Whitby Chronicle, 18 Aug 1870, p. 2

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1(o. f;, laa eomiued-Iu. Don- - Iuolvoy Notice ef W. R. Kaîh.vscu. Jaoroaey -Notes ofJobs TO-J. IL Eape of- ibe Seat of Wsr for male. loies c f isslsie of Paturorhp- Ncîhs-.W. D. ibseL EeOpeboi-,I6--lbb»,,Lobb kCo. ONLY $150 CENTS A TEAR Wlltby, Ttîursday, Augut 18, 1870. n. a BODuF[Official Assigne, la authorlsed «te eolle s accuaIsfor tht.j office sudgîve reelpts;- sud amete sue o th. ricevery cf amaents pisced lu bisi bauds for collection,. The Wer 4Europe# Wàr l i ou*îO7 uan'o gue and lu ety _006'o tboogýb an sd peope are @e.ryvhere balsmclogtbe probabilities fer, and igainstthie itelihod cf Epglsnd b.. tomux mlxed op lu I. W. gte copien6 extrases rou ort teiegrapblo reports in ether celomns. ge fat, altbeugh the French ha"venudoubiedil met with re. -Verses, ucîiug decisive bas y.1 talion plat@. The later tolegramu received in- cliu@- to fayot'rench succceme. NaPo- heou basfolles bock on his reserves, whe are burrylog up te hm frein ail quartars. Ontrfend O. P. &ainu returus te the charge. And ibis lime va îbiuk Il wii lieu duiittid tbtho len ot Very choiceslu bis language, sud d hmore abuoire ,îhsu.logical, There eau b. ne deubi ibatthebm injlty of Eiglisbiueu are te ithm preseul dîne more Prussian'iban French lu soir seutimuents, aud that ibey - vire se saven before the publication cf the secret trst, lu the Londou Timtes.' As Io thé secret treaîy, Ih ,Ill cover vitb @quai diagraee both the King of Prusuis aud thebmiperor of the French., Grantý- luigitth t .îreaty proies ihat the Emper, or vus tilliug to pay the part cf a public robber su&-bspirator agaînat the peuce ef Europe, beho ld neyer baie dat.d te, lsy bis proposais berore lb. Kng badilso mot Wa gond tesson for supposiug ibat the [aller voi1tfut a consideratio'u, williug 10 pro"e hlnuelt equallyounprinclpled aud îeld of boueur. '1 oss persons vbe sig. maîhise ,Ith Emperor ae a conspirater agl -b gborcfthe people cf Beigin sud tbm Duchy et Luxembourg, sud at th daue tinte vlsb tb ezoersie tbé Pr&sstsn Kng -ftow blame',.forget thai oesmen tanuot censpire. TtIl akes tve or mors mou te fore:a couspiraqy;ansud ertaiuly asI k viii be belisied that the Emperot en. tormd ie ousplracy 10 liscome poessis md ocf Belgininsud tbe Ducby of Luxem-_ bourg, se surely yul ,î lbc asserted snd belieied thai the King et Prusaia vws bis ieilow conspirâtor. But supposing se, it provres uoîhiug more thon ithe truili cf the old saying thut wben-well, net 10 put toc fine a point npon il, we viii gay, when royal and imperiai personages (ail ont, thbïs houest nations are likely te retain ibir own bouudary bunes. The dis-pute betwesu Frauco sud Prousi, hbasarisen becanse the Emperor and the Kin4g bure Nobody should lie vithout oue. -- --- - IMPOtItÂliTANXoUNCENT.- Attentiot Io dircted îo,the Important sneuncemeut et Mssis. -Gibh, Lobh k Co., iu ther columus, wbe are rtlriug frein business, s»d dkçsposiug ofet t.eir vàluable stooks, Toeuty- yessexperieuce lu cing Icysu'. Palmonie Waters baie preved thion s bm hemuet effitiual remedy for coeughs, md i rritation of the throat, causoc by eeld, or nunal eseriion ot the vocal orsani; public spmsbmrs &ud singers Will Iud thbstuscii beficisi. The entire frmedeuu frontalal deletarlons ingreienu rendiers Brysuis -Pulmoulo Waters, er Cough sud Voici ILouages, saiste rsmsdy for te mo#t det4eate persau, ud ba esussd chou lob belil lun igh esteen by a&l vho bsve und tiom;Sold hy aIl me dicin dealers s a I4et box. Enumto.-Oae of My dsogbiers, who hsd intirely los ber voie, vas adied by aàfblond ta ut'Fiilev Oompeuud Syrup -jor 1Eypopbes pii.sasud eu@ bout afttr tabiug Ibo, fit" dosé, ber voici wus cou- drenubed, N. B., Jsnury, 1867. -Pries@et 50 èabotiim? 6 for $150. Soid by apothecarimes sud b F. Cudilh 0000 MI M o ug m UM wue-- inces lateayslai tb. Frenmh Mags- gâie la 'a grest sirails uvmoTet, flling à 4eries of oagagezeais.ý ToiograPh vmsLonulsud uevse omis lovly. 11W ?mnssi ses taindso0 severs a loua tuai tlii verse oupiilil tb hat ou their vctorjous msreb. Asortis byi bmý garriscu 0( Stuuqbours rescieldlu thelr- belug drivi*s book w.hleuoi. Thé Ecâpres nid te bu golu; te Eugiud on The camup at Chaleus ambers 'lrsiy 200,000 Men. Âueîbir satii "Y& tii diei adisusof -tb ?ramdam a osuýss almoil vitheet serons Iutorrptlou, ud thi tb theehretreal bai been mSml dissâtrou. -ravis, Aug L1'-olvng e noie t u eculve,rievs rom arcy-soay tbat after brillaul combat sundsy nîgli, tvo divisions cf eutm. o ta leInter- cep$ Friuhmb meb sUd oveo repulid.. Empierrbis srrivmd aiChloitm, vbere be le organislug luge force. Lohdon,-1.-.ocecrding te mcii rli. able sdvloem, evscustleu cf Metz vwu stsy. ed, ,y svsuce guard cf. rovu Prince. Repots trouâ Vetdun, satle, greal batlle la on, buîit e â of Prenait uitiies tonfit ure received bere cf Prussien îictory. Greatl conslerulic rdod ln Paris. Ber~i, U -~'e -. cuncil ',-ïted te frein Frances ol fnisBpmsmsg Nev Yotk, to. -London Trlàunede- spstch, le day, sys, ont speclul corres- pondent writes freurParisi, lfenday tlgbt. $unduy'm bttie vas only siblance oi ouccesa or nitigion.of disaster, Germani baulng eut off aiil rslvuy communication vitit Metz. Bazaine aommnced retreut acroslb. Moselle, sud propesefi te foliev ordiusry high rouid tevarda Yerd:.n. Wben bail the atmy cse river, ie Wase >surprised sud attacked by s large force of the cnemy, vito,, ýftçr foutrbuts fl5ht ir.g, ier. repulsid ."Ithgrea oi.Frn appesances tb. Priisisus one more oui generaided Frenchsud gt round, 'lu grcat force, toe itcher sidofethle river, bywliicb Bazaine meatt te retire; sud clocked bis retrmat. 'Ailpurties seem Lte concur thai every censlderation muI'y$v wCy 1te the neamsqilmebtheb. out.Th ministrY work Iuekntlý. C.orps cf free shootera are orguunized ll over tbheadtiu- try; these cf 1. 'rouges are begitîuing te tonfnent tbe enesuy. New York, 17.- Tit correspondent ot te Tribune vrites-detais cf tbe appear- uace cf 'he fleid sItar tire batile. Lie states îlîat the Frenchit bat ten. teusmand kilimd and wonndcd, sud seven thonssnd priscura ; getmat: bs savon Ihensanfi. go continues, tbat there Was a constant treain ef waggoas brliging devu vound- cd meri, Prussieansd liavariuc, Tor"u, and Freîîchweu et linc. Tbcy bore lb. ugouy cf the road in equal silence; il vax rare le hear a cry, titougit the pont tel.- love faces slîoved ninci pain They were a adder sight inluthie blood-staitied ban» dages ltsa.,i te mennvite buygrimly on thie bil aide. WcorlteItsevs s tàuere lîcapital, aud aIltlite initabilants veto cititer uursiug the woucded et buryîug lte <end. [t vus an cvii tate for the. pic- turcoque litlîr place. tbal more than 100,- 00t mou onone aide sud lte ter sitould haie elied ther qtuatrei se near ut iband, Thec eveul cf yesterdy vas the capture of the littho furtries ot Leucibenburg, where s large arucunt cf miiitary stores are te- .perted te itqvo ben captured. The as- Baltnts fired iésvily ie the place. sud we heard titeir gons bociing il yestler, day torencon. Grauivilleaddremesac long circular tu Engilsit tprcsentativca luntGen. uisuy, insiâting îbit nuttrulity bc faitb.. tniiy obocrveïd, sud equsi fucililies given bath beiligereuîls. Thte tanseofthlie de sputeit la mederute sud concilorty- but cleanly lte Englisit geverumeut dont lu. tend te put sny aditicual restrictions ou supplies te Baie ll cl Tite Tribunes cerrespondent, fin. WVeissenburg, ssys, tresit régiments coun- slantiy pouring Ibrougt, sund. Germans boastI liey bhave a million min on Frencht mii. Tic Werid's London special suys: W. bave ne acconut cf Frenait victory et ctessiug ofthlie Moelle. but te Emperor s officiai degpalcit. Titere aire ruiners ltaugh lo-night taIt e Prusslans have suficreub a mest scticus defoat, wititcnet-mous mugses et men, aud bave been driven back te the river. These.dc net couac frein the Frenach guvgrumeul,, iticit manifesteas singular indfeérence te publia opinion. Disturbauces lu Paris have - net been r.- neved, but litote are continuai rumens, traceabie maiuly -te stock excitange, et te- Corps. He diî tnt rçceive a scratch. but et 65 of iis efficers4l. wore1kild, woiîud- cd sud miasing. Tlhe soldiens ftought like rlions. We itad 3e,000 agâiit 630.000. Mlaciatou beitaved 'spîbnddly, difi ail auy yman &tuld, buthac] nul moen eugli. Wc ,haie but 500 or 600 Zouaves lufisud pro, bably vilii be sent taSiraabourg to ru- torm. MAItanA&L ACXeADO.qil sAOIuiSm. The tolleving h a n orden ei the day iu stied by MrsiýtîljcMaunu:".'des r lu tte batlieof the Otit et Angust, fortuite betrayed yonr e5nrige, butl you, yielJed yaur position otîiy staier a lîcirate rosis- I tance, vInit ljasted notleàloua tiit tine Iheurs. Yen vere 85.0o0 against 140,000 sud voe eierwtelmied by lte force et numbers. junder theme conditions deteat isl glorteous, sud tistory viii say ltaI tin rlte baille et'f ýrcabvoiov liii .Frenchi sbeved lia. -greaètalolr., Yen bave T uffered heuvy lte,-bt ubce ct-lte sa e emy are mu ait g'>re ter. Althoug b y n 'y have not beencu estfui, yen sMsa caunse lu yeur mistortune viiet akes lte Eu. peror sstisfled viit yen, sud the entire country recagnize ltaI yen av verlbily suistaltted W1h. hor of t tii. g. Lotu shotev lttiteughi ubjeab o tetesevir- es estseal, lit. Prst Corps, fergeltiug taos. ylesses lit anks, sud God siding ns, lt ni u seize srreat and brilliant reveuge. The afoiteut. sitys Iba durinig lteébat- d- on- Snuday, Matebsi Bazsine bad th position a mssked bstt.ry et Mitrailleuse feur regiments -efthlie Prussisu Reysl (anard appreacbin, lte batteries vere un- masked, sud twc of, the règluuenfa vers completely .sîuiil4led. The cortespoudeonloftIbe ,aIYp vriîfg -frem Luxe mWurg, say Tite Sresuit oet Menday's balîle vwu te force ltse Gruas ckt leM sis london 1080o, say, Ibm hedefeaif ef 1 reb;lthe' laIsbaIlle, la aerMiftmd. Tii. PrusJans uumboed 50,000, tboir lois9 vas beavy, and thte French lois vis bar.- fnL oç Aug.-1,-4lgerl bu, besu ýde, Clared lu asitteof sege, 1 London. 16.-Decuimeuts uscribed le Bismsrck are Ju circulation lnt Pruasia declatlng territorial iggrant"ettu5 Ibo resuit et tb. var. --T lba Bvsias have net yet been iapýi: li tlthelie needia gun. They stit use lte id- pet onssion teck mussI4 loader, The Frenait deny tutmor3' of tlieptuti cf Bitabo. il is feared in -IParis, 1hs1 Mrtal Mc- Mahous Corps at sud sreund Strasbourg1 lo entireiy cul, oef fremn main body ofj -fiench, srmy, tse foiîovliug Items arej eztrscted troua Frenci t5fciai bulletins. Thae Prussians are net lu auy gresi ferceg berre Strasbourg, théti oi' ot qBitsbe1 s1111 béloiteoui, ttc rsilvay 'bridge at Tîrgeseelsu on-lits line beiveen Stras-' iturg atnd Base-ias teu deaîroyed byi eneuy. Timies In Ilsmoucy artice 0ugys, v leisnç - mry te Predipoue lte Emperer le treat fer Il Io certain te Prince l l--ara Paria, 15O.-Officiai despst-cb trout Pro, ete of e tiz leminister of «Intctior, Ilu jînbisited. h.e saya:- A body of Germen1 Uhlans tas bien seenrieur Comamercy,1 marching tevarda Bar 'Le*Duceobas1 titroree ul raibvays, lu that section, te' impede adîsuce cf euemy.1 Lcndon. lft.r-Digpstcites frein Prusslan1 -goverutuont te Prussian Ambassador boe. are ful et triumph. sud express gresteml confidence gis te te early resutef vwan. 9 -Viense, Âg.1.ba Von Beust pnbiicby deniefi sny st'empi on bis; part1 te médiate on questions atIissue botwcen France sud Prussia.1 Loudon, AugI. lôt.-Despatchea sStates tat S. 8. Petînsyhisnl a destroyed by1 fit. ia erronoons, tcesie4er p art et cargo desiroycd, but vemel ucl badfy"damaged. Nev.Yonk, 1.-JVrWid'î onodefit ln-Loendon, lasInight. télégraphes that lte iearued troin Paris, tuaI lte bealti te i Emprei, as veilias of lte Empenor. lai lad, Titere la immense pepular excite-i mient lu Paris, and great difficully lu con- trobiing. Population is impresaîfi vti te bellofttthlie gevenumeutlel respen- subie for dîaastreua condition ot sfairs ; aise, ltai touas l, ou best autitority, froin Brnsls, ltat lte 'vitobeBelgian1 snmy le meviug te troinlien cf Helaud. sud Dulcit Luxembourg. Il la inpposed titat ncîîlraliiy oeth oItice sates is - lhnestencd by - Prussia. Beigians have ioted su appropriation eftwtenty millioni francs, te fortity Autverp. Beigian an. tLlery are expeniucuhing vitit a ueviy iuîeuted mitrailleuse. Thoittipcil o dit FrenchIola uct critical, sud ilta gdonbted if ttcy can retrieve tioinselies 'The Prutsisu armuy la beleved te he a million strng. - New York. 10,-Tribune correspondent vritcs froua Paria, on Sunnsay nigbti, 14tb, -1111 cusidered uncertaîn vialtet Ein- petrret Bazaine commande ; no decre. tas 701 made Bazaine Genenalssime. Paikae'msateinentla equtîvecal ; uchhing proves ltaIt Empeor may net, aI any mo- ment, reappeat aIteaod cf snmy. Chban- garnierleinou nrai fayot, but ne con- mid le yet asigued hlm. Nelting is yel knovn.cf llcliahon's pe. sîttôn, prebsabeha viii hie unablo le tue- join army nearerthtitn Citalous.- No army lettir bas bien teceived lu London Iter titan 7tb, axcept one frein Tribune correspondent, on lOthitmt, viticit tss been alreadytelograpited. Ou Prenait side, campaigu ugainat jeutnatists bas becu more succSaful tiàth itt against Piùasia, et tour ef Tribune corteapaudenîs final seul. onoetasbeen rocabled by, Eug- iish militaty anltcoriîy, beiug Subjecl le gevernueunt Service; one" escaped froua Metz, and tas joined Prusalan amy ; oe vas anîested, and sent ta Italian fretier; sud eue waasseîetely wi-eunded, sud la lu hospital.--Tiree olters, aluce sent, scem le ho more firlunate; ue la sàt Mets, vitese deapatches vere sent cu 141h ; oe la at Cialona, vitose letten la juat receir- cd, sud lta substance teiogtapheèd; uhird ieft London on te 2nd..sud net yeltheard tram. Antier correspondent vrites, on Saturday, 18th : Every foreiguen, ne dis. tinction being màde, waa erdered to louve Metz, on Tiuraday, Attesta et cottes poudenla continue uusuccesstnlliy; oe Ijameron, reptesenting.some Scatiat pu- ptr, vus ilu iminent danger o eiig sitot, te vas eîiby saved by Joint sddreet sufal trespondents te the Emperr. Frenait are extîpetatefi te lat degre.; ltheela no ss:eiy for uny eue, except thoe actuai ly titi te staff,' ~ 1AIt e aiteve meeting. cettespendenta îlecided te destroy ail mpaoexepl ltaoit day.riv.Qed tlengdeuspatat, dateeilv te ficiniîy t Mîzsuuay é evering, A viatoreus comaîntlccurretio near Miz te day, tetroepa ofthlie firat and. hecîctlîtcorp; parlucipating. Ibaten 10 te tseneof eticconfiai. Nov York, 15-Thora tua a btIle yes. ftenday, near Metz, itotit sidea dlaim s via- t. an;;isg, 15-Ttc iolleviug important despaîcito, lte Em;îrcjss-Engenie, tas jual .bren noceived, sud umade publia,:-'- ' Longvy, Ang. t. 10:40. - Ttc army conameuaed -ctos lte lot i nk et ltoe Moselle thia merniug. cnt sdvance -guard had ne kuaviedge eft1he presertai of any terce cf thte euemy, vien ital et cntu army lited crosscd over, lte Prussians suddenly sttackeà ti lugreal force, at ter -a tigit ofetotantboutsthtey wveorepniaed itl great legs tetem. t _Derlin, 14.-Klng William ha bis itead- <quanters ai Palguèumert, haIt. vsy ho- t ween Metz sud Saarironck. on lte rail- i noad belveeni lie. ities, gaudi-ai ordar tu basben iasned, trom lie roysl tead. l q natons. titat Ive francs te psld eseit use i- dàily, ast compenstionet rations. t Augnai 14-Tribune specas. Londn.- Ont correspondent, aft Lexbeurg. kiltes:- IlAng. 18, 4.80 p.m.-luteliiece jusl r,ý.-1 t ceived bers, ltaIltrýe. -Prussian nmies t are concentraîing napidly lunt.eneigititr- beoof et Nauansd Senixelz, ai PFro- tConit alika m noir coi~ »eng termenatsu vuus- -t-cm tev insuW fru 0t O7as seoTeelevies, sud -ien. Yiry commanda! et force b. put ilus oeuditi v4ov/-Cwpi nov belng fotuiad atParis. - sien; 1 vi11 se.mbinlî. QIt.ls12î6 p.M...& body of lhd.teey' Pars. 14.-Jcutnal O0 I e l--& ains ewte n es r Foiarder, e statiton liaséPatuts folleviug autherized by g 4pnt, Z B.dsStrasbour~g rendt!, Ibis ruing, <bey giro.lt publie ai- beginu<inqf,àrawltli wer. aftacked and driven oa§,, sud ltaoit 1'tusla. - commander laken prisonof. To-day cor Empierrteceived addr fom~' frnc;e- -val r ymade lilliant recounisance, lunlte pal ebieflana cf lte:p fhadji AI- direction of lte river Nied, ltse memys genis, vite a-ke te>t o M*ftcih corps sud suail bodies eto cavalty pone- aud figit Iesde eurtirtep anBI t, *e trated fair nl the connury-ImKltha matin- 9uaciptien fer oùffeers. , ' ~ body efthlie army notmaklug any-ltfvad Iu oer aLgisialif, rigittd lftrival, mvmni asci t c nhen uernasu ta it, I ;Ï oudeas.- i1ate leffors Bay tiftl limil cf vier. spnitfDe n taeFrance, IMarai alMaltatoei'm tea aceton nov ibiniistny-finda lis a eloyal o- taiulng 10,000,000 francs,' la g'cd, tasm operation et Country tipre LadIies, t.é aaptured ly lte Pressiens.,- sessien et lOtit et AUg&v dtfgi w ~ Suîat,1.l i aIl fWe tbat day as. anîeng mont all neSutat,1.-nthtm'eôfWo parlilmentaty aunais, neveu-bas nation lb. trat Corps Otte Wutteuburg cou- sctod undfer inspiraton -of4,émdtn4utlingent, bout ô officets sud 28 tien, kiloed; Eleiuted soldieri téest vole nation in b,: 257 veunded, - and -118 iing., At itind thora, sud titt te approsteis Genviller, lte Cc'int Embnrg troops cap- viten,,çueuyviil.c -te ur ned on.enmitrailleur, tbniee cafpoonp,une lad;reie e -dipi. situation ltf rige, 2 00 priaeners, and 500 shtovs tut efficacous bele t-a-made ta e os place en gct'd fooi a ~r tgne tit L4ndou, 12.-AtBrse.,latuli, fereigu peveërs on ,pain 'w <ftouai«temtieri-vas enttoianstia populan deutcnstrb presoul cnimis. At t'in gý Ct is- ions before Iba Palace,'- îd -tlie" Bri b uaurak iongittl eacc0i lis - loving legation. iYrusmian sacunts say ltsI Objecté. --n- ething at Konnigratz coubd ptaaiel lit. Tg avaken agni, t Eogind, lte destruction cf lite ut Woetb, Russel ou Beiln question. . -1 - etrites te tic Tims s iaielite -nahbead- 2nd. Te cemeul P' ha; Russia.quarteri vere vitolly Igneraul ôf détails Brd. Toanuplîcate -'. b- Spain# et Battieet Woett, but vieeimpressuf trugi thliteilcenzc'l.j ae it lte belief ltat IL vas -deciaivé -sud th. To silienato us Mou Y on Ro-. important lu ils resulte. M. Titiero la man question, --eported,-te, bave' aaid lt it e Empire Tits ntio omiu~io 'k, fI i so euded sud arepublie inevitaela.-The Englund,-lnlly tesmnur y Omidedilata- parla pays publithes a leltor frouam nde tien of siucerity, isoigned - Ot s-, DIs Monibel datcd at Nmnc, deuoüuriug aB=ety victiaisas y ai ble ns as' 1 lte Empercr'a laed gcueraisitip. lilesaya acg nmsd tenders ciane çoq orthernu MMaiton, gsllantlystrnggbing, vas beaten foe.Rusta tasioaligde reiy teilack eof support, titougi tlitea ere s Bismarck expectid Pub - »Piin,- multitudes cf atmed Frenaitien aitiband trongiotenthue empis et czar, ýPoTe and engfrteagave flmiî, The passage of-tDîe more untavorsîbe'teézsggerateleumnicu Rhime vas nndefended. cf Prussien onarcad indlà -froua le. ing~~~~~ hotlhe's pl ~- ,beî,'<Net York, Aue. 12.-The substance ot cordislity, &sud, sel re'Ytl. i net epihse alsre By ugreemeut vitý cabinbt 'et: - rneeansd Iliese neaeived lu otter quartons. vo bave laken t# cnrqpomî ,,-' gains convey the impression flita great Bat- basia, ot conventipnonfe j5t- -e uhîr îlec may be exreated at auy momentini and a solution- of question 'b4cEnso' i te viainity oi Mets.' compllitied te Our common cause, sud, London, Ang. 10.-La Liberté gays ail vittont raisingi- anyqï, diffieulti, tîiey members o etmcahon'a staff, kiiled or neititer aI LendoiW, t. eersboutg, Mal - vonnded, lunitattieetofTi-ssetoeier- id or Floee-a; hasMisarck iaeded Col. Grammout, (brtter cf Minlator' ci in casrying ont bis ktogramma. Sym- Foeein Affaita,) leal iisara ; Col. pait eDemalik, fotnsà, continuas tarin AMsf moitally wennded ; Ceut Vogue, as titey t'wee iteora 0 tut. Our fiest la sud oabers, voeeuînoug kiloed.74th Ite- lote Kiel, finitgreul events vIi lake giment bit ut Winaerburgit, 48,ofcr place ou titat casaI; Aqaîtrlu t'ty are 'kilied sud vunded. filing , np thitamrraalt:nnqu<iioutly. Strasboturg, 10, 9.80 p. M.-Ail quiet Negotitions for peace can'L le,-tiuid blie, but defoui.ivo measunes continued. aI titis mement, thon lte var~ ny Ai.I.- pca epltfenLn jua comened;tho nule~TVeliug- don, datod lasI eveninq. sayî: . ateat ocdl. deciates itsoit vil tdminubie A .,y, an ca idea cf veukuera cent riit ai oat i despatat, datod Mtz, August fîti, a~~~~~ sgoPruta. eoueateS tates liat ie Emupern, taI orning, vitit toreinipvéer viatal h iid velt iaqsnetMralaiu, oetgnl'O ae tjion vîc numed command u tops concen-- le; nxi minisit etFeniwu i til ratcd aI Mets. ILItoh uordtat Mr. find grounfivcib propane' t M, staialBassine vas ta le made Geu.-Issime punsue ~ ~ ~ ~ S ltvrkcumneb>i5Pof utlite vhele arm tîny e icRiine. Thte --."Aaaroés r-tedEmpînor ita liiud te bis pvulucompe- NetwY Iok, 5-Aconnes- tni frouaSasrbnck: apejeta as for n oay, sud, disrcgsrding thé univenual out- mislîce, but vas teln smci.- -. amagainsl hlm, te viii ding ý0 l abcef Luxemburg. 1.-Frenait are 1niyn onin tlt a yuii St~Fds lu drecton e Niicy. ic rtiug my ut te national patine gvi advaccdle S. Aeld, ,,anM ,yivtc t t tlie neyer vili return tii Parla place Prenait tas ivacunted. itlli te, unrsuas5 aftiieO Iikly Icu mako a stînd u tzI. - llabon "lti;isralied the bu 0 f is Por MothN. .,AU.Iqs ,)-Itago d erdet. Weunded, botit Gernuans itougitl ltaI Admirai Farragut dying. u, rniallarvn uMneul SnFa alo,.ug. 12.-lu ,,IVigence bundreda. - froua*àC Liiagv details cf M tiare ef etntiissaiFrnton, twentytoEne Le France asorts, fithatIhe Prince lm- peasaunîl tity or torly Litincue chiidreu perîi, viteose neturu te Paria vas rnmored tiere Mnrdened; nine alateta cf citunrity yeslerday, ;ssîbil vith itslmpapalaItlte vote viatitua efthlie massacrtoi e bo>- titrI.etfvan. des voeetorriiby muiltted; eigitt pro-- London. Aug. 1ll-Adviacs frouaPi-us- testant citutotes,-fronituahith*lt missaion. stan Prontier up ta te ton o'aiaait Wod- aries rolroatod, vote gutled *- sixticu neaday nigitt, alate Prenait ore falliug places et vorsitip voeedesttood. lata le lioeoetMoselle, harrasoedhy Net York, 13.-Catb aqocial te- Tri- Prussian aavaity, tuit bad already pasa. b iune says. ne nets la uilowed ta nesat od Ladremen- bere tram lte Prent, sud constant suspic- Falgument sud Lestangs atones et al loua are expnessed. Wcunda made by kindsansd raîlway trints isd failen int Prusian guns are ual severe ; but riffcta lte bauds ofthlit- Prussiaus, îtey isd aiso et muitrailbeuse e n9trful, numbets etimen tuken asamabi fottese etflluzelbsîein lu tad bath legsabst off sud atil - live. Ed Vageawviiai the Prenait had evaaualcd muud About lnas priaanier at Toxior. icaeving gunsansd provisians. Paria, Au&. 12,-French cty for ars Paris, Aug. 11.-Journal Officiel bas; but, IL appears;, tem, are ne armas te givi advices froua Mets tea4MO3 yesterday, p. titeinsd itilla ontcmplateddisauiug tam -te détails of Buttie et Troehfvrilian part et Garde Mobile obd flint minkel ; r*e meagre. Maratatl cliaton tad s thîn e nely fiflenchassepots perrdoin- torse killed under hlm. pany astte camp, sud lue-rosI are tbld ta A Biaeo aa éev n n look ou, vîtile te fitteen are tatigitt tithie rgdeo cviy 'eenesdr~u use oft lit ari t. ty lte Frencit smmy dviilou o ettccorps ef tien. Faibly iam,fédi remains concenînatod belote Mels; ,ne. en thitfeid clit e lose efthlie day, sud body undertauda, ILla sboliçved îté covercd lte eireat, tte pursîtit efthle Pruseisus are alrcady ut Nancy, ansd, it enemy vas vigonetit aI firat, butl accule- ls appatent, lte empire us roiled op like a camie a more reaonnoisaalce. matolu- Whsi Ibouauay aid-tli morning London, 1.-lu Carpi; Législatif, on la true, teortveînty yearsnoledyl FaneTueaday, viten thte vete vas taken, on aîudied vn, îve . hin a tt o uefirlc tin suftl«aining miuistmy, only aix il due canaidersîati. Paris, 18-La LiterIe pubitsies a pro . blovu iu the glass. samn he .balti clamalion, addresacd by lie PrîteaIt et betore purohsoing. Strstautg, tle i ellsn. Hosayti, e-- ports, casculsted le ateate unesaiuess, TeMutu eerp oaept have tecu cirauiated, sminepersons -have leMnrn TlgahC..aept fdared to expresthî ellolitaI t$us. I ing op a Une ta Port Wtitly. bourg viii aurreudîr ate.asruay viiteout stikbug a îlot. Rampants are stmOd- Assaffli on an Anuerloîtu Jîrdge it Ire. ftitit toc cannons,. the garition la lange, if -land. - e are aitaaked te viii defend entacîves- se long uashorieeasminu 1.11; let aIl gond London, Ang. 16.-FIe flloving de. clhlzos e lereamnned, -sud 1lte ovît tailiaor an nîOt on Judge JMcw,4fcnpfc trembla. Genersl Trochu@,,bas, sasuied <Net York, ver. nied boe. -- lti command at; O<lsons; Gin. <launtbett,_ 131h tusl, dnrlng ltecelebratien oet lb place Baraquay; Get.i, l eémmaud !raidiuge Imseg-fLondonderry, of army etiParla.- Mlin -Jd e Maon wus on àsvIt to oleraine, Londoni, Au&. 1.-Ft.e choiera tas a tovu, a fet miles east of LendondeM' broken-ont du the sitenes-cf lteBê'lack sudilu lbe same couuty. i Wîl aI lli i es, vessela frein lieuce a-sre -qùàralined ràilway sptatien -accmpsuied ýby ivtw lai Liverpeol- Ttc Ora;nge jcee ration at pniosta, Mn. MaKenua, oneetflite editot- Lnx*embrgyatrdayi,wua auddtit etofthe Belfual Star sud some etitet friendi ma vioencec,40 epits oner. - e lusamet'-ot Oraugemqen made an - amali inuIureîd. Sm lI ll.CoIS, candidate foton peu hansd bis emp-anlona aer - iesee Ccmwona, addneaasetià ctetded vwa î-ougitîy lindlid. 'Tbheiers ot'ti 'mWeeiig sePymeuitlût i tIýlOô lte pariy vieeburt, but tite /qdge - managet -subjeç p f 'Fàaicg-»Ïntit' eWan The't. teecepe vwitbeul serions icret7Y -2 - paletS bibito- wbs elcrji d el%4 Ot,5 gaini thm lut' -eleettniul«Yi cei. r Biouît bia ;enrty. -tht:usjoritl - ot iudpeuet, votes, and bis-deteat - ;rasu moia bouerabie te hlm ibshu te b. eloietd- lihe.dmr. Gibbs 6y cueb uaupriuol.pledf &ets - cf bribery.-- Tmusslng that, aitlte neàc1 aleetibai thtr rlgbU manuviii h b ouenthe lb nghï, place. Iremain, Whiîby, Aug. 16. To thte Edtitor ofih146JV/ilbij Cironicl. France.wants à% asJOaU 0f Arci," thé Mnl îi SIte 'Fu nua'battu-g proved a Tonssol 9 9 fI Paris, bmautiful , Paris 1I CitY Of arts sud icibuces i Meiber et buxcurbes I vithà -is Louvre$ ils Tuileries. is-Pelais Royal,, Its ýdeliilous Beutevard, ils carming Bei&-ae-Boulogue, ils glorieus- Cafes, b 'ts pnelly restaurants,- li susaent'Opena,sund. oucbautiug 'Pblesi Suddeuiy, bas tba seventih vial been poured ou il# hesti, aud ahi staudi (aleetvitlua atertaigl t o .lie 66»eialion et Wa,") i la"5state et slege" Il Wall4 Ibere-is noîhingi îtav under the son 1 Deulieu Babylon _vas jusi as jeu>"', viîh bu auds-ad gate ansd hanginç gardeus, wvith Sardeanspalais sus! bis Harem bluxuriatiug sround bite, Whou Cyrus îsmed bis 'Trer, sud put s Persisu exîiugubsber ou hlm Assyrtsn esudl.siich b Ion% t hfauny 7 Bah- 5',Wbom GOd! vanta te demrcyo -ha Bmr Mahii stie.P"-Oid s ibmheverlastiàg Hilis, froua Nobclnednezzar 10 lb. mau cf the "vaxet!histisatche," 'à.ihat îaid sentence. Ymm; Prauce vanta a "Joan et Arc,, ueue lutdo. Tbe chbld vith bis"bsptism ocf ireê la su as-Bap- dts simply,-Tha lire là. iflelit. Tha spirit *pi Friderich the Great, sud the -ci' both' splendid. cld Binebet, ara )sigudeibtg avonging, Je»s. The mnemcry oft uuappy Lasis the XVI, (tht houest, simple j"ac-ass,) tb. inftuens, thoj eternaliy infatuns realpueutf cfthe 1pcor Manie Antoinelte, ut vbose lright 1ris. on the horizon, lienu ibonsund awcrdu vonld unceshave beeu dravu »freuaiheis- scasbards," oeeant ilI, viîb myrisciset- luugbtered victime- sud agonies uuieid, troi J4fs, vithit liapoisancti vretches, te loootu. sudilis frizituisuxaes. I gay, one and ail, are weigiing like beai, au the itatîored, baîrred sud bt-chou 1cbivsiry cf France. Thte '-Plbiseite"' is ;played cul. A -villuinouis lim1IA ter- ,rible neiribution isil utull swing - "Thte Pruttians conquer sud the. French - m= e n f y . " - N o v itae im e a c a mn e , I b s i 1Fi-snce munIrail ber Iofty plumeti criaI. suad lot ber beâd (ail iutc Prusoius alup 1 iTiecocrme tas sped. Thc ati breaker ià 1pirued y hils avenzing Nemesis. OId dorece dolicioualy dgescribfs ti-§là airs ;cura" siîing benitîi the guiliy Kuigtt, .uad piuguing bite, let is steeti te fleoi as the vinti. By îbe liard ci my' Faîhers, ibtis self-cursed Empaerrcunuci aeunast c. hqorseback I The ciroebeulascoins.(ail i bmo i France pays the penalty et its 1 ilkeneussf Si. muât yiold Alsace sud ,Lorraine. Lot Paris il spsred. Let the .man cf the tame Rage-bis upouse sud bis loy, ho ejesited. Let France sallcv 1 ibm pil . e m id istry om pos d ; sd 1figlit, liko lb. antique culs cf Kiîkenuy; 1for socialisa, Republicaaismn, Fourber- lau, - onauy cther-ism. O. P. ; T l et Editor cf the te 7iby C/ronide. e-Dais S.- 0 O Salurday senuing the Gub iii. . a tmv rlalmen vere itting 1Iiîteniug Wte sof the party reailingibm War ne4iï eto the Mouirsal "Tram Wit- 5ness,'ý-: ader oeef., ibm beautitul isds" ýtrees-ou Prince, st.",(noe"Bod"Sl re0 - as répernad!by tibm evening !Musetf, te: k"Vindîcter'>. - Wben a voalt!-bhoîî1gbtÈ e*wititie$od, bsbf g bdit f ltlil Cellege ca Me aloug, loc>hiag for'@ubsonb- iabers fer théeabiseissus. £ho alou e c f the pàiy hlieapplie tu l, sci excmd a dl vuasileimSd Wedsesdaye fore§rBri ti Ke aýibiegatdd y Napoleon au the uest o .b'e nisuluipire. - i- lfzrhs -rÏ)absllf t , la -Isitr sixty -yenra of- sii. - 'Hie milisary celebrily>,-vus biset qcemuneôd'inAlgariand ud asparfecîed (.eere ebatopol. Hi tceh bis inhilmu- IeésIoty lb 18e8; sud bu 1895 Va sOet' à* hWr regimaul lea Algedla. H. vis liud barse uin a etofthe- bsrdent rblhîug db&îiitcmftrying. expedilicua cof t*0 ïr.udheccup$ibwu. Ho .retutuad le Fr-etcs asti r t i. Leglon of lEcuet, aud had 1W ' eObiatýb etthe Foeaigu Legicu aitte lb. fàali et the Cadistpattylu $paiu. lu 1849'he reliaved Beoasda t'rou hleck- ada, sudeortnod the Anal fcrtress ef1 Zweaifoh108&ea is hmon uli u- auIf. Ai the enumilati ocf Lcu*s Niapcbeun Ob ,Preedeni, Canrobert Wcoëd'bis psrly. ils becama Ã"Feneral lu the Net Repub;iet, sd lu the cousp d'et ai!hadcommund-l'< eue et the divisions of thi armi St Paris,- -and sssistmd lu -the tepnsboi f b papotai diiiufaetiou. Seins poiticat : fuuetioum of coeuiderabîs Ituportâticavera, nosa muigned te hum, sud iu 1853 lie be- came ganaral cf division, Caurebirt vas seut we TurI'., lu1854, lu comsnd et 1h.ý firstdivisieu cf tbe Army et ibm Eut, sud vuvastb bu ita tha baIlle et Aima, vhore b. vassilighîIy vouuded. Tue dasa atervarde, .beu SI. Amné,i commander in chiot, vas dlug, ha tuiueil over the comumand to- Canrcort. Hi was vounded at Inkermanu. Hlm mode cf precedur. uet being nîistacuory te Lard. Ra4glan, the British commander, Canrobert vas mhisrd by Pehlilsier frou th. cein- mander lu cbiefubip, sud resumeildouy ant the baud cf bis evu .corps. la 1855 b. was madie Martbal 'of .Francs. At ibm Frauo.Ausîristt varho tas-ai tbe baud of the ibiti crps. He vas At Magensa sud SI Solferino. Marshal Bazaine la nev Btyjeari cf age. goe basltebiigh n.pattutaueÇbeiug one of. lb. bravest ofcr us.French, srm7. Ha roue frouatsite tank.,sud ibu Boye y.rs trou bis enlistinut gaiei bsu-lieu- tousutcy sud croié s en he- SeId of, atie. lu 1837 lie veut 10 Spaiu vimh the legion, 4u&:vb:be vaýW>r cf aiâession e"élieh veut bsck tp,-Algiers. For Soreral ysurs b.e htlwîb.arinntmude>-ttsÃŽbi-p eft Arab att fairs lu thé, provine et UTiein. - H. per., feýrmed vuitiablie seea- tbe slege et se bauopot tub bis mai; andin particubar o-prsîed Àlu i-heneduo toi E imbatu, 0cet tite 0ntpoats- et Ibe gi-eutoi- ernss Atter thi ntriest ob- Rouions ho vas Geveruci- cf Sébastopol outil ils fiuai evacuatien 1b, the alliesi. Marshall IBazaine lad s u!pecial 'iu 'ternit for the Anmerian pec- ple troua bis cooueotiau .vith the, Max- imillun expiditicu lealMexico..He cont- mandedti he Freuçh contingent, snce.ediug Goen. Forey as chief. - Marshall Forey la 66 yeari oid. Hc-ý vas educuted ut St. Cyr, sud earued bis promotion sI Algimrs, at Modeuili, Cou- itauline, the. lron, Gaies, sud inunumerous minor ikirminbes and operasions. >lun154 lie gel hie geuerasabp. Iu 1854 ha vas Genersi et Biserye, sud lu the. Crimes lield fer s short dîne the ccumaund cf the treops betore Salistopoci. Foey met the Ausiiasset- Montebello, 291h may, - 1859, aud atter asemvene engagemont coin. pelied tbeua 10 neirmut. lu 1806- b.evas seul te Mexico- viîh thoexepediîionary corps that vas to place the net Empetor cn tlie ubrene cf tibe country. He bad ttc divisions et intaniry sud one of cav.alry. >Marshall Randen ila a man ever 75. -Hoa us ade sub-Lientmuant aller Mos- hava. Hs vaswvended eai-Lutsent sud seut in bis udhesiou tc Napoemn duriug ithe buudred days, s a o&vbbcbh eps hlm in ot'scnrity duriug lb. Resoioron. Iu 1830 tli. Louis Philippe goverieut madi hlm chief d'escadron sud seul hlm te AI. giers with bis troop, t ihere beo remauited ten ymurm. HIe eaue leui. -general. suad beid administrative effice lu, the. province cf Bons. ta 1848, dering the. liret inter. rognuonof the Lamartine goverumînt, lie romained lu Algonis sud thon becamo lu- apeeter et osvslry. lu 1851 hb.wvasesnt by Louis, Napolecu te Algeria as Goeernen General.lu tloietalin var be vos-major. general, lui vben'Vaillant lofti b. sr, - Offce lIetank charge sud continued lu thm exorcise-cof bis admiuistrstive-tnr.ciou, GenmralILioef,bPoru Sîl et Néesm. ber, 1809. vas eduaued in tbm Polytecli- nie sceol sud -île utitiery sebool eto Mels, beisue Colonel lu 1852, sud served lu the Crimes trouatite begiuuiug et ihe var ai thieliedet the artillery. goH eoaaditd the attillo- during thebItla. ban campaigu cf 1859. Iu Jau. 1867, bai was sent *to-replacaGeucride Geyeu at Toulouse, sud Ioecommand île Sîxîl Aruy Corps. By,the toiof'ethIe 21st ot Augasi et the nue ,esr GeneraIleUbomut was csiled le aucceed Marshall Nie!sas Minister cf Vt. Ou île 27îb cf Deesu- -ber l e teck leave cf 8aIl bis coleagueî, te gipises 10net psriismaulary cabiuei fermed ly M. Ejublle Ollibvier, bu; bis pert. telle vas returnedt tehlm lu dia -minstè. bal ouîiualiou of Jsuusq, 1870. - e Geoura de Montubanlsuas bôru on thé 241h et Jue, 1796, MHs tsempli4jed ssuesml, &ga lu Algerla, sud distiu- guisb.d bia-iaithebr'a s cavaIs-y offcev. The ysr1860 vas msrkid l ia le it. of, tiesarsiCousia.Mdniutsmsui hy eus oftdi mcii extrserdluary aveuli c f modern lhiainn. Investad d ii ebif comminud of aineho ciurnitaeo rose snTrepursw wk foibovlug resebullen: "lFial the Portl iby snd Poil Pmrr Railvsy Coin auyitsig Vmishesi us- cusmaty cea-iticates et vetk doueeon-tb# -Ps* Whilby sud Port Penny Esllvy, ,tigi enîh*i>e hein le tihe remasl ng thve titeuaand dollars debenlumes, 'tbe tresru' di lta 'corportioin latterefete sufitoizesl te deliver- ëthé < t, I Wby and ,per [é'ci yRsitvay Comany, dt edr, tiù» balance cf deIb.ntnres isuod un -_rby-iaw No. 168, auaounting tà tvantý"lîusa dollars, sud fake a necept Ite'- v. -Ou moetion for tlie adoption 'cf tihe ne., Un, NMluian, seconsdd! by Mn. ýettg movesthat lte ripent beuotl sdcptmd, but b. refîmerredback totee iiV ciinie., vit instructions le tienthéib saine, by addï ifngý,affe h- vende <DUeliriry- lu full- o( dtnt ane sthorized le ite. luîed aundef by- d i etê, 158, thei. vds > Alaf Lest cnt b lvthe dïlàsfoi- - Yeaa-1éetàls, cmiwanmd Pitilp-9V Ngays-Btetu, Canson, Cianke,- Bt*per Doueyan sud ]Ray-6'. 1Thte motion Setto aýdepten o etb re-' port, wati then put sud declsred carrWed on th e lioting divisieti-- TisaMisra.litteCsitoh,Clr< 'Drapor, Donovan sund Ray-Oe - Pitislup.-8. - ï - ,And lte report wuaadoplc&-, rsacE vxzwsas -On motion of Mr, Draper. mecuU~ Mr. Brown, IVu. Blair, Abisu !,'Caui, ee Win. Bitta, David Dot, sud 1Heury Annis tere appointed. fonce viewems lit th bc Sf The standing couamittle, le viom vwuI refered H.L11 Macdortell'a bib cf cuns, -i itreugitup them founlt report, sud the ceunceil vent mItàecoîmille 0of th. vole- Mr. Ray bunltae chair.- Tite nepert-ated :-That iaFe.bi theýTevu Solicitor befere titis ;1 andi bu itvi.cuiesed in tit - '1&,frilietyhdeingisaics _ - iug frein the said accotntlte 1murr., tomn doli nbingg itcms tivicitIii epinIjon a ldcenittee, should notae--- beeictarges!, ttey tating lesurvided 4-" ttr o îlitar, nrecommcnd liaI Lie sum, cf foumt Our dollars aud eigty cents lho paid,1 being balance aller dcducling saisi e $15. - Ate sou.e discussion lte cenumille e rose, sud reoeed tbe report. P On motion ton ils adapion- - Mr. Draper, giecondet t'y 1fr. Clarke, mates itaI i te por-t benot sdoptod, but - te refernet! tak-tc comuittee, te sdd lb. folaiug.:-&*And Chat ttie Town Sellai- - oam inosuait legai proceedings as mas, e noaoasaty me recover fiemtoe defondaul, v lu ttc replovin éuI, suait portion cf mai! casteaus te, lte detondaut, la legaliy bount!- te, puy, sud î t tLiesame, viten collected, le paid te lte levu TresanerL" - Tte malien' fai as cuti-le;but, wheu Mr. Ray, atairuau of the. committe., took - lte chair, iltasu dlacavered ltai 1Iher¶wf nota quorumpresenaonsçquent ,d An AmorlcaîsOptinion of ipresideatyp Tbe New Ycrk [Foi-d sY:'-s "Affirs ai R.d River stilil continus unt-- stîîed suBd unustisfactony. - Riel is turbo- leni mmd unuly, sud intmvfsef a la wislesa sud irrespeusible manuer villi tb. permss and properî ty. fmtavellers sud v'aaim thie coma viahin tle limita et bila usaped, peter, Hlm -lut exces laagainstl Mr. .WiIIaui Dresier'sumArnerlea citize,su-d CaptiinButler, s Briîi.h supjeci irb badW got cff the lest vidiouî cenimuuîcating th.er presence te bim, ho inislaiu-g tia for his pcliîicsb uadvrsrit. Tisls tIle outlaw in thes deseortlalu iecouîe.ptibii ibal ho la ssre w-ortb au expedition, but sous- eider eugbt to bu taken - hoîvea tha two natious for lb. mappressicu of a ational - scanidai," - The [Wor-dsys ilu suteir place : "6Aftir any cuîtradictoryititeinantmj J diere Doc, cones that inla îsl-apsâc au anîhuentie desnIaaion fs-cm the Domtinion Goverumeut ibat Riel, the Winnipeg hâtif. lreed ihhadtheib Canudisu, Scoitt, mon*i~ ed, 8a11itailbis aideasud abibettmr îhetfn,'eNs xepîed f*dmi tl±e-tierél-- somue s on te b. tornaly preilaluedin vh etRvr ceuntry. If ihat pvlbsmt Radicàl.cmisaary tromn Wishgtss4,wbao 1eýgged the ha>t bmeed ou cou-Id lbe bagid lu b is stessi, the caue of juastic e vouit!lb. -batter serve!." sv DemlhetGmriD ay The Moneiteur giîes -the feleving se- ocuul of the desîh et Gênerai DoeayaM the battis cf Weisseub.rg r- 'The Geuorml vas trout thes beglung-' ,; lu tle tiieet -of the iglL. Wbes hb.-- 0 eattal Of $bit i t

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