mv LtE ~Seat nsrdf4d te "t ofa. éili s à taort, for b Jue. 83, iM», OU 500 ; 1L eomr, for mcii os 00 1 gDswidId liyle, fer aid 1ta Mo0 t'os 0*8 0 ; Joh algisI fon furuish- 8 audit I.@migranus, 619 60 ;,8.0;a", (« plamt foir osit.andsudidng nivru f.laItbneam 083';1 . K.> Ei*W. toi rab forithiereliit 7 l;HyKlg, for omon id. rus e ai LtoM', 4 M'l~e ýoe. -10 «1' Mr. Browm gave olo. usath" 4wili at tbt-Ug meetig Of t ite1Mi!- movto fer lisaotofaie" aby Aw te appoint a W144 r .1810. Ur. Brown -movuft, tisat lu seacoituc mih thc positionof oeue hitof tise iand- koldeta i le sfr'ed tisereby p!isylu; ibis éwmt.l l 1tle th@ o meeary miepo ta 0"» Lots2&amd -,lU nthe 8lhb0e0 cf lietovilp et Plekerng go holueed tim é ebauîbcdw cf ihm Cowmlselonar *fOvrova aokeiabi, ta* sections iIl à mi1 of Csap it, Conaolidatmd Sfiatu m t Upper Canada. It bo rosoivè.d, 1thal lis eeov. a t ii.thenecesery applica o tp isE BzeeseyIo -Lient. Gennor, botqetiug hMst e hecplaid unvey kude of <o lois muuloued là - nid pétition, 'sud 1reecmmeuid John Biler, P. L. S., to male eaid srvey. On motion of Mr. Gnomn, a isy hasivas mta ibisevnerail imes sud passmd, sM. smsu ieToviisbip cof Pickering. for provlding fund- for tise-. Imupnveuîent et suadi .ud bridigas, for the a pymeuî ot balarie. audoliser incidentai expeuso. of the Corporation, fotl- the yean 1870. Mn, Groin moved, thaltamuoret$50 lsgramuds, for theiimprovement et ibm uorihmrm tovulins, ibm ceuneiliof et4nblge> buvlmg gramumd alike - sou, î b6 expended a. emr$20, oppeeltp the- $t con. of tUsi:0dgm-n_$15 at McKmuzi's -cneek, as M4 iii crcekt Allona, sud tisai iôsepi Monki o eappinted tlexepeud. the eau. on te beaaf o!fPickering. Mi. Brownt movud,ibat tlia»m et $100 hi gtuutd on tisé porpose et opiu,. -logtish(»bam 1Une, lu front o! lots 16 k16 la tise-Tevmîhip of Pickerng. Ml. 7Giesmo*edt tisai Mr. flaigisi b.s ippoinîtin teaathine sthe noafiallowance hilvimu Lcjts 92 sud 999 lu tieseud cou., go~i~L!~ atisaigthecame oponefi, 9097mejsud report al; nek _R Bn ior mp,,iial lta ,oilil.4e a'14edjournuDoutil Saînrdsy, tise Lotis daY Xof Siptmhcv mcxl. OvztvAVn4g.mî 16.-Tse Pnlvy Cons- eii bold a long alîîiug te day. Tise Inter- co1onial Ralivy alfains cugaged tbit&ai tenue. fersema lime., Ail quietions et publi mpornlano. eesplug op for edjoat- mint, ar esmaiî miseaionce, sanaenot laid ovin le avait tise reaofun ul m. bor of tise Cabinet, se risied by suten Thée nov diii.midi lu England ftohe vo e lieCanadien Govenumeut vessis, vmte vcecived te dey by tisa Depariment cf Marine sund Fiaisories. Tise iag la tse Union aJack, vus s aCrevu, sud 9she arme ofthte four Provinces ornblmaonod luat contre. MgjOautond Flemming arnivesi bora te- daiEtilsHuilfaxBis no) mecispleaod mlI.position of affasire ou tise Inter- eolai Raiivdlay. STWI louà n'. M orris la expicimd bsci tomiornoir. Sir Ueo. E.' ,Cartier isasiau asdimo pro sentait te i eît Lonski. AÂ-mmtlng cf tise Fnenoh Cauadiens vam - lsldîta expresse ympaisy wiii Pranai. I vuont iargcly atierodad. l:i siy &aisrouud the it7 vas perfecli liiuulnatid laut nigisby titi fire lualte Thés sory startii by a Western papen, -tahei Goverament bad reqneeted Riel sud bhlm envt tie elv morte earrivai o! tbm.teiuou, le eoutî-adictod ty-aniser. BOwà xILa, ugat12.-Tiseigii. bouell officeof the. barbon muter n lu icie maiwsc tise Montrcal Tehegiapi Co. .9, ssiià large stonetousi sitaitedonithec in ôte *rl1t Young lady, saisitteoeil" b l beli".pjmplitems eofoinmmi, whvass i±gaii osdhlon th"ai bm sisould bayo ebesaasepelvllegé. 0Osl"i. 1- l .ig, E .o uidGo"Geoig!uliidu,', " God ,O9,"bssl.Bo le oh 4tis Limns,, b»it qf Mr# J. L, mo- jota Wr. ballve imeumd asesimtIapecf le set c Book tiens; Mr. Yitia's *e]Kgtspi aidu ~rmn offie; itbm MUl»w7ryS & t< ia.M uus,17, 1870,- - T A RE pt ObpPnOwInR bTU enIthe [Dg I maniethey hermby iêerfomajtýbpt taedrr bdr îatm-- sTOCK 0orDRtY GOODU, GB0C& AIES, AND BOOTS k S0Eo, Nov reduced We about 89,000 1jth er vlth good.Wil c f business, . ch dneary 18 7mars; Steak ooeu for Insptection on and atler, th, izth Instant, sud Stock. Litpropored., Tender for snime vi fbo rac.ivedu np toteW lat of ieptember. The. pmeù.;ý, -Whilch b is fini tand ln tovo, nm)ayslileamed ou h1vor-t abie terni» for terni of yeari. o4*., of nt. Disso1tition of ]Partnership I T th'un rIhetosforeellme-' ohanissdTrsdârs,under the et'le oud inn OrogfI"u Mîe»x. la titis-dà y dimoivad by nnuai consient. AU accointa due '15 anmn agre nxii lte W. 1). MîcnA% Who' viii i'.o gattie ail daims agalit k.t W. D. MIWIAIIL, ED ÂD.MORLG.q OsitAngumilot, 1810. With rofereuce t theaboya, rvouid i- mste hU tal iib. uot rny Oflca for Ibo '"lit of acconta, due tiie late tin np, te the lai oêt Octoer upxt.,mnd that il edaimis thennnpsid wiii be placed lu théh uîpià ofny Alterna7. for colliecton. W. D. MICHAEL;, Oshawa. Augt. lot, 1970. U84iue' 1NSOLVENT ACT 0F 1809. Csusd, 11u thieCouity Court Province of Onatario,.- Cou ty 0fr('uturlo -, ef Ilhà Couuty efOntanie 11u tue matier ef WILLIAM B. MATIEW- SON, ail lumeivasilt. (N Tnesday, tha Seveuteeuth day ef Sep. tembet nott, i the heur eô tacn'ciéoek 'la the, forennon, thee ndersiguad il ii pply tir, the. Jndge of tie,*-id Court fer s diektaye usidertfia salid. Wi. . .....MA...W...... 1NSOLVEIiT ACT 0Op18lm. lIte is atten c 0>1 US Yt, an.Inslvecke .L kiaaatate te me 'i-ierdtr re ccii ed te tut et 'ftVo',boiel. MW tGfA»i4, untS qtheT 'w.nof l b.(i- nltrthekSaitfflînSorfbueitesm01 t 0te o- vêtit. s*4lI plate bbl.g vacant.) on 1 UtNDAYV$- the Tweuit nir.uh' doy of Alîgo i stant, et Tv clcP. nm.. le r cmestont or tais affira suld te Apîpoint sanessîgnuo. ýýt ; , EDWJLID MAJOR, 1- Xntcrlit Asuignte. Datad ai flerelia, lu th. Conuny cf - > Ontario, titis lâth day et Augtt,1810. UPPEB CANADA 0OLLiWB. Wit 3AE-MBKLZ 01 THURSDAY, Séptémber 18t, AT MINEI 'CLOCE, A. il. Wigen 1#il Pupils, rcideut aud non-residant are paîticnlariy rcqite*tei te ho presamît. Tii. leicone for the tiiulwigig day vil i b. given eut by tie. renoue Masters. New Popila viii b. et:roiicd et 10 o'ciock, and thote Pupite vite falied to page tiie mid-*ti-mn ex2miustion viii b. ne auamined ut 10.80 'ciock. By iii. recent appointînent e! tvo Asistant Musgteang sditionaltulitiîe are'nov offered te tiane. Pupilis ho do naît desirea s1bgh training, tojoIn iiie Englit sud hKciern De. partmetein, icoh tiiey atma thorougitly pro,. pared for Mrcantile pmruu, aud for the Civil and Militery services. A opeciai cimses viiialoc b. formami, adapted te the. reqiroimla ofinuior beys from 1f yoaru uf mgo sad pwards. A larga addition tuetltColla, liardiug Bougie le nov juai hbain compieteai, snd tii- uew Bowling AiieYBs sudBail Court, toerher wici the euiurgcd G-miuei nnisd extensive Play Grosini, provide ar.plu meau o! amnusa-2 nient un the. preinio-es, sud preclude the noces- islty of troquent visite a thibmCity'. Thu Leiv Stiperntenujoiî cithe, Boardis [longa viii oatuliy attend te the boume coin- fort» et the. t'îpils ; whlia the itasideut Suten- intesideut'às vitoetume aud em.engiemviiba doed tlte .minute supervsion o et in ou- duot sud studios cf te pupils, h. bolng asid le tib >'the leaIdent Asistent "ater. Every hoaurder ln reqnired le brh ittgviiihm a certificats cf gond ocuduot trein tii.utstr or tutur under wboin ho-hem becu pravionsi>' educated. Thea U. C. Colaga Exhibitions or $chalar- elîlpe are iIntture tenable elîher lufit theCol- lage or in sut cfrlite (iruimuar Schoolîsfet tta Provinces. The nesi e-tiiuiou fbcr thêtae i<xiiubie teooqkes Plames lu Jua. The tub- jectas wiii be lssmtediu fieptemier. Tuition fe@, $10, $9 sud $8 par tarini; tuiticu and bosrd, Iieilug wisiting, masu luntibarcit, Thte Commencemntt of t e xt scasiet,,ou 15apiember lot, Ilie he bot lime tW mter Col- loe. For propectue, eppily t e iPnucipal, 1U. MISS D ONALDSON Wtt L SSZE USxax O li A -S1%SES F IliFOR11S, ALEi TuaI splendid Parie, kuovu su th. Belng cemposef t04cSouth 150 &acres1 L"ine. 1, lae igBd 0eoeasteu o! 'lckenlug, on th e tguten road, 1 mile Weetrom itise lo eWaùlhy, tu-adlailil e tue -,repeut buildingas, Ibee l lu ours. of leracuion, a spiandl.d Yiedlng %aosa, nder eory waistmn#. The shovi Tarinle not a osecee t ltb est fsrm n luhle tauey. pemenisetniv.. mte Ibau th, lsever le otimg fnrfvtu.Apy1 tonr -- - --WM. GLENEY. -Wbitbyï Aug. 10,1070. - , 8j- bé fmil frmor sae b; Fubilo A the~ I NA TIONAL k-IOTÉL. SATUEIAT, Âuguat 20, next A 0 o'oesa, P. M. TEM. -mTeu per eent. cf tbm vii.!. pur- imeelpifP*ds eot sale sudsà a=u'niuflaut te nike oee-tird e! lte pur. ebe iouy ithn elbt day.ibaraiert. Tof alsn r lfà liale hapsy Vil lzth 51anutitai 'stsmetromi t4i pr eai mling luuIisuibe ra-6 cf 7 pdn cent., per enunni,.su le b.ummerodsbd. m riso Ibm4 prathé s. mai, -oxmsL -Ker Xok y N'asafflditr,, r thél ~h yas - JJHN- WATSON, ALBO lirtepte~uly fttheaboya sal e ot lbWare- villmsodbynctcc:I Egîuand Bolier, about 20 borse. pver; 2 Herses; s lot o!fiar- cems- OGrai Caris, HoBeme Cai, 4 Hopper* sud atle*,,$ Sbipplug Sosies, Iron Sufe acd Office Frniture. I Ceai Sso, A. quAuî ftye luns Tuber, sud suveasi tier antiies. Ténus nialaknout ou.daycf sial. L. FAIRBANKS, Jit,, Auctior.eer. Whiib, ,25ib JIy, MA0 - iu-8O Sheet Musiez LOVE AIVONG THE R03ES, GRFEC1 A N-'.BEN Dl RZP zoome. Juiy 20, 1870. BOOTS AND SIIOES! - Ir vr VWANT A:ODFIT,- GOOD MATERIAL, ANDiTES BEST 0P WORKMANOHIF, Try lime Store e! 3IATTHEW COlLLNs. SWLmaieGnt'esud Cidren'a Boota sud Shos inli groat variety, sud every style. Jul> 29. 1870. 2 F ARX FOR SALE. stlou etitasci Oua Mile Seti cf Maucbemtr, near lia gnavel reed, centalung b80mae. Upon ibm lot ther ela rted s Frau nouse, Frante ];ara. Stable, ud . young Orciard. Tonna et ps umn te soit ihe puncitser;une mepeyrequred devu. For funtuier partlcniatro én3uire et lte ovuar, p.wn Mancbeeter, Aug. 4, 1810. A. £AaLrwuzÇ os NSUJ0VENT ACT 001009. la thse motte of liwmas rTahon Riil- day, Danki Hoflrdaiand,- Rihars fruwel Hsarrison, a# todeei <dieicua io4 a.belng memioseio tAlrrnor c0& partuiersip ttarriing on busness undor tA i ~ style and j&/riS of oJ<y -~HarrisoN, ýieslant& - lXvidemd-Shsele-havtie n pnajsm a pm te 'objacton, nudti la lnty-tiird dLio f DVl4d il Whitby,20ulOetAugual, 1870, s r;u~ Wbicb re -offer for âbaijtiam aur' other»Weue t inte ouuty. Cod T.H~,omLL Nê82 One car load just i'eei *hick ve are prepared to snpply wholesale ut Toronte é T. . Stock's Extra Machine 011H Bro.-.haur the Whit- 1y ageney, sud are prepared to, supnTPlyi vt lu d \lietaî1l'at* lowest fi- gueaFroralte numerous. tusulmonîahs wvu tit -pleasure îh rcoommendiug i' teMI parties uiug machiuery, enly $1 w< pe glion. ' I'3iWebants bnying" by the barreUwvIlgui il at lowest puce Weilaex certiâlctus. Gxo B fiveit, Eo-Darln-We bave £d'oer b"l hfor lthi M jean and have ne besitaton lu m igi sthe boit me have ever uneil. - G. B. B" oEs.-tuar S vi n ed your Î,igCl o h îs tte er cala emiel>'y it ip ebes. t 0oh iîave evner -used lu 'ye e~LCO et evar twebtyyeara, sud caln receenismtes a finm-clasi article. - - GEORGE BLAWBr, unanime Broya sud pattersons. J5 Mn>'menatesimanlal ce te eaub>'caiit our stoea sd.vil ha fervardeal to Mrauta, &fc., on applicationf reo-b>' post. H. & B., have received another shi4uent from England,.also on hland a stock et GENUINE PAiNTS .A1'jPAINT OILS. Fira..claes Carniage Horse in exchange for, having oee-to dispose of may fiud a purchaser broken, bust, but gentle, a buggy ean be had il MATCH & X, B4IVIt»çstomer havir.g our Isdder will :Wbi 3, Z1870. andirare. Pensons building 101bu yeung, souud, weil exchangu. BROTll Eh. Sbelif aud Heavy Hardware. ise relut-n il ai once. AT NO. 1, E CORN BtrEggs, and ail kinds of Farm1ie rs' duce wan tedadtkn neeag o o4- WhitbyïJlIlyi, u70- _o U.the Reades of the'- If'Iitbyr C3rozic1e. DISCOUNT'SALE, 0F DRY CIIEACASHSTORE.O D Grand (Iea-ring Sale, at J. Skinner's. theu stavsmmp iajgesga, W*kuo amtivee lice. letalsbysudich ehl ala.ueu rent.r demîng te seune tienislvas igi iniposi- tion, by euabliugtiem te detenmine ai once vither the 0il fcrvardedi og>dg fampia. - eiueis Ail Parties dealiiu in Machine 0i1%e vil do veil to conuuicato vit GE.B. STOCK, Bronghim, ont. Scie Agent fer the Domuinein Broughtam, Marcit 15, 1870. I - TESITIMONIAL. Tex JossHA.L MoCenUM WoUXO, Oshava, Apnil 4,1870.- G. B. Soox, En~, Biwoxu, - D-lAit Smx-We bave- itcen cing yenr Lubriemiîug il for tla pui four tuthamand en amy viticut besitetion iliai it is 'the beoiil me heve aven mtaad. luis aimo ciemp. sud ista longertitan auy eher oit. Wc have rue our largo 14 feet iren plainer, 7 day. vit 'à eeoiliug. itkeena lie-tlocs clameaud bigri. We de net vaut anytbin g botter as a lubricater. < I arn, yes truhy, 15 - P. W. GLEN, Preidaut. SelingOff, at J. Skinnes.OTIG F cCIE John Skinner is determined to turn bis Summer Stock into. hard' cash, and bas te aitune ltai ho huis ne-uuarkLed cvony article at an average, nuduction et TWENTY PER CENT. The stock is largo, vanicd and wehi aesortud,' 'quito as varied as ini a city -store ; and thosu -wbo have been jenttue habit et visiting Toronto fer Dm-y Goodo, ivili lied ltat thuy oaabbe tter -suited, and buy the same gooàs decidediy chuaper au - JOHN SKJNNERtS. As there lias been ne hésitation to mark the Goods DOWN TO COST. Buyet-s of large parcels cari savu money by punchusing ,aI- JOHN SKWhNRm. C>~ Thoae Families studyiug eeenont>y shoiild bà tV their good-*at - PRODUCE TAKEN IN ECINE O'D0.NOj. .. A. N'S CARIAIGE FACTORI, (BROCK STREET, WHITBY,) Wii bc found a large'Stock of C'arrnages,ý Btiggieu, &c., of the newest styles and best finigh. men emplciyed, and ail the materials nsed of the best quality. 0-D' i>articular attention; given to repairs, SWhitby> Apiil 27, 1870. M. O'DONOVAN.1 MANUFACTUR ED BI'Y BROWN *cPATTERSON, WE DE; 'CoMPEITION Sixteon yeaspractiial xperience inlte ýManufacture of Rêsparïansd Movors, sais- fies us titai te "Joinatou ei-ak Rae r" la4v-,y fan idvauce cf anyBothber Machine mide astitheprimeut day. Wabave ju8i itrdued il loto Canada sund man- ufactuned a litiuted number the pat season, sud as ya aree the oniy manufacturera. itis saison our Machines wiii etubrace soch iaail imprevaments sas a year's expeience lu t manufacturé bas snggemted. . Strougiy sud dunabiy buil. Thebebot materiai used lu-in s construclion. lis it- cieiuey be luosi compact sud durable. The lesat lhabli te gel oui cf onder, The combintion ef wood sud imon lunlte finger bar, maltes litit oat perfect of fing or bars Tite seat-e! tie driver, located outaide of ltae dniving-wheal, se balances sud neileves lte flngor bar, thatit la lasa hiable te, sag or break thon, any cter machine. O)ur Self'Rtake isn te mont perfect aven iuventad, and cousiais ef fi"vaiteks revolving around an sais close te te di iving-witeei, no plied asloba cnlireiy under lte conirol et te driver vithoni steppiug the tean. Il cuis sud delivors taugied, crinkid, or lodged grain rapidly sud Iu goed shape. Ouis a six foot salt, wititanisutle draft au a liiht four-foot -Moirer, sud no aide draft vitatever. hTta tseas iiy, viit a lotumOfl eamu, (rom i tflfto t*enty scres po'( day, snd bas cnt euoe buudred sud ftony acresinsv dy Tt la msntaaitnrad foer Rapiug oniy, b i seen d asy.. dfio'rtdthtaiea rate Reaper aud Moirer viii hast toecult more ilram ' ude41 onetratcd thai s aMa - chines,-'and:toals muci lleu ite sggregate. Bess, a&s.psale Machine is lems cotn- pliad chait a couubinied one; legs hable te, gel ont of, etori and ln alirsys ready - for irk vitenut lte trouble sud deiay cf citangi!g froni et'î-îteuiiitk. This Reo bas *been Iu aUCOesful eperiation ouly fliîeyeamà , but -ia msany aupenler points efts excellence have von for it"duing ltai timda inufltiiode etfnieuds, sud à po- sition nover betere attisd by sny itarvosier lu se iitert a ine. Fer lte firet tire or iioma lvwias couupartlve11.knôirn; but during te past 15e sems autis ~leyIutrodneed ttreUgbhotvttfn of lte land, sud g au apoplarltyunupracedea h là te histor, of leapiug Macin«.' THE> HARVEST 0F 186.-ouaR RECRD. For ten yeans lter. bas net bea aseson, vi for barsing s ie alon&.The sirgirtbas badiy osgesi, ibeet> erogy bating lte abihi uedie c'elvonute. -bTis testi tbiseaJbt coistreclion, tb ocuouthla totemeet sumcs comc1nsle proof ltaI il fi equi toie meau 4ensfitklos/rain. 7otre WihtMay 54Y1810- -- H MILTON &COs H1AVE IN STOCKz A FINE ASSOMTMENT 0F- FANCY DRESS GOODS, COLOREO LUSTRE, BLACK LUSTRE, BLACK SILK, SHIRTINGS, CLOTH AND TWEEDS, NEW MILLINEltY, IIATS & BONNETS, FRENÇII FLOWERS, SIlA WLS, SILK JACKETS, RiBliONS? bWBITE COTTONS, LACES, GREY do. PRI-NTS, STRAW AND FELT LBATS, RE.ADY-LUADE CLOTING or UrO0THINO MA4DE TO ORDERB LV Ttg LAr2'4STÈ2'LES,.«M FA1VILY GROCERJS t - 27 Whitby, JuIy 6, 1870. DOMINION Jr.TZ.uwis, x.u~c. APR£-ESH 8uPPLV 0F -v. TiRIS WËEI, I~Call-,and .see their MJLLINERY, -at- rednced prices. 'on gvsiuias ýbacuuinu mebiada condition ' " ' 44 bei excoaditigly isaivy, bnokesud uye lint frc ahnst 'n nI7 atn ettofriipbinc î ToI us, Sg, Ceffe, TR c a. - IOWN &t PATTEMNO -- lTb -o,. - --- ' -ýLOWýES"&-POWELL INVENTION 0F TUE DAY!1 Coa sWrcugbtimo,Steel liem uin," amohadpoe, wiheut remontif te longe, chisal on lathe, sud vill do a mueh work insan hour sud a-halfasaen bc doue ilus day b>' te old prôoie,.. No Fouudry, Iren Workrs, or Machine kSbop eboeid lbc vntiout ue. wý Cnuniy Bigita, or uhe Riphit for lte Dùmiià oin, for sali. WhibyMa 1 GEORGE BLAKE. MARINE AIGENICY.- ýTee uuderairred bahs aecpted the Marina Agencyyof lhe -W A~11 SSURÂIiCE 0., And evib ieb ld Ioeaffect Ineunaesfer oail hsuug propsini>' tesip froni aMh port. C. DRAPER. Wiiitby, Apnil 5,j170, 14 m ONEY -TO LOAIÇ, On OuFane Propeni>' cuhy. B. J. MACDONELL TEE PATENT Tb;, udm-igned, iuving pu'rohaîsed freni Mcaarîî. iobtaani Tmimu, thoRgt for the TOWVNSHIP O F P ICKRIG Moveable Patent 10ugh Polit, Bena toe uil the attenition Dr Fantnere blbhe 9amuie. By the nse of tihelPatent Piough Point Fermen ae ffeot aeave ft~o! mehudrcd par cdiit, ie uhe year, Te moeabie Peiut oui>' coste lire cents. bTue ordimiar>' Plongi-Siane c",ti. flfty centa. One shuore mii le st te voir out et Irain tiveocrtiîo moveuile .Points,'tins effocing the savîeg roforred te. Save- rney aud nse tieMovcusbio l'oinà ts. GEOLZGE COLLIXS, Audie>'. Jutie lau 1870, Sm22- CERTAIN PESERVýATIOK COF TIf flîiéSt., Wlib., Scie Agent for the salie of our The tERSES cf mhicli are ground b>' ui, froiuteoiia meufacinneal eoiaiy fer- Opiic pnrpcu.c. I ins-Pure, Bard and Etilut, sud as itean Acbromaioas mce .prednced. The peculiar fornn szcuettifi ccunay st.. tained by-tie aid cf complilcsid sud coati>' macliuer>, marraonts uslu aserting titen te ho the ttc. Porfaci Spocekà ieg ven tnmauufao- tuned.tiey &asetlthe Sigtg-bl t Brilljaitiyp _cnfc Ee ansd aemforn te b.Wearer, causa - a soutinnous sud abldiug IMIPRO'VEDIF.N4T OF TUE EYEN, ANl ASi A cBUg A" Kyrvvxs ivithou t requlltig telobagogd." Su tiey ame thee 'eiulii, os veli sealte beau. LAZARUS, MORRIS & C.. 995 Notne Dad tif. 84e(a <p Sisirs). PAPER flANeiqrfGS --o- The iudetaiguaf bags toinform tlb. pubia- limiliho bas on band-lthe larjait sud - tet- stnoetPaper Ratnga 'v ~11;-n th~e Cornier WÂREROOMS. -AT THE-7- 1 VERY CHEAP.