OZIET- t-ln al' idude ler i-c intia.f be ho sen.. m akÃŽi andeu etui nn- gmdc iter theî latesi îdî ld fo iu Pution- 49 SEXTJtACTEP> STPIETI08 colis, C. W. coetranc'a Store. D DiIArERt, -MEX'M mode- np la 'eshuon. troi, mmiclito e"st s5A guimet cuit. and Shavi4 iOC ST.; WHITBY. %RTERP rOTIONEER. &PFEL. M,ét Coa1.i stet notice, &une ian beumodauy -le osce le- r 17 ISS1%iDprMisedS.at.peatm.,par th srftototr*se. rIm.t>w »OTAI OANADIAN ABK,ý WBiTfnB RÂNOIT OETAEIO 13ANxr WIIITUY BRAJ6CJI. CANERÈfoN & ÂIO IL, A.-~ RRISTERS AND ATTOILNETR-AT' j>Là «. tOolatort% to tita Banik ot lotreslo d thoCorporation ot theConfltvo f OIitarli tiroA,*. o., WJstby, C. W. a. 0. CAXBO,Q c. il. J. M.&OONILL- SIKoieyteloUflupon goed "cltrtf7.-AI>- ly et tIiheOfice uf thse fin, court IlosuO,.- south winc s ~Jrio'B*rri*ter %aA ittorney-at-Law, Su oi nilnJhasneory, NJo'ry IPublic, &e.- Q8r Vroek etrect, Doit door to Royal 0 EOR G ]I . DARTNEILi., -BAXR8TeRATTuiLNEI*,CoNVEYAN' gaT7, ind exanuine-.su Chauscer), l'r ( h(,Cc un- i y ofontirio. Offieerock-mt., Wiitlîy. ROJERTV. iLSON . % 01104-- Uv:t Ontario 1 isk, -on tiso Iorti aide. - BRISTEî-AT-LÀW ANID SOLICITOIR lis LClancery. Chamber-] t 'ruono-St.. Toronto. 9 -12M J'AJIEM 1REIIl GORIN, Onvis-Net dor totheStorm uf B. A&J. Campbell, Brook r3t., WlîitIsy, (lut. Wlltby, Nov. 18, 1867. 46 1 . . »-AIRBANKS. _SOLCITO, NOARY?UBLIC, Ao. Ac. C. A. JC>NE%, garrister, Solicitor i Chncery, At- torney, &c., &c. Il*as ronoved 1i1%(Office to lit gouro ver tise OUrauzu BANKa. Wbltby. Out. 7, 1868, 40 FARIEtELL & DIcGEE, (EUIîLSTE.8ATT(Zt;lNY8, SîII T PES1UB L1C.AN i 1 OM oz:-One cloor isortî or the t'oqt (Mce, Ooisawa and i electer't& BIues, o1.pobite Town HB lJowmanville, ItOmeiygnoAt-ICWe icifooT5in Cham- cery. end Iueolveucy, &c. CIMAItILESC. LE, ton Broal4C. W.6 ATTORNItY-ÈAT-ILAW. SOLICITOR 114i Obatnoery, Nutitry P'ublic, Conveyaficer, &a., Wlitl'y V. W. 4rrsim, IByrons street, senthIsrif ot Ofice. 48 LYMAN Ii<JLISTI, L L. B.. T) AThIISTtR T LW, Solicitor in CIbhan- L)Ery.<iovjýsL. &L., &c. 1 JAMS L IIIN, X.1) Syrontrût%lti lttc4 Wu-'H# LA-Ov B--A--esvgeIoe, M.ctD-9~ YDR. ANCNOC, T o - (Fio t'SliatAi- A lou<sti"o )l WUEELLN N 1-t.J ELu. IlM. INN il. H BtJR E 'u TtI: CIIUNTY iAtoL A.WI.LAWN, B . , M. D.5cto jlyIclSiU, Ss-l - sto n coiLce. 11 gt*imbtri o'rmsat - lussus-- itteIra-luk WEÃŽoljgolleNTit lNts lisOTELP fr mau05. ittU wfiOTO e -- t'opreienos- tance. NJr-Prprotr îlbel ua"O t tten-ssgi tive os iorall m tenaace Th u esacteeionoatiOlel n. Goud tsfbn 131sBUS rned sTEiitieAstiRT Foran thfy ov, in8, 1809n.mtte 45 TéIe tidttete tiise pubclta uorteti t tu Bs-sncb Bible 1Socety, This teak beq beesu ue- Jacte&dby tise Doposilary, vitis great cure, andi viis bg>onsd te embs-sce voînutios, luvarions styles et buIldint, plain And eruemé-tta. 1~stesy-As jus. Il. (errie'.' Dnng store, 1!libJu'y 210t, 1869. 22. - 8TONE, DWEJLLING & PLEIMES TO RENT. .- -At Pot Whltby, Iately Ooonpled bytue indrigusd, .- a.gn w Wluitby, Mas-cl 81, 1249. la VOL XIV ONTARIO HOTEL8 (Ot . C se' :WHITIBY ONTARIO. A. -ALEXANDR - Preprietor. 71~1E ubcilendalee e ewture Iselte mloe= tlBrokladUt ticse ie u tekoi Occasion 8-te nnunce hat ha bulaIcesi thse AbolieWvilt kuown betel. Uargé additions bave boee rououtly madle te thie preulSueeur- lng morse ouniaulue owond âtien sud enereaalug thse nuiber Ot sleeping roolue te nearly one iseif more thanformerly.- A traC- cisse Biliard Parler witb thire. table i s ai41o beeti added. Extensive eeiditloise te the etabiug, t§hedai. lbse Bieres, &e., bave 0ise bien macle. Ail eusbling thse underiguîed tei oflkr t3s bis nid 7riends ,.ad tise public gene-- rally advantsgesi sui'pup;ed Iy neo olier bôtel 'in tise place. -le viliiet ail tim"eabc spy te ,welcoeonhis olci friende. p 1whItby, Dec. 2, 1858. .48-4y JOHN IWOLFENDÉNI à orxr poIu Em CELEBRATED SCOTTISH1 GRANITE. $1r At bMerble Vsorlcs ef JONATHIAN WOLFJ6NDEN, Dutidapst. Whitby. 17 NEW STOVE TIÃN - *ÂND 1 TN ercher te mooet tise inorenaing demînd ici I -d tracl e acd ly thse 'building ot the liailroasl and thé impOrting of Velocipedes, thce Pciiccriber lias epeîîcd a -tiare andic! Tt bhlop, one duor îcsîtlc or M'ii A Semu'a Fnrni- turce re, visere tise lest STOYIES & TNWÂRE may ha bcd, end tcli mannor of Tintmcth'e work doune on tiseesortect ntut'c. W ".Iui Iron, Copper, Bras, (ottoci and 1Liiien Rage, Wooul iieingge, home 1jar and ail tianner of truck talionluc exclbarge. JOHN BITAIt. -Wlsitby, March Sth, 1869. 10 ARMSIRON G'S HOTELI (late Plsck'i.) UXB RID GE E. ARMSTRONG, - Propriotor. TrPg SUBSClstIBER Lsee fittesi up and cotn Ipletely rescovaced tise above <dlestbliin- cd llrgt-elea iltel, anad sclicite the patronage oi tise public and hi*i friende. Tice table anîd her auîqîlied vitis tise boi Good reomy stcb- jing,&c.E. ARMSTIIONeJ. lxbridge, Jan. 2l, 1849. 4 .Queryl. Why la it thst tiselian s-b a inn for picturea AT CLARK'SGALJERD,,Y? lit le boeuse lie blie eeet Galle yin tbe Conut ,end lios more tietice vit éI reln vor ~r~Ç~Y, auo wzî%ný-9jwrk à ýye yther um»iin the, SThot'* vhietaee smatter, se den't b. biiukvar<l aboutcousilne <crard. - DROCJL S5T., WHITBY. Wbltby, Nov. 12, 1867. 45 HENRY GRIST, <ZSTABLIEHY-D IeU.> PATENT SOLICITOR A ND DRAIJGHTSMAN OTTAWVA, CANADA, Trauc thtx c, s eeq wiiis Vice Patent OIffico, andsi 'tîer depcnrtnietliofoh te Corerti- ment. Copyrighîts si thce regigtration of trac!. Ilarki and Pexigni procuresi. Dmcsaages. Fcndcadadelsec-Doecaeaî. nes. soc-y ta ceu,, >Paient# of lau-enîcaa. prear-on usre- locpt.of eelo athe lusrentionaiudpt-eim- Mary secre/secsen th Patent O~ffice coar#- [aulivmade. Maorei, I18OC. Grand Trunk Railway Hotel; AT WHIITJlY STATION. W . <'NhI iiviti rliec! e(the lncp ac"dn< i srcn ikrwnics tise Gritc{l!i Ti'r ick lIbid,' 'jttiihy sttuiti , lasg. O, iccs'orci Ilie frieccse aîituicth rccviclltcgpub'liuclinht'ho 11114cie tilcp thc. is,,cce 11u0i ai cllee ,g ii fst- 08i4% is e, cit lcy attentsion t< tse Wcccte Oet tii8te vc cu lacor*iiin mili aiseijr osccsge trccscc. tsimenit nesu-tisnm'cs of ihecr cutcm.. ,.I'nrtitc'a tcckirsg tise train andI le:' use COUNTY 0P ONTARIO, OLNE5'. CMi5casNAGV3Ta, &n., WRITBY, O2iWARIO. W Ail c'rlcre left preonsally, or cent lv fil" tnthe UC)ypnl IJissuc, " Albion Ibotcl , 1 Brolin ; ilsssl'e lîctel, t)elsawss; orClcu'once ocr (jaite oliea, Wnlitlsy, viii b. cretily atteii-icd to. Wiittty, oct 18, 1889. 41 B LACKSJITI'S tQVONSK. tilse unsîcraigned. in. returnursg- thainluete hie friensie ansd uuny untomneri, legan'alote uuu-etiem tlitctsilwurk eniroîteci te bis Le, vii, am ieretoforo 1%e exeented ii tise bctet, tyle. RBMOYRD 7-DUcI2DAS 2REBI, Oppouste Av-C. Milson, Paluter'e. JOU1% BEOWN. Whliily, Ainili 18, 1870. 1 v-Id LUDION UOvoise A. KASON,* Propnetor. Tiabovehes Icen thioroughhy icuovatasi, and tise ublo vili fluA every soecentufi sud tise tut attention. April U, 1870. l IST. ]N IUOLAI IT YL (Lat* re W m HoÀ z) DtTNDAB STREET, W]IITBY. Tise Subsciber loe te Iforus the paUblk tbat be bloi nwir iffed"up sud revated lbé "a ove oCl, whilc taavullm n i dexScllent -of ooodbe zom A.3. T8BANqý -Whiiby, M"y 2ed, 1MOI'le TERRAPX PIN RETAURANT BILLI ARII R 0 0 Sv (87 êt 89, King strootkEet'Toranto). TROXAS CARLISLE, -paormTea pomt soloRo lMeute enupplted et isil houri,. Wines Liquors and C;gars o<the linest brande. $hall adcnOystermin every style. Igr Partie* visiting Toronto for'a day wiii Iflid every iceomumodation at.the Terrapin. April6, 187, -I1. YEOMAX rGiPSON. COMMISSION MIRG HÀN7§ INSUP-ANCE, A 0-EN EXLLAET Whitby, Jmn., lftb 1866. . 2 B. PLANEK, -- -- Proprietor. stagies toi,,,! from Whitby oel daily. Every aIttention praid tO gluesta. Careful oeil atten- tive ontlere. cENTRAL 11OTEL, -BRI>uOR AM. JORN BAILEY, Propriçtor. -o- The ahove liotel bofi been newly fitteI np and ftirnirhed.l Gic-ts twill 2nd eomtortable accommodation and ctlcnc ion. Gcco roony itabling and attentive optles.. Jeno 6,7. 4 RACTJC ,A 1.Dentint, Oshawa fl P DolitiCLRooms, direutlynoppo- site tbel'oantsee.-Entrance, on fimooeftrocîthîbrd ioorstorth oftbe Ontario Bank. GEORGE CORMACK. L UMBER MERCIIAIT, Car penter, sudi Joincr,Green St. Whitby. A largze quen- tityef ill kinds oflumberconsantly on bsand. U NIDE RT AKXIN G. FUNEMÂT.8 fullY oupplitil andcl ttoroletion @bot notice. Colline !eept cogitantly on band. &gffA Ilearaetohire onlberalterm GEOliGtCUEMACK. COMMERCIAL '-ITELP OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, - Pjieo,-roR. -o- Convenietitly fltteol up ronoe for Commor cial trcivelerx. Billiards attacehe&i April 8, Ir870. 1 m U I 1 U 1,;IC 1 Whithy Bn%, and Strilng hondal. 'lopteid for soire"u, l'ic 1ncm, Ex,3lriyc,. Quadrille paroic.î, Ae., A('., viii îppiv the h"îL acd 31e, itij, 01nreltmonable termie. Au)rcientinemuet ho maode cither perionally or by letter, (poît paid,) ta J.WOLFENIlE.-I, 20-Ilay 17, 1570. W hlthy. F OR SALE OR TO LF.T. Lot No. 17, loti, mi. bMars, 2m0 eore%. 100 ocre» 4iaarccl, hewdcloloIcoes, ue.mmo<lis,te au 111well fl tiru. good logkit Acndsiextengire i4tahlingr, ani othernthaildinganec.c.4 nl.o an extcellent 'ýearing "reiciri, tipi-eli mu. .pring crack tîcve? fiilitig) crnosîin ilhe lot, flrs't-r..tcrond,,4-10SA to chuitiose, S;elicolot. S1411e. L». 8 acre. ail ren.ly ts'r i. itif us,, lit s pring. thuod WAIl (f(n'cter clo«e tn klicicc lor. Thein& lotiewiticin 4 miile, iront Aticerly, afisI a mile, tfromc <rillia. For pînrtieiiaprii to il. t{aley, or John Lvwrcc, < rillifi. COLLECTORS, ACCOOZiNTÀNTS, d-e. -'--o- OFFICE, - îilett'e lilockg, Osawn. R E 11 O A L - JOHUN FERtUJgtN, MCANT TAILOIR, Eegs te lntorm bhis patron'$ andi the public that h ascerenoved toeChie promisses tient cbor gect ort3r. Creeh>y'o grecery store, vIser. le viii b. preparesi l'o.receive urderseas usuel. G~NLgErl&gMNS' GARNETS Out antI mod'qi in <k. noenat styles andI Pmliiom- gentiemens' Farnaishlng'Goods j SAil Ordoas attmeud ote vithi pnua. ut, anA dipateir- Wlltby, 76 7 80 voit BALE. Tis, at uirble froprtY eouiatnhW U~ acres, belsg compemetiofilotNe 15 l e 14f b eoncsealoas of EuhcuauuJ0srsteW ~4of l, ot . 1, lu teîl e IcnemsIon esnaal-. ý 100 acres, aud 84 ecrea ofthtIe EX of lot No Jiounrte MVicoria - t eaant h Thetem sifordsunexellm e cf Emihy lao, vlichi la tîn eid fors-0pozmtlug 17*0 labe iu tii Ceuuty, and heuWta, oumu lesion vithi Lu" nde s udeeygeon The. re ove' 10 acs e teeored ina 11gb atate ef cultivation. The rnander beiug issrd voed laud vils sufficient ec4es- foôr tlciObr 1ur hoss 11 propety Ii well fenced, and la vP trdb~y a nover-faihing streans O le a Iog beru vitji tvo ebsrabiét leosessc, s-ladmiand ont builcilngg: a geloor11 v jliug. housc,-andA cli; a yoang orciarc[et coc res, besriusg fruit.- 'miy bu dirided te suit parcloruas - Fos - rnisofet eippiy te- WILIAM "MoTEETERS, 'on tise prommis, O t4)P. S.M3ARTIN. Selieltos-, Linamîy. Liid*a5, I7&h Juin. 1870. 24 WBITBY PIANO FAcTORY JOSEPH RAINER, Tii. anlacriber, in returcing Whe %in- corteuba ste the many friends sud cuatemers ofthtie Wiiby PIANOUIIANIUFACTOUYY beca te eteo thiat hie nov carnes on thie hini- neaoi elyripou Miaovn acenut; ana lnlu c- Iicitir.g future or.lerehe lecs te emure theni tisat nottsing wil: ho left usîdune on1 bu part te gire satisfactioni, ini upphyiti9 Z HBVRVUMISU OF suErseon QITALITY, S T YL E, FINISH. The celebrateil nev paient andl urossa-icihe pattern of Isis own invention nsanurtured as lieretofore. 1, , jý' Al ordure executed mithi promptitude "nd diepalcis. JOS )SEPH P. RA INER. ly-18 ]a OUS ES TO RENT. Two Dweiîing lonica te vent lu the Tgwn et Wbitby. For partictars appty te JOHN RAMER. Wbitby, ilaruh 16, 1870. il N EW MILLINERY AND Building Sontis cf the Noyai 110101. Mis. Keller and Mie Stimart reipectfsily aistouie to the L.diea of Wititi-y aud nieitiity.ttiuttbey are ssuw in receipt ut theie of ,ltoico Miliner,- 3-r- alsc Mantieg, Drece ai ola, Prisiti, Cotton%, Ilopakis ta. Ilnuv Csllis sumsi le, a1-ce lastdkcr- che,.V-lcheniileansudilIt Nets,. -lpaieso Switclee, 'usu Rbuiboer Bandsa nd Ccsrouetî, Fasucy Jewelry, aud Stitionrf. Strcsw.vcrk and fti'mpiig clone 'o orcler. Ail tlecenig or se uev sud weilI aleote,! and of tise iet fa-).l:sc. b.ccdie% iliiindc that thcy cen conacaît tîcitt taute apst ictc'rcat by cîllingx. t50-J Piene nota t1sn asisregq,-Tlis, iuilsl- iic Souaith is ftho Iltoystl lotel, Brcick St, Wltitiay, April 27, IS70. 17 E IIPOYIIE T-"P!-u.ar t ns ro.t- abe"iok.Sesid îtamp for aisuer, Io S. R. W ELLS, 889 B'roadwaey, X 16 1OJSES A LOTS ]FOR SALE1 Tise suhieri't-er bîase bn ingtc-netesl 1v tht, pro- prieror, te ieel tise undermcutionesl lu Cisc Toiwn ef Viîly lat-TIcîit 1Biiclc Cocttnag, (rpitidence ontMr.Jas. Wttlicccci,) iPitt utc-dot, contitis8 rom%, pastsy, wach hotie-, ssîlexcc,Il-nt ueiicr. vgti a gotici gsrdo.s, vol tockeol vitb Gnone. (unrrstt asic! Ittsest-y Itt.lseo, Tîceuissli, on tise prnuus c, good welc, soft-vater ciel-ns, musnd a itoualei ie. Zns-A ranent Iiuiek Dwliige, on Centre otreel, ii visi'ttiseare tlicee teneuicett, ut csos,,ani kcebu e eccî.Preîent retital $108 par cns-m.uu Sr&-A emml rocant Lot ilaroe)al). mclljot Mr. Jas. llird'é residence, on Wiliuim atrect.% 4thi-A vacant os-nier lot on King end ratt itreetiq, wc'li fenuei, nped as a gardon. Tl'ise ahévtrrnrerty, or uny partoftit, viii ho solc ciceap, ansi un eaany termeç. JAMES ItIOLDEN, Agent. 'tVlctby, Mfay 28. 1870. 22 I o.2. TIIE GREAT FEMALE tEI EDY Jol, Moses' Poriodîcal ]Pilla. Tli*g inv-auablhle odiuine in untiling in the cure ni .11 thoi paifnut sud dauioerouoq dia. engem. to e ciis ti.cotale conatittition taiii t- jeet. It inederatua aill exSmeianstd!renoves al ob-structloue, andi a îpc'edy cure may be rebieti on. TO 3*3313»LADIES. It impenliarlyosunted. It yul, lua short itae brlng on tise monthly prlod vitis regnla-icty. in ahi Cases of Nos-vous and Spind iAffqc. t*oue, lPaine ln tise Bock sud Limbe, Fatiguie ou miglî t exertin, Palpitation et tise heurt, llymterics, sud Wiitoi, thoeellem viii effeut a cure visen ail etbcr meane bave talie;fd; tc aitisongis s povertai ruedy, do not O,nt&ilu iron, calomel. xitimnor O' nytbing kstftti to tisheissltitntioff, Pul direc.tins Ihe e amphiut aroutuul ehi package, wvieis hould b. carotuliy preseered. l0 hoisUm 7KW TrOEjr.soLEEOrisao1is, $1.00 ansd 12X centa for pool g, encfieed te, Notlarepasud Lymn, "Newoast4 Ot.,gene-- nil age-ats for tisa Dominion, wili leur. s bot-ý Cie, cootalniiig ever 50 pilla, by reoti-omail. 'o al yJae yrneansd J.FI. Qrrie, Wilty;W P Altuau d iRobinsoni Ce Oisav; J. DaeaBrooklin, sud al unsilitie dis Dans. ' Tire aaked. i bis seng. slCin, bot th~e y Ho me. s vilA sud thndy atternoon bn- tir co wevre rolling up husesportéuding anow, ua f tve or rneg sud twnty, p Zp meun-n vas proeeding ie iigir rosAdvhie 1leasis fsonttisé ff'igllescl un fie lusy tein et ayehler, tlsrugirhlbcarbed aismali ron lie mielders. 3tiA in spile et, h08 being etlis ainstanA dosoipion sud senevisat coiled wau evidently a gonltessn. His vas« bolt aud free, Ws mannes- ,eîh isa eatssses> tiraigirbrouz- ,punre. voee tsihingly bandeome. M, vhlci vas seaded- 61 a aligît i, vas fArs -but ties-e vas in his emile, ansd saqmsklc lu bIne eyee,vNibh sleve tiat la geed-teespe-eo anA lig t bant- fiuitrywmincir h vas tralvelling vuee-hirnly. populated, sud for soume Aist4 i. pace4eiti eier blue.canon baubpa, nos- id hleot suy ena.At' I tom te intieresoaA brough isle sw~y (tee to:facevwilià aMau ofteic- gu4tisongir by ne means et prepoiseesug s-e>W-glauee-al île Young M&u'l stLijvrt r mu andettise sCout etiol lie oarriod, a sabout te pan. oc. Tire youug - a msetheway to'Uoxley- 'The o llov sepWA tb'ul le vas sà sMrac- gei anA id net knoir, so ire traveller, vilS a pleasut sGood day,' passei ou,, trualing te chace te guide iin lHevieg got tIcs tas-, t May h veil leoe. v proceesi te give seme acceunt eons-u heio, His. pormenal listes-y essy irecomprised lu s tewvovede, but it i. ful et butes-est. One dus-k andA stormy nighl, a lame-wa-A- bosuAd West Indien vas vrecked off tise vestesn-n rassi, ud cl tirai vas saveil et hem crev aunA paeengcra' vas an infant aboentwcve yars clid. nigis vas hnougirt on soeeby s large do- ; lieanA tise chil leieg thesouoly living thinges hir ised net peribed. Tiss urowu upon tire mercy aftie verld, le, fcs-îunately, feil into hissA banda. lu theentait tome et Coeltleby, near te tise semuetoftire irecis, lived a Ms-. Jesisir Carsoin, an eccent-be bot vates- iseartesi Ad laebeios- Ho ook compas- sion on fia chil, sud bil it cars-bcd te bis home, sud gave bts ticirsg. telie boumelseepen. Mr. Cason lad saslalom, vire vas e vidov vils tîreae@mail culA- s-en, aud sire, vicisjuditiousinduese, wihen mise liard of ber broîlcr'a intention et adopting ibis littie ecean irait1 praposed te talte bim tonrsa time, -me tirsitis e iid migisI.have tise benefit et ubilds-en'esac- cioly sud tise freedees of bes- boume, ratiser tissu ho left eetirely tae tIctos. beg efthtie formai aid heusekoopen and the pedantry of hon brother. Tins lime vent ons tili ire vas aId enongi le go ta scisol, anA eveunathly te returu te hie lissA oic!proctes-, tes-in ttuti tise olA gentleman loved tise loy libla ataces-. Fors-taely tor tise boy, la manitested at an early ago remarkahle talents, anA a leste ton leasnin!, and tisangi tise4eps-e- dilections venu tastered hy Mn. Carsen, beeuse îirey more, asne htlengist, im- bibed by contact vilSisese, yet tirey- vere acuompanied by a rigour of bod7 anA euergy of minA, and a daring le hie ciscs-acter, viicî gave Cisce lA gentleman mome uDsneees7. It msy leobesagined Ilet tise duli rout- bnec afau oic! man'& lame, anA litai a bacisoes, lut iii secorded viti one of eueS s tempes-amont ausitht fyeung EAward Carson ; fer île elA gentleman bad aivays caleéd île yontb by bic evu name-indoed, le kn ev no etses-. EAusarA Csrsen*u'v not vitbeut gs-si. tuo'de, anA ho Anly appreelated alIthte kindnes l ad. Areceived et tise banda et Lis icdopîod ftles-; lutla ebclaed ai lie position. Haobac! intellect sud talent, se d l lnged for disinction.-- Was le te le bosuA devis te tise duli moneleey et a @mail osÈaort-for Coclby vas little better-mbn on bu sburning te proe fotadilutir ace etlite, in i lSh. inutiectivoly teli tbat ire vasdestined te play a Abtitgubed pas-C, coula ise'onl 'get a faitstri No I The respectabl6 position h iremgit oectpy as îth inh"rils et elA Ms-. Ces-- sen'a fortune id! nul accord vus lita s. piring génies, Be ienged ftes- distincution -for (mà mc n, dnAhlevieved ils-aaliers-es amto-eetri a liesîiug. Naes-ert leus, ire'iras geâoà e anAlende r teaa fsut;- anA kueving visat tba effeet vould le on. lin,, le never breatîcd a word et s11 tis te ýbis binAd a sympo.tliziog lIchten cnddeuhy. and It *ÉÃ03tsCt ObIhfiFmsu sped the Cisriauuaaaud Nev Yea'a hou-. dtay. vil bis, Ibat Edvard Canon vas pneceediug vlan * ve iniroduced im ste, tire- readr _osq trond front Highiclte-toi Is ladbelaci dediehv, ;te goting te see lia fs-tend in Ch.esets-olie, teoaee aometming oethtie country ;,sud, thes-etone. instead et proceediog- by rail direct, ha deterinined toie ake£valhing' tour~,s tle lost imeena etfeeeing tvirluaortiry of notice. *Atter leaving tire adieu - aytsrer, te hâLd proeoeded* littho more the= a 'mile, vire tihe snev, vîlcI 1LA beou tîneaten- ,wg, cassis dow, in ireavy fiakes; but ire vas prepareci for Iles, 'snd enveloping lies- -self in s vaies- preeft ape, leo tudged on regeniesa ef tire veather.j Hait an leurs valk Irengîli s etea reedaide inn, virer. le determined,as tire day vas 'no v aning, Ce suoeur thîe -Tii, bonze fs-orsi s situation va s pi perenily, et sotne itthe impor-tasce, being thb lait 'vajy bonue, and tise place vire tise fov coacises viic remeined on tise rond atopped Ce change bhoees.Stili, though iraît se crupialoushy clean, il lsd sa air et decay about it viicl hoved ibat it lad accu ita beat daye. Ou eulering tire bonze le vas met by tle Istidledy. a voman et about fftîy, vbo tos-serly migît lave lad soute pretensione te leauly. lut nov led a canewonu and omevirat eorrovftlaspect.- 'Cau 1 lave Aluner sud a ired V ire 'irve notling but coud menet lu the loua., air ; sud ifse tour miles te îlee uearest villsge,' aise repliaiT. 'Neyer mmod -anyiling viin de. -l'e famiaiing, san htir colsi eat viii do s veil as tise lest ;sMd lot melhav-htat once., se lefi thirroon a a cis mas-cra Martire, a brmà adm,tacdgeed.natugd sud comesence4tolloi tise tabe. Whule, ~hi peraIou vas M ý performeëd, .a yug girl enteil edbo omn, but soeing a etrauges-, blusbed, snd diii, ehac etily. RdArA Carson,vise, youug sas le vas, lail a kepn oye fer Cire beantitnl in nature er art, vas sta'ek vitir5irr appeas-ance. Ânything more unexpect-ed or more velome coulA net lave fixed itselt upen tise rcisaoetbis cye.It wva sfair, aimost ebildisis, face viricirbl dcaugît is eye. but it lad a pensive, aimeet saddened, expression, tisat gave it a pain- fui inere t. 'WhoeLa tlat yeung ladyV'hle ased et tire servant. 'That's Car-oline, my yug mistress,' %ire repiied. Tisa dinner vas seau sirved, aud Car- mon are it in silence. Tise sigît ofthtie beautiiialbotad face eftbCat yeung girl bac! ralcen sthe edge off bis sppetile. vaswubut a glancehblad Lad et ber, lot tise sigisî led'touebed a uherd in hie boart. Tus-nissg frosntishe table ise drov at @st tu tise fis-o, anA tison, vuwi beaboh lus-ted in iris bosees and bis are. ed, le @est inasdeep revente. Tise Ore vas dylt ul, nt d tire vinA and enov vere beaci in imeet savago tssry againat tisa vindov ; but oet iis he teck ne notice. At leer, vitir a lIait, le rose up anA vent te tise vindow sud loeked outi; lut tise ps-spect vas doennviting thiat le tus-ued eway te scok semetbing more temnptig. Tises-eveno pictnres on tise valin, but tley vers dingy, sud tiseeut.- linos, at ne lime ves-y intelligiblIe, vere nov. by tise tact fading igît, rendered in. dietinguisiiebla e îir ey affordod ne relief tu bis mind. Tiese olitude ef a country? inn, ou a Areary-.winteu evening, isnat tise place te cure a manftiets&blues.$ But it may be ashed, vsy vas Carsen Ins affectedî Wes ira net evon novr on île tirresirelA ef tiret cereer tor viricir lelac been panting ? Yee, truly ilvwu ao; but tiser. is alawaya scmeuising in tise breaking op ef oic!ueo- ciations visici damps thre ardeur efthtie moat setiguitie, and vleu hie ies afected by deetis, sud tisi ue eddenansd unex- pected, as in tisiscase, rotroapection is s melsnclioly tank. Atuer a lime lie consciousaees, as il Aisopposred iosîeudty;but, sar-ic s leî e of tle -mn le Lad met iu Ibe.esos-ning, I 1More - soneyed tiras alarmeA, OCason rose sud approseled tire vindo, luât tire Wa bi diep1ue*Mted, notuclinugbut &Thirat il '?ol'nonsense, Yi '01, --but i's neit nonseuse 1 We'vel uen it a goc anesy ime.1 'Whbo're ve?,1 ,me suMd mis-tira. t -tire backr viudov just nOv. hItc mca oves-ychois ceWlat -do yen mean by tire club?7' asbed- meron. 'Tirs club!t 01, it'e a benefitclb People psy meney mb h tagaine-tleyne ill orde&&'- 'AnAdvirai gond vilI il ttirthes mIen tirey are deadIl ir asked. - 'Wby, for thoeeslt areloft W. tbink it'a eeuebody aougît te bave puad in and didu't.i 6Ais ! le repled, vitir a sigb, &I 'lsd tergetten iit. Ail are net like sue. Iqm alone in tise verld P 4 aav'ea't you got any tatr- or motison, or bratlers, er amutesa?' 'No,'leareplicd ;'nethen.1 'Nos- any home V' mie akesi. cYes ; but it'e e long vway off' 'Yen are Young, i, te bu travelling thns.' Ha madle no anevus-, but est mnsing for e minute or tve, Tisen ho turned. round, and oib- Il Aid net quit.nunderatand îLe purpes-C et youn nemark. Wisaî de Yen mears 7' 'I Aid net meau te efFend yon,' mise ne- piiecl, iseiratiuly ; 'but yon useem te ha travelling ailane, sud îisore's beeu a great many rebleries iu tisese parle lateiy.' 'Tisanke for tise interout you talre in me ; but I deu'tcarry suniicieut about me te tempt ay eue., 'e net no sure eft l th ie sai. 'At sny- rate, if yen lave mueh meney airent you, Aon't Aispiay iL.'- And vils tis ,$holoft tir oom. For soino rime Cas-son st musief et tire girl'& vors-de. Wiratcoid aise mese UWi mind! toohs;n aet %a glan1ca -.61 theb alenies ire lad ireard oet tise efls et travel. hors soasd a.Tldistrict sîs-ougl -vîmeSb o vas pauiug, vs viid. sud ite iii- habitants ceas-se, brutal, an& but li civil. ized; but vas it te ibis se alludeA, or. vas it te a danger ucarer et iraud ? As, yet ire lad seuine man connected vitis tise bouse, and tisa laudicdy anA ben ulaugitruoners net euffieiently formidable te inspire lies vitis tsar. At Chie moment tise outor doon opeued, a guet 'et vinA set tise casdieî flaritig. sud a voie. was boss-c in tise paieuge, exclaes- ing- 'Tismek heavon i I'ce tounAa loua. et lest i Wiset ho l' tise nev- conier cou- tînned, somewlist 1tiS-tric'uly ; 'aisat ho 1 Houee, 1 @a eu eue 1' Tise landiacby no-v un do hs'r npps-arancu visenlise eew-cooeer, wiib a profoond s-e. vereuce, feqneatcîb te hbehaisittiinto tire beet apastment, anA te ha aippiiec i vili smmtiig toeuet,,andi la glas etbrandy,- bot and ais-eeg.', A few moments Isathîe atsanger vas nesered into tise par leur. Ro stanued, as it appeaned-. almeai involussîinriiy et-tise eigist oeteus-inr; but bowiug anA phar.ing ii bond eou ]is ireait, wvus esont et mock solemuiity, le îeok bie £eaI on lise eppo. site sidaeofthtie fine. cUepleasau et vesîo, smii,' ei tire etrauger, ecldreaeing Carson ; uad counitry Inn is not tise Most dalecetable' et abelternuclienigît. De yenremain? Do vo bath neos. to-night u.:der tise sa- dew ot-viat is tise name ofthIis bouse?' 'Tise 'Wbeatisesf.y 'Rigît i Tise Wbeatsireat-eigs et pieuty I 1 hope à i letypical ut tise cen- tenta of.tira larder. You leep bSeeuoe course V? 'Yee,' snswerèA Carson. 'Nov, I dure say,' utaessew-uemer veut en te romark, 'yen thinir it etrange tiret a teiiov like me abonld le bu mucir au ont- etf-ti.- vaypisce, alesse, sud vitisout any lnggage; but tire tact is, in, l'es s tugi- ie Yeu, sir, a fugitive i Net freestise eflicere oftjustice, tbosgi*run.a biovwed anA smid-'but treeSsetupidiy jaions felov, te vbeeq vite 1 hué! laken a tancy. Ha i ha i tunny, ia'î it 7' *Weil,,- said Cas-son, II dan.esay it is but ton tise lite et -me 1 canIt aoa tise jest.' . 'Realiy, nov, can'tyen ? Wcih, l'Il explain. Yen mee., 'l'ut eacomedian, and Tise. nov comon retirer etameeed as le sepled- il doo' mv-Iiygeseli vss. A&ten iris le van leus 'heqecius, sud iu 'asort ime is ies eJecied, tie pipe- ds-oppod rom lie seutis, sud tle gallant 'AIfvo girost, Meilikele1 r'epliod Car-.- sou. 'Bût, ceme nov, tel! me, viral vu' thre giretikal1 Wasit a manuor a va-. man,& giroal?, - -'Lké 1 Wiy,le a giref, toe ue -a mass, vith 'igsaucer oyes, -sud fine anA boimutoeecomteg eut of lis mentir.' -'Nossaea.1,excfimed Can-on. 'It'a uotbing lut s mas lus-bing about the ps-e.- 'Butsaucantlook in etone oethtie up.stairs vindovs., 'Well, it's A mass, dépend openi it. 1 sav fl iyseltebt the front vindow,sud I1 necognized lies ai once Ua sfellev I met i'bis morning en tise sond. Besidec,, girers are sul nonens. Nubedy lelieves ini 11cem uov.a-Aaye.' 'Tises-e,tises-e, scir FDou'tgo 'on is-e tisat. 1 teal itilicked--batts iniht1 îl.' Joat tsoen a bell rang, cnui Mrt-iltf te esaes-it. ,DO Yen know that.ina-i h-1 'è: - asked Çarfan ofthlie uttir. 'No,' aIe anevered. 'Wisy 41'ss;c~ II bardly knnw ; but tel me; hzr ncat ne fatises or any ten about tisa bouta V Tisesgisl'a islueeyee opened vider than erer ; but ase auaves-cd. civilly- 'Yea ; my -ther viii ha fiome.ps-eaent]y anA îheru'e tisa cetles- and a mass;butlÈey Aon'î eheep lu tise lous.': "Ah4 voîl. tirette eatiatsetery. 1 tiseugli it maniA b. as-aOnge if yen anA yens- motbes- -kept tris Ions bouse, anA lad ne Min te pretect Jais., Havi6k gel aIl tire infermaiou fie ne-- quired, Carson returned to tise parlor. Tisa comedian vas silIsleeping,ý and, attes- aIl, wlienýbo came to tale a sunney et hies, tireevas notiring very' formidable in iris appearance. But lis tisangîta vere loeoupied iii otirr iinga flan tire sleeping atrenger. Tisa fret glance tlatleoied et tire las- toss'aprT«ty daugirter -vas essly momen.. tas-y, and Cassn failei te realixe te Aire fuil exteùt tIse lovelînese otflier poisoran ; - but unov tisai le l asen ber, sud ce-nver- ced vitl les-, le vaus'struck, net onI- ilul ber appoaantce, but thsesperiorbty of ber esssners. Besidets sud lbeauîy as Cane- lino Woedgate pameessed, io madeet andi unoltruaiva vas sire-t t it iid 'net strila yen at firet aigît ; iretirer gs-ev upon yoss. lb. (ali, ott, expresire-oye, tiseý ligist, mupple, anA meil-tormeti figure, the erquisite pus-îty ands!viritecics etfler cani. plexion, anA tishev', save: Cea etber vaioee Aid net allasuh upen Iou at once l1ke a sunseam; tbey ratIer broke in upout yeu witis a lighi like tise devnin luJunge. Racis momesst a nev beauly vas revealed, tilI at lest yen veru e zzîed anA quit. as- tonisised ce find tisai »- machslad bleen iidei, sit wvos-fotrmyesn eayou fri hebelA 'mer, Cas-son est muuing fer seme listie. His. minA mas fullet memaries; but, amidest thees ahI, the seftbIn, oye of Caroline, Woodgate scemeti oves- gaziug et lies. . lu Ibis state oet lit nvonsi, le isesrd. os- tlongîht le leard, a barsema appresels bng. H. vas eitîng epposite tle g1lasu no tlat hle coulti ses tire refloclion ef tire etrenges- as le est vitrant heing, neticed - and, tbougir the 'Minute ieoseire isac been lonAly enarbng, le at4rted, suod, tirough iremacle ne movemont, it vas evi- dentIh os ai istenung stenthvely. Tieosa auman. came ucarer, anA et ait atopped lietare tise dooc'. Canuon Icard tise nnstling et a -womaucsa dre, and thien su exclamation of veicome, anA lo keetv lisat thislaslord lad returned. About blI an bons- aflos- Ibis, île land- lord,*a butglt,,trs-eh.eoued mass, laving maretise appaacu of a gentlenian tas-- mes- tian a puhlican, enfered thues-eom. He vas a jovial, ltind-liearted teiiov, anA Carson asked bim, -te bting ln lii pipe, anti bear thees cosnpeny. è Tise conicdien nov naet lsaIns ineisted on ortfering glases round Tise lacidioarceupted tise proffened Civilsly; lut Carson politely Aeclheed, eaysng h-c nover taok spir-its. The landiord va- A P' eF-untt ra- il ef tacrie stuc! anecticute: .- i t" e- e anA liateucea.mccsr- omoked. Tý-- - h-ss- bute strougnne s'- s<i but stîil hS1da-srr - Hia ts-aoe wmac nros ý-1 s':- 7 s et gs-sLt seneth; .. - - tbougl h iredAnce sretuly san atioîusly, îles-e vas uotbiug te -excite esuspicion. Tises-e ers 1lca anAboîta ire plcuty, sud hi vas yl greai satisfaction Chat le abat tise bellesud double locked tisc door. 1 (To ire (Jntl4olud. .* 1