. For particulara applyto , JA1MUES ROLDEN, Official Alieîguee, Monoy Brokar. &o. *OFFICE.-Second floorMMflan'sBlock. Brocok Street, Wiiy. Whitby, October 4th, 1869. N. B.-I oi propared te invest lu ail kinda cf liebentres, Mortgagos, asud other secrirles Greeubacks nd ver boglit au sold. lira. Rnowling sud Mies Clark,Jubeg te =. nunuci to 1h. lI*dica of'Whlîhy and %,iciulîy, ltait thcy have opoued buisineslI Coiborne 8t., (next dbor eut cfthe Gmmar Sohoal,> vlîere they yl h prîpared te recelve ouM executo aIl ordorg for druse making aud men- tIes Iin a auperior umauner and efler the isaen fanlîlona. Ali orders attended ta wîth- puni- tnaliiy sud the siricteat attention.' lME. KNOWLING, miss CLARK, wiltty. Nov, ,1819. 46 TEETU ~EXTRAOTED V.WTMOUT PAN,. BF TEE gUSE 0F NITROtIS OXID LAIJGIINGGAS, OR lTE KEWir IC)ALAMMSTÉIETIO.s AT DENTAL IZOOMS, DUJNDAS STREET WgEITBY, 'C. W. ROOmS....ov,, . M. .Coabrui'esStore. Whittcy, Inn.2,16.e GEORGE GURLEY, RCHANT T AI1L0II <CLOTHER AN» DRAPER, GgENTLER.EN'5 GAT-INTS ide np la thien bst ylo andi latent fashion. A fiue stock o!fClote front wiicb -to make a noelectiemi for Gentlemen*$ 1aummor malta. -JOHN ifROflINSOw'g ýHairI Dress'ing and. SIlMi>z BROCE BT., WBITE!', Soul BoiTaHvEs Biwx or Whithy, Jan. 22, '68. JOHN OARTrEf;# LICEN8ED AUCTIONEER. - . rosvsx otro ONTARIO, YOI la RIESIDENCE.-. *markbam-post OiW40 -SALES, attendid on lte ou tîsonaia trma.'l'a B.. lCLARK, >, turi B A taLr Camip W!, S OL Barr ILa r OX. tonI A. 'Bnt gie inA SUE W, 1 .1011N AGNEW, ý Co lu rt

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