gu% bvngIl eaiaau, ana wuuuq - 1con, or relatio, now 1u enly le b. knwn by(thecutotx. Bot the, Znglih, by ubug lhe lccal vaue.,dis- pesass itbathst travelling ig luhe -of Immense, ïmacbinery, by impl>' locstlng th lb ajectivo gecil, esar lth. ord le visiclt Il beong - andtirwntral, thsa intdred -plants oelntigrowneir ascii other. The.local velus bas reuicv.d the vhols perplexity, aud Jiatas great,su lu- twovomneeîlu anggsge, sst bias boen lu niecbauics vien firai a nail woas changeti to te acraw, anti tb. imnplicity anti _e cf lcreasetiteufodt , Or&.TliaI tie Isuguage cf tiIs couhtry azete ince. ect cly tie oo cien tth cuftvated,, modern Ian- fuages of -Europe are trlbutary tle ba; their @Tory' excellence vîi h. ies lu o f graniears bas been vtalueti, wbile bear> ' gttersîs andi troirs>' nashase besu reJeied. Un, cloat, rir.gsug, mitai- lic l oues are pitceet like arreva troue the moulla l e bobard and, untieraleet * once antioes lilf the distance iriicb kny modlemu language eau. Illiuiory -te- cOrdo, 1hat -t~e ertiers cf lhe British ellilers wert no distincîly beard anti usdsrstood aà long lb. linos, amildslthie * baili ér of W ateroo, liai the French calieti Il tis e,<uglish trumpet 11 For 1farlsl>' ant i mloti>'of pure voico, foi' tIuglug dialinctuesu cf syllabifleation, andy.i as sdi as chîieig bellis, we may refor ho Byron'&s "laies cf Greece." tc b. "epareil, anti witb satiecided utivanhage, vitb alike comnposition lni atiy living lann, p ~ age. ,1 4th.Jbut It -la saiti, huaI lhe spirit cf i b. original evaporal ou ibrough a transIs- * ticn. But boido Ibey Dowucir liuspirit fitolesu ibrough; s translation, sud bence it doesanot wbereas tbey knov il 1I lbey i nean, that, lu neierai instances lbe Eng- * lai laci the. erse ceu.cisens sud sîîg gestlvenesa cf other languagt ,,'requlring Muore verdi to express the saune idea. This la 1h. very béat propert>' a langtsage èeuld baie for treating a dfIilcoît subject. h-iece tl. ingtmgoaliticb eau mcii ex- ,jsnth Le diffiltt>' s-8forth -its-analvois I*la tbearsr ligit. Thé coneise sptnes rered. to bas là use csiîy lu ligbt iterture anti playf'ul vii. lience ho Épenti more tine. nt tîtsolangunges furtber tban for lb. purposu 6f derivation, vhlci lu abundanîly stippiieti lu Oîtvtlil'ai )UYMeboglcal i)ictionary, la uotbing botter ihan paylng eut flue gobti for lasae, irich uhoulti nol b. uo-nfa latrpart. cf itienino;oontb cenfury. 18, Ibal ho kc.p or boys luarrtlng tire corplex blanguages (Girzck and Liatiun, ulsiol are inov only valu4alslfuor dîriva- * hep), go minutll 'an«i criitily, uti tbey cap ispeali unti writhe on; lunaeeord- tiens, sud>yeitiailt(boire iunguagea are, nelther ta b. spoken nor vrihîon i-to oo *pnlintseryears tes. lunrernttlng anti < patient xr 0ofs, 10 accunipiisl i ua glaorat liiTsuanid yoh witsoultisne, fiuaI <rever stand sa he- l.' boat f all * that * laà celh, * lougb Ibhe Clurcb, the Law,, iud the Meelleal Profession arc ex- -.Copiteti lu Ibis dise. But imentail discip- * linselalb.thepian for tue tlîounandtl tinte tbe obecton tarou 1h lu the face. IDow tâ idb iiseiplinetb wbere ne mind lxli belng nearl>' te iork nf meor>' cM cbanglng oes)sllabilbcti sounti <et Cnocier. 1 47o. nfctv xtcttc'sitailo À RvT * CBGOL anOsiLD D> n'rDUClTto. 3fr. Presitient, Ladies anti Gentlemen- "-to6 have- seen tros te oillotsraicnus ud **examplis uow given, bmw ltoebilti cose- tiacuce«, on bis IraI daiy cf cutmance, tbre ton aubjecta- on bis trans4parent sînto as tindershsndingly as if loft athbomne, andi »at ho, uitb otber-biidren, ivoii go le %ld ibaby.bousosilutlb. ntud, vit: * i ~ isi. lb. chilti tiaws a straîgitt ine * from neui oin oanoiluer (the toucher < aving prev0iýotl>' gone Ibrotîgl the whvole exorcise on the blacktboardi, boforo thfe clansu). 2nd. Ile in inne t knmw a - light pianto, as hie scsn it coincide uitb a straightlitbne in ahi directions. hrd. lic learna ho write, sîndttho kumar te (cri jindthebcpowcr cf lottea. 41. 'Po apel anti pronounce -wcrds. Bib.- Drawîng. etb. Engiab Graitnrnrb>' the ear ; il ppr senne. 7îh, dutiparison snd te tlneua of tinga. Stb. Architecture. Otb. Arithmise anti df'awltg coîtintid and lOti. Perspective. iSîth. lsat i, i lntidt tfhe Pultlir Sebocl Teacitors or tîi tia the, ho tako coceeted action witb lb. louchera cf the noscerai States andt errihnries, utitb a vliet oflnflhîesieinlg Ibeir respective Statu (ioverninent. 10 estalsh an Arnericar Systese cf Toeclling. inber-on. tblug wi> motion te anti ftom a ec groter snd tlb& crelation cf causeandi, A Dtà ï,cit'sLoito-Oneocf frark Twain'& farinera booghîsomie Jarilet peur trissdntinext the season -he teck scne cf the rut j the, îrae-il.aier. "What kied cf pears do you Cal thaee "-$,<Weil, - olt- keow : Boiteun peursl, plirapi. 1 - S"But they greir on nee cf thoea tries you solti me for a Bartiet.Of-.4Are yen >sech sacO',va tho deniers, coeîineing e- joiedem, ' uas 1oôsuppose a trin olaieg %r *lîj Bameti-peara ithofirsl year? te *'TBRXEg Cuîînazy DaowxzD-A ver>' melaneholy ecae cf, doviug -oceiurrud Yeatdal afternoou by vhich three ebild. .réa unfortuately icual their ies. h ap peara tbaI s man ant ishlm ife nameti Chriatie, vitb lire cf their ebilitro, nainet Peter sud Christine, another voman Who <was ibe worm. cf liquc', anti a third chilti uamed Emma Keen>, werc cet in à bout ýMucit Io awaIIfor the part>.' The. drok enu-vosun ianagedtg usupit tbe frailicrafi vbea noser 1h. iantiuanthelb.throos eld. znoea 4rovniti. Thel bodies bae bien t1bem lods>' b>' Coroner iddli.-Tele loady Tberne, the amons rotiJol mare, fell from a bridgeoier wbicheb abs vas ing ict sarmliva>'car, et Rochester,. yestedal 9 sud disîccateti ber blp joint. h1% lefared tbla accident wilh unefi ber fer lb.s tu-rf - ho bad bai ou lb. prsvlons daY d&feit o prge Palmer inaà îrotîidg mtch. Il insreporti iIn Iboa ibat Don FPer. .tAaudo bas accplsd lb. pro fired* Crova cf Spain. Manifestations bais receoil>' beso mnate againatthlb.Dke oe l8adouba lD Liat bon sudi Oporte. sepa are beiug Mon inlaLlîserpooi fer' the defonce cf bat port. The Bill to (hanotei tt sdeais 4*0 of5,500,00010r fortifications la tiis ceunr,, pessd the Engllub Homae ofMO.. mous Ob W@dueday. kvues, Aog ,11.s Londmu-A. terible eatbquakeb bas istsd the iboru Of tbe Gulf oM Coratb. The town et fAmpbsrza aud Galaildaïj and soieral Yi llages bai. beau destroysd. Mani persAnsaro klild and wooodsd. The iloabitauts are lu irest destatio. - Tb@ Priaes snd Primnces of Wsles baie reterued to England front Dsumrr. * *Ccixrxà L DÀujru-Husbaud: "If 1 'vers tu boss Ion, I psier veuld b. aok fioci est tumarri Zio"Wie IIwrOF 1 to ooss ycu, I would marry agalo ' dirsctr' ly ,Iânbad, 161y death would b. te- agretdby tae lamaioe,~rco~~ "iBy whomT'-HousbanddIllMysacessorW- ROBINSON.-At Wbitby,oce Mouday, 81t ss., t »ibv f fMr. .Johun Robinso, of &-son. CAMPBELL-At Witby, on Teesdayî, Sîb lest., the vifs of Itr. Jas. .. Camp. bell, cf a daogber. At Wbitby, on lb. dtb lest, tbe vifs of Mr. William Epplet cf a daoghter. LOOA&N-LOGAN.-Aît the resideoce cf the bridle'& fatbetjoliy 26, by Bel. W R. Ress, Abram , on, BAq, cf Tideoit,' Peu,,1U. 9S, te Jans, dapghter cf James Logan, Esq., Picktiog., , JEjNKINS-TATe.-ByIb'tesarme,. August 5, oit., Vaugbin L. Jenkios, Estq.,y te Sophia Tate, both cf the îcounbip cf Pickeriog. DIED- RICHARDSON- On tb.e Yeoinof the 2ud imt, inethe.Stîh ysar ef bis âgse, afier a painfol and protracted illnesu, Hughý Richardson, Harbour Mater cf the Port cf Toronto. CLARK-At Warkvcrtb, Persey, ce the 6îh iet,Jaoef4 wife cf R. W. Clark, M.D, formeril7cf ibis love, aged 58 yearo. MACKIE-Ât Port ifop., ocette 7 Stb ica.9, Margaret, ifs c f Mr. Wmn. Maciie, fortetrly cf Oshawa, aged 36 yeà rs. SINCLAIR-At bis rosidaoce, on lb. 3Oîh it., bMr. Wmn. Sinclair. egreers cf the township cf Sct, aged 37 yetts. WhitlVMarkcls. FîîlWhet . <...$1,20 et1 $0, tclering, WIeet ..............b (0$1 90 ....... 00 ty.............. . 70 07 P4Ies ....................2 60 0 ii.................. .. I. (0 17z i'rprW........... su * Dr. Rasees tlook ..fevery steaiae koown, Tt"ser hecaed. or ceili a groulî Andisaintcotuîpnoed. 1Zilt alttee, Hlisowîî unrivatted Lurtiave. The people eaatd, tain ut pjued t A etire tur ever) sore or wound - fhey iave ultitl .aut ore whie to ndi oud, .AndIl t her pain hua tort thra. Afflie.,icl wt corti>. tIîîntina, or brats, Thousanu ouhl'rers tirard the r?00W51, Irtc thior waq i,,,d Ihai met thir vie%" 1 'Ttey toagtil ed sed IbotiCurative. lN a ner was ttîc esore part dricased, 'l'ho tpti wae.raset tuai otvîilli heir resi; WI! iati or2n raliito th(ey btirai Ihbc onauWho madte Cr urtive. Att ,igii%-int ornoaPoatoventiirh, %%,tcther oinhbant, i ii t,. or tire, Let eypry ouffeger li'wioe te>, * r rItrurof ' 4itîsicuCurative. vent witt iwayi«. fni he ,tuve noumeul erardyct iait t>nggisieansd coiai).Mrtsiisortitnuii the, contry. andl yau vii n o an d t3rirgat A iteruouo *lie grpairoxt rier.fth aio (f ae r Ih i- spdy cure of vim pain or inflationi. Dr. .1 riga&C,.Po NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SR F R ALE t Thut ,qpleidid Faim, known asthue >L3efluî iIpncd of the Sontlit 150 acres of No. 1, ils itu,2-111 colw-alon e? I<eîiî,ou le iitgmtuiî rout, 1 mile lWest frein t heTown cfWîlb1y, lii ittititon te tliiprefcott liuutlii-ii'a, ter Wl !Il cmiureet' ecctiol,as spiotdid icedingz liotti, n',ouuer stery Il ehio. 't uho an Iin atla% unone of the bail inrtns ts tliî o nty. I'ts"sii'nigivati imrnntliutely, nau tm isaOi'iti hi raItiuu rain furnizg. Appiy tui10-ie evîîer, ot tito0 1retie . R.(liY wiiltiy, Atig. U, 1970. 38 FÂlî Y I SLE. Iltieue î,rt of Lot No. 12, onsthe 4ttt enirg- slonott leuett. Die miln Sotîtit tit Msicltrsèter, s'eur thue grsvsl rend, ec'îatniîna g *sgn U til theîo t-t tben fis erceeil %a iruntliotige. F'rois isi lîcs, Stable, sand a youituvgr 4rd. 'fiiimnrperty wit! bu eti by privatis eouttruuat. TertAo it pymetît tu suït. tftu pireiitsom; fun murne> requmret down. For furliter partieitarsq eiiqîire utt Us owusr. A. ATK1NSON, C AliD OP TRANKS. Te Mu. 2P. WIZALLEY Agent, Ontario Iarmere Mutuel inaurance Co. Sr,-l box te oudermiy thauks a lote abo Comnpany tor theo very, pr)isîpt otlemoul utf suy ctim lit funl foi Ilois suitaîsed by the total *dottruetion liy dre, of niy barn aînd table, icîli cou., Eiiily, on the 21th of J uielnetand ltcsrlily te îcotnunorod uuy nighborgta ho mare iliir îrnîîoty itsaîti Ceonpai7niy daim be-. ing puid thte vory day the latun papora vers preseted. DAVID KENNEDY. F'eelne July 21, 1870, JNSOLVEI'T ACT OF1869ma. la thee matter cf 7ieûmaa oT<,kon Hol- day. Daniel Helliday. andi Rielurd, lrusweIl Rerrison, as oolindieiduallij iza being meaibers of fiee jlrm Pr te. part neruip earring on business onde,' thee naie, style andi rW o!HoUiday anti Harrison, Ins.olients. a DIviCed n seet. have boeenprepareti, 4"ni ta objecton, -netiIlie tety-thImd day 1of Ao UiîÙta 1870, after vliî.h diidends vilii ie flaIpi Whitby, 2ud cf Angeat? 1870, si TERmS. -Tsaa the 'whole pur- obase onoey te Wrpal eo dot of Pole and a sein sufféint ltPincitecis-thtr o f Jlepur- clis motmey vitiain siglit jitys tboresfter. lit hlan#'aec1tIhe purelsaa.mooey te lis py- abe lnlhreeqnaalfat l'isituloints frein date ct sale, vltb interoat ou ýtb, -am;>out r.- malintonpaId,ktl tihé ra' off? 'por ent., par .annnti urdbcbea~cred, by-' amcýrtgsge ce, thie pr.iss. Condltos w vllb.e made kncvn iet ies cf sae. Pvfnrther parlicularu, msu tle an.d- forme- cf ile, andt for Information su te estiinp and béandsrieï of liie proportv, the. tonakd capa- aft> cf Warohcescansd îhoexten bfbustnssa 'iausot thorein for lte lut ait, , el;o oro Aake, Kerr, A Boyd, bar, Tiner %'1ýb? r u OltN ,-WATSON, Warebouonmau, Whuhby. ALBO lmu.editely atfîithie above sale cf ltse Watt- bcoustét'roporty, tbe followlng etut/el propori>' yl b.e soit by sotihlen; jEngins and 1Býiler, about 20 homse po*er, 2 HOrs; a lut of lier. nema- ô gratn CarIé, i Hoise Cart, 4 Iloppori andi dcle., 8 Sb,!pplng Scaies, Iron Sale, ai Otites Furrîiture. Coul Saale, s qoaiity cf itne Timlier, andi soversl ctbcr artuoe. To(rina-ittîls lnown on day ifmale. Auotiorecr. 'Wljiltl,r,251h Joly, 187o. 4n-30 a UFdtb THE W[M -STRONW 1 ÇAUTI O Nc"Ai e u the iamie idcart ixUrap " o Perevian Iek bluo ta tise gtlus. A M-.paga smiet sn. free. J. P. Dasaxuoutic, pr eO r, Dey it., Nov .Toik. 5.14 by &U Dreigsla. Sheet -Musio. PGpsy WOPSY, LOVE AMONG THE ROBES, KATEY'PS LETTER, -GEUIIMr AN AIS GRECLAN BEND, Fîv Oclock ile liJluug. : z00a5o% Jol>' 10, itTd. TO ~ ~ U. Tii* ttd'y LAS-' aiu , ,,!,Ù;; lura.t atotca. iticiacuIr_ ut MUnît, 11.Ot a 1hie,<h ',,~crt Cîierr"0'roîeîî iairaat tthtiitprOubopeua.<uhoaa u l e!ra<o B.nraOOciThtANDwhuIIQEeouSla 1 Fu,<oo 'Yiai 0ha 'U.t.i.u A I f a Tistt ii.,to 1 A&acê.cor Kata BOOTS i',Get%Aud S*ilQetiros WESTERNAWORAN3HU',- Tuvngr li te oe cfro ,ii ot .Jnilty 9. 11 6,70 0. 1 BLAK'S PAIENT CUT'rING OFF MACHINE!1 T1A It OATB#T INVENTION 0V ¶11E DAT"f ceta wrooghtl rou Steel Barn, Tnbing, t&c, seootli ant Oi oiuststittiont resorttng te forge cilel or lathe, sutvii lloaimuchwvet iu anheur anti s'Islfseau -be ddue lu a day b>' the oId prifesas. No Iicendry, Iron Worka, or mahn.Shep aboolb . ithttotn. '!eC outy Rîglts, ortise iglit for tise Dunila, for sas. 1 IWliihbl, Ma>'10, 170.- BL KE Aie. -r tban agoy other Mous. lui thseG T. E XmeuL Wiib>' Augst0, 1870à .~q e :~ One car load just' received wbicli -repared to eupply wholesaleat Torointo Pricns., WCo are MACHINE-' O"e- [LS! J. J. Stýce Extra Machine 0il-Uatch & Broy,!xave tho Whit- b>' ageno>Y', andarc prepareti te suppi> it *lioèsale and tetnil at lcwest fi- 5ures. Frein the numerons estimonal$ we talc. pbeaure ,6 reoominending it te aIl parties using maehinery, ouI>' $1 00 pct gallon. Moirehants buyi* by the barrel wiLI get il aI bowest price. We aunex* certifleates. Gzo. Bd. SvOoz2 EAQ.Deat Sr-Weliavs trieti yenr blackt 011 fer the iposb yearý anti have ne heaitetien lunaayiug ituse tbe boul ve bave over uaed. STEPIIEN GROSE. MAJOR IIA1LPEi.ý G. B. SOoCK, aOQ.-T'eau Sir -Ilavinil usati yonr Lulsrlculiug Oit for thbepoat tires yeurs 1 dan *Sttel>' sey 1h is Ilie beut cil1littve ever aiso InsuMy eXpçriL0oL f ever tletly years, anti eau recommend lIas a irat-elas article.« GEORGE -BLAKE, Pîraman Braira anti Pahhescn's. gm' Many moro erhettînon-iadan lie seen b>' callnt ah onr store soti vi b. ferirardedt t Mereliauts, t&c., on a5pU!tt<oa Ire&-by poat. * B3utter, .Eg, an dcucé .wüted, atd takèh'il Whitbyl JýzIy 13, :1870' R. To, the Readers of the' I1'kitby Gkironicle. DI SOONT SALE 0F -AT THE- C[IEAPCAS-I STORE.' SGrand t'learing Sale, at J. Skinner's.- SelIing Off,- at J.. Ski nner's. Jehna Skinner je determîned te tnrn hie Sttmmer Stock into bard cash, and has te announce thait le lias re-mnrked eveî'y article ant au average reduction et TWENTY PER CENT. The stock la barge, vaurieci and well asserteti, quito as varied as, in a cil>' atore ;,and thoso who have been in thc habit et vîsiîing Toronto fer ryi>'Geets, wibI, find that they oan bbe btter suileti, and buy . s aine geetis decidediy eheaper aI * JOHN SKINNER'S.. R. & B., have received another ahipaient from England, ais I on band a stock et GENUINE PAINTS AND PAINT OILS. 1 As there lin been neo hesitation te mark the Geede DOWN ITO COST. l3uyers cf large parcels caiý saa'e mono>' b>' puvbasiuix aI haviug one to dispose ot may>' bd a purchaar,-muaî b. -young, sounti, welI. brekezi, bot, but gentbe, a buggy can be hati iii cchange. H-ATCII & BROTHERf. Importrof Sbelf and Hcavy-Hardwaro.. !X.Sf. The cualomer haviug oui' latider wil fiacse roture itaat once., Whitby, Auguts 3, 1870. 311 O'LONO0VAN'S .ltwIix 1rv CAIRRIAGE FACTORI, (BROOK STREET, WHIITBY,) WiII bc found a large Stock of (Jarriages, Buggies, &o., of the ncwest styles tnd best finish. Best work- men emplcsyed, à nd ail the materiais used of the best quality. 07eJ Particulaé attention given to repairs M. O'DONOVAN. Whitby, Apiril 27, 18MO SELF-RÂKING REAP ELI MANUFAC;TUJlt B Y BROWN &PATTERSON, WE DEFY COMPE TITION! Sixteen yearn practical Cxperierce in the Mlanufacture of? Lapera ant iMower, salis- fesuns that the <'Jobuitern Soif -Raking Reaper" is vory far in stivance cf any othier Machineo matie at lb. precent day. W. bave juat introducod t i l Canada, anti man- ufatuired-a liroitei nuieber the post soason, anti'siu yet are the only manufacturera. 'Ibis season ôur Machines viii embraco aucb aunait iipcer 1 aayerI erince in the Ibanufacturo bias suggeshed. Strongly anti durably but. The beat iiateriab useti. in ias construction. Ils ma- chintry îtheniost compact anti durable. Tb. least labla ta get ouht cf order, Thu combination cf vooti ant iion in the linger bar, unakes il tbe muet perfect cf linger bars. The seat cf tb. driver, locateti outaida cf the drivirsg-wheel, so balances anti relleves he finger bar, thatit is les hable ho aag or break tlian thal cf an>' otheptmachine. Our Saîf-Rake ls tbe msma perfect ever inienteti. anti consista oi five Rakes revolving aroonti an axis close to the di iving-wheeb, se placeti as ho be entirely under the control cf the driver witbt>tt stopping lthe teaun. Il cuia anti tioive-s tangiodj crinkioti, or Ictigecigrain vapidi>'-andi-in giatiti ubpe. Cuti à six feet swatb, with as little draft lisa ligisI four foot Mov*er, andi no aide draft wbatever. Il cuti easily, with a commen teatu. froun liffeen te Ivent>' acres per day, ant issn asulon. htndreti anti fort>' acres ini seven dtiy. it l'o tnanufactored tcr Reaplng onlybecas e il bis been demonatratoti thal a sep%- rate Leaper anti Mower viii laittho'euh more grass; anti grain. tban two Coribineti Ma- chi nes,-and costt miuch less in th. aggregate. Ucaides, a separahe Macbine ia beau coin- plisma-tedthan a combineti one ;bleu Ihable le gel culot ortie,, antd isalwaya reati>'for work *itbout the trouble anti dola>' cf chaug rn 1u tuee.1 ThiiýReaperIba been in sucesaful operaîjon culyl> is yea*s, but ii mon>' operior points pl excellence bave WOU for it daring tbat ime aiuiltilude of friendu. anti a po- sieionqever befote attainuti by" any barvester lu so short a time, For tbe firut Ivto or throc >1ats il vas cemparativel>' ittl, kuowu. but tioring Ibe pait lwo iseawit l a witely Iütroducêdt oticgbon lie principal wheat.. rowuingsectinsattebuat gaiueti Apoptibarit>' onprccedented in the historyc a enlüg Machines. TrHE I-ARVEST OF 1Soe-OUR RECORD.ý .For ten years thers bas net beeu a seuerk vben grain bas beeu in se bati a couditionu fcr hari.esliug as the pasl oe.. h. atrav bas beeti exceedingi>' bea'>, brekens andi badiletiogeti, tbereby severeby testiug Lb,' abilit>' et ti differeet machines te vorki undefi nch cireumslancea. Ibis-lest the 'Jobnistet",Sêlf Baker, oving le its Peucllar Ceustrnlà o, bas beaun enableti Ãe meet aoccessfolly, Ernshng to tbe farmtog publice conclusive preotibat t i s eqoal l$oau>' emergenq anda a ecmiZU e uees in& ail kidsi outi ea mu o<f grain.PA T R N. Wbit!oy, may B5, 1870 - I GEU. 1B, STOCK, Brengbauu, Ont, Broughm, Mareli 15,1870. I TESTIMONIAL. Tiz JearraIT.A LMtunn o caM, Oiibavas, Aprril 4,1!870, G. B. S:Gog, laso., BUEGIU14, DLAt utw-'Ws have been' nsiugonrLnbr!icaig 011i-for -tlie pà t four înonttu, and ce a u>' ithout hbspitatten tlist il l ii0e beat oit vo buve aver used. '$ t i alo ceep, andi laits longer than any otier cil. We gave ruor largo 14 foot ion plainer, 7da»asud tburigtht. Wiogdo Inee vaut anythehlg better ae a iobrieator. 15 -P. W. GLEN, Preaidenl, M OEY TO- LOAII, On Furie Property ouly. May 31, 10.22 FmOlirCbygivrn, thstthie 0onnut uof theé piiplCorporation o h Township, of Wlitliy, intouds, at a meeting te b1,beld unîie Third Nondayin Angust, nezt aI theohuer cf Ton e'clock inuths Forenoon, at theé TOWNSHIP IrALL. EEOO1ULIN, te passa B1&lw le open andi eslsbliibi à JOIINI SKINNEWS..,, tBLIO RA OR HI G HAY, bThoso Fanxiliteu sudying ccouomy tuhiould buy thciiggo b nat < PILODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHTANGE.SKNE. DOMINION WÀREROOMS. 'JtTXEIL2"1p x1387Q. A FRES.H SUPPL'Y 0F TIIS-WEIC 'ERY 0 ElE AP. tir Cali and see their MILLINERY, at reducced prices.' Ag% C F .M- Teoas, Sugar, Coffoe, Rico, Raisins, Cu'rantfi, ]Prunes,, Spices, Tobacco, &o., &o. LOWVES & POWELL. &CoS * HAV E IN STOCK AFINE ASSOR'ITENt- 0F fANCY DRESS GOODS, NEW MTLTEIY AIS &,BONNETS, COLORED LUSTRE- RNFIFOERS, SFIAWLS, BLACK LUSTRE, ýSTLK JACKETS, RIBlIONS, BLAcK SILK, 'WH[TE corTO.4S, LACES,- SHIRTINGS, 'GREY do. >*- PRIN'rS, eLOTH ANXD.TWEEDS, STRAW AND FELT IJATS, KEALW-MADE (3'CLOTII-ING Or dfOTHIXG MADE TO ORD.PR lX'THE LATRST STYLES. . FAMILY GROCERIESt liclow R obertCamnpbell'& mtll.dsm ce Lot No. 244 l, is e ttl;jiioue ou f Ibis 'icirnallof Wiîit6y. (se lien eft the rosnd noir raveîied' ont %nit ir iti-daun,) ad nd i ay" b.more ptt- liculuri>' kcin anti deucribieutAifollovm 1 coismencing on- liii Komlerly ifiit etf Way street, Istbe viltu f Blroli. t thaSoUsîl- Wes ong1eetfvi1! ;rotd4. 1i9 - ln th.sui villave tînti rsn Xnip heuW, 13u 'huiiitoîatI7 Inl.,more or toua, toeeEM cmIv limil t' tise'rend ainoie tld eut-sud tra- voltud; tue ucti piopr oatt'ad te lia one chairs ylt4lî%,and i hbo ite deseribet inoIeste b. the coaeri>' li.theruof. B i 1.T. HARRISON, - Townshlp ClerTk, W.l. lirookiin, Jela 1,ltT. 4;nu20 Thte unde-rgiruuliainiz purehuset frot Rouas». Ilobba sud Tretunua, lts Rtgt -fer thto TOWNS1HIP?0or 'ICKERINGt ' ' Te TUS Noveable Patent PIough -point, flog*a ho allthesteone.-,f Famn s o lte ganse. BY tueul4ocf tl' atout Pleugi Point Fpirtners aeoffocti4aviilg oftio budreti pet' cent, in the. yotr,- The auoveatloPoiute unI> cuitsflve.cents. The, orinar>' Plth-Sliare esa ift>' nts. One sltar& yl la0t-to vear- ont at loasit ire eofthe moveable Poit&t, tises eeteiig tbe fsving refurred ta. -Suve meuey auti use the -lîoveableo ints.t- . GEORGE COLLINS, Audiey. J une 11§t, i170,9 * sm22 c1 EITAIN PRESEIIVA1'tOiiOF Tfig -o- .H.FERR=E, Druggist, &o., lIonda St.. Wltiby., scle Ag-ent fer the. salaecfreone Tiso LENSfS ct' witich are gpondb) sis, (rom muotenizz tiimauerd espmciali> fot' Oltie porpeere. 1hla Vitre, tiardasud Bmllhlael, anI o. s eum Ati romatie as eau be, prodedeti. Tiie îieculiar fore auti acientifieu'ceraeyat- taincu 'iythe aid i ofcomfplclassud ccatiy mncitieryr, vorrstai l u sn rthug thein te lhe tthe Most Perfect SpecteeleA evor ianuittac- hureul. Itey au&st the Siglit fuos. l flliauhly, cuufur Enanuîd .otnff't o en b.Wearetr, caulas a continuonsansd sbidiug I>SPIIOVEMIBINT D0'THISE ES# ÀXD tINT & OREAT KATti TAS i'ithout 1eqntiug tlobe ecanged. Scattey are tie Che'tiesut, sua aelaithlieut. LAZARItS, MORRIS&C (o., - 295 Notre Dame Street, (up ait. - WBEMPLOTZÇO PgDBRS. 25 p Ar Bi Tbe iuderaign tlîu.t lie liai boit *WC% 0-1K G S - t 1 u: 82 1 fiýii1*lMIL'f ON,