Whitby Chronicle, 25 Aug 1870, p. 2

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ro spotoua-Ks£oh Ah Bro., HibBrou 8i~eeaiba'Iouoe-fsîà kBrod 32kilyWàuwrt.d. '. raper à ce. - *1,400; 6du III'ib Ya"* hwobefi' 0500 Z.vsrd-Tovu of Whitby, 0,Coresurflbe &0 à rgd tobae Information Wnted-Kiiy Jae Orouby. beumtb. vork of an fae.ndfay, god .h tonusgLadiesJournal, h&.-*. B.ugousb. 6tctof a provious sttadipt biAVIDboue, Bouli Mubinsudntlisps -of -£h'. W~ -OMOdeon Wedemy u!gbt <f or eldru Io 0*.. B.ngougb £t0eIlett stable of lir. Boy, ieg pl'060 Coao 'Piater, sud WâtrlÀSe--C. bDm- bilty toelthe suspicion, pur à Co. The Town Conucil, M i i lu14Md by .]PuoobÂInivis-Jobe -Fergeon. thersru" f Ihepreoudiageocubat b4,4y, Ouiemiwna'Prnithing Good.-Joha hae ofeieds ausad of SU,oî dOttain F.rgeomconditions, for the. spprebeneieasud To nel.s trous Couuo-. anicioas of i00offender. I-podul otoe.-' fSiuU £-t.eaboi@ in type thé faitiretrd of $500 buiboom, ofeoret? by the Insaranos- ~ Comipany$ lit. Bay, sud t6. Corpom£fcmn, se wiii b. sen nby adivetrtleemoit.] ~i~tb~ AL 0 m Wïimouo es Ar-PORT ONLY91,Tt 50 CENTS A YEAIR Wrnvr.-Th.eesiru vowrebot5ee sud premieet , Port Witiby, ovnOd h WhitbJ, Thursday, Aligne 25 , 1870. 1. e av'hG. 9:> . Ms. Hctnam, OekiiaiAssignes, î1 ve@fIoôi< et, bfpublie . ïîtoup on sntbrlci t. ~ ~£61.SB£rday lait, bt kr. Loti Virbwuki, Jr., slo£ suctioneer. They bromgb£ the.1rondsean oOce sud Ulve ruceips ; sud &itesue o beàl osdrdg'ecl or the recovery otfsecouets pliacd fn hiii lent prie, lir.,John -Watcon, one of the bande for collection. priro 6 aeBu a h ucar W ' F 13M . AT or WÂ. hose and h. vill, va are lnford, carry on th. mape-theýonly "acrat@o useof the mut? pablie.t-atlli ela;at- FIVE CENTS each. For Sale at Oshapsa at Wiiioxes Statiou.ry 'storeo1 endt? a lin'm, Bon-c gough's, The Teiograph ant? Express office, andut? alre. *Keller à MisStuart's milliaery store, Whiîloy, sud as the j The Eurepeama War. Our ipeelal despatebed receivet? op te 'Wetuesd&y afternocu confi~m the neye cf Yrench caomese. Marchai Bazaine hbe encuceet lu witbtraiug the bulir cf bic atm>' trout Mets, ont? it meeisnov .te 6e ecrtain shether bholfaetiii raoviug tu maln Mliban, or sasitiug th6. o0apera- tien cf ýho latter,wse se ta eithor attacir £6. adiane of ibe Crovu Prince, or 'Prince Fredenlik Charle.sotd Steiuraetz aI Metz. Bither course. appuarc ta be op. hiouai vltbhbina. 9telumoîs and? Prince Fnedorfck Charlec are reportedt? 1 bave lait aver 100,000 mra saisviag thesu culy -150,000 t l h 6.lice trout the froatier la Mois. Rh. feelinrg fa Berlin ie report. edi u ans af undeniabie -horror 'ant? de- varehouo loneue a erttoe lIaaz.-We regret to haie to etate tbat Kr. J. . &-A" ru, roftî tovi, vasralhér eerleneiy Injureïdeit'uia thé rush tothée Bt. at lir. Boy. baro, cn Satua'day oveng met, iM r.rmtrong, vbiis tsnting ooklug tovarde tbo@ daraes, swu kuoiet? dovu, sud ru oer by s ,mon ou bormeband stbadt? le 6e aeeft îo lie resIdes.H e bai boum Éine. ecuidt the hou.., me undoratant?. Beaty-raat?-lahing. -The racet ce. pise stock lu lova fa to bc ha t alib Dominion WarsroarasetfMere. Lovee Poveli. It lmecomplote lu eîeorytbing for geats' ont? yontiae' muai, audla qualiiy af maturisi etyleoliud ut unsurpsa"se y. swhore lu thé Domluion. Rh. prisesae exceodingly 1ev, -ceusideriug lb. uxcel- ,once ofthe6.materi ait? vdorkuaaehip. A SPm-LaYas. FL.ae STàv.-Tbe otber eveuiug vo voie promeutSt the s.olsing of s opleadit? fagestaif fa 1theploaeeîro.ot oppoeite £6. hudmame roeitneo f Mr. Chester Draper. Rhé pale fa one of t6e fineet wo have enti beiag 82 felt, 6 la. lu hefght, surmucimatut? vih o gilt bail. 1£ fa rigget? Sbipe bi"e fuhiau, sf16 ct-o- troue, &., sut? lu realiy eue cf the finout foig paies vo ba*' on anysheres Ar- rgueusare dakie for benehes carrouat?- iug £6.oe esud for thoe custructien et a bia om# lent, m*blcb 0 ~ n loveret at pieeur.-eun $jpoloeî. The once cf lMr. Benjamin Wsî'flk, whoe iuceesfnl efforts luncarrying ont aIl the srraugeraenu sut? rafalag £6. monster polo atalin position, as 6e dit?, deserveeovor>' coramendstfon. Atter the "raiciag,"1 the large crcvt? present, aeeftfnan sd ethervise, voro hecpiîably entertainet? by lit. Draper.----- g'Rssuîs mouITEv o TsU£ as Y A TRua TmUa.'m--&Afgle glana. as the Phreu- olagical Journal sut? Packard'.aMnîbi>' fer Soptember, sf11 ceavincesany cas cf the lratb cf tiie andouset? critiaiera. Rhe magasine cboultbchenetin every tamiiv fa t6e Ilad - for it ie tharoughly Âmrfaan, bigbly eutem-aiiag, oidly inetructive aut? purel>' moral la taie. We comment?!e- pecanly the articles ou John Sartaiu, the Amorican engraver;.ebjectfans le Pbten- ology cuesideret?;lieu se Lovero ;Goa. JosephBE. Jobutan; Western Emigration; Saripînre Nsme; le there taoom euugh in t6. Worid f etc. Terras, $3 a inglo year, sigle No., 30 cenis. The Publifber, S. R. Wells, 389 Broad?. vsay, Nev York, fa afforfu; eue cf Prangms flua C.hromos, "The Doce£r," paloliseeta *5.00, le al vbomsubactib. ait once, aut? sent? 20 cents extra for mailiag 't bCro. A vory liburai aBier. A Dasoavxc' omzaLàmus.-lÇr. Mo- ment, she, for the put tva- yeare, bat! beeu ussltant-masîor if th1e Grammar saboci, vas, ou Frida> lait, made t6e re- cipleait of what to bina, muet he a ver>' gratifyiug testimonial, loy the pupils urt- der hie charge, %. The testimonial conalultet cfa àBibi; vwritlu-d1uk Da lb Iunm,.e- companiedti i utabie atidreas. Mr. Mamen's coadut ait? genetal beaiin;, dom-fn; his conuocticu vith ths tesu scbcela, au mou tcvwart?'the public puner- aliy ai the popila., bave bee n îvariably socb au ta enîi flue 61.te .utnaoslme. apect sut? compnudatian. lit. Willigm Ballar-t?, e are informeti, tempariiy takes lit. Moment's blace, au assitaant master.. RovàL Feva.-Ur. Js'mes Pringie, sou sut? lavoa-abie kuevi au a batel calerer in 'WbiIly anti Oshava, hue purchasuti the inlemest cf Mr. Wabker li 16e Royasl bote!. lir. Pringie lakes passession an Ruesila> next., WhIlst se siucereiy ro gel lit. Wslker'g dopaitotore i mengsl us, o shabu aîmaya provet imlael a kintil> ost sud a:goot? citizen, vs con. grtaaottesk.topecpis in latin; hie place lu t6e st~AIftàed6- a geulleatasu et lbe flîneuandsitstanding cf lMr. Priugli, wbose returu ta Whftby vil!, me are pet. suaseti, bh ailet? on u id ies mithunti- videt? pleesutesunt?,salisfction, Suferstrou canglo, colde, lroiebltm, croup; ffionaor sleeping cem;h, mii lutd relief ln Dr. ,Wistar'mBa" of etWiid- Cherry, shach bas cv boien m ue feri neari>' alt a ceabt>'y, msuttill usintines1 fis long esiallshetroputsfan s £6. great1 remety let il cH dls.aof e*0th thioat, lumpo, sundchoiýt, presionaai f6.efimeo"laeof lilo, sut? t6e prospect et t6. contnusuce etthe wat. NethbGeruan> fa ilA ta lm, dei. amattedofthie Baswer oflils maie population asud the rilvascare 4a laken 'up vi 16 wauuted at t elay th. movemnt cf 'me. - Bazaine dghtlng ogalumî th. greot otlds fialraere bu basau, omitthe1yrluie et hct ,bas certainly nasîîsnot? lam previone hanore, os on@ et tb. faremost of Freucli gèerasi. iThe prootc nov ai-e that the French army bu batlie equilibrfaum retoret- Ibat t 111 no longer und er the dlont? et-r.- Verses# sud Ihas is mevemeuls sf11 ne langer bo regalatut? by thb'match et the euemy, but tallcv lis ovu plane. Th. advantagu la aIl the recent en- gagements bai remtet? vi£b the French t-caps, ondthe6, lra ible battes tougbt by Bazaine raay be caneidoret? aithe boat preofof cithe smadit>' cf bic atm>'. Bi-t sti l nothiag sn yot cau 6e cousideret? a decielve cf the goeral resait. lu -the rasu etdiepaîce sblob s, egie eleshere trom aur dail>' extrasofath1e COnsasaLae, I sili b. oloerrstthat al the dispatahe. that came te um, b>' vay cf c Landou, bave a mreug Prusefan cabarna;, ant? due aliovauce muet ho at? accord- lu;ly. Those tram Parie, 1£ la sa eyta be expectet?,vouit? do enlire justice ta tho Prussen victorias. The intelligence cfJ the reader viii enabie biim te meer he- tseen ths tso, ant? bit, as near emai be the trath, whleh lu thie, as in al ather ess,lets belveen the *xtroraee. - Whitby Urboat. IMPROVED FACILITIES, eND CON- SEQUENT GOOD PRICES FOR GRAIN. Soue dasm&gc, 16e detgiug fanîle Sarbot ves complote&?.There ia nov an average depth'of.fouruon teesc&of saler -fra. the aoaîh cf the harbor ta the ele- vator, ailaigasuffiieet deptb et valet fer the iargeml close cf vouele saiiing on timeLake. Rhe moentifmpravemeute have giventhet .Port et Wbitloy nasu>'decidet? adrentages shi eh 15 ditonot ifretatare peeseu.. Au il, owthe lurger the vesel th. lover the rate cfftreigbt. And yulÊ the velI.knovu charsotur cf Whitby aa saiatetutcomuodiaus bambor, ont? the présent attitfoaal adiantages cf depth, ko., aébois roforredt? e, contshippere nov enjcyl facilliie fer hamiting ant? shippin; graimn uequallet? on the. North shore. Thore fa nthia; iheretcre, se. are gladt? t bu i a pýeition ta inforu ceut'former ftiende, ta preve nt th. Whit'by bayor sut? ihtipper cf grain frona givins as goil? a price ma ce eolotainum nt? he 16ct>' et Torcato. To Sousas.Moo e£h à Bro. c adirrise. tie raceipt ofatmstock et double and eingle birtel Eaglish shetgpas. Se. lifg e"opi-HartvrandtBlackmatbs' furmbihiaai umu andutlalai;. uuppiy. noiMeura. Eaafitaa SC., am ju in m zuSipt cf a due aesortaact cof uevCosas. dian Twouds# caitable f6; fol aud minter voir, aise a large asecrlment cf Canadien FManuels., Oticbas usndi. u.Wmwrewau- Uihii.d Io170 e uter eeîiudacord'n 0im. lit. liauoseil, '. sait, va st.1111 sWing le accept the !mOlmit reeommaeuded iu the report of the lirmai.. mmuitfleo and vonit psy £6. dbaueifIb6.oceontni e aittito-night, ]Ria Worchip ao prouented £th oiiov- f*W.oumnîoatoa ro. £6. raiivsy ,con. ofrdt comprom'su tb. ranter ef bock lu- terai thtu oabrporstieî. For the. salie cf UnIty, sud beotmsmy selicitor files hlm blih in eiîAngAry forl c ans ,1, beg £-te al MY former âefet2 lu owsihyn Mv1iiiasae sabrait tathe rounel1. Tino -e ethe corporetion teesis vlns Tust,,mv Mr.,11- Crawford, cf,,Toronto, the $9,eOo e dbaîmînres due o stock snbaerlpîiouse oltb coupons tram in ui firot Ap,.il neas, le trust te psy Me, on non. aigémentg cf the mSii#ay Irto btue Company, Iu-£6. came meuner ai the tewuahips sud tbsn henni debeututen are sIraady eoncfigned, mnud> ise rai ever w lMt. Crawterd tih. 20,900 nov duc, Xvwiii serea £Coforage eue-bal! theamomnt cf dimputetIntcrest, sand viii give Lima te £the tovn ta psy the ether hait. The a ivlg cf $1.750 aisd gettng tîme lfor tMis 1k. amoent, as veil as fimWalith£.esrly - apculmis "fntiha ifopd, onght ta buc wnsldaraîlônon eftnt te Insîdthle.tovu toemscpt t£66 offct vYithaut homitatton. Yanr abodient servant, J. a. DUMBLE. Cormiunicaflîca trou 8 . LCachrane, solicitor ,forEiss opy red tbreatening proeodiugs aiisas ubaim of debentuaSes 6. ladet? ver. PEJcsavncuo The lerk lntorauod the conucil that Meucrs. D. S. Dow aud Win. Blairý bat? cent la their relgns£lonà au pence Viesers.. ubeeqnutly, onu motion cf Mrt. Draper, Mesrs. Jamei, Forsyth sud P. B. Whi£fild, veto appafnted to 011 the RSyARD FOS APP5tENSNSI0OP lINCENDIA-. Dr. Caneon, eccudet? ly lit. Caraeron, raeîet? that tb, mayor, an bbaif et thé f corporation, offer a rovard cf *200, for the ppreaeion sud convictioni of ihe party or partie vbo hiedet fire tu the farua buildiags of lit. N. Boy, providet? t6e lumurance Company la vbfah lit. Boy vuesumret? offeret? a revard cf a like sm cf $200, sut? MrtBoy birmeit *$100, mai- ing l il *H500. Th. deetor argedtheii Fatisabi lity cf offeriog the revard iu order a discter the guil£y partiese,sud eosuit. eret? the raon.y vonîtlie vli mpent fat sncb aun objsct, farth1e protection efth1e bava aguinst iuceutiaricm. RH bat een spesin; te lir. Ray., ho s?, sho vas sulifa; tao oer a ovard 10 the aaon statut?. Rh. roction paint?. FIN~ANOIAL PORTuION OF UTut vsIW-vuTn TAXES Tais TEAR. lit. Draper teck acacunte maire a tes rumatrs reepeeting finance mallers, inauucb aus6hoall bsou teayed bringia; L- L' ..-apeuMahat,& 1tih&Finane coaraitte. For.- eoms souks put,--6e nid, ho vosu in reainuetu1 report, but couit? net do me, soitin; fat the esîlanate et lb. Saheal Boasrd ;andt? 1e>' vre ao£ jet receivet?. lu thair absence, ho may, hoeeer, mtetothat, iooking îhrough mach athor catimatesimnd data sthe Finance camrittee lied before thera, h. believet? tbey veaiti 6e ale oisget ihrougb iba pro- eut year vith thé saine tex, in t6e dollat, ai lait year. That vas, praîiet? the de- beuture fer $1,000, Issuedto la py theE Raliva>' stock, vautieposet? cf, andat? aie the $400 drill shet? deboutures. If these debenînres vere -dispaset cf, asuth£6 amonnîs roalizet? placedt? tathe aredit cf tb. concil, boe believedt? tey vonîtlbet able ta keep the taxecs here thoy vore lut yoar, thai ià 2 1.10 cents, in tbe dollar. TUE vasa soLaCîl-ca aACceaUmT. Atier a prclongsd diecus sian, lu sud i cuL cf cammittce, in wihica iithe me..E bers proseut took -part, (ant? a report cf c vhicb wo refrain fro ulialia ng pc u eub readors,> a reealeution fer payanent cf t $".80, balance cf accocut duo £6. Raya t Solicitor, as feunt? by the report cf the il Finance commuttee, vu pasuet by a voeu et 4 ta 3.b Yeu-Mese.Camercai, Philp, Holdea i sut? Draper. S Nays-Mes. mBett aso.aneo-t RtERLasa S-LWAs Â'mousrau raWSOLI- lis. Maliflisu introducet? a ly-lav te repeal by.iav 173,, appointia; a evuwnSe- liaitor, vbiah, shon is came np for a £bfrt? roadin;, vas, at t6e sugioofecfri. Hloiden, lMt. Phiip, ait? other mombumi, aliovedt? t stand over for a full meeting. WmAI08s*ve13E nONS ? , Rh. adjourment bavfng been movet? the mayer aiket? vhaî vas ta 6e doue fa tbe Railvay muîter, sut? in retornue. ta thme lette.ra cf Mr. Cochrane, seliaitor' for theBo alwy>'Corapany, ibrestonia; pto-, ceedlegs, sudýthe-letiea. of Mrt. Dumblo ? lit. lielillan îhougbîhtlast semethia;, shul hnt? u au,-aut? that the îcvmi bat pait? bis et cocts encngh sîreat?>. On motion of Mr. Draper, couacil ad?- joaruet? for.oee eek, ai ton ocalaak. 6Cjmmmta, Lutter on Bîllway Millets. W. think fitrightc etate iha eut- cpin. oue ate vemy ranch atvariace vitb those expmossed loy aur correspondant iMSon Saliva>' mottera, lu ether colamus. W. publiait aur corresponnt etloer fa the Iallemt Spirit cf open enquf r>'sud tait play, hoieîing Ibst ils Comasy>'have aothfug fa b. eitberasabamet? or strait of, cr su>'- thif mi 1e>' voul it? v tu,10concesi. - ANNUAL ExCUsaiNor ai vusILLINOIS Passe Aaaocxvuc.-Tbe Illinois Pieu Association atrive t arotuleon Mon- daY, ou Iheir aua.e£carsion. Tbey nomberot? 57 gentlemen anti 41 ladis. Rbey vere matie 1he gueste cf t6e aity, vote aheva al 1he mfghls, sud receivet? mM ostmOpitable treatunent. The cxcor- slonisti laitt Ior Monireal ao u Toeas John Ferguon anuonucea the recoipt cf1 nos stocks of Eugllah sud Canadien Tseeda, sbf ch 6e la prupareta, makre np lu the lalesitndhest Styles., Some et tbose fauq *oon b ,hrt, t/uit aresi lor sale. Mr. Gibbs, M. P. 7b thse Editor f tise f7iby (7IrictflCI- I have ucl scea il in- tifmatet? that lit. Gilbs bai yet com. pliet? yith the vfsh smc emgeriy- expresset? b>' a large nuro f bis coustitmeuis, et callu; aà publie meeting, te give an au. cecunicf hiseatevattebip. He bas huit lilîle hcle-suti cornet gatberiarga bf his selectftifeude, fa t6. shape cf pic-nies, 1 underant?, shere, ne doubt, ho bas vsn- iflatut? lis epinions afier hie ovný fashion. But 1 abmit, Sfr, that thme fa ual suffi- oient. Loi 16cr. bu a public meeting, sut? loi ai have evoyting aboya board. Ta assembhle s fos cronies lagetber, ondt? ell ihena ihatislavates au t6. Manitoba bill vcre ail rfgbt, aud that the acti on et £6. W. M. ConféenocesW" ail ston;, vii le ho &ceptet? as a eufficient axplanstian, or fi fatau>'expianaîfan et bic couduat ou meabur fer South Ontario. IJs.ge lbe public meeting, sud.16e pop f,'-Mli. Gibbs mseeting Is coustitu opieni>' face ta face, aud, sf16 man>' othar of thme tanner supporters cf lMr. Gibbs) yca sf11 bave the gond? siehes f- Yoarm, tmiuîa A FORMER SUPPORTER Ore MIL GIBBS, Tirs Cuasoai- Aunmu Sittinga .com- mence at Whithy aunFu'isy, lIov. Sio, hofore V. C. Stran;. --Saia Bs.vow i- RAT aitnoac BILu.a iA iON. Au; g -Te as , u Ibsstation vas blosu open bly lourgiara'lut'-nigbl, anti a suofmoney- abstracltd. No tracem cof lhe robbers as yet.1 lb. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ra' Vota ~ o Is fi. ~ j 6 L n the ýoeont £MOaalasti-c u1ugeny, ud or ,, ana r mact fiat v0 l4ns ae "_m ien y2 eof tebot , ri Île m etavn a gopreb e s t bame ters;Not th£ lsuld nebvebau Sfour ar'flvo body rof qgst, or 6.rigt ar or evngian. ufrust o nu catr. Nt ah 0i hitpoarsuce o sab c for or lre mosha-tor îeuIbeUire ai ol eided np ou, 1Nt n dotlls£ar, h. orp'oraton hnslig sudtckorte rtau or cfin@ raitiur. bo il. or uercoa£ ailNtthe 1 ecOnt ry o r t a an i th e C rp oretion a bop%@ .oa,eenues6.Tdetepâîsudtat t6e Town Connaît souind bc ta bism. if delay ourred. It sf11 -Dot b. deemed -impertinent on my part, Mr,. Editor, ta teiw the preseaI position of the Comapany fiaaciaiiy sud moall1, I claim the privelige e a abcare- haidar and rasepayer; I viii therefore pus, froua tbe put ta £h, future prompeol. cf t6. Comany, vbich now more directiy intercît ume. There are, we are led ta bu1leve, about *20,000 nov due thë contractor,' buaidue about 812,000 on th6, r 'gb£ c f vsy , raakiag in aIl about *32;, loise n exchuqupr Lful to the brint cf eanptnuss;bat ta b. te- pienieh.d afier the lqeuof mdry suite et; 15v, againit t£6. f. r icvent eubecrib.re vho sre Soot! for t 'beir eabecriptiouey but unviiig tw psylcOer 10 ou e@ ir MU67. fristerut? svsy. Obe viii reacnbiy.aek, - vhat la ta b. £e ae mi£of ail ihia? Wlthl the whaie Of! oas.$.60, 000 païd -'over te- gether, wu be.ie, v ith ithé banne of teic Township cf; Wbitby, Bcach, sud Scngcg,1 Waaking fa ul, bout $97,000,ad the1 Comupany, nov verging upen.& a le cf1 bankioptcy.' ;Wiq'16e ratepayerasho h ayée eo generously givea thia amount cf money, te carry aut In good fafth, the conitinc-j tien cf the Rasd; etand by and petientIY loak n at the iing ering ba t certain d e- $traction cf ihair monel t Or viii fhey4 aud t6.he otportion af £6.e bare-i hoidere, endeavoar, îby moie ns'itud effart,i ta vrench troux tbe graep cf £6.Blond., encirera vho nov contrai £6. affaire cf0 t6. Campany, t6e Lino, aud place it inc t6e bande cf saine respansible- persan or1 prsane, 'home intereet viii indue andt securo the eariy orpletiau, and hanestf varking cf t6. Reat ? XItappears clear1 ta me, lMt. Editor, that t166 fa the oniy course nov open ta nus, if evcr th. lino ie. ta be comnpleted. And the sooner etepe are taieaitat accoanpiieh this end, the. botter, for dciay viii bc fraught sith t£6. dagger otbaving Lb. vhale of th.espi. i longer a rirtue. Th. pri*é ttdhry, bave beeu veighed lu the balance, sudc fannd vauting. They have ptove? thora- salve. foteigu te every uprlght snd. honest actiou. Nototione for trickery, decoption and? corruption, and vith a fe*m eceptions, financial bnbbiee. 1.Thore is no donbt, but under the mou&t,~ favorable circumetaneces,even if the Boad 1 b. coraplotedl after £he terme cf the con-A tract, but tbe naunicapalitces, st? Uhe honi et portion cf the sharebolders, wiii ho il fleeaed tg a tory great extut. For, adieu campieted, it viii fali fat short of the Y close of roa ptemuised, sud, in a fev fi eres, bocomo aimoat, if not aitugether a m total steak. I do net desire ta throv th6.h, alightest cium on the contracter ; for ail di ve can oxpect frora hi., fa the fulfilment of bis coutraci. vhich, thore a faiitie doubi in my mimd, ho will do ; proîiding tho Ti Company fuifili thoir part cf tho agree- gi mnt. Thera finnov na£hing ieft for usnii, but ta makre the bout of a bad baa'gain. re Sld, £6. unnicipaiites have beu, aithor th hrougb reanicg at bome vhin the by- su lae vere heiug vtited np,n, instet? cf î, going te the poi and opposing thora, or la by piaciug botrsyed confidence iu thair rfý epreeenîsîiîos, vha, fa saine fitaneces dr ecceptuthe£6.golden baut in archanuge for ha hbeir constituent&' interest. IXin inov £00 stie ta refct, and eut money ls gone, and no road i Lot mname eans ho dcvfiedi i g possible, ta eradicata t6. Comupany cf the ta, *eigning trickiters, whose cnly aitu fintae , The? mil t h hTde topdv ik e Thoan maleat 1erhstaior tppe wrk. tMe ,-ai reparfe? aise thai Buck.inghamfin de- Pr' xayet by t£66 fa ttl co nfl gration ri ndredi f amiUie& are irama pon the da cu rIt? ina oheiples tate snd -solo etl£66no Rople are cf adîsuce? age 'siabl28-te ork. mei .Noter vwu timer a time vhsn the Gev- Aie ,-ouent cf a aivilize? country bamcah a ne of privation presente? bufore Ihepi got tor " xetoefftheir houevotunceafIn reg: w preseut case, sud the country expecte as £hey aiilli do their taty. Over '200 ' sufims am. nov id Oaa alit1te mnt1 irf. tal e olt f leitîtation. BSmou f theui 212 - taud eor childion imn a stte of sa acsî bo 3dity, ant? mre or'lselmurnet? sud cier.Ar a. injure?. Hundredestae ami £6.ttout? de and oirerai loada cf proiionsabave hai iqu n ment o ke.p seitrou uàaxratioa. ry ellilaran sun tne cesîga t ofkillu; thoa "id 001OtnielukIbir bodies, iot- drugo. À. smobhoit? possession of ltae Fronchaottie. ment msltreating aU 'th. forelgners Who seroo byoad for tvp days before "y bot? vaac shed, amuthe i.Governo- uci only did Dot uretrain er disperseîb.mubulbe cran peruitte? hie ioidiore tu encourage sat? a&id th.u. *19 vsucnlt mutil theo-Îlot vas tiareedsyeit? dthat £6. Fremil oeul sesw Ikilie? lu the Govuruorte piscosud hl shoiesalo elmunghter bogan., em"Th oliaving are kuovu lo bai. bien aueug thé victimeas M. -Fontinier, Consul cf Prnc su? site- M. Simon-,Se'taty' porc Chetrier, Cathoia prieâtJ 11r. oi' papal, Roueias officer sud vif., Tho Bucoffi'iatere, Loufa, Mary, Victoria, Theresa, Josephina, Vincentap O'roiia, Engenfe, sud Cathurina Monsieur sud Madame Chairaison; Doctor Carmiahal an? vite. The Soy,.lit. Stanley and fa. -euiiy, cf Cincinnati, Ohio, ocaupie?ý one cf the missione, but, ai h. ahance? to-be ah. sont ab the lime, Ui. Stanley aud? Mise Thampeon tauut? refuge ou board the U. 8. ehip Manchoud rt? ib, doubîlees, eioaped a terrible taie. Sevetal unkuovu Eugiahmen sut? Ameticans are mfasiug aud? ate suppoai!d ta have beenaugh£eoted. "It fa esmetterd thait oîer 200- Chine proselytee cf £6. prieait& votu ako muesa- crcd, besidesc dat7 oreeeuychidren vba voe borneai ga deathIn a ollai. buildinag shere lhoy haed coaught'rsfuge. To relate £6. outrag.e sudiadigaltfisite vhjch the femal.îsevrie mubjecte? bofore £hey voru murdere? mokee the' bearî eO.i.,v.ry- erneity sut?'abuse vhich i ilé suible fori the aamt cavagi barbauiatu coaceivo im perpetratt? upon thoee k, defunce. leu ladies. A native Christianu pris, wha atîsioptt tagurd thoes, vu soize? sud toa iimb trai m. .Niue of the sferms ho, vers ibon cilucte? in t6. sahaclroouz, vote beaten vmth Il stick of lmamboc, their ciathes tarai froin, thuir bodiee' ont then place? on their heades udi out vith knives in the uiast savage manuer, Ou utrage? beonbaetf.While yet, allie, they veru rauget? side by ate, their ch ek e g e t, lip s s tnd oie ct, aly ie cooput? tram thefr heast?, their broute cut aff, sd their abdomena rippet? open -vith c largo ceevré asuttheir limbb eut sat? broken. Whou thora vws no mare ta do, lire vas applie? and the massive building bai-ne?. "Xit is abarget tat Chaugov, Goveruar i ot the Province, vas the fualigator cf the P moo, su? stooby sat? sitnueothe£6.mas. ore vithout a£temp£iag la prieront it :,sad1 that J. A. T. MeadoeAunericsu Consulq *i Tieaîeiu, vu fa companywimh Chau_ bLo-al 16he tinta, sutdillïnothwg ta'prl-ý vonît tIltàiýble outrage; aitbou h6e s anP officer efthe Chinese Goveramenî,aud ba? b pover aud influence ta prevent lit. The i Eanperot cf China bu appoin£cd Chaughov suecisi minister ta Paria, t tcy t F'reuch Emperar ia refereuce, tuthie out- c -age, enud buas ppoifiteMesdovsa sacte. ae tory sud interpreter ta accompany bien. P The Shsugbae News Lette-, the cniy a Ametican journal in Shaugae, soa that i J. A. T. Mesdoss, Amer an Consul, vus hal anly ans sho seemiedt? ta ics the L 'hale affair vith uncoucera. This e cicv Leadove, is anm Englishman, aut? is Consul le for the UnitedSSates, Huian?, sud Den- mark, vithont asalary tram thora, but gaI ailde the cinicure position cf Suporinten- deut cf Chaigv' arsenal." n DzsTBmYTuaVEsFistc IN 'ras OTTAvwA Dis- c 17IorC -The correspondent cf the Leader, lri ivin; aunacant of t6e grest cauflsgrs- Pi dou, sairs :Iama sorry to, have tu la rcord the mcml terrible conflagration w at bus eve- ocaure? inaOtsvwa%.vaâem attled. The fdram hieh amie beutdes. Ti -coylu; the country for miles duin;the ~ met three veeks ereto l bse by t£6u. t icanef etWdnesday evcniug, aud hua- Ireda cf tamilice, shol, villages sut? fatras, Bi save becu destraye? by £6. devenrin; oie- It sent. 80 At Chelsea, Meuers Gilmourcs piiing OP ýrouds hve been viitet? sud 5000000, tel cet of lumber deltroye?. lMr. Dounelly bc ut? othere cf £6. officiais are miessmu. ci, oemille village, aonmimîiug cf fifty bouses, ed as been complétely destroye?, theowvers hs ,saaping bai-eiy vith their lives. The sel noit-n - bous -ud macbinr- veto t .tl-k n ~ ~ ~ 4,0 onîggve u h lasse s-cf Lb ossauTOýnsw'Secs gteall excee etI a f 1 e' it la pioces, sudhis magnifiieut cavalry cli [ or ef i re a t t? t a th e-0"-I ,t alian gover u- r unt leret? Frane treps ta serve in oI Igeria. Pri The Alatian peaantry bave commen-. ab irilla varfare on t ho Proasianaii P6 ré Bau a ili Dot permit territorial a;- scor x dizeaent o! ither paWty. t A speciai te .N, Y. Hs.raZ, cf the moi 5£., dated Carlirnhe, mta«e that, Stras., Pr. arg, lafmi dams, -Ibat the.îFrench have èm1 id the surronding viflages.; hat they cr1 ke frequeut serties, vhich are constant- reli reule? ight thousan? Prussians effe We arriîvd, vith a train of hcavy, artili- AIs ,the city isairrounded ly80,000 coiz Autwerp, 28.-Tre var bau paralyze? basiness hors. No failures yul ansiounca et?, noir 511 anticipated. French gunbsat» opcrtsing on the; Rhlne, bave been roalet te b.Be. -Private despatabes condorm the nas that Bazsine bas succeeded inlu tting théi encray's lino. Ceont, Palika annoouncd ,iin tb, Corps Leglatif thait h.oliai goot? neye frora the Marchal, glîlng proof of confidence lu vhich, the gevernmeut sharou. A levy of the French en Massle la' rgËt * ThePrussitn frigate IHertli, oseryf ng 2àgans, bas bccn captured by the Prenais Neparliculars. 'London, 2Ënd.--The oniy items cf real intetest art Ibt the Caawn Prince la bec. iieved te ho matcbing on Parie irc, n tLhat Maliabont an? Cantebert are, mcving upon, the, m rnetd taken by him. The army under hlm la esltimated ait 200,000, aud the Frenchb-are siappesed te have an equsi siumber ci trýoopa ou the umne.» But it la bclievcd that oniy great goo? fortune' can stop tb. Princes, advaencc much short of Parla. The English gcvcrnemenî le in constant communication -vlIîb b. g'ea pewets, cn £6e demande made by. Prussas fer the coaiconcf Alsace-and Lorraine. 'A cabinet iistér saeit? fo- day,. tbcae dýe. manda mieantvar, as neitlher England hfot Ruasia dsrcd fers moment accede te the. [LiIsputting an army ocu a var ,fcaîing. À Paris deapatch to the Timois aya that 1h. pratcnded victory, cf.Prusala, coa £6. 1816, at, Rezconville, flude uittle aredence. Il appoeasthat te main ody cf Bi. zriine's army succeed din effecting the ir vithdrsval. ttc. Metz by the gîte cf T~hionvile. Bjr the ist aewccunts Bas zaina vu repartt? .sar Montmedy, 25 miles ncrth cf Verdun aud 50 xniiea-nerth. eut cf Metz, and Ihat he wilouid atriko dowo 1h. valiey oI the Aisne fer ChaIons. The French hava foul confidence in ul- Uiate sucScu. Militar7 mevemenfa in progress are unceasing and iucreasingly. 1£ vus annaunoce? that no definite neye veul? ba received from the army- for sme days te came, il bel ng vithhcid for pra. dent rousons. French position caversa al the railtea? lincsansuecurcesthe refreat te Paris, il uae cf defeat. Important uo'ements are in progreasslu another direction by French troopa. The corregpondoents cantinue te send siliy canards about the Emperor sud Eîn- press, that noue but the.ust, verdaut woul? for a moment give.credence'te. The Empeor sud Matsals MeMahent and Caurobert, are at Chalous. The E.. porir narrewiy escapcd being kiiled ort uatrdby Prussians in s recannoisance. s =>usaspuahe? s£raigbt- te chbiabead- lurters, sud the Emper, vlwth >his'ci. cert, bad ta rat.ei 2tprecepitatly, vwhilmt a mllets vhislled areunt 16m. .TheGarde I Mfobile, vho have been, it fa sai.d, but fui- sý merfkettlyporganizo?, demande? ta bc led 5 ua 9t ai, and thîcir deman bus been granted. ti The inhabitantu cf Metz reported toi 6e 8 nn short rations. The carrespondent cf ti ho Tribune sends report that the Lper- tr waa hiased and. hooted, and Ihat 6e la i about te abdfcaîe in- fayot cf Prince I. ceriai. witb the Empress ai regent, wilh a liaI of 616cr newispapcr goseip, as -el to eapoleon'a dynasty-s republia, &c., ti with the lext cf an allegcd ictler froeai Louis Blanc,'f il Point a-Mousson, 21 st , (via. Ldndon).- The French lois in tho battles cf Cour.4il- fi ls, Thionvîlle, "id Gravelotte fa estimiat- ni ed at 50,000, in kilicd, wounded, miusing -R nd prisoners..V The Paris ongtitutionel pubishes a eO ote desfgned le reassure the publi. - La Figaro asserts thît 1he camp aI- Chalons lias heem broken up, and Ihat lime topa lalely tiiere, now arte close te th Prince Royal, and Ihat the carps cf t6e ai, atter have atound 16cm Marshai Bazaine nc wiîh hie force musced in and aroun? Motz, Pi lArahal MeMaien wf 16lis cvn corps, 1G ed lime large forco whcm vas at Chiions. 6he Publiqusemys, thal this gatement is wrreot and that a decisive hattle is im- eb Leacdon, 21, 8 p. m.-The canduct oflu 3azaine causcs the greateil apprehensi on. vu wspreviously understcod thal he vas ïsfîuated as te b. able ta match vithout opositlion on Metz or Vetdun as he pre- e erred ; now ho seema ltoi h nactiveand c equîtes 19 hbouris for messages lai pass mîtweeu him sud MeMahan sud thoîr 5se »mmunications are frequentiy fuerrupt- an i altogeter. The French troopa lu the col mIltle of the 18t, gain fou nd 16tem - r ilves vithout ammuuilion, Paris m'v fr :ow a hal 1he PrussaisuCrown Prîuee la r ýVi try la Fran=is, ad baIle deciivet :1 aswtr houirly exnpcedbevn Lm-sud BeB EaTiIXTÂvznLassES. The W'rZds special train Laundon, cf fi. 1916, catimates 1h. basies an bath. ides, in 1he batlles et Tuesdsay and Wed- lesday, aI 50,000. And t6e baa oute Prssians aince lbmy oulered France aI [0,000 men. asFRENCH FORCES. Bazine sud IMcMabon'is forces are nov- iale? te nomber 400,000 men. rsaaI Oy rTUE SUaDNsmiDETU OF THE zUt- There is a ruiner from London of the mdden death oethe Empetor. It la con- ienIly asserted by some, but fa ta 6e mc- epIed vilh distrust. There fa a mass cf lelegraphie robh ut, vhicb embraces ouly he srmises t? pinains cf imaginative ncvspapm-> torespopents hundreds cf miles svay, ro. the scene cf action. A despatch ays Ibat Nap. la suffetin; om 'febrile manuamania," ad cries cul àa 6e la betraye?. A-dispatch trom srlin bas fi that te French armies have on aepurated. That te Crovu Prince mîrching te, attsck Fresuard at Chiions, Id that M dishal Diza ine yul have taoet vs ay tbreugh, or vin e e frceetalecap- miele. That t a 'rt et lb. Frech srmy as been torceti back le Metz, sud thit ie position Ibete is tdgmrde? as very Il is believe? Ibal preliminsties for the egociaion cf peace ste under discusin. The 'imes'ays thal 1e rad lu Paris open fa te Crovu Prince, sho may ate Charles Frederick ta wiîcb Baizafe. Te Hambr; peple are qoite recan- et fae 1eBlockade (?) having adapte? air neceasit-ies ta fis eqoiremeuls. Te Peut denies that auy ngociatios -e miSait, sud sdds aoufirmaîory aite- suIs thal t6e Fr-ech mrmy bas heen me- rated, that 1e roat thIe Crevu e is pen ta Chaona, vbo bas only n. Trochue sud se.frgmeuts cf M-. b abon's army te encoonter cu the va7 ta à decisive event ai Chalous. s Paris joornala say that 19 Prussian nes have been trieadsudubt, amongal- a.M 5 officer, sho e e. Iskiug nots ut ans cf forlificatiana. [t la cfficially innouuce? that ifa 16e cunler of £6. 1616, tb. Proasian réeg- - unt cf Lancers ver. destrcye? and their I lors taken. There are accounts cf a i ut many pramineut officete hoth in t1me a issian sud Frech armie«s kiiied -aut? Dunde?, amongt cîbets Prince Albetcf rmssia,and thain several btiiliautcavaîry1 arges sud combats en 16e merning"af e 1716, vith 1 eth e st rguard cf th é-' -nch h latter vote soaceisfu. lua16e rpZ Legislatiff the Minister cf Wat 'i à t he 6 act -c f G en. T ro nch e b .ia g i ret cf Paris, aud maintainedth1e t we a viseuoe. He &IBO utate? thal asia h ds oi et? severely lin the laie, giesmentg, their centre being especialîy ýppled, sud that the Prussiens trie? t tes ta St. -haelbut vere napble leu e-a aju n cLicuith the Prince Royai. o thal 1te entire rgi e t et hit e c r ssiers nder B fa is = wvus ta lil , 1 I takwiIh 500900C IThe actions oet 7t iuusday, must hemc limana-y te eue cf th1e wotid bas ever Iu brin; onua decisi paisible fot peuliaic reasona. ,Ail sorts, us shoot preparati e fligbt. Enguiab cp perur fi s ttggling4 ho defeate?. Itla Prussie vins, she w ses of the vart-îh rests tbe-léaraof È Russfa is beginuin; goverument'for an u tain 16e balance cf - >mets or agitation, au Raltie, and cf 16e rn suan army for, Prosag IRXLINDxjSÂy. Aug, 23.-.ast ngbt, about len o'clock, a fia-e breke out in a vueden hulding sftua ted on George Street The buding vas avned b>' Mri. Thomast Ba-adburmn, anti occupieti 67 Larmour &h Williams' beat anti aboemlore, Jas. Steph- eus' priuîin; office anti boek-lsidery ; Dr. Me Oqlloab'a office anti dru; sbore, anti W. ,1' Larmour-as a tiveilin;.' Thé hbualdan; vas ltAally consumei, andi vas insote . Mr. C. Wiliams anti lArmomu stock la inaured inu tbeQeei'a for $604>, The partial boss cf Jas Stepheus lainsnte? iný the Western fer $M0. The'partial lois of Dr. licCuîlccb is f usutot!, sud W. J. Larmeur oninsote?. The fire erigfuwted fin Williams & Larmour'a bool sund <ca store. Cause unkuesu. Na organ of tbonght or acton macenb omploye? mitheat the aisistance oet-lb. bicot?, sut? neorgan eau 6. emuplaye? .afely or vith impunity, vithoat impuni>', vitonî a heaitby blond. With 6.al9hy bicot? the exeraise? ergas bicone moU - develope?, shether they bu muenniat or 'sutuliectual. B>' the use a oeloios' Cou- -pnt >D.Syrup of Hypapheosphitues leblo od the blond? fa speedil>' vitalise? sutpuuflet?, tuts mcapa"le et produciag a sceat? mmnd sudsa ound bcdy'. Pria, $1 50. s bottle; 6 for $7 50.- fot? bysapthecaries sut? b>'F. C uill h Jo., mba.l"e agents, lionlreul. Fias ni-uE Woon.-Rbe lires la the vooda sie s1111 raging lin the neighbent- bat? oif Pea-îh, sud gravefours anre tL taineti for Ibaltevuw.J Steel rafla are lo be usotinuth.e mas4sp -ian aI the Inlecalcujiai Railay. tbeu'aid-tbat city ý Ibere la' naîb n g but ialutéde t rdef fresh loties sanorganizet?, andth1e Garde-vihf geit Mobile,, -vhla la more rav, malerial for -London, Auet caldiere, anth e Crowo Prince iasîtll t<> Paria give fcllovi ho board tram. 'Sundsy. On Ibm gage? Prussiens Tii situation ve hould 887 reaIns et? heavylosses' analteredptopt Iislime. dur?.- On Moudi 7Brussel, Ang. 19,'-Etoile Belge an- vilottu wfîh 60 n <à u n aee E m p e ro r ox tr o m s uly 111 an W e t- t h ý re, * au rr e d . aecday morning, mit Chalone, asi intima- ville, snd cahierp .ted he contemplatet?abdicatfon. staraly fghtingà London, 20.-Foliovin;figi officiaI des- evety stop. Or patch cf King William daled Rezon-w passedt? hcugh ville. Thur4my evening, that.bc defeîted Rbeime vhere ho the- Frenach undor Bazaine, .after bat, The Paris reN fié vhf ch lastet on bouta, t1mer'e vere Prussiaus demanc forty beosan? kled and? vounded, Gir- bury Ibeir dea?, risen vete taken, 1 commauded, deteat pralses Bazaine ef French vaà complote. The peasts mu (Signeti,) 'WILLrA N. te srmy contint AIl privte despatabes te Bunkers ing the enemy. gree preiely lu termis tgsdig vicîry constanly,' and? of Prosians. Rombarilmont eftr-a- The heur-cf cotai bourg tram sa point neur Kiel, hegsp an 15 ne ar. Lmiday mcrnfug sud-cantinue? tili noan, London, 151h.. vbeu il vas soapende? fer tva bouta, Brfeztovn, 14 mi return fire cf garriian ulmest harmlese. bas 16e tolleving, Municrh, 19, 8 p. .m.-Booy baIlle cccuarced ucar -Un occurcd ta-ay, helveen Grasvelotte sud, Il ilsosppose?-thb Rezonille, 'French repoiseti sud driven tai. Large nomi baak ou Metz, ail communication betvmen hofh armies stria, Metz and Paris a b een destroyed. Travllore repo Brussel, Au. 20.-Psris letter ta l- Prssîass ere-th -depcndent Beige,ays, Mlishal Maliabon hy..tmperfal Quitc retrosting on Parisand viii void min en- iulrenched betvec gagement onleass heca fer. jonction -There are report vih Marebîl Bazaine, Ceil cf War, it malien cf aiove,1 Paric, as a defensive measuro, bave been delsils [These Nei erdere?. Partial destruction cf Bola de aI iii reiable. T Baulogne. f -e i h Lcrsdon, 20. -There is groat jay at ufalat? nth Hamburg, Berlin, and Frankfort, avet te- It fa toportedti cent Prusala victories. -mîkin; prepceahs Parla, 20.-Inhabiants cf ChiIons have The reducticu il reevd orders ta gel Ieir grain sw y discunt et Bank within 4 oos. Part f Prussia army cent., gies greaLs bie reestered Nancy. Prussien invasion lu Liverpool and I et Luxemburg le cousidere? imminent, Paris, 18.-Dif tram.ordorsiately given, fr subsistance Metz voe fought etf their troopa, The press ays, trust- f6curtb carpe, abat varîby sdvicea atate Prossian lbases net troopa engaged, heen less than 90,000 in batties cf lust 8 20,000, French loi day. tvely amali, ovini London, 20. -Advices fa-cm private cannon cf idjace sources ate Oliver stili in P ri, ho la ment cf Stramboi keepin; cut of sigbt, eut informant diued French troope ha wih hlm un Thrday. Itis stalod there torced the gîrriso, ire nov mare thbm 400,000. Gormans 6e been citried ibier tveen Rhine sud Paris., French bave cf capture Thep soccecil in viclualling Sîtasut;,- d- army loft Ibere vi mitted -thut Corps, et Prince Froeoick Ireasore vitheut Charlies» have suffered -severeiy. Il la ever. Itýwould seci sttd.aî Marchai Bzine bail le veaken bave no aie;. Irain bis forces, tirbile* nder fite, in order le 1he ides cf a'reall Bend? regimauts te dotend 1 Empeeu-'s per- It . is preîîy ami-i son. ' *Prussia vas voui Pris, 20-Prusaimn officer vi 1h flag et round Mez. trce, au Fridiyj, dernanded sut-tender cf Ofi ald s tc Strabur, '6hovas teceivedviîb hooutu by jOffirci dspai the papuýice We shalînaver surrender .10Prceived, rciaC Cénimander-of Strasbourg thon dssmfied Prn.FeeeDo Prosaians vith the varda :-Peaple havc e it; lee D give n y00 my rply. Londn, Augoal London Au. 9.-Spocial Correspond- tspontet tel ega unt say, Maraal Dzaine le arrounded, tinul reporte of ej ut? O airobertl-to c ve mk t-risk bat le, roer te a s oies of ut? Empire as ditinguished taom -France tailed -pn 1he tlv t ed. numberesu d xtei Pari, 20, noon- -Nothin; yet recivedti by are--mroving, rom ront, Iere are tuora of engage- ourly leve Berlir mient blîveen Canrobert sd Prince ave Metz, Tiui Rya, he has-pencratet? France as fer asplace *. behind 1ej Vitrey LaFa ise, nineteen miles Southbet authori y, hai ma tC h lan, bat? su engagem ent viîh c ntrale at C halo us, i âm cal te Pli ai b-e5 b NTI jGj 14~ 'il i e-r c i i i-I 1" .4 engaglements ai 'I.anguï-~ places, the Frencbhco=- tut? -rolreutfng, coulastma; i, Toeutay Ibm Emperor Verdun ad reuchsd as sys the repor-tIs t? armistice, lu orde te fifou7 Ycanflime?, and? 0 for -net accardin; il. aIt hurY 16e dea?, and nu fit vork oetsnibilat.. Fr-ench forces iac-eaaing 1'Prossiaus dmctessiug IploIe vitilry for Franc -Tie T'egtaph frcîa fIles norff West cf Kola, : -mAn uhstiumte struggle ara Le Tour yestetday- leengagement vas geuê. hbeus of 1he vaunUe? et uing.-svatbtye art Ibai aé oyo hn'oa buckon Mosele t?; Prusuisu atilery vas Mn Briez sud St Jean. rta ta New York in contai- but asc enlargiug upon vw York reports arceual' bey are principaliy man- cily fer efleat.] tbi.t Enganutba bss t lest pea. e eboth aides. in t6e. minimnum rate et cof Englaut?, te 44 pet ar steadinesa te matketu New York., idérent baIlles aront L y Iroops cf Ibird sut? aIu forty Ihonsaut? Fsenah Progsian bas estimî.da auq estimae? comfta- ig teai mafforded b>' t eul fart-msoes. luvest- cuti la s0 alack that iave entere? 'Aud refu- m,' ptovisi0a salgo have ae without an klturapt payuuaster cf 16e French vith a large ameoun;of sny biudtiucc shatl- m t thaas1e Pruuians sa,16v have gien up- lai siege. ai n the Prince Royal of ied in oeeof the baILle', Il taom Mfiahai Bazaine lima geaI victoty over Charlesand Gen., Stein- 0ncaurt d Buniville.- i* 18,-The Wort?'s 'cot- 'sa 16.1 there are con- engagements, -bottbey fcandiiote necessarl>' eu. ro armies by -Ibefr vaut unt cf lhues, on vbicb g-The Prassiana vili a behind 16e., as tboy ille, and ether -forifie«? em. It fa beliee?, ou It 6e Freonch vîul coa- s, sf16 300,000 menan? Ibhat the Prausaiiss il )0 mnmad 1400 guna, estetday, Mônda7 sut? euasiterailmeteIý 0--. * seen. Xl au Ihousrht Iv, upon bath a siec, ive baIlle, ais M Ue 1 sisa, tather tIbmumlk- 'ns cf the Empreis for iein Wa thatt£e, Ena- Sdeuperately, andi muet as underatodt? 1.1 # li demauth 1e expen-, 16e acajsou cf Loraine >n Ibis sîndematandiu,; ?Otepesu complication. 9te presm lb. Eaglflh udertandin; to mais- Poserý There are ru- Lmon; Germaus- cf the cobflzatien et a Rs Sin trenliers Eh.>-, 1 m6gre Ur Tas ob&r ,Ur 1

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