Yahuabi. Piôoporty for gala. Brygn'a Wateus. Thse COuurlMatodnues uCo. Thse IrenotoirieaIJournal. noties-Ri Watseu. cumrise Horse Wsnied. Publie Holidy-J, aoH. e...Mayor. Ee.oelsg of Tora Sehos-Geo. H. DartafL, 11UCTIOIN SALN. 13y lm!iFairbanks, Jr., Antioee.- At tise Natonal botlt Port Whitby, -on Uathday Auuat20b, Wà rehousos Pro. ONLY S$150 CENTS A TEAR WhItby, ThUrSly, Agu«st 4, 1870., Xi a. BOLDMi, Oficiai Assignes, te aatho lied -tu oollïct accoints far t hi, office sud givre ceipta; sud aIse ta eue -or tibe eovery ef accesutiplaced lu hi. baude forcollection. The Enropeau ar. As ye1 no deoisîve blow bas bseas struck ountisber oaIdeAil soi fer appeau tau bc preparsiion for tise lri grand ecuoter. Tise nevapaper., howeyer, are lu thse tici af tise cisupaign, sud they discaurse tuait lenruedly ou this, tisai, sud ise otiser vrml corps, fortificatious, defeuces atl loue, quadrano, tise usedie-guo, tise chai. pot, sud tise destructive power of tise ter. rible -mitrailleur, Ac. But ait I4 tise aseroît editorial zopecîlation. Tise te)@- grams ton, are a iseap af rubbissi, upou tise trutis of wiic littie reliabitity eau b. placed. One tbing only i. certain, tisat preparations are gcing forward fur eue cf tise groatest sud malt gigantlo strnggles tisat bas talien place lun modern varfare, vitis ail tise destructive muodern appliaucea, and deadly iupemett for thse destructiou ol'haussu ifs. Armies are muteriug in multitudes, ouly to b.s reckoucd by bon- dreda cf tisousands. And wbat for?1 For principle 1 For Freedesu ? -.For tise re- snedy -of grievances?7 For tise remo7at of burdpns fres tise people 1 Ftw more j ast laws ? For tise runsodyiug of auy right, or thse rigisting cf auy wrang?7 For glory ? No I And§ like Peterininl Sontisey's battis cf Bleniseisu, anuther Peterisin maY asussuaucceaafnlli *ak hors-c after- "Nov te-1i ns al.botit the Wsr, And wlhtt thoy killed eo, lier for."1 NoaOeseau mistake tise var for a peu. P1e9. var, or lu any way identified vitis eltiser tise oissainiug or tise mainîaiuing cf popular rigite. Itii a pitcissd battis be- iveeu soveigna for -hiugly pawer audt aggrandizemsut. Wisicis ever;ide gains, tisec people sufer. If thse combat vers left issiveu the iudividuel mousarcis. tiseuselves people migisi cars uitile for tise result, sud,o like tise trsgic bard of tise Kilkeuuy catels might-sig-, "Timoreouont wis tirecit i inKilketnny And ich tioîîglit tilître wu@ oivi eutt io miîny; go t1iîy quarrelîld ad flt, Aîd the).couged, and t tey bit, Tl, exceptitig treir talla audtlima tIps cf ilîir tl Iustead of tva cats timro varzx't uny." C0 Iii. s8imply idîs ta seek ta estimais tise tl relative sireuglis cf tise ccmisatants, and i doubly sol ai presentta opretend ta foreteit visat proportions tise canflict may assume, or Its probable result.- Ontario 7armers9 lu tuailusurauce Il Couspnsy.r We tbib liîevisere lu tisese colmua tm a card cf taiam from a eutl'erer by Sfre, bl Cotsuty of Ontario, but is rapidly oxtend- ing to adjoining counties-aud ibrougisout b tise Province, until it stands Ibis dae fore.b Most assogit tise Matual Insurauce Moam- panies of tise Dominion. At tise lait meeting of tise Board of Diroctors, iseld i en tise 2nd lit,, ne foyer tissu 174 appli. sations, for th. prsceding montis, were se ceped-tventy only cf visicis ers re- neoaisnsd tise amassât of business for tise mentis reacisod ta over $1,500. Be- aides tise ressaut vs bave msntiiaed, for thse rapid growtis, bigis position snd-t good standing e f tise Company, iser. l ( anatiser vscs oa sfor, lis pplsri&y l vils tise farming cammuiy-lî is tis tise rats, onitishe premtin note systetu, le lower '-lion fhatotf amp cthar MulwsZ Coffasqi 4n' Canada. Wlîbti hsaste. comensdae, dosfgeod manageussut, 1 ries, asulutement cf daims, tise Gem. à psuy deserves ail thiseusansd prosper- Quie HoLmÂ'.-The malor, lu pur. sanos cf s requklitien- prsseuted te lm, fortisi prpoe, asappeiuted à Mondal nsut, tise Suis. lui*, ai tiseAà y te h. chires4eaithseumal-annual civie holiday.1 tt5r5a5i NqmgWsfs sM'hé stylitihes. Prie. Tise mugalatrr ofthtie latter ws dld Dot expeel sud, teaay tise lesut cf h, il la ver, ýw» nthe p*ntot-$60.p." Tise emp4, AM &itl itend dMl ._ ties, Is b u nitM benotmmi- uobly 9fr tise dettes of ber higis positiont. 8S@hai prOvsd hensejf a gcod vifs sud moisir. Sb@ b hieen afriand ta tise friludiesea là taier ta erpsb's, a meriful visiter cf tm is l, ansd ber cisaritieu iovarde every gTood aud benisepia bjeet bave bsea 4ân4mi',-Troý,la' otising wbM#ÃsVs, sltdr-lunhwfkldlystamsuasdtciitriSand a good voman,' or in tise peîrlotie addreu read by'ber iemiocf Cherbourg, te Warrant tise tours of 110. P,"1 or any cns @ie,. sud vs dlepsqe tise god teste, cf car friend,lntstravelling ont cf hlm way, te give, as h vwer., tise-noble lady' "a places of bis mind." 1 But te'tiise6oU attaek cf 5'Antf cor>- sican," on tiseREmperer., Lot it net b. fer a moent uazdsgted titi vs@ proess~e .te be bi(apolîogis,1r i.'defend bisa '&ets or pchcy, pat or priment. Our object lait voee vu ta contrithis position ai a faitbful ,aity af-,BEngland, -ueer -sînes tise entente crdiale vas etablisseëd « botvwee ssus, wiîh tisat of tise, graping raIer of Prassia. Aud, vs bave shovu, tisi white [>russia vas bcllying, conqssering, aud an. uexing, b7 farce of oens, weakpr sialos te is territary, France, ai tiese amnetime, gave Italy ta tise Italisos,- heiped England, te soaeTurkey, sud curb tise adrancéing sud gigautie paver cf Rassis, sud tist tise emperor vas. commendably emplayed ai home là libsralizing tise institutions of France, lunassois s-ay us te malle tiset consonanttte s pirit f,,tsi. ulureteents century, sud to secure gpester freedom sud isappineisteatise Fusucabpeople. é"Anti. Corican" 1bai net 'melt tis ipeint 1 uer bas bc atiempied te give a roason for tise unreasouable attacks of à portion cf tise Englisb prsemou tise emperor cf tise Frenchs. e saysSe doonat "aislutely defend" visai Prusiasdid lu tise Holstein buuinsc, but thoen adds, lu tise noms breatis, tisai tetise victor beleogs tise spaoi." AÀmmi dishenesi, unjuit sud uuchriîtisn dctrine t Tise calling Nap. "'pelitical tartuffe,,asd etiser 'siiiy pâmes, if no argument, sud are uuvcrtsy car friend. If tise empercr broke bis verd, or bis estis even, hie hsd lct tee many prece- dents fer se doing in tise iistory of imuper. ors, hingi. and princes, -st bis ovu aide, as volt n8ent tise Engliuis side cf tise channel. Aud corainlyhim titis tate tbrone cf Frauce-oufirmed -as it t b7 tise allibut unaulmeus voies oef'jise Froucis people.- is ne verse tissutisat ef msuy ocf hlm ueigisisýs, vise, ubroagis falseisccd, blocd- shsed, tyrauny sud oppression, stabissed jiseir dynastes. In tsis respecttise raiera of tise neionse M I y machsgn K par, 1ltboél elapsercftims, insqmf casc, may bave done mucis te ebliterate tise ne calleetien cf tise, infamy, viie tise occuni rance of rouent eveûts tand up more pro uinentîy before ns. And dees car frieod net rocollect tise vlaits cf ise Qussu sud Prince Consort, ho Prince cf Wolof, qsud otissr memberm of tise Royal fansiîy te-tise Tailleries f Or ise receptien cf "Madame Eugenis," sund ber- iusbaud, tise m'iawk.ucied, vax mousiacised, political tartuffe" et tise (,ort of st. James ? .1ring visici tise oavereTnc cf bois countries compliment- Bd sud fetocÃŽescb otiser, sud tisai Nap. 111, vas tihon sud bas ever. Linos iseau rgarded, not as 0ur cerrespoudeni weuld Malte bisu ont, a poejurer and a parvenu, agi brokon, anduise tiid eue - bled M4 mrsdIy crusbed, sud -broken. - Tise bores, have iseen valcéd at- W#, bcd ýa eaim mas besu amade à gaipst tise Grand Tranl< Bailnay* Cemp&Dy for t.baîamocutL, on tise >rcussd cf tise insufficioacy of tiso feue. Wit. TISSEBir à SuLves GnauLE? Tie. bon ored, eu toué bas hti tsi vissaa son la iaru te tise mayer cf a dity or tovu, dnring tinierscf bhis ncumbeuoy, ',the baby" ii'- pnovided vusb a ailier cradie by tise Corporatiou. Whaî vitI the Ten Papes do lu tise presut cam 1 for as vili be sesu by tise anneaneemeunt- sader tise praper biaq,,Mrs. Ge.rrie isu rendered bts Won Msp oligible for tise premeutation eofm iler raIle. GOA&L Oil, MAcHgigtOIL sS Han» waa.-Attemnti s sqcested -te ,tise &dit.- cf M[im' B aicb 4 re, ioder ii besd ui on rcelumai. PICTUR u.-Ur. Lobi etOsisava, bas ree.iîed a c'as' of ti plenddDe la soe.* ploiuetraius m gnrpe# qempniqiug cplored engraviagc, pbetorpsm, çremem oa, visicis he i. dispasing cf ai about ece.half tise pnibessualy cisarged lu tise sisopi. rgîve us tise Campbsell msia.. lu *,Word, 3vs *oqld nt q ee ol Dt»qr 00 hloii, audusub, vse o1picn, *iigft4 tee~ expernc.es o'ailuniis vhoWI ýgive ls trial, Tise prie. tee, .15fquit* la. signifiat vise ,cecisred wlfisti li( Our necomanudaiou in given non, alitti rtise laps@cf tee y@=n dodog sîsbis vs h ave sadIbtisemachine lea e, se tisaivs sa . tk rum îried sa" pnactiesi experieuce,: sud mers for tse eake cfDur. brethisrep:of tisepremo vise bave e t 1ildtise mail. r n i scbine, tianluà t1W interenâ t ofsdé pro primier. SuriMera ne aUs PmnuiuuvunvIC.- Duvid Jelly, alias Alfred' Scott, vas sr ougbt beforo nis eorJdg B.r'- bos, Judge cf tise Conuy Coart, apîd Chameraucf -tise Court e?-Qartr Sesaicnm, on Friday lait, chsarged vits mteniing ive isead of fat caîie, - tise proerty. of M'r. Henry 'Gould, Tse primoues' eieeidb.- ing tnied befonp tise jedge vitisoat a jury. Itsappeared tisai, a <iv vseks provialy, tise esttle vers dtmpe.ed of by tise 04priss te Mr. Gould, tise latter paysnug $80fe thsora. Tise isse nigisi cf tise sale, or tise nîgisi follcvlug, tise catîle voe stalen frosGculd's promises sud again sold, by tise priioner, ait Norwocd,te Toronto batchere, for $90. Tise catîle vire iracked, tise prisener arrestsd sud cous- usltted. He admitted tise offînco, cffered noeixplanstion, sud vcuid give ne infor- mation ai te bon tise caille eniginslly came inta bis possession. Mn. James Tisemp. son, viso isid kuowu tise prUloner fcr sevo. ri yesrs, gave hlm sau excellent obaraçier. Nis Bonor, lu commentiug epon tisecase, sud i vas tise Most extnaordiuary oe tis ever came bsfar. bins. Theo pnisener vas net a noedy man,hobeildpleaiy of mions, sud bis, admission cf tise crime, witiscut atiznpting any ressanable expion. allen, va stalnaccbouutabie. Seutsuced te twe years in tise Provincial Peuiîeutiary. Since pguing tise ubave vo bave iearued .bat Joli7 aua stoeo ebead cf fat cottle frous George Hickingbottam$ Esq. cf Pick. ening,-(cne cf tise animais iseing tisa. !ocejb-sed, sud vaîaed by ils oner ai $300,) sud soid thonte iciTornto butcher ai *160. TisaimaIs versý reoosnd on tise anreit cf tise tisief, bui ai au expecsg te> Mr. Hickingbottas- cf beiveen twnty sud tbirty dollars. It is non saspected- tisai tise fellev issd aceemplicei. VALUABLE WAstOUBEcssPIOFERTY Fatt SAL.-Attention as dinected te tise an. nonubebent, lu otiser colmu f saie by uctian, cf tise valuable Wanoioso,ansd naneisouse preperty, cf Mouans. James Roee& Co. Tise prcpertyyin veil kuevu te bc nome cf lise most valuable sud de. sirable cf tise kind caL1ake Ontanio, Tise sale takos plie an atarday, tise 2Oîis lit. Largo Sales ef tise Jolusion sli. Itoker, Tise sales cf tisé Joisten Self-RIlce- Respiug Machine, et tise manufacture et Mesans. Brava k Ptenson, bave meachol boîveen four sud fiue isundrel thisesasos -Det "apvsrdm cf t vo bundred," as or- noneonuly sîatd ln'u cr notiée oftiseý matoises psintel lu lut wneklsissue. Tnà tiiis.-Oun thaulmi une due to Mn. Robent Camupbell, or tise Os-m et Mosans. B. & J. Campbsell, cf tisis tevu, ton tate Englisis anA scotcis papons. SUnnoto DitArT -Mr. G. B. Smilx, a contracter for tise tencing on tise Wiiiy sud Port Penny Raiîvay, lied suddeuly, ut isis residence, Brougham, on Tnesday mos-Ding, of lisesse kuevu as "asumusen complaint," enorcisoienino. AVcarsis Sunuzur 'D&à Tra-Mr. M&s Kansie, &i l emplayel uthue Wiby Fisi Office, lied suddeuly sud unoxp'eci. edly ai tise Royal Hotel in Ibis ten (a-Sers h. boas-dol,) aitene e'lelck tiis (Wendeiduyj sà ornieg. ,Dseessdw--ss bis nesideuci lu 'Wiby, isa bligieg lispea1itian gained hlm iiauy tnieuls.- To. oeýuusranuiwr.-W. O0. à cons tuiieauiais, sesgnet, vas neceiltee late for iiubîicaiion, Ibis wnok. Ithii apllear lu car nexi. 0>-Tise Wii United Glramicun sud Cosumou Sools vih re.opon ou Manday, tise 8t in lstant. Tit PuaYLemCA'i JORautta, AND PACscAaa'i MasuruLs-fan Augut am oes to banedconsenbat latin tissu - eualon amaont cf a fine vhiois eccu-mI in lis. building vissse it le put in type, l&s con.ý tent, boveun, un. as iniereiting sud as vaîssahie as sien. Oas or me oarticles trous tise long imt as-e al ne have.ipaos1tp; note aitisbis time,.-"Madame Demoremi 's tise vaîl, kuevu modiste, i portriyedan akelisal "Satyvs, Issanit>,"treuil o? mise cnduit ot Insaue AayIua'" - "Phys'." cal Edcatin " aeedly sud iemtnio- tiîely difcusmed 'tpinionas' sd 'Mai- mois' &e ,recesiossosbut menitid' iulleg by oo careu-"l hava vrlters; 'Wi ose uci but, coumend - ibi Augait ulsaiabar te tise raigouuty--Prise Bots. $3 s yean., Pcbiihedh 8.B WoJIms 389 Broadvay', Nion pi. --- af lndepeucents ëtifleny l Smiths bas ocrieaniy geedinis osi . vs iope b secs haïe i of rsoerdlng hlm name 'as i secator.. Jcly Bomber eof .x~I îul Vagietl cf is cententi peitry, a f£ue Sang, v!iiS Piace ussût, an Elgyarracged fer m-The- U -'a Baud, by Oscar Coau j local fo<res gu musical neyao, v etice , lsOn 6 Ohurcis Muleo.» by ÃhsBilbao Mac- oblester il" "&About loyig goil," "Clama Louise Kgellog iiue mosg tise Leaties," ' 'Tise1 cisôelum oad,' Internstionl stal41Jebilee, i"Mdme Nitîsen n l etdiýs1 "Hon teO- oy a Figue.," "I. Et à hCo's& eSOrgau Factorisa," k.,&0 . Tomme *1.00 9 aneus j TëCopi, 10 ceu. Withis i Bniss Baud, Scppjîment, $3.00 per à snu4 ;single -cpl1 S0ea Specîrnen cepij sent <nos.- AddremaJ. P. Suiv, 4à ti reet, Eoc1w&ter# Y. Baxaru'i ff4Âct ,Tise gniat publie remedy bavu nov beon lausne over îvecty yoans, enia il caunot b. mid' tisaite aIre on 'tnia1ýTisey bave* beon tbonougisly mried, sud Pýrnonoud ou tise aelbeity of tise.* wis" liîee sud issaitis tiss haie pnoterved, ta Se a cre. barmlessp sud emineetly salutany propamatiicd, and it takenission nl invariaitly wunéedsod, cugisi,,sore tbrosi, and aIl Branchial affacios. -One fair -trial viii couvince tise tidilispticil.SoId'by al txuediin6 dealeni1 ut 2ficts. pin box. - lu tise praitice et Medicine Ihasii e- commnuded Feîlcva' Compond1Syrssp c f Blypepsapisîà tes,> sud hais aud nv ,i ably tise tollovtng neinta:. GnîstenIrées- dom te the action oethtie Louga, cnresd alud.sn,esey oeetoration ila eues in- meelatilu'Of tntoue tese * Ji'es sytm. JAN» ts x, ïË. '», Ciipsuin, Queenas Coauty, N. B., Prices -1 50 saiseule ; 6 for $7 50. Sold Sy apotiseanies sud Sy P. Cendull A; Ce., viseîsle agents. moutreal. Tise Blooves ilts roI colon là minute globules nisiis floui in that SalA, ianA con. tain, lu a boults7 perien, s large ameent of Iran, visicis giîeî vituhity ta thse bland.i Tise Penavisu Syrnp supplies tise blond1 vush tiis vital eloment, sud giveîs reuglis sud vigor toe soviole irslem. Tise Fouina TrIals. 0'f SILLI Oof.oygi, BROWN AND CÀPTÂIN VOeBN SNTo îxrNOS. Windsor, (Vt.) July 30.-Caps Mens. issu vas arnaigned btefore tise United States'e Circuit Ceunitc.dsy for îîoluliug tise nea trality luns, sud plesddul ty. - Gen, O'Neill vastissuplaced&hantise dock suddasked if ho bad anythiqg te say visy tise sentence cf tise ceuni alboulA nel he passed epon hlm. Tise priaens.r pleaded his services in be-t isalf cf bis adopted country as a resoseau vh iSu aenteuce aboald Se ligisi.r 1 He vas tison aenteuced ta tise State pi.- son in Windsor fer tve yeas sud ta pay s fi et ten udollars. Col. J.-H. Brown vas tison sontenceol ta nine mentis.' imprisaumeet and fineA, fie dollars. It appeaned tisai Capt. Monabsu bal ne command attise front, -aud tsat ho wvas net actaalIy sugaged. Eavas senteneel te six menthi sud fi ned eue dollar. Amsnesty toe e d River Inaurgeuts.1 Tise - Leader asys t-"lIt vas ixatel yeatenday, la dosascises receivel freus Ottawa, that the Impeiil Geverumeai bsu lueteBDanamneaîy I te Rbeled luhvo'in .-1 -maigeuis. opon tise - necemmeelîîhon et tise Dominion cabinet. We deonet kunw visotier sncob -au îmnesty Sas been pro. clsimed by ,tise Goeommeut et Great Bs-ain; -bat ne bave Tory gond ressan te -state tisat tise Canadieu Gavernuneni Made no sncb irecemmeadation tu tise Impinial Cabinet as ibat sted 'in. yester. daya despatces. Souseiody ai- Ottuaa Sas boon ielulging le mast unfottudel fabrications.,", rock leerease lei cf Meut Calideexaus, iu a matois Play day lssi sud clebs td beaie îpions playsra of Amenfes. )ben-, Lieastà ssssof the semattisi panrs nteLois- don, suýd_ wbose 4le lbits ol militaryforcé veres s 5e'scc.ssbie att*cffl th#'parent 'lreii, tls -à -kshiu tissir ticy $nigses - tissir r au briitlilue Ptema. Bonpere, ave said, wn, 1I4 duIt def.nd tise action of Proaiia; but sssuredly m to evroags 4Dn' Mske oe rigist, ~ rSdFrance tiss aligitstecuse for isepreeulme. isrnibîs aggreisicu, tis. original viry, fen-teisbed objection as, to tise Heisaaeleru's aîscioion by Spain isaîing eein gel ld ef, by li wutldraxoa<. Toilieyvry reecilty, vhou tseiWilly hwkusivx-meastscised pelitiesi "Tartuffe" feletis.grand ilipiing froes ander hlm, sud the usiiits.ny vote couider- abiy idvefte. tise amauni et civil liberty vas meagreinideed ; usy Nspoelesdos- potism sud tyrauny vsre, especisly ilutise matter of tise Preaiý, unsarpassestie by tW ise ao f tise Cosike. AS te tise Seeroet Tresti, Napt,;tise crafiy, sud Bi"- mark tisecocuona, vere regues stike. Benedutti.wvasi ait.andsud nteniy farget tisecaution as-to luj Uera scripta manet."1 On. of tise.deys sud tiser.,"viser. is ne' iiseffiug,"tisonaviser. tise action 0lal bis iras nature, ats4 iSe 've euwssve aal be compoIlodt sien te tise testh sud foeeiead cf ecr fauits, te give lu ovidence.17 I say tiser., tise iruti cf Ibis nofanicus mongol ocf naaly dipleusscy isbe ubén- veited. May tise pressure cf England, Austria, sud Rous, geetiy yet firmty &p. pleA, yei star, or ai leatsi iorteu'si tise ustaitu cnutsd'imiserable quanrrel ~sene nwitusim >ed; as Gladstene veil -rsmarkm. lu ibis, Mn. Ediier, I sus'm penouaded vs both gree. I remain, Sir, - ANI I- CORICAN, MaW EnITOReSun, In uyor issue cf lait veek, you give as Mmdame'Eugenie Boas pinli'm speech ta tise, silonast Chserbourg; ons clause us'ueBnitere &mile. "~Tise Frencis Ntvy bas a glanions history. Yen vilI b. vorthy cf !tas put."0 WeII, if il v -as gienipus, it nu geueral- ly go unlacky, thbat nmuait be ammittedy (istsiaiea'Ul spoaking.) Tise passage viser., Madame, Bugeuis, -irecni' wt emotionastraugely oeog I on have omiîed. I suppy tsedeficienq. "Sailers cf France,, 1 iea to leyon, (and msy I b. aecunmed if L kosp nat my pledgd, ovon as înnly as my noble bubanAhas" kept his tisoagiout is i iole ;- cereer,) i'5eeer te taste tise plesuro of -use wvend, iceyer te piid5 the waters cf 'Cologue" upon: my toilette, itia-tetfain cit7 shah fal befame nsy isasband's logions."l -Tise paisas af.tisi4 climax, sud tise imali chance ef.tiseoaîh Seing observed, caussd visible "enicion." Alvisicis yoduomit- ted. Fie, fie. 1 unM, Sir, Yours, An Appeal-CloluigIfer pour Indian Clldrosi. Tb thee Editor of tii-eWeItby Cleronicle. DzAn Sin. Tise Rev. Ilovlend 1-1111, a miasiona->'te tise ludians ut LittleOuCr- rent, heu vnhtton te a gentlemun nlutawu, beggiug iii ta ites-est himacît lu obtain. ing a box of cletlîiug cf sizeas siteble for lIndien chilIs-ou atleumiing - ocîsool. - Tise missienen>' su'iies tisai tan cftise chil- Is-en as-o anable te oae tîxcîselvea et tise pnivilegos cf tise day scisoml, lii intes-, ihs-cmgis lacli etclothing. 1 tel s-re tisaI tise bte stetement cf sucs a tact, in this public ver, is sufficient to accus-e namer- eus' contributions of childrcu'a cent-off lething, for se vos-tIi> an objocl. Tise Icatitute have a ciiaitapon oas- chnistuan kinducas at ail limes, bat tcw hava aucis strong claiîs apon ut as tise penn chil- Is-en cf tise ancient pesseasons et eurs- mil. I shail ho happe te, tako charge cf au>' cletising thul mu>' ho sent te urue hoase. sud te tonnas-I il, aIaets enni>'date, le Mn. Ycan ebedmeut servant, J. D. CAYLEY.' Whitby, Aag. 1, 1810._ Tise Ocesu Yacht Itace. EngluaI ba s ein Amna i sleisiusig as sise beSe l nutsyean st rowing. Our frelels acrosa tise linos Sud stîkel tiseir yaîcing eaai ui Dautîsai, sud are lisconseI.aîe. Tisey enter itutdiuae atiuîcutîns te shown viy tise Cambnia van sud tse Daunites lest, juasa t6iy discevied 15e cause of thue Harvard lefeat, anA tise reason vby eleven Englishussu coulA defeat tvsuty-two A. useicaus ai cricket. The Asuenican oaglo nourer sokuovilges tisai5e b baSd tise vonst et suytising in a gnacefel va>'. A Dec Cà Taroà aSEAs. -A sensation vwas onoesw ai Sandy Hook by ths capture cf a sisank four toit long by s linge Nev- founadAog belenging ta Mn. Pattorsan, etfithe ligisI ouse. Tise Aogi an the sisank roll uiug Isulong tise ocea eartise. beach, ia nsuhng oul b. caugist bis dorsal fin lu bis teetls'and despite tise off. orts efthie sisark te gel s grip ut îths dog, the later, inn' ihus te.spsoe and laA.; ed Suns igS andIn>' on -tisébeach. Tise' log visas ame ia Men5 uh, a uleul>' be. camee s lieu.- Tise Romsuj Catioôlie Ciserois ai Wank- vontis vas struçk by ligbîuiag on-the atter. -ne ftise 2:nd uit.Thefluil &tuc ne, u et tise feus- pinnusent tise cornor cf tise root of tise steeple, sud breaghisl te ts groand.-Foiiowlug te p!steýt, Pa"ed te eloak, sud1 seSby luis rouded, to tib, oboeitii bons- viiis i At tse rail, Queeen, vsepîug, panti -from ýthée-Ring' vih repesui. embrase, wbo isecbMajee'ty- <rom eiss platfcrm cf tise raiivay car ouin; ly 'sated lise coed tise irans vas ldes-_ -ciaiTisspeopl, e rs freezisd wvus touîbasiim, tise oulure court, ladies sud ail mingle ' nitise crci'wd sud pariicipstieg. inu iseémotion: serreunded théeaId 'soidier sud bld blus gecd4ly'ih'.e demon- sînaîlon et loyalîy sddie. Cenuni Ven Bismsarck sud Géunale Meltke sud: Von Boom vers present, sud vers rapiat. sdly oh.syed.- Mayence, via London# Augast 2.-Ring William* srrived titis.menning nis seveisi mombers cf-hsis staff. Big Mjisty recoil. ef higbly estisfacory reporte trous tise ibrossammy corps ou tise Friencisroutiers No uo.e cf any moeent or engagé- ment et importance bai bain receivîd trous tise sennset van, bat adîles shsowtisai ikinmisises are becaiag more freqeut,ý ýtieug so ser fanetan insigaificant charac' ter. Tise Prussien commandera rigeroeily exelude feneigu corimpononts fros tise tine. "'Cofrrespeudence Dlleolsviing froin Metz, assortitat th iset r5 no baile viii be faugisu on Saturdsy or Sunday noxî,.er Mouday aitie fatsnts. He un. densconestise sentence foliowlug, viz à n7ai ii ssure. Vienns, Auguet 2.-Ausnia la meiiliz. !Dg 50,000 mon te natois lie Beisemise froutier, Vienne, Ag .lail tated tisai Asi tris sud laly, have setîled apeu a treaîy vwiici ensunes tiseir neutrality. Ceponisagen, Anunt 2,-Tsere lseon- tire isanmeny. between Dîuoeîrk sud Sare. donn letise malter cf' tise Frsco-Prussia van. Prude!& demamndi ef l,t Âîis explanÃtlieus 1isy eho ln armiug. - Ti ' Sautb Germit anmy l a mssA wiîis eld muakeis. Tise van expenies et Pres are 2,500,-' 000 fraises a day.- Tise pimpant systeus is naitened in France., Au Englisis correspondent -cf tis'rny' bsu bsea arremted. Tise Prince ImpéiaIle in milltary train. ing. - Thinty tiosnid soldieri are billeted lu Hsmbarg. - Tise Empeorrfethtie FreS bas visited tise army.. -- - Tise cuîy correspondent alioned vilS tise Prussian srmy in Dr. -Rassit'. Tise sou cf Abdel Kader bas volunieered in tise Frnch army.- Tite Commsencement outhtie Rideau Canal. In 1827 Col. By passed up te commence the Rideau Canal.- This costly wcrk mado e nuall stir bu tise sithertie quiet Ottnwa. Tise ombryo tevu, bearing tise Colonel'% cerne, gnew apace. - Tisecen.- sirtiction and Inmide efthtie canal, tise fast setliug et the suroundsng country, sud lise lnceasing exteul cf th. lumben mgade, uniicd te puais Bytowunnpidiy- forrard. An intcresting incident connocted vilS tise finît flighs t oflauks asceendiug f<nom tise Ottava, ta tise tact tisaItthe renevned Sir John Franklin laid tise fou ndation, atone. Sir John, happening t 4asa e eue cf bis ovcnland trips uothvard, wus nssigned the houer. 'Lady Franklin vison is Otawa, lu 1861, vas sisov lthe atone herlm nutd husbund issd laid se long befone. During tise progrescf tise canal, tise dernend tan terni preduce vas grent, andi pnices rsnged higs. Tise settlors along thse river telitishe benefit. Clarnce imi provefi apidly ; settlens came in fat ; and thece previously lecated improved in cucumstances. The blessing of a day scisol via added le tise Sabbats* scisoal. A chuncis, eceiviug trequent -additions, vmmcled oven by à Mn. Edvards, wes ex- ertirmg a beneficial Influence ou"tbe ise le commuuity. STise necessity for manual laSer, on lise' parntetfMn. Edvsrds, Sbeing lesseucd, ho devated hia tume more fulI, te miniaterial wonk. -Nat haviug been hithonlo fanmaily desiguated te lise charge ef a chancis, ho vas, iu 1831, cndîinod. .Abaut tisaI Lime an sel vas pasA luI Upper Canada, to tînuilf'oticr ÃŽtissu Eplicéopil anA'Pnèby tenhîn minustera to msrry. Mn. Edaada teok adrautage cf tise lsv, sud aupplied a vaut ]an g cl. Pneviouily, candidates for wedleck Sud ta usako long jeunueys, or content tliuselies wuts lieservsices. oi a magistrato. As roc tise Âme 'Dominion - -#stb by Liginlaniy A sed alunai occunred Ai Port geIurn, Kicis., ou Buudà y foeneon. Titres -boys veptilnto:lise rhvsf to bsé, mdthi doinwpsem ,kterrible tisuude~trusorinm tise ligistuing being oxtremely vlvid. Two ,o (bu;boys Ibereat >bcgau blspiseiiug iu a bornid mannes', dinectifli;tise mcml abstul lauguige. - aginat -tiselsglstulng. Tb. fsllips naili eompellodtbem tô ' oui ef »0tis aien and seek siselto.Tieglun der s Ires,, bul bsd nel bosis tison.rmare %bonu b 1ev mifntes visen the eiëctie IêfuiA struck lise-Ire, shtterinig it teh e, ,i sud inslantly» kiing tise< Ive iearen au prostrating tise tisird boy. Tise affà lai ,,bas cauaod intense muotion in lise ceeunht3'. îl tla Now IYortt City cOi »A'res MTuzeAiN» cASà tIirUs - Th Tisfolieviug, visicis ne ex rac<-e ths New Yerk Tinme,ta a -repentetflise enife.sund casualities vnicis eccured ou ThisaAs'lust, lu Neorck, hlm is proý- Sbie otisaI neo ISon civilized cii>' on tise' face efthtie globe coul fus-nias, for oe daysacis an appaliing record z BFan>'yostenday tuosning a quarrol ïttek place betwnen Samuol Gos-don sud 'Daniet Fitzgoead, ith ie course etfvisicis (ierdensiset Fitzgerald n ha ie tigb is i s pistol given bu b>' John- Maison. gordon lusat largo, but Maison vas an- nested anA vas conimitted yaiiendsy' aîtrnoon, by-Justice Bixby>, as su ac- cous-rybefere. the tact.- George lWhite,- quarreled ilS a à mats; casuel M4atSon Devorow, feeling that is. w as geîtiug ise vos-stWet i, Ase* a kuiifo- and stabiscd White's littîs belon tise grein. White vas taken te Beloevueý I0oîitil, "anA Devenen vur committsl.- Thomas Tuilevas 'brougi efone .Justice Bixby yosterday, chargeA vils stabbing Tisomas Sveensy lu ise bs ck villat a ku ifo. Svesuey is dsngenrouoV neaunded, anA le confaisA te bel.£Tuiti vaà s-cousmitted. -A lad naîsd John Sullivan vont vilS -Richard Nagent, u a'Wg D5-cataiuing ,baÉ en aà ;feedf,- vwi te , lseikter -vu to- -dejiver. ""oti-bibideA ts-lansd sI-lia SullînlefI bis cempanicu lus: s.liquor- .étor ne d dAre eoff on hlm ev-n accouai. 'Hle vas, urrested, islplessly dnuuk. on a ~ehano of tteus t o-lesteal tis' bers. -,s~ nag e - - buk - is Voie>' strewot, -sud, findiug - lite teiîisenrer>' unconifortable, ho took .,of -fis coul sud piscel i ou -air.in e huAdoccasion to e fssfQna the, chair te moue a check,.,anA tisaI t nit tise coat vas ~ ~ ~ ~ -býY *etehsu ii t 'Q iat viio un tis«p--k.Ioe nc;ia-suce Depue>' vas sen te louve tise promises- ilStis te coul ou bis as-s, sud- vas umestel. -fi.e cou- fessel tîsut e vas oeeeta gang vise ýWoeeo rab lis-Lennor Tisemoe' vaâsnual ecered. - mn> SAs, Wiliams AaerSachvasstanding'on lise fs-ont 'plattornof >an avenue cas-, yestenlsy, hé ves nudel>' jeatîcd b>' Luke Bush sud s centedorato.- 17511e tis enevîsd anA puahol about, Mn. Auenbacis tel issgold vutois, mIsl u t $79, laken (s-cm bis rost peeket, aud sseing Bush unI thesot eti mac jump cff'tise cas-,fSe pur- sud thoni, Sut vas kuocked, dowru S> lise ankunu nman, vise esospol. Bush vwas es-rstel S>' un officer. George Englisia vas. arosted yemter- de>' eQu a charge ot cousniitting au out- .rage ou tise persan ofts 11111e gis-t. Justice. Iflogan tompemerily rmnnded thse prisones- for essahnaioni. Inb tise cas.et fMise Baser E. Canton, bouis taaccused cf huuîug killeA ber-ilu- NIan child anA thon tismuvu it trous s %ývidav, ut No. 248 West Tisirty.aoeutb streot, Coroner Rollins decided yestemduy, te peulpane action,' as tisé yeang vomanr ta -iu suais a condition, as preciades ac>' eforas-toleïeaminx iereminteîligeuitly. -Elvis-a M. Dyonysias, ugýd Iveut>' tva yens-s, iAieA yestenduy,0 at Ne. 118 Est Fourt suts-cet, cf enysipelus, caused 5>' a scalp ireund neceivel S>' a feu,. Tise boAdyof auuknu deiooured niais v-îas laud yestemlay in tiseEaut Rivrs, cous- Grand Street, sud remeved te tise Morgue. Au osaminalien vas belA ysterday hJustice Hoigan *lu tise case et Geos-ge [Uyrne, vise is accueilaf, having-outmagol Marganef Fietdiuà ,Tiecopanntas cross-oxaminod; -sud festifieA usaal o1 thse aitogations mude b>'tise pnisones-rvos-o fale,usaisehéAid nt counsent te blip-e posaIs oan*recoins an>' mace>'freu m hetestified pestinol>' us te tise lotaila Lo thile euvtnpgq sand stetol ihet sxe maIe ,the cempiaint- tean offices- as, sootrs aise eseaped fs-citise claîcises et Byne. Tise tuagisînute ciesed tise case sud bel tiseý pnisene ifonritrualtas defauit of *2,000 Salt. Byrne is su assistant clos-k- <as-tise Boas-A ,e!fAsmistsntides-mon. -Ms-s. Rico f Ne. 180 Prince street, vus sevori> Sbus-ut onlisé bs-sut sud armaS>'b tise explosion o" ukos-oseneè lamp aise vu in sue lselcioetextinguislaing. .Tisomu -Ge nn oe No. 100 Matti sîeet, vhils 'aslep *yesterda>' mnning on tise roof of the -bouse, -foit ff anA upoa tise roat f cf- stable 'fertyfuÛe feel Selon, fnactaihn s akis anA reoeiiing oibon -'JoisuBlue-,- cof Ne. 240 West Tiit>'- Arat is-est i blis, niglat bad crasisd yaesterday by, tiss ibiliug cf s partition ut No. 49 Laureuis itre. pipera tise vigilasLnce ise ry fleet la cansiug tise rstunn, iad isatu ,aSher veasls. fonud Alarmed, theWytc wbintrtr tuilA cabins ana le taki sncb otiser mea-. -eOMi sures as tise>' ceusd te proticit teselves bn (nom thei sisueniL Tiese on continue& i - te isil andi pregently IXbaane Imtpassable. fP Iu a fon dsys it vas otgist <set deep; Durlugneani>' titi iole et Novîniber, thé;lut long atenus continuitt, and -ltse snoew eu tise neunlatus niltimatel>' neacisedth ie' * d dept of more-thissu Ieut>' féeeL. - DEÂTH. da Tiser. vwere cigist>- Ino BOUlSu 1'utliseT Party', thinty-two Seing voein antd a - *as large p,portion isildren. Tise captalu, -tise I Geez- ge D.onner, vas a min cf soea gao posa Cit>su anAoiderabîe veallis, anA bis vite - Issd and cisildrnubeing vilShlhm,_ bail -ever>' soul incve e Wprudence sud iclirity. But-moli il effonite escape 'troustiseir frigbtflt tise i situatien proved vain.- 'u a short lime i boat ererytiiig li s. abajie etfvitelesonie -fcod ias gene. Tse>' dereured tisfrdegs, ' - thsebides otihe cottle ttey liad saied antida îhièr on boots snd site.,. lranali>', tise i1the misenuble eitunes begintthn1>, of-et u- - a- ingoaeison.. Aibith, ioda f s" 50 occurred-tisrde;srnI, ng l dafl Jô Pec lince, sudishorribe te relate, tise Co'jh tl -vs.Segerlycéonsuused. 015w Aiassifo.Co leved, and tise survivons continnid toi suis-- -i sist on lise fls cf tbeir dAnA couspaniena. lii Aà flAn six veeke, tise Storn aviug cubsid. irai e d, eight mou anAdliieneussu, goided b>'Ba two Tudians, set ouiteote>' te uake tisr va>' le Californie. Thse iopes of ail tisai -dent reusaiuod Sang on thi eofforts, anAdbise>' -"t slugedeà pos-alely te saceed. But ta sa week, sud bofene tite biat passol tiseBel 'Dinide, lisefonleru bope vas aguin ovin- ýWM a gLjw- e died euce; an<sm= aste tlii~bodies SmHax"v iIig," maya thse Oerland Nontly, '"DOWby beon vilisont a morauX toe al Sus- four daye oh lisee wretcitedpeople catf.l es fs-ein ise bodies c .et ted, and baîing ne , fora fresited isïemselvov upon Is pas-liou of it <sar -and" ArisA the, balance -fer falune -use, - -Bleu again pashed on. Tisis vas thoir Newnm Yosr'ls foust, it nen boing tise final et Jan. ' nc unr>', 1841. Five Aayu latin tiseis-fooeilfer 1 ires ugatu ail gene, sud. tise>' hdonîy tise - A ats-ingu.ci isanon sises t eaot.» -gani Tounhappy vnetches thon desired tod - vole leour (hein Indian guides ; but lise latter, pnrg ueeing Iheir intention, lieAovrs-tise- billes -- Si -sud vere sosu ne mono. Ou the 17th ef aise Janua-'aIt bal tarce cf tise tisteon vers pe dead, anul.cftisesasrivera lwo laid d lovi te dis.,Tise- thiniLisud <allen in vus a B iniendI>' Indien, vise conducted hlm ta a - beo settiemonit on Boas- River. Tiser. tise - te du stair>'vas tld, sud iîumedisaly expedi- ' . TI bli ssot <catis ftQi Sun Francisco sud . bai Sutto'a Fontt le scue, thase cof tise ori- ge ginal part>' vise migisi sti tbe asure. lYSat th ise eclent sdvculurens foua- aimosi hoUgassdescniplien Tisoslhst' - L issd lied rousainod visons tieir- lut sigis Kure bal bec breatisd-but tisey vere atripp. mini el et tisein OleeSb "odies hit dusucned - d 21 la>' strevu uraund lise dismal cabius, fs-eusand visicis issaed a stifing fitoe of t lise. - vise yeiived. - tissà Net cul>' nons tiseir bodies eni'oebled ansd sud ousaciated te tise lut degmoe, but vitS rere nian>', tie vos-yseul bSud beconie asolis. tuei tion. Whsie sanie velcousel their dcliv- e ffeci es-ens vus ecatacies cf je>, disons gloomy bou sud cedaves-cas, noganded theus villa bo-tis coldneSau euting almesti iiliffenence, -he lisey isavhug iecesnet oui>' r nciled tisey tetsi anbalistie diet, bat protesring - n il te - Wbolesoi food nien set betore Pa-Il (hem. Mousltretu itil.tyey mn,tsucS - Iris au orIent Sud lise'natus-ali sttofetsanie m cf tise people beome perontel, tisai to El tisy puastd aile lise flous-sud -baconsies- 'tende-oui liss, cboesing natises- tepantake notr of thes horrible feut te vhxih tbey his retro long bien sceusteusel. 'Parents yere sein - tf leeding en tise romains eft titir oilîdrots, g- e and oS'ildrn on tise. e 5 pareuts. anyti Hors a vite vas Sroiling on tise couls tise ofe na oaeSh cfber hbai -anduAseisenbee a if cnpnvremalingi reput -néon -t"dea filial-sud parental affection eenied Aea,-- - '1 tise eue Ssstinc't cf self preainvatian -xeigss. ouicp iug supreme. Hapidi>' sous. ci tis s cmi vrelcised creatunes vene Seing transtonni- - ed inta gitoals' sud deusous,' iauiug a.-i rend>' bt at uy cf tise divins traisepa- srai munit>'. ,Haggard -aud uttenusted, -tie- spoke bautilte,wviletbem baooks aud do- Det i iosuor -vos-e nl d auearthly. Toc ' t tueredible for teliot are tise stenles talA cf - vili 'tho rareous gnoed osisibiteA S>' sous. cf - amali tbese sarrung vneictes, onsetof tem as theIboE ss'id.te isavoesten' tise ontire boldy of à - menu cisitd Aurnug tise course of a single -nigisi frieui -viie anctiser insisteti on uppropnuatiug - - - mthi te bis on use tis eiants ana otiser ' - opp cern et bis louA couapanions. On thse PI oISon band, min>' refusae teasoci- tise -e flaSho atiasse obal peisisAntil tise - vor iadt hou sn partook at-lt ipmangly 51F5 itu »XeUciS .11 1