Whitby Chronicle, 25 Aug 1870, p. 1

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pedb qe sý't the rstect oar tipe ~Insertionsudm.nss Pri fuf4i'b 91 4sti adewlth saverifiensb, e aieetluedvvlse.usmut4 - ' - a A.l CA2ADIAN' BANKX * WIfITBY IIRANÙH,. ARTHUR IJA~f8K sA, ýn niseta thua Iatoul tii pune. 'LING, PAIN,. UGING A8 TRE ET- C. Wv. ocirsue'4stflor.. 2~5 AILORI- onn. QalioI tO mske auniaieu sui&. id Shavine tST., WiIlBY, TER, PFEL. WIIITIIY BRAN«Il. AURISTERS AND AT'fOINXP.4' Lv ilctr o u-B ~tof Monltresi dth. dorpol.stioti ofthe Coua tv of t)utsrlo, dcê : ,o, &o., W ll y, '-; Wàoney tol>eau upongootfýeur1t*'. Ap- lb. héOffce ofthtiiri, Qours hotu.,- n 4UNTYCRON9 TT1 y VFOR ON. 11trorit 'r it ! AtICI d y . c-L aw, S a ligtor in(lhaîucery 1 N '«ry IPublic, &- OWc.o-Broitk street, t t oortRoyal ffl'll l L>liEYAN B oc,vDpty leitr4r, Mà.ter tarnurdi ROBERT J. wi i6i nAILRISTEII & ATI>OltN Y AT LAWI A.B oietrlîaîa &~Whit1y, <C. '%% -Qver Qîîturýu fatk, vuu thu àNurtli se le JARVIM, B EISTEIl.AT-LAW AND> StLICIT>I JAMES IMEi'Ii (W CRDON, ltRU Plie, d&o. Uîcz-1*oxt door taete Stor 1 of I.&J. Campbell, Iirock ost., WiitbY, Lia"t. WIlthy, Nov. lb, 1867. 46 BeS.De8.FAIRBIANKS, * sQ ITC AIY iUBLIC,d&o. d&o. Ç. A. J i iN 'S, Dm&riolter,, Soilici tor lik t.hacery, At- torisey, &c.9 &ce Pias roînoved Itii (ibe tu lit goor over the OultAnîo BtsI. Wltbty, Qut. 7, 1868. 40 FAREWELL & DIeGLEE, TOUS, CQVEYdlioS, AN TES I'UBI3iIC.1 Vnuoa c-On, diloîr orth or the I'o,t OfIOCa, osillawuî; sud! cuceehit, ultpubîte Towu Hall, Iownnanjviiie. J.eB. F1Yawaiw=. 1.MO R 88, LAUDI-1,MluLo c SUiTil, Atternaes.ainw, soliellora iu Chaum *ery, andi Iasoivcucyg &c. W' a'rct>-IcIa iiîî'sBicek, iBroel-8t.,4 bdail 1uiog Idr. J ages Ihuduii*tà0111ev, W Viilby, Ontario. Ucha. 1,tnoni, Q. ., .1ci. - .W. LAUD'ERt. G. Y. ci.Ti. CHIARLES C. ICELLEII, A Tr0i&L(uY AT-L&W, SOLCI'lttlIN toun Brook, V- W. - - 3. J.IAMIERI I ELNliOOD, A'r'rOINLeY-AT-i.AW. SOt>iOiTOINl j.Chancry, Notary Ptbiell, Ct o or *oe., Whiîtluy <V. W, (terio, Ilyr-oti areet, 93outili bf lPest (lilice. 48 LYMAN Y NGLISII, L L. Il.. '3ARTSTET AT 1,A W, Solicitor i n (Vlan- aîri'ly, cou ve 'ai. ter,dcL., &Cc. 40 JÀ MEiS LAIION, CONVEVAItVERIduANI1) A<.'Nl'&c. orya'ca,-Over Au-matraiog'î lot ,Ma»S Uxirlige, Jutue 7tli, 1 $69,ît'-aa TDR. HANCOOX, (IlIuMx N<etaAN dc&ToittutTU.) SURGEONv, /AccouciliUI, &., R.j. GqIJNN,M.D. s%ýLUR~ON TU 'u V I OUN-'IY fALL, ~BYro1î Street, V litly . 4 Wu H. LAW, B. A., M. D., Phvslln, Surgeon, Accoucher, & c. THIOMAS HI O-i N, T 0ficeuaTowait leu iu'tou'eock. '-ÏELL1NGTUN HTEL, MAIIzlAM. jA. WIL6ON, Jr., - Proprietor> lisa o0atge'i the ibove uu..,a utae ili tliiVillage uaAsý îtni, (ur the accoiuouilitiuj vuttue 1tru- ilahie.!fiias111i61,timarnuigi> arit,! e o urtablie mnier. Ojt ah ilu id oe, ' onveuluiee A bt eec thtuse tit, es, ' Liquiri§, an igr f tîts e et Bruittda lay's lelit oni Goodstubiig sud attenîtivv Oulvnsitin 'Ahbht i, M alsy 1 t, 1869, uf 18 - PRT ERR , O T E ]E, FOY# - - Proprietor. Suporlor accommuodaion. Good siulitig an.! sbe, reculu, u.! attejntive ottiana. -Port Ierry, Nov, , 1869. 45 w lIIIT Hy BRAN" BIBl4E DEPOSITO RY 1 Thsattintuiieftlje pthleloi tvtto tet -e tiasud sWeil etlecto, stock cf ]BIBL«Eo and TEBTAMLNTS, s'ltb, sil aithout thue psmlnua lu meure. tuos' te .bc8uund'aSt de Dapoi'itany. cf bise 5'ilby Ersnh BII. ~eIat.VTe stock lhao beau a'.e- Ioe.! ctbLbt'hoDepoititary, wit>reas cura, jil tîi li b a cutuw sebrsauv6leintesinvaioua st lesof buildihit lepî auandit.! ýtta ,~bpeslcry~&t0as. H. GerrieA'sDrug mstars, bibJl 181929. ~T021Er WELLING & PROMUES Si -TO RENT. AI port.W)llby, latel>'eu;tied b>' the underasuind, 9.SOW VOL XIV, ONTÂRLO 1HOTEL, (1860f DaweÀ,) WHITB V_£'ONTARIO. A, JJLEXANDERU -Propriet'or,' ste betwdnpon mwib propritr at 8e' Globe bot, iirok lin, anal il thje salaIima laites ccaWte a unionce tast liue isleua! -d the abat. -Wiîl bucain ittel. 'Large saddition# bave beaoutrecently'meaeto 8h, îireuilesseur- iug mocre Coéouiiaus uboinolllusd leeîaing lte oumber c01îl4iutfg recta.> to, nsarly ie huif more titan foriueriy. A-firs. el#%* Ilîhilard Parior wtb llr» tablués lias aime been adule.. Exttisive adujieaux te the stahliug, tOeoi. boa. Boras, dc.,liave 010e bienu mails. - Al Ueabuiig liii undsrslgned te - ffer le bis OMd Friand, studthte publie getua- rallý adviiutrsges .et1paised h y uocifuer lhotel e4 aplice,. ;e ail Ill ieo .-iappy 80 veicone hl@ii ld frieutus. WLlîby, Ueo. 2, 18É5. ' r48-ly JOHiN WOLFENDEN,ý AGENr TonL TUB CELEBRA>TEfD SCOTTISII GRANITE* Iar At marblia »orka cfr JONATH.AN4 WOLEND>14 D,>~i-S,.Whlîhy. 17 NEW STOVE I yd crinl e uîd by the. utiffiheu oftheii litillroistl anid the Inipiîiig utVlc;î'ai the~ 1ubscriiîar Jing openca! a tîîvo suid Tii bhop, Que door h ,tori o Till & Siîmo's FUIil- ture D'tore, whcre the. beat STIOYES & EiN WARE may b.Lia, ansd iii maniner cf Tumtta work doon iithe sliortoit not4iei. L-W 'Jd Iron, {.pper, Brtip>., Cotton and Liili>l ltîg, kiik 0,forie Ilair snd ail tunneîîii f truk ai¶11' eiiaai.ge. . JOHN BRYÂN. Wliitby, Mardli 811, 1869. 1 ARMSTRONG's ROTELi UXBRIDGE E. ARMJSTRIONG, -. Propriet.,r. T IIF SUBSCRIBER Liii OUed tiii>iiid coupi Ipltoly roticiviited tie, ilove #,ld esaiixn ad ilrst-cliaig otu, and alili t Ilejoitronagil ii tLit public iîiîd lisiciitsi. The tibiuand>» har suppied wibt thegbeat, gond rooniy atâb- E. AI8MSTau.aB. tlxbridgo, Jan. *A, 1869. 4 Query 11 Wliy laIt that thoi, la suîci e rui for pluturta CLiARI'S GALLERY? It la bocaus, lie" lias thie boat Gid ryiu thé C antd liimure .patieanceti*i1!ci)>444 titani asiy atT..' riLietithe Coiuiiy, sud c.ati do qnit. mmgooil work asi; ny alter îiîaaûInutte Cuaiiiy. g'Tlipti wh'ith tleitter au don't b. batakwar(l about conil,îg i'rward. DROCK ST., WXIIITBY. WIl ltby,- Nov. 1 2, 1867. -45 HENRY GRIST, (ESTADUISIIRI> 18.) PATENT SOLI(CITOIR DIIAUGIITSMAN OTTAW~A, CANADI Triiii,îî>.ta ltia,îîîîêa withictiteiiît (11ki, aiîd tuer idapiiutmctits aofltieGoverri-' menîit. Copy iiiî ltëaudail i tcrcgii raitilon of tijîdu Miai k.. frd ICticuirracîîred. DraU'ns. 'Iwiz~iiîon»î. anid allier Dorameniîe,,si-. sily goao>ite l'irisi o, f liot-entiou. prepireuil on v. ecitaof Ii>, Modei a;tka liirugiaa aaîidprolim- inarjiîaerche, in 14e Pafai> O.ici cart- M,rcli, 1889. I Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. AT %WIITJIY STATION, ')N iniviiîiirchansed tit'hntti Mý;iidprenJl.im kiowu -ii tuie Craid Tiil kî,îk litel, '.4 iithy îtiîtiîn, b.8.. tu i iLrii liii, irienaiiî dttltue îaali î u itha litîî litted 111>thea itola t0îidtaiiia. Ili ftirt- evia,,.sty le, iîî>il hy !Itiotit lït> h tua eWliititi tii>,..,wii a iver Litil ait!, tiieir ratroîifige triiîst tuanerta col iiliîuîi.caiqiteir Clitatu, Wl'i.lrtlii tàkiiig the traiiit>jid ieîtiiî iii>rê.e wi thave tiivvuweli takati care of ili thuir cui. il0ilA8 LI NT, (IATE FitOM LONaDON, ENiOiAltD.) Bugs, toliîoi'rii ti> l'ila îf %A Ii anid viiii ity, titat lie hua ýopiil'iiî lop Opposite the Ontario Bank, llrock Street, 11'hiuby Ontario. wii't it IiilI'tEOLAIMP DTO lirA.tI GUNS, LOCHS, HEYS, &C. Ciaichaat>!iiiaî lon aniilii>! rt1ire,,a SEIVING MACHJINE'S. PARALSOLS d& U.J[BRILL1S' ieIîcld aigLrtd, Sai msiiti'iiod acii! ct, jil &C-iiîi, &C c., &'0., A slîîra ui' aur TIIO$. IIINT, Wiliiî.<b, Auig, 10, 1809. tf $2. 111% 1 M 1Il K.OV..I- -. WIITUy, aONT@ A.. MABON,___Proprietor. Tbe shove las been tiiorouglily renovats.!, sud thie public will i i i very accommodatioâ and the test attention. Apriil.I, 1070- .il a DUNDÂS ST-R-EET, WIIITBT, The Subseriber begs te, Ilorie the pnb!Ic,, thiaho lýue sew T fisîd sp minid r.ecvat.4 lb. abicteotl, a etraveflers vilii malexcle1 aceouimodatlon. L1qeors. 'Wtasaud!Cgr oft bru rquoity.Boit Luger Beor. O6o0a bt]F"adétoiaLi, shed rom. Whitby> Msiy laid, 1870, 1 TRAPIN RIUS TÂÀ ÙNR AND, THOMAS. CARLISLII,- IOBEL Tie »"t îcis- gant, 0spîcionwauîd, lauragti t!anujdà Meata supplie.! at ail houri. MWuca Llqtiturs sud Olitar. cf'tliîe Ouet brantdi. Seill sud <Ju lysteri lu overy styla., t-V Pairtie.. viî4iilng Tarouio fr a da!1will filid evevy Pccounnodton at the Terraip in. A prîl 5, 1870, 14 .'YEOMAN GIBBON. COMMIISSION MER CJ'L4Nf! INSUltAUC,d& GENERAL AGEI'uT. whitlmy, Joli., istiu 1866. 2 REVERE HOUBE, XAUCUCSTZeR, o, W. B.PLANE, - - - .- Proprietor. Shiiuges.±oauid front Whitbly cal! dally. Every1 atetui ui altelaguastas. Careful aord atten-1 QENTRAL JJOTEL, 'BRI;UOÎI0AM. JORN EAILEY, Proprietor. -o- Tua .u,oya liotel hua. been tîewly fOued up andl fiînliiîed Giieo wsil! Slud gounoriabig, gîiucniîioditluu naud tiettlîî. <.cooj ruolny tabuingaund attiutive ostiera. 1 Jami. 26, 1870. - 4 C. N. VARS, àlmmpHlAC'rTWA 1. Deutist, Osawaà Dentgi ootm,, direeti% îîpîo. aile ! gtel'aaone.Eiî tce on iuucue1trept thiîrdl.oarniorth it fh. Onuta Bank. GEORGE CORMACK. L UIBIE.R MERCHIANT, <J' r teer, sne I.Jornear,G rceeil t. IXWl tty. a iui tltyof qul i uda o'l igi berogîatîgîi, ont hano!. UNDERT.AKING0. FUNEIIALOfui!l'v..uppllêd al!altesdrdou slg,it, noet. Loflnle Lkct consîuuti) on haut.,! - dWtWy, Feb. 11h, 1862. t COMMERCIAL 4-ITEL.- OS HAWA. JAMES BLACK, - PLtoPRIMcOR. -o- tC'olie>ii.itiy ftteal up mritusfor Comuter ,ahi tviîvi'iae. B'liardi, jithujoit,. April 8, 1870. 14 wliiiîy Broes nuil triîltc huit',d aptai! i r ilolrp'i', l'le ii;i'o, î:iiri,î.Qtuadille l'Urti>'., d&o ., ai ,tmupply Ilita u,î'îs aîîd lalat ?ijiitnci, o>reimoiuu Atîîtleptilintipl(.- uttnae tihlier pert5otally ot' by ltter, (piont tld,) to J. WOLFENDlEi, 20 blay 17, 1870. w'liuuîy. Lo N.17 ih "oit. ilaîn, 20Prs fi ll i lijî u. cnîaiîi 't 'r iiuitt ptuitl>'i1uig, tuu i0t tlter 'îîtlîuIlî 4u tî 11gi C.Itaetslr)', a'vo ais e'xce'lenit Fl'iriIig ruliîtnl, S$iîi-vliit lauu. IiPHIiit8 cv,,i'k lut iti ifitg) vroaa'If1g ltut' lot, lrret-.terOmiît , com o.. hi>(uirotai, Suit i s. Mii., d&a. fi tucras ail rruily 10v ui. 1 iti ,tuiA la liti. faiod4il if wiihar vlnse 1o kitii t lîîtr.T'l'ut utt vil iit 4 toile, irîtj ilc-n id,!6 tile, roion irillia. Fai'orii tlr pujply to NI. ilalvy, or John Ltiti, t rillit. W T'he mutilFnrut wili ha ual,! ail hogtiir, air hIlol aneUtà%, 100 lacrea vaci>. C8m 21 mtu'cvy P. 0., Mari,. L u MI13E i 1 il 'Pie i i'lersig'ieeloitis 0on innd, at EAI)'S MILL.- NEAII ASIIIURK A large quuutiiy of Lumnair, s'biliî ho FOR SALwi ATTH LOWEST M1ARJ<ET RATES, gr Btill Lutuber of al kinds aawut ou the, siuuihvil notice. Ilraikiiu P. O BroaiJuna l7tii, 1870. 20. Aisl & DULLEA4, COMMISSION AGENTS, COLLEI(( ORS, A CCOUNTAZ<TS, dc. OFFICE, - Gillet'sllieck, Oshawa. Feb. 29.1870t. JOHIN FERtIU8BNI MERCHANT TAILOR, &C., &e., &Ce Eegs te lutorte litapatretu'. and! She publie that iii lien, remove.! te the preutiiea next door ensh of BMr. Ccahy's grocery store, wha're lhe ilI be 'prepatre. te reeive erders as uscaL. GENqTLEXKENBJ' GARMENTSJ' Cut and made up in the ntewat 8e. auJnd ashcimo. cenlemens' Fumnlishlng GoodsI W All Order a ttouded ta -trîLli puectua.- llty sud dusptaîr JtRNFESGSOÇ Whitby, rob. si, 17t. Coaaty of Vwcoria Tht, taros affa.rdoaon excellent vl.w of Euily laie., wlioh la iuneqaallâd foraportg bi any lak iu'ih (3un~, ad is 5,er Connmun- Soli làia ridcl cIuylaitn. -Thore arre over 100 ocres -ciesrcd ln a blgh' »tatq'p 4,ufltlvation. Tihe remelender tiutg bird Wood lond w'th uufielintu.codur fotr teeîcitujt troU wal< rd k aever-failihu ritream' Onut lm a log biri'ht w l o tbrhlr g iors stables. ýhedâ and eut blouduiiage88"d.lo- ai' li;uîg It ou.>.,and! we11; s Young <orchairal cihoo trebearing fruie. 0ue bi dîvideai te suit pureltasera. vier termesof sale appiy te- 'WILLIAM McF.ITEES, 1P on tih e fmic, Liudî~,chJua 170.Solleltor, Lindlsay. WITB ]P'ANO F AOTOItY JSE PH 'RAINER, -o- The snbocriber, in rituru.iug ht& min- cere thanka te thue many friands udl culora c et i.Wiitiuy Olte 01 o s aserS tuI no0sonever ieratra tp A bIt Ilika hblé;(alier th, chu,!. J uat observe wilitt mautteas, amsoucat athers.'. Deelare of allieahbabiesIlii tait,, Tboy are "aitrot prelty thiîîg.>," cry iidu <Weil, aice re rathxe streat p ratty maif Thon tlhs ab)las, aia raI,, arc "au cle ver," lTltey'uMotice a wbatever takas jîlise,. Dc tiîey riiakeo t Intallici i Nover; At iiîtukt, auclii brurîiiy ie ca. Imyselfaisaa, keil-ai'ituty- lest iviiry miuny daugi'aaa- Ilia, san fitiir'iowîîs oildoabu sdîîty i Jet leok gt liac piv', It ya'u 11l6ie0i PIANO MANUFAETORYI -- bats to state bth lieonos' cores eun théhast. nnsa îalely opon lis osn sccuutlt; autd!Inu m- llcitii.g future ordera houe Lgste oaiura thinu thal notuilvut triEho loft uiudone on it s part Io giva satisfaction, lu sapplyln8 OP SOPEMCIII QIT A LLT Yi ST YLE,9 à FINISH. The celahvated npw paient sud cr-oss sCuuile pattern cil luiown inveaulian nuanufauctureal ai heretofore.- W'.All ordariaxeuted wsith pronuptitude and diîpatclu. JOSEPH P. RAINER. Whltby, biuy 8,1870o. Iy-1 8 HOUSE$ TO ET Ttc Ds'cliing Nliese, td'raIit heowan of Wiitby. For îîirticuilarus pply le jonN IDAMER. Wltty, Marc la 1, 1870. il, ,NE W MILLINERY Building Senti, ot'lIte Royal [Intel. Kra. Keller and MisaStuart rospu'cully i iililtiice to thaei iii iva arirlow i nu-daupt o!' hlm t>- ofu ulî'a'e bMllnen,P:r'.'.- lo liMiitîrs, ' V. 1r1.. I 'ullai.ud ('iu ietiic , dku'r. a'iil,'. V.il$.,Citu-nitia tutd u'.ik Nats, J&iupiieee bi'a-taiîe, Lliuuiuotu.. lutuo' H uibr1a, iauta ('irimtitt, Fativ!> .eavélry, imd Sitou') Surewa-wka nd î>,SItitutut <lutte 0aoîîurd AIl Tuie iîuials ara tueatiti.di alcevtul au>, ef tiie utentt'-.u1.o Lisalius tilli li titait tito alio cousuiL thiîlî tilote j11141 li'teuvuit ly e.ulliiitg. t-W"Fia,,. tuotea 5i>jaliei,-TIie build- ing luautit ot'the liCtiul Ilotel, Brook st, 'iihApril 27, 1970. 17 t'lPLOYVilr-,NT.-->PIenmant nu>,!profit ,J2d -ble."-llaaka. $end!stani p l'or ua;4tw r, to S. Il. WELLS, 889 Broadway, N.Y -H OJS(S d& LOTS Tbe auhaiiar his bniîtt it tteul bî Il e pro privior, tte viithe undevureeuuîotued 61NLUALý&popzTy,4 In the Townu oflvbiiby : la§t-Tiuit lit icît Cottage, (ncsidoice o!'Mfr. JotA Waliiice,) l'itt Mt raut, vtitu0lfiitt 8 roonu,, pjutry, wuîauî luio..u', aiu elea siit callair. aiutlu1 ca g u rdesi, trali shaiked i ti Gose . .urrutitt antd lusiu ,Butiliî, Tuera % is ais» oeu t1e pveuuuhiaas a cod aWeil>, aot't-wuiter citrtu, an>d a sutl ail ale. 2iu-A rance o Bieta Dailingenouncttre routai lita8er aliuai. Sd-A atîtalivtaeaîîl Lot uteicaul), aBdjoliiîig 1<1v. Jais. ird'i rasuidatca, une'.4ilfim street. 4thi-A vncant eu,neAr lot ce Kilîg sud 1"tb streetoi, aivi fejiceol, use.! us a garien. 'Ilte idioe popaty, or an), part of it, trilI be s oi. ciaap, an.! ou eau'y tarins. JAM1ES ILILDEN, Agent. Whithy, May 28, 1870. 22i N .TUIE GRTEAT FEIMALE RMD Job Moses' Periodical Pil. 'Pu.itvi didi u~icie Ila; ufniling lunIiie cura af il huoa pitifiti Cid dai-ceicua dis-1 Clamesg te aiuit tLe teutuai. constitution las sdn baet. la no.eratutsaIai xceMaan.! rautovet4ail iub,tractious, sud a ispeedy cure may Le relie,! on. 'LO IOAIIIED LADIES. It la petieul liuitati. It ahIl It e ,lia>'t urne brt8 oit tuli uuulily perle.! sithregniujtrity, 1tehl Case, eof Nerveus andI Spinal Affe,. til;ns, jainin l iteBiuek sud LitebxFatigue 01u sigitut exartuntu, Palp"t'.1o1et aitii. îiejrt, llyustericui, andlWiitas, tiise1> 'Illi al ffect a cue a-hou ail otberinealia have faill.; ait, ueltlioutgh ai potaerni lruuedy, aie not c utilig liii>, caliitinal, aiîtimiouy, or aitytigug liurafiu to thue eomjaitutil, Fuil directions il, tte ransplilet arcutui eselu package. wsuicl' shunt,! be cuat'ully presterveti. J013 XItOE5, KEW Tout, .SOLE PBOPalgycIL t1.ti0 nd,! ii Cells for htOsAtgae,eiicloîvd to rai ataaati#fon tii" l)oitlidlii, will Lnuer a bot- t!. ejijdiiug ve 8t puiiby rattura nMail. Wliiy ; W. Il. Alkitimon and! Robinisonilà Ce. osua*a; J. Dawes,, Ercoilie, suit li mÏàalcue dealers. The R.!ied Mor leuse. CiXAPTELt 1. Il s'as lu the days cf stage coaches, anal before the trondroas- power et aleaite a.! canseal a jourua> of ts'a or three bunreal miles to ba coubidercal a msrely moderate day's tr;velling, that the evanti narrateal lu Ii.siery toitplaoce. EBarly lu Daceebber of the jour 182 Lb. froaît sel in sitii scteriiy, aud rende.' e.! a Ibrea alayst jonrney, (rom London te the distant toans of Yorkshire aind West.- tnoreluud, excaediugly difficult autdldons- geroui., Nbu ut that the sReveral stage. eaches ou the roa. sere aiel!.appoînteol, andl ibeir officiels civil sud experieuce . but lisait, alîbough the travelling aighi ho sufficienily agreeable au.! iuvigorating sbiliiî the daiyigbtlate.!, ik ecame a total!y different afair whleut darbuosa set in, an.! tie col.! increase.!inlu iuteoaity rseerly te lte temperatare ci Siberia. Tie tan, e hras'as te ivouacig- for si couid ucarceiy Le calla.! mqre-eî cheerleus roàdaida inne, aihere a froisty aigicome s'attaffordvil by n bifaaleep iaislaedy and al uty cutler, lauteru lu bain.! not uies@, itideed, 'us soinetimes s'asthe 'ou,!y tucsui o io ieaer o u hnropietrave elldStlteir anevemes telarvadagfer h.! aicltor, o unoraia Lutestop foruthe uighf the saune orovcfcihe bpote!@,shere acby ne r, a4aie u En Int mnib have Leliboul ai oriaidha profuor ofriunas o tha scaobl enioeal,. çat>, an ightfapicalne, o'cinockun- dejilut. w-han iin theilye oflscoacd (rom Lonon Lhe dstnleYratree terai.î adens, toats'ai tc eay foaaefoathe tueetp bsfortse lhut e bene of theai. tinumerous an us'bliftuseshi e se up 'hyere a ola nrarkb ideit eu- notig Lo b . ea be aut a as i, deer aieof aburiteami.!fstheich sood oct at i:ervals th e ara iac tun's tgc a fes frnondonr. the lar hrSe lsues, ite destin aion. b a oaie ankvae fordue meu bs oatrs inîtue outonhera!' troug roe uds!,aord!s o rtfit fianlkns ean ili, lahich s'pnasnaIl hseorb the ulapa tat tierivrh..0dr Bai Jobus Douloon, te ide.! imt ntbig caetehaceîou -bus teas if h.r wte of wtehghai, anal beyend autcut cauloualé,rtemavuerack te is al.e aagaheuhe gar, over the srowaf fi. sreiy,' asryalne sr fongeaiofatae tonre no utalale travfellrs he 'insiaies'g s'ee ba. cln nnber-a lady anil tsur- ceîertan l'iode wicax amles ethe lnelad, s Miss t~ahe rquver, as drecm rins emot ieeionon ndN pters, nob taiulal a aueal hatnshome s'si- h forge, hebs'uid, saenthenrfote ltaihe s'aih tâ e lti t atere arqu ar, nihs'. analyon bersay la eoesorof eady afs raletreîidnga fs'milesabeyua r,r wenataci. ititaraveaere a gTherolie- paentsmet.ader aupxlDames.nThe eauy aio occuleal u eFatqu hesiudacf is Farqabar a tenma ual mufat ca. aforty aadelcalo ascfs ery etlt-h uald spp.aralee has'ai, luhsbrai ai mot ss oe d inu t frd valu lse Miabe fur@,qnh asoaidiug e dy Be tte.' ions Iee, b sCaterilne arquha ty cf utor wube poui sr. . H as artley s'as sadn r a the sui clorial lady-ofm pakre dcb a itewumies'iodu"m Yeork, cf aIl Irauges an.!-ag enmu.! Miss pareqtufa.'haform tners ui. benitey comn ocid ei juney bthe'aide b. MinsI Farquharo! welbraedaner uoh ntb tre andb ho good sé fsraly-teY ihaellait. bal rarely spolie to bhlm, aud wIteLItl, dit! so il vas mostly in rep'iy - b b..e For tmuequ arier et' ýn hon.a' ror Ws -the pssseugera - a.! kept silenuce., The lady' aud Ur Cilerjeal compaulen, appareetly cecupisal wiîh theii es'n tbeaghits, bsd relasa..! m ltat sort cf reverie ws'b Iobl ofien luduigeal lu At the cloe.of a long cauvcrsalioe* The *-yeiiger man, s'ith (aIde.! arme sud 'elcacal oyée, ha.! compose.! himuself, aU If fer sîeop, ilatle farter corner of t94.coach, A claie observer,.beaiever, s'ould ihave notide.! that ho wuasilareality eagaged lu trwalet- ing bis eompaniees, au.! especially the lqdy, ounaibose dress h. frequeetiy 0out a aorolinizing glanes- Sudd.iily the coacb, wLieb for the, lait tee minules, bail baccjoltiug (rom'aide 10 aide. in a pecaliarly uuoomforîable fashion, ws'a brought to a staadstil, anal immediate- lY lte gnard d6scended. anal tappeal at'ihe aiiedow, aibi sas let dos'n y Ur, Eartley. A breath of loy s'iualruabeal la, iuib omad!e e et of the'three paulien- gera chiatar le their banda. LHa.'su a go, genelteeIl Baa the gpara, s'it1 a broail grinrou bis burly face. >Wby, waithelb.malter ?, aukeal Mr. Harlley, rather impatieetly, for the colal s'as intense, 'Well, air, Jack, the driver, dou't hues' aibere b. la 1) éNcî bkns' wbere ho is 71 excluimeal the dure. ptissenirers. 'Net a bit colt. IHe's travelle.! ibis bore rosa igh forîy year, anal-neyer lest bis way aifore,' repeateal tbe gutrdl, sitb a triomphant chuekie, as if tbe 'wbole affair, aicre pr ramarkably gcad joke. gWbu'.ever la to Le doue 7; crie.! Mise Farquhar. 'Why, Mise, I doau't knos'. We're preîîy sWall' sou mile <rom tbe nixhest staige, Jack -Doon uesa sd-even if 'Have aie pauseal due Be.! Mcom 71' 'Ob, lms'k I yes, sir-taie elle or mare, ab tam'ai can be gueusa.! by, ibis 'ere mask cf anus', '.vich bides the. cntîry ; an>! the driver aays lte drifts le gettiug more daingemaus evary momeut, 'case cf the failiutg autos'., 61 bues' an old farte bouse aItbheles of thea Rc,!Moor,' cantinua.!due sceauing grazier, 'a-bae I 1an: altgbtiy acquainteal a-laI thue people, s'he s'ola, I tbinb, giie aé anal Ibis lady a, shelîer for this iucuemeut nigbt.' 'iho guarai loobeal ai the speaker vaibL more c!' iniereet iban Le bad yet alsplayed, sud ssid, inquiringy- 'Yeu nowues'iacountry then, air 7' 'Yas, anal couid sat île driver right 3t il id uno use, fur if the bosaes are deaa ba they cesutiot go tan miles, un suait aieter. We must relaru tae te farte- hous8.B . 1 do net toally seabat elsa fa te be ulone,0 sai.! Mr. Hartley, aitI a pemplexeul air. 'Il is quit. certain that s'e cannet stop liera ali night, if culy for lte laay'a salin, au.! it iu eqaaliy cartaie that ta pro- cea.! is impostible.' The gjard Lobbad bis hem.! (romte e s'iutdas, ait. disappeara.! te consoît bis eolieague. Aimosimmealiateiy lie roture.i 'Jack Dodaou say's ai ttathie nly place, geuelmAn ; bat ha cau't tell bas' te Butai the ala.' 'l'il abat - hlm,' replia.! the youg gruzier, d.ras'ing bis airappor firely round bis dureut, au.! Lttninig lis coat îightly. Anal haoaleac<ndéd briakiy, and îoeb bis seai oenl Lhe ox$hy te chapfallen coach- Main. The hersase bhaas 'ere then tumneal. and the party retrace.! their &teps, No souteor ha.! tey cominute iteLck4tra joomney titau Mise Farquhir, toruing abruptly to ber ceepsuion, sala- II beg youm pardon, Mr. Hartley ; bat are-yea net e!' epinion that ihare la soins. ubing vemy sîrange about ibat ganle- tbat persue abo bas jus efî Iba coach 7 1 (cel agi instinctive iepulsiob mi ibe sight ef Iim.' 'I canuetsamy I mucb 1ke hie, Miss Farquhar ; but people rnmlly ore Det au- saierable for theirl.'ok@," respuneuld the othar, witham sele. 'N-o-n-o, ceitsinly not, beaitate.! the lady ;'an.! yt-I 'Andi y.'. s'at V Catherine Farquhar did aot gire s direct-raply, but ansaiereaititis question by ai.oler- 'What sîcul.! yen imagiue bimte e be?'0 'To be 7 Ob, prcitably nome s'el le do young (armer or grazier, wiuL more mcuey titan modesty, an.! aibadues not autertaiu a ver>' meanopinion e!' bimseIf *1 'Ha is -se ObAhy, continue.! Catherine-, sndttibaî diamocu.!pin sud thonsringsese. sort IliI ith s velvetesu 00mb. , ,My dear Miss Farquhar, it la fDot aI aIl uncommon for vulgar yeaug provincial mon to e fonduilof dresa anal as'., 'Bat that pin musl be s'ortîb Ofty 'guineai.' 'Pcohably. BalloekouIling lea profit-1 able buiness, 1 bilave.' Mise Farqathar Idi. uat perses lbhecuit- jeut, aad ,silence:o nce mono telI opon thec occupants of tbe.oach. Pnesently, afttr àaisallou antIprotract- i e.! seramiible lbùmgb uthe-uno w ofueal led th.es'sy, .sitb the. enccuur aglcg remark' Dowwed'theu i tébis' eo'mnans 4bal il Z* tho le 'otberu1 boweyver, the, disuee, tbougb lutý reality bat baîf a talle do'n'.the lanc, appesred inlî.rminable. At etery, otber atep.îhe iuekleaa îrae.l.r.s'weut ai. Most op 10 litai.' linees ilusuo,>suad Caîbeine ise t iî aout té snccnmb, te the. drcs'ay feelinug prodace.! by intense coi.!> and te daclare that ahe wculd rather lie dewand di.! all bm poce!farther, aihen due baiug cf a dog close at banal tldora <hmhat &bey ha.!arrive.! atI heir destination., Bytbe fein 1t glIber. of te ligLia lu thte wiodoss-more thaoue of s'iich ligbîs ha.! been etiinguiaited siiiee tbey1 Onrt entera. the lane-thay, coalal bareiy1 diacerne that the boale. s'a - long, lis', airuggling building. of îte samte alieai ibat eceapleai b> the fa mousaMr. Squeers, *u.! that il s's' rrounded. by ,,a large1 .Bomber cf orazy bains an.!cuthouses. XI s'as situated, in a hollow. of, the bil, aibicit affordaul h *protection froms the bieak aileda <if the aarrouuudieg ur"or jbut as aveu ln summer lime it ws'an su lateayl, lI place, and, inde,,!, the ouly hamaý acbiL- tation for miles, lat may ba readiiy surmLs. e.! hait, biuckaded ai it eos s'asby tle. uuoaia of' tieter, lis appearaece s'ai <esu. late in th. exîreme. .The Real Moor s'as ual.! Ly'aome tluha sterme.!oa scouat of a muraler which ha.! takien placa there . m aey years pue. vionily ; Lot il lu more probable thiat, il teck is uame from ibe great profualiont of bheather s'Iich covered'it, andl shich s'a raiber of e crimsautinut tbau of, the usual porple -hue.- lua ilier, bowever, itwasai bare black anale of litor anal bog,,except aiben covera.!'8 as now, by a thick wbute ' mandteofetunes'.9 Miss Farqahuir abuddPedaiben aleélie. bel.! the grimiooking, sheal-ike building, anal even M.. artl.y experieuce.! ait ab- plesaGt ensation when he fait- the thuill black-ookinug boi« p$ "lAny port lunsa torut, frienul," sami.!lb. greizier. flBesides, il s botter inaidu than out." Anal liektecbed aaiielSit abe or Leavi. ly s'ith bia foot. The aummotus wsa swured by"'uitaiui, maiacaiiLe.ioeblug viro.gut, whcnui wierd, grizzely okeansau. mvieul facie, tai lhey., ahotre.!theoiv es lu uhe, giusitly iiîht of' the ruab catudie shiaihabe carrinelier bony bangd, ranclereal ber a noS oliflu-in>' represntaîioa of oue of Macebeih's wtldes. Her fBrut unqniry, pitchaulnla a ley a-huIchdenoteal excessive airaLu,wsas- "Wha the ale'il cames hure. kuoclaing a loue wcen eut cf Led et sic like heuris V" But nu saoner bai.!@she set eies ou the drover titan te exciaimi.!, ln a tone of intenae surprise- ,.My certiti I Joo, is il 7" Probahly ait îcme aigu (rom the poron site aadresacd, Lhe virago oua chaugea liha. note. "I1 beg ycur itoenr's pardou-I muaI mistake." '>No spology, gootl dame ; but wuîlyou tuaein myseif au.! these my feiioa.îravel- fera for leolgit ? We bave met s'ilh a mishsp ile bsaos',t5 'Talo' ye in I anad that ailîl 1 i Wbou d>d ever auld Elsia mm îbth traveliar fraè bier deoru anal on siccan a nidlt? Walk in aira anal eadam--alk in, niy ionny man (tu the goard). For th l'e P loue, anal the udemao's a'ee gone te York anth the kye, l'a wsarmant 1Pli u.! ye *the Lit au.! sop, anal the Lest ye'a Lbe glil of, the eicht.t Thug a pembing, anal athai volnbiiîy thait left no roce for ai acralt ho Le lippe<l lu, abe uahered ' lueni lto lte iitchan, cr, aî ieasî, un spartmeut s'hicb answeycd uhe purposa, haviujeo laât direciaul the coach- ma, ho ha.!nos' jeitueil' them, aihere lie eight atab[e bis po.'rseary bouses for the The driver teck- tb. fautera (rom ibe gaurdl, anal praceedeal t0 sacune bie ulceals, an~d the otber s'ayt'arers folloaed thair hosteals-ito the bouge. The dame set Lefore bar gpeuLa a savoury diah cf coai-heel sud bacon, anal homely ais s'as the (aira, 8suaiarpeneai sere thair aippetitas that 'all-even Mise Fatquaar- made a bearty meesl; uer A.id the lmtter disdain to taista au.! te bighly pralae the. vemy excellent Yorkshire aIE aiidli sason- ed the repiait. Tit. suppar ha.! net long beau coud.. e.! s'ben lb. s'emau cf the ' bouse roue, .1ayiug that site mut nos"se alter the sleeping acqomaeaatioscof -the.travellers, or, at leaat, prepare a led for the, lady. The gentiem eu, shé laidi, afut do se tbey' hait could tritit eloaka ai.!s pliu. or îs'o la au muner ruons, wbihu iea. oulal. *pro- aeoîly show that. With titias intimation she-ieft th.e.roumi ta tbe satibfmctiauof 0 the s'.ary gcvernes, *ho toit scarcely capisfle of keeping ber eyau Copen &Dy longer.9 Atfier ber depýartutre 51ée. sas no cou- versation, fo.' almeal ailHithetraiellers (oIt the' ifuneocf -fatigue, ' pitnthe guard -fur tIi.y ha.! aUlsuppe.! logetber,s au.!..'sucb cimeaustau'e e b distinctions of*clai e fr tonwbito forgoteu-yswued wsaily se lb. saS iocliag abstractedly et the r..! cinderuof 1he.'Wood BLe-The1 reli re at on~ce. ---- AeOardinglY Obs@s'ascondeetedea oies. s'bai aarlily, by the ,soman toau an djolu- ing Psrtment, ail, itudea.!, aIthough sppeairieg Col.!anal cbecrilssfrom its s'hite. s'aihed s'all&araet. b ia1eC of Oir., yqt ltconlaine.! e tolérable becl. Miesa r- qiar, -removiUg oulyber duess, ste.' ecmnedieg heraelf-ta beaven, lay dowa ou te oueb bene"aibt Ie bed.clothes, au.! trru ont wjthth b es'onî,d fatigues of the dae sud hàràîhlipO cf ibe janroey, speedily fell asleep, SSite ha.! alepIý-s he aftrgard,! sain! ah. bolievea-lneaill au heur, uritn a l runng acroas ber face causa,! Leri- stprt iag cf vague borror w whir il cf aut feel we s'be ndaly route,! froin 1[e*aiaplt dasagreeahle maeuer lu a, sîraite place. Her.firat impulse of diagusi was se greal, às almoat >ta force e acreate <rotn erembut hy a 'violeut effort ehe reuirauil it. In. - aIea., the occurrence, s'bieb s'as naturally ait firet se répulsive 10 beér, eshusbsequeue tly cosiaered, as provident.ial, It s'as boums moments ere ah. suffiiently regaineil her faculîles te remember aihere ah. s's.anal s' heu absi ba bcame conaciona us'. soie, persous utear berwseu, carryiug on e c 'oeasatiou in subjine. tenei-yal .>o ccs ait baud baittei voices iappeae oalteissue (rom bvna&ib ber very pilos'. Sumeaibat enrprised, an.!, perbaps, aIse ea utile stairtie,,aithbgb eaturaliy o!' a brave -dispositiou, Mie Far. quhar tunued ber eyeu towarali tuha.!é'. heati, snd heu perceivo.! for- ha firat.time that-there s'a a sort of chiek or- creice in ,ihe s'eu, occsiouail hy the pniiug - atra f cf acme cf, the plasier, îehieh hbd left a-couple cf laths exposeal. Thiesau the more plalely. visible, as ber cuv'a apart. meutlheing it total'derkcees admitte.! tho raya of iight fromt the. udjeiuiugoue, which alue1nes' 10 b. the c hambar, or kiýchee, lu s'hicb the Party lia.! uppcd. A itIsuaise.! la final rlut h.. ..a..- - heur, Misa Fuirqubsu turued ou ber conel, aud.applie.! ber eyes ta teaperture lu tbe Wvall. Shetbeu percaived duel theslia ccu- pente of îhe bitchen sera tle -ntilarens o!' the bouse anith Ie auppeseal grexher, who ha.! (arme.!-onc cf tLe atage-coach i Party-. -The pair acre but a tes' Yards dialmut tromte tle muas aer alarma.! gaverues, aind sha reuaarladi, withTa'ardlmiuivine, îhat m close anal confidentiel întîmacy ap. peere>! ta aubîist hetteen themu. Botb ap.e peaeetl omeabat exclîcal, the catue cf aihicli migUt, perbaps, be tbe brandy Lot- tla abicli smod ce uhe table Lbee them. The quicb aye cf Mies F>arquhar, ba'- ever, notice.! titb extreme aurprise Ibsi ihe tau glasaiaof brandy aud.tra hicb abe andth ie ceachean ha.! decliuad'sekiug atll atood oce ble huntouche.!,, as di.! mIsa tLe balf-emptied ouae!'f Mr. I'Irtlay, an.! thila ots'itsauding the (tact tÉat Luth enau an.! soeau contiunEy rcplauidhad uhair eau glaisas.(rote the grcau ibcittle. A col.! thrill, et larron shot- tbroagb Miss Farquhtar ai -ber ready s'il auggeîted a resen for tuas.- Were thosé giassscf. s'bichbhem part>' ha.! partaiben drnggedl1 And if se, wsnuot tat the reasàn ah>', aihen the aid s'emaa badbrotigbt thae lu on the. tra>', ube Lad saeetad ts'o, relaie- iu& cne, and! givieg the othertoe .grai- zien?7 .Were île', ine sbQrt, aiccomplicea for the rebbary sud, possibly, the murillr of tbeir goasia ?i1. As Ihese îhoughta crowdeul. one atter enetiter inuî.> the gauveriiea's braie, aIe re- membarati that it ha.! heou lehe eemiti; gmazler s'lo bl ibuught- thette dii'> lieuse, anal titat, îbeagb le al Lbt dt lie tas yet avidfnnly O i f' ii)vl" !u stmnding lareis o!'f'hu.d0!t it!t hon. As Miss Farquhar t'ta4ù rLl'etd f un convictions 1became certaisttiii aud tDh1") a ileadl>' f4iuiutesicraepirg tt'cr C s'Licb ne -semau cnt of hon inelher cn'-- -cuesienees s'oid 'bavo given tay. Cstherine, h"aever, 'sas eot eatnraily s'eak cf mitai, and sh. remembere.! tbat possibly--uay, elmoal ceraily-ihe ua!'- aîy of the s'hole party dapeodeul on ber retaiiuing bar pveuiaece cf minai. Sue. meuinF mit ber 'resalritieu .bo ber aid, tharefôe aIte lay [uteutly iisheeing. By île ne.! glos' o!' tle embera iwbicbh stilI meminatl ie tbe- itcbeia grate, an.! aihich ws're plaiely .aisceruibio tbnougb île crpvice cf bar bedrocte ail, Mita ,Farqu.- bar coulai perceive titat the cl - eman, Elsie1s'as realing ber beail upon ber baud mund loobiag :houghîfuily jule tLe fireliglit, se if eogitatiug some _plan, cf tbe advisa- billu>' of ibicl abs-s'as deubîfol. (Tu be cantinued -The tollos'ing. conundruai làcurreet abroad: WhithetI.différence beiseen t the. Opera anal Egypt ? The Oprna a Nilason. and Egypt fbas esu Nil. The mutbor aika (orguvcemeiaanalattribates hie s'ekeu t o lb. beat oetheb. seatber. WHERE s aHac?-We clip th. tollcs'ing eztnaardioary avurtsetent Ir otes Keutieb paper.' Ta uns Sceau oit LE.-Bzîtxa-A Lady abone, uabeuni lâabaroz,.and! bavino a 1 '

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