Whitby Chronicle, 4 Aug 1870, p. 4

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TotRdtesaeti. anirita 1 ol oa, That bon it ritar bb h Y le og Are cii abs bath (vers bliertory told), To kup bert nfromn gravlng eOi. ibe li@ Mr. Frodevlok Trepnell of lbe abisst lauyers ln the St., was a candi. dete for the Biats Sonate. 018 Bob Trip. ut, à dlamss:piludbt jovial ceoter, meeting Mlr. Tropneli ati be bir.roMn of sme of tbe principal- hotus, TOOetod a lmof tot.ndollar. " bob,' mys Mr. Tropasl, 'you litre bien borrovin i»eaey of ms e"VOraI tîmes -befove TIond yen Any More, I1 wrant Io knov vbetbir yeu are -golng -te, vote f« or tnet, r 6,Triplet. pnlling on onse fbis gee0& ssaturid &mls, rplid, 'Fred, fin&=ddlg 1asS wltb yen, but >oli"1c4JZ1 I m #gin Th# Parkscorrespndint ef tii POU MfU Catr ersauthat a short lime bc. for es ez.c s abilla abdicatîd, aun edrsading -vusartirid ai bteein Ber Xeajusyt>the Emperor Napolon, BRoset Serrmso, aud Giairal Primi that no Or- -jeans saald nilgu ons iîherildio<f1 he Ppmaeu. ,Ths.Bmpiror laiea do aIl hi, oau te id'tii pressai King, ÀAiphonso XiI, e oAscid thé prisent tiroe.. , 1 vs la in tMy banrbir's, a Jeiy afri- oin, sud hi vas giving me the tItillations of aampo. vhîn îthe convrsation taraud on Jones, a mimbeof tbe bar. . Biii iaqirîd if 1 knîw flm. I suver. #dl Vîflii.' DBilrîpliid, §1Hi chartes wid !M1égHe's got de liltist lied 1I@irn ssidon aul mn., "W. vir@elal aianlîd (sad 1I1last a hendfal eff hein) by e ishort fat darki7 >ing on a cettes granliag ont l"Wat's aue a man gel for a big Irunal vbi ~hi hin'i gel maay rame?" ÂA pour laboror laed an inspeient iais speech and conid net pronoance verdi villi one latter "P" vithoat staoering: eànighlionring gentlemen ueeing him dig. giag ptatoees and wiaing ta polie faunet im aiedé' "What do you eall thase îhingr yo'nî diggiagfP'# Smr, Ilsalid Pal, Il 1 danlcali Ilium: vhea I vont thçm I fetcl à scemp recenlly gala.8 aceua te h Clarndon prlnîing office, ie London, when the forma for a aev édition of il. prayer booa ofethéb.charcli of Eagland veie naaly rîedy fer the pros, and snbsuisased k for v la the :word 'live'l nhe merriage service vioe re nds thet bath promise ta love honor, etec"&"s long os ye bath shal live, "live thus maling the lest wold "'i11."The vhoii-edition vu as poisd hitone, the errer vos discovered. The International Leage of Pei and ,Lbirty, -e calili a t open ifs fonrîli congreisaon tle l2th ef sîptember. at Zurich. The Pouiah question viii b. ameng thé Internaional mnljectu discaaed. - Natnre saggeui s the hdrougbl ef tho somimors et 1868 and 1870 là caaaected vit h the rspid increase et drainage ia Eeg. land th. average summer rainfal having beiu greaîil redced freai 1860 te, 1870. A Taxes paper soys fossil romains b.. longing» ta lterIe aundiecri bed speciea cf genou elqltaa, and mach langer ihen aby * yet discavered hai recentiy ben dis- caverec inla rcher oonaty by Paof. Ecealer. Tho jaw il la caïd, mesores tvelvo seel. Mn. Lambert, an Engiieli Mamber ef Paniiament, proposes ta pay off the national dolil in îwenty..flve yeana by saninceesed lucncoe la: of 9d. on the ponnd. Ansîria itlalu houglit viii poe a ilsorte cf nov lava sradifyiag lier relations villi thé Pope, ia coaseqaence efthîe prom- ulgation oif ah. i.faibiliiy dogme. A Glasgow thiof atlis 461. tram bis cm-. ployons aad bld ilunadir a atone la a field. A dog vas vaîching hlm et the lime, reoted op th. money aad carried it home. Fôrîlior'diseacenies bave bean made in Pompoi in athe shape et fine muscal» in- strumeats made of ilver and ivary, and hoving a close rosembiencu la the Batet the prisent day. A bippapatamne liant on the river Seins vas;ons cf th. latst sensations la Parie. The animailbid bien brenglt ld OMOdieisescaeta Càs.-Mr. Case, ef Ky., coarîcda E fair videv anà vas mnitîened. Tien bl'u aaist ebler focar limes, end ahe manmied 0 buîn. Thon s&colied hum placet! n dur- suce for thlesttwmpîed mander, vli h iaOC called sa d Case, hti lnu nneced thal Ihir Rayai Higl- nmss lie Prince ad Prnacesof Wales In. G tend t i cl Idiat alibi-end ef 1871. Theu1lady pessengers on ie Naîdhez 5 vin@ seevencoe by tb. dofet of thal stusmboalliy tie Roeet E. Las liaIthey E vîpt protsiuiy. Co The leattthlag la n.ckiec.ule a ciain Co viii pendants et Brazillian bginag la ed .noiensityle liaspendants of eabwreb»au " inhoi l a esgil. , Anàthony Troliopi lias &sona vIo laa abtecp.UarinmnAntralle. TIc novelist- O le aboa(t b vIeitléie&quo and espece tt spiad a jear and a bl inl Australie. 'A uopy of -the langeai Bible la Ibo Vorld vas soiS bc tie hdey la Londoni for~ 10651 The sdivision otilt cirolu luto punods 01 of ton la boglulug tl oes.nbonsil entertained bi uathemsllean.1 cus. of tlousImimlesaade se iy île Sagmaya tht bnllents efthîe iri -volr r in thtal are gicen te stop ths vitl i <eultests afrmariage. Tihe al-Srses' hopu ai Medd eor* eod ith ponly sri'Okea pnelgrs SaZIM oma@o*sIi thelnliair. Tbc ieony of Ogypt, by a oaiai,, Iîi js tspmWa the IgWt., hitiarto the off.. dcl usas of hl# goyeramentî Eai& s ea 01 806;00men on tfo lrk«Pvu$b 10.47te s«t« and oes-. Op7 Ea9uI4 At the firvlugaal. taras." ALI)WELTý.'S ALE. Wglbavinlastock 100 Packages of ube abovi ceiebnated stock Alein, prime con- diion, wblcb w.- offi.r attii, menuise- tsrees preca' lan packages ef 10, 12, 15, &Bd g0 galions. Arl27, 187C T. Il,, ECUMLLA1 &e. e THW OZLPSTAND [ESTABLISHE» 1833-l) The nndersied in returniDg thanks for tbe liberal pýtronage hthonertendsteci te Lild establishiment, for nealy a peried et foty years, desires te, say tbatrh bu lia a nad a large essortmeat o e bmeut mocd«a and ilegant styles et wL E ~i x L And tsnets by proper attention and moderate prices to àecnre a colinuance et pubImoe patronage. Practical upbelalerlng. Furnîttmrsre-stuflod and covered. Undertaking and Funerals Fully Supplied as heretofore, gWSome splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gildiug. Remember the Old Stand- vwTm XI.E.E Whitby ,maràh 9t 1868. 1o-ly BOOTS AL ]NB SIIOES WIIOLESALE..& RETAIL. tui~~~7i 1~ S ~7 ~.N B Keeps constantly on band, andl in course of manu- -facture, the largest stock of Ladies',C ents' .-and Misses' m > > ? e r ZW=:C>m . Examine for yônurselves the excellent m-aterial and fine work- manship. 15.Apnil 13, 1870. WM. BURNS, Erock et.1 THOS. BITIES &SON, MAN'UFACTIJRE1RS 0F XXX CREAIM ALE, PAIE AIE - AND PORTER. Don Brewery, Toronto, Ont. As the propr ietor attends personally to the Brewing. a regular stock of Aes an Porter can always be dependcd.upon. Parties desirone eofliaving AIes of superior quality and Porter equil te nny imoted, arc respectfnlly solicited to send their orders for a qnantity large or =mîl and tny for themneelves. With the aieon r inereased facilities,we. ara enabled toprednco an arti- cle (ahi the year round) second te none in the Dominion. N. B.-Ordersileft with Mir. JAS. H. SAMO, at the Furniture Warereems, llroek Street, Whitby will receive pompt attention. Dec. 1 1889. 48 s.: o va c.' s., O 54 r/I o E-t P2 end FFICIýAL ASSICN-EEU GENERALAGENCY, OFFICE! '11,udrindbnu ecetveS lhe appoisne nt of Offic iai Assigne. fer Northi aOuirie lu pîiare legin. prompt attention te aIl mailrs la Bamkrpicp er I Inelv.no. W' rerY, Notes acaS Uosnt.ap.idliycolle u reSrmittanes preauptly muied. Ou gon d farin smcmînty et 8 per cent faleroat. Special Attention vifi be givun te tie mi rýgcltji)f eLÉ,ams, ari brrowev ar a sy apeusbin, ledi applications atteaded tu prîmnr,0Du alut simii i ' . - -ý" L-g Aiâe uum, batb h 1tpmý-uwuud a ni-omimpnvc conîitemmly tirzsale. Inauraces eff<.ted la 1h. Ontar'io larmoytuaaim Israno. UCompany. -- IOFFICS-Melio'sEloek, next Soor te tié Kol canadi ankEsa., tomem> Patent Hore Stocks celel Lust NoeLei Sewing htyJria4 28, lhy EOiand, Puhieys ana Ropes to match. rated mwhine and other Oils. st-Thej erson who borrowed our baud 'Shier,' ted to ret . rn theum without further notice. -. geimt for Wanzer suand Raymond's ce1ehratedl e.-;, -Plase cail and exami ne.oùr EngliÏWh-Oode; - HATOH & BROTHER, 'mporeýof Englisb, Qorman, sud American Hardware. GENLEXM4N, ATTENTION! GENTLý1AN'8 OTHING, MADE TO ORDER, CANADIAN TWEEDS Caa b. selectedl frôm, suitable for the Spason. W' Â1I kindi of Gentlemen's Fnrnishiug Goods kept constantly on band. AUXKP R I.NG L E. Whitby, April 13, 1870. mEw 00098 T)sof ùA10 Gem Rings, Bar Drops,- English Plate -.Drooches, Colored Settse vqry handsome. Spectacles". &0,,, c. JAMES JOIINSTON, Watchmsker à Jewllq, Brook[ st. Whitby. I-NSUTRANICE]ý The undersigned continues to INSUI'IA.NCE TUE 1IO«'iAL. - COMPANIES : Capital, $2,000,000. FRANCIS HEWARD, Esq., IMPERIAL5 RENTOUL BROTH'S, JOUX AGNEW, 1AGENXT, Wrny -Capital, 8-2,009,000.1 AGSNT, WnrrnT. NORTII BRITISHt, Capital, $2,000,000, MIEAD OFFICE, - MIONTREÂL. MoDOUGÂLL & DÂVIDSONt MANAGEaS. [10 M E, JUEAD OFFICE PROVINCIAL, - ' BEAD O FFM IE, JAS. SIDNEY CROCKER, ï JOHN AGNEWI AGENXT, Win3-. 1 Capital, $1,500,000.1 - NEWiUAVENÇ, CON. JOIîN AGNEW, AGENT, Wnuîrn. Capital, $ 400,000. TOIRONTO. JOHN AGNEW, SCOTTISHI PROVINCIAL, (LurE,) - Capital, $1,000,000. HEAD OFFICE,- à. DAYIDSQN PARKER, Money, at reasonable rates. Wbitby,- January 41 1870. 'j oe w c, O JOHN AGTEIW, AGzNiT, Wnrîny. Company, for the. Loan of JORN1 AGNEW Agent, Wbitby Ii 0 o r m o ni z -I s. n E2'-lPx 0"c.1 .çý.* RTx WH ITBYsX- R. BNO)W, - ]Proprietor. Tii. abov. well-banown bolel bas been tho- rougbl ~ronoviilefi ami awly fuMnshcd bz the resui'ropistrThe Stabuitig, &e, ave ~een pat'in.an efficient gIcle , ear mma monté ci ratyis. The. Table la supplled witbcverytumîg of the béasinl msson, andnone but' the beat brande ai Winea, Lîquoafa audCigare kepi astlIhe Bar. TIRE -ASSURIANtCE 00C,9 ,LOMBARDSTBEET & CHARING CROSS, ESLLBLISJJED IN 17821 GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & Co., Agents for JAMES DÂVIbt.14, Manager. I ZSURÂRORe ginet LOS13 by FIXE arc effected on the moalfevorabie terme and LOSSES PA&ID vithoat reference te the laerd Apn il rd,168. Agent, Whltby TE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSITRANQR COMeANY 1icone ef the moet prSpereas af Englieli Ineuranco Coe. Tts INVESTED FUND§ are .. 17,005,036 its DAlLY INCOME exceede .... $20,000 Its LIFE POLICIF£ are e Sure Proteciion for Oce future. Tt& FIEF, POLICrES, if,$;ed et CU]tFT BAann, lrd ample ptotection te the Merchuni and ilonsehoider. .Al tfairn daims PtompTLy PAM' nmd the at- mait liberaliiy shown in the adjnetmeat of lasées. JEeafi Office, Canada Brancl,, Jletreal. 1G. F. C. SMITII, Chief Agent toDominiorý L. FAIRBANKS JB.~ AGIMT, Wlmitby, July 28th, iS69.30 MANUFACTURED AT TIM Agricultn2ràl Warks. LEFFEL'$ CELEBRATED Double TURBINE WATE R WIIEL. ffln M05? rExoKIcAL WUIEL io .w an rua Ie rinflSE Whaus o a, re nov mhlnaf'mcanmm .Jcen ttn a aien tsomuipi tmo cm beVeml watrranting tiîom to ba as 'we il made, aud te giva as gcod satisfaction cs amy mutun- faotmlmedinithmeDominion. Parties domiring furtimer information can ob- tain it hy addrcoesing PAXTON', TATE & CO., Poriy-St., Part Pcrry, Ont. MercI, Stat, 1869. - BRI1TISH1 AJERJOAN 200. T1he m sevmmg --zw cetla m .J r Ile-- - T u shié polo1 oay 5cu orae ioens theor . lest divaerpainirsen'and apefsmt ettsehed ceai. ,50 cente. Une sharoe llV lest te wcar ont litRo lecai fi,. cf le MoceabloPpoints, thas effeci- ing a savleg thhctvll beaut anas appgrcnt te B ave< moey tben aud use-tIi MeveabieWA Peinta-.A jar TovushipRieflits for Osale. -. Preptietona. and - OsiiTL eïu, A R] Whithy,.ai.5. 1870. - - p H T 0G. R A iiis, cd cd STW 1W VA. l a 0 Um Sa sosaPOI DOMNIN GÂLJUjLtEY. lnie IF«oribchaus et Toute, fallucea c f *oneei ce -Doteil, sumd exqulsite Finish, Voit' ,_Mving made great improvemoenta inlimte iighting et ti»igalley, iiecw.titkng pc,- tares botter thonma 0,r. Tho mmv1AAembrmmdti Liotare taken et Wileon's : aise the ."Tinted. Vignette, ie new mand very beantifimi style- Ariything uew ila Pimtography. tui la worhh having, enube had mt WilisenasGaliorY. Csbinets, in freines, very 1ev. Uid Po>rtraéits netly co1iod. Poi traits emllrged te- lire itize, aud colorei min om-Wator oohors on ndia înk. Mn. Willson ii, veny succes fol -la tuRing chmdron'. picturci'. R.HWL ON Apnii 12,1870. 1 m R. JAMES WALICR,of Ahbnrn, Ont. Patterce cf the Twin Plough, AND ALSO TE DOMINION PLOLIGII, atenda ýMananing on 'a large socle tWa 'Feu anJaOc-i -'fWIN,& DOMINION P"LO*UCH*S! W- They vali be-ganmrtccd. vel made, sand lie wanikingpari ground. W rrtnies onld 4do vltasecnd in their ondens withoat delay. -' Centy Rights for sale. Ashbarna,Neremben 10, 1809.î 45-tl L IVE R Y T nE UNDE]VRIGNED DESIRES TO- IN- fz)r, hi.q frcnetd, and patrons, that lie li again remcd 1baineas et the oit1 WITBY LIVERY STABLES W llaving eneesPeci *hie nimber and qulity of the îtmd, and mliimddemi ho and lin- provedI the comvcyanoes and vohicleR on the pcmti.te, lie hapes hy hein,- in nposition tb -nmct the wr nt,, ns onstomoerse tamont a ahane of public patronage. jýrCHARG ES JIODERATE. ~ N. B.-Covoy-ed conveymmooa- for' femilie amui ladice. Promupt attendnco, ai hinclolore, N. RAY, ropnietor. Whithy, Apnil 8,.1899. 14 Ta' Mus. CUAUBERLAIN & StLte ,"COn- toy P. O., Countsj-f Lern&o, Ont., Cauada. q lIAnOO, COnlty Oethst11904 ProvinCe et Ontarmo, Pcb. u, 1669. anklea,, 1887, exi iipe, se vaiR, hi tva yeîi me, ad by trie, verse vhafl1I Pam. A~SURANCe 44 'cm -~ ~ -ppy f gFAIBAN Safr, bolie, - Lorteabv of!og.g"B re, fu Nr OIITefojeN o"Tulsr 11TEieulm. tolusre moort aaavl on P. oi v6â OLA3j Pfti on 1 bnlls.. IlOs 1 vms himkea ith avos k noie ofthlie 'wbie m nadaaling the Sprnng cf etermdelemy k ances, aud on np te my and 1 becasnmeo a k timat 1(couid mot but vasq confiaod ta mny chair. For about mns, vie titis v ensas oncuming ou i attenvande, 1t ocaniimedioSi advmco, yinaoetaditterent timmm, thre. deans. ldicimies et diferont'kinda,, p-cacibed -,d%. but oai ao evail. I contimmaed teget and vorxe, nîmtll thc Sommer et 1568, v as ladaceed te tny thegreal Sioshon-- aedy fsy recdiog lIhe canrs#u'er1rmiti, mamphliet, At hmustime I1lied begzn ta ieekceiialnmy hcndai; ln act 1 lys g aImost heilples-4. I havi laken Ive !Lcf thea iioshomesa Remcdy aud Ive ofthe.plla sund I imin enîineiy ruta t.. e 1.I nover oxpeled te gel bitter, but Tlîils'mii et mninevasu ntal sprivae varkt - CORDWoYOD & ix Taken hai exciange, snd Ccmih1 JAMES -Whithy, Apil 27, 1809. - A T A 0, TOA Th ii Sbstenubor 114nov prepsuc sooanit af Moneyf (privat. fu F.ARI PROF] WELL CUL And a quantiiy oft For particmlars cppl OFFicE.-Seô Brook iStreemz Whit D.REss mAiCIZG - -AND- Nire. Knewimug ud M* sa Clarle, leg ta am- noamîce te the Ladins of Wlith d- v icily thai thep bave opeued- bus ,in aColera St., ( muxt dooreit fthe Gnsmnmar Sc'hool,> whenethi lovl he.prepaned ta receine and execate.ai i enulen for dresba makiimg ammd ma- te ini a stipenior a.anaor nmmd after the. latiat fai4lious. Ail endors uttomded tO wltb puine tuality sud tbe stnictest aitention. MIlS. KNOWLITÇ% Wlihii, Kv MISS 9. CLARK, 4 TEETI M eEXTR.ACTEIl Iâ' WITHOUT PAIN, BU TIIE UsE CF NITRO1JS OXID' LAIJOIING GIS, OR-TUbE NEW? LOCAL ANAESTHETIC1 AT - DENTAL ROOMIS, - DUNDAS STREET WIITBET5;C. W.- BOO)MS.-Overhi Il. H.Cacbrane's Store. Whiîay, Jonc 26, 1807. - 25 GEORGE GURLET, MERCHANT TAILOR CLOTILER AND DRAPER,_ S>3]rALOONAL th. ep S eand ratefaiçon. A Wimihyn e u. 22oCotisfomw'66.t mL JOHN ROARERN's SATA LYOON,&PFE HIEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. HIEAD OFFICE, - MNTREAL. -tc ý2 ýý 1 1

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