Goe4 v e tà bffi "d attentiv e cra. Je , ,1870, O.ý N. VAJIS, RAp rCLDetoi shw IumsootreuSt bir4Sogru @rtui f bs Ontario W NIPEUS à GENT, &e, alto Agent eident suMed r d Ii~nsu-VscOsi. l JUNEBÂLI fnBI7 mpplt6d and ti.mded on omsoe notice. calat kspt eonsently on hand.- WA sre a sle ouliberalterm GEORGZOORIUCE. Wktby, 7*b. 5b, 1662. OOMMERCIAL MOTEL, OSHAWA., JAMES ELACK, - aPPIDo Conveulenitly tteu up rooms for Gommer el],treveleru. Billiards ttached. April 8, 1870. 1 JPLOYNKENT.-'Pleaflt and profit- E ~ bond stamp forianeweri te I.LR.WELLS, $889Broadway, N.Y M vSo i MUS10 S9 Wbithy Braggansd Strng Bands, e>apted for Soirece, 1>1 not, Excursions. Quailrille parties, &Oc, to., wilI snpply thbesie sud lateni 1Munie, on reasonable termes Appélicstlons must be muade cubher personslly - or by loUer, (peet pald,) te 1 J. WOLFENDEK, 20May 1, 1870. Whitby. isT. NICUOLÀ8 flOT-EL (LAT£rmn 1TE1 ox.,> DUNDASST'REET, WHITIIY. The Subscrher bhep te lûform Urne publie, that lie ha nowy flttod Sp and renovoted the aboye hQtel, whlle travellere willAfnd oxcllent eceorimodsitlon. Liquors. Wine,. aud Cigare Di s priur qnellty. lt fLger Boer. Uood .,lrnanu etensiveo ed rTm. A. -B. TSBAN Whltby, Iiey Lsd, 1810& 18 TERRÂPIN -RESTAURANT MILLID IDOM Sv (87 & 89, EIng $trait REut Toronto). THOMAS CARLISLE, - PoIao -- Thetuitai- coomfortle. Hes taurantl'1-i anda. Mente Asnpplled at iii Irours. Wlnem ],Iquors and Cigaro of the Ounest brande. fhl u con Oyster lu every style. W~ Parties vstlua Toronto for a da1r vili find every accommodation et tihe Terrapin. April 5, 1870, 14 Tn. underalgLed hma aeeptod thre Mrinse Agencv of the' WESTER!CASSURÂNCE CO.,1 X X 0? TOROitT6, Ana wil bo elad ta affect Inoqursuces for sul baviug property tao hip froni tins port. C. DRAPER. Wlitiry, April.6, 1870, 14 [MPORTANT TO PARTIES UING -J. J. STOOK'S -a- The is11exole *1 lotirer 011, bath animal U sud vegetablo, sud voearc peepared ta sirow cIe (ail tlire suporiority of this Ou teaio] other, It stands lir h o tsneceeosry t0 procure a firt-clamisr N. B ticee.ihile adapte4 ta itier ligit orireavy ma-I3oc clhiiry, froulisl tirck or ooving-meciie ta tiére c liravet of aiais. Tire fllovlug are tire Dec i ot lu wriichir i excois other Oille: IT \VILL. OT OUM, liauce machiiery eau b. m= ltept dlean vitir but Ilttie trouble, suri It yl eleen mmeliiiirery tirai iras heon already gummod g 1)y other 011s. It vili net cougosi or tuireken lu tire coldeci of veather. Thirsle a qunityE nit th ir igireot Importance, frein tire fot aunOSl ulot laisvirg this quailty wiii nat lubrlcate à a coi.1 siaft-, srcir on Vi my bcaplied in a lieaisteMts, irut tire momient ht touceos s cold0 plia if 4 cou teaied sud vlIl net lubricata u . sil tholourual by fiction seariestirat temper-0 oitre noecesry ta redie ilte a liquid strie lu acquirlhg saiigher tenmpérature by fiction, tire journal ex p nde osud tire bix te njnred, h lea as Imposslble taU oinue h t iatviii cili ou , I cold %hisft itiaut tris resait, e it le toMn-W gleOil vitir mater. J. G. slack's 011 il V flu- ris4tih# cademti nachiuery tire moment It là spnlied. '£ieot11 la novr uod ia avor tva o bmurd etaii limients, sud Is givlug tire îest or ilatIsfaction sud ail nuiteluna iirg ttcyE -préetor ite retnoed Sperni or pure Olive. It iso frac fromtirhe objections urged against aIl etirer Olli, as It do.. Pot gurnu or freeze. Now C as thc publie sre avare trot misy vartioleos tingage spuffad Into, notarlety, ln order 10 prove tirs>tis là ano hunrbug, sud tesoecurs onrsosves sgsinst tir. opérationsset nucruptu- loua oil o u eto, <uleTof Wiom molli not iresi, teto alM off tire mean offal of 011 refineries e beng identical mitir Stock'. etraMaéliie ci e rps vi hoeWoaore nterented O lu ie tulhof Lf si#atement*. to, seud ta tireur, ou applicatian, by mail or otiervi*e, frec of charge liuany vsy, a a .nileof th ireo, tirst h nrsy spoak for I icoîf. - And yull ala Ssnd viii l a fev simple test»,s effectivesas t110e totetsby wviteiroto Iliknown from tire baser mnatais, aud W v ilviieniale parties or- domr ta steucr*tiseimiellea agaîi Imposi- tion,ty eneblhn< ir eur te determinéet once 0 virotier tire OU forverded le as gond as 'o = dedatglu uMacimneOlla viido vlt omuniate vitir Sole Agent far thi. IDomluo. n roighl Mardi 15, 1870. i T E bTI1M0N I AL. Tm Ticam» AU ýxxiiacarWoux$, lamai Osrava, April 4,1870. promi - Di" Bm,-We bv bo~eu uin your Lubricating 011 :for the peu: four mnnt», and can-sa v1tirout ire#ition lso cbsap, anmd lests longer tran auyoiiîer cil. Ws bave u cur large 14 tet Iras ploimmr, -7 dy* vlM one iilg. lu keern tire tapi diusdbilgit. Wê do noS vaut anytirng botter à se& iabrlemtcr. I1s&m, Tours tUnly, IrF. W. GLEN, Fruedtt. t' AprilfiT, 1870. 17 'Shierm,'1 J FEST AB LI SEED 1833-1 The -undersigned in retnrning thanks for the liberal patronage bitherto extended ho the oid etablshment, for nesrly a perîod cf forty years, deaires to say tbai ho haî now on hand a large assortîneni of the momt modern ad elegant styles of wo XY7 z I MW x M (J 3 And trusts by proper attention and moderate prices to -secure a cuntinusuce cf public patronage. Practical upholstering. Purnitnre re-atuffed and covered.- UniderlDnad Funerals Fiffly -Snpplled as heretofore, g&-Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gilding- Remember- the 9PU Stand. __ Wbitby, March 9, 1868. NAT~. KLu~LaLa 10-Iy BOO0TS ANO SIIOES WIIOLESÀLE &RETAIIL. ¶eeps constantly on, hand, and in course of manu- facture, t-he largest stock of Ladies Cents' and Misses' Examûine for yonrseîves the excellent material and fine work- M=Api 13, 18$70. .WM. BURNS,-Brook omi. THOS. BAVIES &SON, MANUFACTURERS OP zià ÂL ý0iïý 1f X CR E AM ALE PALE ALE AND ]PORTER. Don- Brewery, 0Toronto, Onte As'te proreo atién(s personally to'the Brewing, a regniar stock of Aies =n 're an alwayn be depe ndc upon. Parties desirons gf having Aies of superior quality and Ponter ecluai to any imporied, arc respectfnlly solicitcd to Scnd their orders for a qnantity large or amail, and try for themselves. th the nid of our incrcased facilities, wo are enabied to, produco an anti- U the year round) second to, noue in the Dominion. 3. -Orders left wiih Mr. JAS. H - SAMO, at, the Furniture Warerooms, Street, Whitby will receive pompt. attention. .1, 1869. 48 1 liti Whitby, Jnne 28, es. Pleasecall and examine our Engfih Il obol. I E HATCH1 & BROTHER, Importes of Englimb, German, and American'Hardware. Th 1870. Iroua, GENTLEMEiN,_ATTENTION!1 GENTLEMPNY'8 OLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, THE FINEST 0CANAD;iA kN TWEEDS eau beselect ed from, suitable for the Season. lâ' A1J kinds, of Gentlemen's Fnrnis hing Goods kept constantly on: hand. ALEX. PRINGLE. Whitby, April 13, 1870. IEW 6899S TeO.***e. Bar Dropos English Plated Broochos, Coîored Setts, very handsome. Specta-cles, &o., &en J.AMES JOISTONt Marc 23,870.Watcmaler & Jewoler, Brock ai. ihitby, IN SUR AN CE« The undersigned continues to represent the following reliable INSURANCE COMPANIES : TIIE ROICAL. Capital,. $2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO* MANCISFRWARD Esq. IM PERlAL, HEAD OFFICE, RENTOUL BROTH'S, MANAGER". kORE. AGzNT, WRrYIiY. - Capital, $2,000,000. JOHN AG1ÇEW, 1 Aoxirr, Wnrmv. NORTH BRITlISU-,. Capital, $2,000,000, HEAÇ» OFFICE, -MONTREAL. MoDOUGALL & DÀVIDSON,11î - JOHN. AGNEW, MlANAà GE.u AGET, WMITBI. hOME, - - Capital, $1,500,000. HEAD OFFICE,- NEWHIAVEN, CON. JOHIN AGNEW, AGENT, WrmTn. PROVINCIAL, -Capital, $400,000. EBAD OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY CROCKER, MANAà xGER1. JORN .AGNEW, AGENTr, WIiY SCOTTISII PROVINCIAL, (Lin,) - Capital, $1,000,000.1 o .qa ci O k. u5 o E-i FFUCAL ASSI0N-EE. ENXERAL A GENCY OFFICE! EB 1 ndsl ne vig receved the appointnent of Oficiai lge for North )utarl,n l prepared to give prompt attention ho&Il mnattenrs Ia krnptcy:or rerya~PromiusorY Notes and Âccounitsopu&ly collecte.tand remittances- On good farsioenuriy at S per acent interest. Speciai attention vili b. given ho the negociation cf Loans, and borrovrers can rely upca havlng their applications aiteuded te promptly, aud at amali expense. rff Also, Lande, 4eur lmproved and uulauproved constanly for sal. Insurances efiectd in île Ontario Parmeri ulual Inaurasce Company, AO - - - O01, iciIAsigu na d elaMor. OPPJGE-BIgelow'aBlock, sext door ho tirs Royol Genadisu BouL - Port Perr,_December 2, 1868. -* UEAD oFFivE, A. DAVIDSON PARKE1I O1ioAlo MA ClNAlES.crte Money, at reasonable rates. .Whitby, Jannary 4#.1870. w Co Pire'P PY *1 JOHIN AGNEW, :AGENT, Wunrnr. Company, for the lofin of JORN AGNEW .Agent, Whîtby C~oj turug Ue eneu IIundusuetoMetlniereqaire- The Table le enpplied withéve rytbiug oftbe best in secuon, a nne but thre beet brande of Wimie Li.paoto and Cigare lcept et the Bar. 17B.,R. SNOW. FIRE ÂASSUIIAN43E Cote LOM AEDSTREET *- CHARING CROSS, .ESL4BISHEDIN 1782, GILLESPIE,- MOFFATT & Co., Agents for cana"a. JAMES DAVIntoN, Manager. I SURANCE'agAinot LOSS by PIRE arn effected on thé mostfavorable ternie, and LOSSES'PAID withontrefereno-e to the Board 'YEOMAN GIBSOI% Apri 8rl,186. Agent, Whth BE LIVERPOOL &LODOt &GLB TINSiJEANCE ComAN l oieor-tre ics INVF£TED FUNDS are. .. 17,005,086 Des DAILY INCOME exceds .... $i6,000 Itm LIFE POLICIFJf are a Bure Protection for the future. Is EE POLICIES, t-oued et cugmm Ravrm, atiord ample protection tIrte Merchant and Iiouseholder. Al fair deim& PmmarEn-rmnsd therut.- moot llberality sirown in the acjnstment of lbsses. .. ' HendOffice,LCanada lranch, Nontreni. G. F. G. SMITIL, Chief Agent for Dominior. L.FAIRBANi<I3, Jr., AQENer et Whitby, O'nt, Whitby, Jaly 28th, 1589. $0. MANUFÂCTLJREI)AT TEE Agricutural .Worku. LEFPELIB CELEBRATEU Double TURBINE WA.TE R WIJEEL Tanuos ooar cONMcL vilEeL wnvix rasE1 Tl'DESE Wirels e are nov nanufactrig creaper titau sny otirer ohopin tire coun- tryand we wili give a gunrantee vitîr each Wh'eelvarranting tircm toe na eimoauide, sud te give as; good satia4foction as any Man u- factnred iii tire Dominion. Parties desining furtirer information ean oh- tain it by addreoaiung PAXTON, TÂTE & GO., P'en y-St., Port Pcrry, Ont. Ms-reh 3let, 1869. la BRITISH AJIERICAN. ASSUUAMCE 4COMPANY Capital, _$400M000. fortir abveampuyienov Applýy 1 L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12ra. Agent, Wirltby. NOUTIIURZf OTZL i leas fivo cf thre Moveable Points, tise effet- je, a savig tirt w111 be t once apparent U BSave money tben. sud use thle Moveebli WTovnobip RicIns for sale. Whiiby, Jan. 6. Whitby. adJAS. TRENNUMý Oshawa. 1870.-1 P HOTOGRAPU S WAil. SIS ONU a DOMINION--GALLERY. For ruchuese .1 Tone, fallneos ocf D)etaigl, and exqutsitc Finish, cannt e s urpassed I E[,gmd r est tmprovements l h lg' Isgo ins ga loEry, ho le nov takng pie- C""tureebettrthaonever. The uèv '"Rehbrant" piLcture taken et WiIleon'eý: cao thre 'Tinted n~gette, e nev sud very beautiful style. Auythiug nov in i'hotograpby. t t in aortir laving, eau ho bail et Wîl8ono's Glleryr. Cabinets, lu trames, very loy. Old Partrafis neatly cppied. Poitrails enlgrged te, hf. ixe, suJ colore& la oi-water colora or. indis ink. Mr. Wilison is very isaccesfal la talaing clndren'e pictnreS. - April 12,1870. 15 MB. JAMES WALKER, of Aelburn, Ont. ]Pateutce of the 2 Twin Plough, AND ALSO THE DOMiIN PLOJILI utands masnufaclnring ,on a large selle tins pull and Wiuter, his TWIN & DOMINION PLOUCHS! 19FThey viilha gssarrrnie ed. eUmade, sud thre worlcing part grouud. tâ l'srtes vonld do vdi te ecnd in their orders withont delay., County Riglite for sale. Ashburu, Nov ember 10, 1869. 4-t LI1VEgR'YI T IIE UNDERISGINED DESIRES TO IN- T i rîn his fr.»,îrla and patrons, tiet lhe ba agnain remunici busiuess at tIre'old WHITBY ILIVERY STABLES W- Ila viug enereeaed thre nimber sud qneiity ot the tetud, sud alzo sdded te aud ini- proved thre cor.veysucee aund'rehiclea on th.e p-emiAe, lie hopes hy beiug lu s position te meet tira ironie of enetomera te menit a obmre. of publie patronage. 9W ChFARGES JODERATE. -M~ N. B.-Corered couveyancés fur familles and ladies. Prompt attendance, an ireretolre îo ail orders. -- N. I, Proprietor. Whitby, Apri 8, 1888. 14 To .3.esr8. CHARAI N eÂmckStLs, ion-- eoag1P. O.,- County ofLonnoe, Ont. canada. MlAnco, CODontcf Hastings, iniies ewinea fUnero t pi 1869 19R7, lxene eîiy tiip , dnr n â e vm yO ipo&, iud *I becanin se weak tiret t conîd not vslk, but vas coufiued ta My chair. Far abaut ivoyere, virileitis veaknff ss ms onlng ou uMornnd sftervarduç, 1ougiht modical adrco, by fiand..butoainoavei. I coutiuued taget vorse sud. vorea, util tire Sommer of 188, ret-i wuva liuced ta try tire grest Shembon- au Remedy hy reediugtire cure& oerlarmtd, ln a pamphlet. At lthime 1 lad begunté feel tire veakness lu mny bauds; lu feci 1 vas gettlng salmot ireiplos. 1 lave taken tvc bottins, of tire Sirooboneese eMedy sud tvoý box"a of tire plîls sud-I amn entireiy reatored té besitir. j neyer expected te gat bettei., but oimpîy tried the:medîcine as a mort 3f foriorn 8o .T irs ase of mine a net private one, but knv eciu, egbr n fnlendo; sud tea ny one affiiced sa as, 1 _ . n f"Ytry th e Sbohonaes Iemedy; lleét I cure yTou CELE oreti ebeaper,-aid tita bitherto. sud1 tiou, t e osomers f mnsh;lip and mate:j vorkl1 - - - COEDWtro Taken ln excirangel WhlthY, April 27,1 T0 The Subscriber len anionni c1 Mouey Insuqilma to suit i Îiieêret, reayable. instalmenta. 1 alec represent thr Iusitiiutions.iu il Mcnoyon the M A. LARG JYELL CUL And a qusntity cf FOr particularo sppý OFFICE.-..Seo BrookitMret. Whi. Wltby, ùUncobo. x. B.-î aur pre Of 1'ebeutures. mot Greenbacks sud Bi lr. Knovîinga nounce to tire Lsidi tlrrt they bave ojf St, (next dooresna vlîere th'ey vilI oxecule aiTI orders 14elsioua. Al ou! tlUuled tire atm TEBETII EXTRA BY TI E1 USE OF NITROUS 0XID)- LÂUGrI<oGAS Olt TIE EWD LOO)ALANESTHETIC,1 AT DENTALBOOMS, DUNDAS STREET- WHEITBY, c. w. . 1 ROOMSA--:Ove, M. IH.cchrene'asStoe. WÉltny, June 2,1867. 269 GENTLI tir e8 iat si A fine ot awscto 1H'aier APPIY40-