Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1870, p. 2

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sud. Ileum, oempmad sjrup, Vissas' Baissa of Wild Cherry. E~i~~ -,Uf4rnidt. ONL'! $150 CENTS  YEÂI Whltby, Thursday, Aaguist 1Il1,1870.. ~>Ma. HoLtitr, Officiai ýAusgneej la holaed .te colieci acceunle for ibis office sud give receipta;; 'ud alime, w sue or ibe recover, cfa «coisplac.d in bis bande for colection. Thse Laemb Wa! l]Fewse Parie, t'.-Corps Legolsiff met to-day, la order or dey'$ diroîeldaga'inul tbe min. islry ; vu propoeed by deputy Alemeuti, Davernofs, sud' sdopted by a large major- fîy. OMirer. seked fàr suspension cf îht- sitting for a .(eV Minutes, Proclamation ef Marabal Law vas retirer aprecautlouary tbse impersilve massure, sud ils vigorous enforcement lenoct contempiated.. Lobdou, O.-French eet of aine Trou Clade boud le"Esi Pruia dover, todsy. Berlin, O.-Prossian Cross Gagtte pro. tests agaiesi attacka ce "Eugiand, whose jiteeulrslltylapprovas. Nertb German Gsaete, grsteful for action. SoukthGer- msuy oays,* Federat. Ooveroment vili atudy to revard it.' -London, O.-Laie sdvices front Shang- isse, report féers entertainsd of suother attack-ou foreiguers, aetIAentzin, sud gon. boat&le hras tren to sbeli the City. Paris, 9.-14 Liberîs s&&y&, Emperor k la neiglhourhood of Mtz. corps of Don. Frossard bas uited vwith that of 33zaine Wlho nov hae 150,000 mon, the Ove Journals that signed Democratic msunifdsto bas beau wsruad that at the firai revolntsry movemaut they viii ha suppreseed. Baerai persons said te b. Prusenspies srrasted bers to.day. Liban. -publishes -foloving account seen te day about Hall cf Corps Legislatiff, at oue o'clock. Groups f ormsd before the Haill- which grev grestar et every moment sud sc.on ibere vers more ibsu 10,000 persona assembied. There vere, boy. ever, sho.. frein lime le lime cf abs la Prunsis sud Vive France. Paris, .-Officiai Journal after de- scribing ,resources sud psîniolic spirit cf a nation vhich bas alvays beesa an ob- stacle le Proasisu ambition, uasats cf ber pover would like to sas Prussia msking uorth sud Balulo ses-Prossian Laies iuvsdiug $ailer stales sud sn. qniring dangerous prependency, faverable signsarsrs siredy appareul, Eugland ats- ied vhether cstegoric assurancecf France has*P to wreuder succor te Nortberu frontifr of France by causing Belgian Nerway, sud Daumsrk. Pôpalar feelinïg la viti Frinos sud ihe Emparer. Ruis * gives preofs ef besi nndersîanding vith France, Ausîrisansdliîaly.ara arming sudý w iii cause embarasement to Prupsia. diPlemsci is net more ile than French * arma iiibu, sud France viii prove ashe vili net b. degraded lu 1870. Hamburg, .-River Elbeclcosed, 10 praveul anîrance cf French fleet. Paris, 9.-Correspondent cf Le Temps describos interview beiveen the TPrench minuster aud Cardinal Antonelit, 27tb it. The former baviug rand Orammont's de- spalci, directing evacustion cf the Romau statue by F"rench trope, Antonalli said; Imperiurbaily I viii mention ih 10 boly fathar. Tàon 1 msy expect an ansver iu the evening, euquired the minuster. Cardinal repliid,. [1shallreceive 700 vith piessure. la tbe evening Marquis de Banuervilie eslied on Csrdinal, sud the folioviug brief reflequy look place. Marqui-Wbsî dosesHis&ilolinase aay. Cardinal-He soya Qed viii provide fer nme, may 1 nover ses French troopa &gaiu. Marquis-lo that al. Cardinal-Ail. London, Aug. 9.-Tinies tbinlis U, S. Congrues mod s great mistake ini adjour. iug, vithout heeding pres. Qrsnt's sug. gestions, 4u4,cspôcislîy vithout providiug for resaitWiob cf ils merchant nsvy, nov Perisbiug auder fatal tariff. Blirminghamu* ent petition te L)ndon prsying Prederva.ion 'of Eugland's non- tralisy., Atheus vis. Paris, 9 -Greak Goveru- men uttoaasit Englieh Jodges seul, tbera le invsigs.oeircumsanscecf 'ma. sacre of fféreigners b, Brigand#, British inistars protested againsi course cf (loverment- Londn, Ag. O-Regtta Royal Yact Suadoonleserdy, ffRydie cap, vus yen h b>'Shoeer Egeria. Londen, tt-Thi Tîmsa scribes Froec disaster 1tisah Empcnor's obstinocy, ini re' - tnsiug sonmiliiany amvice. Andite is Ilinus, the lÏmes says : Parties lu France wli'make (hae Emperor puy penalties cf bis 11I smnecas; Sis nainei sinlesmyi>'i- norem Inluthe acte b>' vicb regcncy mals te ral>' peeple. Thiugs arrange Ibamacl vas s if e vas net expeccti te resurne the powr ; as if testiug hov hc ay>'h. tilapensai vithi sitogaîben. The oui> question la, Wvome siuirâfinl nîbr lime ven abdication 1 PAxie Sh-Americans berc recoiviug their pasapents. Miuisers-mave lasuadth ie fehoiug proclamation. Freucimen:-ffle bave bold thlm, hobe Irutbi l is fer yen aicv 10 .o yonr dut>'. Let oueabsout ,ome froua one cuti et France le the othen. Lot the people vie vilS ech cuber lu ans- taining lta. great cauae,.'Boume of curirre- giments base fahen before overvhelming munbrs.- The anun>'hue net been deéat- > d;* stistain IL. l e ie orbunale antis- dity ofthlie moment, let ns oppose benadihy. t th îe iniabilauts of aIl parte of France mnel be- subjacite th e b rden oethie var - rush t'> lie assistance eft lisir broîheri. Iu tise Eutet 11France be motfullyIevn4bleus our arme 1"1 Leudon, 8-lb. cabie special 10 Tri- Zauesys a-Neye Irons Paris grovi -bourby more serions, noue bot official se- teni eaountscooseb>' tolegrnaph. îî cs froua bolier sud Paris journal%, thstaI intelli - gece muet be gatisareti. Doarsîlon of B ofe t eleleParie, domonet represe la imnht a heer I y i>'miubh.. domo ntrstieu. The Bepoblicaus 'beltee theirhourapprs",antiParle, aI tble loet a se bîkeJly te rise. ealut napo0- ecopy. mou orday. ml . evards Ne ýrencb fore a se l f'del w57 belWeKlaiz anti raras.' -Tis wboescorps cf iie Presimnre- serves aresasid tb beomoviug sud coming- nup vits lb. adiance. ,The Prusa" jrmy ia uu4dr '15e comiusnd etf.15e Crevu Prince, ad suler@poried le he sdvsuciug rspidly oo g-bae-iline te, Parts Laiest advices by cable coufiri lb. de- test o eMMlou sud -Trossard'. crMe sud the reiresi oh the Frenchb w 1te lu- tenior. Number, of prisouers eatiumatedl ut 8#000 1>6 Fruss asu rumy are.nOw'-du TPrench iarrlt.ory, sudsdvauclug on Paris. Tihe Jeurnal Officiai' asys, the defence of Paris la as pred .thp i wui equire an s &y1mç,apillouof moni 4e Invest Ibe forliflcalions, whicb ,000 wold suffice, 10 dcfçudthons. Tbere aire troc ps endugh in sud arouud tise city to moke 4 'ýau #rîny, i p,99 uç!e toSondimou, 'The. mprauss basissned tb. folloving prcimaioa : Freuchmen.-"The' open. %ug cf the ver bas net been favorable le nsi. Be firm, nuder liis reverse, sud let us lasslero repair il. Letl there be, but one psrty in thme land, tbat of France; s single flag, that cf the National Bonor. 1 corne srueg yen faitbfnl te my mission sud duty.. You wiii se me liee ral in danger in defoum the flag cf France. 1 adjure ail good citizeus tw inaintain ordcr, tc agitato veuld he te conspire wih bonr A speciol train bus been sent te briug back-tic Prince Imperial to Parts. La Liberte ayi; that 100.000 Italiaus viii b.e flgbtingwith the French in s feu' daya,unuder s treaiy ef alliance offensive iud delensive.. Anstris, ih'isla aid. re- mains the Audtris cf 1811, sud bas soid herseif le King William. If vidtory shonîmi croavu the French urin.a bc viii wcil remeuiber Italy und net forget Aus- tris. Stirring news expectemi from the Beltie, whcrc il. je mid the Canes are joinfug ltme French, miking Elameire lb. busc cf operations. Private ueapitciîea from Strasbonrg re- port thut bMcMpàhon Seat lime Prussiens, ou thie cvning cf te LIme ti, iat the latter-cva. cîmotcd Welascnburg, and that telegraphie coinînunication hum beau recslablished Il i. reportemi Ihat on the Oth ,Jhere vonimi Sie about 15Q,000 coneuntratcd near the town. The loss cf Ihe Pnîssians, in the rcceut cugagemant, reachemi 10,500, in kilied, wounued sud primouers. The French forces detcnding the howu vero but ight or heu Ihonsaumi strong, while the altacking perty numbcrcd fuily 40- 000..- The eneiuîy vas so scvcreiy cripplcd thal h. could uot'follov tb. French wheu they retired. The French liave broken tise Prussian lino, while their own romains intact- Tbe àamy -cf Buden ba-ýs' îs'd the Froîich.frautiar, and inied cm. bustiiun the river, lhree French were killed, aund one wouuded. Advices concur lu re - poutih thetb corps cf 3McMaboa Ave- aavanoing. Affer a, bruas wiib the Prussîsus lust dév'éiii,tbey nov-, occnpy sud hold stroug positions-cu the Bavaian froutier. The'.e6ire.French lino la kepi in intimi ,,eoniunuitntiou by u nder- ground'telegrmin1 lwires. e -1 BeRacus, 5.-Tisa tolloving despatabes from Pressisu sources have Seen necauvomi frein Niodoeranhci, a amaîl village ou tisa Otter river, oser Weissenborgh, datemi 6 o'clock, Tisursdsy evening. We bave won a billianut aiiloody victeny. Tisa left ving vus the attaekiug body, sud con sisteti 'ettise 5tbasd huisPruasian Corps, vitb tise 2ad Bavanisu. This ferca car. iemi by an asasult, unden the eyes cf tise Prince Royal, the Fontreas cf Weiseeu hurgis sud the beigbîs. '[la consequenco of s ihunderstrin, tise vines ceasm verk. iug t this point.] Cen. Douay bimseaf vus kilied, Ovle prisouers vera laken, mure of tisea vera veoudami. Mauy Turces vere among the captoremi. Ths Prusoisu Genarai Kircis- heek vas aligisîl>' eundami. Tise Royal Grenadiers ansu4 ise disRegimeut- cf..îbe lino siaffenetibe'avy loses. Lenees, Augumi 5.-A Trench Cerpa le maid te have movemi lest cigisî ou Saur Louis, viser. absile vue expected. Tise tovu cf -Sasnhouis is reportemi to'bava been capînremi by tise Trench, but tise raport le net coufirmemi. It is saiti s cavalny skirmish occurremi neun Lsnterburg, yesteu-day, lu vbicis fit- teen French defeéatei oee hodremi sud fîy Proisiaus. PRaIS, dh.-At tb. camup nahCialons,1 lai eveing, the Garde Mobile W da grand ilumination, in houer of theo cap. tura ef Sasrbrncken. Tisere a h ibeau previousiy onne ligisi insubordinationasamong tisa Garda, bel fa- vorable uova endem tisat st ecc. Plais, tis-Freucis Cen. Bergine ss a reconoehre(, on 3id, baîveen Sur. brucker sud Suar Luis, to observe meve. meo thie Prussiens. Tise>' vone fouemi net t e mîl. an>' fôrce lua that oigbbor-. isoom. - L.ommeo, S-'6tisre TYses of tis meu ing 55.7 it 15 te plan cf Prlouise Coin maner-u-hle, Cn.Moltke, has beeu necoeti>' ehangei, nous defousive <o offen- sive. Tbe ativauce mbt France is sret- oued. Ilt s possibleir bat' Prince Fred'k Cisalas .ilpeala 'fonvard anti attack Maur>. Tiers la'a raporît hat Frnenrisers bave captairedti byePruasian guaoeasil Ise Balaie. No gresi bttis bas yei been fougbl. lis. féocing are the lateet items er auy interest, viicis 'cil trous a- heap et tebegraphic rebbis. Puais, 5 3.1Ufp.ýÂll lb. Trench tu-oep, buisae Iai>', are expected, o e ie Graan frontier, on lie iltis insf. Thons ère father dotsils of'uhe Star- braek affar' lise mitraillePueis sait l hase vorked, vith dedt efroct. A butta- lion of Prussians vusnom upletehy <brokeus, sud- disappesrrad lu disorder bobinaitbe nuerest eevor4 ise' eý rceb ois lea e perti, C ilimi sud 0 Ovomidemi. lb. Proulan bus leamDolkuovu, bat lereokon- ead st 250. Auseugal tie priacuers tube. b>' the Trench vyes11*4Prmsisus- 50 o eibeofe 'thé Prouisa reserlve jque a ,3eae b et.Grsud Cismberîshu, lite Dnka cf Nasau,'-A staff oflr *wu seat b>' lb. limperor teo.luiiu b. hepelacuers, and viii enters ttthîe>' b. indI>' Ireslti. ilots ef thcse Organe (even Consomption lu its .pnimany stage), are speedil>' cunct, andI mone ahsnuing symptomi preveutedi. Prics $1 P0 a houlla;. 6 fer $1 50. §old by spethecaries anti by, Candi'hi h Co., vioesale agents, Monîreal. Tu T &aisMùtti>z-Caonsva-m Tx- quzsT.-- New York, Aug 4.-No facts, octber of Iuleret or importance. net pro- viul>' mamie public, vere eictd ti itise Ntimian inurdor huquest. to-day, wiic, atter lb. examinuiln ot Officare Maguein sud Eva"ns, sud Ive carpenlens ennployed lu iSe bouse tise day beobre lime murden, vas adjoimmuet nutil Mouds>.' lisee sons et the deceasecti ene preseut turing tha. preceedings-Wasbington, le whom sus- picion Sas Secu dinectemi, oppean inl goSpiyits,Wqi t'e s lererPa sudn dejedle. , L Il"Il Peolice Superinleudent Jourdan la lu pos- session cf positivc evimeuce proving thee lu' noceuce of bots Fredcruck ana Washington Nathan et the inonder cf Ibeir faîher, but ol Smake it public for,& day or 'bye. lhe Irlei cdamy of Music is 10 b. clesti uonsequeu'ee' of'the refasai of tise The rnssian Vsctory bu amuo u911S The. Daily N"-oqul, s bacscefôrth wÏmay lôoYk-for rim1ÃŽyimîsd blows, The. Fïreùcb Omperor colnuot' 1euier afferd 10 -cenuul mere miiiary iutereats. Tii. de. feai st Weisseo4utg>i mtu$b. vlped eut ai vhattvr rco' Al v" kuov cf1the, character of the French army bide de lock for a serions atampt tb avengeibsir de. fu. I le belivad thera lesa slrong epposi, icon lu the. Eeglbsh cabinet te, propcsing lb.bauet vo ~iiio;aud 't4aI Lova resisted ilt rom an univillianuse'lpart viîh hig surplus asgo vét>emtoutiy bat lb. li'ied ef rasignbn. Tioae i% story tbal England bad preseuted su ulCtiWatum te Francs, sud Prous respeeliug Belginm, but h us à&gsusrailiy disbellevred; Tvocf the, ring-leaders c f -îthe Garde Mobile, it le eported Who seugbt tu0 cresle a motiny vere ýtried ulthie druueand, hby Court Martial,0 sud shot. The Prussians have looded the Saar- brick cuai minas, vhiem produeed 3,0ê0,- 000 tons yearly, qne hait cf vbich vas ccnsnmed in France. The Member for sou'th 'Ontario.-A Public Meeting'Demaàuded.- A lettor frcm s supporter cf Mr. T. N. Gibbs, (ail1the lust clecticu.) dlaims our attention for a moment. Our correspond ti, it woi4id appear, wants Mr,- T. N. Gibbs té give au acenn t fbis steard- ship. AUî fair. And-if Mr. Gibbs cun axplain bis protectionist votes, bis York Rcads job votes, bis vote -aud snpport cf the Manitobah bill, snd hiselaivieh amie. rencealo the Goforomdent îbrougb îhick sud ti-veli, vo shahl be satisffod. By ail mens letus have -a publie meeting, sud, es our correspondent bas i-ltintha spirit cf British fair play," give the' mem- ber for Oshava a fair hesring. Lai him' face the music And lai aveet William McDongsll ha mvited 10 gîve bis opinion cf bis o.d prolege. EvtitvomxveD nPrcms.-The grealesi -cerlaiuly cue pf the grealeaît desidera- toms-vo kuov of, as weil for the re- porter for the press, as fer the profession. ai and ordiuary business man, la the- everpoiuîed pencil, with meveabla lords. They are cf the-Fahre mianufacture. Sold b, L. Allen, al 20 cents. Book aud Stationary store, KrFdk street,Whhy The majority cf the ratepayers cf Osha. iav providlding for theerection ofasTovu Hall, and tlb. purchse.cfa public Park.. The Viidi.aior 5575 "'Thero ia su amonicof cld'fogyism sud seifibunesa in tho lovn that is doiug il grevous ~r VitLUAàptErFPitue voRSALE,-Mr. At- kinscu cifers a yalosblstarmn fof sale - Lot No. 12, 4th con., Beach- H12AL1TUla Sa ov.Topreveut or congyuer diseuse le oeeof the grandest attaininenîs ever aimned ut by man ; sud Bryan's Pulmuuie Wsfers viii as sure cure conghs, colds, tickliug lu the brout sud plmonary cocipîsinîs, se var sud pe..îiienco viii deatroy. Severe colde if net atteuded le sooner or later iead to incurable constmptiou, and the strsngth cf tie strougesî oon fails if negiected. The readiestansd bâtstae known for tbe cure cf these complainte s ia* i3ryau's Pulasonie WVfers," vhich have beeu îboroughly îried for the lest twIenty yeers, sud bave nover beau kuevu' 10 fail. Singers sud punlie speakers viii e lso derive great beuefit from tb. use cf tbein. Soid by eil medicine dealers, ut 25cîs. per box. Tiî*s no vndelr ibuLt invalids bs. faith Itory il thePl simpiy thé rercord I have' uouing 10 s it lepreseutadl vwiil douhîl eseà infant Sovereigu, sud t ' ""à'et publia:ý affaira. Thbe rge..no y V à ' li'vosied inuth. Esri 'et Ârac, aon II, ,4o Eogiand, havmng deaut h1ý- and et Mary in marriaga for hi yadeb rogeui's rejedlion oe-thé posaI occa- sioued a ver, inewv;h tise ta rde featede ai the baille of burgh.' Lt tise oge of sir, the Young q. n vas seul h7 be;r mther te Eîýsuee, whtreseva educated In s Couvet, snd si rae teha been f otarcted. lu ever lin et lesa. lug sud pol. eaccomplie bhichisu tashohsbie et ai ssperi *1 Oîb,, lOdS, she vas marriad t , dauphiu, afierwards Fraud* If. H '~ about six menthe afier bis le'esao f b."erevu lu Decamber, 16,au vidoved quaon returne&, Ilseo ho *bsfuture incidents ocf bi.lite a of veli- kneo ü,history,.-sud, e sebey area a comparstivaiy sljgh liceocftho muet important ea u oly 'la odocod bore lu adjodicatiug beleen our forrespond. enta, The Q'aaen, baving te evei over- tures of marriage front variosquartons, gratified ber Inclination by ùniting hersèlf vith ber cousin, tii ycsugsud haudioma Heury Sturt, Lord Darnley, by vbom ashe isecamo tise mothercf James VI, Daruley proved a proffligats sud b~tfibus- 'baud, sud' a .veb'k sud vonthies Mon. Excited by jealciMy hoasai! the Queeo's secretary, David ,Uizzisat10-ho .asrdorad lu- ber preseuce, and offeredbler, i osuy esr dignities, vhich produced an epen quarrel haee49n îem., An apparent' conciliation iook place, îihen Darnley, vh bhami cou- tiuued te reaiqe sepurately frem the queec, vas assassimqted, andi thoe'boute..ho bs.d iuhabited vas hiovu up viîb guupovder, lun Fehruary, 1567- Tha harbarous crime vus but imporfectiy investigsied. lu tbe mentis of buy foiiowiug lb.é imprudent Mary vedded tbe Earl cf Beibveil, vho vus opouly aýcasem as the,,mordorer of, Dartileyô Scoolaund soon hecame a- acene cf coufusisu sud civil discord. 'e po pie rebeilod sgaiust tha autbority of tisa queen. Bothvell, a fugitive sud, au, out lsv, îcokÏafuge lu Daumark-.; sud Mary vas mudea captiva, lreated viib insoît and côutempt, sud committemi te custody lu the custie of Loch Leven. Atter soute menths 'confinement, eho effectei ber escape, 'îisrougbDouus-s. vol kuovu sgoucy, sud, assistemi by ettachad f iends, sho madie aun effort fr tise recovery 'et ber polaer. 8Sh. vas epposemi by ber illegitimate brother, lbe Earret Moray, natural sou of James V.)woisshdbôbtaledireeu' y lu the- minenity or ber s0 'Ïe battJe of Laugmide ensurel the tri. 'io power, oaisfedmitoEugland, o$Dsough tt1mt prolêdiiou of Quetin Elizabeth. 'That princestreated ber vit alil-tise jealeo of a persoual asmi pcilckrvl sud . keepiug hen prixouer for eigisîeen yearî, mhe causemi Mary te be tniomed executed for aun llegad couspirscy againsi bar gui. erumeul. -Mary neceivomi thanevsa cfber âesîined fate vush grebt sereuiiy ;vrate ber will','sâibaviug prepanemi henseilifor deatis, by prsdtising tise cerpinooles en- joinemi Sy the catbolic fsiîb, téw vbh ah vas devotediy sîtuceisd, suffèeemidoapita- tion, Februury Mi, 1587, 19 time caotla cf Potheriug4y, visere she hsd heen 5se-long lionduem, sud, ou Auguat lot, feilowiug, vus .intoremi, itis peut pomp, lu tise catisedral cf Peterborough. Tb. character« been madie tise subjeci et *mach contre- versy. Quoiug tise opinions'-of Goois,' Tytier, Wîituker, Bell, sud professer Rau nie, Sir Walter Scott maintains tbe opin- ion, tiat, eihber direct or lacit, se. iam uotising te do vush the munder of lima on- forunuate Darnley. -Tise great error of ma!,ryinjý,,Bothwvell, stali us ne'ha wpsby universel suspicion cf Dornleys-umqrder, is a spot upon ber cheracter, fer visich va lu v ain seek feran apology. Wisat ekcrue ahé is te deriva frei tise brutal ingratitude cf Darnley; viet ,firmeintiaperfidy sud cruelty of tisa ierceat set cfnbies vise existem inluauy age-; visat from tise muýn- ners of a îite lunvisicisaassîuiatmou vus ofien.esteemed s virîne, sid suJnge tise duisergae ofa dabtacf houer, muai b. iaft to the cbariy ef tise. reader. W. ratfer or cerreapoudeuts to Chsiman's. Lite cf Mary, (1818,) sud Mies Bungar's mameirs, Mu. EoiveS, Sis ' .&S .u9..j Tisera is oometbiug usila, anti - A PICKERIING FARMER. censlaul' nvel, lu accepting à tOmmui- Brougham, Aug. 8, 1870. cation anti replying te il, lui one sud tisa saine, isaue, lu is skia 10 icokiug into -ibyTvslpCnci man's baud, sud then playiug yoor hoit htyTwsiCon" card. But you havenet von tise tniL-k yet, Brookiin, Aag. 1, 1870. Mater Big. Anti nov ton a frfiudiy dis. section of joar commente. "Flooniehiag Council met pursuans te adjoarnuseni. f usiion," quotsa'. Weil, I admit tisaI 1 Members preacut, tbe Reeve, Deputy. isandie the* inuoe destinyw'itisent gioves. Reevo, anti Cooncilbor Tvoedie. Simiply 10ta lpare viths imuim a"trodb le tisa Reeve in tise chair. ,'Minues etlut verid,I' vouimi be a -iii>' exhibition. I meeting rndtansd appnoved.- bit isunt because hberots no forbear- Ou uietiou of Johe T;veedie, secoudeti suce. I have given bit ovu vcrds, as by John Wiilis, resoivet: Thal lia reeve uisay araeon -record. 'ot impartial jotiges b. sud.lisarab>' amiiorzed 10, graut- bis deive. As to the lungsilantny' cf, stying orden ou the tressurer, lu favon of Jamas lb. emprees "Maidame Eegeee," *li- Causpheil, for the saset $60, fer f614ig consider "masdamnal"s'uffcioni bomae for 'in bridge on Buse-lina. tisa boilady -in tlb. land, . I lspias,' donnait, thon adjoumnet Ontil Angesî 15, *heu desenved, ailtosile' epc t*hoI _t ust lliTlavehall, ai 2 P. us. 'beau sexe,' and le uiversalij tii. prafix.., .1 1.iý in France, in, s princea, -a duabhesq e,'o auj On Yniday hast, ea iseflersmj tilalar dmes.; do net iasae n'o Brook ln,' a sounet ..B. Biehle, Baq. bati the -viitues yu ea nspiasse t w boyer upo 1n a narnev escapë vuS -bis lite.Th li bule, Beg4.1nie, but, if aacb doser"e'sa"iince," tfeliev isti gene up netairansd feil luto a viser. &bail va place Floneusea %iîghîi. iietfrOUs hieh tiseY vans uaking bran gaie ?-(pardou, "Mademoiselle F. N."1) tirougb A ipont 'beles', his: lega came -lb. mens axbibittii cff seeh te compu o wtbregbib.he poal. but hie body' voulmi uot. ait gacti sud really noble vomen ; but f., Hie faiher eplit open the speul anti rehoaest have the luek, if laeh il b.e, l~gefu sa bini. Fou- îree hoans le yas s mtter et îMpaihal crevnas telbarevamd. ,Too oten 'doubt vhether 1he voulti recever. Hes' le tisa sati eohl proes-- - -' gaîtiug aloug ail right noy.-indicalo'r-' "A politsla dp.rturbstion-sabodconu-e i Thst keepmUthe portsof alurnîser opena vIde, A Lundean telegna mtates thal Offenbacha To man>' avatciin thlb Opera. Bouffe composer,, iaeugb a Ger. Frane, 104 P ae sd, lob 1#, O ain red ua, baspublished'a Frnceh var gong, en. YonUbi i bat IonUroDt g coAdr titledp, "Qed speeti tht.e Fperor.'5 werest te sanelima required eewiere, jintI 1 kucw that I was beiug au;touslY lookemi for. by soe more, deserving s .tient&. lowaver, after s great .at--e troubte;,athiçh wae jnucb jpicras4hb ýnuntnly atateo 'emy pati'ent, I aucceedmi,. villa my vile'îf assistante, ilu cruspleting.. tb. opération.' But uiy ieik vas nôt 7et doue ; I baif estll10 gel rimi of my patient, Who, cf ceurse, bail let in ail a greaa deui cf bod, 1 seul ber cempanicu for John. Suyers. hocome, au'd devise some meens et gettiug.ber boume agal-. Ho cere,;but matde an excuse, tbat, bâvîngleeu sick,- h.',i vfscee eai t lo'tend te tise matt , aud left ugein ýwithent doiug ouytimîg. By ibis lime.il Sud gel te Se bctween.12, sud 1 o'clockb sud I b.d tw look np a cou- 'stable aund take ber ssy jluin b1xt. aher scine bnting. 1 succedmi;a hore-a nd buggy vas procuremi, uud<she vas- taken' boume, te my intense relief. bly snrgery, as muy ne sup1posed, required te b. set iu, order, (botS my visitons bad-been troublemi witb sickes oeth1e shomach,) sud iristru meula le ,bc toaken care of;. after ,vhicb I' bud le go cul and ~visit . evcral- patients. sud meke my apelegies for nmot -boving doue se ut au calier beur. lum additionî I -bud'to givesoubsequeut ollendinco Io thme case, sud provide ali tha material ucces- ary, wbicb, lu a urgrical case, ta net ai- ways a trifling mutter,asud, it is, hordiy uacessery t admi, the euly reinru inhicli 1 ever recoived vas the cousciounesa of laving penformned a dnty wbich, had I evon toit se disposed, I could net .sbirk, Why did 1 notge te lthe conucil Seggiug for pay ? Aund whmy do phygiciani; geuerally udoPt the saine course ? Thme public, who expecL se mnch frein ns, should binsis for flie reisous wbicb readiiy sug geai lhemaelves. Ib is a shaume lmaItiho medicai cere cf the sick poor, whicm ongimt tbce a public burden, simculd, as a mile, fuIl upen cur shoulders. Thisaund the borne'ond ceuvenieut uctiýns wbicb se genersliy prevail, with regard lu lime tino vimen a phyician's acconut onglat lu b. puid, if paymeut reaiiy Se considered obligatory ut l al, andi net a malter of fa- vor,,g arh1e roui substen 'tial gievouces et lthe profession ; wvus these pointa satis- factcrily disposemi cf, législution, vilS re- gard tle tha practiceocf thea pofession,' might very we-ii, se far aI least us vo are concerded, Se dispensediwitb. The asu&-' gestion that yen make, thet tb. mayo's sanction be obtuine inluthie finit luttauco te entitie a physician te recever-lime amount cf bis dlaim, la a valuable eune, sud viii, I hope, be gcnenshly ucted upon. 'Thene is anetmen cognute malter, te vhiich 1 may jusl ailude. Iu a smallicountiry'- lowu, the surgical praclice is so imîtemi lun cient, sud me diided, t t i o ms no. pay auy eue practioner te provide himseif witb a complele ussonîmeut cf sungical lu- strumeuts aund uppli-mces ; scmne et hich une very rureiy required, but, vimen iseemi- emi, may be et vital importance, as ton instance, a touac-pnip, wiîicb, if ever. se ntu uhhueeded, conimi net, us fan as 1 amn avar?, bu had inluthb. cnuly. Ougimi not soute équitable provision be mode fer this publie uecessity ? It very coriiuoniy happcns thet thoge wime neemi this kind of beip use h'mrdly, if urT'ol aSie lu pay fur il. Voumnm, îrniy, W. 0. EASTWVOOD. belons the Milleios. I sam serry m7 photegrapisof Nsp. does Dot suit yoar notioes et lb. beautifel. go fern trout being f'silly' I boimi i to e a dAelicicns, h le true to nature. 1i base9 use liae .jokar o ean sougb. 'tes, d"h&vk-ueOsed-srsx.moastebe-poica T-rtuffe'-tt faii b..ho- .ouiny, vouder .pretty .'Eugenîae' jiid noi chooe(bafera r aile usariemi elmigrim, of ceunie,), pue -of ih cent-gardes.' Bol vbst von t the 'd'aningsý'do for diamondeahatddistiuction ? 17 quita agree vils yen u10 ho ie usual do- iugs cfomperere, kiugs sud prineel, lu hye-gone osys. But, 1 ropeat, "Ivwo vrougs do't-make one igb." Mereover, ve live lu tisa -lOuiscentury, ausmiisoman- ising icarvela aroumnd sud about ua, huclumi- ing "iGreut Exhibitions," vwbicb surely oogbi taibave &but outi mitraffleurs. Tise compliments sud fêtes you speak cf vare ail maltera, ef course, sud inttal ceurtesy. Your correspondentueouldJ not make Nsp. III. a perjurer and s par-, venu, certaiuiy noî amake. He bas provemi bimseif sncb. Nov for s pantiug bit cf fun about "lMadame.'9 Talieyrana, in reply te a diseousolate vidow, commeucemi tisa "Ahis1 Madame, &o., &o., in due oeme sequeuuce. - A mentis laten, "Madame" su-, nouncemi ber second. marriage ; Tai. ne- joîeinemi: Oh I Madmand veni in minis fülly-Ob Madame 1 Ais i Ma- daine i "viva la hagotelle."1 . P. Mn. Gibbs, M. P. To ilice Edilo f.1heWitby Clronicle. Time wuvas onveu r epresen. tatives etftisa people thougis i l;vorth vie te cail the people togethen, sud giva. su accounut fieir stevandaisip. But, I suppose, like msny other goomi olmi cus- loins, tisaI lime cf day ia passemi by. I voîsmi for Mn. Gibbs et the lasti ,.ecîion. 1 vetemi for hlm ou tha soie gronmi tie h vus au bioneat, net su important candidate, (part cf your evu teacbing), sud fremi iat "geomi timae' up te tise present, I have nover seen bis procieus face lu Ibis part et 'to venld. Net but that, I suppose, ive ce ',iÃœve wvitbouthim. Bot itl uimi aa sort et satisfaction 10 mshum, sud bear 1rais..t haobemi le Bay, once lu a vhite. I sus Dot oua of thosevise teck -Mu-, Gibb's mouey ; I refusemi tie round main of $100 fer my vtem froin bis ageut, aund I afler- yard bone.ed ve ollars frein-a fnieumi to psy my evu expenses to go bto t on hum. Hoevven, îhst's neitber boire non user.. W bat 1 vautt le o i a.to ask veulimiiinet b. vortis Mr. Gihba'a visila tu cali a public meeting, cf bis consti- tuents, sud give thoin an adcouut of bis stwardsisip. Mn. -Gibbs'» posiin wouid peint snobcurseonaas necesaary. Rim aedtiou vas cuaidlu bis favor ondon au extrsordiusry 'c'oiniation of circnmteu- cas. Tise goserninut of tise Dominion- tisa goverumeut et Ontario, sud tiha gev.' rnumeni bocks everyvisore, (sud, #if the trutis Se toliithie secret service mcney,) ahl dimi duty for Mr. Gibbs. Mn. Brovn hami ail limaIte oco2taumi againîf, us vel us Din. Gibs's active nuscrupulous agents, sud isa n evef-sufficiently at home. Andi Mn. Gibbs von. Nov I vaut, in, tbrougis tie colinMUS cf tise CuuezcLE, te bear vbot Mn. Gibbsbas to aay for hiniself i -to give us in shsort an account et bis stewerdship. As I cemmeucemi by sating, iî is a line.honored casucin ; but, vush sncb paliamontanies as Mn. Gibha, perisapa more boncre inluthe brescb tissu in îisa cobservanca. Try aud let us have s public meeting, sud let ne, ile s pirit cf Britishs tain play, beur freinisa alips su acconuntof visai b. dimi. A lis mne lime, could net su invitation be exteudemi to Geerdie Browu, Mn. Muedougali. (Mn. Gibbeaa hiiom fni6a.nd d loction sdvo- cale,) John Saumilm, asumoincuer magnales, vhe could t:irov ligimi ou the prement position cf affaiias. You tny il pieuse, sud let us bava ii ou tho goverumoînt batth. gronumi of Eonsth Outanlo 1f 1 amn, Sir, snd Kennedy droroap htaiii. beuse. I vsa , paying ne atteentintoa hin tA -vîia Davay, but 'as 1f hnud rottnd 1 'Èeind ~ ie' iepÃ"t oit cf apatol, suddav a euâ' hirt hmuiug oven ile lfibrest, It)ýv'ey ibouted "Doctor, l'as killed," simd Mn, Dixon sud mysit mn- tevarHe lp.' kins sud 'Davay, sud grusped th. pistol. 'trous the formersbaud. -Davey vas bolmi. iug on- te bis autagouisî uswiti ail bis sîrngtb, puhiing him te the groud, Davey ai 111e saine lime falling vUS hlm. [ held BfFkinia dovu vbile Dixon vraocis- ad the pistel uul et bis baud, H., exclaius- immg "I bave anoîher for yenu," I conîrivemi te boim him vimile Dixon examinem isi pockéta sud finding noue, 1- ullpved him te stand np.e- Wa then carnfed)isvey ine- -te a heis nom anmd faaing tisai Hepkins 'migisi sîhmpît toëentai thea1houu., ccid tise, deoras ui axminemi thoevoud. -I -fouud ou exemining Divey's ciseat tisa.' bis abint v«aseburuedi foia 'cousidenable 'space sud ibat bis underabict vas sature. tad vitb, bleedt. Onu-lifting' ap, lImeeI -feud acsmal voand a Uitile Bb1ove and ho tise rigbt iué of the left, niple, the skid about iî Seing dankened mi vusguupovden. Davel vas very faint, bis puise eoeld amot ho toit ut the vrists, sud as tha-vcand wva immediaîaiy lu the region of the beant sud isamipenaîratmithea ugi, ' cunsîderemi thai the probabilities verej tisaI ha voulm iedu. Hovover, b. bu sliebtly impreveil. - Tise Rev. Mn. Hilîcu, the paster of Breekton- Epimeopal Cbuncb, Seing sent 'for, hindi7 attendemi nutl s priait trois St. Mary's Parisb, ho vwhicb Mr. Davoyl belenga, urnivemi. As bis conditi.on vas almost bopelea, tire Ilut rites of the Cisurcis vera given hume. Mr. Deuisen, the County Magistrale, sud Dr. Lizans, isud the fehbovin; sou- vesastion wvhsDavey, lu vbicfr the latter gives assteenl as te, the sffray, and aise us te tise dispesition .fbsefea i casa of destis. Tisa fclowiug l is n- Dr. L.-*Dsvey, bcd yen aisy qoarmel. vush ..Hopkiue - bitèe.meeting hlm ibis evening. l ýDav+ -Yeà-in, lb. afterneeýn ou-r quarnel aieti abon t' us long as it viii tas to driva te thebaan and back. Dr. L.-Had -ye n au quarrel 'viti Davey-Ne. Dr. L-Hsd-yeu any ressua ho ho. ieve that ihia man Kennedy, vonld shoot yen Davey-No. Dr. L.--Who shat yen? Dàyey-Wib.iam Hopkins. Dr. L;--Wherp dmnes ha liva Davey - At No; 10 Markissu Street. Dr. L.-Havea-n ay visisea vus ne gerd te yonr propaty 7 JJavey-Yei. I issel il mold to psy my debta. Dr. L.-If thora is su>' nesimino, do you vaut it te go le your moîben? - Davey-There vun't be mocb mono than viii psy my debîs. Dr. L.-Do yen knov Kennedy? Divy-No. Tisa cava c f tisa ffray creste tuie a- seuatidlu intise diîy-bast evauîng, sud ne otiser topie vas discussemib>' the crowda ou tise streeta. Huncirems vendemi thiar ay. i le Brocktou, anti atdem tg tise lange <con-t ceurse et people vise, fer milesn,isami istadînm te Breekion ou hearing tisa uevsn et tis da mffray. Patrick Day, tise yeuugz man viso is nos', in aIl probabilit>', on, bis deatis bemi, i. puputand veli respectei b>' by al visa knov hum, antd bas aruemi for ismaithtie gomi vili cf ali vo have cousei lu contact with hum- duning tise lime tisai Ohnt he bas Wum the Brocktoà Hetel, Hopkins ater isa nie dovu tisa aida lina dismenutemi a% the Qusen sureet nilvsy I crussing, leasing bus hersaeiW a fieldi sud mskiug ibis vay te tise ait7 ou foot. Oua of our repirlera bas ascertauued that lhe 1 ment te bis ions. en bMankissusstreet, f savemi offIbis moustache, cisangemi bis à ciotisan sd lofttihensauselu a buggy sud bas net been seeon emico. 1The voundemi manlias lu the bich noous of thoeisotel inra very precanieus, l JEai soeia.improvei stalle.'Tise docter 0 tàtei that if Da#%*yile kepu pentectiy qàiîf,, thbensila a sli<bî 'chance of bis recovenybui very Éligist indeemi. e Frank Kennoedy vua rrested luti even.1 ing, asbout ivu heure, atuen tise ffraycec- cunemi. Ho denies ai knovladge of, Hep-. inalueution, sud, asya-ha sîrougly ungemi hlm uot le go ent te Bnoektou s second tine. Dsvey, it appisrs, lukemi Kennedy vis> b. brougisu Hopkîsenut te tise helel. tissu be>aboulmi have kuovo Stter; but Kennedy dibeiaimeti ailknovleigeof et i ili feeling visici seeomste bave existad,. sisting tisaI bs vuebnoughî cunt11>'Hop,1 kins. .- Tha poliebave, 've underataumi. bel@.- grapsam te ail parts eausu d veal, vilS a viev cf praveuting Hopkins tstkiu'g ad- vrautaga of 'any of lb.em-ivsay trais by which b. usa>'escape te the.UiJutediStates.1 Paintlrousera ore reporteti te lie car-1 rent in Halifax retpecticg tb. cashier ofj the Bank of Noya3cotis vhoiseles sid top iret orden.- 41S. TIbsUems asb3oidSedeffned, may ottenlimesbe ifluetratemi, coruy sud - coutrastemi; as lihe terra pHrssm which Sa been tensely definei, se,'- Oirst cause of motion ;" 7db nie. -un plification tee Say,.1itiS thîat teudeuc mmi influnceil by t lA xiture oft tis1 jedt, te proceed inl a special erder ol original pewere, ho' give existence feu-m 10 the exteroal precess, wi i ,w hen epoken or vuilIon,'ile bboruU.- .The princ4ale diffcmj froun the rit th. preslence etfnfieumi doce trousa s bal description cf hlm. The ieuntem beý'fore the aye is accu lil s unilx, vi us, iin 15. verbal desiptialn, the dmmml vuvy outie.of t 1, las s-1e-wl1-y aud e c-n-r a-I y coimiug ;mb vievase vend centribuhes its ovu omalilari thul as lime pupilimue utceidtime Iusl4 impression tet lim rs1 bas faded is But wSon the prîncile is laid bare le ligmI andi power., it enables tisa pupil au autmz tio erolice lime vork ; vis the -rule Sas.relerence euly le. the1 forum et the vork Ihus preducemi. pinnip'la ,is regnila¶ingi tiding& sud uluctiva ; the 'rude le coufusiug, bul andI bundeus-ome. Tisaprincfpie uni froua vithin ln accordauce vith lair; rude fille froua vithonî vith saaemeni cirnmstanlbal forums. lime priuciplei cales-10 indepeutdince, te. concentra le nnity ; the robe trains te depeum habiluahes ho diffideuce, andI satiedeaS subordination,.lima pîÏucipie guides hoe, te an cquairatauce vilS hicS th"e rul, drocte biito' exterutu ole intercourso vuS ruticuallite ;Lime adaâ upon mecimanical arrangement ou mal instinct. Th. prillcipl i latlie1 vithin ;-thib ube le the dank lante The pu-luciple 1v oueanadmiinterusi miue ie& mauy sud extemuai.limhe prie dotas the vork ; the ruie Cives tisaj vimich this wbu-k assumes.- The prni developsa 5man j the rnis regnîstes ai pouif. .-'-'-- J&r,,,i fitS. iat edircation fir net culy' mmpcs- sible, but irnSprebensibl, nesa tha amemory adthe moubimdshiinditig adrance togetmer. As in lesrniug oun' cultivahed4 lauguago., tb. cisderstandingý ucquires- aur iden, sud tise meunci'> receives s tarn exr Pl'esive of it, sud tise>'are liummubineth lHcr meuory. la the'bixI-maimi to retaua vimat the ndersîsnding bas acqilffeudshh serve lb out on deman'h 6tm. Butilu learuiug a seconad'lsitgiang, tha pupil le ouI>' applying aneltit? series of sounda, dièreutl>' uruangmi sud moi- lied. te lime ver>' saine idea vhicm lie m- derslaudiug Lhsalareami>' sqmiremi, sud coueequeutiy dues' net amvamaca th fev' - dens, theugis marner>' l bordenedmi vil unother series of sonms; the baud- muid now cernes mouiton> sud elone, vitheut lher' master companion-, tis. nderstanding1.ss-- tees' the-memory et au idiet; Ibis iE lcaruîng. butaitlbis not education 7tb. Thal with ever>' udilional' guage, limecvilisl incrasei, until £à becoine ouI>' siguificaut cf ether vords, and, at lcugth, the subjeet maIter, for time nms peu-b or eutineiy, disappeans froua be- frne lima mental vision. sud Iban confusion is complota ; Se umistakes vbi-ds for 1St. Thol the pupil smoulm nct tmemor-; ize au>' set form et vends, but that the expr-ession shoulmi spriug tu-ou a aean andI idequate conception of the subject ; ether'- irise bbc povena cf mmidare îmreguisrly, or illegiîimuîely exencisemi; the baud- miaimi îs mIntinu umvunce cftbbc ndenatami- Eug. - h. TisaIt limte tragmematar>' parts pro- posemibo Se langulu inour academies, &,li. ae coapu-ebend5d iluhtS i va idees follov- iug,- (wbîch su-cas native le lbhemmi a time fbve flugens te the baud> bogebimer vits ,time simple exorcise of teuchiug pupiba how t ay a>nsd write visati bey kuew, sud te kriew wvhat 15e>' mu>'and w'rile. Tihe former comprise ltheuautheieu-tical. mind, and. lime lutter,- Bugliala lilerature, vix : 1. The ideri oethe cencree nit ef In- sincf, mini sud sbiftinï, lu Ils ondtine, oun, tii, in time fnrtb stage of devebopuseut. il Pettles dovu mul e cleade, distinc, and miarpi>' defluemi unit ut mesuoyqlieda, rigid, 'uni mîbuttaal. - 2, Tme iclea"of number-gue tilg *it: ànother. 3. The fdea of motion tb sud trous s ixed point. 4, lime ides cf bhe grealer sud the ï, COMApnisciiÃŽ -n, Nirrow Gange. (From Chuamhc'sa Jurnail.) Tise Nonvegian Coverumeul bave ami- v&utageeusby adoptas! a gonzeooftiiree sud eâ, haItflest. Th isernihvay coust'ructed in that country vls on the Euglish, gange; but lise scantineas of tho population sud innide did nnei permit il 10 esru au adequate profit on tisa cosi. Wisereeu a' narra>, gaing. vas nesolveti upon ton otiser ines , sud thare are railvuys uovw open sud 'at vcrk ou this I feel gang. f nom Graust îo Humer (tveuiy-toor miles), sud Draim. men 10 Rsumstjertleu (Oity.six miles) Sonneoethtie graditents aie us ateop as 1 lu 42 anti mine cf lis. curves ouly seven bon- dred foot radius. Special locomotives for tise service vere built ut Manchester; tbey veigis aboaumt ourteau tous eeb, viti satoamu op. Tise total coat ef raitvays, stations, loccomotives, nolliug istock, sud vorking- plaut cf ail Mis, as averageti about four tisonsati Ove houdremi potnods per- mle- tisis, i ilSec bsaîvemi, is oI>'one-sevenlis of tise Enghisis average. The apeed la fifteeu mileasuhour- quita sufflient visare trada Sus onet arrived ai a higb pressure pincs. -Tise ceouy cf Queenstand i. aisa stinpting a 3& feat gsuge, uder a istein plauneti sud superniuendemi by Sir Charles The raceul elections in Belginas have been fellovemi by voieut disterbaucci cf a poliîicsl sud religions character l iset sud Brassais. A couvent sud othser boild' ings vere maàchami, sud other exceases coin- mittemi. lb. troops von. onden -emiont, dis.t4 persedt thausob,,sud nestcreti ondev.' Ac. qordingto, a correspondent aI Brussela cf the Nev York 1Tribune oue of tsecauses- et tbe dateat of tise LiSeralsinlutisebate gjeneraI ebectionvas dis sension inthi on *aunks,_oua portion joiiug ingustise Clar- icýal parîy nathen than romaîin vus htise Ihmbral border. ' Another le imite, ha certain taxes on spirite aund malt 'vs b icb vans very unpopulan. Bal the Chericai part>' wilh, it i lîe ive,be "couslieti1 in lb.e Chamber o e atias b hy' lbieris.o Datovssp.-PORT Da.zousgAug. 5- Lest nigisî about eigbt t ecek s ise pro. palier Arcadia vas lying aI theoWvod dock bere, Mr. e. T. Malcommon, porter, mn, ceumpsan vitm somepassngera, veut lunha- liig. Mr. Malconisea, sviasmiug Oni a shr abi distance, suiddenlyiyeak sai vas n - 'mm n t .sO lani4.,sia ,.,sm a the

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