Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1870, p. 4

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As ho 1barrasputaigehsfamilr pluesl, Andtetrson $te thesown. 'doh for a Moril of <cor, r' * grognei Ai4f iho but lbaud tme 1'1ithe oter moin- riîthé" bus bngcy gIrls r Tiie Ikelotoitof B Royal IKouseiLid. Tii. Prbse<ss Loulsa of Austria rcen'tly ,'se.ivsd for thé firai tins the etcaent au seesilot i btiluisadsîeb ahofin le .lai. portl e emly-mocs IL. a wsiiing @vin. Ses amu, Obaicits, Mamliundoefer- toute s idow, toolaà osdisn luterestinluthé etremon,, sud procurait javels te gias to Ikec yeurg nises- For c moment di ber et. tDanisa, e,,en the. docuor, imagine liai c -ta> of ligit vau ta flash&Cerois ual peor beiwldmd ibrie ; bai vben ithe door opesusiisoidthe. littis figure attired &lH wit., vitb ithe suovy Veili irova acroia ber besi soi boson, pansiug for a moment ounbth ýrubold, adyancis jo>'ousily- o- vans boire soms souvenir of ber own leu. tii, sosie rsnbrsacs of the vaii aod flovrs m tutaiae Qomas$croas'ber for she, dubhe the jovels ta tb. graduni, ami siz- In& the bauds of the 1incesu Ljouàa, coi- ered themu vitih isses, laokig alfthe whie la ber fiése with such a vacant, enqnfring expression baltihe poor chld, qut. over. copiue sobbei sloud. Afier 'a wbile ah.i grsw more cluiand lookîog about le searci cf the. jswel case, which bail flles ta tb. gebonai, &ie $book ber bond Mouru fully, aui taking rou iber neck the abaplel sud cross wbhhbadl beeu glien ber by I flb. Arcbbuahop of Mexico, and (rolm .ih i aho bai neyer parted s@ince the day of ber eutrance into that cli>',elle plsced it ou the arnà of the. Princese winding il round sud round many limes, sud Sfter kising the. cross witi a paqionate effort, sauk bock &galaUupon thé. pillqE sud ramali gil tl cni motlouleas, iýv;th closed eyes and comn- pressi lips, dea intaail -around, as -elle la le the habit of doingfor msny bours la. sether. A Nv Foin DtSTîîovE.-Far ycars paîst tra Fislcnîîîen about the shorts of Lako Ontarioo haro noticed ofîcu tlîat flsîni ppattrptly lu healtîn rase ta tire surface ai the. vater, flated about iu a limîples condition for a few hours asud tutu dicd. This lias beau particulsrly noticcd sinu% the hcrringa s lîsdene tsilver.colared - lIsb, tken lu nets. Tiretrue cause of titis mortaiity liao nat breaukîiawu. SA day or two silirce Sethi Green, flic notedl pisecicuiturlait, gatýtred soute dyiîîg herring.louttng upon lroiidoqiiiot Bey and tmale a 'caneful exainrinatian. lie found fasteucd lter -the gllisaworm whlch hat alleton lo the vitais sud vas drawiîg thue biood train tiie lîurt of tre llsh. tuder thé iiicn.ccnpe tItis waa di<jgastiug lôokiug créature, so made i with paver ta udîtero tient oncle fuîteucdl uîpon a listebolîcîatstirile ît ILcoutld uot 1,. shaken oft. Wlicn tiis parasite takes hold af au axjtased surface the fins eleubes lîmlîif egainît e rock or alter bard substance and trs it oit, sometiaies taklng euehe auai Theao waund avel, been mlstakcu or the-real cause of deattia 1tii. l ih, Of durse threa doicremt-y . --ne w0y ta pclîrest dfftîuatioti fa Il",i thua attacked, but it id veil cenough to bc Sus tae tereal cause of fi>h iloitality. lyAu îi cea-Tlia Dtroilt Freo Press 1140 ptcked upuflic Iaiîiuwing war plins. lu ordar tîtat n future wrilcî- may be mis- taken ltri nkig ha lies tîroduced a big thing, wliîcn tee Faineitîca tirs alrcady hcu publisticd, wc complet. tira foiowin;r lpîys," mwbicli larc no'v flotiig: 'Tlicirc'ti îîlaty o! vaîk for itismark lu Franc." .Nap know litse i." "ls tlilHstvruglc teRtino %miii rfiol boa greaiteroIji:ct <f1,iii- lercît tlîan tua rliie ."' "Mrk nil poaints cf intrct-Biîtiaîk iand liii - mark." Pruacli dont wiiiîtlu nub t th Nap oulils mirnent thie regw.y " lite er is needics, but the li~.: siglîs for peaci aircady-a sitittllieee 01 u Gariuany.' Ilîceearc îîueîtively iaU ic stmcrt tlîingsthaî liave titus fanrpiîi sud mu inlingîîet ri nta aetires i gîte risc ta iluîuîaraus cxpciisive hîw Enuilâ. L&ia FnlAwicîu&ixNuw YaeL-New York, Aug. .-Sir- John - Fratîklîti'a widu>w la stoppIng et thé reâidence of II, grnuell. Sieomi11 proabbly ave fui Egand lu aibout titica içeeki, goiug fi la Quebeca aud- then la Haltifax. Lady Frsnlin's intentions. haldlutiCaptain Tii.Chinoes.determine batiiert hbe jear viii bs .gooi or hsd b>' placiug a:tie oom- mncement ofîthe year a measure ai seed lu au sartiien vesseI, sud îeeviug the vessel ia a iark cellar 11<1>' dais. Tii.>'tien ns. musaun thie sean asutce cbtlk bas in- creaaei or decroasd theseasonvili be poil or bai, Tii.>'are cutliog dowu bracesea rom tbe lices lu ths London parka ta féecitiie dci, a severs bas been ithé drcnth, and brevera grain is fed ta cattie. À - - A EÂSW Svuc ai Lîcauao.-lUeh.. barn, on the Mrdconcession cf Mekian, vas trucit h7 lightning esterial afier- ansd iaairoleif The-Lord -Myora, of London, fend.for tlisCanadienvolealeericîncenta te £900. If poalage on papura je reducei icomeu mont, tIbste viis . tva sent viierethiers Mloeauet no*. À noble ced ucu, semadbi oucessl>' setlei lu New Landau, Cou., stads, ix <el ivo loches la i bisncsainu, cand bis .&u.rleaaued de0cendccta proudlyin.le quirt,'Mev la tiat foc Higii Lo Jack P Tii. Bill abclimbug thi. pcîtlcal disebil1 1118<eà fegyutent basu ssdel II.HOua of 1»161 1 -wines. viu u tt st àcrsil adrac.i ALD WE W. -ave lu tool Above celobiAW t5 a dition, vhlch ve turer's c.e a u pi and 80 gallons. T. April 27, 1870. LTJS :ALE. - 4100 packages cf the. ýock Aie iu prime con- ,ffec et the aunans- teiteges ai 10, 12, 15, Il. cMILAN &Co. THE QL D STAND!l [ESTABLLSHED 13. The undersigiîed'iu rcturning thanks for the liberal patronage tiltierto exteudod ta the. aid establishmuent, for ucarly a periad of fortf years, desires la eay that lie bas nov on baida lange assortmcut of the moat modern sud elégaut etyles of" And, trusts by proper attention and moderate prices to secure a continuance of public patronage. Practical uphioltcýiig. Furniture re-etulled and cavered. TJndertaldng and ru.nerals FuIly SuppIied as heretofore, IfSome splendid specimens of, Picture-Frames, and Gilding. Remember the Old Stand. __ Wliitby, blarch 9, 1868. 10-y1y WIIOLESALE & RETAIL. iw-. Keeps constantly on h aud, and in course of manu* facture$ - the- Iargcst stock of Ladies' Cents' and Misses' -Examine 'for yourselves the excellent material'and fine- work- manshi -p. 15-Apî,il 13, 1970. WM. BURNS, Drodk t. TH S. AVIIES &SON, MIANUFACTURERS 0F Xx x CREAM- ALE,l PALE ALE A .ND PORTER. Don Brewery,- Toronto, Ont.' As ihe propriètor lttLuît]s Jersonally to the Brcwing, aregular stock of Ales and Porter cati lways bc depended upon. Patrtieq deslroîîs ofL lîving Aies of suiperior qnaiity aud Porter equal to any iîuported, aro rerpt-ctfuilly solicitedl to ouîîd tlitir ordcesfor a quantity largo or Bnali, uand try for thlîîieives. Witli the nid of oui inermeÀIodfaceilities, vo arc enabiedi to pro'dnce an arti- cle (ail the year round) second to noua iu the l)orninion. Brock Street, Whitby will recoivo pompt attention. Dec. 1, 1860. 48 - do E E 0 c m o 0, o 'a- pi c '.4 -m ri5 o o ÇJ) tj ai o z an o f/l e, o e, o OFFICIAL-ASSO[QN E£ GENERAL, AGENCY OFFICE! filnersgned balng reeivef the apPointment of Officiai Assi guee for North -OT riogg la piepared to give prompt attention to ail matters lu Bau'krnptcy or lnsolvency. ~Promisaory Notes and Accounts speedily coliected sud remittancas On good farm seeurity at 8 pet cent întereut. Special attention wili b. given to tii. negoeiation of Loins, and borrowers eau rely upon iieving tiel applications att.iîied to promnptiy, sud et sinuc» expeuse.j ~Aloo, Lands, botb lmproved and uui'nproved constatiy for sae. Insurauces efl"e.ttei la Lb. Ontarioo Par»uers utual lumurance Company, E. MAJOR, O1710E-Blgolov'ls lok, nert door to tbeRcoI Csnsellu ank.OîAtçe sa~1ttr Fort FeM n7, îber2,l1868. 48 H. Lawrence repre@ favors will be receiv, tome",. Patent Horse lay Stock's ce1ebratd Last Not Least--ý is kindly requestea- H. & B, are age Sewing Machines. Wbitby, Jiano 28, l870< GENTLE~IIN FRANCIS HEWARD, Es«-, IMPERIAL, RENTOUL BROTI-'S, 1 AlÂNÂGic'. an~d Pulleys and Ropes ta match,. iné and otherOÙils. rson who borrowed our hand 'Shiers,' unf thetu without fnrther notice. kWanzer and Raymond's celehrated 'ail and examine aur English Go'ods. HATOR & BROTHER,. VfEng-lebï German,, and Americau Hardware. ATTENTION GENTLEMAN'S CLOTHINQ MADE TO ORDER, TEFE FINEST C A N$AD 1AN 'T W'EEDS Cau 1Iê sele&ed from, suitable. for the Seaoon. SAil kinds of Gentlem en's ikrnishiug Goods kept constaàtly on band. ALEX. PRINGLE. Whitby, April 13, 1870. NE W! A,8'0 98 TO uiA wnS. ---:o Gem Rings, Ear Dropo, English ]Platod Brooches, Colored Setto, very handsome. spectacles, &o., &o. JAMES eJOHtNSTONt Watcbmor & Jeweller, Brock st WlVitby. Machci 23, 1870. IN SUJR-ANC E1 ~~ :o~ The undcrsigned continues to represent the following reliable INSU-RANCE COMPANIES: TUE RLOYAL. .1 Capit a], $2,000,000. AGENT, WuurIwIB. Capital, $2,000,000. I JOBN AGNEW, 1 AGENT, WJIITBY. NO RTII BRITISHT , Capital, $2,000,000, HL-AD OFFICE, - JONTREÂL* MoDOUJGALL & DAVIPSON, MIJON AGNEW, MANGER. jAGENT, WIIIîrw;. 1-1 1E, - - Upital, $1,500,000. JUBIAD OFFICE, NEWIIAVEN, CON. JOIN AGNEW, AGENT, Wurriur. 'PPROVINCIAL,' H BAD OFFICE, JAS. SIDNEY CROCKEl, MANAGEZ. SCOTTISll PROVINCIAL, (LirE,) IIEA» OFFICE, A. DAVIDSON PARKR, Money, at reasonable rates. Whitby, Jannary 4,11870. LII E w c, O w E -p Capital, $ 400,000.1 TORLONTO.- JOHIN AGNEW, AouueT, WVurnry. -capital, $1,00,00O. - KONTIIEAL. JOHN AGITEWt AGEN-T, WnnmnBy. Company, for the Loan of JORN ÂGNEW Agent, WbiÏby 0 -s damt Co PR Proprieft. The aboie wellkno*n hatel bas bien tho- rongbly ràOnstd and newlY furnisbed bv the. reient proprletor. The Stablitng,, &c., lboa. ben putinlanu dictent statef ofrpait, mfd ne- bighabeen loft undone tOmieetriîe raquire- Menti ci gutits.' The. Table la supplisd withevarytlilsig afthe boit lu seoîson-, sua non.e but Vie. beit branda of WinoastLlquoia and Cigur» kept et the Bar. 17 B. SN OW. FIRE ASSURIANCE CO., liOMBRDOTBEET & CEARINtI CROSS$ £SLUBLISIIED IN 1782& GILLESPIE, MOFFÂTT & Co., Agents for Canada. 1- JAMES DAVISiN, Manager. [XURANICJC*agaInot, LOSS by FIEère L effected an tie mobtfavorable terni suad LOSSES PA1D vitliont roferenoe to the 1ýoad la London. AprilSr,85 Agent, wiiitb>' T E LIVREEPOOL'& LONDON & GL¶bBE INSURANCE Ct>m VAN y !0one of the nîoît prosperons of Englisto liunrance Cos. its INVESTED FENDS are .. 17,005,086 Iti DA1LY INOOME exced .... $20,000 Its LIFE POLICIES are s Sure Protection for the futur,. Ità FRPUEI'OUE, lIn«;ed et CiUMinn RAT»asllord impie protection tc tii. Merchant and Hlouselioîder. AU ilar claiffis I'EXTL Pti», and the ut- Most liberallty sliowu lu the, edjuztlmeut a Uoa4OficemuadaDrau l ontreal. 0. Y. C. SUJTI[, ChIef Agent for Doninior. L AI13BANK.$ Je. AeaX.i et ¶Ï lîiby, ônt, Whitby, Jîîly 2stil, 1089. . MANUFACTURE!> AT.TJIE Agricultural Workï. LEFFEL'S CELEBRATED Double TUR13INE WATER WHEEL. "ZE 1L05T EOONOMiOAÀL WIIEL iÇow INUSE! T ifflY Wheeua v. mnc nov nicnufnsetuniung .Leeper tIen îîîîy otîtoalîe11P Ili thi.e u- dry, andl vo wili givo ia guienmote vitti emeh IV' heel varriinting Ilienito be mi vWC Il matde, and te gir.va asgood imti-fctian -un mn> oin- fsctîîred ilu the JDominion. I'mrtia deirng funhher information tan ob- tin it by addresaginic P.AXTON, TATE A CO., t'cimy-St., Port Penny, Ont. Mmvi ch .1869. 1 BRITISH AMERICAN AS.SURANCE COM~PANY Capital, $400,000. IJIEuonthe moot favorle tenus. AppI>te' ho 3AÇU 2-2m, Agent, lb>. N UTIl-UEN -11O0TFL 1 - WIHITBY. 9 yAl on oulcotabe ents, maliesa the or- dinr>'plugbsîansd point mttahed cestuç 50 cents. Une iare vilI psît to a aiOnt it leait~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tin fecfteMeaePonsthseffeet- ing a vilig tiat viiibe et once apparent te ail. Save mouey theu and, use tii Mboveable Points. Eeui o ae ~*Tovusbip tgti ôsae Propietons. Whitby. eud J*As. TRENNUM, Wbitbv, yaeu 6.1870 1 DOMINION GALLERY. Foc richuesu ef Tome, fnllncsg cof Uctaîl, ani caquisite Finishi, canuot b. surpesici I usaving macle great improvemne s 'in (lie liglitingof tItsallon>', hein nov tak.t ic -- Lurea boetter titaùn aven. The new "ltinmàtt, pleunre taken et Willson's: ; ti pr"inter, V-guelte, e uev aud very bemutifiti style. Âtîytlaitg ioa iti i'iotogrspliy, tttla Worth lîaviug, cen ie bad et Wilisou's GaiIan>'. Cabinets, lu freines, ver>' loy. Old Portrùitsç nuitly copleil. poitrails efflargea ta lire 1site, auJ telorei, in on-weter colons or ,muea ink. Mr. W-illeom la very sucesifull la teking thildron'a pietures. E. w.LS . Apnil12,187q. 15, M1R. JAMIlES W ALKER, of Aulburu, Ont.- Twin PlIough, AND ALSW- THE utendusmnnnlaeti ringon aà large iode tins peulaua Wautor. bis- TWIN & DOMINION týý2r The ii.> viho gutarenteed. Weilimcd., aud lte working part graund. Igi Parties vonld do veli ta som nciteir eors vîthout.ajela>' - aunt>' Pîghts fon sele. Asiburu, Navemben 10, 1869.; 45-tf LI1V ER Ya T Ilt UNDMRIGNED DI;IES TO 1 W tirm hiii freuids and patrons, tiiet ho lias itgain resmcde. business et tih. old- WHITBY LIVERY STABLES ge- liTviuig encrensed tie n inber and qnality ofthtee stnd, and idlin îdded toansd iion- proved theIi eaxvvym;îcgs sud veliieles an1 tliq p-emuselq, lie iîapes by lei in a position ta -ucet the ivantsaifcttîtonîira ta nerit- sabae of public pýIironagce. SCHARGES 1ODEUATE. N. B.-ýavered coôuveyauscés for familias and ladies%. Prompt atteudance, ai' heratol.ore, ta 8il order%. X. «AY. Fraprietor. Wliitby, April 6, 1805. 1 acay P. O., County of Leanoz, Ont., Canada. I MAuoc outJ of Emtingi, iPrevinca of Ointario, Faeb. 9On, 18809. Tr 1% toiu a rlif>'that ittnînaithe ululer et X 16 1 wo macs teken iaweknxiaf the muis, aicli grainalluing lthe Spning aof 1867, extenlei te yni> eues%,sud on up b my lilpi,, sudlI becem we a ck liaI I ceuld not vaUt, but won conllned ta m> chair. For abount, tva >'ai. v wile.titis vealesvas eemsiug an me, sud afiorvmndsg, t souglitmeelicl adisc, .mpTloyiuge t differeîtlimtes, tbree ddcdors. audmadielsîos of ditl'erent kindar, prescnlbed by finotisbuta!f no aval. I conthmauite git verse andiwro,'ulit il tiie summter C'f 168, vhn I1 viii mucei ta tr>' the great Siiesiton- eus Remai>' b>' readinigtlite curé& eer!ormeil, in: a pamiphletAt tbus tiie T b hai begnJI ý fuel tii, weakuess lu M anads; lu tat vas gti amait helpiasu. -1tbave faken tv batI t ithé shloshoneesReomeiy coi two boxtes ofhbe-pils endi1Tamsentirel>' rerhorei ta. bealtti. 1 Inavet .rpected tb get botter, but ainipIy tr!ed the meticine as a sert-)f fenlorns hope. Tiiscatms of mine vas naot a privait. one, but lenovu te it upIy -neigibargensd friends; can-toaujone eaEioi.d us c arna, I bîvoiYoatry thoe boua honu edy; WA GELI maotai C(JÇLOIC GNE eti iul- tary, he bî'gs ta iey that Iitat nov euabfed la eeute .11 onderà viii viie, b m be-far.r oreil cliesper, amd with g 1eter ition tihan bithento, and to gumranIee etery suatitalue lion t O ustomeni lu the.quality cf the vorboi mmnsiiip sud infiterial. gw Csl sand lie te iD ov Calorie Engins acf vork Y Taken iu exchamîge, and rCiii Frics illowed. JAMES CLATYTON. A NAMOUNT OF qOEe Tho. Subiceiliei a nov presrod ta Losn aiit Amaont at moneo (pri vai. fauns) on good FARM P ROP E R T -Y410 lnTu mm ta Putborrovcn, civer>' Tow 1ea -itîterest, repayable lu elle suiS, or by yauni Itistalmeutsa --- - fm miarenreeent t1uree <o! the Jargeiui Monetar$ Iligtitutions i!nth îe Dominionn, wviicileni A A ARGE NUMBER OF IYELL, CULTIFA7TD FARR9, And a quautity of Wild Laud, tor sale dîeup. Faf partieulsnss pily tae JAMES XOLDEN, --Ofliel iai ague, Maoy BraMer. &.. OFFICE.-Second fleer -Mollilian'*Bloelc. Brode lltreet, Whilîly. Whitby, October 4th, 1889..- N. B.-1am prepaaeelt', invept l inl011 vnis cf Iiaeeitures4, seartgagema, attd illterie irities -Greenbacki and SiIyr bonguit am? sli. DJIE8ssMANINO ILUE no no telapzndiflYîibrgniv icnt nôietO hey ha ouei itsina lu, caiborne t.,th hvet eaned o! ie G nmabre. St.,eret tlîey iioftpearei a rcve su exeore te ili are frédre- makfpg a un tIle.u e Supenior uainen eaiifer thealat.at fashbiotîs.AIl ordi.rs mtoied te vitla poueo tuality mamd thé strictestl ettention. MESt. KNOWLING, - MISS CLARK, -Whittiy. Nar- 17, 1819. 46 TEETI! EXTlA~CT 13Y THE USE 0p NITROUS OXID -LAUGIIINLG GAS, OR TRE KEwo LO>CALAN.ESTHJE TICI -AT DENTAL Booms, DUNIDAS STREET- WHrrnTBY, C. W. EtOoMS3-Ove iM. H.Cochrnane'sStars. Wiiituy,Juine 26,j867. 25 GNEORGE GURLEY, MEitCHANT TAILOR CLOTIIER Aim DRAPERn, thG£TIRENe GAiNf-TSmadir lu tii.qg hst ayle gauJ lateit fnshiou. A ileo stock(if Clotlis (nmwlucto t mie ielection for Gentleiui's smmr muts. Hlair, Dressing- and Shaving-f souvaorc.1 - lIAD OFFICE, -.-TORONTO. HIEAD OFFICE, MONTIIEAL. Coli 071 j7 F_- ATE ÜT U Lý.E' S--p A.ppiy to- G;--m ma la ILI

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