Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jul 1870, p. 2

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ted.-Wsi. Gordon,- CENTS A YEAE i Wiîhtby, Thursday, Joy 21, -1870,' aullaolsd o 0011«9 ciaonts f0roh'!#i offie u d Site recolpts ; aud alo o soi ue or the usaovery of accouaIs placed la hlm -bude for collection. msng match. The snnel Hfoeiug match of the Agri- c utural 1Sqdýeîy of the Townsbip of Pick-> crlng ob place on Wednesday, the lBîb lust., ou îhý feras. of John Hmilt!pnt Eôq, Mear lremout. r'here vore algogeUser, twenI7-slx entriem, Ithirten luinesch cla4. The onaetled veaîhera su zieîy amongot, <armerabs oave the bay crop preveutted a iarer tt&dacothon otberwise would <ir show of specleîors ou the gronnd wlo * etiuced s lively luterestila the prmucediagm cf the day. The work wuas omî crodits- b!y performed by aIl, o vol iudieed liaI the judge4 Lad nsimait difflculty iv eward-. lng the primes la the respective elasses. The following were dcclared the ginafua couapetitors s - 14£w,-Jaeo sSeuil, lut? $3 ;~h Thomson, 2ud, $2 50 ; 'W.. Mit$he1l, 3rd, $2 ; CLaries Russel, 4th, $U' 50;- George Dariden, Sîh, $1 ; John 4amiî- ton, Gîb, 150 cents.j Boys.-James Lynde, let, $3; Êdward Grahami, 2nd, $2 50 ;Jub homlinson, 3rdo 82;1 John Murray, 4tb, $1 lO ; Jas. Cowie, 5tlb, $1 ; Wa..lin, iL, 5SO;.. 1The jadges vero Meuers. George Ogsîon, A. WacldellÇ and John Ellis. Tho e naging commihîce, User. Sher. ManuJBrown and Aoir. Spears, vere very fortunae Inl the selcetion of a frs-clas. field, and wve. Idefatigable lu their exer- tieus ln providlng for the requirenients of the match. 'After the work vas doue the- Officers aud Direètors, the judgeo, ail the0 compcîitors, ua nnber tif Mr.Befai-t -tou's fricnds and1 eighbors wve * iuvited . to bis bouse b ' Mke tee, axid a more bonutiful snpply of the good thingç of this Ilfe, <both substancial snd deIicacieîý could not val! bc provided. John flaighî, isq.,f ,he Preiident of the Pickering Agriculto. i Societyi thon reeid the price liota su retonud thanku 10 the judges, sud the compiny: reparated-fooling that they had speut a vory- profitable and pieasing aler;,i zoon. We have t10 4hanh Mr. James Rrovu, ' the obliginig seccroery of the society for1 th. foregoing particulars.a PELNGutFIaàucz.-Au fer as onet enu judie, outoide of business min, Francet Io nearly anunit for ver, and the Liberals in France epecially sem more egar for1 the coming frayIbsu b.heiporialiosm. M. Prevost-Parodol, (nov lu 1Vaaingtonn. luelimed, two jears ego, la-bis work L(i F France Vouvelle, that the destin7 of France vas tu crash the nev coloesss wrhich threateued tu bestride Europe. Them Emperor hu asetched hlm opportnniîy,1 rememberci the old grudge, und la now ready. Dut what e crime tu mercy, ree- .son aud justice, whcn two men eu, for so1 §mall a caue, lend nearly Ivo million Io babl., and drencb-e continent in blond. - 0-.s e- 1j t A match for $15 a side, belveen litse members of No. -1 Compeny, of Whitby,1 aud -the lame number of No. 2 'Company,9 of Oshawa, boit place et the Oshawae range ou Friday last, reslting, lu an eosy4 vlctory, by 39 points, for the Oshawai * <oa. Tho Oshawa Co. have lately re- eelved àacernât addi'tion btahir st rangth 1 Enig llh 2 00 400 M00 Total .14inDils .....V 14 16 45 lit ilrti. 35..... 1' 12 45 Prvae roke .....17 1815 b)5< 66 era n.7 14 14.. * i~ an.a.1 »1- 17 47 .................. ....... ï No. i OCompany# Whiby- M0 400 &00 Total Çapt. Donova ....14 10 5 85 tient. Voir- .. . la 12 il 41 Insion White,. 13 1 15 48 fiergt. omneron ....2 il 4 8s pluyais ef rd.14 19 10 8# Total ..... ..........9 Mueting of the aibert,-of K.ch.mcs' Xliuaie, wpotponed 10 ibis <Thureday) .veeng, st *.1gb; o'cloer, P. ai. À lail ltedue laroquetedi' a"o à;h iou.-Attution la dlrected WpIM»Mouomaent of1 fr. Coltina, codea timis li oother oologina. "1 OatO oo*af Mr, R~ay.1 gd, 'robéalink y.irvNo. -60, for -rqet- iug and iicensing slows sud exhibliiaue On miotion -of Dr. Cases,seouded by Mfr. Bottai a bylav vas lstrodueedsd psued, appoin4John Hopper posnd. keoper, asioln amownew cior ua ISii JUXl. Kfr.. iemlî "0 m~usb rBetts. sivsn ht h ~f9olotlospasd ; this ecoucl oulie 18dm tuue1 l I, ws~e1u the treamur o 0psy R. J. Esedoneli, Bsq. fou mli6teiom of $0, for meilces ssM tobes reuderedi, bes, sud tbe seme la berelsy rescladed ; .blb wu l on tb. followlsg division. Yeu-Bott, Donovaa-,Pbipo Bey. NOs C£TO APPOINT IA HEALTE 115PE0105n. Ur 1RaBy gave nodtice ia;ha .111, et IL next Meeting of fthse oueil, briug lun by law tb apponqte hesth inspector. IL . iIAODOUBWO siIIL Dr o$?$5T. Ur. Donovan,-seeouded by M r. Bey, tuoves li éaI îLcuaiof I. J. Meedon- eli, together oilh hy.!av No. 113, Cap.ý po ing s tovu soliétor, be referrsd 0 Judge, Bruba, iltb instruetions tu tex said bi1l.e Moes. a.By madMoMilîsu r rtiW froms the conuil 1 lu eoniqueuce, sherebeiug noquorum, lb. comiaiedjo.rneud foi one veel. BON, six Joui A. MACDOIIL.-Tbe lateit nevs rieeevid rom Sir J. A. Mac.. donald reports tuat bis beeltbh progre- sing susatlfactorily s toiwarrant, bis being ahie 10 ressaiebusiness lu moLLet Tac Vicxoaz Wunza A-N D OILEZ Cousîxim. -Messrs. Edmondisud Van- deuburgh are stoppiug for -a' fw days aI 1hs Royal hotel, lu ibis tovu, for the pur. pose of disposing of> Couuty ad Town- sbip righhs of tLe abové valuable Inven. lion. It li, ithout exceptiou, the Lest vambing aibuthat vi bave ever seen. Parties lu the patenýtight business vould do veli ta eai- un.Uae proprielors, sud ose. it vork, sud satiofy themmlves of ils use. flnesi. The Norh.Wc*Terrltorles Aunexed 1 BnperIfs Laud vuson Saturday locor- porated s sportIof et i.Danosa-,fi Canada byba uy'Rylrc<i. lion 1 The sutb.vout ofibOtiava Oov- erumeul and Parlis"et nov.exteudi front tLe AtiantIi lu ibe ochy -Romnus. The extensioni of etvilisetion over no large a portion of lie vortd's surface la a blgb sud onerous4rn*s7.aund,@eoerueslly bope' tLe people of Ceuede iii Le féouudequal 10 itl1--Gobe, Tas Làêzmsà»AnOITasU n Bm Errea TaoCLBuL.-Iî la stated haere ou goodu- thority thl ite r.Cartier .vîll proeee vith Lieuý..Gév%. Ârcibaid te Niagara Fa!ls nexe Weduesday toinduce Bis Ex-1 cellency Sur J. toceg um X O-tb tbeNorth. West via Pembine vith iUeent.Gov. - Archibald sud Bisbop Tâche. Ou ibeir1 arrivai at Fort (larry. Bietlàh tu deliver op the Government to ihem and the espedi-1 tinnary force vil! b. witbdravn. ELYOTI>X op Dit. TurRr.-Dr. Tupper bas been te elecied hy aclanîatiuu. Is LealthL vortb baring 7 If iapro. tect it-it i e javelsa s esily lostas vinase, sud ln many cases -asdifficul ta recover. In ibis chasâte, sud more particulariy at ibis, season of ihe year, peuple are very apt to laite cold sud sufer rom sore tbroat, coaghi, spittiag of blood sud puimoaary cnaplaînts gsneraily, vbicb If not cbecked immedlatelyl lod <o serions cousequeuces. The quosiion stises-vbicb la lie quicitesi sud most elfectuel r.aiedy?1 Bryan's Pal. mnino Wsf.îars ae been befoère lie publie for lveuly 7ars, sud bavealvays giveu perfecî satisfaction, and lvrlhyeffeel permanentcourse vbon takres lu -seao. retu of IL. SA3AIH LENT. *Plice*i dOabottie;dfor*7 50. Sold by spothecrles sud by Y. C àCad Go., vhbolumse agssbe, NoussL murderers bave bhos a agLi by ous arai. ors st; b* GxahtasLbu e«ILyos, e back of Broevile. Tssy are nov on tbLir vag te the W late mhs. Baou .&gu.-Tbe ms.ped ovieWla er ughibis ho mrsemiser Caltovl, about 1'mlles frie ibis plscoeTles-nov .fely Iodied lujel bore, aud vll 4euWs te Klpte tise flemo nov lueFranoe. , The Journa ssddslcth Mr. Wasburbis ee crlaisly sol code' math a promnise .ibouI Iira; laivg oh>' tiluae4 tLe cossent of the French (lovera- Paris, .Tnly U.. Empaipe ster. day rolved ade&""«ti 01uormOfers of the NtatioWel Gard of Paris. lu-ruponse te tbeir oongr&taatiom, <b. Emperor séa ho relled 5908 ILs National Gourd, for upoi dbemi devolved lite proteebiôn of the Captlsdnring tLe ver. - Thé Minier of War bus ssed thb. Corps Legistil fer an lucrese -of tbm mlitaryclou.of 1870, front 90,000 te 140,000 mon, sud that <bis contingent aiay ho caied ount t serve tilt Jauuary li, 1871. The Corps viii vote Ibis pro. jeet te day, togetheurviik severet cîhera submuîled by lie Governmeuî for the proseoution of ver. Napolson's sddrems <o the peoples vi sot ho publisbed, sale lie Patrie,ountil tLe Empier bas depsrted for lb. front. Paris, Jnly. IO.-The ournal Offidhl anonces tiaI the Emperorlas deelded not te 'recelvpe, suer >lu Ibm imperial quartera, or the quartera of général ofi. cerf, suy volauteur, or sny forelgu osf. c", or «uy oua"Dot belions tth French aroy. t b M. Thiers publishes su indignant denlal of baviug recelved, as sisted by lie Figaro, à latter rom îLbe King of Promssa, Ihsuking bhlm for bis speech agsiusthib Wbeu tbm Emperor iquitted tho Tuiler. les to-day 10 rature to St. Chuud beovas Ioadly chueaed by tLs people. -Washington, Jnly 19.-lime French Mlister cstled uopon- Ibm Secreîary of State 10 day and verball7 informed hlm lh ie bsGoverumonî vonld respect the treaîy of Paris. New York, Jaly 19.-The Consul- General of thé North German Union bas jast received the folointagduesh o. Conat 14mrk-'Private ou the bigli ses vwi!! b.exemopt f<t?. seisure by Bies Mai- esty'as aipe ulîboait regard te reciprocity.ll The Agents of lie Général Transatian., île Company lu ibis ciîy annonce lia; the steamers cf tbe Freuch lino are not 10 stop rnning la cousequence of the ver, ueuoh L fagîeut vili leave ibis port-bu Salurday, ý li 23rd inst., for Brustsud Havre. Nsv york, Juiy 19.-A Parla câble spécial te tbo New York HeraU l@ a, the officiai notice of Ibm declaration of var, Riy Fras agasl stPromis, wuasoseu yeaterdsy te tbs Européen povers. Franes Lu uotilied Prous stLe b dli net nu explosive bouts if Pruis 1 Âfter tLe firsI batlebs beau fougbit&aIl the povertof Europe ,li maire an ef-1 fort 10 stop the couicIt.9 The French journals bers bave riceived1 ordera 10 publié ne information couceru. iug miitary aolements. The Catholica cf tbe South Germa States are reported to b. oppmcd tb Eigbht Prussisu officers bavebenu seiz. id lu Strasboarg as spies. Oua hundred îbonasud voonut4ershave enroîlied their usns. lu Paris, -and tLe departmenti. Hamburg, Jnhy 19.-The steamship Allemannia, fromt Nov York ria Plymonih arrived hors yealerday. The Cimbra left Havre on Saturday noon for New Yorkt. Berlin, Jahy 19.-A French procama- lion for tbe purpose of excitiig îLe people te revoit Lu beau dislributed ia Hanover. ILLierte publisées a siatemeut te tLe elLe; Ibat (Fen. Changarnier viliiprobabiy ho sppolniad Mînialer of War, vire Gen. LebSeuf, vho tekes s commaud lu tbm field, Berlin, Joiy 1.-Lut eveulug King William ade a speech te s gram orovd of tbe people of Berln, Who eame tu cou- grainat. hlm. Se nid:s Be vis solré- sponsible for th* ver vhicL Lad jus; broken outI; lmgLI, personally, bu passive coder outrage, but Gemaiay, evren beyond tLe eau, Ld spolie.Sacrifices vèe sure; 'Pra«g mma cd b u splled bW ber CannUdagua, Tf. Y., Jul14.-File trial of Mannix ou au ludictment for violatlog Ibm nen.trelty lavs vas commencS (bis* =ouug e vithdraving bis plea Moflot guht aSpleadiug guilty on tle lutst Io counte of the Indictunent, cbargug tLe, piisouer vith providinç boxes of arms, &e., for tbe Feniena. The Disttct 4- tetrney moreS for juuigmuent. Jiuige 'Woeduff, in-seutcncing Starc, said as the jury baS recommeuded the prisouer te miccy, Le veuld, Instesd of a fine of $,006 imprlseumi sentence hlm <o ivo piase Imprisouteud a fOn@ of $10. lu theecasecf 'Thompsou hi vouid Pi e Ils e. sentence. Tbey voe tounSguilty ou the Brut and tuSr ceunIe sud not»M ý-s~ife a wo. l2us Jadge aàid s as uui~Nia lal pluSd gityenS shoo penitently belone the court, lue. Wood sentenem Io oui ye.r sudsa Oue of $10, srs.y la u um,îaua l eeveu corps. onsa, vwitithe foiiovingt Commas tLeir mltary oM sulsai4.rjy supe Mir t 'iit ,&0tkouar 56vcm sorely vorsted by, the lot; NapoAeon, Their arma, bothbmeut! cnd great, ame peorfen;.,Thoir cavairy supe4IN ud, belog 'a shamoisa eggrom .or, -cane doe.Ut objeot te ber geîling repulsed. Bu; if listela suy prn*miuamt rsfiectlon suggusted by lb. appràohing coliet, tlb lu iLs; of bittet regretiii tLe horrible suf. feriug of sU euid o this fiarfui, tour- nay. The triomphe a battile ld are socu effaced by thLeaedfut sceau cof a Be.ae v rsa nations, eacbhlgbly eudowsd wyth <seul sud profioièncis et Iae Ovu, couvertgthosvery isieuls. ie tL. measapt ualsagtr tain. *bat as verse too, im, thaï; ibm renut;.viii s s tLe proces. Nul ouh vill money hbc andered, live. hof;,, and progress forgo ae; -but ses vil! bc linfoe wii't ooutigiou of ver, snd tbe foetrof MIliti ygiory. And vhs; lü vorse IL s i,1lilt untesoh the popu. lations cf Europ tLehessons ILey Led learut <tom bye derations of almosi un. broken peso.. : Let éail nigbl4»iuhing men pray tbat so perÏicios àa rus May ho îerminatid es speedily as poaible; for, as immorteal; Bilh7 bu î, il, "Ip. feard tlier. are fev dia veil ILat d inItlu ate, for boy eau tboy cbsritably dispose of auy <ing, wben blood ie tileir argumeut I Soreilibis man of mystety, tkua once berer cf a con- stable'. staff ln the streeta of London, yl Lave a Leevy recitouiug 10 malle, i'<wbeu ait those legs sud armsansd Leids cbopped off lu baille shall juin together at tLe lat- ter dcy, sud «y Iele edied a; snob a pince, ss veaering-soins cryiag for s siirgeoa-aOme gros ibsir vlires efî pootly hohiud tbîm,-oome upon îhe deLtî ihey owe,-éoae upon ibeit cbildrcu ravly lef."9 ht h a blsckt malter to lock luto, and "M1istre. Engenie" aay find le ber ovn, bei bnband's, and ber cbdld'o cosl, Ihat someiimes tLe Engiueer ih Loisted, 4- t bis evu pebard." urh o PiLr land." 1 amt Bin, yours, Ou P: To the Editor of thei Witb, Cironidle. Our Aseeriosau Frndi. Doà& Ssa * Your lowa coutempor. ary deighîs lunsahlttoe cp sensation once lu a vbile ; .Lich la, perbaps, atl! tLsI eau ho expectod, ad ay Lh auable enougb tee ; if Le would anly take tLe or. dlnary precaution to Lave s foundation- loet Le ever sc trlfing. LsteyhyoLeilu daigeut bis taste lu a get op Lesded d"Ont Anserican Prieuds" (?) ; "vIieL article, I inapeacbl, es boiug utteli falseaud chers. tinistically uarrov. Be tells easîory of boy an orderly, reupedlabld excursion parîy cf Canadiess ve t einly iacited b$ s rabbI. of Ame rican citizens, et Charlotte, i6veek or twoasgn,,âud, lu e aehting vay, givîs tLe particulars. Nov, air, as one of tLe Canadien panty, I vieb, lun ommon justice. 10 deny the slory. and also tc infor. your nunieroas readers, liai vo vere treaird lu the boit magner, by tb. Americani, and ail credit is dlue iheni for their courttdnua ireelment. lb s@ rus a roi did taLe place, sud pro. Lbhby American citizen& (i.e) docitvhal. lopers snd tiho. ut, did condactiti. Per. Laps tbere vite blackt eyie and bhoody noues, sud e mon named Cosy did figLi, sud get fongb audtlss the Gazette bath il h, hlongidiscretion thebmotter part of valoar,"1 But vhb baada or tbm Wbiîby Gazette 10 do yuibtat?7 The excursion psrty Lad no part uhuatever in t/te figlut. One Wbitby rongh di4 assume te, joic h, bnt soon cbangod blié mnd, sud tooit log Lait for Lis safety. Ibat' h ai. TLis New Dominion coutribeled te the ftacoS., The vallon; Cumyp reptoeneted as Leing frose Treubon, Ont., is nov, I un. dsriaad, au Amorlca citizen, and keepa e tomber lard at Charlotte. So uo Cava. dian voeshurt, and no Canadiesa burt sny ones-,l.y, ver. mealy mterested spociters, vbo tok notes, and, on comiag home ltouobed a veait puint là lhe saga- serions loi fot hýbunotbipfl compai lvitbi hi& eerý ÀA crocf IOOo 0AotIyslnce prvfafled Suug th ulot ôcetmrodansumch a sSi senitenOce t@primoems.'No demouhra. IMing cre Lavaieiae uer mas.- tionrw«mncm ~TLe'dm-plo sbld 111v fr frlenda pree.lg asouad lieu fareweli, sd m 4011 iSh mrv sbook 1 lied lh the: District Atwosaq odin Uoile sahnlle e ho 40uii to eI'ism o-qi" . $-Berlin, .... Ptiuc<Fncdek Charles 4-Magdnbourg.. .. General d!Alvenoleon 5-PWsn ....General de Steinïniejg 68-Breslsu . Oeneri de Tamplilug .-Mnalr . enerai-de Zatrow 8-Coblents. Generci de -Ëttenfeld 9-Scbiîswig .....Genesai de Manstein le-Ranover. (m._éercI de Voigt&.Rbetz' ...Cs.e......... General de Ploasii ,Theirsu e naval force donsista cf 72' 446 nien. Thore are Ivo .aduirats, C. RiÏeuhi S. GenouIllyaýnd_ P. T. Trciloaart, *ô active vice.admirals, sud 80 active eoanter.'admiralga. The fleel ont lslt cf Janaary was composeS as foiliovsý: DescriptionIonNtzmbss. (uns., Screv steamers, Io ld.. à5- 1082. &Séwatesmers,ncnizon-elad.28 -1618 -Wbeelasteamers ..........651 116 Saling veuosel..10..... 914 Total .......... ... . .49, 4ff8 *Beiies îLes. Iber. are S scvev steaa. ers, irou.clad, vitil 68 guns, and 23 non- itou-cldS. yul144 gunr, building. .The Prnusin uavy is coaparativeiy aethLbut its shipa, thougil few, are con- structod in bbc Lest menues eud of bile beot matenial. The fot!oving tble pres seuls a view of the prescul otrength ufthîe Sleul; Description. Number. Guns. Iconctlada............. 4 419 Frigates uanS Corvettes...0 202 Guinboats................ 23 54 Yacht ................... 1 2 Paddl, corvettes........... 8 15 Seiliug vessels .._........ 59 815 - Total .............. 99 637 - 4 4 - Meeting oCf Grand Lodge-Electson oi Grand Offcers-Lleut..Coi. Steven. ion rc.-elecied Grand Masler. The Maaou.ic Grand Lodge continueS ils, session wyul closed Scors yesterdey, and in tle aflernoon tLe election of the Grand Master tookt place, uhen Lieut.-Coi. XA. A Stevenson, cf Moutreel, vasise olected Grand baster hy a large njoity-he haviug receivcd 870 ont of 500 votes. Tho announceacul vas receivcd aaid thanders cf epplause. Bro. Stevenson briefly sre- turneS thanks(ts foc île hlionour wbicil lad~~ ~ uenagi 1 frrdtpon bina. The elAction cf th0e fficaeslIen- boit p1ce. The followiîîg, tea complet. lilt of pre"nd Mersce:- M. W. Bro. A. A. Stevenson, Montrcai, G. il R. W. Bro. James Seymour, St. Cathar- lues, D. G. M. V. W. Bro. Thomas White, Montreal, G. S. W. V. W. Bro,. Uoucy Robertson, Coiling- Wood, G. J. W. R. W. Bro. 1Rov. Vincent Ciomenhi, Peterboto, Grand Obaplain. R, W. lino. Ilcnrý GroSf, Sime, Trea- auner. R. W. Bro. David MoLellan, Toronto, Grand Registrar. IL W. Bro. Tboaas B. Barris, Hamil- ton, Grand Sectery. V. W. Brtc Dr. Geo. Billington, Dle- vane, D. D. G. M., London Distridt. R. W. Bro. P. J. Brovn, Ingensoli. D. D. G. M., Wilson District. R. W. Bru. J. F. Toms, Goderich, D.D. G. M., Hluron District, R. W. Bra. 0. Hendry, Conestcga, D, D. G. M., Wellington District. &. W. Btc. Edwurd Mitchell, Hailton, D. D. G. M.. Hamilton District. I. W. Bru. John K. Krrm, Toronto, D. D. G. IL, Toronto District. I. W. lino. Dr. R Kincaid, Peterboro, D. D. G. M., Ontario District. lb. W. Bro. T. H. Smith, Convay, D.,D. G. bM.. Prince Edward District. R. W. Bro. W . Chamberlain, Morris- burg, D. D. G. M., St. Lawrence District. R. W. Bro. E. 0. Barber, Ottava, D. D. G. M., Ottawa District. R. W. Bro. 31. Gumman, Montreal, D. R. W. lino,. D. . Plckci, Svcctsburg, D. D. G. Ml., Bedford District. R. W. Bro. John E.,hirooke,_ D. D. G, M., Chathiam District IL W. lino. J. P. Wilson, Weltand, D. D. G. M., Niagara District The 1h01 -lu Ney'York on the 12(1 Tile Nov York Tribun. of the 141h, bas tbe folioving sensible rimants anenî -tle aaault on the Oraugemon of tIsaI ciîy on lb. 121h Juiy,. Tile cihebration n u evYork cf snch an annivcrsary asm tf lb.eBatIe or iL. Boyue va believe toe b.lune bas te and baS jadgmcni. Whan Irishaîn coma ilere to aarn a coaforlable living anS enjoy iba-priyileges of a [tece and impartial Geov. crnen, .-Ave-eso.UA n 1isikt tt Iey ptinclpi.deaiud cflb.Gven.u been qpi>eed, (iuterreption) - M~y c6ï-' science tel1h me I fuldli mlduly iureaist-i tng imprudent passions and prenting' 1soberly liae aountys iuberst. la 1h a lime for you t. breaki tLe peecioeus moes îquestien- of snanibli;ty 1 on are shid. ding lorrenti cfî 'blood -fer s question pf forl.io,1asitfor tLe despaîcham Opoln thel b.rusolutien for ver las been' adopted._ If ILa tb, boéour t oema MY couutry, I sbouid Lavs vishoS t. give- ht time for rellection. T- regard tls ver j& ée imprudence, sud i1s ,ocgison asMill aas.Mcroi lien'ybody esIdsr reparation for 1866. No doubt Pruasias La decolved us- Yonde ote;udersiand tLst T diacharge the aust peinfui duîy écf' MY life. 1 puty yen, insuli me if yon vwiii; I vili endure sveryhing; but yon do not, falflIjyur vIole daîy, sud îLeai vby Ir oeil for the dampatobes. Olivie, Lnbietly nepiying, refusedtle despaîcbes absolutil>-., Gambetta reneved the demuand. Ollivier replieS n I vil! resd ivo Sos-' patchas Lut net the signatures, for ont adouts voald b. seul avay. Be tIen teed pet cf the despatol coufirming the refusai of King William te r6cel, a.FranchiAm. -basdor, aud tvo despatcles fnoms French agents abroad giviug tho substance of Bis- Matchs@ circuler.' The circuler itacîf ho diS nut pretend lu prudoce. ne concluS- ed by saying; W. go tu ver wyuL e ligbt heurt and couSin: llu ont ermy. Wu; vi ,Ii tel! the vIole trath. Wbet ve conîf not endure vas tLe - semi.officiai communa cation îo ahi Europe of tLe rejeciion of ont Ambassador, ail tLe more significeut because il vasdune la muet - counteons terme. The Rigît, maya La Liberte,a vebemeuti ver urga, raceived Ollivier'& speech witb, consternation. Thiers atieuapiedi o raply- bat vas inierropted. Davetois-Wet fi duce te cabine; bluders.- Thers-It h luý, e bleÜSer it svee r. Otlviâ La evaded tLe question. Prous ougît te Lave 'iallsoed vben ibm Sesired ta nuitr the German Stateu; tben ver vould Laveý Leen legisimate, sud v. should have Leen suttained. I blaeie Sadowa at the tume;ý te day-tLe vorld's demanda hegitimnate complaint. Prouiasao LescommutteSa, great feul lu uegodtitlg iyuL Spain, yeb Prossie vishes peece and -y, bave ver. If ve Ladilli terequin, remunetation fer the Hobanzollern candidature ve sIeuld, Le yuL you ;but nov Ibat ve hai e bîin. ed tbat, vs Semend sometbing is. You Lad not unly obiained your tisait, Ion la for. sund substance boîL, ye; Ion bl Promsa snu;ntyiehded lu <un., euSd vs bave bien insulted, PaLlia epinion vil! tun agelnst us; the journals of Europe vili ho against no. Prasais nsver vouid Lave remumed this candidature, it vould Lave Leen madnu. Groa; clinouns anS intermuEions boe Stovued M. Tbier's voice. Not a vord of hisîspeedh vas 1lioved t. rendh Englend by telegrapil. TIen, las been systemeiic offort lu deceive Europe about public opin- ion iu France rsspectiug the ver, and tu deceiv, France about the opinion of Europe. 11ev Long wtilil Laiti - From îLo ewovYork Wnrld.) Ia thé Crimean ver cf 1853 6, Tatitey decdanS ver agaînsl RousieOctober 5, 1853. RousI declered var agains; Tut. bey November 1. France euS Englend declared ver agains; RoaeMercI 27-28, 1864, The battIlf cf Aima vas foagbt Saptember 20 ; batîle of Balso.ava, Octo, ber 25 ; Lattier of Inkermn.a Novembet 5. Sardinia joined the ailis Jnnàry 26, 1855, Them Mahtoff vas takan,-by tls French, September S. Swedeu jeined tLe, allies November 21 sud Lostiliîies vers suspendeS Febreary 29, 1856, The 'ver betveen the Western Foyers sud Rass hasteS byeo years leobiug-one mouib.- 1 b. Ieien ver cf 1859 vu begun by iLsh rîjîclion of the Austian ultimatum ly Sardinla Aprl.26. The Anatricus crosseS thé Ticino Aprit 21. -ThemFraniole ented GecouMai 3. ThebaIltle 'ct Montebello vas fongbl May 20 ; battleOf Magenta 94y 30.31 ; euS the batie of Solferino June 24. The pence' ut Ville. FrPancs& vieasignut Juiy11. Bostilities sa a sofuaoxsa eb. .uszup l&w . '.r Grenville promnised iLat tLs documents ,toncoruiug tLe ver Vonld ho laid hofore ïbs Houe assocu s bey ver. copieut. - Âfiir thedisplch of-soiuetlocal business. the Rhu adjuurned. la t, li umof Gommons, -Mr. Bar- courI made< enqniry <oucbiug mesaurea for the preservation c'f Euglish neutrmlity. 1fr. Glcdtone said bbait'icLec quiryvas prematute, 1coming msil did before lie declarsiion of ver Laed been made, WLile tLe Premier vas Ihua speaking, a deapaichi <rom -Lord Lycus vis baud.d té Liai, aul- nouuciag It h heformai declarsiion, of ver Lad beau seut hysthe French (lovera- ;meuktto Berlin. 1fr. Gladstoe thiban n- plied tbat aILthe mpapeivouid ho submit- te as soon as pussible, and <a a messire looking tu tbo'premervation of ueutrality vu in prepsraîion. Particules emention wouid b . pcid lu ibai .mesars ta the statue of Lelligetent sLips lu British porte. Aft eadiscussion ou , the strengîh uf tLe, army, duriug vbichb lit.oreuarted' that tbe Goverumeut vas unable tepuet fifty ;bouand M>u lu intefield, the Gon- mou sdjouned. A tumour of Russies participation lu tho var conseil au agitation, <rom vbwicb! the stocit maritlbaS no; recovered ai the close cf the day. The report la not jet couflimed. The Preoidenvo ensoions for Deuirlug au Extra session -or Cougres. - Washington, .Tiy 15. TO tu. Sentet.andiHosue of Representa. Yoar attention in respectfuh!y calleut io the uecoosi;y of psssiug au Indien Ap- propriation, Bill before tbe membets- of Congresa seperate. Wiîbout such 5Rpt0-ý Iitin'Indian botilitios are' sdi tt en- sae anS vith hem iufieng, hso f ile, lad eipeuditutes vast as conapared yuL île amonut agiteS. The latts;iâtelli- gence fromt Europe indicatea îLbe immi- uence of verbetveen France and'-Nortî :P.tmeuy,. lu viev of -bis, a scuud 'splic ldicates île iiportasceof-saine- leglisia- tleaing 10 enflarge the coni 'mercial Marine of ibis country. The vesses of ibis country et tLe pri- sent lime are insufflaient. to mesi îLe ii. -crease vhicb lb. existence, of a veir lu Europe viii im1pose ,upon-ihé commerce of lhe United- States, sud I submai-totheb cOusideraîlon cf Coagresa tLeinterest of -tLe couutry vil! ho sdvauced 4by the op. portwulty effret car cotoiizen& ta par. chah veaseha of foreigu .coustruclionî for the foreigu trede ofthîe country. Au sol to ibis effe;t may b. liiaited initi ils t- tion 10 muntthîe immediate ixigsucy. The foreign mail service et the United States la ln a large degre. dspiuding upon tLe Bremen aud Hambatg lin.oOf steam- ers. The Pout Office Department' bas. entened imb contracte lu vrltinsg wyu the Willias sud Guoinlinou respectively for a regniar anS continuons service- of two years. The ouly arrangement that couhd Le madeyu 1ih.he amau sud Cunard ines ia tomporary, andmay Le' broiten off- ai aoy time. Ibe North Germonn unes- are finit caielui point of speed and equip. nient ; their steamers uîuaily suaiet.he trip scou t h. Atiantie in ftoa e24 ta 26 bouts lu adveuce of the Williams euS Guion hueo. SLonld tLe North Germen steamuert Le blocitaded or impedm 1d by France, Ont postal lniercoursm vitI for- elgu nations vilil e greaîlv embarrassed unis"Cougregs all interpose for ils, relief. I sugges;totaCougreas tle Pro. priîly of funîber poslpaning lie timen for adjourumma; yul lbt'hoviev of con- sidsrung ths questions hoein communies- ted. (Signed), The IPropellor "Guidlng start" Blowu FOUS LIT£$ ILOOT. aMET os Turai sons yomn. F ort lttaudo.JUlY 18.-A itérrlble eiamitY Occurred Ou the' Grand River'et Port MeitisuS yesterday (Suuasy> moru-, %Yg by vhlc Ui severai ves vetOolsi, -and A mateb bah place1 saîerdey, 1611- lest.,fi iveen tle Young Oursarit and the Ifaple Leaf ai resulig iu s victorj Wilson, Eesdy and Tate, on -the Grseen- Wood side, sud ihe bovling and batsiegofI Kennedy sud Green, ou tLe Marklsm aide;-. Bolov v. givi ibm score s j liomerivilla bd. Greenc t eney.. .T. Sterlini. bP. Green n,..c....en.edy.0 -W. Bosdy, tan ouI.-................... 10 M. Uleesqon, 1.. Xhnedy..»... ..... ... 4 LU -Harrison, b'. Green................o A. Stalter4 bd. Kennedy, ert Maiene.... 2 J. McKetrick. bdL Grecu.............. 2 Il. Tate, run out;........... ....... .....g W.RHyen, tuauout_. ... ............ a, Elliser, not out..... . c Bye9-..... ...................s Lbc................. 8 4 2.-M Ixuenoos. J. Wilson, i KeBnnedy ... .. s T. Sterling, L B Wickeot......... »... '....se0 W, Eeldr, h8Green,....... ... .......e M. (4leeaon, BGreen................ i L. Hiarrison, B ufennedy................ 8 A. Stalien, rit bui............2 J, Meotrick. BB oIson, C if .e.e . 4 ICITate, B seeu.,. -......... ..........10 au, ront................ ...... BU t4c týJ reen, ..................O0 W.By ie.............. ... ...s Igrye,........................e71 ELWosdeam t...........#................O0 N.liaonBl....Stz....... .............i W. rree; d Total..... .............. 13.Flviuso, tu rng .........................O r..olt nM$el eul..............O. P. crtoen,d W2 n.........,...........5 J. Fee, d Sierllng, ........... .......... 0- TlP. uni;erOnt. ou.........o...... ..... .O F. Suardon, bd Wilionc esuy.........O Bye,............................ L ll1?r bdO.......etSt..i............. W. ie g............ ..........t0 RHy ....ogciSrn............... 5... W. Orsn , id Siedlos-.................. 8. Preei.uoîout................... ... .54 A. Wooler, bd nterling, et &,suserville .. P. TonlinoM, bd lVIisn, et Harrison 1. suwoe Id Sterlng ....... .........( T. Y 0 raon. . . . ( Wldes... Ùý....................... -.fi A, Yankee sviudler-from Pensylvani. - uaaied A. W Baldvini bau played aaSharp brick on, he ile umen et petrolFIa.Te 1*'66 Preus says ou the tenth of Jane, ibis vostily maSs bis appecrence>.lu Loun- Sou, and calliug et Mr. IL. Taylor'S ci- chango office, couverted $50 in greeubit -aIl bis avalible lundi- -it Canada moue., Hé then vent up ta tie land of oit aud comin »anced operations, An- nouunciug bimselfaa ePenylvenis ait operetor, le stated lIat le in Lelded Seel- ing largely in -Canadien, craSe. Be v ent round ta -tle veilà anS, boagit up t advencedrates al lthielhLecoald iày bis-banda cnest primasranglug fromt $2 O5 104$2 15 par Larral. H. persuadeaSàa Mn. Partir, a vehI-kuevu ail1 agent, a1s0 te Luy on bi s cunt, and guâaeteed îLe purcilesa.Mr. FPsrker, Living 1vo0sus- pidon, dSgo. Of cours lbeail min wese euly to glaS t. bil(Le sdviirià sudh a tabeb in cil, euS us he boug54 fresiy, sud 515 net mind 6v.or teincents e barrot, Li dvncu virrsily use$ Baving acciulsted »Il- te ie11leo dl bo nadSe asala of'tLe vole (oa'lth ' bon 011 Company cf Hamlton(~" Passons J Willliams), the ilhaigns e binl een 'placed l Ibeir-tank& Tesms w... ..,.êh..v train-, niedUR i.b rages. ,wl th an tec thi 10 of da mi dui mu hil in ce b fu te£ i lb the ais 1 rIt Mc ing Aedl r ..

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